
Europa kultur

National Network

Munkavägen 20
25247 Helsingborg

‭+46 72-018 34 41‬
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Europa Kultur is a non profit organization for cultural and human rights purposes. We are newly registered in Sweden. The board contains 3 members. We are open to any member who can contribute in our efforts.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to bridge cultural gaps, help people share their experiences and focus on similarities most cultures hold.

Main Projects / Activities

We are on the process of designing projects may help in the integration efforts in Sweden. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Before registration, we implemented a project all over Sweden called Story TALK about how to use books in languages learning and integration 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to help bridging the gaps among different cultures and get people more connected 

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatma Alhajji
Job Title
Prjoect manager
Head of the organisation
Fatma Alhajji
Contact (2) Full Name
Jihad Rahmoon

European - kurdstan Green Organization

National Network

Hishiar Abdulkarim
Storgatan 36
57131 Nassjo


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Director General of the Organization( Handren Ashraf Naoman ) Deputy Director-General ( Dindar Mado ) Director of Administration and Accounts ( Mounir Osman Said ) Director of the organization in Norway ( hemen Noaman ) Director of the organization in Sweden ( Hishiar Abdulkarim ) Director of the organization in Germany ( Mohammad Brefky ) The Organization's Budget: The organization's financial source is . Registration fees and membership fees . Benefits from public and private agencies . Donations and gifts from members and others. Donations and benefits from regional and international organizations approved by the board. The organization is independent in regards to finance and administration. The organization's funds shall be put into bank accounts chosen by the board with approval from the chairman. The board keeps accounts according to the Finance Act. To preserve all of nature's component like, humans, animals, plants and inanimate objects in Kurdistan and across the globe. To work towards reinforcing democracy and development. To avoid social violence and hold onto human values by respecting human rights and social justice on account of the impossibility to care for the environment where humans are not valued. Hence the reason these principles constitute the views and philosophy of the organization. Director of the Organization in Iraq
Mission and Objectives

The organization’s main objective: The Green organization is a non-profitable, non-political NGO created to promote environmental awareness and provide solutions to the environmental challenges we face today .
to protect the environment and nature, working to develop forests and planting of trees. Combating the destruction of nature and the felling of trees, protecting and developing water sources.
Disseminate information about environmental culture to protect nature and its resources, and to lead campaigns about hygiene and environmental protection through various media channels.
Co-operation with various NGO environmental organizations to develop a program to protect the environment from destruction.
Work towards improving the environment for future generations' lives and towards creating an environmentally friendly economy.

Main Projects / Activities

Awareness and education and counseling and seminars. And some landscaping projects and campaigns

Contact (1) Full Name
Hishiar Abdulkarim
Head of the organisation
Handren Ashraf Naoman
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Brefky

EUSBSR Annual Forum in Sweden

EUBSR forum Visby 2024

The Annual Forum is the yearly gathering for collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region within the framework of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, which has been held since 2009. 

The Forum takes place over two days on 30 and 31 October in Visby, Sweden, with an optional side event on 29 October. With the overall themes of Sustainability, Resilience, and Security, the Forum aims to deepen our understanding and enhance collaborative efforts in these areas.

This year’s Forum is structured around four elements.

Engagement: The side event on 29 October is an opportunity for not yet engaged stakeholders to get acquainted with the Strategy and learn how the Strategy can support their strategic objectives. Participants are welcome to present their initiatives and to discuss them with 8 of the 14 policy area coordinators. The target groups for this day are civil society, youth organisations, the business sector, local authorities and Ukrainian stakeholders.

Co-creation: Interactive workshops, panel discussions, and seminars invite participants to discuss challenges and to elaborate on solutions. These sessions emphasize cross-sectorial, transnational, and multilevel collaboration, designed to generate practical outcomes, and foster ongoing cooperation. All activities are related to the Action Plan of the Strategy and ongoing processes or projects in the 14 Policy Areas.

