Baitona Society

National Network

Amman 11731

962 6 5519756
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Baitona has three full time staff. We have recently implemented a project funded by USAID "Towards More Inclusive Vocational rehabilitation Centers".

Mission and Objectives

Fostering Inclusive Communities

Main Projects / Activities

USAID "Towards More Inclusive Vocational rehabilitation Centers". International POPs Elimination Network "Current Status of Mercury in Jordan" Bluemberg "Amman Free of Smoking"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share the Society's experience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing experiences and networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Jamal Al-Taybauy
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jamal Al-Taybauy

Alhadaf for Training (Jordan's Dream)

National Network

Amman 11181

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

AlHadaf For Training is a registered Nonprofit Organization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the Kingdom of Jordan. Before AlHadaf the organization was called “Jordan’s Dream”.

Mission and Objectives

A safe haven for the underprivileged to redeem themselves and to dreaAlHadaf For Training is a registered Nonprofit Organization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the Kingdom of Jordan. Before AlHadaf the organization was called “Jordan’s Dream”.m again when no dreams were left.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Jordanian Orphans Program. The program for children will be a two years program targeting high school girls before they graduate the orphanages to prepare them for real life. 2. Trauma workshops for parents of Iraqi Refugee’s. 3. The Arts and crafts program for the Iraqi Refugees and Jordanian Orphans. 4. Family fun day, a program that will gather elderly from homes and orphans and have a grandparent’s children fun time together, under supervision. 5. Read a story time through our library that will prepare the younger girls for the coming program (for Iraqi Refugees and Jordanian Orphans).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Through our great networks & partners. • Through our well-trained Employees & Volunteers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nothing can happen without partnerships. We all work together in one unit to serve our community and our country. So, it’s an honor to us to be a part of Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maran Maayah
Job Title
CEO & Founder
Head of the organisation
Maran Maayah
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara Mazahreh
Job Title (2)
Logistics and Administration Assistant


National Network

1, rue des Cartiers, 13002 Marseille
13001 Marseille

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Les compétences d’ERMES : - Médiation - Sciences humaines - Écrit, Vidéo, Son, Photographie - Production
Mission and Objectives

- Réaliser des reportages, des documentaires, des collectes muséographiques…
- Former et accompagner des équipes d’étudiants, d’universitaires…
- Restituer et valoriser un savoir scientifique, artistique…

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Manoël Pénicaud
Head of the organisation
Manoël Pénicaud

ARCADIA - Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development

National Network

Susita Street, no 8/10

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ARCADIA is an independent non-profit organization focused on international cooperation and development. It offers a neutral space for interaction and analysis of international development related issues at the same time emphasizing Romania’s engagement with its international partners and debating on it’s potential role as an international donor. ARCADIA counts more than 100 members: academics, practitioners, researchers, students, policy-makers, representatives of NGOs and business field working in Romania or abroad. Our members are engaged in projects/activities with UN (agencies), European Commission and European Parliament, World Bank, World Vision International, TRIALOG, FOND, Universities and Governmental institutions. They are former students of University of Chicago, London School of Economics, Tufts University, Brunel University, CEU, Harvard, University of Colombia, Edinburgh University, ASE, Universidad de la Coruña, West University of Timisoara, University of Bucharest, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cape Town University, and Vanderbilt University. Main partners: Romanian universities running a Master in International Development and Cooperation, UNDP Romania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Association of Development Institutes, European Commission DG Development, Romanian Representation at the EU, PATRIR
Mission and Objectives

ARCADIA is a membership based organization with focusing on building a community of Romanian development professionals. Our mission is to bring a genuine contribution to the evolution of Romanian professionals and along with other actors, promote the field of international development at the national and international level facilitating the transfer of knowledge between leading experts and young graduates in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

ARCADIA has developed and implemented several projects and initiatives aiming to strengthen the network of Romanian experts who are active in the international development field, enhancing the knowledge and expertise transfer between members contributing to their development as experts in the field.
2009 Brussels Round table debate: Opportunities and challenges for Romania’s engagement in international development – with focus on Africa and launching of the online platform
2010 First Conference: Development, Trade and Foreign &Security policies: How can emerging donors make a difference? This conference aimed to bring together the main actors active in the field of development in Romania in order to explore the ways in which Romania can build its donor identity by making the most of the lessons learnt during the transition period.
2011 Issuing the monthly professional newsletters (with information on jobs, conferences, fellowships, etc), promoting ARCADIA within the Romanian NGO environment.
2012 Launching the online
review: The Romanian International Development Review.
2013 Annual Conference: New EU member states as new donors: capacity, discourses and practices - The conference aimed to open a debate concerning the achievements and challenges encountered the new EU Member States in their quest for becoming established donors./ A.I.D Review Romania Conference – discussions on current trends in ODA

