The center for democracy and community development

National Network

14 Ibn Batuta St. Kamal Bldg.2nd floor, East Jerusalem, Israel

+972 2 6281151
+972 2 6283351
Mobile Phone
054 765 2907
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The center has two branches, one in Jerusalem the main office, the other in Gaza as a branch one. Board of directors:compose of 7 people who meet at least 4 times every year, of policy meetings charged with the responsibility, and monitoring the implementation of the administrative and financial policies and plans for the center. Staff: the staff of the center consists of : acting general manager, finance and administration manager accountant, projects coordinators, administrative assistant, webmasters, researchers.
Mission and Objectives

The center aims at disseminating the concepts and experiences of community based participatory democracy, promoting the practices and theories of just peace in the Palestinian community North Africa and the countries of west Asia, encouraging the participation of marginalized groups in the decision making process, working with children, youth, women and community groups to improve society developing exchange programs,research project, and policy initiatives for the purpose of community building, training, empowerment, and rehabilitation, and coordinating with all local,regional and global institutions that conduct related work.

Main Projects / Activities

the center works on different programs and projects:
program of citizenship and human rights, program of dialogue, empowerment, and community development, program of strengthening civil peace, program of strengthening public ethics, program of supporting just peace, and the mean time we are working on implementing the Arab peace Initiative Project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can be an active member in the ALF, we can give suggestions for the program of the network in its topics,and contribute to the activities planned by your network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that our organization have the common interests which ALF have, we are working democracy and community development, joining an organization with the same mission will give more power and efficiency to the main goals which we both seek for.

Contact (1) Full Name
Walid Salem
Head of the organisation
Walid Salem
Contact (2) Full Name
Narmin Wahbeh-Alami

We Love Bizerte

National Network

20 rue sans souci - Bab Mateur - Bizerte 7061

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+216 26 689 622
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We Love Bizerte est une association récemment créée par des jeunes de la ville de Bizerte. Elle fait partie du réseau international "We Love". Elle vise à promouvoir l'image de la ville de Bizerte à travers différentes activités, à savoir: le développement régional,

Mission and Objectives

- Développement régional de la ville de Bizerte - Promouvoir un tourisme durable à Bizerte - Développement de la vie culturelle de la ville de Bizerte - Aider les familles nécessiteuse - Aider à protéger et à valoriser le patrimoine architectural et culturel de la ville

Main Projects / Activities

1- "Shoot As You Walk" 2- "Le couffin de Ramadan"

Contact (1) Full Name
Soumaya Elkamel
Head of the organisation
Montasser El Karaa

Built Environment Collective - Megawra

National Network

17 Amin Zaki Street, Ard el-Golf,Behind the house of air forces, Heliopolis
1 Mayo Buildings, Autostrade, Madinat Nasr,

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
An NGO operating through its space, MEGAWRA. A 5 member board sets policy and strategies which are implemented by a 14 member core group. 6 officers run the 6 fields of interest (Architecture and: Art, urbanism, theory, heritage, praxis, environment). All are volunteers. Resources from space membership, paid workshops and services currently cover half the expenses. Funding for operational cost and research/awareness projects will cover the second half (obtained but permission to use it from government still not attained). Modalities of action include a monthly program of at least 1 lecture, 1 free workshop, 1 film screening and weekly book club meetings. Additional programming includes seminars, exchanges, mentorship, paid courses and training. Main partners are spaces of culture and universities in Cairo, and cultural operators in architecture, urbanism and art internationally.
Mission and Objectives

The Built Environment Collective is an Egyptian NGO that seeks to strengthen the sense of community between practitioners, academics and students of architecture and urbanism. This is through developing frameworks of support and exchange within the different generations and specialisations of this community in addition to fostering ties with related fields on national and international fronts. BEC is motivated by the conviction that the complexity of this field requires modes of learning and contemplation that go beyond the university setting. It believes that because the field of architecture and urbanism shapes the very space we live in, it should be inclusive and innovative in scope and mode of education and application. BEC operates through its space, MEGAWRA, a platform for debate on architecture and urbanism with a focus on it as art, theory, praxis and cultural heritage and its role in promoting sustainability and social responsibility in the built environment.

