
Burgårdens Gymnasium

National Network

Skånegatan 20
412 51 Göteborg

0046 31 35 00 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

General public upper secondary school funded by the community.

Number of students: 1000 employees: 100

Involved in a European project about culture and minorities

Budgetary resources: 30 million SEK

Mission and Objectives

Burgårdens gymnasium is situated in the city centre of Göteborg. It is an upper secondary school with mainly vocational training for young people between the age of 16-19. The school has around 1000 students and 100 employees. The students can choose between for instance programs that educate nursery attendants, security officers, fashion design workers, hairdressers, make-up artists or animal keepers.  There is also a large introduction program for young immigrants in Sweden where they can work with the aim of entering a vocational training program within two years´ time.

There is also the option of combining theoretical studies with internship two days every week as an apprentice. About 60 percent of the students have an immigrant background. Some have arrived in Sweden with their parents as refugees, others were born in Sweden. Many students have special difficulties in learning, for example anxiety disorder, attention deficit, autism, dyslexia or dyscalculia. The teachers therefore work in teams where they develop new training methods that better fit this group of students than traditional education.

All students are offered a personal laptop for free at the beginning of the school year and the level of digitalisation is high among the students as well as among the staff.

Main Projects / Activities

The school is situated in the very centre of Göteborg and our students come from all districts of Göteborg. The average student´s socio-economical background is middle class, lower middle class or lower class. The average student also has a relatively low overall final grade from grammar school. Some of the students have special difficulties in learning, for instance dyslexia and dyscalculia. The school therefore has two special teachers dedicated to meet those students´ needs and make them reach course-related goals. In the first year students sometimes have to attend extracurricular lessons three times a week to catch up or improve their skills in different subjects. Our school also has a health care team of our own, including a nurse and a welfare officer and the main object of the school is to make as many students as possible pass their A-levels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have great resources when it comes to music and media presentations, photography and film editing which we think may be useful to the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in bringing Europe and other parts of the world mor together so that we can have a feeling of belonging instead of separation. This network seems to fulfil this need and open doors to collaboration with other organisations with the same goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Kallanvaara
Job Title
Primus Magister
Head of the organisation
Jenny Larsson

Call for participants: Deconstructing the Gender Power Order

PeaceWorks training

Call for participants: Deconstructing the Gender Power Order - an interactive workshop

February 29th and March 1

Are you interested in learning more about destructive masculinity norms from an intersectional perspective? Do you want to enhance your understanding of gendered societal structures and means to counter their harmful aspects? Through a mix of theory and interactive exercises, this online workshop aims to dissect the gender power order, how it is being expressed and how it is being upheld.

The workshop will provide participants with:

  • An introduction and opportunity to discuss topics such as: power, norms, gender and intersectionality. 
  • A clarification of relevant terminology
  • A space for peer-learning
  • Analytical tools and models which can be used to map, challenge and transform gender power dynamics, such as: anti-oppressive theory and the violence iceberg. 

The workshop includes two modules. Through a mix of theory and interactive exercises, the main goal is to enable participants to increase their abilities to question, reflect on and critically examine matters of gender related power structures.

Day 1
The first session will provide participants with an introduction to concepts and terminology relating to the construction of gender and the gender power order. Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss and critically reflect on their own experiences with and knowledge of these concepts. Furthermore, participants will also be invited to reflect on the workings of power as well as its connection to masculinity.

Day 2

The second session will focus on power and norms with specific emphasis on how these relate to the gender power order. During this session, participants will be introduced to a framework of working critically against destructive gender norms. Furthermore, we will use “the violence iceberg” in order to examine and categorize the many ways in which gender based violence is exercised. Similarly to day 1, participants will through practical exercises be able to jointly discuss and consider how the gender power order is (re)produced and expressed.

