
General Union of Non-Governmental Associations

National Network

11 El Wazeer st, Gisr El Suez, Cairo - Egypt

+20 101819137
Mobile Phone
+20 101819137
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ihab Medhat (Coordinator)

German Development Cooperation GTZ-Cairo Office

National Network

4D, El-Gezira Street, 12111 Zamalek

02-545 67 94
Telephone (other)
02-735 97 50
02-738 29 81
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
012-380 8330
Mobile Phone (other)
012-217 36 09
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
GTZ has the corporate form of a “GmbH” (closed limited company) in the private sector. It is owned by the German Federal Government. GTZ has offices in 67 countries worldwide. We are constantly expanding our external structure and transferring decision-making authority from Head Office to the field. This benefits the planning and implementation of the various projects and programs. Projects and programs have been identified by the Egyptian Government. They are mutually developed in an Egyptian-German partnership. GTZ-Egypt focuses on three priority sectors: ? Water resources and water management ? Sustainable Economic Development ? Environment Within these priority sectors GTZ conducts around 10 different projects and programs in cooperation with Egyptian counterparts with a volume of approx. 6 Million Euros and a staff of 90 employees.
Mission and Objectives

? We are a company with international operations.
? We implement commissions for the German federal government and other national and international public and private-sector clients.
? We further social, economic, ecological and political development worldwide, and so improve people’s living conditions.
? We provide services that support complex development and reform processes.

Main Projects / Activities

GTZ-Egypt focuses on and operates several projects in three priority sectors:
? Water resources and water management
? Sustainable Economic Development
? Environment

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Timur El Hadidi
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Marlis Weissenborn (GTZ-Egypt Country Director)

Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS - MENA region

National Network

21st Mohamed badr st. from Alhorya st. Hadayek el Maadi

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
GYCA is coordinated by a North Secretariat in New York and a South Secretariat in Accra, Ghana. The Secretariats act as catalysts for a decentralized network, operating through a Task Force of youth and adult allies including people living with HIV/AIDS, 12 Regional Focal Points, a growing number of National Focal Points worldwide. GYCA members represent an array of organizations, programmes, and networks focusing on youth and HIV/AIDS. youth-led, UNAIDS and UNFPA supported
Mission and Objectives

GYCA is a youth-led, UNAIDS and UNFPA supported global network of more than 5,000 young leaders and adult allies working on youth and HIV/AIDS in 150 countries world-wide. It was proposed by youth attendees of the XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok 2004 and XIV International AIDS Conference in Barcelona 2002. GYCA's mission is to empower young leaders with the skills, knowledge, resources and opportunities they need to scale up HIV/AIDS interventions amongst their peers.
Four priorities guide GYCA's work:
1. Networking and sharing of best practices;
2. Technical assistance and capacity building;
3. Political advocacy;
4. Preparation for international conferences

Main Projects / Activities

GYCA is a tool for youth who are participants in the fight against HIV/AIDS. GYCA engages and empowers young people by adapting tools that have proven successful for previous initiatives, and complements them with a youth-created and youth-led plan of action. Such practices include:
Free E-courses: GYCA offers three online courses: Project Management, Political Advocacy, and Grant Proposal Writing and Fundraising. 20 participants are selected for each course by application, and create a final project plan through submitting weekly exercises for review by the course facilitator, participating in online discussions, and implementing the project with technical support from GYCA staff.
Local Gatherings: Regional and National focal points frequently organize events and trainings that prioritize working with marginalized youth, especially those without internet access. Gatherings assist the mapping process for our Global Directory to connect youth HIV/AIDS initiatives together, to local NGOs, their government, and the local United Nations offices.
Opportunities to participate: GYCA assists young people to participate in international events as speakers, scholarship recipients, members of national delegations, abstract presenters, and delegates. Such events are important opportunities to showcase work and network with allies and donors.
Access to resources: GYCA shares information on scholarships, training opportunities, events, campaigns, and publications with its members on a regular basis. As a member of GYCA you will connect with others working in your community, country, and region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Tammam
Head of the organisation
Rachel Jacobson