Main Projects / Activities

MEGAWRA has an architectural library with over 1000 books, open workspaces with wifi for students and young architects, a meeting room and workshop space available for booking and a lecture space that seats 40 people. It5 has a regular monthly lecture series, film and book club and offers at least one free monthly workshop to its members. It also initiates and administers projects that focus on interdisciplinary research, community outreach and awareness and capacity building. Examples include: What a Building Wants to Be, a documentary of a conversation between 5 architects about the design process, Whose Monument? a participatory design project on the monument-street interface in Islamic Cairo and Draw your Dream a graffiti project where residents of 6 streets draw 6 solutions for 6 urban problems as an innovative method for raising awareness and for fundraising.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will participate in Network meetings and joint activities. We can also offer our space in Cairo to network members in projects of joint interest or for meetings. Furthermore, we have an active Facebook page with a current membership of 800, through which they can announce projects and events. We could also help with information and contacts in the field of architecture and urbanism.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF's interdisciplinary and humanistic approach to culture as a means for dialogue and exchange resonates with our approach to architecture and urbanism as an inclusive field that touches on and is affected by all modalities of life and culture. It will be a platform and resource for finding partners, exchange and education in the fields of cultural as well as a resource for fundraising. We are also interested in participating in training and exchange in the field of cultural management and administration.

Contact (1) Full Name
May al-Ibrashy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
May al-Ibrashy

The Other Space Foundation (Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń)

National Network

ul. Nowy Świat 23/25 lok. 32

(+48) 22 299 04 29
+ 48 (0) 22 435 5347
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
Foundation is administered by the Board consisted of the President (Witek Hebanowski) and two Members of the Board (Piotr Cykowski and Anna Tomaszewska). Council of Foundation exercises supervisory duties. We employ no statutory staff, but we collaborate with a team of experienced workers. We cooperate with different institutions and organizations in the fields of migrants' affairs and multiculture in Warsaw, Poland, Tunisia and the countries of the Caucasus. Foundation has initiated a coalition of several NGOs and municipal offices in order to work on creation of Warsaw Multicultural Center. Budget of the last two years averages 1 700 000 PLN available per annum. Main sources of funding include grants given by municipal offices, government, EU and private sources. Foundation carries out various types of actions: international and local festivals, social campaigns, monitoring, advocacy and training activities. We cooperate with leading NGOs working on migration, intercultural dialog and human rights. Our Foundation is a member of Zagranica Group - association of Polish NGOs working abroad.
Mission and Objectives

We are Polish non-profit NGO founded in 2006 as a continuation of activities realised by a group of social activists. Our mission is to support democracy, human rights, multiculture and tolerance. We aim at opening unconventional spheres of social life to cultural and artistic initiatives and social projects generating real changes in different regions of the world. Since 2007 we are public benefit organization what allow us to receive 1% of tax donations. Since 2010 we have been a member of Zagranica Group - most important coalition of Polish NGOs working abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

There are four main areas of our actions: 1. International artistic festivals, events and actions initiating collaboration between artists from different parts of the globe. 2. Development cooperation, especially with partners from Ukraine and the Caucasus. 3. Human rights and democracy promotion - we focus on cooperation with democratic activists from northern Africa and Middle East. 4. Multiculture in Warsaw - we carry out projects activating immigrants who participate in creation of contemporary Warsaw and its culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Foundation intends to support the development of interregional collaboration between Poland and the countries of northern Africa and the Caucasus. We are well-experienced in running intersectoral and intercultural projects. Our main goals are closely connected with the exchange of experiences between democratic activists from the Euro-Mediterranean region. We also hope to develop our website in order to promote the idea of civil society in the countries of northern Africa and to encourage making contacts between organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Foundation runs a program called "Springtime of the Peoples" which is devoted to the cooperation between democratic activists from the countries of northern Africa, Middle East, Poland and others. Its aim is to provide non-formal space of exchange of ideas, information and tools for the activists. We have initiated collaboration with Tunisian NGOs by carrying out pilot activities of the program. In September 2011 we contributed to the participation of one of the leaders of Tunisian NGO sector in main Polish NGO forum (OFIP). We also participated in workshops of Informal Polish-Tunisian NGO Forum in Sousse and Tunis in March 2012. Moreover, Foundation runs website with interviews and information about Tunisian NGOs willing to work with Polish organizations. We aim at developing partnership with organizations and democratic activists from other countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Witek Hebanowski
Head of the organisation
Witold Hebanowski
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Tomaszewska

