Association Mémoire de l’Avenir

National Network

15 rue Poissonnière/siège social : 19 rue Marx Dormoy
75018 PARIS

01 44 82 05 49
Telephone (other)
08 71 73 88 00
Mobile Phone
06 83 09 28 90
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MDA rassemble autour des trois membres très actifs du bureau 10 bénévoles, 15 artistes et chercheurs et très prochainement, une équipe de 3 ou 4 permanents. Ses sources de financement, environ 40 000 euros en 2006, émanent de subventions de la Délégation Politique de la Ville et Intégration, la DRAC Ile-de-France, la Fondation RATP, la région Ile-de-France, le Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité, la Ville de Paris. Ses partenaires en Ile-de-France : établissements scolaires, associations notamment des quartiers sensibles, centres sociaux, musées. A l’étranger : établissements scolaires et associations situés en Israël, Palestine et Allemagne.
Mission and Objectives

Concevoir et mettre en pratique une base de ressources artistiques et culturelles pour favoriser le dialogue interculturel. Favoriser la connaissance et l’acceptation de la culture de l’autre. Étudier la transversalité des cultures et l’universalité du langage artistique. Favoriser, au-delà des questions politiques et religieuses, la transmission des singularités culturelles ainsi que la reconnaissance d’un héritage culturel, artistique et historique commun à l’humanité.

Main Projects / Activities

Conception d’outils originaux pour le dialogue interculturel, l’organisation d’ateliers créatifs et d’échanges internationaux autour du thème de la connaissance de la culture de l’autre, notamment auprès de publics défavorisés, issus de l’immigration. En terme d’intégration sociale, ces ateliers, associés à la fréquentation de structures muséales ouvertes aux cultures du monde, tendent à favoriser un rapprochement avec la culture française dans sa dimension pleinement métissée. Au niveau international, Mémoire de l’avenir promeut un échange d’expérience, une transmission des compétences et d’outils de travail développés au sein de MDA auprès de lycéens et étudiants ainsi que dans le cadre d’actions de solidarité avec les femmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Margalit Berriet
Head of the organisation
Margalit Berriet
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnès Pellerin