Goethe-Institut Alexandria

National Network

10 Sharia El-Batalsa, Azarita, Alexandria

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Goethe-Institute e.V. is the official cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany, but an independent body. It is a registered association (in US-terms: membership corporation) and a non-profit-organisation (§ 2 of the statute of the Goethe-Institut e.V.) headquartered in Munich/Germany and with branches in 130 countries. The “Articles of Association” can be found here: The Goethe-Institut has 128 branch offices in 79 countries and 16 branch offices in Germany. Our branch office in Cairo/Alexandria (with a dialogue point in Assyut) is based on the cultural agreement between Egypt and Germany. 2. project-related budget, varies from year to year 3. public funding, third-party funds, sponsoring, own resources 4. projects in all fields of culture representing the contemporary cultural production in Germany, co-operations with local artists in all fields; teaching of German language and improvement of German language teaching; media and information department. 5. Egyptian and foreign cultural institutions and associations
Mission and Objectives

The objective of the Association is to promote knowledge of the German language outside Germany, to maintain international cultural cooperation and to propagate a comprehensive picture of Germany by means of information on cultural, social and political life.
The Association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit making objectives. It promotes science and research, education and schooling,
art and culture as well as understanding between peoples.
The Association acts on a selfless basis.
In Egypt our main objectives are projects with the target group youth/young adults, enhancing the knowledge society, cooperation in education and German language teaching and the European-Islamic cultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize projects in the fields of Arts & Architecture, Music, Culture, Literature and Society, Theatre & Dance, Cinema, Cooperation in Education, German Language and Information.
Among our many projects some examples: Dar al-Hiwar (German-Egyptian Arts Project), Midad (German-Arab Literature Project:, German-Arab Youth Website Li-Lak (, Understanding of “progress” in different cultures (, exchange programme for journalists: Living Globality

Contact (1) Full Name
Gihan Zaki
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariam Shalan

Golden Years Community Foundation

National Network

Garage el Marousha
2 Al Qadi Al Fadel, Bab Al Louq, Abdeen
Cairo Governorate

+20 01099829247
Telephone (other)
+20 01277774130
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 01099829247
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 01277774130
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

We have the goal of promoting healthy aging for the over 60 persons in Egypt. In addition, we seek to change societal attitudes toward older adults. Our work has six main themes: (1) Digitization/ Digital Literacy and Inclusion; (2) Social and Relationship Building (overcoming social isolation); (3) Promoting awareness of wellness and positive aging; (4) Experience Exchange: Golden Years' Members Share Skills & Hobbies Training (online); (5) Older Adults' Care; (6) Income Generation and Economic Inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

Full-time staff: director, development officer, volunteer coordination, monitoring & evaluation officer, financial officer. 250+ volunteers
Budget per year: 50,000 USD
Sources of funding: donations and user fees
Modalities of action: concrete projects, many wellness activities, YouTube Health Information Channel, field trips, meet-ups
Main partners: a couple of corporate donors. All activities are undertaken by the organization itself