El Sadat Association for Social Development & Welfare

National Network

28 Samir Mokhtar St. Ard El Golf, Heliopolis

Telephone (other)
(02) 24 18 55 67
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
# Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Structure :- Board of director & Executive director _ director of admin & finance, director of programs & director of development. number of employee around 20 number of partner around 28 Opportunities: Cultural & Professional Exchange Opportunity El Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare, an Egyptian NGO focusing on the empowerment of the underprivileged and marginalized, is teaming with Heartland International, a US based NGO focusing on global civil society development, to create a cultural and professional exchange opportunity. German Embassy Swedish Embassy UK EMBASSY US Embassy
Mission and Objectives

About Us:
El Sadat Association for Social Development & Welfare is an Egyptian NGO established in 2004 and registered at the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity under the number 1081. The Association’s aim is to empower and upgrade the underprivileged and marginalized citizens in Egypt with a main focus on women, youth and children.
ESA’s strategy has two phases:
# First, to implement tangible development and poverty alleviation projects that have immediate outcomes.
# Second, to introduce sustainable development projects, such as civic or economic programs, whose outcomes are typically long-term.
The headquarters of El Sadat Association are based in Heliopolis, Cairo. In addition the Association maintains a field office based in the Menofia governorate, located in the Nile Delta, which is a governorate that typically receives less aid and support than other areas in Egypt.
The Association’s activities have predominately been based in this governorate, but the Association does not limit its scope of benefactors to this region only.
El Sadat Association has many projects that are far-reaching and involve many sectors, including: youth development, health, environment, civic participation & engagement, female small business & empowerment, and human rights.
The Association works to empower and merge all community members to develop their skills in different fields and to make the best use of human power and financial resources through their participation in project identification, design, and implementation.
Through this, citizens themselves identify their needs and the solution to meet their needs, with the Association facilitating this process.
El Sadat’s mission is to improve the quality of life of marginalized Egyptians and the poorest of the poor, as well as empowering them socially, economically, politically and environmentally.
To enhance development in Egypt through poverty alleviation, the promotion of human rights, and civic participation.

Main Projects / Activities

A) Strengthening the Rule of Law During Egypt’s Transition to Democracy:
The goal of this project is to strengthen the rule of law in Egypt by advocating for cultural and legal changes, empowering rural legal advocates, and building a foundation for long-term structural and systematic changes. This project seeks Through a 14 month program, to conduct a series of varied activities including workshops & legal training, network building by and between local legal advocates, rural-urban knowledge exchange, work placement, the creation of watchdog units, and research culminating in final constitutional recommendations will result in the following objectives.
B) Youth Voter Education Campaign:
The youth voter education campaign supported the increased civic engagement and political participation of young citizens (age 18-27) in Egypt by addressing misinformation about the voter registration process and clarifying it.
C) Local Councils:
El Sadat Association is currently engaged in several projects that support civic and political engagement and participation by citizens on grassroots levels.
Through a project with the Local Councils of the Tala district in Menofia, that began in 2009, citizens and local council members are empowered to better serve their communities.
D) The Tahrir Lounge – Nile Delta
The Tahrir Lounge - Nile Delta is an institution that is dedicated to civil society activities and civic participation.Through these activities, it seeks to increase and enhance political and civic awareness of rural Egyptians, and to develop an active citizenry of residents who are empowered to build better communities, monitor governments, and participate in Egypt's transition to democracy.
E) Pull Down the Fence
“Pull Down the Fence” is an initiative that aims to overcome the barrier that creates an “us” and “them” dichotomy in our thinking, and prevents us from properly communicating with one another. By introducing a different communication style, and creating an environment where individuals appreciate and accept one another, we can pull down the fence that is blocking coexistence. In order to do this, we will work in schools, as children are true agents of change and gain many of their life lessons during their educational career. The project aims to offer professional development to teachers so that they can actively ensure that classrooms are safe locations for students to engage in coexistence. Through this professional development, students will be able to engage in community and cultural activities designed to encourage coexistence and cooperation regardless of background.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hassan Kamal Elden Hassan Abdelhameed
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat

جمعية تمكين لحقوق الأشخاص ذوى الإعاقة و التنمية المستدامة و التدريب

National Network

محافظة سوهاج ـ 13 ش نور الدين سالم خلف إدارة الكهرباء ـ الدور الثالث شقة 4

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed : 50 Sources of funding : Organizations and international organizations Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) :Publicity is still under. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities :
Mission and Objectives

Innovation model is applicable to the scope of a national; the creation of jobs, and the eradication of poverty, and promote the spirit of citizenship and participation in community development, and enable persons with disabilities and focus on disabled women in the Arab Republic of Egypt in general and in Upper Egypt in particular in build their capacity and potential to contribute effectively to the development of their community.

Main Projects / Activities

Initiative "Youth Act", a program designed to support young people in Upper Egypt and the country the whole of the curriculum educational and practical aims to teach them about democracy and human rights, defense and support and to mobilize public opinion and the efforts to achieve a change in their surroundings local to give importance to their efforts and promote the spirit of cooperation in their lives . The "right" and its collection of all the volunteers and the two activities in the field of people with a disability in order to form a committee to defend human rights and disability issues raise them in front of civil courts and administrative. Activities to be undertaken by the group Initiative "Partners in building Egypt" socially economically politically This logo will include work on 6 axes including: Education Leadership Society Employment Support and support Volunteering Political participation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Spread the idea of interest to persons with disabilities and their accusation and expressed

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

And that the expression of people with disabilities in the Arab Republic of Egypt through a network of Anna Lindh

Contact (1) Full Name
Marwa Mohamad Eissa
Job Title
executive manager
Head of the organisation
Marwa Mohamad Eissa

Danish Center for Culture and Development (CKU)

National Network

Nytorv 17, 1. 1450 København K - Denmark

+45 33 17 97 13
+45 33 17 97 01
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
CKU is a self-governing institution under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In close cooperation with Danish embassies and representations, CKU manages culture and development programmes in The Middle East, Asia, West Africa, and East Africa. CKU implements the Danish strategy for culture and development, ‘The Right to Art and Culture’, approved by the Danish Parliament in May 2013. CKU’s priorities We support art and culture following five strategic priorities: 1. Empowering people through active participation in art and cultural activities 2. Ensuring freedom of expression for artists and cultural actors 3. Enhancing economic growth through creative industries 4. Strengthening peace and reconciliation in post-conflict areas through art and cultural activities 5. Promoting intercultural dialogue and intercultural collaboration. CKU works to strengthen cooperation within the field of art, culture and development between Denmark and countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

We believe that art, culture and creativity are central parameters for sustainable human and social development. And we believe that art, culture and creativity are determining factors for democratization, respect for human rights and enhancement of economic growth.
CKU works with development based on human rights that helps strengthening a vibrant, free and inclusive cultural life.
In Denmark, CKU promotes art from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East in three different ways:
By promoting art in education by bringing artists from all over the world to facilitate workshops about art, culture and creativity for Danish students.
By facilitating Images Festival – the largest event in Denmark promoting contemporary art from developing countries.
By supporting artists from low income countries who wish to perform or show their art to a Danish public in cooperation with Danish artists or cultural institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

