
FAL Village at Festival Théâtres Nomades 2023

Fondation Anna Lindh - Village de la FAL au Festival Théâtres Nomades

The Belgian network of the Anna Lindh Foundation was present at the FAL Village between August 19 and 21. This event was part of a larger event, Théâtres Nomades (15th edition of a theater and street arts festival) held in the verdant Bois de la Cambre in Brussels. The festival  brought together more than 28,000 spectators in 2022.

It was an opportunity for network members to share and exchange ideas and for festival-goers to discover the different projects of the associations in a warm and festive atmosphere.

The Village will be back next year for the 2024 edition of Théâtres Nomades!

Fédération Nationale des Jeunesses Musicales de Belgique asbl

National Network

Siège social : Rue Ravenstein, 23 - 1000 Bruxelles
Siège administratif : Rue Defacqz, 1 - 1000 Bruxelles


+32 2 207 13 00
Telephone (other)
+32 2 533 39 11
+32 2 207 13 09
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+32 474 50 43 51
Mobile Phone (other)
+32 498 13 32 77
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structures : - 35 centres régionaux et locaux à travers l'ensemble de la Belgique - 2 Fédérations à dimension communautaire de coordination - 1 Fédération nationale chapeautant l'ensemble - membre de la Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales International Principaux partenaires : écoles fondamentales, secondaires, supérieures, tous réseaux confondus, principaux opérateurs culturels (Centres Culturels régionaux,locaux,et.),différents acteurs du monde de la création musicale, etc. Sources de financement : le réseau belge des Jeunesses Musicales reçoit son principal financement des Communautés francophones et flamandes - Domaine de la Culture.
Mission and Objectives

– diffuser, principalement parmi la jeunesse, la culture musicale et les arts en général en faisant la plus large place possible à l'initiative des jeunes eux-mêmes:
– stimuler l'intérêt pour les différentes traditions musicales et les différents moyens d'expression;
– contribuer, à travers la musique et la pratique musicale, au dialogue interculturel et au rapprochement des jeunes de toutes origines
Ces buts doivent être poursuivis en dehors de toutes discriminations raciale, politique, sociale, linguistique, religieuse et/ou philosophique.

Main Projects / Activities

- Création et diffusion de projets musicaux belges et internationaux divers à travers le réseau scolaire et le réseau culturel à destination des enfants, des jeunes et des familles
- Animation de stages, ateliers d'éveil musical, workshops, masterclasses, etc.
- Projets et événements : Imagine festival (, management d'orchestres de jeunes, musico-pédagogie dans l'enseignement fondamental, etc. - voir sites internet)
- Projets à dimension internationale : Imagine festival (, Young Audience Music Award, JM Jazz World, Flanders Ethno (, etc. via le réseau des Jeunesses Musicales Internationale

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales de Belgique associent, dans un même projet, une assocition flamande, Jeugd en Muziek Vlaaanderen et une association francophone, la Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles, participant ainsi au rapprochement des jeunes de notre pays, par-delà les frontières lingustiques intra. Ensemble, nos 2 organisations représentent le plus important acteur socio-culturel et éducatif à destination de la jeunesse oeuvrant par le biais de l'outil musical. A travers nos différents projets et actions, nous fédérons de très nombreux acteurs nationaux, régionaux et locaux de la vie socio-culturelle et éducative de notre pays.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'adhésion de notre organisation nationale au Réseau FAL nous permettrait, en partenariat avec les membres du réseau, de développer mieux encore notre mission de contribution au dialogue interculturel et au rapprochement des jeunes de toutes origines, à travers la musique et la pratique musicale, notre champ d'action privilégié.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michel Schoonbroodt
Head of the organisation
Inge SIMOENS - Présidente
Contact (2) Full Name
Roel Vanhoeck

Federation of EuroMed Youth

National Network

Chaussee de Ninove, 657
1070 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Federation of EuroMed Youth representing the interests & aspirations of the Youth in Europe and Mediteranian countries. It aims and endeavours to serve the interests of young people from Europe and Mediteranean countries, promoting their active participation in a constructive intercutural dialogue between eachother.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to bring Youth organizations from the European and Mediterranean countries together, based on intercutural dialogue, respect and mutual understanding enabling them to network, exchange experiences and capacity building.