Policy Dialogues: Central to the Forum are policy dialogues addressing the strategic objectives of the EUSBSR. These discussions range from large plenary sessions to focused panels, each tackling key aspects of the Strategy and exploring solutions to enhance the Baltic Sea Region’s development. 

Networking Village: The Networking Village serves as a social hub for informal exchanges and spontaneous connections. Located at the heart of the Forum, it’s a place for participants to meet between sessions, start new conversations, and spark collaborations. The 14 Policy Areas, Pan-Baltic organisations, the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, the Swedish Institute, and other financial programmes will be represented.

The Forum will continue building relations with Ukraine following the initiative taken by the Swedish EUSBSR Presidency. 


Please register as soon as possible, as we have only 600 slots available for the Forum and 200 slots for the Engagement Day. Most hotel discounts end on 1 July, and flights have limited availability. Register promptly, preferably before 1 July.

The two hosts for the Annual Forum are the Swedish Government together with the Nordic Council of Ministers. The organizers are the Gotland County Administrative Board in close collaboration with the secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Government Offices of Sweden, the Norden Association Sweden, the Swedish InstituteRegion Gotland and the Baltic Sea Strategy Point. The event is co-funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, the Swedish Government, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Institute and Region Gotland.

Find out more and register here: https://eusbsr.eu/annual-forum/


Feminist Dialog

National Network

Feminist Dialog, Monbijougatan 17E, SE-211 53 Malmoe

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Feminist Dialog is a newly established NGO. The main goals are working for peace and gender equality both within Sweden also global, through dialog and sharing ideas within women right´s activist from different cultures and origins.
Mission and Objectives

Encourage dialog among women from different cultures and origins around questions regarding peace and gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

Building a network among women rights activists from Middle Eastern countries for peace and gender equality, against militarization and religious fundamentalism. This project is in process and first meetings has taken place in Turkey together with other women organisations from the region.
Feminist Dialog is also planing to organize seminars and work shops in Sweden regarding women from different cultures and religions and their social participation and perspectives for social problems in cities like Malmö.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could contribute with our ideas, experiences and own network among women organisations in Middle East and Sweden.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a part of ALF Network would help us to be a part of a larger network and we share the Anna Lindh Foundations goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sholeh Irani
Head of the organisation
Parvin Ardalan
Contact (2) Full Name
Parvin Ardalan

Fifth Edition of Celebrating Our Diversity

Celebrating Our Diversity 2023 edition

"It was a beautiful reminder of our values." Ieva Ulianskaite (Positive YOUth Sweden) 

The fifth edition of Celebrating Our Diversity Forum took place on 15 and 16 November with the participation of more than 60 civil society members from Sweden, Germany and Lebanon. Members and alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation networks hosted workshops and participated in networking discussions.

The networks coordinators hosting the Forum sent a clear message that we need dialogue more than ever and that there is no place for violence among us. 

Special thanks to the Forum facilitator Karin Bruce (LärOlika, Sweden).

The Forum was originally planned to take place in Beirut but the organisers hosted it online due to the current situation in the Middle East.

We are looking forward to Celebrating Our Diversity family reunion in 2024! 

Organised by the National Museums of World Culture (Head of the Swedish ALF Network), Goethe-Institut (Head of the German ALF Network) and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (Head of the Lebanese ALF Network) and with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation, European Commission, the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Dialogue Institute MENA.


Filosofiska i Sverige AB (svb)

National Network

Stralsundsgatan 49
12237 Enskede

+46 705738603
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Educated children: reflective, empathetic, discerning, empowered and thirsty for knowledge.

Basic vision
Our basic idea is that human beings have a unique capacity for continuous positive development. This includes inner maturity as well as theoretical knowledge and useful, utilitarian skills.

There are no watertight barriers between inner growth and education, i.e. the acquisition of knowledge, and the paths of influence run in both directions. Knowledge can be measured and graded, while inner character development is not measurable. Despite this indeterminacy and openness, it is at the heart of human development. The school's motto is the education of children. Unlike the concept of education, the concept of education also includes the inner process of maturation, a process that is central to Philosophy.