Family Guidance and Awareness Center

National Network

Jordan – Zarqa – New Zarqa city – St : 36

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
THE FAMILY GUIDANCE AND AWARENESS CENTER (FGAC) was established in 1996 in Zarqa/ Jordan, for the purpose of enabling women in the social and economic domains, integrating them in the development process, building the national economy and promoting the welfare of Jordanian families in general. FGAC conducts programmes targeting women and girls, children and youth. Addressing domestic violence and gender-based violence constitutes a major focus of FGAC planning and activities, applying awareness, training, economic strengthening, counseling, and legal support approaches to enable women and girls to stand up for their rights, and face obstacles that prevent their full and equal participation, not only within their families and immediate community, but also in public life with specific emphasis on the political and decision making processes in the country. Specifically, there is the Justice Center for Legal Support programme that provides legal counseling and legal representation in courts. Other programmes include the promotion of women’s political participation; a special programme was conducted to encourage women to run for Parliament, providing them with needed knowledge and skills. Starting in 2008 FGAC has been working in line with a 3-phase Strategic Plan that is supposed to end in 2012 as follows, with preparations for a new 5-year plan for 2012-2017 currently under preparation: The first phase was implemented with support from PSP and in cooperation with ZENID, and consisted of conducting a “Training for Trainers” programme (TOT), through which a group representing 7 agencies working in the field of family protection were trained on the concepts and means of dealing with perpetrators of domestic violence. A “Training Manual on dealing with Offenders and Perpetrators” for workers in the field of protecting women against violence was produced in this phase. The development of this core group of trainers is very important in providing organizations working in the field of domestic violence with the necessary knowledge and skills they need in their work. The second phase consisted of empowering women who are subject to violence through providing them with awareness of human rights in general, their legal rights and means to deal with violence inflicted on them, including providing legal representation in courts. It also introduced another critical aspect, which is dealing with perpetrators; through providing awareness and rehabilitation. It addressed 150 cases through providing specialized programs in self control and anger management techniques, behavior modification and alternatives to violence strategies. It also included activities that aimed to improve dialogue and sound parenting skills, and raising community awareness on the negative impacts of violence on the individual, the family and the society . Building on the experiences gained from the first two phases, the third phase consisted of advocating for and establishing a model family justice center that is now ready to provide integrated good quality services accessible in one location, within the boundaries of the Family Guidance and Awareness Center in Zarqa, for victims of violence as well as for dealing with perpetrators in addition to others seeking advice. This has been implemented with support from the Vital Voices Global Partnership seeking to achieve important goals in the field of gender equality by catering for the needs of the most vulnerable category of the community; the disadvantaged women and girls. The training component targeted members of the Judiciary, the Police and other concerned agencies in order to ensure equal treatment for women before the law, in line with internationally observed human rights.The Family Guidance and Awareness Center (FGAC) was established in 1996 for the purpose of enabling women in the social and economic domains, integrating them in the development process and building the national economy and promoting the welfare of Jordanian families in general. In line with the above, FGAC aims at improving the status of women in the community through equipping them with the knowledge and skills that enable them to understand their rights, stand up for them and, at the same time, be capable to contribute effectively to the development of their community at the local and the national levels. For this to be achieved, FGAC believes that efforts on the levels of advocacy, raising awareness and training need to target the whole community in order to achieve the desired change. Throughout this integrated process of change, the welfare and wellbeing of the family need to be kept sound and intact. A healthy status of women in the social network is a major factor that stabilizes and improves the family welfare and wellbeing, and that entails working towards improving social perceptions of women’s worth, roles and capacities. FGAC conducts programmes targeting women and girls, children and youth. Addressing domestic violence and gender-based violence constitutes a major focus of FGAC planning and activities, applying awareness, training, economic strengthening, counseling, and legal support approaches to enable women and girls to stand up for their rights, and face obstacles that prevent their full and equal participation, not only within their families and immediate community, but also in public life with specific emphasis on the political and decision making processes in the country. Specifically, FGAC hosts the Justice Center for Legal Support programme that provides legal counseling and legal representation in courts. Other programmes include the promotion of women’s political participation and socio-economic empowerment.
Mission and Objectives

Capitalizing on the field experience and outreach capacities that FGAC has in the community, specifically in Zarqa governorate, and the quality legal support that ABA ROLI has been providing in Jordan, the two organizations will partner to create a mobile outreach unit that would provide legal support and counseling to marginalized women in Zarqa governorate. This is particularly important as providing awareness, prevention and treatment has been established as a successful approach to address gender-based violence that obstructs women’s participation in public life, affecting the progress of the whole society. The project will contribute to addressing gender-based violence in order to improve women’s and girls’ chances of equal participation in public life in Jordan through sensitizing them about their legal rights and providing needed legal counseling.

Main Projects / Activities

Over the past few years and with close collaboration and support from VV Global Partnership, FGAC has been involved in implementing programs aiming at combating gender-based violence in cooperation with partner organizations including the Judiciary, Police (Family Protection Department), probation officers, the Ministry of Social Development. The first Family Justice Center managed by an NGO was established in Zarqa at FGAC headquarters over the period from 2011-2012, providing co-located services to women victims of domestic violence.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Build new contacts and partnerships , advertise about our activates and opportunities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build new contacts and partnerships

Contact (1) Full Name
Kawthar Khalafat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nadia Boshnak
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahlam Al Hamzat
Job Title (2)
Administration Assistant

Nordisk Hjälp - Nordic Aid

National Network

Scheelegatan 13
212 28 Malmö

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Nordic Aid is a politically and religiously independent non-profit association. The organization's main task is to help refugees and needy people and fight poverty both with long-term development projects that are rights-based and with urgent humanitarian efforts that are needed based.

