

National Network

98, rue Champ du Roi- 1040 Bruxelles
Bruxelles (1040)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
PRESENTATION GENERALE DU PROJET JORSALA Dans les années à venir, un groupe de citoyens européens partira du cœur de l’Europe pour ouvrir la route Jorsala, itinéraire pédestre transeuropéen qui reliera Bruxelles à Istanbul. Pendant 4 mois, cette marche citoyenne, pluriculturelle et non confessionnelle, rassemblera des personnes de toutes origines et de tous horizons autour d’un objectif commun : construire un espace de dialogue interculturel, susceptible de susciter à son tour la création de nouveaux espaces. Afin de préparer et de tester cette édition européenne, nous organiserons une première marche à plus petite échelle en avril 2012 reliant Bruxelles à Aix-la-Chapelle. A travers la marche, nous nous avons le désir d’aller au-delà de nos peurs, pour (re)trouver ce qui nous est commun ; ce qui, au-delà de toutes nos appartenances – culturelles, religieuses, sociales et autres – fait notre humanité profonde, donnant ainsi sens à nos existences, à nos différences et à nos échanges. Nous voulons ainsi nous engager sur la voie du dialogue, indispensable pour la construction d’une paix durable et d’un avenir serein. DE QUOI S’AGIRA-T-IL EXACTEMENT ? D’une marche reliant Bruxelles à Aix-la-Chapelle par les sentiers de « grande randonnée », du 31 mars au 11 avril 2012 (dates correspondant aux vacances de Pâques), ponctuée par différents petits évènements, ainsi qu’un évènement d’une plus grande envergure au départ de Bruxelles. Nous prévoyons un jour de repos à Liège. Nous ouvrirons la marche à un nombre limité de participants (environ 100), en veillant à relayer l’évènement auprès de populations diversifiées, par l’intermédiaire d’associations-relais. Les marcheurs parcourront entre 20 et 25 km par jour et seront accueillis par des collectivités locales. Les marcheurs seront aussi accompagnés d’un caméraman, filmant le quotidien de la marche, ce qui permettra d’alimenter quotidiennement le blog de la marche. Le soir, dans certaines communes, des animations seront prévues pour les marcheurs et les populations locales, visant à favoriser/installer le dialogue, la rencontre et plus largement un esprit de convivialité. Il s’agira de petits concerts par des artistes locaux ou d’autres régions, de conférences, d’activités de découverte historique et culturelle, de rencontres avec des associations locales, etc. Pour en savoir plus et collaborer Jorsala est porté et soutenu par la Fondation M, reconnue d’utilité publique, créée par l’homme d’affaires et mécène belge Pierre Moorkens. Contact • Sebastien de Fooz, initiateur du projet : Tel +32 473 852 014 • Marie Peltier, coordinatrice du projet : Tel +32 474 799 562 Projet Jorsala : 81, av. de Tervuren - B-1040 Bruxelles (Belgique) Tel +32 2 737 74 83 Parties prenantes du projet - L’organisation « Jorsala » - Les autorités publiques (communales, provinciales et régionales) - Les associations partenaires - Les bailleurs de fond
Mission and Objectives

Nous croyons :
- En l’importance de l’existence d’espaces de dialogue entre personnes et groupes humains qui n’ont pas l’occasion de se rencontrer ;
- Au besoin de l’être humain de vivre des expériences porteuses de sens pour fonder ses relations avec autrui ;
- En la dignité de la personne humaine au-delà de toutes ses appartenances.
Objectifs généraux
Le projet Jorsala entend :
- promouvoir un esprit ;
- être une source d’inspiration pour des actions individuelles et collectives ;
- mettre en lumière des initiatives portées par le même esprit.

Main Projects / Activities

D’une marche reliant Bruxelles à Aix-la-Chapelle par les sentiers de « grande randonnée », du 31 mars au 11 avril 2012 (dates correspondant aux vacances de Pâques), ponctuée par différents petits évènements, ainsi qu’un évènement d’une plus grande envergure au départ de Bruxelles. Nous prévoyons un jour de repos à Liège.
Nous ouvrirons la marche à un nombre limité de participants (environ 100), en veillant à relayer l’évènement auprès de populations diversifiées, par l’intermédiaire d’associations-relais. Les marcheurs parcourront entre 20 et 25 km par jour et seront accueillis par des collectivités locales.
Les marcheurs seront aussi accompagnés d’un caméraman, filmant le quotidien de la marche, ce qui permettra d’alimenter quotidiennement le blog de la marche.
Le soir, dans certaines communes, des animations seront prévues pour les marcheurs et les populations locales, visant à favoriser/installer le dialogue, la rencontre et plus largement un esprit de convivialité. Il s’agira de petits concerts par des artistes locaux ou d’autres régions, de conférences, d’activités de découverte historique et culturelle, de rencontres avec des associations locales, etc.
Choix des marcheurs
Nos 100 marcheurs sont issus de la diversité belge et ont été identifiés par l’intermédiaire d’associations de terrain représentatives de cette diversité.
Accompagnement de la marche
Les marcheurs seront accompagnés par des personnes formées par l’organisation Jorsala. Elles veilleront à installer et entretenir la dynamique de groupe, pour favoriser le dialogue et l’interaction entre les marcheurs.
31 mars : Bruxelles
2 avril : Leuven
7 avril : Liège
11 avril : Aix-la-Chapelle

