
Foyer, Regional Integration Centre Brussels

National Network

Rue des Ateliers 25
1080 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration (RICFB) works in the framework of the decree of April 28, 1998 concerning the minorities'Flemish policy. The RICFB's recognition is based on the 14/07/98 resolution of the Flemish government concerning the centers and services to the policy of the Flemish minorities also to their subsidiary. The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration coordinates the policy of the minorities in the Brussels capital region according to the decree , and this in the collaboration with the "Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie (VGC)". An agreement was concluded in this aim between the college of the VGC and the RICFB.
Mission and Objectives

The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration seeks to build a "together living" where the diversity positively exists and where the ethnocultural minorities fully participate in the social life.

Main Projects / Activities

The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration divised the objectives of the decree in 4 axes of work which are translated as specific policies .
It's about :
. The support of the diversity in the living together while working with social cohesion.
. to support and widen the action of the local structures in place , that consists to work in partnership with the authorities and the local instances on the implementation an the improvement of conditions allowing the full participation of the minorities in the insertion in the frame of the society .
. To promote the participation in the development , enhancing the actions of the associations which works with the ethnocultural minorities .

Contact (1) Full Name
Loredana Marchi
Head of the organisation
Johan Leman

Frauenliga VoG

National Network

Neustraße 59b
4700 Eupen

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Frauenliga is a public non-profit organization. The government of East Belgium subsidizes our projects and events. The size of the budget depends on the project or event, as we have to apply for a subsidy for each activity separately. We accept small donations from our members that consist of 30€ a year per person. Currently our team consists of six employees and about ten volunteers. The volunteer numbers may vary depending on the project(s) we are working on. We organize feminist-themed campaigns, events, courses and offer help and meeting points for families and women. We have two ongoing campaigns: a campaign against gender-based violence and Equal Porn campaign. The second campaign focuses on sexual orientation, education and destigmatization of sexual preferences. We cooperate with our local government, NGO's and NPO's such as Spectrum Vog, Miteinanderteilen, Landfrauenverband, Patchwork, Viertelhaus Cardijn, Info Integration and many more.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to strengthen women’s rights through educational work by and with women. We support women in their development towards a self-determined life and financial independence. For that, we rely on the strengths and opportunities that every woman has within her. The legal situation is very clear: Equal opportunities between women and men are mandatory. But women are still disadvantaged in real life. That is why we need feminism, a movement for the social, political and economic equality of women. Feminism questions the existing roles and reveals sexism in the media, everyday life and at work. As a literal “women’s league”, Frauenliga is part of this movement. We help shape our environment and get involved – towards an equal, solidary and just society. We put great value to the methods we work with: the educational feminist approach helps us to demand and implement changes concerning gender roles, empowerment strengthens autonomy and self-determination, the “aide mutuelle” method initiates empowering group processes and outreach educational work provides simple access to our offers. In this way, everyone can benefit, and we can make a difference together.

Main Projects / Activities

As mentioned above, we have two ongoing campaigns: a campaign against gender-based violence and Equal Porn campaign. The second campaign focuses on sexual orientation, education and destigmatization of sexual preferences. Two times a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we offer help with schoolwork to primary school students and offer childcare services. We have multiple groups for women. During group gatherings we offer various workshops, information exchange, excursions and other leisure activities free of charge. Our courses consist of musical education for children and parents (choir practice and piano), language courses (Arab for children and German for beginners), wellness during menstruation cycle, massage for babies and many more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to offer our expertise and experience to the ALF Network. We are open for new cooperations and challenges. Please do not hesitate to contact us about your projects and ideas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an Erasmus+ accredited institution we are very enthousiastic in buidling connections across the borders and exchange experiences with other organizations. Campaigning for equal rights, diversity and inclusiveness is our main goal and we would be delighted to collaborate with organizations that share our ideals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anastasiya Ilnytska
Job Title
Secretary / Social Media Manager
Head of the organisation
Anne-Marie Braun
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanan El Khouri
Job Title (2)



"How can just, trans-local networks be cultivated sustainably in an era of hypernationalist rhetoric and urgent energy transition? And in terms of a just energy transition, how could the increasing dependence on digital infrastructure for promoting artists and exhibiting art align with the sector's significant carbon footprint? How does increasing online circulation of art and the globalisation of culture impact precarious cultural producers and marginalised sites of artistic production? These questions, along with the answers received from the survey will become the building blocks for “Gathering spells”.

