Villa Decius Association (Stowarzyszenie Willa Decjusza)

National Network

ul. 28 lipca 1943 r. 17A

+48/12/425 36 38
Telephone (other)
+48/12/425 36 44
+48/12/425 36 63
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48/509 647 307
Mobile Phone (other)
+48/509 647 304
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Villa Decius Association is a non-profit organization, which is supported by public and private grants and donations spent for the purposes set out in the statute. Major modalities of action: - direct organization of conferences, seminars, summer schools, scholarship programs - cooperation with external partners The European partner of the Villa Decius Association: The European Cultural Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

At the heart of Villa Decius's programs lies the idea of people representing various fields, nationalities and interests meeting together to exchange and explore ways of stimulating creative work in a communal setting. The Villa devotes particular attention to cultural encounter and exchange between east and west, intercultural management in a modern society, international cultural co-operation, the role of writers and translators in social dialogue and European integration.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association conducts international workshops, conferences and meetings about intercultural education, multiculturalism and the building of civil society.
The Association supports initiatives in the following program areas:
- arts and culture
- integration and education
- civil society and human rights

Contact (1) Full Name
Danuta Glondys
Head of the organisation
Danuta Glondys, Director of the Villa Decius Association
Contact (2) Full Name
Jadwiga Figiel

Edith Stein Association (Towarzystwo im. Edyty Stein )

National Network

Ul. Nowowiejska 38
50-315 Wrocław

+48 71 37 209 77
+48 71 37 209 77
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1) President of the society is chairman of the board. The are app. 150 members of the society 2) Ca 100 000 Euro 3) Private and public foundations, own income
Mission and Objectives

1) Edith Stein works
2) Polish - German understanding
3) Christian - Jewish dialogue
4) Civil society education

Main Projects / Activities

1) Polish - German understanding
2) Christian - Jewish dialogue
3) Civil society education
4) culture projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Dominik Ptak
Head of the organisation
Dr. Arkadiusz Hojny

Society of Friends of the Orla Region (Societe des Amis de la Region d'Orla, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ziemi Orlańskiej)

National Network

ul. Spółdzielcza 1
17-106 Orla, woj. Podlaskie, Polska
contact: ul.Zamenhofa 15/7
15-435 Białystok – Poland

Orla (and Białystok for contact)

0048 - 85 7392 059
Telephone (other)
0048-85 7417177 (for contact)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0048-501389371 (for contact)
Mobile Phone (other)
0048 516328299
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Towarzystwo Przyjació? Ziemi Oral?skiej (TPZO) is a NGO founded by a groupe of inhabitants and some "external" friends of the region. At the moment, it counts 20 members. The executive comitee (president, secretary and treasurer) are chosen for terme. The Society colaborates with other NGO, local and regional governments and regional medias. The budget is based on the members' fees and public and private dotations. To fund concrete actions TPZO applies for subventions to Polish and international Founds, Polish Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Adminbistration (responsible for national minorities). These actions, undertaken with partners and local youth, are mainly conferences and exhibitions which require a search for materials from diffrent sources and thus exchanges between diffrent cultures and diffrent generations.
Mission and Objectives

The general objectives of the Society are:
- developing social and cultural potential of the region and of the Eastern Polish province;
- revealing and promoting the multicultural (Polish/Belarussian/Ukrainian/Russian/Jewish) tradition of the region
- working on a better understanding between diffrent cultures still living in the region

Main Projects / Activities

In 2007 TPZO organized an exposition in the old synagogue of Orla on the Jewish presence in the region and a conference on its multi-cultural history. In 2008 the Society with its partners will organize a multi-media presentation based on old documents and photographs and shoot a film presenting the multicultural tradition of the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wioletta Kowalska
Head of the organisation
Sergiusz Martynowicz
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomasz Wiśniewski

Association "U Siebie – At Home” (Stowarzyszenie "U Siebie – At Home”)

National Network

Żelechowskiego 6/9

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Association is represented by the Board of Directors (2 members jointly: the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson including). Its funds come from the monthly member fees (12 Polish Zloty per member a month). The Association’s team consists of 25 founding members, mainly journalists specializing in the minority issues, researchers, members of minority associations and other organizations in Poland. A great number of unassociated with the Organization fans as well as journalism students, students working on their research papers, scouts, collaborate with the Association on a regular basis. The Association cooperates with a great number of institutions. It co-partners in a number of projects dealing with the issues of multiculturalism, i.e.: Its extensive documentation basis (hundreds of film documentaries, TV programs, etc.), is frequently used as a research and educational basis for numerous conferences, workshops, festivals, exhibitions and meetings.
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Association are: - to support the presence of national minorities and ethnic groups in the media, - to present the lives and the cultural heritage of the national minorities and the ethnic groups residing in Poland, - to document and to preserve the socio-cultural facts from their lives, - to promote the tradition and the local customs of the minorities whose lasting is threatened by the ongoing cultural unification and the assimilation processes, - to portrait occurrences, cultural and social facts, economical and ecological initiatives coming from the minority environments and having a trans-border extend, - to build the respect towards other faiths and religions by presenting their rites and customs, - to promote the patterns of peaceable co-existence, tolerance and respect as the basic condition for peace in the contemporary Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association realizes Its goals by: - the production of television programs dedicated to the subject of multiculturalism, - the organization of workshops for journalists who deal with the issues of national and ethnic minorities, - the preparation of interactive educational packages on the subject of multiculturalism, - the organization of seminaries and conferences having to do with multicultural journalism as well as the relations between the national and ethnic minorities and the media, - the preparation to the reactivating of The International Television Festival Of Films And Ethnic Programmes "U Siebie - At Home", organized by the Association founders since 1997 in Krakow - the cooperation with other organizations with statutory goals similar to that of the Association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Urszula Sochacka
Head of the organisation
Urszula Sochacka