Who can participate?
This is a seminar for persons who want to develop their knowledge of gendered societal structures and capacity to counter harmful aspects relating to these structures. The requirements for participation are as follows: 
● you should want to increase your knowledge about and understanding of the gender power order
● you should be willing to reflect on your own position, different power dynamics, norms and stereotypes as well as your own role in reproducing these

When: Thursday February 29th - Friday March 1 2024 at 10.00 - 12.30 CET

Language: English

You can apply until Thursday 22nd of February through this application form.


Organised by: the ALF Swedish network member PeaceWorks Sweden in the framework of Actions for Diversity initiative.

PeaceWorks Sweden is a non-profit peace organisation by and for young people. PeaceWorks is a norm critical platform that serves for a just, equal and sustainable world where youth are active social actors.


Call for participants: Intersectional Project Management and Networks

English Call for Participation - Second Cycle

The Swedish network member, PeaceWorks Sweden will host the online workshop "Intersectional Project Management and Networks" in the framework of the ALF Hands-On programme. 


  • Develop vision, goals, and objectives for projects/organizations, utilizing ideas from intersectional peacebuilding concepts
  • Create strategies and tools to identify suitable methods and activities for projects/organisations
  • Learn how to assess risks based on ideas, develop a timeline, and allocate responsibilities through using inclusive dynamic methods
  • Explore different approaches to dynamize budgeting and evaluation

Main take-aways: 

Session 1: Understanding power i CSO's in order to sharpen the vision and focus of the work. Content development in terms of engaging crowds in social issues. Peacebuilding and intersectionality.

Session 2: Tools and methods used to solve conflicts in organisations, between teams etc. Focusing on increasing collaboration skills in a non-hierarchical manner.

Session 3: How to organise a project, sharpen your organization and/or develop an association based on and through the training.

Session 4: Content creation and concrete actions within CSO's sector.

Session 5: Counteracting fake news and disinformation in the organisation and/or on a personal level. Critical thinking and resistance.

Session 6: Practical aspects of project management and strategy development.

Session 7: non-profit budget planning, social issues and non-theoretical evaluations.

Session 8: Getting tools and program advice on how to optimise your external communication.


  • June 4th, 7th: 10:30 to 12:30 CET,
  • June 11th ,13th: 10:30 to 13:30 CET,
  • June 18th, 19th, 25th, 27th 10:30 to 12:30 CET

Apply here! You may choose up to two trainings from the ALF Hands-On call


Application deadline: 25 April 2024 (23:59 Central European Time)


Call for Participants: Intersectional Solidarity Network training course

PeaceWorks training

Intersectional Solidarity Network Training Course

20-29 March 2024 | Österfärnebo, Sweden

Bringing international solidarity and intersectionality to practice: experience-based learning and creative methods. This project invites participants to physically join the stage, broadening their role from spectators to spect-actors.

Are you a youth worker who’s passionate about global justice and international solidarity? Do you want to develop your capacities in working towards social change in your daily work? Intersectional Solidarity Network brings solidarity, social justice and intersectional perspectives to practise through creative methods.

PeaceWorks, together with our partner organisations, are offering two training courses on Intersectional Solidarity for youth workers. We often meet people in the youth sector who express concerns about the way in which global power structures are reproduced in local settings - as well as in their daily work with young persons.

This training course addresses these issues through a systemic approach where international solidarity and intersectionality are brought to practise, through experience-based learning and creative methods. A particular focus is given to Theatre of the Oppressed which invites participants to join the stage, broadening their role from spectators to spect-actors. 

When and where?

The course consists of two course weeks, we are now recruiting for the second course week: 

  • TC2: 20th to the 29th of March 2024 (including two days for travelling).
  • Location: Österfärnebo, Sweden.  

Who can participate?

This is a project for youth workers who want to develop their capacities in working with social change through a systemic approach and creative methods. The requirements for participation are as follows:

  • You should be at least 18 years old
  • You should have been working with young persons for at least 6 months
  • Ideally, you should have experience with working with youth from different social backgrounds.

Moreover, it is important that participants are willing to reflect upon local and global power structures, as well as their own role in reproducing them.

