
International Association of Music Information Centers

National Network

Ravensteingalerij 38
1000 Brussels

0032 2 504 90 99
00 32 2 502 81 03
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The organisation has one Executive Manager and one Researcher, besides that the organisation works with a communication working grous composed of five members and a innovation and technology working group composed of all the technical staff of music infomration centers. IAMIC has a Board composed of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary,and three ordinary Board Members. The Board meets at elast four times a year. IAMIC also has a Generam Assembly that meets one a year. The FUnding resources come from the EU, the Flemish Community, and Membership Fees and are in total €160.000 a year. The main actions/programmes of the organisation are: Music Monitor Project (Research Project) Office Exchange Programme ISCM/IAMIC Composers Award Annual Conference and Meeting The main partners of IAMIC are EMC, IMC, ISCM.

Mission and Objectives

The International Association of Music Information Centres aims at becoming the foremost global network that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of music documentation, promotion and information, leading to an increased international cooperation, performance and use of repertoire of music of all genres. Its objectives are to encourage and enhance access to information, materials, and products provided by its members, and to encourage the performance, broadcast, and dissemination of music from members; to encourage exchanges, collaborations, and the exchange of ideas, experiences and skills amongst its members, and to provide a range of relevant services to its members; to play an active role in the broader international music environment, and raise the profile of IAMIC.

Main Projects / Activities

IAMIC focuses on three main projects: The Annual Conference and Meeting is every year organised in another member country and is the summum of exchange among members and key stakeholders of music life in the hosting country. It results in enhanced knowledge on accessibility of foreign artists in the organising country and gives more insight in salient issues in the music world.. The Office Exchange Programme is based on the principles of intercultural dialogue, cultural diplomacy and life-long learning. Participants get the opportunity to work in another Center and get in touch with the foreign music life and practices. It results in enhanced cooperation, expertise and sustainable projects. The Music Monitor aims at creating an instrument to standardise data gathering among Music Information Centers in a sustainable way, taking into account the differences between countries and provides annual statistics for use in research and planning by governmental authorities, cultural operators, and funding bodies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We realize that many organizations, member of the Foundation are based in Brussels, and more in particular international networks. That is why we believe that actively participating in the activities of the foundation does not mean passively joining them, but generating new ideas for future projects, taking initiatives in fields that are important for the Network in Belgium and involving as much as possible national organisations. Indeed, IAMIC is active in the international network world, but besides that it closely follows the happenings in the Belgian cultural world, both on the Francophone and Flemish side. It is indeed an advantage to have a Belgian Executive Manager who understands both the international challenges as well as the potential and possibilities of the complex cultural world in Belgium. We believe that this is indeed an added value and will contribute to a rich cooperation with the Network in Belgium and will facilitate the flow of ideas, know how and initiatives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IAMIC beliefs that with the expertise, know how and knowledge of its network, it can contribute to further enhance the understanding of music documentation and information in Mediterranean countries. Its programmes encourage the exchange between Mediterranean and other countries and among Mediterranean countries themselves. IAMIC believes that this results in mutual empowerment and cooperation and possibly could lead to new projects. Through the encounter with other organizations dealing with music in Mediterranean countries and beyond, IAMIC hopes to get in touch with different types of organizations dealing with Music in the Mediterranean. It beliefs that through these encounters, IAMIC can set up new partnerships and projects contributing to cultural diplomacy and intercultural dialogue while mutually enhancing each others capacities and scope.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Marsh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diana Marsh

International Conference on Victims and Transitional Justice


From 13-15 March, Justice Visions is organizing an international conference in collaboration with UGent on the theme: Victims and Transitional Justice: Participation, Mobilisation, Resistance. The program includes conferences, panel discussions and roundtables led by experts from various international higher education and research institutions and will discuss themes like politics of victimhood, grassroots activism, postcolonial violence and womens right and sexual violence focusing on various geographical regions.

All activities will take place in the beautiful historical Sint-Pieters Abbey in Ghent but there will also be an online program available.

Registration for both is possible until the 5th of March. Most cultural activities are free of charge but for the full day access to the catering and conferences, there will be a charge of 60 euros per day. Online attendance is free.

