
Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique

National Network

10 rue du Meridien
B-1210 Bruxelles

+32 2 229 38 21
+32 2 229 38 20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Véronique LEFRANQ
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles

National Network

30,Rue de la Régence

00 32 2 735 24 99
Telephone (other)
00 32 2 344 89 17
00 32 2 735 24 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 32 497 89 56 74
Mobile Phone (other)
00 32 497 37 55 20
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Ecole supérieure des arts,domaine des arts de la parole et musique ancienne,classique,contemporaine,jazz. Ecole subventionnée par la Communauté française de Belgique,enseignement supérieur.Développe un festival pour tous les étudiants"Courants d'airs",organise des séminaires,échanges(Erasmus),est associé à l'Ensav la Cambre et l'Insas au sein d'une entité dénommée ARTes,pour développer des complémentarités et des projets susceptibles de développer les échanges internationaux;avec des pays extra européens ;
Mission and Objectives

Formation aux arts de la scène dans les domaines précités,avec pour objectifs de permettre aux étudiants de
s'ouvrir au monde et développer leur art dans la confrontation culturelle des différences,visant à l'universalité.

Main Projects / Activities

Faciliter l'accès des futurs musiciens et comédiens à la profession,dans la polyvalence,l'autonomie,en leur
assurant des formations plurielles,paradoxales,singulières.Stages,spectacles,concerts,performances,pouvant permettre une détermination efficiente.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre Pivin
Head of the organisation
Frédéric de Roos
Contact (2) Full Name
Yves Claessens

Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe

National Network

Rue Wiertz 31
1050 Brussels

+381 69 159 4290
Telephone (other)
+381 63 190 1714
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe AISBL (CDN) is a network of 16 Green youth organisations in Eastern Europe, six of which are based in EUROMED countries. We also have six partner organisations, all of which are based in EUROMED countries. Our geographical scope of work is South-Eastern Europe, Turkey, the South Caucasus, as well as other post-Soviet countries. CDN has two half-time employees doing administrative work and project management. Our yearly budget is about 35 000 €, most of which comes from a foundation called Green Forum Sweden and from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. We mainly organise educational and networking projects, in close cooperation with the Federation of Young European Greens as well as with different civil society actors in Eastern Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Our main aim is to gather young Greens, to provide them with a space for cooperation in an intercultural environment, and to support the development of their personal skills as well as their organisations. We work on a broad range of topics, such as human rights, democracy, gender equality, ecology, social issues, economy and non-violence. With our activities we aim at consolidating a network of Green youth organisations that have a strong impact on their communities as well as internationally. We believe that tomorrow's ecological, social and democratic challenges must be addressed by today's youth and that concrete and sustainable action must be taken.

Main Projects / Activities

We organise educational and networking activites like seminars, study sessions and summer camps on various topics that are close to Green youth organisations, such as gender, non-violence, Green economy, youth culture, ecology, etc. We also organise trainings for our member organisations and their members, recently focusing on topics related to organisational management and intercultural learning but planning to also organise more political trainings, with topics such as campaigning and communcation. A third group of activities is planned for next fall – regional meetings. The aim is to gather young Green activists from a given region (South-Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus) to discuss a political topic that is important in the region and develop an action plan for cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teo Comet (Directeur Général)
Head of the organisation
Vesna Jusup (Directrice Générale)
Contact (2) Full Name
Vesna Jusup

Council for MENA affairs

National Network

Rue d'Egmont 11
1000 Brussels

+32 (0) 23 18 37 21
+32 (0) 23 30 77 20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Council for MENA Affairs “ForMENA” is an international organisation, which is dedicated to upholding fundamental values of democratic governance, individual freedom and human development. ForMENA governance structure composed of Board of Directors and Administration Council, in addition to the   General Secretariat located in the Headquarters office in Brussels (Belgium).  ForMENA has two branches offices one in United Kingdom and other in Norway. Through networking, partnering up with and supporting other organizations and associations, ForMENA develops the synergetic potential among organizations that share it values and vision.

Mission and Objectives

Our values: Our values are those of integrity, transparency, partnership, openness, and mutual respect, all generated from our commitment to the principles of human rights, democracy, tolerance, freedom and equality.  Our mission: To advocate to the European institutions and relevant bodies, as well as civil society on the developments of the MENA region To provide an opportunity for MENA citizens and civil society to better present their arguments to the appropriate European fora To facilitate achieving cooperation and networking between the different political, social economic and cultural actors from MENA countries and their European counterparts. Our objectives: Raise the awareness of citizens and civil society so that they can play an active role in the process of democratic transformation and the development of human security; Work with European Union institutions and other international organizations or interest groups to strengthen respect for citizens’ rights and freedoms; Promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding, tolerance and peaceful conciliation; Establish networks and links, to serve actors in political, economic, academic, social and cultural aspects; Diffuse objective and variant information to the general public.