Applications are welcome from youth workers in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Republic of North Macedonia, Spain and Sweden.

You are welcome to apply even if you have not participated in TC1!

How do I apply?

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the online application form. We treat all the information you provide with confidentiality. If you have any questions or concerns you are welcome to contact our Project Coordinator Lisa at lisa.borjel@peaceworks.se.

Deadline: 18 February 2024. 


Call for Trainers on Intersectional Solidarity by PeaceWorks Sweden

PeaceWorks training

Intersectional Solidarity Network TC2: Call for trainers

Are you a trainer who is committed to promoting global justice and international solidarity? Do you want to facilitate the creation of a solidarity network among youth workers? PeaceWorks is looking for 1 experienced trainer to plan and implement a training course in Sweden. This activity is the second part of an Erasmus+ Mobility of Youth Workers involving 8 countries.

Dates: Arrival day Wednesday the 20th of March 2024, full day Thursday, departure day Friday 29th of March 2024.

Trainers and coordinator will arrive on site the 18th of March to finalise the programme.

Location: Färnebo Folkhögskola. Österfärnebo, Sweden.

The three main objectives of the project are to:
● Increase knowledge about international solidarity and intersectionality
● Generate a creative tool box for working with social change through informal learning methods
● Create an international solidarity network of youth workers without borders

Group size: 35 participants including trainers and coordinator.
Number of trainers: 3 (1 will be recruited to this call).

Profile of trainers/facilitators:
● Experience in planning, implementing and facilitating activities using non-formal methodologies.
● Fluent in both spoken and written English.
● Expertise in, or knowledge of, core topics of the project such as: intersectionality, global (in)justice, social movements and international solidarity.

● Participate in planning sessions before the training course; the training course has a set framework but may need to be expanded upon and/or altered.
● Facilitate the sessions during the training, this may include; leading sessions, moderating discussions, facilitating exercises.
● Participate in follow-up meetings and evaluations after the training course.
● Participate in and contribute to the dissemination of the project results.

Selection process:
Interested trainers must submit their application by email to lisa.borjel@peaceworks.se before 18th of January.

The application should contain the following:
● A short presentation of your knowledge and previous experiences with the Erasmus+ Youth programme
● A brief overview over your strengths when working as a trainer/facilitator in non-formal education settings
● A summary of your experience as a trainer/facilitator on topics related to global justice and solidarity
● An answer to why you are applying to be a trainer/facilitator for this activity

Recruitment is conducted on a rolling basis after the application deadline.

Trainer’s fee: €1650, gross sum. The fee includes taking part in the preparation meeting, preparing and implementing the activity and evaluation. Travel costs are reimbursed within the framework of Erasmus+ travel grants and based on distance of travel.

Accommodation and food is provided for the duration of the activity and during on-site preparations.

If you have any questions related to this call, please don’t hesitate to contact lisa.borjel@peaceworks.se. 

About the project
This project aims to empower and increase participants’ capacities to actively work with systemic approaches to social change. Through interactive exercises, creative and informal learning methods, the training courses will foster critical reflection about the ways in which global power structures are reproduced in local settings and in youth work. A particular focus is given to Theatre of the Oppressed, a method that helps bring to light systemic exploitation and oppression.

The second training course of the project will primarily focus on putting theoretical knowledge into practice by together developing frameworks for how to carry out work based on the methods, insights and approaches established in TC1.

Description of the organisation PeaceWorks Sweden
PeaceWorks Sweden is a non-profit organisation for youth and run by youth. It is a norm-critical platform with the vision of a just and sustainable world in peace, where young people are active actors in society - and where that society is characterised by peace, global justice and solidarity, transcending constructed, national, cultural, social and economic boundaries. PeaceWorks’ work is guided by our organisational themes of global justice, anti-racism and feminism and our activities are consistently grounded in youth activism and principles of non-violence. We actively work to realise our goal of being a platform for young people’s involvement in, and commitment to, peace and sustainable development.



