For Change Foundation (Fundacja Dla Odmiany )

National Network

Saska 44/35 03-914 Warszawa

+48 603 371 950
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The foundation For a Change is the NGO focusing on anti-discrimination education and development of civil society, social capital and democracy. We are new organization established by people with very long experience in buiding civil society in Poland and anti-discrimination activism. we base on project funnded by private and state donors. Our modalites of action are all educational activities (trainings, lectures, publications, coaching) and research.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to work for development of civil society and social capital building social trust, openness, promoting diversity and preventing discrimination based on gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability and sexual orienation. Our objectives are: working for increasing knowledge about social capital, working for development of social capital (trust, bonds, opennenes, dialogue); working for creating new tools focusing on anti-discrimination education ; providing anti-discrimination education for multiplikators.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are trainings and workshops focusing on preventing the discrimination (right now mostly based on gender, sexual orienation and race and ethic origin); researches focusing on factors which facilitate social capital in Poland and publications promoting idea of social capital (trust, bonds, opennenes, dialogue).

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Abramowicz

For Freedom Foundation (Fundacja dla Wolności )

National Network

ul. Angorska 19/U-1

+48 22 612 76 18
Mobile Phone
+48 502 070 701
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 534 101 012
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Foundation is managed by the board of two people. The board is controlled by the independent council. Our team includes psychologists, sociologists, ethnographers, educators and linguists; Poles and foreigners.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation for Freedom is a non-profit organization founded in Warsaw (Poland) in 2004. Its activities are addressed to people at risk of exclusion because of their origin (including refugees and migrants), skin color, religion, age, sex or sexual orientation. We work with children, adults and seniors.

Main Projects / Activities

Ethnoleague: Multicultural and sex-mixed football league and club for better integration of migrants and women to Polish society. We use football universal rules to teach fair play and anti-discrimination attitudes. We are an active member of the international Football Against Racism in Europe network, the official UEFA partner. We organize international seminars for experts, youth exchanges and workshops for teachers on the anti-discrimination methodologies in sport, and produce manuals.
Young refugees: Program for the young refugees in Warsaw. It is a support tool in the refugee center that aims to prepare them for school, social peer contacts and independent functioning in the future. We teach Polish language, help in homework, and develop different skills. We also run sport activities, excursions, and work individually with whole families.
Volunteering: We realize several projects of international volunteering and youth exchanges co-financed by Erasmus+. We work with dozens of organizations from across Europe, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, China and Mexico among others. Together with several other organizations we run webside with open educationoal courses for volunteers.
T-shirt for Freedom: The aim of the campaign, which started in 2004, was to stimulate discussion on tolerance and minority rights in Poland. It is a solidarity gesture with groups discriminated because of their appearance, origin, sex, disease and other traits. T-shirts with slogans like I’m a lesbian, I’m unemployed, I was in prison, I am an Arab, I do not listen to the Pope revealed nationwide discussion. The campaign has been supported by Oliviero Toscani and dozens of important Polish politicians, artists and athletes. T-shirts were sold out to thousands of people, we also held many debates and exhibitions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Krzysztof Jarymowicz
Head of the organisation
Antoni Adamowicz
Contact (2) Full Name
Antoni Adamowicz

Together Polska Foundation (Fundacja Together Polska)

National Network

Ul. Stalowowolska 6 lok 2

00 48 360 88 22
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 48 697 175 347
Mobile Phone (other)
00 48 603 601 331
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The type of the organization is a non-profit making one and it’s the member of Together network, registered in 2005. Polish branch is based on its focal points in 4 cities in Poland, with headquarters in Wroclaw. It is a volunteer organization, and at the moment, we have no employed staff. As the resources of financing, we are using the grants for the concrete projects, mostly YOUTH Proframme and local founds in Poland Our partners of the NGO are both local and international ones. We have strong cooperation with Balkan countries, mostly with Macedonia.
Mission and Objectives

The network of “Together” organisations is present in Europe and also in the process of establishment in the Middle East: in Jordan and Palestine.
Using the opportunities for international mobility we wish to strengthen the appreciation of diversities in the large Europe concept and we try to support people in discovering other cultures and lifestyles and thus enriching their personal and professional developments.
We encourage volunteering – the principal of mobility of young people, European citizenship and active participation.