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le sentier que nous voulons tracer peut-être une mise en réseau "physique" des associations AL. De plus, la marche-relais entre Bxl et Istanbul qui initiera le sentier en 2014 peut constituer un projet porteur et fédérateur pour le réseau du FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dans la perspective du projet Jorsala 2014, sentier transeuropéen qui rejoindra Istanbul, nous voudrions nous mettre avec un ensemble d'associations le long du parcours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sébastien de Fooz
Head of the organisation
Sébastien de Fooz
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Devogelaere

K.U leuven - Public management institute

National Network

E.Van Evenstraat 2a
B-3000 leuven

0032 16 32 32 88
Telephone (other)
0032 16 32 32 70
0032 16 32 32 67
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
The public management institute (in Dutch : Instituut voor de Overheid) is an independant and self-supporting academic institution . The institute excists in its present form since 1998 . Its predecessors however date back to teh 1960s, when the first training sessions in managemnt were held for senior civil servants . The Public management institute was integrated in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Department of Political Science). In 1973 , when a distinction was made between public and private management training programs . In the 1960s ,the fundamental research (Ph.DS). The 1990s saw an increase in research projects as a result of programs commissioned by the federal and Flemish governments. The approximately 30 staff of the Public management institute have different academic backgrounds such as public administration , business administration ,economics ,sociology , political science ,psychology and law.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the public management institute is to improve public management ,public organisation and public poliy. The institute attemps to function as an interface between the university and the pubic sector . Its main activities are :
- fundamental and applied research
- training and education for students and civil servants
- consultacy

Main Projects / Activities

Applying an interdiscilpinary approach , The Public manangment Instiute is active number of fields:
- change management
- finance and performance management
- HRM and equal opprtunities
- ICT and e-government
- intergovernmental and intragovernmental relations and organisation
- policy and ethnics
- quality and citizen-government relations .
overview available

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof.dr . Marleen Brans
Head of the organisation
Prof.dr .Geert Bouckaert
Contact (2) Full Name
Valerie Pattyn

Kaïros Danse

National Network

13, rue Ernest de Bavière
4000 Liège

32.4.341.39.94. (04/341.39.94. en Belgique)
Telephone (other) en Belgique)
04/250.56.75. (en Belgique)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0473/879.405. (en Belgique)
Mobile Phone (other)
0475/567.005. (en Belgique)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. The asbl Kaïros Danse was autonimously founded in 1994, in Liege, in an autonomous way. A Board of directors of three people manages the administration of the asbl. The asbl was created starting from a group of artists, pedagogues in dance, in theatre, music, song. 2. The annual financial resources come from the payments of the participant(e)s to the courses and training courses. That represents an annual average of 12.000 EUR. 3. The asbl Kaïros Danse falls under a dimension teaching, on the principle of the dance for all, accessible to all, being addressed mainly to the young adults as from 18 years.
Mission and Objectives

The asbl Kaïros Danse has the role of seeking, exploring, working out and promoting the technical body means and the modes of expression calling upon the creativity of the gesture, of the movement; it is based, on the occasion, on the music, the visual art, the theatrical text, the writing; it proposes its workshops with any person who wishes to be formed with the techniques suggested, without there being necessarily a professional project in the intention of the participant(e)s. Marie-Christine Wavreille animates many training courses in addition abroad: formations for psychomotricians in Milan, workshops in France, in Portugal (School Theatre and Dance of Lisbon), in Greece, in Holland.