Main Projects / Activities

We propose to continue activities on our six themes created from our needs assessment via an annual survey of members. These are: (1) Digitization/ Digital Literacy and Inclusion; (2) Social and Relationship Building (overcoming social isolation); (3) Promoting awareness of wellness and positive aging; (4) Experience Exchange: Golden Years' Members Share Skills & Hobbies Training (online); (5) Older Adults' Care; (6) Income Generation and Economic Inclusion.
(Theme 1). Activities will include digital literacy training in the use of Facebook (we have over 50,000 users), WeChat, Zoom, and apps useful for older adults' needs; we will provide training videos and one-on-one coaching for older adults in IT use. Many of our activities began during COVID, when online was to only way to overcome seniors' isolation; we continue to do a lot of organizational communication with members online. 96% of Egypt's adult population has online access.
(Theme 2). Activities will include monthly field trips; two book clubs in different areas of Cairo, featuring writers over Age 60; monthly breakfasts; monthly Zoom organization meetings for members' input and feedback; monthly birthday parties; the Golden Years' Choir with three concerts each year; plus quarterly Farfasha (women's dance parties).
(Theme 3). Activities to include: an Annual Walk Rally (3,000+ persons) to promote senior wellness; quarterly mini-walks to promote fitness; we have a YouTube video channel with 26 videos on health topics with new episodes added monthly; we continue to create a video series on art, handicrafts, yoga, breathing exercises, financial health for retirement, legal information for older adults, positive thinking; we will hold monthly parties at nursing homes, both public and private, with entertainment and donations for residents; we will continue making online cooking shows; we will conduct an annual awareness survey about caregiver needs; continues online support groups; will provide training sessions in elder care to corporations, schools, and conferences; and give many media interviews.
(Theme 4) We continue to ask members to share skills, including member-created videos on macrame (series of 14), crafts, painting, and Photoshop; members' writings, e.g., another member wrote two guides for caretakers, posted on our webpage.
(Theme 5). We will provide updated information on services available for older adults in Egypt; continue a program of volunteers to foster inter-generational empathy, to pair youth with elders are mentors; provide special sessions for caregivers with advice from a gerontologist.
(Theme 6). The main activity will be to hold 6 craft bazaars annually in different locations in Cairo and Alexandria, featuring members' hand-made items. Craft groups will meet monthly.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can represent the needs of older citizens of all class backgrounds. We advocate for equality, inclusion and dignity for all citizens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To become better connected to other community based organizations in Egypt, the Middle East and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dina Hashish
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Dina Hashish
Contact (2) Full Name
Kathleen Kamphoefner
Job Title (2)
Development Officer

Good Promises Solitions

National Network

28 Syria St.
Alexandria Governorate

03 542 8571
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Good Promises Solutions is a social enterprise, with 5 full time employ and 4 part time employees.
GPS brings its budget from its founders when first created then our yearly budget comes from our revenue.
The company has partnered with Amideast, Samu sociale, Caritas, Pioneers School, Arab Academy School, and many more in several training programs

Mission and Objectives

Good Promises Solutions is a dynamic social enterprise dedicated to empowering youth and women through economic empowerment initiatives.
Our primary focus is on career development and capacity building, providing invaluable support to individuals as young as 14 years old.
Through our expert consultations and transformative training interventions, we equip our beneficiaries with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen paths.
Our approach is characterized by engaging and enjoyable workshops, incorporating the latest science in management training and consultations.
At Good Promises Solutions, we strive to make a lasting impact on the entrepreneurial world by nurturing talent and fostering growth at every stage of the journey.

We provide the perfect platform for youth to develop their skills and competences to build their dream careers, and prosper with a strong foundation of values and ethics.

Main Projects / Activities

Training for the different soft skills, one to one coaching and consultancy for firms and SMEs business management

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help in building the capacity of the different members in the field of career development and soft skills building especially for youth and women. We can also help in building the skills of women and youth on economic empowerment through building entrepreneurship skills.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to reach out for more youth and women in order to fulfill our mission of economic empowerment and skills enhancement for the sake of career development. Through Networking, we can deliver our mission to other networks members and to their beneficiaries as well.
Moreover, we will be able to gain relationships with other network members to learn from their experiences and field of work to provide a wider scope of knowledge and experience to our clients and beneficiaries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mourad Mohib
Job Title
General manager
Head of the organisation
Mourad Mohib
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalia Moufid
Job Title (2)

GOZOOR Cultural Development

National Network

131, July St. downtown, Cairo, Egypt

Telephone (other)
02 23924980
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information


GOZOOR is an active organization in the field of cultural development and Media with a focus on the ancient Egyptian culture, the organization seeks to revive the authentic Egyptian heritage/identity via integrating it into different living aspects of modern life, along with utilizing arts, culture, and heritage to contribute to achieving global development goals.