An educated person is a person who has developed their inner qualities. It is a person with self-esteem, self-confidence, responsibility and insight, but also a person with empathy, action, judgement and the ability to think critically - to think for oneself. If these spiritual capacities can be made to grow strong, the thirst for knowledge increases and educational outcomes can improve.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Filosofiska's mission is to run non-profit educational facilities with a holistic approach, which focuses on and combines the inner development of the children with their knowledge-learning, in a creative atmosphere marked by an awareness of the outside world and sympathy for the vulnerable.

Main objective: Filosofiska's ambition is to build a cosmopolitan network of schools, which will be done by starting own schools or through collaboration with other schools and by doing so contributing to a more sustainable development of the world.


Main Projects / Activities

Filosofiska is today running non-profit preschools in Sweden and is taking over a non-profit primary school (grade 0-9) in 2016.

How Filosofiska contributes to sustainable development
Filosofiska's entire approach, with a vision that focuses on the children's education, in the sense of inner character development, is based on sustainability thinking. Society needs people who are reflective, empathetic, discerning, energetic and thirsty for knowledge. Everything we do at Filosofiska is based on this vision.

In Nepal, Filosofiska has taken the initiative to open a preschool and a primary school for vulnerable children. This school is financed by Filosofiska and other donors.

In 2014 Filosofiska was selected by the municipality of Stockholm to represent them at a fair for different "good examples". Educators from Filosofiska have been invited to schools in other countries for exchange of knowledge and to lecture about their work. Educators from other countries have also visited Filosofiska's facilities to learn more.

In 2015 Filosofiska collaborated with the The Freedom Theatre, a community-based cultural centre in Jenin Refugee Camp, occupied Palestine, in a joint project partly financed by the Swedish Institute. The aim was to establish a non-profit child centre in Jenin refugee camp that would offer artistic and educational activities for children 0-5 years old, where Filosofiska would contribute its expertise in running activities for children and its unique philosophy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Filosofiska can contribute with its expertise in running educational activities for Children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To help Filosofiska fulfill its mission and objectives and to help others fullfill theirs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dick Clarence Holmgren
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dick Clarence Holmgren

forum SKILL

National Network

Lillatorpsgatan 10
41655 Göteborg

031-12 14 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

We offer lectures and methodological material in areas such as social entrepreneurship, work environment, sexuality and functionality. What the activities have in common is that they were started with the aim of increasing opportunities for empowerment, but also to meet challenges in society such as exclusion and inaccessibility. Forum Skill has a mission from the City of Gothenburg to run daily activities and has an agreement with the Swedish Public Employment Service for job training.

Project fundings are received from Arvsfonden, Göteborgs Stad, Västra Götalandsregionen, Socialstyrelsen Other sources of incomes are the sale of products and services such as educational materials, lectures, workshops; also LSS, rehabilitation, work place and language training, and since recently also textile production.

Modalities of actions: education, educational materials, lectures, study visits, creative workshops, Work Integration Social Enterprises,  The main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities depend on the type of project/activity we run.

Some of the main partners involved are Göteborgs Stad, Arbetsförmedlingen, Samordningsförbund, Västra Götalandsregionen,  Coompanion, other social enterprises, other NGO's  such as Hjärnkoll, Frisk & Fri, RFSL, RFSU.

We also cooperate with cultural organizations like HDK Valand, Världskulturmuseet, public libraries, also with educational organizations like Göteborg university and studieförbund.   

Mission and Objectives

forum SKILL is a resource organisation that runs projects and activities with human rights as a starting point. Our activities consist of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE), rehabilitative cultural work and an educational section that offers lectures, workshops and educational material in areas such as social enterprise, work environment, sexuality and functionality. All our activities aim at increasing  empowerment and meeting challenges in society such as alienation and inaccessibility.

