West Östlicher Diwan Festival Weimar gGmbH

National Network

Mittelstrasse 14, D-99425 Weimar (Oberweimar)

0049 / 3643 / 90 89 88
0049 / 3643 / 77 55 931
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The ambitious aim of the yearly recurring festival West Eastern Divan is meant to vividly shape cultural bridges between the countries of the oriental Arabic world, that is between countries of Islamic culture, and countries of the Christian Occident, that is Europe. It is aimed at revealing mutual delicate issues, prejudices and misunderstandings that exist on both sides, and to make them intelligible in order to creatively use this chance to come closer to one another and to understand people who have different cultural and religious backgrounds. It is our aim to comprehend that in particular in meeting the unknown it is possible to realize differences which are a significant precondition when trying to understand another culture. The aim is to shape bridges of understanding that promote peace, and to impart education
Mission and Objectives

Naturally, such a festival considers itself a multi-cultural event between orient and occident in order to lower the threshold between the people in Germany and the Islamic world. The town of Weimar that honours the two great poets Goethe and Hafis with its West Eastern Divan Memorial is a very suitable place to perform such an event which needs to be close to the citizens in terms of content, but on the other hand has to meet great artistic demands in order to initiate international interest in the message that is to be transported through this festival. The festival was designed in a way that a positive effect is likely thanks to the anticipated media association.

Main Projects / Activities

The festival shall consist of three complementing main pillars. Each year, one country of the Middle East will be invited to come to Weimar, and together with them the respective annual programme will be designed. These three emphasis consist of the following cultural areas:
Festival Programme with the subjects
■ classical music interpreted by artists from the host countries
■ traditional and contemporary music from the host countries
■ this part of the programme is supposed to particularly attract young people from the age of 16
Plastic Arts
■ exhibition presenting works (paintings) of artists from the host countries
○ film week presenting films of the host countries
○ lectures of authors from the host countries (including simultaneous interpreting into German and/or in German) and presentation
○ presentation of the host countries in the form of accompanying lectures

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Klaus Gallas
Head of the organisation
Dr. Klaus Gallas

Heinrich-Boell-Foundation Schleswig-Holstein

National Network

Weimarer Str. 6, Coworkhaus, R. 2.09
24106 Kiel

0049 4313014 7570
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Heinrich-Boell-Foundation is a non-profit organisation affiliated with the German political party “Alliance 90/The Greens” (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). It is funded mainly by the German Ministry of Development and Economic Co-operation (BMZ). With its central office in Berlin, the foundation is organized on a regional, federal basis; its legal status and staff is independent of the political party. Located in the city of Kiel, the state capital of Schleswig-Holstein, the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation Schleswig-Holstein organizes manifold events in further education such as symposia, lecture series and seminars. Activities in the field of culture and artistic exchange as a contribution to intercultural dialogue are among the foundation’s central tasks.

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation’s primary objective is to support civic education and promote democratic participation, socio-political activism and cross-cultural understanding. On an international level, the foundation advocates respect between people of different origins, cultural and/or gender identities, and political viewpoints.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2008 the Project Office “radius of art” within the Heinrich- Boell-Foundation organised the “Culture Weeks Middle East”, a month-long program of events in the realms of literature, theatre and music, as well as colloquia, lectures and debates. Many local institutions in the fields of culture, religion and politics participated in the organising process, numerous guests from the region were invited to Kiel. As a further complement of the project “radius of art” the office organised the residency program “research-based art // art-based research” which also took place in 2008 in cooperation with international partners from six euromed countries. Planned activities for 2009 are various culture projects with a focus on Palestine and a follow-up project for the residency program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalie Demmer
Head of the organisation
Doris Lorenz und Dirk Scheelje

Allianz Foundation

National Network

Pariser Platz 6
70117 Berlin

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Allianz Cultural Foundation is active on a supportive as well as operative level. It was founded by Allianz SE and its headquarters is based in Berlin.

Mission and Objectives

In keeping with its main objective, the Allianz Foundation supports broadly conceived educational and cultural projects, which benefit the European integration process and encourage the development of a European identity. An important target group for the foundation’s work is the new generation of scholars and artists for whom the foundation has developed a series of exchange and encounter-related projects.The Allianz Kulturstiftung strives to maintain contact with its former project partners in all parts of Europe. For this reason it continually engages in the construction and maintenance of an alumni network, which guarantees the quality and success of the foundation’s program.