Main Projects / Activities

In the short term, in order to establish a comprehensive intercultural dialogue, through the framework of conferences, seminars and trainings that gathers the different actors of those societies, we will put some structure to the existing work and focus on the communication and understanding about economical, social and political changes going on all over on both sides of the Mediteranean sea.
Moreover we will give a particular attention to their consequences on a large scope of aspect of the society (Fields of Activity enumerated earlier).
On a more long term note, our appreciation of the different Fields of Activity will give us a solid foundation to buid on partnerships carrying further projects in the future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Acknowledging the importance to enhance networking, collaboration and the sustainability of relations within it as a tool to foster dialogue, comprehension and peace, therefor Federation of EuroMed Youth engage itself in increasing participation to ALF Network from the
grass roots level to our wide spread internationnal relations thanks to our active background and connections on both side of the Mediteranean sea.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Due to the fact we share the same vision and objectives, we would like to be part of your network, to cooperate with your member organizations and develop joint projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karim Saafi
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ennaem Mohamed Yassine

Federation of Young European Greens

National Network

rue Wiertz 31, 1050 Brussels

+32 2 626 072 717
+32 262 607 29
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+32 495 129 601
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) is a European organization of young environmental and Green political groups. FYEG is a federation of 37 Member Organizations (MOs) from both Eastern and Western Europe. The secretariat is located in Brussels in the European Green Party Office, where it currently employs one full-time and one part-time employee. For 2010, our budget is expected to be 115000 EUR, founded mainly form the contributions from the European Green Party, Green Group in the European Parliament, administrative grant from the European Commission and membership fees. FYEG has an allied organization, the Co-operation and Development Network Eastern Europe (CDN), that facilitates contacts in the Eastern European, the Balkans and the Caucasus regions and we are also is in charge of the Falafel Network, which gathers young political organizations from the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Mission and Objectives

FYEG was founded with the purpose of bringing together young environmental and Green political groups from all over Europe to encourage both mutual understanding and mutual action to promote a greener Europe. The purpose of the federation is to strive for environmental and social justice.
The basis of the activities of FYEG is our political work on a European level, in a European political space. This is not limited to lobbying inside the European Parliament. FYEG is also involved on a street level, running campaigns together with its Member Organisations. At the same time it is not afraid of lifting topics and relevant questions from the local organisations, supporting them and spreading them throughout the network.

Main Projects / Activities

FYEG arranges seminars, study sessions, camps, political debates, training sessions and so on, in different parts of Europe. 
FYEG also organises campaigns on essential political themes. Among the recent ones have been the Green Economy Seminar, which presented young activists with he basics of green economy.
A vast majority of our members are under 30 years of age and all our events are planned and run by young unpaid activists from across Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zofia Hawranek,
Head of the organisation
Maria Paola Lia (Secretary General)
Contact (2) Full Name
Theresa Reintke,


National Network

Château Duden – Avenue Victor Rousseau 75
1190 Bruxelles

00 32 2 527 37 92
00 32 2 527 37 91
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The ASBL is managed by a Board of directors made up of 8 members of which the secretary-treasurer is in charge the day-to-day management . The general assembly is composed of the all the associated members . -It's chaired by the president of the administration counsil. - Each organizing authority has only one voice. - the team of FELSI : . one is charged of the fundamental, secondery , special and superior matters. . The other is charged of the social promotion and the secondery artistic education with Reduced Schedule (E.S.A.H.R.) . . A pedagogic animator for the fundamental. . Two employees ACS who work at the secretariat . . A person who is charged of the files depending on the Permanent secretariat of the cooperation committee and the higher council .