Nordic help in emergency situations follows the Red Cross' codes in its international relief work and follows the Giva quality code to maintain a good standard of its work, the association is also a member of CHS to maintain a standard of its international work.

The association also has operations in Sweden and works for the benefit of society and helps children, young people and vulnerable people, fights racism and violent extremism, promotes integration and helps newcomers.

Nordic Aid also has a sponsorship business, where sponsors in Sweden are involved and help children in affected countries.

Mission and Objectives

Nordisk Hjälp (Nordic Aid) wants to change the way the public feels about refugees. We are focusing on fugitives in the Middle East, mainly children, women and the elderly, as we find their situation today frightingly inhuman. We wish to create opinion among the public and extend the international understanding as well as the understanding of human rights and their importance. We want to work against racism and help to create peace.

Main Projects / Activities

We give essential assistance to people in need in the Middle East, i.e. we send or go there with food packages and clothing. We also provide medical assistance, send wheelchairs and ambulances, and give necessary school tools for pupils in need. We have 850 sponsors that each have a sponsorship for one orphan. We also work on new projects that aim to teach young people about human rights and the importance of volunteer work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sally-Jasmin Waarie
Job Title
Communication Manager
Head of the organisation
Taim Al Yousef
Name of Organisation
Nordisk Hjälp - Nordic Aid

Arab Center for Architecture (ACA)

National Network

Mrad Bldg., 7th floor, Selim Rustom Baz street, Ashrafieh
Beirut 1100

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Founded in 2008 in Beirut, and registered with the Lebanese Ministry of Interior of Lebanon under number 171/2008, the Arab Center for Architecture (Association for the preservation and dissemination of modern Lebanese and Arab built heritage) is a non-profit organization addressing modern urban design, architecture, design, and planning in the Arab world. Its board members are: George Arbid (president), Nada Assi, Fouad El Khoury, Bernard Khoury, Hashim Sarkis, Amira Solh, Jad Tabet. ACA presently employs, on part time basis, a project manager, a documentalist and a number of architects and architecture students engaged in the digitizing activity. The ACA is currently collaborating in a project on "strengthening capacities in the cultural world" funded by the EU and the Heinrich Boll Foundation in partnership with many associations working in the field of modern archives. Seminars, trainings, publications, exhibitions and conferences are among the main activities developed by the center.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of ACA is to raise awareness about architecture and urbanism within civil society. Its ambition is to provide a public forum for debating the present and future of architecture and cities. ACA wishes to develop the cultural value of architecture and design and the recognition of the social impact it has on urban regeneration, building communities, education and vocational development. ACA considers that it is insufficient to dwell on past glories and not recognize the value of our more recent heritage. By understanding the value of modern architecture, design and the built environment, society is far more capable of developing a contemporary image of itself. The recent development of architecture in the Arab world calls for a platform to discuss issues pertaining to the built environment. A growing interest in the cultural importance of architecture, along with a lack of professional and public awareness, testifies to such a need. Lebanon, where the ACA office is based, serves as a perfect example of a country lacking the needed infrastructure and debate, which in turn undermines the economic and social impact of architectural activity. An unprecedented initiative in Beirut, ACA aims to act as a reference point for ideas and debates; a platform for the professional community and other sectors of society.

Main Projects / Activities

Besides its constant efforts in collecting, archiving, and developing its database, ACA is currently engaged in many activities, namely: • The establishment of a research center, with assistance from the European Commission and the Heinrich Böll Foundation for equipment purchasing and staff training • Participation in MoHO (Modern Heritage Observatory), in partnership with the Arab Image Foundation, IRAB and the Cinémathèque de Tanger, with the support of the European Commission & the Heinrich Böll Foundation • Participation in the experts group created by UNESCO “Patrimoine des modernités dans le monde arabe” • The creation of a Lebanese Chapter of Docomomo (accepted at the 12th International Docomomo Conference in Finland, August 2012) • The elaboration of a guide on Modern Architecture in Beirut • An exhibition of archives related to Modern Architecture in Lebanon • Organizing,in collaboration with the MoHO platform, the first edition of the International Archives Day 2013