Main Projects / Activities

There are many projects. Some examples: Debate on Europe: Series of highranking discussions throughout Europe Das Weisse Meer – The White Sea: mobile Literature festival around the Mediterranean Sea Allianz Summer Academy: Academy for students of various European Universities Please find further information and more projects at www.allianz-kulturstiftung.de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allianz.kulturstiftung/

Contact (1) Full Name
Prokop Bowtromiuk
Job Title
Communications Manager
Head of the organisation
Esra Kücük

European-Egyptian Contemporary Music Society (EECMS)

National Network

Danckwerthstraße 16
24106 Kiel

+49 4315348748
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 1794796421
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
A non profitable society handling with contracts with every interested institution and authority authorised through a Jurist representative. (General Manager, Project Manager in Germany, Project Manager in Cairo, Ensemble Manager, Assistant project and concert manager in Cairo, Board of advisers from Egypt and Germany). EECMS Connections are: (Bibliotheca Alexandrina, The American University in Cairo, Foreign Culture Institutions in Egypt: Pro Helvetia - Goethe Institute - Centre Cultural - Japan Foundation - Korean Embassy - European Delegation - British Council - The Spanish Embassy in Cairo) and in Europe (Culture Point Germany–European Community program, The government of Barcelona, Musik der Jahrhunderte in Germany, ECLAT Festival Neue Musik in Germany, Muziek Centrum Nederland in Holland, Musicadhoy in Madrid, Spain and Juness Musical in Cyprus) and in the Far East as well (Korean Arts Counsel, Tongyeong International Music Festival Foundation, Tokyo Concerts, Inc., Asian Composers Network).   further information: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EECMS Heritage and Modernity Forum: http://heritageandmodernity.info/    
Mission and Objectives

- Connecting all Culture institutions in Egypt. - Including an international committee for works selection, composers commissioning. - Founding and supporting the new founded Egyptian Contemporary Music Ensemble with the first event to be held in October 2010, with three Major Concerts per session. - Organising roundtable seminars, workshops, internships and scholarships. - Supporting educational projects like school projects. - Dealing with forming ensemble academic programs for cooperation and exchange between Egypt musicians and major ensemble abroad, not to obtain any academic Degree. - Involving Egyptian Composers and musicians based on their musical standard ability. - Involving in educational projects like school projects and Universities Founding Music Lovers Society. - Founding Egyptian Composers Network. - Found for Individual Projects. Gust lectures, Composer Seminars etc. - Music Students Educational, Internships and scholarship programs. - Founding Music Lovers Society, Music Students, Internships and scholarship Programs.

Main Projects / Activities

- The Egyptian Contemporary Music Ensemble - Cairo Music Days 2011 - The 2nd Alexandrina Contemporary Music Biennale 2011

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Krohn
Head of the organisation
Sherif El Razzaz
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel Schmidt


National Network

Via Dei Conversi, 70 09129 Cagliari (Italy)

070 2335449
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
329 1233109
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create a network among the countries of the Mediterranean, a place to discuss and disseminate the views of all countries, freely and with the aim of spreading the dialogue between young people and among all those who can use internet. The magazine will be translated into English and French in the future in Arabic. The importance of the initiative is recognized by all the visitors from all over the world read our articles. Less than Arab countries because it is written only in Italian, but translations are counting arriving in the countries of the southern Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

The spread of cultural activities: concerts, plays, books, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and so on. taking place in all countries of the Mediterranean. Besides the dissemination of culture and information for newspapers of all countries using the media reviews of the various newspapers, the spread of job opportunities for young people and businesses operating in the Mediterranean with the section International Economics. But above all information on the situation of some critical situations for human rights in some Mediterranean countries, such as advertising the project Mediterraid.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianmarco Murru

Université de la Vallée d'Aoste

National Network

Strada Cappuccini 2/A

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1. L’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste est composée par 5 different Facultés (Science de la Formation, Psychologie, Economie, Langues, Sciences Politiques) et par une école de specialisation pour l’enseignement sécondaire. Elle a à ce moment 51 professeurs structurés et 147 professeurs vacataires 2. Les résources budgetaires annuels sont 7.980.822,66. 3. La source de financement est principalement régionale 4. L’activité est orientée à la formation des étudiants et à la recherche ; les cours universitaires sont intégré par des projets Erasmus, FSE, bourses d’étude. 5. Partenariats avec d’autres Universités Européennes
Mission and Objectives