“Gathering spells” is the title of the second online educational program that will be built based on the survey completed by two hundred cultural and contemporary arts organisations, developed in collaboration with sociologist Bernardo Armanni. The survey departs from the multifaceted difficulties and responsibilities cultural organisations face across Europe and the transMediterranean today. "Gathering spells" is building a participatory educational platform for fifty cultural agents who wish to contribute to local socio-ecological transformation and trans-local solidarity through their organisations.

Cultural operators, art workers, institutional and independent professionals who are interested in, or with experience in the programs’ themes are encouraged to apply.


For more information:


Global Network of Change (GN4C)

National Network

Molenmeers 46
8000 Brugge

+32 4 85 54 01 24
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of the organization: President, Board of Advisors, Board of Directors, Executive Committee. Amount of employees: 4 Budgetary resources available in a year: € 80,000 - €120,000 Sources of funding: crowdfunding, private funding, foundations Modalities of action: dialogue projects, workshops, webinars, summer academies, debriefings Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: The Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation

Mission and Objectives

Vision   GN4C strives for peace through empowerment of human beings and their social cohesion in conflict-­‐riddled regions.   Mission   Through the organization of inclusive dialogues, GN4C creates the space and time for genuine people-­to­‐people communication and cooperation. Through the organization of capacity­‐building workshops and conflict transformation trainings, GN4C provides insight, expertise and resources to local peace-­builders and other conflict related actors according to locally determined needs and priorities. Through the support of educational and research activities, GN4C ensures a neutral flow of information contributing to the plurality of perspectives on the conflict. Through networking, partnering up with and supporting other organizations and associations, GN4C maximizes the synergetic potential among organizations that share a like-­minded vision. Through the participation in and promotion of public discussions, GN4C works towards contributing to progressive and socially constructive policy change that alleviates the debilitating effects on civil societies immersed in conflict. By engaging in these activities in an inclusive, conflict­‐sensitive, locally-­led, peaceful and respectful way, GN4C answers to local demands expressed by anyone in a conflict or post‐conflict zone who may also be member of any kind of organization, government, institution or company.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently, GN4C is working to realize three projects:   Supporting Civic Dialogue in Syria: the aim of the project is to develop a sustainable network of activists across Syria with a shared vision and action plan for initiating the transformation of the conflict in Syria. The specific objectives of the proposed project include:   • to develop an inclusive network of peace activists across Syria;   • to equip the network members with mutual trust, good working relations and conflict resolution skills;   • to create space for sustainable cross-region and cross-sectarian collaboration focused on civic dialogue and conflict transformation. Winter Academy in Armenia: Conscious Conflict Transformation: this project aims to set up a one-week program for peace builders, educators, conflict resolution professionals, students and other people interested in conscious conflict transformation. The winter academy aspires to study and practice concepts, such as awareness, energy fields, transformative mediation, yoga practices, mindfulness, nonverbal communication, etc to constructively transform conflicts. Communication for Stabilization (CoS): This project undertakes public diplomacy as a tool for conflict prevention, reconciliation and peace-building. Objective of CoS will be to develop and implement communication for stabilization in conflicted regions. Understanding the importance of strategic communications & public diplomacy in conflicted and post-conflict regions to prevent violence and help reconciliation, the project will focus on various approaches to strategically use communications tools for stabilization in the conflicted societies.   A potential peace educational project is in the pipeline in the region of Israel-Palestine but is not yet confirmed. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GN4C aims to empower local actors in conflict regions and support community building and for the moment we are active in Syria, and, potentially, Israel-Palestine. By sharing our work in these regions with the ALF Network, GN4C can contribute to the work of the Network of promoting, restoring and building of intercultural dialogue in these regions. Further, being established in Belgium, GN4C can contribute to the Belgian Network to provide an informative and educational platform to whomever is interested in the recent developments in the field of conflict resolution and transformation. In addition, as GN4C works closely with people from the field, it can bring the expertise of the field closer to analysts and decision-makers who are mainly working in Brussels through webinars, workshops, debriefings, trainings and debates. The GN4C employees furthermore often travel to conflict zones and keep in touch with the reality on the ground and, thus, ensuring the credibility of its work. GN4C believes that by adopting such close-to-the-ground approach and by sharing its expertise and experience with the other members of the Network, the Network can directly benefit from the work of GN4C.    