Main Projects / Activities

Kaïros Danse asbl is requested to control the next international meeting of the "Voyage of the gesture", in which it has taken part for several years.
It plans to install it 15 days in July 2008, in Chiny, in Belgium (Province of Luxembourg); the partners of the network are: Coraï association of Palermo in Italy, Maria Joào Serrao of Portugal, Lebanon, Palestine, France. Some already accepted the call. Since 2000, Kaïros Danse participle with the network "Travels of the gesture", initiated by the association TRISUNIC/Subito Presto (France), which aims at the meeting of the artists of Europe and country of the Close relation, Moyen the East and the Maghreb.
In these various interventions former within the "Voyage of the gesture", the contribution of Kaïros Danse was directed towards the research and the training of young people participant(e)s according to its own teaching and methodological principles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie-Christine Wavreille
Head of the organisation
Marie-Christine Wavreille
Contact (2) Full Name
Roland Denis

Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven

National Network

Abdij van Park 93001 Heverlee (Leuven)België
3001 Heverlee

0032 (0)16 375 735
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

KHLeuven (Leuven University College) consists of four departments, offering 12 bachelor degrees with various options.

Mission and Objectives

KHLeuven (Leuven University College) is a higher education institution offering professional bachelors. Profession-oriented education, diversity and internationalisation are main themes of our college. We work continuously to raise the awareness in our students of Europe, its cultures and its citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

Not explained

Contact (1) Full Name
dr. Klaas Vansteenhuyse
Head of the organisation
dhr. Toon Martens

Kif Kif

National Network

Bondgenotenstraat 52
1190 Brussel

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Kif Kif is a intercultural youth platform of Flanders (Belgium). The association came into existence with the creation of the website ‘Kif Kif, the intercultural website of Flanders’ (, after a rather heavy debate on the topic of integration of migrants in the Flemish press. The objective of the website was then to collect the different opinions and reactions concerning the ongoing debate on the intercultural society in Flanders. Since this modest start, a lot has changed. In three years time Kif Kif has grown into an organisation with clear objectives and projects, that depends on many volunteers and 2,5 fulltime employees. The yearly budget is now around 160.000 euros, mostly government funding. Kif Kif has lots of collaborations, in 2006 we worked together with no less then 71 different organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Kif Kif wants to facilitate an intercultural diversity of voices, to improve the active participation of all citizens in our society, to deconstruct negative and stereotypical discourse and to stimulate critical reflection. For realising these goals, Kif Kif starts from a clear vision: democratic, pluralistic, antiracist and progressive.

Main Projects / Activities

First of all, we have our website, the central working instrument of Kif Kif. You can find a lot of different things there: press releases from Kif Kif about a wide range of topics, an overview of our opinions and articles in the mainstream press, the project MediaWatch, an online radio, a forum, our own journalistic productions, a jobsite, opinion articles, mainstream news, alternative news, an online store, … But Kif Kif also organises public debates, expositions, conferences and many other activities on a regular basis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ico Maly (coordinator)
Contact (2) Full Name
Bilal Benyaich

King Baudouin Foundation - Fondation Roi Baudouin - Koning Boudewijn Stichting

National Network

21 Rue Brederodestraat, B-1000 Brussels

E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We use a variety of methodologies in order to ensure the efficacy of our mission. In addition to the support we provide for third party projects, we work in partnership too, so as to act in the most efficient and complementary manner. We also conduct missions at the request of governments and institutions. Finally, we also develop our own projects relating to specific themes that we wish to champion as forerunners in a particular field. Partnership: To meet large-scale social challenges, we cooperate with associations, non-governmental organizations, research centres, companies, other foundations, etc. By combining our efforts, we can work more effectively in the field, whether in Belgium or abroad.
Mission and Objectives

Wide-ranging mission:
The mission of the King Baudouin Foundation is clear and at the same time wide-ranging: to help to improve living conditions for the population. In its 1976 Constitution the Foundation is described as "an independent structure that encourages original ideas and sets up new projects."
The King Baudouin Foundation supports projects and citizens who are committed to create a better society. In this way we can make a lasting contribution towards greater justice, democracy and respect for diversity.
Independent and pluralistic mission:
The Foundation works on an independent and pluralistic basis. This is also guaranteed by the diverse backgrounds of our Board of Governors and our 60 staff. We respect diversity and strive towards quality, transparency and integrity.
The Foundation focuses on specific themes and is based in Brussels, but also supports projects far beyond the borders of Belgium and Europe. By working together with a range of different organisations we aim to harmonise our own mission as effectively as possible with the efforts made by others.