National Network

Körsbärsvägen 9 nb
114 23 Stockholm

+ 46 8 545 200 55
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

CCAP is a non-profit organization for production and distribution of choreography under the leadership of Cristina Caprioli. Cristina Caprioli is a dancer and choreographer based in Stockholm. In the mid 1990s she founded the independent organisation ccap, wherein she produces performances, installations, films, objects, publications and other choreographies, and runs long-term interdisciplinary research projects. Caprioli’s choreography is characterized by precision, complexity and physical high-technology. All of her productions challenge the field’s normative formats and exchange economies.

CCAP works with transdisciplinary art projects and social activities through performances, installations, publications, workshops etc. Since 2010, ccap is based in the working space at Körsbärsvägen in Stockholm, and from March 2019 also at the Hall in Farsta.

CCAP is funded by Region Stockholm, Swedish Arts Council and The City of Stockholm Cultural Administration.

Mission and Objectives

CCAP's foremost objective is to manifets, promote, investigate and problematize choreography as a relevant practice of social belonging - across languages and geographical borders. Main focus is directed on excluded demographics specifically including disabled citizens. This is pursued by art productions produced and performed by extended collaborations. All work is targeting a specific issue pursued by research and long-term practice.

The aim is to achieve and sustain the kind of visibility, clarity, stringency, and accessability required for a dynamic of response. That includes media-specificity as well as trans-mediality - which, in turn, implicates a challenge to normative exchange formats and economies.

The objective is to facilitate expanded exchange and at the same time support specificity of expression. Moreover to problematize conventional perception of body, movement and language, finally to raise specific attention and engaged participation in the dwelling into alternative bodies, movements, and languages.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CCAP may contribute with its extensive experience in the practice and production of choreography in terms of alternative politics and social dynamics. In collaboration with near by and far apart partners.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Caprioli
Job Title
choreographer, artistic and executive director of CCAP
Head of the organisation
Cristina Caprioli
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Grip
Job Title (2)


Celebrating Our Diversity (1)


Are you an intercultural dialogue practitioner working on building inclusive, intercultural and sustainable cities? 

Are you seeking to expand your network and build new partnerships with other members of the Anna Lindh Foundation networks? 

Do you have an idea for a workshop that you would like to hold in the framework of our forum? 

Are you seeking to spread the word about a manual/toolkit your organisation developed recently? 

Do you want to promote your organisation and projects at our Practitioners Fair? 

The Anna Lindh Foundation networks in Sweden, Germany and Lebanon are coming together to organise Celebrating Our Diversity forum and festival in Beirut on 14-17 November 2023 (travel dates included). 

Applications are welcome until 15 September 2023 


- networking and creating new partnerships between members

- exchange of knowledge and expertise 

- sharing projects and initiatives by network members 

- presenting ALF programmes 2023 - 2024 

- showing solidarity and support to Lebanese civil society 

- celebrating the cultural diversity of the Euro-Med region 

Official language of the Forum is English. 



Tuesday 14 November

Travel + Arrival to Beirut

Wednesday 15 November

  • Networking 
  • Talk: Celebrating Diversity of Lebanon with Charles Al-Hayek  
  • Lunch 
  • Practitioners Lab 
  • Organisations Fair (open to the public) 
  • Dinner


Thursday 16 November 

  • Intercultural Morning Talks
  • Networking 
  • Lunch 
  • Practitioners Lab 
  • Organisations Fair (open to the public)
  • Dinner 
  • Celebrating Our Diversity Cultural Night


Friday 17 November

  • Free time in Beirut 
  • Departure 


Participation is open for Anna Lindh Foundation network members and stakeholders in Germany, Lebanon and Sweden. 

You can host your own workshop during the Practitioners Lab or you can present your organisation during the Practitioners Fair or you can contribute with your experience and knowledge to the debates or you can share your talent during the cultural night. 

One representative only from each organisation can apply to participate. 

The selection committee will take into consideration the thematic, geographical and gender balance in addition to the quality of the application. 


A return flight, accommodation and meals are covered by the organisers. 