CKU builds its work on four platforms: Culture and Development, Arts Fund, Youth Program and IMAGES festival.
Culture and Development
For more information on specific countries and collaborations please contact: 
Program manager of Asia, Signe Leth: +45 33 17 97 09 /
Programme consultant of the Middle East, Muna Bur: +45 33 17 97 15 /
Program manager of West Africa, Louise Friis Pedersen: +45 33 17 97 17 /
Program manager of East Africa, Christoph Ludemann: +45 33 38 97 36 /
IMAGES festival
Through 8 festivals the Images festivals have built a strong brand as a unique festival that introduces Danes to the latest cultural forms of expressions and contemporary art from the developing countries. Previous festivals are Images of Africa, 1991, 1993 and 1996 Images of the World 2000, Images of Asia 2003, Images of the Middle East 2006, My World Images 2010 and Uccupy Utopia in 2013. The next festival will be in 2016, yet a new concept for the Images festival is in the making. For more information on the festival, please contact our national director, Thomas Henriksen: +45 33 17 97 11 /
Youth Education Program – World Images in Motion
The Youth Education Program is CKUs latest initiative to bring arts and artists from developing countries to youth and to students in Denmark. The aim of the program is to introduce and create awareness about developing countries amongst the younger generations in Denmark through the presentation and use of artistic expression and by creating a dialogue between Danish students and artists from developing countries on a personal and creative level. For more information please contact Gavin Clarke +45 33 17 97 10 /
Arts Fund CKU’s grants programme gives money to the exchange of culture between Denmark and the developing countries. Its standards are based on quality, innovation and the setting-up of new partnerships. CKU prioritises projects that are able to create new reflections and break down stereotypes and prejudices, projects that are artistically innovative, and projects that are rooted in partnerships with a potential to generate new collaborations and knowledge sharing in the future. For more information please contact Peggy Lund-Sørensen: +45 33 17 97 08 /

Contact (1) Full Name
Janne Louise Andersen
Job Title
Editor of the Newsletter for the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme
Head of the organisation
Elsebeth Krogh
Contact (2) Full Name
Jakob I. Myschetzky
Job Title (2)
International Director, CKU

CTM Onlus

National Network

CTM Onlus - P.zza Bottazzi,1 73100 LECCE

0039 0832 342481
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: CTM has 12 members, 3 members of the Executive Board, 3 employees at headquarter , 2 cooperants with registered contract by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 3 volunteers. Budgetary resources available in a year: 609.000,00 Euro (2011); 771.000,00 Euro (2010); 627.000,00 (2009). Sources of funding: project donors – co-funding (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Committee for charity interventions in the third world countries-CEI ) private donations, 5%0 (Devolution of the citizens of percentage of their taxes) Modalities of actions: concrete projects (development cooperation projects, emergency projects, educational and informational projects), exchanges, workshops, researches, vocational trainings.
Mission and Objectives

CTM is committed in to the promotion of cooperation and international solidarity in the South of the World and Eastern Europe. The actions of the association are aimed at reducing poverty and improving living conditions of the poorest people.
CTM has chosen to support projects agreed with local organizations and associations that can represent the interests of the communities targeted for intervention and to promote participation, democratization, human rights and environmental protection, particularly in the areas of literacy, vocational training, agriculture, environment, local crafts, health and social services.
CTM carries out projects to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged groups such as disabled, women, children and Palestinian refugees, through various programs of inclusion and integration.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: “Socio-economic development of the rural population of the South of Lebanon” co-funding: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Status: Ongoing
Project: “Strengthening of social and educational services for Palestinian children in Nahr el Bared and Beddawi refugee camps – Lebanon” ” co-funding: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Status: Ongoing
Project: “Social communication in the webnet as an instrument of ethnic and religious integration in Lebanon” co-funding: Committee for charity interventions in the third world countries-CEI. Status: closed June 2012.
Development Education project: “Educating the youth on dialogue between peoples of different cultures and religions through global communication tools” co-funding: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Status: closed June 2010.
Emergency project: “Rehabilitation and support to the Psychiatric Hospital of Al Fanar, Zahrani”. Co-funding: Italian Cooperation Office in Lebanon – UTL. Status: closed April 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We think we can contribute to the Network through participation in the initiatives, the coordination between different realities, and opportunities for discussion, collaboration and sharing of experiences and best practices.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since its foundation, CTM is committed in projects aiming to promote participation, democratization, human rights and environmental protection, particularly in the areas of literacy, vocational training, agriculture, environment, local crafts, health and social services.
We believe that education for dialogue and mutual respect among cultures of different languages and religions is the basic tool for maintaining peace and strengthening cooperation and solidarity among peoples.
With ALF we share common objectives and social commitment therefore to join the ALF Network will be an opportunity to widen our experiences, contacts and interventions through the cooperation of associations working in the same field, to improve and grow together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrico Azzone
Head of the organisation
Enrico Azzone (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilaria Orlandi