Department of Middle East and North Africa Studies, University of Lodz (Katedra Bliskiego Wschodu i Północnej Afryki, Uniwersytet Łódzki)

National Network

Skladowa 41/43, PL – 90-127 Lodz

+48 42 6354232
Telephone (other)
(48) 042-635-42-62
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Department consist of 4 scholars, 1 part time worker and PhD student. Main area of interests are: culture and society in the Middle East (women, civilisation, literature, customs etc), political studies (history and contemporary Middle East politics). The Department is financed by grants from the University of Lodz. Cooperation with diplomatically representation of Arab Countries in Poland, and Association concerning Middle East culture. The Department concentrate on scholar activities by organising meeting with culture and politics at the Middle East
Mission and Objectives

The Department being scholar organisation is strictly dedicated to educational activities.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Arkadiusz Placzek
Head of the organisation
Marek M. Dziekan, PhD professor

Willa Polonia Fundation (Fundacja Willa Polonia)

National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Public activity foundation began under end 1999 year. The promotion of workings on thing of culture of art, museum management is the mission and social education. We carry the help the talented youth. Funding takes place with gain over from government centres and institutions as well as by sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

It is the aim of Foundation:
1. popularise native civilization achievements, cultural heritage and natural,
2. using with experiences of states of European Union in range of regional policy, development of local communities and ethnic,
3. creating conditions to additional schooling constant talented artistically and clever scientifically youth from being in difficult life situation families,
4. leadership of scientific investigations in range of cultural property of the Polish the colony environments,
5. initiating on thing of social mediation the action, say the consumers and the voluntary service,
6. creating to development of museum management the conditions and the protection of book collections as well as the gatherings of graphic prints,
7. formation in range of ecological education the social attitudes,
8. propagating traditional articles and regional products,
9. protecting musical heritage, literary and theatrical,
10. promoting among Slavic nations cultural co-operation,
11. publication books and periodicals about scientific character and cultural,
12. organization courses and cultural events.

Main Projects / Activities

Concerts F.Chopin,I.J.Paderewski.
Seminars media and cultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lidia Zebrowska
Head of the organisation
Jan Sek

Poznań School of Banking (Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu)

National Network

al. Niepodległości 2
61-771 Poznań


+48 61 655 32 45
Telephone (other)
+48 61 655 32 44
+48 61 655 32 46
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Poznań School of Banking (WSB) is a non-public school of higher education. The School offers 3-year Bachelor courses and Post-graduate 2-year Master of Science program. WSB jointly with Helsinki School of Economic provide also 2-year Executive MBA program. In 2006 WSB opened University of Every Age which provides courses for adults. WSB’s staff comprises around 500 university teachers, including
Mission and Objectives

The school’s objective is to educate modern human resources that will satisfy the requirements of today’s economy. WSB in Pozna? desires to become the best higher education school of business, i.e. a higher education institution:
• focused on developing knowledge, skills and attitudes;
• teaching economics, management, and related areas in broad sense;
• offering the education at the level of bachelor, master and PhD degrees;
• performing the Lifelong learning, particularly in the form of courses, training sessions, and postgraduate courses;
• focused on complete preparation of students for professional work;
• basing its education on extensive own research;
• employing for the most part its own research and teaching staff;
• applying modern and active teaching methods and techniques;
• providing adequate studying conditions for its students.

Main Projects / Activities

Poznań School of Banking is a school of economics, specializing in applied finance.
Our primary research areas include:
•corporate finance
•public finance
•international business
•marketing, particularly in the context of higher education institutions
•EU integration
•economics of transition
•regional studies
•the social role of chambers of commerce and business associations
•social policy and social insurance
Poznan School of Banking runs its own publishing house where handbooks, textbooks, and scientific studies in economy, business and finance are published.
Poznan School of Banking publishes an annual scientific journal (Zeszyty Naukowe WSB).
WSB researchers present their research results at country-wide and international conference.
WSB organizes conferences and scientific seminars at which both our own faculty and external researchers present and discuss research findings.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnieszka Wierzbicka
Head of the organisation
Rafał Kaszta
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Martyna

Academical Association of Promoters of European Law and Education “Common Europe” (Akademickie Stowarzyszenie Propagatorow Prawa i Edukacji Europejskiej “Wspolna Europa”)

National Network

st. Witosa 7/24

+48 089 523 59 59
Telephone (other)
+48 124242815
+48 089 523 59 59
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+48 693 296 397
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 609 220 672
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1.We are the group of 80 students from University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. We have 7 people in board. We do not have employed staff. 2.In year 2005 we have spent more than 15 000 euro for actions. In year 2006 it will be more than 30 000 euro 3.Our main sources of funding are: grants from European institutions and budget of our university. 4.This year we realized international youth exchanges: Baltic sea – our common pearl, Music breaks the limits,Two years ago. Also we made a lot of actions for students. 5.University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, training company Perspektywy, Foundation Camp Rodowo, Polish Historical Brotherhood (department in Olsztyn), Polish Criminalistic Association
Mission and Objectives

We want to create European society free from barriers, limits and discrimination. Also we work to increase level of knowledge about human rights, European and Polish law.