Main Projects / Activities

Mamas Retro  consists of two second hand shops in central Göteborg and in Gårdsten. The stores sell children's wear, toys and other articles for children. The stores offer opportunities for empowerment, rehabilitation, language training, work training, competence development and employment for longterm unemployed persons who identify themselves as women.  Tråd & Trade is a social enterprise in Gårdsten that started in November 2016 together with refugees experienced  in tailoring and textile industry. Norma is a creative workshop in Göteborg for young women and transgender people aged 18-25 who suffer from mental illness. The project is run by SKILL with the aim of preventing, deterring and dealing with the alienation that can occur in the target group. Norma is an important and real workplace with a focus on empowerment, strength, the individual’s resources and creativity. We want to spread knowledge about mental illness and fight prejudices. We want to bridge the gap between educational, health care and government agencies and form a positive platform for the person behind the diagnosis. Något har hänt is a project on how to recover from sexual violence and abuse. It targets persons with intellectual disabilities. Lectures, workshops and tutorial guides on several subjects, such as social enterprise, work environment, love, sexuality and functionality.

Educational materials: "En helt normal bok" - on the creative workshop Norma, how, what and why, including art works and stories, and tips on useful excercises.  "Prejudice and Pride" is an educational material aiming at encouraging discussion on norms related to love and sexuality. The materials have been developed together with people who have intellectual disabilities or cognitive difficulties and can be used, for example, in day centres, social enterprises, habilitation, group homes and in education. "Så funkar sex" (Sex – This is how it works) is an accessible, fun and inclusive educational material about sex, relationships and sexuality for people how have intellectual disabilities and/or other cognitive difficulties. The material consists of four parts: an easy to read fact book, the feature film Om sex (About Sex), the cards Kort om sex (Cards About Sex) and a tutorial guide. "Trivas på jobbet" (Thrive at Work) is a work book on how we together can accomplish a better work environment. It contains texts and excercises on cooperation, participation and assuming responsibility at work. "Mitt Livs Affär" - on Mamas Retro, strategies used at work and coworkers' own stories.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carina Blomgren
Job Title
Project Leader
Head of the organisation
Bea Alger (Director)


National Network

Instrumentvägen 20, 2 tr.
12653 Hägersten

+46(0)8-681 05 84
Telephone (other)
+46(0)70-317 55 19
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+46(0)70-758 48 86 (Yousef)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Association Framtidståget currently has about 150 members and around 10-12 employees. Our main headquarter dealing with professional and humanitarian work is located in Stockholm, but we also have a branch organization in Larache, Morocco, dealing only with humanitarian work. Our total annual income is around 600 000 EUR. The main resource of it (ca 550000 EUR) is the professional services sold to the Social Service Instituions. We are a non-profit organization, so the rest of the money goes to our humanitarian work. Moreover, we apply for various fundings for our humanitarian work (annually around 50000 EUR). We have 2 branches of activities.

We deal with professional cognitive treatment work, providing psychological help (youth and family treatment) to people with social problems – alcohol and drug addiction, violence in family, discrimination in society etc.

Recently we have also started KBT and 12-step treatment. In the framework of ideal work we organize various social, humanitarian, integration projects (local and international) and provide lectures about democratic principles, recommendations on how to start own organization or association. In Sweden we work closely to Social Service Institution and cooperate with several NGOs, schools, youth recreation centres and mosques. We have a broad network of cooperation partners abroad (mainly in the EU and Morocco).  

Mission and Objectives

Framtidståget is a non-profit organization, aiming to give people the second or even the third chance. Our philosophy is accepting all people without conditions and prejudgments about their socio-economic, ethnic, cultural and religious background, as well as emphasizing the idea of democratic, tolerant and integrated society. We mostly support youngsters with fewer opportunities (especially those with psycho-social problems) and their families.