Swenja Zaremba and Hoai Truong - ALF Coordinators in Germany 

Zeina El-Hage - ALF Coordinator in Lebanon

Rasha Shaaban - ALF Coordinator in Sweden



This Forum is organised by the National Museums of World Culture (Sweden), Goethe-Institut (Germany) and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (Lebanon) with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation, European Commission, Swedish Dialogue Institute and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Celebrating Our Diversity Festival

Celebrating Our Diversity Festival

Welcome to the fourth edition of Celebrating Our Diversity programme. We know that we are working in unusual times and challenges. This year, we want to support small-medium size civil society organisations and artists who have been affected the most by the global status quo. 

This year, our programme includes a capacity building training for civil society members, a regional forum with intercultural dialogue practitioners, and a rich cultural programme from the Euro-Med region. 

This edition is organised by the National Museums of World Culture (Sweden) in partnership with Centre for Cultural and General Studies Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Finnish Institute in the Middle East (Finland) and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (Lebanon).

For queries, please contact rasha.shaaban@varldskulturmuseerna.se

Find out more http://bit.do/fQUa2 


banner celebrating.png


In 1995, the Barcelona Process laid down the foundations for a regional collaboration in the Euro-Med region and the establishment of the Anna Lindh Foundation to promote intercultural dialogue between the nations of the North and South of the Mediterranean. The Barcelona Declaration set the framework for a new regional relationship, aiming at achieving peace, stability and growth in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. It covers political, economic and social cooperation and represents a turning point in Euro-Mediterranean collaboration.

Where do we stand now after nearly 25 years from the launch of the pillars of the Euro-Med partnership? In the North shore of the Mediterranean, we are facing urgent challenges such as the rise of right populist movements, racism and hate speech. In the South shore, the setback of the "Arab Spring" and democratic movements have challenged an entire generation of youth and women rights advocates. In fact, both shores are facing common challenges such as climate change, violent extremism, democratic governance and economic (de)growth.

For the third year, the Swedish network is inviting members and alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the 42 Euro-Med countries to participate in an online forum of solidarity and sharing of good practices on how to build inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities especially in post pandemic societies. 

The forum is a networking and learning platform for ALF network members from the Euro-Med region. We want to support civil society activists to connect and build partnerships with their peers, exchange stories, learn from each other and dream together about the future of the Euro-Mediterranean region.


The virtual forum will be participative and interactive, allowing participants to introduce themselves, share their contexts and initiatives, and have a collective conversation on their dream for the future of the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Throughout the sessions, participants will work in a participatory format. This will allow the different knowledge and perspectives of participants to blend, resulting to new collective intelligence.


DAY 1 - Tuesday 24 November 09.30 - 12.00 (Stockholm time)

9:30 Welcome and introduction round 
10:15 Collective Intercultural Conversation - World Cafe 
11:30 Break
11:45 Sharing from break-out rooms in a plenary 
11:55 Check-out
12:00 Close

DAY 2 - Wednesday 25 November 09.30 - 12.00 (Stockholm time)

9:30 Welcome and reflection from the day before
9:55 Sharing Euro-Med Initiatives on building inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities 
11:00 Break
11:15 Barcelona Process +50 
11:50 Check-out 
12:00 Closing


Civil society members and alumni of ALF activities are welcome to apply here by 18 November. You need to register to get the Zoom link to the event. We will notify participants 20 November at the latest.   


Maria Scordialos 

Maria’s work focuses on creating participatory processes that invite people from all backgrounds to have conversations that matter. She designs gatherings, trainings, and longer-term initiatives that provide the opportunity for public engagement, organisational development, systemic change with longterm impact.

Dimitris Stratakos

Dimitris is a Participatory Process Facilitator, co-founding member of AoHAthina. Since 2015, he has been an active Art of participatory Leadership practitioner. 