Mission and Objectives

Reprensenting the members (Organizing authorities ). - Mission of information , of the legal support in consideration of the members . The FELSI organizes regulary work meetings per level or form of education . - In the social promotion , an office and a Plenary session (gathering the group of establihments ) organized once a month. - Chaired (the responsable of the mission or the mandated persons) in the committees or councils : - Education and formation councils . - General councils (primary , secondary , high schools) , - The higher councils ( special , social promotion , high schools ) . - The council of improvement (E.S.A.H.R.) . - The council of call for Allowances of Funds Studies Community of the School Buildings Guarantee . - Social European fund and the commission of coopertion ( Social promotion ) - Zonal commissions of reassignment.

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Femmes Fières

National Network

van oost 56
1030 Brussels

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Femmes Fières was created in 2019 and is composed of 3 administrators and 5 partners across Belgium and Morocco. We have first started our activities in the Er Rich region of Morocco where we provide training and support to women in these remote areas to launch their cooperative. Our trainings are done in partnership with Min Ajliki. Our projects are all concerned with accessibility, equal opportunities and sustainability: training of women to support their entrepreneurial project, renovation of a kindergarten, youth movement exchange between Belgium and Morocco, collect & distribution of clothes to the most deprived, ... So far we were mainly funded by crowdfunding initiatives and donations. However, we are currently expanding our activities and are applying to various grants and public funds in the Brussels Capital Region.

Mission and Objectives

Femmes Fières's mission is to make entrepreneurship accessible to women without an academic background or training, in Belgium and in developing regions. We support them through the different phases of their project, from its definition to its maintenance, for a period of 5 years. Through workshops on business creation and management, we help these women to set up their project and ensure its success. These workshops, led by experts, give them access to the knowledge and tools necessary to make their idea a viable project. Our objectives are to: - Provide education and training opportunities in areas that do not offer these services. - Promote exchange and sharing between different languages and cultures. - Advocate for gender equality and fight against injustices arising from differences in treatment. - Ensure equal opportunities and access to work. Guarantee sustainable growth for the good of the community and its environment. - Ensure financial self-sufficiency for communities to allow them not only better access to health care and the education system for their children, but also to improve their infrastructure.

Main Projects / Activities

- Training & support to women entrepreneurs - Improvement of working conditions and facilities in remote areas - Youth movements - Seminar/workshop to raise young people's awareness of entrepreneurship

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Host event; promote the mission and activities of the Anna Lindh Foundation; Join events; write content

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Join a network of inspiring individuals and work along your organisation towards our mission to make society a more inclusive place for everyone.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leïla Maidane
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Leïla Maidane

Festival Voix de Femmes

National Network

En Neuvice 46; 4000 Liège
4000 Liège

+32 4 223 18 27
+32 4 223 21 26
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 497 12 06 70
Mobile Phone (other)
+32 474 27 69 59
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Asbl recognized by the French Community of Belgium. General meeting: 36 people. Board of directors: 6 people. Team: 2 people. Co-organizer: "Of a certain cheerfulness the Circus Various" asbl. 2. Convention CFB 2006-2009: 92 000 EUR /an APE (coprod Certain cheerfulness) 3. Research at DGCD, European Foundations, Equal opportunity, cities, provinces, areas, sponsors... 4. Festival Voice of Women (biennial): concerts, spectacles, exchanges, meetings, workshops, exposures, publications. 5. Of a certain cheerfulness, the Circus various; Het Zuiderpershuis; Festival of Liege; Philharmonic Room Liege; MAMAC-Liege; Flagey - Brussels; associative network.
Mission and Objectives

The organization of an international festival, in matter artistic, teaching, critical and multicultural which relates to the role, the expression and the identity of the women in the world. Creation, production and reception of female works concerning the fields of the music, the theatre, the dance, the writing and the visual arts, with a view to exchange and cultural diversity. The widening of the artistic platform to the whole of the civil company for a dialogue between the cultures through associations of women, the intellectual ones, the journalists and representing them of various cultures. The Festival is biennial. The seventh edition was held in November 2005.