Main Projects / Activities

ForMENA main Activities and projects focus on: Organize seminars, debates and conferences as well as other meetings which might contribute to achieving its objectives; Develop consultations, training and study visits; Conduct research, write reports, publish analyses and comments; Coordinate an international network of correspondents in order to facilitate the exchange and diffusion of information;  Implement other projects and actions in which promote and support the objectives and values of ForMENA.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ForMENA established to bridge the Southern Mediterranean societies and European one , by creating spaces of dialogue and cooperation. These spaces where democracy-building processes are shaped and human security can be developed in MENA societies. ForMENA conceives democracy as an ultimate value for enhancing political dialogue and promoting social, economic and cultural development in building open and pluralistic societies, and fostering human development and fundamental rights. Therefore, ForMENA ambition is seeking to empower citizens and civil society in MENA and region for facing the challenges of political and democratic transition, cultural diversity, economic and social crisis. Nevertheless, by working at the European level, ForMENA will encourage better engagement from the European civil society network in order to foster dialogue and cooperation with the Southern Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will provide us with a network of connections both at European and Mediterranean level. Furthermore, joining the ALF network will be an opportunity to share our expertise and develop different projects and activities aiming to achieve mutual objectives and promoting common values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rania Kharma
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Rania Kharma

Council ForMENA Affairs - ForMENA

National Network

25 Square de Meeus
1000 Brussels

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Council for MENA Affairs “ForMENA” is an international organisation, which is dedicated to upholding fundamental values of democratic governance, individual freedom and human development.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision:
MENA region has been going through a critical phase of transformation, leaving all windows of possible outcomes open. We believe that it is rather crucial to utilise all possible tools to ensure that such transformation will lead to achieving better state of stability, security, and prosperity for the people of the region. 
Our values:
Our values are those of integrity, transparency, partnership, openness, and mutual respect, all generated from our commitment to the principles of human rights, democracy, tolerance, freedom and equality. 
Our objectives:
• Raise the awareness of citizens and civil society so that they can play an active role in the process of democratic transformation and the development of human security;
• Work with European Union institutions and other international organizations or interest groups to strengthen respect for citizens’ rights and freedoms;
• Promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding, tolerance and peaceful conciliation;
• Establish networks and links, to serve actors in political, economic, academic, social and cultural aspects;
• Diffuse objective and variant information to the general public.

Main Projects / Activities

Our mission:
• To advocate to the European institutions and relevant bodies, as well as civil society on the developments of the MENA region
• To provide an opportunity for MENA citizens and civil society to better present their arguments to the appropriate European fora
• To facilitate achieving cooperation and networking between the different political, social economic and cultural actors from MENA countries and their European counterparts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rania Kharma
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Rania Kharma


National Network

40 rue des Anciens Etangs
1190 Forest

+212 606 99 54 81
Telephone (other)
+32 488 14 37 43
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
+32 487 61 79 17
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Notre organisation fonctionne sous forme d'une ASBL avec 10 salariés, disposant d'un budget annuel de 150.000 euros provenant de l'autofinancement, des subventions nationales et des subventions européennes. Les principales sources de financement sont diversifiées pour appuyer les actions de l'organisation, qui se concentrent sur la mise en place de projets locaux via des incubateurs identifiant les besoins des communautés et développant des écosystèmes pour soutenir les entrepreneurs. Ces projets sont ensuite utilisés pour former des consortiums belges, européens ou africains dans le but de mettre en œuvre des initiatives concrètes. De plus, au niveau européen et international, l'organisation collabore avec différents partenaires pour promouvoir les industries créatives et soutenir l'entrepreneuriat social et l'innovation. Son engagement envers le développement durable se traduit par des actions visant à renforcer les entrepreneurs créatifs et sociaux, en particulier dans le cadre de projets internationaux, dont la création de Just Impact, une ONG soutenant l'entrepreneuriat féminin dans les industries culturelles et créatives. Les partenaires de l'organisation, diversifiés en fonction de ses branches d'activités, contribuent à la réalisation de ses projets et activités.