L’Université est, en effet, un centre de formation au service des étudiants, valdôtains ou non, qui les encouragera et les aidera à choisir leur cursus universitaire en leur fournissant un enseignement de haute qualité, qu’une communauté de recherche scientifique, de consultation et de dynamisation au service des personnes publiques et privées opérant sur le territoire, dont elle soutiendra la créativité, la compétitivité et la liaison avec la dynamique internationale (du site de l’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste)

Main Projects / Activities

Les activitées principales sont :
-la formation des étudiants à travers les differents cours de maitrise ;
-la récherche, en partnenariat avec d’autres Universités italiennes et étrangères, et des sujets publiques et privés du térritoire
Par rapport à l’éducation tout au long de la vie soutenue par l’Union Européenne, l’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste utilise aussi la formation à distance ( E-learning)

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Stefano Cacciamani
Head of the organisation
Président: on. Luciano Caveri; Recteur: prof. Pietro Passerin D'Entreves
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott. Alessandro Becco

Associazione TRAMES

National Network

Via Zaccagnini 4
Russi (Ravenna)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
TRAMES Association is a non commercial and non profit organisation (public equivalent body) with n. 2 a permanent staff employed and n. 9 projects staff. The partners agreements and collaboration are: Emilia Romagna Region - Authority for the Romagnoli Regional Basins, Centre Conservation Institution (ICR – Roma; ISTEC-CNR (National Centre of Research), Education Office of the Province of Ravenna (Research Regional Education Office for Emilia Romagna - Ministry of Education, Higher Education of Italy, Universiy of Bologna, Italian Navy. The budgetary resources are : European grants; Co-financed pro-quota by its founding members; Conventions and contracts with public (Central, Regional and Local government) and private bodies; Public fund raising events; Services of our Association. TRAMES projects : EC-PHAROS; Keyplayers Network; Support Interreg Intercommunal Network; Water and Cultural Education. Disseminates educational materials and organises workshops and other activities to raise public, young and children, awareness and support for conservation of the historical Italian Lighthouses; Laboratory’s partners (ICR and CNR) is both a resource and reference point for conservation experts. Information on international events and contact with training opportunities in the field of protection and conservation-restoration. In collaboration with Italian Navy organise and promote the Maritime Heritage, cultural visit and laboratory in the Historical Lighthouses. Through the Network Project the TRAMES promoted the participation of young people in Sport in Europe, and carried out the Keyplayers activities: meetings, seminars and exchanges for the diffusion of sport to young Europeans.
Mission and Objectives

TRAMES Association is a non commercial and non profit organisation dedicated to the European community programs. TRAMES organisation which has as its statutory and institutional aim the promotion of intercultural dialogue, the reciprocal exchange between European and non European cultures and the reciprocal knowledge of the culture and history of European populations and activities. TRAMES participates in community programs in cooperation and exchange with other European countries, for contributing to the promotion of a common cultural space for European populations. Through the International projects the Association promoted the participation of young people and carried out the collaboration with other Public Institutions. The Association supports the European initiative for to develop the network project for the Schools and supports projects of inter-regional cooperation for the inter-municipal European networks: meeting place for all participants, share experiences and compare projects for the water protection project, social, cultural, eco-tourism and environmental valorization of Sea and Rivers.
Support activity continues with the preparation of educational tools: cultural and environmental education sheets for schools; texts in cultural and environmental communication for the protection of water (Sea, Rivers and river homes); analysis of feasible realization and organizing cultural and environmental guided visits and information material.

Main Projects / Activities

TRAMES aims at improving the quality of protection and enhancement of natural resources and heritage as well as raising awareness about the importance of preserving environment and cultural heritage.
TRAMES contributes to preserving cultural heritage in Europe today and for the future generations through three main areas of activity:
Cooperation, Educational, Information
Cooperation: Cooperation and exchange with other European countries, for contributing to the promotion of a common cultural space for European populations.
All TRAMES activities involve European partner and professional partners. Cooperation is provided in the form of workshop, seminars, technical advice, collaborative visits, and education and training.
Educational/Training: TRAMES contributes to sustainable development by disseminating new educational tools and materials, and organizing professional exchanges and workshop activities around the Europe and Italy.
Information: TRAMES organizes and coordinates meetings to devise common approaches and methodologies and to exchange the European practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Virginia Ravaioli
Head of the organisation
President Daniela Ravaioli