Main Projects / Activities

In our professional branch we work as therapists meeting youngsters and their families in their everyday life, helping them to develop, to make the relationship in the family better and to adapt to the society around. In our humanitarian work we organize various leisure activities for our clients and members. For example, we invited people for Eid celebration, for a conversation about parents' behaviour in families in Sweden, for a free 3 months education course for Qualified Contact persons, financed some educational courses or helped to find internship for some of our youngsters. We are also very active in the international level.

We work mostly with Youth in Action Programme, sending youngsters and young leaders to ca 10 various project trips a year (e.g. we have stable partners in Baltic countries, Poland, Spain, France, etc.).

We organized one youth exchange about football in Stockholm, are going to have a training course about youth unemployment and a partnership building activity about different religions this year. We started to work actively with EVS projects, both as sending and hosting organization. One of our main EVS partners (already received 9 volunteers and going to receive much more during coming 2 years) is Morocco.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousef Yebari
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Rawicka (Verksamhetschef)
Contact (2) Full Name
Sebastian Sjöström
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Friends of Alexandria (Alexandrias Vänner)

National Network

Hults gata 98, ASKIM

+46-709 600278
Telephone (other)
+46 70 7556883 (Hans)
+46-31-82 96 90
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+46-709 600278
Mobile Phone (other)
+46-70 628 6662
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Friends of Alexandria in Sweden, a non-profit and non-political association, was founded in 1995.    
Mission and Objectives

Its mission is to promote relations between Sweden and Egypt. This is done by
- transfer of recent information about Egypt
- encourage exchange of science, literature and art, and persons pursuing such academic activities
- support exchange of artists between Egypt and Sweden
- arrange seminars, lectures, meetings and exhibitions
- support exchange of knowledge and know-how in environmental research
- stimulate ecological tourism in Egypt
- support projects specific for the Alexandria region, in particular Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Annica Dahlström
Head of the organisation
Prof. Annica Dahlström
Contact (2) Full Name
Hans Gunnar Nyman

Fritid och kultur Västra hisingen

National Network

Blåsvädersgatan 1
418 32 Gothenburg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Fritid och kultur Västra Hisingen Göteborgs stad. Jag arbetar för den nya ungdomsverksamheten som för tillfället kallas upptakt. Vi har en namntävling, så namnet kommer snart bytas. Vår målgrupp är 16-20 år. På upptakt är vi 4 stycken i personalgruppen. Samarbetspartners är sportfiskarna väst, idrottsföreningar m.m
Mission and Objectives

Vi har 4 huvudriktningar, sport, kultur, ungomars egna organisering och delaktighet, ungdomar till arbete.
Stärka ungdomars självkänsla. Förebygga vi mot dom. Fälta på ungdomarnas arena. Vi arbetar även utöver våran målgrupp. Från barn till pensionärer.

Main Projects / Activities

Vi har riktad verksamhet som är gruppverksamheter. Ex: Fiske/friluftsgruppen, ungdomsrådet, aktivitetsgruppen/inredningsgruppen ( de har själva fått beställa möbler till den nya verksamheten, vi hållar även på att måla lokalerna, med färger ungdomarna valt). Fysgruppen, föräldragruppen som består av föräldrar i biskopsgården. Vi har pröva på aktiviteter. Varje onsdag kommer en ny förening, till vår lokal så ungdomarna kan testa på alla slags idrotter. Ex: schack, yoga, mma, capoeira m.m
Arbetsförmedlingen ska komma till oss två gånger i månaden.
Sen bedriver vi även öppen verksamhet.
Eu-projekt på g :-)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jag sitter på kontakter inom det mesta. Med andra ord känner allt och alla. Så kontaktnätverk, kan jag contibute med.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

det låter kanon, därför.
Patrick var en trevlig kille, det oxå ;-)

Contact (1) Full Name
Michell Alfredsson
Job Title
Youth leader
Head of the organisation
Göteborgs stad
Contact (2) Full Name
Bertrand Moenza
Job Title (2)
Youth leader