The full program and details for registration are available on justicevisions.org

International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International

National Network

Rue Joseph II 120
1000 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+32 470 31 24 56
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

IFM-SEI is an umbrella movement for educational youth organisations world-wide. We have 60 member organisations and a secretariat of three staff members and one volunteer. Our budget is approximately 300,000 Euros coming from membership fees and grants from the European Commission and the Council of Europe. IFM-SEI runs seminars, camps, training courses and educational projects with children and young people all over the world. Key projects in 2010 include the global 'peers without frontiers: Youth for the MDGs' project and the 'Train for Change' international youth festival bringing together 1000 young people. Our main partners are our member organisations as well as members of the European Youth Forum.

Mission and Objectives

The International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International is an international educational movement working to empower children and young people and fight for their rights. We are an umbrella movement for children and youth-led organisations all over the world, educating on the basis of our values of equality, democracy, peace, co-operation and friendship. Through our member organisations and the activities of our international, we aim to ensure children and young people are well informed about their rights and are empowered to ensure they are respected. To reach this goal, we organise a variety of activities including seminars and training courses, international camps, conferences and campaigns.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars, camps, training courses, educational projects. We have put into place a long-term strategy focusing on inclusion of disadvantaged young people in our activities and decision-making processes. The strategy, 'All Together', provides the space to share and train local group leaders and support them in reaching out more effectively. We also focus on peace and sustainable development education in our middle east youth for peace project and our climate change work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marifé Gomez
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Delphine Konda

International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR)

National Network

Blvd. Bischoffsheim 11, 8th Floor

+32 475 39 2121
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) is a non-profit organisation established under Belgian laws. It is managed by a director in charge of day-to-day management, whose work is overseen by the board of directors currently composed of three members. A general meeting of all effective members is held annually in June to approve the accounts and budget (and appoint new directors). IPHR is a young organisation (it was established in the spring of 2008), but has developed at a steady pace ever since. Its budget of just over 17,000 Euro in 2008 has nearly doubled every year since. The main sources of funding are grants (from the EU, private foundations, etc.) and consultancy fees. IPHR works together with human rights groups from different countries on fundraising, project development and implementation, monitoring, research, publication and advocacy. It offers consultation services and carries out joint projects with partner organisations. Some of IPHR's current partners include: the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, the Norway Helsinki Committee, Bridging the Gulf Foundation, etc.
Mission and Objectives

IPHR is committed to promoting human rights worldwide. It acts to empower local civil society groups working on behalf of human rights in different countries and assists them in making their concerns heard at the international level. In cooperation with other human rights NGOs, IPHR also acts to advance the rights of vulnerable communities, who are subject to discrimination and abuse in different parts of the world, through monitoring, reporting, awareness-raising, capacity-building and national and international advocacy.

Main Projects / Activities

IPHR is currently a partner in a Central Asia human rights project financed by the EU (which includes development of publications, advocacy, etc.). It is also busy organising an advocacy event in Brussels later this spring for a delegation of human rights defenders from the Gulf region. There are a number of other projects in the pipeline, including one proposal for a project in the Occupied Territories. In addition to these activities, IPHR regularly acts as a consultant on various human rights related issues for a number of NGOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Brigitte Dufour
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Brigitte Dufour
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Marie-Helene Cote

International week on sustainability is looking for speakers.


HOGENT is organizing its second edition of the International week. Between 20 and 22 of March 2024 they will organize sessions to focus on the expertise of HOGENT and various international partners, both from education and research practice. They are still looking for experts to give 45 min. sessions in English in one of the following fields: sustainability policy, climate energy and mobility, inclusion, sustainable use of materials and biodiversity.

