
International week on sustainability is looking for speakers.


HOGENT is organizing its second edition of the International week. Between 20 and 22 of March 2024 they will organize sessions to focus on the expertise of HOGENT and various international partners, both from education and research practice. They are still looking for experts to give 45 min. sessions in English in one of the following fields: sustainability policy, climate energy and mobility, inclusion, sustainable use of materials and biodiversity.

You can contact HOGENT International Office before the 24th of November by sending a mail to More info soon on

International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation

National Network

61, chaussée de la Hulpe
B - 1180 Bruxelles

B - 1180 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
structure: Assemblée Générale, Conseil d'Administration et comité exécutif - Président Enrique Barón Crespo - la IYMF coordonne un réseau de 11 associations nationales développant le programme MUS-E (intégration des enfants de toutes cultures par la pratique des arts à l'école). ressources annuelles de 400.000 euros (70% commission européenne - 30% fonds privés). modalité d'action: programme MUS-E s'appuyant sur un réseau, recherches-actions s'appuyant sur des groupes d'artistes-ambassadeurs de diverses cultures, séminaires et résidences artistiques internationales, concerts multiculturels et publications. Partenaires: commission européenne, entreprises privées et opérateurs culturels dans différents pays.
Mission and Objectives

La tâche que la Fondation Internationale Yehudi Menuhin poursuit est de rappeler aux institutions politiques, culturelles et éducatives la place centrale de l’art et de la créativité dans tout processus de développement personnel et sociétal. Puisant ses sources dans l’oeuvre humaniste de Yehudi Menuhin, elle initie des projets artistiques qui donnent une voix aux cultures présentes en Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

• art à l’école: le programme MUS-E® introduit les arts à l’école primaire afin de développer la créativité des enfants, de libérer leur potentiel créateur et de prévenir ainsi la violence et le racisme en encourageant l’harmonie et l’esthétique dès le plus jeune âge.
• art et dialogue Interculturel: l’Assemblée des Cultures de l’Europe (ACE) donne une voix aux groupes culturels non représentés en créant une plate-forme à travers laquelle ces groupes puissent s’exprimer au niveau européen. • arts en scène: les concerts thématiques multiculturels unissent les voix de plusieurs cultures à travers la musique, le chant ou la danse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianne Poncelet
Head of the organisation
Marianne Poncelet - secrétaire générale
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Charhon

IRADA asbl

National Network

45 Avenue Waxweiler
1070 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

IRADA est une jeune association issue de la Révolution Tunisienne créée par huit jeunes Tunisiennes et Tunisiens en Belgique et ne disposant pas encore de subventions.

Mission and Objectives

L’association IRADA a pour but : la réflexion, l’organisation, la gestion et la promotion de toute forme culturelle, sociale ou économique, capable de créer un échange réel et profond entre la Belgique, l’Europe et la Tunisie, dans une perspective de dialogue inter-culturel et de citoyenneté active et autour des principes démocratiques et de la dignité humaine.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet de centre culturel tunisien mettant en valeur les principes de démocratie, du respect de la dignité humaine et la créativité. Ce projet a pour but de favoriser le rapprochement entre la communauté tunisienne en Europe et les Européens, au coeur d'un espace de citoyenneté active, d’échange et de dialogue entre les Tunisiens et d'autres cultures présentes à Bruxelles ou ailleurs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Madame Sonia Mnasri
Head of the organisation
Madame Sonia Mnasri
Contact (2) Full Name
Monsieur Karim Najar
Is governing migration an utopia

Is governing migration an utopia?

Climate change-related displacements are on the rise since a few years and the 2020 pandemic also brought up extra challenges in restricting travel, both internally and internationally. This article wants to examine the role of the State in human migration...

Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO)

National Network

70 Rue Coudenberg
5th Floor
B-1000, Brussels


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The organization is AISBL incorporated in Belgium with an International Scientific Council of up to 20 members (now 18 members that constitutue the Govenrrning Body, an Executive Committee of 9, 2 Co-Directors - one Israeli and one Palestinian). Budgetary resources are between EUR 400,000 and 600,000 per year. Sources of funding include governments, foundations, and individuals. Modalities of action include concrete projects, seminars and conferences, research grants, development of science education materials, production and maintenance of websites, initiation of consortiums and research projects with partners in Europe, Israel, and Palestine. Main partners are Palestinian universities, primarily Al-Quds University, as well as all seven Israeli research universities.
Mission and Objectives

Foster joint Israeli-Palestinian research, high level training of scientists, scientific conferences, and science education.

Main Projects / Activities

Research in nanotechnology, leukemia, irrigation with treated waste water, and history of water; development of science education with materials produced by French, Palestinians, and Israelis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dan Bitan
Head of the organisation
Torsten N. Wiesel, Chairperson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine 1981
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassan Dweik

ITECO Centre de Formation pour le développement et la solidarité internationale

National Network

Rue Renkin, 2
1030 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
To contribute to the education of the public about North-South solidarity and international citizenship, and to strengthen the capacity for action, in order : To promote joint thinking and action between individuals and groups from civil society in the North and the South. To support actors in the north in their individual and collective actions to increase solidarity, at home and abroad. To facilitate intercultural dialogue and reflection on the relation between migration and development, to build the base for a multicultural society. To support the implementation of alternatives to the neo-liberal model of society, at home and abroad. Approach ITECO employ three educational stands : social and political analysis, intercultural exchange, and development education. We do this in an integrated way because all three are closely interconnected and lose relevance when considered individually. This educational approach aims to reinforce citizens as central actors within society. It is designed to provide methods and tools for analyzing the mechanisms operating in our society. This is the mission of long life education. Faced with a hegemonic concept of development and a society which shuts its borders to people from the South, ITECO proposes an intercultural approach based on mutual respect and helps to define the main lines of a multicultural society. This is the goal of education for intercultural exchange. Considering the inequality of wealth in the world, particularly between North and South, ITECO offers citizen education for improved solidarity, to strengthen capacity to facilitate efforts to create a world where power and resources are shared. This is the meaning of development education.
Mission and Objectives

11 staff employed
400 to 500 K€ available per year
DGD (Direction générale du développement) - Federal gov Belgium and Communauté Française de Belgique
modalities of action: education, training, collective coaching, evaluation, popular education
Partners : CTB, Centres régionaux d'intégration (Namur, Brabant Wallon, Charleroi), number of CPAS, SCI, Quinoa, CNCD ...