Main Projects / Activities

International level:
European Voluntary Service Projects
Local level:
Local volunteers
Human Rights promotion and campaigns
Trainings for Human Resources

Contact (1) Full Name
Magdalena Jakubowska
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Jakubowska
Contact (2) Full Name
Damian Dudala

Foundation for the Cultural Exchange toTU toTAM (Fundacja Wymiany Kulturowej toTU toTAM)

National Network

ul. Siemiradzkiego 6a/38
37-700 Przemyśl

+48 16 678 49 65
Mobile Phone
+48 601 212 577
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 509 587 262
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structer of organization is the following: president, vice-president and secretary. Yet we do not have any staff employed. We do have partners like Centre for Culture and Education "ZAMEK" in Przemyśl, Centre for Culture in Przemyśl, Mexican Embassy in Warsaw and an Association Natate in Mexico. As we have just started we have not obtained any grants within organization toTU toTAM, but we did as an initiative group and we did a project of volunteering in Mexico and one project of cultural education in Poland. We are now working on 2 projects to be written and sent to the grantee.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation of Cultural Exchange toTU toTAM was formed to build an international understanding by cultural education and arts; to give youths and seniors new possibilities of self-development and to enrich Polish culture by organizing international projects. Specifically: ·To establish a "space" which will encompass the teaching of languages, the arts, and humanities; · To create and maintain an event e.g. festival of dance theather · To help youths with volunteer and student exchanges. · To create and maintain a facility for musical, theatrical and other performances.

Main Projects / Activities

Future activities among others: workshops, festivals, international exchanges of volunteers, conferences, animations and all kinds of artistic and cultural expressions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Magdalena Pardel (President)
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Pardel (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Paweł Trefler (Vice-President)

Krystyna Bochenek Katowice Centre of Culture (Centrum Kultury Katowice im. Krystyny Bochenek)

National Network

pl. Sejmu Slaskiego 2

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Statutory representatives: Director – Tomasz Janikowski; Chef Countable - Barbara Gabriel; The persons municipal institution of culture, 42 employees. 2. 450 000 pln (about 100 000 EURO) 3. Subsidized by city hall; grants from Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, ?l?skie Voivodeship and sponsors. 4. Activity of institution includes projects: - exhibitions (contemporary art and photography) - music (chamber classical music, jazz and modern music) - theater (including summer international festival) - education (education on a range of art., music and culture, seminars, workshops, lectures) 5. City hall, NGO`s from the region, “Korez” Theater, other cultural institutions, artistic colleges.
Mission and Objectives

1. Recognition, stimulation and fulfillment of cultural needs and interests of local community.
2. Creation of conditions for active participation of youth people in cultural life of town and region.
3. Running comprehensive activity in range of culture’s popularization.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Presentation of valuable phenomena and different forms of art – 6 art galleries
2. Organization of festivals, reviews, exhibitions, autorship’s/autors’ and poetical evenings, concerts, spectacles, auctions, etc. ( the biggest and the most important every-year-projects “International Summer Garden of Theater”, cycle of concerts “Jazz and Surroundings”).
3. Promotion of creators, patrons and of culture (include young culture’s creators).
4. Publishing (catalogues of exhibitions, post-conference stuff).
5. Educational and workshop’s actions (“The artistic workshops for children”).
6. Informative, educational and popularization’s activity (“Codes of Culture” “Collection of Culture”).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorota Pociask-Frącek (Deputy Director)
Head of the organisation
Isabela Kosowska Osman (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Matuszczyk

Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre (Ośrodek Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN)

National Network

20-112 Lublin, Grodzka 21

+48 81 532-58-67
+48 81 534-61-10
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The „Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre is municipal cultural institution. founded in 1998 by the City of Lublin, employs 39 people. The main aim of its activity is fostering awareness of Lublin's rich multicultural history and at developing a deeper sense of local identity and tolerance for other cultures. The Centre achieves this aim through artistic, educational and documentary activities, such as: exhibitions, interactive meetings, publishing, Internet programmes, oral history, etc. Budget in 2008: 3 000 000 PLN Sources of funding: City of Lublin, Polish Ministry of Culture, EU grants, etc Main partners : local schools, libraries, media, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin Catholic University of Lublin State Archive in Lublin Association of Lublin Jews in Israel Jewish Community in Warsaw, Lublin's branch Museum of History of Polish Jews Yad Vashem Institute State Museum Majdanek Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (ASF)
Mission and Objectives