Main Projects / Activities

# Poverty & Social Justice
# Democracy in Belgium
# Democracy in the Balkans
# Heritage
# Philanthropy
# Health
# Leadership
# Local engagement
# Migration
# Development

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabrice de Kerchove (Project Officer)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Gerrit Rauws (Director)

Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg (KVS)/Royal Flemish Theatre

National Network

Arduinkaai 7
1000 Brussels

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
KVS is officially an Institution of Public Interest that functions as an open Flemish city theater in multicultural Brussels, with a staff of 60 full time and 4 part time employees and over 100 freelance artistic and technical collaborators.The total budget for the previous year was 6 mio euro. The theater gets funding from the Flemish Government, the Flemish Community in Brussels and the city of Brussels. KVS core business is to (co)produce and present contemporary performing arts, with a focus on Brussels/urban issues. Our main partners are Belgian and international artists from many different disciplines.
Mission and Objectives

KVS transformed in 2001 from a traditional repertory company for the Flemish minority of Brussels into an 'urban platform'. In the culturally fragmented city of Brussels, where people don't share a common past (culture, language), KVS wants to create a place of identification for all. Not by creating a 'universal' cultural institution, but by focusing on a very specific content for each production/action, and targeting a specific audience. We see the program as a broad range of activities that should give every inhabitant of Brussels once a year a good reason to come to KVS.

Main Projects / Activities

KVS artistic board consists of 10 people (dramaturge, director and/or actor) who decide on the entire artistic program, but are not necessarily the 'motor' of 5 to 7 new (co)productions a year that can be based on existing text, freshly commissioned text, thematic improvisation, etc. We tour some of these productions in Belgium and outside. We invite a large range of performing arts from Belgium and outside and, in order to complete the program, set up debates, lectures, exhibitions, parties etc. We have developed a trajectory of artistic exchange with Congo, and on a smaller scale, with the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hildegard De Vuyst
Head of the organisation
Jan Goossens/Danny Op de Beeck

L'utilisation du film et documentaire pour le dialogue interculturel


Le jeudi 2 mars 2023 le réseau belge a eu le plaisir d'accueillir certains de ses membres sur le terrain des Nouveaux Disparus à Bruxelles.

Les membres présents venaient de différents domaines : médias, culture, académie et jeunesse ayant tous un lien à travers le cinéma.

Une grande partie du temps a été consacrée à la présentation de chacun d'entre eux et de leurs projets (passés et en cours) et leurs liens avec l'euro-méditerranée.

Les membres sont demandeurs  d'autres rencontres, afin de former un groupe de travail lié au cinéma qui pourra créer des plateformes, activités et projets autant au niveau national qu'international.

Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur ces membres sur leurs sites web :

La Chambre de l'art et de la Culture

National Network

144, Avenue Brugmann
1190 Bruxelles

0032-2. 513.20.43.
Telephone (other)
0032-2. 513.20.43.
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

- Association sans But Lucratif, 10 collaborateurs - Education Permanente - Education, animations et formation Gestion de la Diversité Culturelle - Ecoles, Associations, Fonctionnaires

Mission and Objectives

The CCOK organizes trainings and animations whose the goals overlap with the aim of interactions with people, of effectiveness, and dialogue’s recognition. In accordance with that mind, it promotes several notions such as interculturality, the space between the two and non violent educational methods. The principles which structure the Centre’s whole activity are humanism, open-mindedness, pluralism, consciousness’ freedom, and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

4 SECTIONS: 1.Research The aim is to lead a reflection on the cultural, philosophical, sociological, and psychological basements of traditional and modern societies. 2.Literature The literature is one of the most richest and universal expressing way to communicate with other cultures. 3.Sociocultural This section organizes and suggests concrete and practical services. Their aim is to be useful to help people from other countries in their sociocultural or psychological problems due to their condition living in Belgium, but also to the Belgians confronted with strangers. 4. Artistic Everybody brings the cultural dimension from where he’s born, but also his own experiences, and personal talent. The work of art is the story a person tells from his cultural and personal experiences. Every creation is a work of art and its sharing involves an exchange between at least 2 cultures or 2 personalities. -TRAININGS: Intercultural Education

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Aminian, President
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Aminian, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Nora Bouhjar, Director

La journée inter-associative : une rencontre enrichissante

Rencontre Fondation Anna Lindh Belgique - dans le cadre de la Quinzaine de la Solidarité Internationale de la Ville de Bruxelles (2023) et la tournée d'automne de la Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus

Le 11 octobre plusieurs membres de la Fondation Anna Lindh Belgique se sont rassemblé.es à Bruxelles pour une journée d’animations et de tables rondes autour des thèmes de la jeunesse, de l’inclusion et de l’identité. Cette journée a été organisée par le réseau belge de la FAL dans le cadre de la Quinzaine de la Solidarité Internationale de la Ville de Bruxelles et de la tournée d’automne de la Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus, et c’était l’occasion d’échanger des idées avec des associations du réseau Soliris, qui étaient également invitées pour cette journée, et de partager leurs connaissances de manière informelle.