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACA is a pioneer organization in the field of the preservation of architectural archives. Its board members are all committed in increasing knowledge and awareness regarding modern architecture in Lebanon and the Arab World at large. ACA is ready to organize events, publish books, advocate for the protection of modern heritage and facilitate training to persons interested in the preservation and digitalization of archives. ACA can also promote cultural tourism. ACA can give access to its database and archives for students from allover the world and play the role of a research center. ACA needs as well to benefit from trainings in Europe in order to increase its know-how.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to preserve and promote Arab modern architecture, the Arab Center for Architecture is always seeking knowledge and know-how in the various fields related to its activities. The Anna Lindh Foundation offers great opportunities for transnational collaboration between countries and institutions that share common history and mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Nada Habis Assi
Head of the organisation
Dr. George Arbid
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Claudine Abdelmassih

Asociación Creart

National Network

C/ Cortinas, 23 4º 2ª
08003 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0034 639403074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure: President (José Manuel Gómez), Secretary (Marta Mercade) and Treasurer (Ramon Malvar) Employed: 3. Volunteers: 3 Budgetary 2013: 233.000€ Sources of funding: Spanish Cooperation Agency, Municipality of Barcelona, member's fees, donations.
Mission and Objectives

Creart is a Non Profit Organization that works to improve the quality of the children education and their living conditions, using the art as a tool of transformation. The main goal of our activities and workshops is that they are used to learn how to face the conflicts between people in a positive and educational way, promoting creativity, confidence, self esteem, respect to the others and an active participation of the people. Creart also uses the art as therapy, specifically as psychosocial support for children who suffer difficult situations caused by wars, natural disasters and others.

Main Projects / Activities

First of all, Creart carries out Training of trainers through arts (body language, arts and crafts, music, theatre, etc.) in Spain, Gaza Strip and West Bank (Occupied Palestinian Territories) and Colombia, mainly with social workers and volunteers. Creart also develops workshops of creativity and conflict with children, mothers, young people, excombatants etc. in Spain, Occupied Palestinian Territories and Colombia. On the other hand, we have project to improve the educational conditions of children in Senegal through the rehabilitation and construction of educative infrastructures and trainings for teachers. It is also needed to say that Creart carries out trainings for teachers in Spain and Occupied Palestinian Territories, specifically with UNRWA's teachers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we work in a very specific field, using arts as the main tool to develop all of our projects and activities. the other main characteristic of our work is the use of new methodologies, creative and socio-affective, which are based to feel in first person the emotion or aspects to be learn, in order to get the knowledge based on our own feelings and experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider that is a good way to be in touch with other Spanish and international organizations, knowing the work that they are developing and looking for sinergies and common ways of work in order to improve the quality and impact of our activities and projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rebeca Pérez Giménez
Head of the organisation
José Manuel Gómez Prieto
Contact (2) Full Name
José Manuel Gómez Prieto

Center for Cross-cultural Communication

National Network

Alemdar Mah Divanyolu Cad Ercevik Ishani No:54/110 Sultanahmet, Fatih

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
General Information
We have 3 full-time workers and 1 part-time worker. Mostly we recruit volunteers for our activities and we have more than 100 volunteers actively joining our activities and helping us. We have a budget of 20.000 euros yearly and we do not have any means to raise fund. We are supported by our chairman. Our organization focuses on intercultural activities and raising awareness of people from around the world. Therefore we organize events at touristic places so that we have more people from around the world come together and join our activities.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to contribute to the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of different ideas, religions and cultures and we think education is the core issue that we have to focus. Therefore we educate our volunteers about the culture and religion of other people visiting us, and vice versa we help the visitors of our city to learn more about our culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Daily presentations on the history, architecture and cultural elements of historical mosques such as the Blue Mosque and The New Mosque of Istanbul. Training volunteers about the culture of tourists who are visiting our country.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help to implement some projects that are conducted by the members of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To increase our network and to be partner in future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Osman Yapar
Head of the organisation
Doc Dr Enes Eryarsoy
Contact (2) Full Name
Onder Ucuncu