National Network

Via dei Monti di Pietralata, 16
00157 Roma

06 41609501
Telephone (other)
06 41609225
06 41609770
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
348 7668390
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
UCCA is an Italian network of 350 local based film societies or non profit cinemas. UCCA is an association recognized by the Italian Ministry of culture. UCCA has a year budget of about € 200.000,00 and a staff composed of the national president and two full time peoples. UCCA organizes film exhibitions, festivals, seminars, pubblications and contests. Main partners are associated film societies, cultural associations, Ministry of culture.
Mission and Objectives

UCCA's mission is to promote cinema as an important instrument of cultural and democratic development of civil societies. UCCA's objectives are to enrich the non profit cinemas network, to exploit italian and european cinemas and create opportunities to meet world cinema.

Main Projects / Activities

UCCA's main projects are: L'Italia che non si vede, exhibition of italian documentaries on social issues; Le ragioni della laicità, exibition of italian and foreign film on the issue of secolarism and the relationship between religion and society; Obiettivi sul lavoro, national contest for short films on the theme of work in Italy nowadays; seminars to train film societies responsibles.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To improve UCCA's skills and activities in the field of intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Greta Barbolini
Head of the organisation
Greta Barbolini
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabrina Milani


National Network

via San Lazzaro 15

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Kallipolis is a nonprofit organization that aims at improving livability in urban contexts through the approach of social urbanism, sharing the objectives of the United Nations Habitat Agenda, which promotes policies for the sustainable development of human settlements and adequate shelter for all. Kallipolis has 14 members and no employed staff. Projects can be developed through public or private funding. In 2011 Kallipolis managed a budget of around € 150.000,00. Kallipolis’ action: field projects, workshops and seminars. Kallipolis’ main partners: Province of Trieste, Province of Gorizia, Municipality of Monfalcone, Informest, Faculty of Architecture of Trieste, Canton of Sarajevo, Municipality of Novi Grad, Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency, French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, Municipio del Districto Metropolitano de Quito, Faculty of Architecure of Sarajevo, Local Democracy Agency – LDA Mostar, Oxfam Italia BiH, GVC Italia NGO onlus, Municipality of Modena.
Mission and Objectives

International cooperation. We are committed to support the principles of urban sustainable development and participatory planning in transition countries and in developing countries.
Urban quality and safety. We support local actors dealing with urban safety and quality issues by designing strategies to strengthen the social fabric of a community and to protect vulnerable groups.
Inclusive decision making process. We promote and organize the participation of citizens in decision making processes that deal with urban policies, supporting the inclusion of the weaker components of the community in the process.
Housing policies. We aim at offering sustainable alternatives for social housing, activating the process of building of new houses or the renewal and reconversion of unused ones, through the methodologies of self-help build.
Research. We promote good planning and government through research and analysis into matters that are of interest to cities.

Main Projects / Activities

People versus Borders: restoration of the environmental quality of the Dobrinja stream, in the Municipality of Novi Grad, Sarajevo (BiH);
mo.starT-V, strategies and activities to realize a training course in video journalism in Mostar (BiH): an indipendent videojournalism project: a way to promote dialogue, and intercultural exchange focused in public spaces of the city of Mostar;
Quality and safety in urban spaces: field study for a project of urban integration and for the renewal of an underground parking, Melun (France) focusing on safety and livability;
Spazio Gretta, inclusive decision-making workshop: a project about inhabitants-driven regeneration of public spaces in the neighborhood of Gretta, Trieste (Italy);
Urban management and safety: a research project about the relationship between spatial configuration, pedestrian movement and safety in five urban areas, belonging to two major cities of northern Italy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kallipolis can contribute to the Network in Italy with its local projects and through awareness activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share ALF’s mission and values. since 2006 we have been developing strategies and projects trying to bring citizens to the public sphere and to let people being involved into the urban process. To this extent, we believe that joining ALF could be a great opportunity for us to exchange practices and tools, meet new partners and support intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Vedova