Main Projects / Activities

Target groups
ITECO addresses a broad audience interested in questions of development at home and abroad, social action, North-South relations and solidarity.
To achieve maximum impact, ITECO gives priority to training intermediaries, trainers and moderators including :
Social-cultural facilitators, moderators of social movements and lifelong training, migrant organizations, youth organizations.
Workers in the social sector : social workers, teachers, staff in psycho-medico-social centers, family-planning centers.
Trainers and educational movements.
Facilitators in the sectors of cooperation, sustainable development and international solidarity (development education, peace education, environmental education, gender education and antiracism).
The basic educational system consists of four integrated dimensions that enable the participants to better understand where they stand in society, how society functions, how they can act and who could be the eventual partners.
ITECO prefers to question society and to ask what can change it, than to offer simple answers for successful development.
An important part of our educational action questions the mechanisms of power and the way these are perpetuated or challenged by individuals, social groups, organizations, and cultural models. We emphasize the importance of analyzing the ways that choices, behaviors and discourses are conditioned, and the socially explainable constraints underlying spontaneous attitudes. This reveals the steps that can lead to freer, more conscious choices geared to action.
We feel that it is helpful to be aware of what determines and conditions the participants because, once they have discovered these borders, they can negotiate choices more effectively and develop criteria for taking action.
All of our educational activities relate to this simple educational system, which embodies our conditions. We identify :
A personal dimension, in which participants’ intentions and plans are determined, and the factors that influence their social determination. This is the discovery of « what I am and what I want ».
A context dimension, in which the major mechanisms working in society are discovered : the economy, politics, social groups ; and cultural determination.
An action dimension, by which people take responsibility for acting in the world.
A partnership dimension, because one cannot do social work alone. Action requires others - groups, institutions and persons. Criteria must be developed to choose alliances and the conditions for collaboration.
The educational work we do consists of integrating these four dimensions in a single process. Rather than transmitting knowledge to our target groups, we develop knowledge for action with them.
ITECO thus adheres to adult education methods based on active learning rather than the idea that learning is simply a transmission of knowledge. The tenet of these educational methods is that people learn better by becoming actors in their own training process. In this spirit, we enable participants’ experience and knowledge to play an important part, use active exercises, simulation games and analysis grids. This active and inductive educational method, symbolized by the compass we present to our trainees, helps us to reinforce civil society in the north as an agent for change in north-south relations.
Fields of action
ITECO carries out its mission by means of four educational processes :
Advice to associations and institutions in the form of educational support, monitoring and assessment.
Making the most of experience and developing a systematic methodology.
Work on partnerships and networking.
ITECO is a training centre approved by the Ministry of the French Community of Belgium as an adult education centre. ITECO is also approved as a non-governmental organisation for development education by the Belgian Ministry of development cooperation and profits from the support from the European Commission.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Discussions about power and wealth inequalities
intercultural perspective on every problem approach
development and citizen education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we want to reach this network in order to find some spaces to exchange our practices and visions in a broad way with any other actors involved, locally, regionally and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean Claude Mullens
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fouad Lahssaini
Contact (2) Full Name
Chafik Allal
Job Title (2)

Jackal Productions asbl

National Network

69 rue P. Decoster
1190 Brussels

0032 474 10 26 85
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Jackal Productions asbl is a small association, no employee The annual budgetary resources in a year is around 30.000 E Sources of funding are the Ministery oc Culture of the Brussels-Wallonia Federation in Belgium, the CGRI, edition rights from Sabam. The association produces music and looks for labels to put thoses Cd's out and promoto them. The association also looks for live develoments of the produced projects. Label Igloo, Igloo Mondo, Cristal Records are involved as well as their distributors. Booking agencys are also partners, Zig Zag World in Belgium, Wangba in China...  
Mission and Objectives

-L’Association a pour but d'aider le développment de la création artistique, essentiellement dans le domaine de la musique, mais arfois aussi dans le domaine de la photo , de l'écriture, du cirque ou de formes multidisciplinaires.
- la production artistique, le soutien à la création artistique et aux résidences, la promotion artistique, la recherche de label, l’édition, la distribution parrallèle, la diffusion des spectacles liés aux productions...
-l’enseignement des musiques improvisées et d'une méthode analytique permettant de comprendre tous les codes musicaux, quels qu'ils soient.
-L'association aide aussi à la création de projets pour jeune public, en utilisant la musique comme vecteur d'ouverture, de rencontre de l'autre, de tolérance, de curiosité.
-la création de stages. L'association cherche à monter un projet d'échange de savoir entre les musiciens du Nord et du Sud, pour un premier stage international, ouvert à tous mais à vocation professionnellisante.
-toute activité liée à ces objectifs principaux.

L'association choisit des projets qui ont des implications sociales. La rencontre entre les cultures est un des éléments essentiels. Le mise en avant de l'improvisation au sein de ces dialogues musicaux est également importante.