The „Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre is an independent cultural institution engaged in fostering an awareness of Lublin's rich multicultural history and at developing a deeper sense of local identity and tolerance for other cultures. In its activities the Centre refers to the symbolic and historical significance of its residence - the Grodzka Gate - which was once a passage from the Christian to the Jewish part of the city, as well as to the locality of Lublin as a place where various cultures, traditions and religions once met.
The Gate became the symbol of meeting of cultures, history and tradition, the centre of
innovative educational ideas and of discovering forgotten trails of local past and heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

- collecting archival materials connected with the multicultural history of Lublin and region
- recording the testimonies, digital documentation
- commemoration of Jewish-Polish history of Lublin
Oral history
- we have collected over 700 testimonies
Artistic programmes
- theatrical performances
- documentary exhibitions (e.g. ”The Primer – children in Majdanek camp”)
- actions in public space (e.g the City of Poetry Festival )
- Memory Mysteries
Educational and Internet programmes
- cooperation with schools in organizing the anniversaries of „Holocaust Memorial Day”, the liquidation of the Lublin's ghetto, etc.
- preparing the screenplays of alternative lessons about history, culture and heritage of Lublin and region
- conferences, seminars, workshops, audiovisual presentations
- websites and databases of Lublin and region cultural heritage (e.g.,,,
- the educational and artistic books
The House of Print
Old Town Cellars

Contact (1) Full Name
Emil Majuk
Head of the organisation
Tomasz Pietrasiewicz
Contact (2) Full Name
Witold Dąbrowski

Institute for Researches on Civilizations, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow (Instytut Badań nad Cywilizacjami, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie)

National Network

ul. mjr Sucharskiego 2 , 35-225 Rzeszow

+48 17 866 1169
+48 17 866 12 22
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Institute is a research unit which is working in the framework of University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow. In Institute works 6 persons whose researches ares are associated with intercultural dialog and cross-cultural communication. The so far organized events include: • Iranian Culture Days • Indian Culture Days • Multicultural Workshop with Wojciech Jagielski • Chinese Culture Month • Tibet Days • Bollywood in Rzeszów • Arabic Month • Video conference with U.S. State Department ‘Freedom of speech, media responsibility’ • ‘Herbert Hoover and Poland’ exhibition – on the greatest humanitarian aid in the history of mankind • ‘The world is voting’ by Agata Zamłyńska, Tomasz Błasiak – an exhibition devoted to elections around the world • Bangladesh Victory Day • Multicultural Meeting • Martin Luther King Day Sources of funding:University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow.
Mission and Objectives

The Institute is a research unit whose main goal is to analyze macro and micro phenomena and events in various civilizations, as well as monitor globalization forms in cultural, political and economic development, identify cooperation opportunities between different civilizations, as well as monitor risk areas in the world and identify potential conflicts. The main part of our work focuses not only on organizing academic lectures but also events promoting the cultures of different civilizations among students and pupils. These activities are particularly important in the context of Polish membership in the European Union, which is one of the most important participants in the modern world’s global game and also the place of a multicultural society forming.

Main Projects / Activities

The Institute of Research on Civilizations organizes Culture Days within two cycles: Encounters with the Orient and Cultures Close and Distant. Furthermore, we organize seminars, conferences, meetings with authors, photography exhibitions and multicultural workshops for students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Anna Siewierska-Chmaj
Head of the organisation
Prof. Piotr Kłodkowski

International Cultural Centre in Kraków

National Network

Rynek Główny 25
31-008 Kraków

00481242178 44
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The ICC is funded and organized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage with a yearly budget of around 1.3 million euro – about half of it coming from the Ministry, while the rest is collected on its own. The ICC employs 50 people on permanent basis divided into fours units: Centre for Exhibitions and Publications, Research Institute of European Heritage, College for New Europe, Strategy and Communication Department. 4) Cultural heritage (conferences, seminars, lectures, research projects,contacts with experts and discussions, summer school, post graduate study programme, multilingual publications, conference proceedings or albums, library) to reach not only the Polish public but also the foreign one. Exhibitions of painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography and architecture. 5)The ICC is a member of a range of culture networks and international organizations. Moreover, the majority of its activities is conducted together with foreign partners.
Mission and Objectives