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

First, GN4C believes in the strengths of intercultural networks and cross-border relationship-building in order to achieve its objectives, i.e. rebuild the trust among actors in conflict zones and re-humanize conflicts to ultimately constructively transform local communities, and also in education, culture and media as important nonviolent tools to reach these goals. GN4C sees that these elements are equally valued by the ALF Network and, to that extent, GN4C is convinced that joining the ALF Network is a perfect way to put these ideas and resources together to strengthen and support its activities and those of the other members of the Network. Further, GN4C sees ALF Network as a supportive voice, tool and platform to promote and restore intercultural dialogue, whereby perceptions are shared, awareness is raised about stereotypes and misunderstanding are clarified. As these objectives are also pursued by the ALF Network, GN4C sees great value in joining ALF Network for mutual support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sudhanshu Verma
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sudhanshu Verma
Contact (2) Full Name
Sudhanshu Verma
Job Title (2)

Gratuité des musées en Belgique , Arts et Publics fête son dixième anniversaire!


L'année 2022 était une année d'anniversaire pour le membre du réseau belge: Arts et Publics.

Nous aimerions fêter le dixième anniversaire de ce membre et le mettre en valeur, car c'est Arts & Publics qui était à la base de la gratuité des musées en Belgique.

Dix ans d'Art et Publics c'est aussi dix ans de gratuité dans les musées belges. 

C'est suite à un décret, que l'on a instauré les "premiers dimanches du mois" à partir du 1ier janvier 2013 : Des dimanches durant lesquelles l'entrée de plus de 100 musées est gratuite pour favoriser la fréquentation de ces institutions.

Arts & Publics continue depuis son travail de médiation culturelle, et s'est approfondie également dans la médiation culturelle numérique.

Ils utilisent le jeu vidéo comme outil d’éducation et d’éveil à la citoyenneté des jeunes générations.

Pour plus d’informations sur ce membre: https://artsetpublics.be/


Halaqat: Lessons for the future

Mobilité, financement, état de crise permanent, relations culturelles équitables, partage d'expertise. Ces cinq sujets ont été le point final des Lessons for the Future que les experts de Halaqat ont rédigées ensemble à Bruxelles en mai 2022. Ces leçons pour...

Halaqat: un pont entre le monde arabe et l’Europe à travers l’art, Bruxelles

Affiche de l’évènement

L'Europe et le monde arabe sont deux régions en pleine mutation. Chacune avec des réalités sociales, économiques et politiques locales spécifiques et variées, mais surtout avec de nombreux liens, historiques et actuels. En s'appuyant sur ces liens, le Goethe-Institut et Bozar lancent le projet Halaqat. Halaqat - qui signifie en arabe "liens et cercles multiples" - vise à renforcer ces liens et à jeter des ponts entre les deux régions.
Des voix diverses d'artistes émergents et renommés, d'acteurs culturels et d'experts sont réunies pour aborder un certain nombre de thèmes selon leur propre perspective. Allant au-delà de l'idée d'une simple invitation, Halaqat vise à stimuler les artistes des deux régions à créer de l'art ensemble.
Débats, projections de films, installations, performances, concerts, open jams ...
13 événements artistiques auront lieu en novembre, décembre et janvier à Bozar à Bruxelles en Belgique.


Pour plus d’informations suivez le lien ci-dessous :



Haute Ecole Galilée – IHECS (Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales

National Network

Rue de l’Etuve, 560; B-1000 Bruxelles
B-1000 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Higher educational Establishment asbl. Staff: about 1.300 students in initial formation, about 120 employees (staff and teachers) Fields: communication applied, journalistics, public relations, publicity, sociocultural animation & further education, medias, (radio, TV, photography, infography, multimedia) Grades: Bachelor, Master, DESS, Continuous training Sources of funding: public financing + registration fees Modalities of action: teaching with professional and practical vocation; formation combining general courses, practises in media, professional courses and foreign languages. Mobility in studying and teaching. Main partners: Arhus, Jyväskylä, Dortmund, Dublin, Utrecht, Zwolle, Lisbonne, Bucarest, Madrid, Göteborg, Paris. In Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculté universitaires St-Louis à Bruxelles. Co-founding member of EJTA Member of Théophraste Network
Mission and Objectives

Higher education of long type and university level, subsidized and recognized by the French Community of Belgium.
3 missions:
- formation initial (bachelor, master, 3rd cycle and continuous training
- research on communications and journalism
- service in the community
Also in the meaning of a department of continuous training.