Main Projects / Activities

-production, diffusion et promotion  du" Murmure de l'Orient", du Manuel Hermia trio, de "jazz for Kids"
-organisation de concerts et de tournées
-organisation de résidences et de rencontres avec des musiciens du Maroc, du Liban, de Chine, de Turquie du Rwanda, du Sénégal, de Guinée, du Mali, d'Inde, du Pakistan...
-organisation de concerts destinés aux plus jeunes également, incluant qualité musicale et ouverture d'esprit sur des valeurs philosophioques et sociales.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuel Hermia
Job Title
reponsable of cultural projects
Head of the organisation
Eric Lauwers


National Network

Rue Raphaël 14
1070 Bruxelles

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
JAVVA (NGO) is a youth organisation and active member of Alliance and CCIVS, promoting active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. It hosts around 100 volunteers from all around the world on local development projects and sends around 50 volunteers on international volunteering projects each year. There are currently 4 staff members. For 2014 financial year, the total amount of financial products was 210 906,98€ : 66% from the governement, 12% from the activities, 18% from the European Commission and 4% from suscribtions or membership fees. JAVVA has 2 priorities : migrations and inclusion of disadvantaged youth. In order to reach these goals, on the one side we have numerous partnerships with centers for asylum seekers (workcamps, EVS, seminaries) and on the other we include about 20 disadvantaged youngsters in our international projects every year. Our main partners are IVS organizations, local authorities and youth organizations.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to promote an ideal of tolerance, solidarity and peace between young people from around the world and to encourage their active participation and mobility. JAVVA has no political or ideological affiliation. International camps and volunteer projects enable intercultural encounters and the discovery of the other and therefore, in our opinion, represent a useful tool in the construction of peace. They contribute towards a fairer world with more solidarity and respect for differences. Even if our projects can not be considered to be within the framework of humanitarian aid or emergency relief, they do invite participation in another culture, and teach team work while participating in a development project in the heart of a local community.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organisation of international workcamps in Belgium
• Placement of Belgian volunteers on international workcamps, MTV and LTV programmes abroad
• Organisation of pre-departure training and evaluation weekend with volunteers
• Preparation, guidance and sending of Belgian volunteers on EVS projects
• Coordinating organisation for local partners in the frame of the EVS programme
• Exchange (hosting and sending) of volunteers with fewer opportunities
• Support to groups of volunteers who implement raising awareness actions related to the theme of migration issues and social exclusion
• Organisation of international training courses and seminars
• Participation in different cultural and associative events in French-speaking Belgium

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JAVVA can contribute to the belgian Network by sharing information, create partnerships and exchange experiences. JAVVA tends to organise a lot of voluntary services and workcamps with local structures which have a strong social identity (work with underprivileged children, with disabled people, with migrants, etc) and aims to reinforce existing partnerships, meet new partners and take part in large-scale international projects. JAVVA volunteers take part in various events in the local non-profit scene. Moreover, thanks to the energy, motivation and creativity of our volunteers, different activities are set up each year and new partnerships are born.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since 2007, JAVVA has been focusing on two priorities: migration issues and working with youngsters with fewer opportunities. Over the last years, JAVVA has had good results in both fields and we would be ready to share our experience with interested FAL members or join FAL projects in those domains. This is an area where we try to improve the quality of partnerships and where we have acquired a certain experience.
Since its creation, JAVVA has always expressed an interest in cooperation with the Southern Bank of the Mediterranean. Cooperation took place under different actions and partners located in Israël,Palestine, Italy, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco. The MEDA cooperation is of high interest for JAVVA and by joining the Network, we plan to increase and extend our competences, partnerships and activities in the area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Stebel
Job Title
General coordinator
Head of the organisation
Roberta Stebel
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Drielsma
Job Title (2)
Receiving coordinator


National Network

Rue des Ateliers 3
1080 Bruxelles

02/411 68 83
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

JES est une organisation de jeunesse pour tous les enfants et jeunes à Anvers, Bruxelles et Gand. Nous les accompagnons dans les domaines des loisirs, de l'éducation, du travail, de la formation et du bien-être.