Akdeniz University International Relations Office

National Network

Rectorate 6th floor, Akdeniz University Dumlupinar Boulevard


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
As a result of these studies, which took into account the current situation of our university and current developments in higher education, a list of proposed activities related to internationalization was presented, with briefing files, to our Rector Prof. Dr. Israfil Kurtcephe. This programme of activities, which would encompass the Erasmus, Farabi and Mevlana Exchange Programmes, the Bologna Process, EU Youth Programmes, IAESTE, and Joint Degree Programmes, would be carried out under the name of the International Relations Office. In order to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of our internationalization activities, the Board of Directors produced a restructuring proposal on September 12th 2012. This required units responsible for the Erasmus, Farabi and Mevlana Exchange Programmes, Bologna Process, EU Youth Programmes, IAESTE, Joint Degree Programmes, as well as proposed activities related to the internationalization of business and transactions, to be brought together under the title; 'The International Relations Office'. The International Relations Office was thereby established as the link between the International Relations Coordinator and the offices created to represent the 5 main fields of activity; the EU Education and Youth Programme, International Cooperation and Publicity, the Bologna Process, the Farabi Programme and the Mevlana Programme. In addition, in order to ensure an efficient level of communication for all internationalization activities, the 6th floor of the Rectorate Building has been established as a dedicated location where all of the main units dealing with international relations can be brought together under the title; “the International Relations Office”. The International Relations Coordination Board was established in order to ensure there was effective coordination between the units, and to monitor all activities carried out by the International Relations Office within the new structure. The International Relations Coordination Commission was created with the participation of the Office Coordinators (The Farabi Coordinator, the EU Education and Youth Programme Coordinator, the Bologna Process Vice-Coordinator, the International Cooperation and Publicity Coordinator, and the Mevlana Coordinator), as well as the Head of the Registrar's Office, the Head of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports, and the Head of the Student Council. Meetings of the Board, which will be chaired by the Vice-Rector responsible for International Relations Prof. Dr. Muharrem KILIÇ, will be held once a month. The minutes of the International Relations Coordination Board will be submitted to the Rector’s Office every other month. The Internationalization Strategy Council (ISC) has also been established within the structure of the International Relations Office, and is expected to take on a very important role in the internationalization process of our university. In the restructuring of the International Relations Office, the Internationalization Strategy Council is expected to play a crucial role in the internationalization process of our university. The aims of the Council are to identify and direct the internationalization strategy of our University, and to contribute to the work of the International Relations Office. The members of the Internationalization Strategy Council will be selected from the academic staffs of the Faculties and Schools of Akdeniz University, who wish to voluntarily contribute their expertise to help define the effective Internationalization Strategy needed to become a world class University. The Internationalization Strategy Council, meeting under the presidency of Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Muharrem Kılıç, is expected play a crucial role in our University’s Internationalization Strategy. Selection of the members of the Internalization Strategy Council is currently in progress, and once the process is complete the Council will meet once during each academic semester, after which the minutes of the meetings will be submitted to the Rector. The institutional structuring of the International Relations Office, European Union Education and Youth Programmes, International Cooperation and Publicity, the Bologna Process, the Farabi Programme and the Mevlana Programme has enabled us to define the positions and roles of the staff members, as well as the institutional identity and the aims of the Internationalization Strategy Council and the International Relations Coordination Council. An office logo has been designed in order to establish and promote our new identity, and the form and distribution of the facilities of the International Relations Office is rapidly taking shape. With so much work having been completed, the development of the webpages of the International Relations Office is our next priority. Topics which can be found on our webpages include information on the Erasmus, Farabi, and Mevlana Programmes, the Bologna Process, European Union Education and Youth Programmes, IAESTE, Joint Diploma Programmes, as well as other documents dealing with internationalization, relevant forms, announcements, and the minutes of meetings. The International Relations Office webpage was activated as part of the university’s main webpage on September 17th 2012. Information is available in both Turkish and English at present, while work on pages in Russian, French and Chinese will start in the forthcoming semester.
Mission and Objectives