GOZOOR is situated in Cairo, Egypt, it has a proven experience and extended track record in the field of cultural development; cultural actors development; vulnerable and marginalized communities empowerment (via offering handmade industry training and marketing opportunities); reviving the Egyptian heritage via arts and culture; promoting cultural exchange and building bridges between the cultural actors around the world; advancing economic growth and social entrepreneurship in the arts and culture scene;

along with enhancing the social cohesion and sustainability for underprivileged community groups.

Mission and Objectives

GOZOOR has expertise in the production of documentaries promoting handicrafts made by women in local and vulnerable communities, and other relative communication and arts events.

The organization’s activities include the implementation of capacity building programs; organization of arts and cultural events promoting intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding; cultural hubs management and artisans’ recruitment; cultural networks creation; and cultural awareness-raising activities, especially regarding the Egyptian identity and heritage promotion

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural - Media – Events

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For Communication, Cooperation & Partnership

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamad Nassar
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Mohamad Nassar

Green Map of Alexandria


A call to all Alexandrian environmental businesses, institutions, or youth activities

Banlastic Egypt lunched  "Green Map of Alexandria" is a guidebook that showcases the green entities in Alexandria (ex: Social enterprises, research centres, youth initiatives) that help Alexandrians become more environmentally conscious, promote environmental studies and research, and offer eco-friendly products and services

Banlastic make sure to update the guide's data because its purpose is to chronicle Alexandria's environmental scene. 

If interested fill in this form to assist us in updating the guide's data.

This form is for green intitiatives who would like to be recognized in the Green Map of Alexandria Guide, developed by Banlastic Egypt.

Eligibility criteria for being showcased in the Green Map of Alexandria Guide:

1. Be a Green Entity (Social Enterprise, Research centre, Youth Initiative).

2. Operate in Alexandria, Egypt.

3. Be Active (Have at least worked on one green project in the last 6 months in the case of green initiatives and research centres or Have been actively producing eco-friendly products and solutions in the case of social enterprises and businesses)

4. Have been operating for at least 6 Months.


National Network

5, 152, Maadi
Cairo Governorate

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Greenish is an Egyptian non-profit NGO that works on environmental advocacy, education, capacity building and research to try and build co-existence between people and the environment. The organization has 12 staff and 5 board members, and over 500 volunteers. The organization is funded by donors such as BFTW, AlexBank, Banque Du Caire, USAID, European Union and FES.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Develop youth leadership in environmental sector across the MENA region

Main Projects / Activities

Research, advocacy, capacity building and education

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We host numerous workshops, and events every year on environmental advocacy, activism and awareness and we believe we can add an additional edge to what the network currently provides from our accumlated experience and opportunties especially for young people

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have previously held workshops (and participated in some) in ALF in Alexandria and have always found the space and the network of organizations that are brought together, to be an excellent example for how facilitative dialogue can help move use forward further. We believe the network can provide with access to opportunties hosted by ALF, while equally we will be able to provide various opportunties for NGOs that are part of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Kamal
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Kamal
Contact (2) Full Name
Shady Khalil
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Gudran for Art and Development

National Network

1 El Central St. El Manshia , Alexandria – Egypt

002 010 11 70 800
Telephone (other)
002 010 26 33 818
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 010 11 70 800
Mobile Phone (other)
002 010 26 33 818
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Size of organization: 1- 25 members of artists, interested in developmental work, social worker and fishermen. 2- Donation and selling products 3- concrete projects and exchanges 4- Ford Foundation, Save the Children, YAP net work and UNDP
Mission and Objectives

To develop local marginalized communities through the development of the aesthetic sensibility of its members and the support of creative artistic work among the various sectors of society .
1. Spreading the culture of dialogue and social peace among youth.
2. Raising the awareness of the importance of developing areas of special and unique characteristics.
3. Activating the concept of the artist’s social responsibility .

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
1. Artistic workshops for youth, women and children.
2. International and local artistic activities and meeting in the village and in Alexandria.
3. International artistic work camps and youth exchange programs.
4. Artistic and cultural activities in the Cafes.
5. Programs of health care and environmental awareness.
6. Restoring houses of the village.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sameh El Halawany
Head of the organisation
Sameh El Halawany
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdalla Daif