Main Projects / Activities

- Implementation of the structure Bologna 3+5 in progress since 2004
- Installation of collaborations and partnership with institutes and universities in Belgium or abroad in the field of media-communication and journalism
- Development of formation-modules continuing in Brussels on European questions (partnership with european institutes in Brussels).

Contact (1) Full Name
John VAN TIGGELEN, Recteur
Head of the organisation
John VAN TIGGELEN, Recteur
Contact (2) Full Name
Jean-François RASKIN, Administrateur général; Pierre de VILLERS, Directeur du département IHECS-Formation

Hummingbird project of Leuven University

hummingbird project by the university of leuven

On 27-28 May, the KU Leuven (Catholique University of Leuven) organised the final conference of its Hummingbird project.

This event entitled ‘Shaping the future: Unveiling migration trends for informed decision making’ marked the conclusion of an extensive transnational and transdisciplinary research project aimed at understanding migration patterns and dynamics in order to make informed policy recommendations. The research showcases the use of big data to forecast/nowcast emerging migration flows, and collected narratives of the migrants themselves, during their journeys and several years after settlement in the EU.

Set against the backdrop of the upcoming European elections in June, the final conference stood as a platform for disseminating the project's findings and engaging in profound discussions with experts, scholars and stakeholders. Researchers, policymakers, civil society organisations, and all those passionate about understanding and shaping migration dynamics were invited to join in Leuven for an enriching and collaborative event.

IETM (international network for contemporary performing arts)

National Network

19, Square Sainctelette

+32 4 95230660
Telephone (other)
+32 2 201 0915
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1. a.i.s.b.l. under Belgian law. 4 full time staff + normally 2 – 3 trainees. Constantly works with partner organisations, estimated 60 people /year to create projects 2. +/- 450.000 through our own accountancy + 450.000 through partner organisations 3. Own income from memberships. EU (DGEAC), EU (MED or other programs: Employ Social etc). Dutch cultural ministry and ‘funds’. Flemish cultural ministry. European Cultural Foundation, HIVOS, Prins Claus, Soros, various foundations and other national and local public sources as per project. 4. Large and smaller conferences, person-exchanges, travel grants, publications (digital and print), training, lectures, assistance to newly forming partnerships and networks. 5. cultural associations, organizations and institutions dealing with contemporary performing arts, arts management, public funding for the arts, arts training. Networks. Local, national, regional, European, international. 6. See annual report 2005 and activity plan 2006 attached.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is:
To stimulate the quality, development and contexts of contemporary performing arts in a global environment by initiating and facilitating:
▪ Professional networking and communication
▪ The dynamic exchange of information
▪ Know-how transfer and presentations of examples of good practice
Our ambitions are:
To be visionary: to anticipate change affecting our sector, and be an actor in that change
To act politically: improve the conditions in which contemporary performing arts are made, diffused and appreciated
To work in solidarity: to be an agent for mobilising members to mutually strengthen one another through sharing and networking
To anticipate artistic tendencies and evolutions in contemporary performing arts.
To promote professionalism and excellence in contemporary performing arts
To support the dynamism of performing arts by catalysing international partnerships, exchanges, collaborations and knowledge transfer.

Main Projects / Activities

art forms): contemporary theatre, dance, music-theatre, interdisciplinary and multi-media performance and installation, innovative practices, workshops, residencies, co-productions tours. (our members) : Festivals, theatres, arts centers, production houses, service organizations, programmers, producers, documentation centers, public authorities on local, regional and national levels, other networks

Contact (1) Full Name
(Ms) Nan van Houte, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
(Ms) Nan van Houte, Secretary General
Contact (2) Full Name
(Ms) Milica Ilic, Administrator