Main Projects / Activities

The Festival Voice of Women, biennial, is a scene of arts and cultures. It relates to the music, the theatre, the dance and is interested in the alive cultures. During ten days, accomodated in residence, artists, musicians, playwrights, actresses, choreographers, director, plasticians... of various cultures are invited to take part in workshops and meetings, and to give concerts and spectacles. The topic of the "Cultures in resistance" falls under cultural diversity and the safeguard of the immaterial inheritance. Articulated with this topic also created for itself the "world Network of solidarity of the mothers, wives, sisters, girls, close to removed and missing people".

Contact (1) Full Name
Brigitte Kaquet
Head of the organisation
Brigitte Kaquet
Contact (2) Full Name
Camille Lefèvre

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Forum of Azerbaijani Students in Europe

National Network

Av. de la Chasse 174
B-1040 Etterbeek


Mobile Phone
+32476 945 325
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
FASE board is the supreme collegial body of the organization comprised of 5 members. Board is responsible for defining the strategy of FASE. Board approves the annual action plan of FASE and reviews it as necessary. Board appoints the Secretary General and FASE Baku representative. Board approves the membership policy of FASE. FASE Board is being elected at the general members meeting once a year by individual members together with the FASE Branch representatives. Current FASE Board members are: 1. Emin Mammadov 2. Rasim Baxshi 3. Anar Jahangirli 4. Emil Majidov FASE Secretariat FASE Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General, appointed by the Board on the basis of open call for applications. Vusal Mammadov is the Secretary General of FASE. Organization operates on the basis of personal donations by its individual and corporate members and mainly organizes seminars, conferences and Forums at various premises of political importance.
Mission and Objectives

FASE is a European NGO with the focus on youth, education and lobbying for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis living abroad. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. It was established in 2006 by a group of young Azerbaijanis with various backgrounds, primarily residing or studying/having studied in the EU countries, who were united by the idea of direct contribution to the development and progress of Azerbaijan and who believed that their efforts will have better appeal and efficiency if coordinated and discussed.
FASE is a European platform of Azerbaijani youth/students acting as a hub for communication. Benefiting from the large network of activists and interested people, FASE utilizes the potential of this network for raising profile of Azerbaijan in Europe, initiating cultural interchange, engaged in informal educational activities, being in course of events happening regarding Azerbaijan in the EU and lobbying for these purposes.

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion of Azerbaijani cause in Europe
A set of promotion efforts among European politicians, academia, media and civil society aimed at promoting Azerbaijan as the country sharing the common European future and with the potential to contribute to the common European future with its positive experience of cultural and religious inclusiveness as well as such dimensions as regional security and energy.
As the consequence of the above and natural follow up to the above said the projection and promotion of European values of personal freedoms and social welfare to Azerbaijani youth.
Promotion of Azerbaijani culture in Europe
A set of efforts among European politicians, media, academia and civil society aimed at promoting Azerbaijani culture as the source of new inspiration and creativity for the common European culture through demonstrating cultural diversity and richness of Azerbaijani traditions and new cultural trends and subcultures.
FASE has the ambition to achieve through consistent and continuing efforts the truly equal cultural exchange between Azerbaijan and the rest of Europe.
Promotion of Informal Education in Azerbaijan
By believing in the power of knowledge and the culture of questions and through consistent activities contribute to overcome of the negative trends in Azerbaijani educational system in schools and universities. The main instruments being information technologies, innovative and entertaining educational formats, by identifying and accumulating Azerbaijani and international expertise from outside of Azerbaijan and transfer to Azerbaijan without referring but in close cooperation with formal and traditional educational establishments such as Schools and Universities.
Networking among Azerbaijanis in Europe and Azerbaijan
By believing that communication creates social and human capital and through consistent activities contribute to closer personal, social and professional links among Azerbaijanis living in all parts of Europe with emphasize on new IT instruments, open communication formats and “think and act” type of networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vusal Mammadov
Head of the organisation
Vusal Mammadov
Contact (2) Full Name
Orkhan Aliyev