Mission and Objectives

Notre mission, notre vision et nos valeurs JES sont soutenues par toute l'équipe d'employés et de bénévoles JES. En travaillant régulièrement et à différents niveaux autour de nos valeurs, nous avons développé une bonne boussole. - renforcer Nous autonomisons les jeunes et aidons ainsi à construire une ville meilleure. L'amélioration que nous envisageons est de nature durable ; c'est aussi une ville co-détenue par des jeunes. « Renforcement » est la valeur cible dans notre modèle. - fantaisie Whimsy qualifie JES de laboratoire de travail de jeunesse. Nous colorons en dehors des lignes lorsque nous pensons que de cette manière, nous optimisons les opportunités des jeunes. - Faire confiance La confiance renvoie avant tout à la relation de nos collaborateurs avec les jeunes. Nous investissons dans une relation étroite avec le groupe cible et créons un contexte dans lequel les jeunes se sentent en sécurité. - Ouverture Nous regardons le monde extérieur avec un esprit ouvert. Nous n'avons pas le monopole de la vérité et nous n'excellons pas forcément dans tout ce que nous voulons faire. Nous nous renforçons et donc aussi les jeunes en recherchant constamment des partenariats. - Constructivité La constructivité fait référence à la façon dont nous regardons notre environnement. Nous partons fortement du potentiel des enfants et des jeunes. Nous ne sommes pas aveugles aux enjeux urbains, mais nous voyons avant tout la ville comme un environnement porteur.

Main Projects / Activities

JES s'adresse principalement aux enfants et aux jeunes de la ville âgés de 6 à 35 ans. Nos collaborateurs travaillent avec des jeunes à et autour d'Anvers, Bruxelles et Gand. Nous rejoignons environ 50 000 jeunes chaque année et sommes soutenus par 500 jeunes bénévoles sur lesquels nous pouvons compter. Les groupes cibles que nous atteignons ne peuvent pas être définis sans ambiguïté. À cet égard, ils reflètent la diversité de la ville. Nous offrons un soutien supplémentaire aux jeunes qui ont du mal à revendiquer leur place dans l'espace public, sur le marché du travail, à l'école, en tant que bénévole dans le travail de jeunesse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Els Van Effelterre
Job Title
Directrice générale
Head of the organisation
Els Van Effelterre

Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI)

National Network

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Rue Baron Horta 13
1000 Brussels

+32 2 513 97 74
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 473 18 00 73
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) is a registered non-governmental, not for profit youth-music organization with 38 national member sections and 18 associate member organizations worldwide. Its slogan 'Making a Difference through Music', JMI fosters intercultural learning through music, with over 32,000 activities annually for over 5 million youth. The JMI Head Office in Brussels employs 5 staff persons, and the global network over 200 staff persons. JMI is principally funded by the Belgian Federal Government, European Commission, Belgian National Lottery and membership fees. JMI provides resources for members to increase their capacity, skills, scope and outreach. Modalities of action include membership support services (eg. communications and promotions, training and capacity building), creation and steering of international platforms (eg. working groups, committees), organization of network meetings, advocacy and lobbying, development of cross-border programs and projects (see list below), and building of sustainable youth-music infrastructures.
Mission and Objectives

JMI enables young people to develop through music across all boundaries - geographical, social, economic, cultural, geographic and religious. JMI's objectives are: to promote the use of music as a tool to foster intercultural dialogue and cooperation; to facilitate sharing, networking, close co-operation and exchange between members; to promote and support the establishment of sustainable youth-music infrastructures in regions where they do not yet exist and build the capacities of members; to coordinate international programs and projects that build tolerance and understanding among young people; and to study issues of common concern to its members and represent their common interests within international organizations and institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

JMI's flagship international projects are: Ethno, folk music camps fostering intercultural learning through peer-to-peer exchange of folk music heritage; Imagine Festivals, multi-style music competitions for youth; JM Jazz World, education and touring program for young jazz musicians; World Orchestra of Jeunesses Musicales, a prestigious pre-professional international youth orchestra; Young Audiences Music Award, a program for developing young audiences and fostering active participating of young people in cultural programs; World Youth Choir, an acclaimed education and touring program for top singers from around the world; and Music Crossroads, a youth empowerment through music program in five Southern African countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blasko Smilevski, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Per Ekedahl, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Emilie Fillod membership officer