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ARCADIA can contribute to the promotion of this network among its members and students interested in the field of international cooperation and development who would be very interested in participating in projects developed by the network. Moreover, ARCADIA as a body of experts aims to encourage the knowledge-transfer of lessons learnt by Romania during the transition period towards other countries that are witnessing political and social transformations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ARCADIA aims to build o community of Romanian professionals working in development, thus we would like to open up the possibility for our members to get involved in international projects, especially in the Mediterranean area. We do not want to build a close community but rather to stimulate its openness to the world around it and to encourage trans-national collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Rusu
Head of the organisation
Stefan Cibian
Contact (2) Full Name
Madalina Pruna

Culture Connection

National Network

postbus 13239
3507 LE Utrecht

+.31.(0)6 12 99 17 27
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Culture Connection is a Dutch nonprofit organization with an international focus and scope, founded in 2007. Culture Connection consists of a flexible team of professionals experienced in several fields od the creative and cultural sector and a supervisory board with expertise in the field of arts, law, finance, and international affairs. Culture Connection is founded in 2007 by Jeanneke den Boer (DB Consult), Paul Verweel (University of Utrecht) and Hayat Essaghir (Deloitte).

Mission and Objectives

The intention of Culture Connection is to create an open space for encounter between people of diverse cultures, religions, and lifestyles. Culture Connection focuses on creating platforms for cultural exchange and artistic encounter. Culture Connection aims to create platforms for intercultural dialogue through education and arts programs.

Culture Connection focuses on creating platforms for cultural exchange and artistic encounter by organizing festivals, community arts programs and dialogue activities within Europe and cultural collaboration programs with Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Culture Connection organizes festivals, community arts and urban arts programs, performing arts productions, educational and dialogue activities.

From 2015, Cultuur Connection organizes international collaborations with young pioneering performing artists from North Africa and the Middle East such as Arabic Poetry Meets Kytopia en Arabic Crossroads – Music & Poetry. The projects consist of musical encounters, music sessions, concerts, workshops around Walid Ben Selim, Widad Broco, DJ DNA, Jaber Fayad, Mohamed Alsamna and many others.

From 2008 to 2013, Culture Connection organized the Cultural Caravan festival, to which people from different cultural and religious backgrounds made their artistic contributions. Cultural Caravan is a festival, which takes place in super diverse neighborhoods and cities, often birth ground of exciting new artistic expressions. The festival aims to create a platform for intercultural dialogue, cultural exchange, and talent development. One of the most successful festival programs was the vocal production Sacred Songs.

From 2016, Sacred Songs has been touring as an independent project with a vocal production with local choirs and side programs as lectures, workshops, artists meetings, films, etc. Every edition of Sacred Songs is created with a new group of local choirs and performers and organized with a solid group of local partners. Artistic director since the beginning is the phenomenal singer, Monica Akihary. We had successful presentations of Sacred Songs in Middelburg, Zierikzee, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Amsterdam, The Hague, and Dordrecht.

From 2016, Culture Connection is the initiator of Festival Sacred Songs that takes place festival takes place once every two years in the city of The Hague.

From 2018, Culture Connection organizes the multidisciplinary production Women’s Voices focusing on poetry, philosophy and music of female free spirited frontrunners from the past and present.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by giving lectures, workshops, training program and organizing performances sharing our expertise and experiences with other members of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Culture Connection wants to collaborate with partners active in the field of the cultural and creative sector in NL and other ALF countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
mrs. Jeanneke den Boer
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Hilde Swart


National Network

Laan van Meerdervoort 70
2517 AN The Hague
The Netherlands

The Hague

+ 31 654 304 841
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Fondema is a NGO as a apolitical and non-religious organisation working towards a renewed dialogue among Europe, the Middle-East and Africa through business facilitation, cultural projects and networking. The organisation exists of a Staff, a Honorary Committee and a Board of Trustees.
Mission and Objectives

Fondema seeks to encourage cultural, artistic and economic exchanges. Its ambitious mission is to advance understanding between North and South by developing cultural initiatives, fostering international cooperation, and promoting and managing shared programmes together with partners from Europe, the Middle East and Northern and Sub-Saharian Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

For example: Children's Books Market, International Market, networking with embassies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eveline J. A. van Tinteren-America