Mission & Vision
In pursuit of our goal of becoming a world-class university which is capable of fulfilling all the demands of an effective internationalization strategy;
Our Mission:
To develop an appropriate and sustainable internationalisation strategy,
To design and implement an international student recruitment strategy for our university,
To actively work towards increasing the number of international students,
To coordinate the mobility of our students, academic staff and administrative staff,
To put into practice the standards and principles of the Bologna Process,
To provide information on issues related to education and youth to students of Akdeniz University,
To establish a framework within which we can obtain the maximum benefit from international programmes and projects,
To monitor the coordination of international agreements in fields such as; international cooperation, double degree programmes and exchange programmes,
To pursue active participation in all activities that promote our university’s involvement in the field of international cooperation,
To publicise within our university the international facilities of our partner universities.
Our vision:
Our vision is to become an office which puts into practice the internationalization strategies of our university effectively and in a sustainable way, to be attuned to the new conditions of the higher education system in the field of internationalization, and to make the best contribution we can to Akdeniz University’s internationalization strategy.

Main Projects / Activities

The International Relations Office is our next priority. Topics which can be found on our webpages include information on the Erasmus, Farabi, and Mevlana Programmes, the Bologna Process, European Union Education and Youth Programmes, IAESTE, Joint Diploma Programmes, as well as other documents dealing with internationalization, relevant forms, announcements, and the minutes of meetings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will involve and let you know all activities for your foundation as well as we would like to promote your Foundation to organise different activites together. Our aim to be a bridge between Europeand and Mediterranean countries to solve the problems and obstacles of young people who leave in Euromed Area.
With regards,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

İn 2012 we have been developed a project which is called "Euromed youth Centre".
Our center is dedicated to serving the youth sector and young people. We strongly feel that Turkey is in unique position to build a bridge between Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean with the support of outstanding institutions on our Steering Committee working in the field of youth, as well as being a pioneer in non-formal education as the leader of the youth sector.
We have a lot of partners from Europe, but our vision is to be active and organise activites for Mediterrenaen countries. Your foundation will be a way for us to organise free and social activites for MEDA countries as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof.Dr. Burhan ÖZKAN
Head of the organisation
Prof.Dr. İsrafil KURTCEPHE
Contact (2) Full Name

STRANAIDEA società cooperativa sociale

National Network

Via Paolo Veronese, 202
10148 TORINO

+39 011 3841531
+39 011 3841583
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
STRANAIDEA est une coopérative sociale de type A, organisation sans but lucratif, qui travaille à Turin depuis 1986. L' organisation de la coopérative est basée sur des groupes organisationnels, des groupes de soutien et des fonctions de coordination. Dans les groupes organisationnel il y a la direction, l'administration, les ressources humaines et la qualité. STRANAIDEA gère un chiffres d'affaires de 2,450,000Euro/an. STRANAIDEA gère des services sociales et d'éducation (pour le personnes handicapées, les enfants, les étrangers...) pour les institutions publiques qui sont ses principaux clients. La coopérative participe aussi à des projets concrets sur les territoires locaux, des échanges et séminaires européens et internationaux (organisés grâce au programme Jeunesse). Les partenaires principaux sont : -les autorités publiques : les Communes de la région et, en particulière, la Commune de Turin, et les autorités de la santé -les autres organisations de la société civile.
Mission and Objectives

STRANAIDEA définit sa mission sur la base des ses principes et valeurs. Ces valeurs sont communs à tout le group de travail qui a choisi d'agir socialement.
Les RESSOURCES: la richesse de l'entreprise, de l'homme et de sa capacité de communiquer.
Les CAPACITES: activation des compétences des gestion et d'évaluation globale des processus qui donnent du sens au développement de la coopérative.
Le SOUTIEN A LA COMMUNAUTE: pour donner de la valeur aux principes précédents, pour reconnaître l'autonomies de l'individus et des groupes en promouvant leurs connexions.
L'objectif de la coopérative est le DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA COMMUNAUTE: développement du réseau local, valorisation des ressources du territoire, développement des compétences.