Fostering and propagation of a new attitude to a common European heritage, an attitude that on the one hand is untarred by the brush of nationalism, yet on the other strongly accentuates the issues of identity, individual tradition and the roots of individual cultures. Our mission is also shaped by the challenge of the constant and highly dynamic relationship between the civilisation of the late twentieth and early twenty first centuries and the heritage of the past. This relationship is founded on a mutual interdependence: contemporary reality colours our approach to heritage, while our heritage is constantly correcting our attitude to contemporary reality. The founding of the ICC is not only an important experiment in terms of programme, but it also constitutes an attempt to seek new solutions at the meeting point of culture and economics. The core principle is to integrate academic research, educational programmes and promotional action.

Main Projects / Activities

• the concept of European civilisation • national stereotypes and issues of neighbourhood in an international context • national identity in the context of globalisation • cultural dialogue • collective memory • the multicultural nature of Central Europe Poland's place in Europe • cultural heritage and a new philosophy for its protection • the concept of the historic city • culture and development • the place of culture in society The above mentioned themes and many more are the basis of the following activities of the ICC: seminars, conferences, lectures, debates, summer schools, the post-graduate programme, research projects, exhibitions, publications, international projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joanna Sanetra-Szeliga
Head of the organisation
Ms. Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik

Lech Walesa Institute Foundation (Fundacja Insytutu Lecha Wałęsy)

National Network

Al. Jerozolimskie 11/19

+48 22 622 22 20
Telephone (other)
+48 22 621 14 92
+48 22 625 14 14
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation employs 7 persons on regular post; it is financed through donations; major fields of action are education, science, sustainable development, human rights. The statutory Projects: Records on Lech Walesa’s life and public activity; Poland in the World; The condition of the Republic of Poland; the Program of Sustainable Development and Education of Young People’ Lech Walesa’s Grant Fund. The Foundation works with different institutions and firms depending on particular program.
Mission and Objectives

To protect the national heritage, the tradition of independence and Solidarity; to record the life and activity of Lech Walesa; to carry out research and studies in the most recent history of Poland; to promote a positive image of Poland and the Poles abroad; to advocate clear and transparent rules in politics and public activity; to promote dialogue between different cultures and religions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation initiates and participates in programs that promote the values enshrined in its statute. This continuing work is divided among the active programs that, though different in scope, character, methods, place of implementing, recipient and durance, they are launched for the common good of the public. Among them, Lech Walesa Library; Goetz-Okocimski Academy in Brzesko; Lech Walesa Grant Found; Poland in the World; the Sustainable Development and Education of Young People.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnieszka Gr?tkiewicz
Head of the organisation
Piotr Gulczy?ski
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna S?d?akowska

Midtown Cultural Centre (Śródmiejski Ośrodek Kultury)

National Network

Mikołajska 2
31-027 Kraków

(004812) 422-19-55
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Cultural Centre is a government-erected institution, currently employing as much as 34 people. The main building is located in an antique building in the city centre, and it administers 5 more centres across town. Casual work of the whole organization is founded by the city, but the realization of any additional projects require extra founding – obtained from National Ministry founds, EU founding projects and money from foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The Cultural Centre was crated as part of a government network meant to deliver cultural education to the general public. With time The Midtown Cultural Centre developed individual aims. Our program is based on promoting artistic activity, as well as cultural education. For many years now we have specialized in intercultural projects, collaborating with non-government organizations dealing and erected by ethnic minorities – local, as well as foreign, who have migrated to Poland.

Main Projects / Activities

As a cultural institution, we constantly organize, or participate in organizing cultural, artistic and educational projects. Among our recently developed work is The African Festival (, A Native-American Culture Conference, The Romanian Culture Festival. We also organize educational meetings concerning the heritage of various ethnic groups on a monthly basis, and weekly meetings with travellers telling about the countries they have visited. We also author the Trans-Poetica project, inviting poets from around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Ko?ciuszko
Head of the organisation
Janusz Paluch