Mission and Objectives

Creative District conseille, développe et promeut des initiatives dans les industries créatives et culturelles et l’innovation sociale pour un impact durable. L’organisation agit en synergie avec les acteurs publics, sociaux, éducatifs et économiques en Belgique et à l’étranger. Creative District poursuit son objectif en : - Soutenant le développement d’une économie créative en favorisant l’accès à l’entrepreneuriat ; - Encourageant les échanges entre les institutions et les acteurs des industries créatives et culturelles, ainsi qu’entre les secteurs public et privé ; - Renforçant le développement durable de manière humaine et innovante.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos projets locaux (INCUBATEUR) consistent à identifier les besoins des communautés en créant et en gérant des écosystèmes pour soutenir les entrepreneurs et développer des projets citoyens. Nous utilisons ces besoins dans un processus bottom-up pour développer des consortiums belges, européens ou africains en vue de la mise en œuvre de projets. Les résultats de ces projets (HUB) tels que les méthodologies, boîtes à outils, etc., sont ensuite utilisés par les communautés lors de la mise en œuvre sur le terrain, ce qui constitue ce que nous appelons la démocratisation des théories. - INCUBATEURS:
Nos incubateurs, tels que ROGIER et Innovation4society, se concentrent sur le développement d'écosystèmes locaux, le soutien aux entrepreneurs des industries créatives et culturelles, ainsi que sur l'innovation sociale en identifiant les besoins des communautés et en mettant en œuvre des actions et des projets axés sur l'innovation. - HUB:
Au niveau européen, Creative District collabore avec divers partenaires de différents pays européens pour promouvoir les industries créatives, l'entrepreneuriat social, l'innovation et le développement durable. L'organisation s'engage dans des activités visant la durabilité, la conception collective et participative, et accompagne les entrepreneurs créatifs et sociaux vers la durabilité. À l'échelle internationale, Creative District est actif dans plusieurs pays africains et a notamment créé Just Impact, une ONG spécialisée dans l'incubation et l'innovation pour soutenir l'entrepreneuriat féminin des industries culturelles et créatives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

On est en mesure de contribuer au Réseau en Belgique en identifiant les besoins des communautés locales et en créant et gérant des écosystèmes, ainsi qu'en soutenant les entrepreneurs des industries créatives et culturelles et de l'innovation sociale. En développant des projets citoyens basés sur les besoins identifiés, on peut collaborer avec d'autres acteurs pour mettre en place des consortiums belges, européens ou africains visant à concrétiser ces projets. En outre, en partageant les résultats, les méthodologies et les boîtes à outils issus de ces projets, on pourra contribuer de manière significative à la démocratisation des théories et à l'avancement des objectifs du Réseau Anna Lindh.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

On souhaite rejoindre le Réseau de la FAL pour échanger des expériences et des bonnes pratiques avec d'autres acteurs engagés dans le développement communautaire et la promotion de la diversité culturelle. En participant à ce réseau, on pourra élargir nos connaissances, renforcer nos collaborations et contribuer de manière plus efficace à des projets et initiatives visant à favoriser le dialogue interculturel et la coopération entre les pays membres.

Contact (1) Full Name
Azzouz Sahar
Job Title
Manager de projets
Head of the organisation
Royen Mulenga
Contact (2) Full Name
Aurélie Rompler
Job Title (2)

Creative Europe : Lancement du projet La Nomad House!


Le 1er mars a vu le lancement du projet d'Europe Creative intitulé La Nomad House, qui est une tournée transnationale.

Tel un véritable centre culturel itinérant européen, la Nomad House est le résultat final d’un long parcours de création artistique et de recherches scientifiques autour de la question migratoire. En Europe, il est urgent de faire entendre ce cri d’injustice qui résonne plus que jamais au sein de nos sociétés. Ce projet souhaite faire résonner ces voix à travers une toute nouvelle création théâtrale.

Six pays sont impliqués dans le projet : la Tunisie, l'Italie, la Grèce, la France, l'Allemagne et la Belgique. Chaque pays est représenté par une association partenaire, dont deux sont à la tête du réseau Anna Lindh ; pour la Tunisie, il s'agit de We Love Sousse et pour la Belgique, de Les Nouveaux Disparus.

S'étalant sur 18 mois, le projet est divisé en 2 phases. La première phase comprend des ateliers dans différentes disciplines artistiques donnés dans chaque pays à des personnes locales et à des migrants. Ces ateliers et ce projet deviendront une plateforme pour faire entendre la voix des migrants. La deuxième phase est une tournée transnationale où La Nomad House devient un centre culturel mobile avec une création théâtrale, un souk associatif dans lequel les associations locales peuvent participer, et des conférences et débats sur le thème de la migration en collaboration avec des politiciens, des universitaires, des migrants, des organisations. 