Main Projects / Activities

Les projets concrètes sont adressés aux différents domaines d’activité de la coopérative : jeunesse, personnes handicapées, toxicomanes, étrangers et petit-restauration. Pour ce qui concerne les projets et les activités principales liées au dialogue entre cultures :
- la coopérative construit de projets d’insertion sociale avec la population Rom qui habite près de l'aéroport de Turin,
- STRANAIDEA a crée et géré un atelier de cuisine pour des femmes italiennes et étrangères en vue d'expérimenter des domaines concrets de multiculturalité.
- La coopérative participe à un projet pour les personnes étrangères sur le territoire à Nord de Turin
- Depuis des années STRANAIDEA participe à des projets d’échanges entre jeunes européens et internationaux, organise des séminaires pour l’échanges et le partage des bonnes pratique concernant les jeunes et leur intégration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bussi Patrizia
Head of the organisation
Policastro Cinzia

Dobele Youth Initiatives and Health Centre

National Network

Brīvības 23

00 371 25547008
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Dobele Youth Initiatives and Health Centre (DYIHC) is a support institution for education in Dobele region. The centre works in such fields - educating, consulting and diagnosing, coordinating informatively, youth initiatives and spare time activities and preventive work. There are 17 employees in DYIHC - youth specialist, psychologists, psychotherapist, health promotion consultants, speech therapists, career consultant and volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

DYIHC is established to improve society's physical, mental and social well-being.
It is one of the local government's tools to work with children and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Educating – interactive lessons, group activities, support groups for young people and their parents, festivals, competitions, camps, seminars, training;
Consulting and diagnosing – individual consultations with psychologist, psychotherapist, speech therapist, gynaecologist, health promotion consultant, career consultant and youth specialist
Coordinating informatively – preparing information about healthy lifestyle, sexual and reproductive health, addictions, education and career, non-formal learning, Youth in Action, spare time activities, voluntary service; developing strategy of youth policy in Dobele
Youth initiatives and spare time activities – thematic afternoons, board games, support for developing ideas and projects, improvisation theatre
Preventive work –preventive work with children and youth in collaboration with their parents, schools, police etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by participating in Network's activities and popularizing EuroMed between youngsters in Dobele region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To find EuroMed partners for projects and to find out more about MEDA countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eva Gulbe
Head of the organisation
Līga Freiberga

Association du Dialogue InterCultulturel et Inter-Religieux (ADICR)

National Network

1, Rue des Bergers 75015

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. It's a French NGO law of 1901 . There are 40 membres . There are 10 in the office staff and the CA. It has a great number of network , according to the set of themes of action. Annual ressources : contributions , mobilisation of ressources for every organised action , at least 4 per year . 3- Partners contribution : private sponsors , susbsidy request . 4- conferences , concerts , films's projection and work's publication . 5- The association trains partners for each action with other organisation and NGOs such as : UNESCO and its delegations , CMRP , and structures related to the ministries of different European and Arab countries . 6- It's creating network for the euro arab youth exchange
Mission and Objectives

To promote the Dialogue between people of various cultures and religions for getting better knowing each other in the aim of founding an equitable citizenship .
- To promote the cultural diversity and cultural and artistic exchange between people .
- To promote women's rights .
- to promote the tolerence and to clarify the confusions and the amalgames that prevent the easy going life together .

Main Projects / Activities

- conference on the cultural diversity and the equal opportunities (April 2006)
- concert for promote the dialogue through the music , songs and music (Nov. 2006)
- Projection of a film to promote the diversity ( April or June 2006 )
- publication of a book about : Religion set Democratie)
- forum for Mediterranean youth cultural , social and economic exchange (2007)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Samar Sassine
Head of the organisation
Mme Samar Sassine
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Fadila Mehal