Global Teenager Foundation

National Network

Hoflaan 36, 6953 AM Dieren, The Netherlands

+31 (0)313 - 412028
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Teenager Project connects students globally by sharing web based classroom discussions in a safe and structured environment. It gives schools a kick-start in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It also provides students with a strong basis in communication skills and valuable insights into other cultures. Finally, it livens up the teaching process as teachers incorporate new ideas and methods into their classes and allow students to take a higher level of ownership in learning.
Mission and Objectives

The Global Teenager Project (GTP), initiated and co-funded by IICD, offers thematic Learning Circles to Elementary, Secondary and Vocational schools, including Special Needs Education. Founded in 1998, GTP offers collaborative global learning to over 16.000 students in 40 countries, in the following six languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch and Arabic. GTP Learning Circles are offered twice a year, including themes based on the Millennium Development Goals.

Main Projects / Activities

Bijeenkomst Studiereis Passend Onderwijs, Nijkerk - Workshop Suriname SO/PO/VMBO/VSO, Leiden - No one should think alone, Opleiding ICT-Coordinator Bijeenkomst 2, Nunspeet - Dr. A. Verschoorschool, bijeenkomst Studiereis Passend Onderwijs, Utrecht - Opleiding ICT-Coordinator 2012-2013 Bijeenkomst 1, etc.
Nijkerk - GTP introductie Workshop 13 sept
Zoetermeer/ Amsterdam - Kennisnet Summerschool+

Contact (1) Full Name
Bob Hofman

Department of Art and Culture / City of Amsterdam

National Network

De Bazel, Vijzelstraat

+31 20 251 8425
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The department is also involved with grant and handling, evaluation of policies and secretarial support to the projects.
Mission and Objectives

The Art & Culture Department is in charge of the main lines of the municipal (inter)national art and culture of the city of Amsterdam. This includes: strategic policy development, managing and coordinating concrete policy processes and projects and ensure the maintenance of municipal cultural accommodations.

Main Projects / Activities

Art & Culture is responsible for the preparation, design and implementation of the four-year arts plan.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

MoMo Culture Foundation

National Network

Herman Gorterstraat 20
Amsterdam 1077 WH


+31 (0)20 779 90 79
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
MoMo’s organization consists of a Board and an Advisory Committee. The members of the Board are Chairman: Jonathan J. Scholtz; management & organization consultant, Secretary and Treasurer: Claudia M. Landsberger; head international relations EYE Dutch film institute Amsterdam. The Advisory Committee consists of: Ido Abram; director ‘Stichting Leren’, Amsterdam; Dimitri Eipides; director Thessaloniki Documentary Festival; Itamar Gourvitch; director Cultural Institutions Forum, Tel Aviv; Stefan Majakowski; director Shadow Filmfestival Amsterdam.
Mission and Objectives

Culture is the basis of the character and quality of communal life, social relations and eventually the societal structure. Culture formation is an on-going process, with a multitude of participating elements and factors defining direction and result. Increasingly in this process, meaning and importance are recognized of art and artistic activities, being bearers and messengers of human values, visions, thoughts and ideas.

Main Projects / Activities

Characteristic of MoMo is having on hands more project ideas at the same time. Emerged from inside as well as brought in from outside. The activity of MoMo in these cases consists of development and preparatory research, to means and possibilities for realization, financially and organizationally. Guideline here is the aim of the Foundation and the context in which the project plays a role. Also an argument is creativity and originality
- Sound Connections; the musician’s network
- Culturen Klinken; a musical treasure in own town
- Halalcha; broadening scope and bridging barriers

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonathan J. Scholtz


National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ACLI, and Yassine Boussaid, mainly focuses on the relation between local cultural activities and international programs. For every project, ACLI works with different partners. Mr. Boussaid is always looking for interesting partnerships and networks.
Mission and Objectives

To initiate a variety of international cultural exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

Studio West: To link the link community centers, the cooperation with art schools, the production of performances and events are the main activities.
Media4Me: Media4Me is a national program where different stakeholders across the Netherlands worked on a media program in order to improve the use of media. ACLI developed different programs in Amsterdam Nieuw-West.
Code Culturele Diversity: The Code Cultural Diversity is a publication. The aim is to foster cultural diversity on different levels: organizational structure, outreach audience/visitors and cooperation between the institutions.
Brouhaha International: This festival organizes an annual parade (approximately 800 participants) with different international partners.The aim is to work out a program for 72 international artists during a week of workshops with local talents and institutions and a parade with around 700 participants. As an executive producer ACLI is responsible for logistics, planning and monitoring (film) of the process.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yassine Boussaid