Cultural Funding

Cultural entrepreneurship and funding policies in Europe

The Handbook of Cultural Work is a collection of articles divided in 6 Chapters: 1) Spaces and Cultural Action. 2) Cross-sectoral cultural action. 3) Politics, power and access. 4) The cultural economy, funding and policies in Europe. 5) Culture, the...

Cultural Innovators Network

National Network

Rue Belliard 58
1040 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
What is CIN Cultural Innovators Network is a cross-sectoral and cross-cultural network of young activists from countries north and south of the Mediterranean. CIN composed of artists, cultural managers, civil society professionals and activists who are seismographs of the situation in societies, and they are motors and incubators of transformation. Our network promotes mechanisms of democratic, inclusive discourse, exchange of working experiences, acceptance of innovative approaches, and mutual consultation and cooperation. All this was initiated and supported by the strong relations and infrastructure of the Goethe-Institut and the Transformation Projects initiative that is financed by German Federal Foreign Office. CIN has organised Learning Journeys as the initial part of the project, and organized 3 big regional forums. Currently CIN is running through more specified activities such as developing projects, Cultural Innovation Days, CINnovation Journeys. The methodology of the organization is based on participatory setting in the decision making processes. Open space methodology is the core of all the project/Program development processes. CIN members are reaching a wider audience on the grassroots via CIN projects and activities in the Euro-MENA region. CIN in numbers: 109 members 30 countries 9 Steering Committee Members 30 Projects CIDays CINnovation Journeys Mentorship and Monitoring Program Communication Strategy 2000 + people in our public events 30 000 + people online. Recognition for CIN projects -1000 and 1 Realities, European Parliament European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2013, April 2013 (Italy country winner); -Equal for Equal, The International Innovation Award, August, 2014 (3rd place) -Amy Goodman - winner of the often so-called "alternative nobel prize" and founder ofDemocracy Now! gave a speech in Cultural Innovation Day (CID), Berlin 2014 -CIN members and CIN was the incubator and first supporter of the projects which put important impact for social changes: Tunisian Youth Parliament and Citizenship Academie initiated by CIN. Network Partners: -Goethe Institut Cultural Innovators Network is supported by the Goethe-Institut as part of the German-Arab Transformation Partnership and is financed by the German Federal Foreign Office. -European Alternatives -Kadir Has University, Center for International and European Studies  Projects Partners: Algeria SAYKA, Constantine TEDxCasbah, Algiers Belgium OralSite Canada Canadian Council for International Cooperation, Ontario Croatia Association of Social Workers Zadar, Zadar Cyprus TheatrEtc, Nicosia Egypt Arab Origami Center, Alexandria Mahatat for Contemporary Art, Cairo EU European Alternatives EURO-MENA Anna Lindh Foundation, Cairo Germany Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Bonn German Dance Archives, Cologne Landesvereinigung kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. , Magdeburg Spring Lessons im Aufbau Haus, Berlin The Ashoka ChangemakerXchange, Munich Youth Bank Germany, Berlin Greece 3 137 Artist Run Space, Athens Artivist e-magazine Dynamo Project Space, Thessaloniki Plays 2 place, Athens Iraq Tolerancy International Italy Associazione culturale Fabbrica Europa – Centro di creazione e produzione di cultura, Florence European Borders, Milan Moving’Up, Torino OneYouth Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome Jordan Jordan Open Source Association, Amman Lebanon Civil society movement, Beirut UNHCR Lebanon, Beirut Morocco Fawda trio Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MCISE), Rabat Netherlands European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam Utrecht University, Utrecht Palestine Al Hannouneh Society for Popular Culture Al-Hara Theatre – Bethlehem, Bethlehem Ashtar Theatre, Ramallah Dar Al-Kalima Theatre, Bethlehem Filistin Ashabab Markez Baladi Threshold towards Art (Atabet Fann) Serbia ARTIKAL, Belgrade Civil Association ARTIKAL, Belgrade ELEKTRIKA Association, Belgrade Nebograd, Belgrade Slovenia Tribun, Institute for Culture, Research and Development, Ljubljana Spain Generación Espontánea, Alcobendas Nautarkia, Barcelona Sudan “I’m Sudanese” – Campaign Gesr Center for Development, Khartoum Tunisia JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies, Tunis Turkey CSR Turkey, Istanbul Gençtur, Istanbul Masterpeace, Istanbul TEGV, Istanbul The Center for International and European Studies (CIES), Istanbul Yaşayarak Öğrenme Merkezi (YAŞÖM), Istanbul United Kingdom British Council, Manchester De Montfort University, Leicester USA New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center, New York USAid, Washington
Mission and Objectives