An initiative of the National Museums of World Culture (Sweden) in partnership with Centre for Cultural nd General Studies Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Finnish Institute in the Middle East (Finland) and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO. With the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

For queries, please write to ALF Swedish coordinator rasha.shaaban@varldskulturmuseerna.se



Centre for Capacity Building and Empowerment

National Network

Nobelvägen 21
214 29 Malmo

+46 704 233 565
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 704 233 565
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Centre for Capacity Building & Empowerment is youth led civil society organisation, which connects active adventurous people together. The organisation mainly works with young people specially coming from marginalised background. It also work closely with youth workers, trainers, teachers and organisations active in non-formal education field and life-long learning.

Our staff and members have participated and organised different youth exchanges, workshops, seminars and mobility of youth workers, training courses concerning equality, media & journalism, innovation, fight against racism & xenophobia, human rights, mobility and migration & refugee issues, environment protection and other issues.

Our main sources of funding include MUCF, Erasmus+, NBV Studieförbundet, ABF Malmö etc.

Modialities of action includes Concrete projects, Seminars, Conferences, Exchanges, Study circles, intercultural gatherings & workshops etc.

We have partner NGOs all over Europe and extending ties with organizations outside of Europe also.


Our partners in Sweden

- Malmö Ideella Paraply organisationen: working together on making EuroDesk in Malmö

NBV Malmö: Supporting our study circles creating and funding

- Kompetence Centrum Malmö: working together on organizational capacity building           

- Somali Paraply organisationen: exchanging ideas and organizing activities     

- Minhaj wellfare society Sweden: Intercultural activities,

- MUCF: funding body and providing organizational support

- Malmö Kummun: backing up executing projects

- IKF föreningen: share ideas and provide participants for activities


Mission and Objectives


To inspire non-formal learning, capacity building and empowering our communities.


- To inspire non-formal learning, capacity building and empowering our communities.

- To encourage the spirit of Youth, Youth workers, community workers & leaders to support capacity building & empowerment in society;

- To raise awareness about the importance of intercultural learning;

- To promote inter-cultural and diversity as an asset rather than a threat in nowadays societies;

- To promote EU and worldwide values for a better interaction and cohabitation between groups of different backgrounds especially youth;

- To enlighten the importance tolerance for a better and harmonious co-existence;

- To foster social cohesion through promotion of common values;

- To create opportunities and encourage active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre for Capacity Building and Empowerment was established in 2014 and since then we have constantly been active in civil society covering many fields. Most of our projects and activities have been under the frame of Erasmus though the topics have been wide and diverse. 

The main fields of work that we have been focused on are: Youth Empowerment, Refugees & Migration, Climate change, Media impact & Journalism, Human Rights, Combating xenophobia and hate speech, Supporting integration of vulnerable groups such as people with fewer opportunities, immigrants and disabilities.

Some of the projects we have implemented as applicant organization as well as partner organization are as below:

Projects where CCBE is applicant organization, approved by Swedish National Agency:

- Youth Empowerment through Active Citizenship (2019)

- Empowerment of Refugees through Journalism (2018)

- Leadership Development in Minorities (2017)

- Empathy as a tool of Social Development (2017)

- Unemployment among refugees and Immigrants (2017)

- EUrope for Global Citizens (2016) Student  Journalism and Entrepreneurship (2015)

- Theatre as a tool for Social Development (2014)

Projects where CCBE was involved as partner:

- Feminism the new F-word(2018, Polish National Agency)

- Face Unemployment Now(2018, Greek National Agency) PromotE U&Me(2018 Latvian National Agency)

- START Project(2017, German National Agency)

- On the ship to Leadership(2017, Polish National Agency)

- Fight for Your Future(2016, Turkish National Agency)

- Teaching methods in Intercultural mixed areas(2016, National Agency of Czech Republic)

- Young Entrepreneurship through Solidarity and Social Economy in a Non-Formal Training with Intercultural Approaches Learning-E.S.S.E.N.T.I.A.L(2016, Greek National Agency)   


Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Asif Khan
Job Title
Project Leader
Head of the organisation
Asif Khan