Main Projects / Activities

This year we realized international youth exchanges: Baltic sea – our common pearl, Music breaks the limits, Two years ago.
First was connected with ecology, history and politic of Baltic sea countries. It was realized with young Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians.
Second was focused on the many types of music and ways of using them in international youth exchanges. Participants were from Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Italy.
A project Two Years Ago was connected with celebrating of joying of 10 new states to EU.

Contact (1) Full Name
Piotr Wojciechowski
Head of the organisation
Piotr Wojciechowski – chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Przemyslaw Rajchel

Academy of Music in Krakow (Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie)

National Network

ul. sw. Tomasza 43
31-027 Krakow

+48-12-4220455, ext.147
Telephone (other)
+48 12 426 2970
+48 12 426 2970
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Academy of Music in Krakow is composed of 3 faculties: Faculty of Musical Composition, Performance, Analysis and Education, The Instrumental Faculty, and Faculty of Vocal and Drama studies. The Academy employs a total of ca. 280 academic teachers. It is a publicly funded institution of higher education (academic level) funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The Academy of Music concentrates on three major fields: art, research, and teaching. Teaching is conducted by all faculties in full-time studies, in BA and MA programmes. Most faculties also offer postgraduate studies and work experience programmes. The Academy collaborates with universities and other institutions of higher education. It is a member of networks of schools of music: AEC - Association Europeenne des Conservatoires, CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Program for University Studies, ABAM - Association of Baltic Academies of Music, and in the ERASMUS programme, which brings our Academy into bilateral partnerships with over 50 eminent European schools.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Academy of Music in Cracow is to offer educational and research opportunities on highest possible level in the field of artistic creation and interpretation, as well as in the field of musicological research. This mission is carried out by offering studies on undergraduate and graduate level as well as professional development courses and work experience programme. The Academy ensembles present concerts available to general public in several concert venues in Krakow, as well as In Poland and abroad. An important objective of the Academy is to develop musicological research and to publish scholarly publications in the field of history, theory and analysis of music.

Main Projects / Activities

Concert performance is a significant element of the teaching process at the Academy of Music. The students have the opportunity to perform as members of great symphony and chamber orchestras, the Academy’s choir, its chamber and opera ensembles, as well as soloists and conductors soloists – in any of the several dozen concerts organized at the Academy each year. The repertoire, based on the great European canon, ranges from the Middle Ages to the 21-st century, from the classical to the experimental, from period instruments to traditional ones and electronics and computers. Many projects include collaboration on international level which allows the students to get acquainted with works and performance techniques originating in other countries and cultures. Through projects such as the International Percussion Festival, International Summer Academy, numerous masterclasses and lectures of foreign artists and researchers, the international dimension of artistic cooperation is developed and enhanced. Although the Academy status is that of an artistic school its students participate in numerous and active student research groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Karolina Jarosz
Head of the organisation
Prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Łapiński

Angelus Silesius Meeting House (Dom Spotkań im. Angelusa Silesiusa)

National Network

ul. W.Stysia 16a, 54-130

0048 71 338 07 93
00 48 71 797 59 54
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0048 722 11 06 02
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Angelus Silesius House is an educational centre for youth and adults. it was established by Jesuits in 1993. Our activities are divided into three parts: International Educational Centre for Youth, Voluntary Centre and Training and Councelling Centre. We employ full time 8 professionally trained youth workers and cooperate with many co- workers and volunters. Our yearly budget is about 300 000 Euro. We use many paossibilities of funding available in Poland and Europe. we were honoured with the price "Pro Publico Bono" for the best organisation in Poland.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission in to work with youth and to create them " the space for development".
We work on the basis of non- formal education with the model of "learning by doing" or "learning by experiencing".
The main themes we focus are:
- global eduaction
- human rights education
- european education
- interreliious and intercultural dialogue
- media
- history

Main Projects / Activities

In frames of our International Centre for Youth we organise many youth exachanges with youth from the whole Europe, East Europe and Caucasus and Euromed. We are present in YOUTH programme since 1998, and our cooperation with Euromed counries started in 2003. We also organise projects only for Polish youth.
Second activity is Centre of Voluntary Service. We ar hosting, sending, and coordinatin organisation in frames of the Youth in Action Programme.
The last part of our activities is Training and Councellig Centre- we organise trainig, seminars for youth workers, teachers, volunteers. We are specialised in Youth In Action Programme, non-formal education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Polus
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Kudarewska