Cultural Innovators Network aims to promote cultural experimentation and innovation across
borders, as we see creativity as a fundamental component of change. We stand for democracy, knowledge, mobility, diversity and exploration, executed on a local, regional and international level. Since 2012, we have implemented more than 30 projects in 13 countries which have contributed to change and innovation in local societies. From media, to arts, to social entrepreneurship, to active citizenship, to peace work-CIN is building its unique personality as a cross-cultural and cross-sectoral platform for innovation.
CIN objectives with its projects and programs from media, to arts, to social entrepreneurship, to active citizenship, to peace work:
-Reaching wider audience
-Developing new partnerships in local and international levels
-More impact in the local
-Capacity building activities for our members

Main Projects / Activities

Overview of CIN Activities
CIN was established in 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey. With the participation of more than 100 people in the first forum, 20 projects were developed by the participants, ranked by all the members and financed by CIN. Second forum was held in, Hammamet, Tunisia, in 2013. Third forum was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2014. New 10 projects were developed by the participants, ranked by all the members and financed by CIN. Cultural Innovations Days (CIDs) were held in five cities throughout November 2014: Algiers, Baghdad, Beirut, Berlin, and Thessaloniki. CINnovation Journeys happened in different cities with the participation of 20 members (10 travellers and 10 hosts) occurred throughout November 2014: Amman/Ramallah, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin, Istanbul, Rabat, Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, Thessaloniki, Zagreb/Sarajevo.
CIN on Social Media:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cultural Innovators Network is a unique personality as a cross-cultural and cross-sectoral platform for innovation which is mainly functioning in Euro-MENA region in which many countries are witnessing political and social transformation. Thus, our projects and programs are directly addressing to the current dynamics while fostering the values of coexistence, human dignity, proserity and mutual understanding. Our members (109 members and 30 alumni) are composed of young people who are actively working on the ground in their countries. With the huge potential of the already existing projects and the members, CIN will be glad to contribute the ALF Network via intercultural exchanges and common projects. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is an honor for CIN to be part of the ALF Network and collaborate via projects, program and certain events while we are sharing the same values and functioning in Euro-MENA region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayse Taspinar
Job Title
Communications Manager
Head of the organisation
Vladimir Palibrk
Contact (2) Full Name
Vladimir Palibrk
Job Title (2)
General Manager

Culture & Media Agency Europe, aisbl (CUMEDIAE)

National Network

Rue de l'Orient 71

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Culture & Media Agency Europe aisbl (CUMEDIAE) is a Brussels based non-profit organization created in January 2012. While being a young structure, CUMEDIAE is supported on and by a network of experienced professionals working in different European capitals and with different specialties related to culture and the arts: experts in film funding or film promotion; in festival management; in arts sponsorship and communication; international curators; cultural managers with diverse degrees of expertise; publishers; media and technology-in-the-arts experts; legal advisers in different jurisdictions; European policy and funding experts, and other professionals are, in a way, “part of CUMEDIAE”, which then becomes an instrument for a collaborative effort at the service of culture and the arts.
Mission and Objectives

CUMEDIAE’s mission is to provide advice and services to public and private institutions in the field of cultural industries and the arts with a European and international perspective. CUMEDIAE advises its clients in building their international projects; facilitates their access to public and private funding; provides advice related to international aspects of cultural industries and arts related activities and projects (access to foreign markets, co-productions, search for partners, international promotion and communication); and contributes to the on-line and off line communication aspects of these activities. Finally, CUMEDIAE and its professional network produces analysis and research in its area of expertise.

Main Projects / Activities

CUMEDIAE’s current projects and contracts already involve among others: the European Parliament; the cultural departments of the Cities of Barcelona and Madrid; the Fundació La Caixa; the Forum d’Avignon; IMAGO (European Cinematographers); Europa Distribution, the European Producers Club; the China Europe Youth Orchestra; Madrid’s Círculo de Bellas Artes; the Festival de Cinéma Européen de Les Arcs; or the Casablanca Art Week.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CUMEDIAE would like to foster relationships of artists, organizations and businesses in the field of culture between Europe in one side, and the south Mediterranean countries on the other side, collaborating with members of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the development of their projects and fostering their visibility through our platforms and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation Network represents for our professional field to be in touch with the leading institutions and professionals in the field of Culture and the Creative and Cultural Industries operating in the Mediterranean region. We would like to participate in the network of contacts and information provided by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ignasi Guardans
Head of the organisation
Ignasi Guardans