You can contact HOGENT International Office before the 24th of November by sending a mail to internationalweek@hogent.be. More info soon on www.hogent.be

International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation

National Network

61, chaussée de la Hulpe
B - 1180 Bruxelles

B - 1180 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
structure: Assemblée Générale, Conseil d'Administration et comité exécutif - Président Enrique Barón Crespo - la IYMF coordonne un réseau de 11 associations nationales développant le programme MUS-E (intégration des enfants de toutes cultures par la pratique des arts à l'école). ressources annuelles de 400.000 euros (70% commission européenne - 30% fonds privés). modalité d'action: programme MUS-E s'appuyant sur un réseau, recherches-actions s'appuyant sur des groupes d'artistes-ambassadeurs de diverses cultures, séminaires et résidences artistiques internationales, concerts multiculturels et publications. Partenaires: commission européenne, entreprises privées et opérateurs culturels dans différents pays.
Mission and Objectives

La tâche que la Fondation Internationale Yehudi Menuhin poursuit est de rappeler aux institutions politiques, culturelles et éducatives la place centrale de l’art et de la créativité dans tout processus de développement personnel et sociétal. Puisant ses sources dans l’oeuvre humaniste de Yehudi Menuhin, elle initie des projets artistiques qui donnent une voix aux cultures présentes en Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

• art à l’école: le programme MUS-E® introduit les arts à l’école primaire afin de développer la créativité des enfants, de libérer leur potentiel créateur et de prévenir ainsi la violence et le racisme en encourageant l’harmonie et l’esthétique dès le plus jeune âge.
• art et dialogue Interculturel: l’Assemblée des Cultures de l’Europe (ACE) donne une voix aux groupes culturels non représentés en créant une plate-forme à travers laquelle ces groupes puissent s’exprimer au niveau européen. • arts en scène: les concerts thématiques multiculturels unissent les voix de plusieurs cultures à travers la musique, le chant ou la danse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianne Poncelet
Head of the organisation
Marianne Poncelet - secrétaire générale
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Charhon

IRADA asbl

National Network

45 Avenue Waxweiler
1070 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

IRADA est une jeune association issue de la Révolution Tunisienne créée par huit jeunes Tunisiennes et Tunisiens en Belgique et ne disposant pas encore de subventions.

Mission and Objectives

L’association IRADA a pour but : la réflexion, l’organisation, la gestion et la promotion de toute forme culturelle, sociale ou économique, capable de créer un échange réel et profond entre la Belgique, l’Europe et la Tunisie, dans une perspective de dialogue inter-culturel et de citoyenneté active et autour des principes démocratiques et de la dignité humaine.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet de centre culturel tunisien mettant en valeur les principes de démocratie, du respect de la dignité humaine et la créativité. Ce projet a pour but de favoriser le rapprochement entre la communauté tunisienne en Europe et les Européens, au coeur d'un espace de citoyenneté active, d’échange et de dialogue entre les Tunisiens et d'autres cultures présentes à Bruxelles ou ailleurs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Madame Sonia Mnasri
Head of the organisation
Madame Sonia Mnasri
Contact (2) Full Name
Monsieur Karim Najar
Is governing migration an utopia

Is governing migration an utopia?

Climate change-related displacements are on the rise since a few years and the 2020 pandemic also brought up extra challenges in restricting travel, both internally and internationally. This article wants to examine the role of the State in human migration...

Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO)

National Network

70 Rue Coudenberg
5th Floor
B-1000, Brussels


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The organization is AISBL incorporated in Belgium with an International Scientific Council of up to 20 members (now 18 members that constitutue the Govenrrning Body, an Executive Committee of 9, 2 Co-Directors - one Israeli and one Palestinian). Budgetary resources are between EUR 400,000 and 600,000 per year. Sources of funding include governments, foundations, and individuals. Modalities of action include concrete projects, seminars and conferences, research grants, development of science education materials, production and maintenance of websites, initiation of consortiums and research projects with partners in Europe, Israel, and Palestine. Main partners are Palestinian universities, primarily Al-Quds University, as well as all seven Israeli research universities.
Mission and Objectives

Foster joint Israeli-Palestinian research, high level training of scientists, scientific conferences, and science education.

Main Projects / Activities

Research in nanotechnology, leukemia, irrigation with treated waste water, and history of water; development of science education with materials produced by French, Palestinians, and Israelis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dan Bitan
Head of the organisation
Torsten N. Wiesel, Chairperson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine 1981
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassan Dweik