Association Ecologique Tichy la Verte - Bejaia

National Network

06000 Bejaia

+213 792 01 46 58
Telephone (other)
034 23 54 42
034 23 54 44
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0559 16 84 19
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
-L'association est géré par un bureau composé de 11 éléments jeunes et de 63 Adhérents -pour les ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles sont de l'ordre de 20000 DA
Mission and Objectives

notre mission consiste à préserver et protéger l'environnement dont les objectifs sont protection des forets, de littoral, gestion des déchets compagne de sensibilisation relier la question d'environnement à la santé encourager l'Education environnementale

Main Projects / Activities

le 1er projet réalisé par l'association Formation d'animateurs Ecologiques AMIS DE LA NATURE projet de sensibilisation sur la propreté des plages" plages propres pour tous" plusieurs activités de sensibilisation et compagne de nettoyage, d'entretien, de reboisement

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par le montage de projet de proximité et d’échange d'expérience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

améliorer les capacités de l'association sur le plan de gestion financières et administratives

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Aroudj Hafid
Head of the organisation

aria (artist residency in algiers)

National Network

17 rue Reda Houhou

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- non-profit organisation registered in London but operating in Algeria / 1 Managing director, 1 programme curator - Funded by the Prince Claus Fund, Institut Français d'Alger, Institut Français (Paris), Arts Council England Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Partners in Algeria: Association Chrysalide, École des Beaux-Arts d'Alger
Mission and Objectives

aria is a residency programme founded by artist Zineb Sedira in 2011. It aims at building cross-border dialogues and creating an ongoing dynamic network in diverse international art communities within and beyond Algeria. It provides opportunities for emerging and established artists from North Africa and across the world to conduct artistic and cultural research and production.
In addition, since 2013, aria develops a programme of commissions directed to Algeria-based artists and exhibitions showcasing the work of Algerian artists and from the diaspora.

Main Projects / Activities

- Residencies:
current guest artist: Atef Berredjem (lives and works in Annaba, Algiers)
upcoming guest artists: Kapwani Kiwanga (lives in Paris, France and works between Paris and Tanzania), Younès Rahmoun (lives and works in Tetouan, Morocco)
previous residents: Nicene Kossentini (Tunisia), Basel El Maqosui (Gaza), Alfredo Jaar (Chile/ USA), Mohamed Bourouissa (France/ Algeria)
- Commissions:
Atef Berredjem, curated by Nora Razian. Exhibition space TBC
Amina Menia, curated by Yasmina Reggad for aria's project space at 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair (London), October 2013
Exhibition at Selma Feriani (Tunis), April 2014
Exhibition at the Mosaic Room (London), May 2014

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are already contributing to the Algerian network by actually helping develop one in the visual arts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To include aria and the Algerian art scene in the broader context it belongs to. Benefit from the other's experience and braking the isolation and misrepresentation of Algeria in the visual arts landscape.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zineb Sedira
Head of the organisation
Zineb Sedira
Contact (2) Full Name
Yasmina Reggad

Démocratie et veille Citoyenne (DVC)

National Network

Démocratie et Veille Citoyenne (DVC)
8 rue Prince Maurice
06000 Nice


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Association de loi 1901, 55 personnes, partenaires avec Lamechaml (Tunisie) et ATIDE (Tunisie) 10 000 euros adhésions et dons séminaires, formation, actions terrain, veille citoyenne.
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir le développement de la démocratie dans les deux rives de la Méditerranée, favoriser des initiatives de tut ordre en vue de la reconquête par les citoyens du pouvoir démocratique, produire et communiquer de l'information sur l'évolution de la démocratie dans les rives de la méditerranée, aider les diasporas de la méditerranée à assurer une représentativité dans les instances institutionnelles de leurs pays d'origine.

Main Projects / Activities

Cycle de conférences sur la démocratie et la veille citoyenne, débat sur les pays du printemps arabe avec des universitaires et des politiques.élaboration et mise en oeuvre de barcamps sur l'ouverture des données publique et l'action citoyenne dans des universités et avec des jeunes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Echange de compétences, Echange de formateurs. Mise à disposition du réseau des associations partenaires

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le principe de réseau des association est pour nous source de richesse. Nous faisons partie de LamEchaml en Tunisie pour avoir une plus grande visibilité et pouvoir mettre nos ressources en commun.Cela doit aussi se faire en France.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Slah Jeribi