Association (Stowarzyszenie

National Network

ul. Wilcza 23/27 00-554 Warsaw

+48 22 629 19 27
Telephone (other)
as above
+48 22 629 19 27
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+48 500 196 969
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 602 638 553
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information Association is an NGO established in 2002 in Warsaw. There is an online dimension of our activity – the biggest Internet portal in Polish about the Arab world (as well as an Arabic one about Poland) and an “offline” one – organising of workhops, seminars, and other events related to the Arab world. Estimated resources are rather moderate (approx. 20.000 USD yearly), there is only one employee – rest of the work is done voluntarily. collaborates with scientific institutions (Warsaw University, Lodz University), Arab Embassies in Poland (Kuwaiti, Saudi) and other organisations (Polish Comittee for UNESCO). Funding depends on the project – no regular funding is provided.
Mission and Objectives

Our main goal is to spread information about the Arab world. We are doing it both though the Internet portal as well as by organising many events aiming at presentation of the Arab world from another viewpoint – through music, art, culture, society issues or economy. Our activities are addressed especially to the youth (mostly students).

Main Projects / Activities

• The Internet portal about the Arab world available at
• Arab Days – a cycle of seminars at Polish universities (in Warsaw, Danzig, Lodz...) combined with Oriental parties afterwards
• Workshops for secondary school students aiming at modification of negative stereotypes of Arabs and Islam
• Charity events (for victims of South Asian earthquake or Iraqi children)
• Scientific seminars and conferences,
• Exhibitions of contemporary Arab art, Arab fashion shows and movie displays
• Researches and analysis of polish oil companies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elżbieta Krawczyk
Head of the organisation
Marek Kubicki
Contact (2) Full Name
Arkadiusz Tomaszewski

Association d'Appui les Initiatives Artistiques et Culturelles NETCETERA

National Network

ul. Jagiellońska 12/6
59-220 Legnica

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
1. La commandement de l'Association c'est l'Assemblee Generale Ordinaire composee de 15 membres actifs. L'Association est dirigee par le Conseil d'Administration, compose du President et deux Vice-Presidents. La gestions de l'Assotiation est controlee par La Commission 2. Le budget - 10.000 d'euro. 3. L'Association est financee par les subventions de l'Etat, du region et par des cotisations. 4. L'Association realise deux projets fixes. C'est l'organisation du Festival des Formes Audiovisuelles INTERMEDIALE avec Theatre de Modjeska a Legnica et l'administration d'une page d'internet ARTCETERA, une base des donnees des artistes et institution d'art en Pologne ( Elle realise aussi les workshops video et les seminaires pour les jeunes et adultes. 5. L'Association a 2 partenaires fixes. C'est le Theatre de Modjeska a Legnica avec lequel est organise Festival des Formes Audiovisuelles et la Galerie d'Art a Legnica pour laquelle NETCETERA realise la documentation de ses evenements artistiques .
Mission and Objectives

NETCETERA agit dans la domaine de l'art, de l'éducation et de la culture.
Elle a pour mission de:
- promouvoir l'art et la culture polonaise a l'etranger, surtout l'art audiovisuelle,le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- promouvoir la coopération et les echanges des artistes des domaines de l'art audiovisuelle,le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- promouvoir la création et le développement d’initiatives artistiques innovantees,
- fournir à large public des informations sur le developpement de l'art contemporaine,
Objectifs de NETCETERA sont:
- promouvoir les échanges artistiques et culturels
- contribuer à améliorer les conditions de création et de développement d'art audiovisuelle, le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- creer les evenements artistiques et culturelles dans des domaines de l'art audiovisuelle, le video art,la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance.

Main Projects / Activities

NETCETERA realise:
- le Festival des Formes Audiovisuelles INTERMEDIALE avec Theatre de Modjeska a Legnica
- une page d'internet ARTCETERA, une base des donnees des artistes et institution d'art en Pologne (
- les editions des DVD et CD documentes l'art audiovisuelle, le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- les evenements artistiques innovantees dans la domaine des nouveaux medias
- la documentation de la vie atistique et culturelle dans la ville de Legnica et ailleurs

Contact (1) Full Name
Bogumiła Kozakiewicz
Head of the organisation
Małgorzata Dancewicz-Pawlik

Fondation Poznan-Ille et Vilaine/ la Maison de la Bretagne (Fundacja Poznań – Ille et Vilaine, Dom Bretanii)

National Network

Stary Rynek 37
61 772 Poznan

0048 61 851 68 51
0048 61 851 68 50
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La Fondation est dirigé par un Conseil. Elle emploie 6 personnes qui travaillent à la Maison de la Bretagne. Nos activités sont financées par la Ville de Poznan, la Région de Bretagne et le Maréchal de Wielkopolska. La Fondation réalise également des projets européens et organise des cours des langues romanes. Le profit est destiné à financer nos activités. Notre budget annuel s’élève à 540 000 PLN. La Fondation travaille avec de nombreux partenaires en Bretagne: l'Association Bretagne-Pologne, La Maison Internationale de Rennes, la Ville de Rennes, la Région de la Bretagne, l'Association de la diaspora bretonne An Tour Tan, Institut Culturel de Bretagne et autres partenaires en France: l'Institut de la Culture Basque, la Collectivité Territoriale de Corse. La Fondation organise des Journées de la Culture Française et de la Francophonie, des Journées de la Bretagne, un Festival de la Culture des Régions de l’Europe et un atelier internatinal de la musique traditionnelle européenne.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de la Fondation se concentre sur la coopération entre deux régions: La Bretagne et la Wielkopolska ainsi que sur la promotion de la culture bretonne, celtique, romane et européenne à Poznan. La Fondation gère des activités de la Maison de la Bretagne à Poznan qui est un centre culturel européen. Notre objectif principal est aider les habitants de Poznan à découvrir l'identité, la richesse et la diversité de la Bretagne et d'autres régions européennes. Tout échange culturel et scolairé organisé par nous a pour le but l’invitation à la réflexion sur notre propre identité culturelle. Nous essayons de sensibiliser de jeunes Polonais à respecter la diversité et le mettisage de la culture européenne.
Le but de notre travail est non lucratif.

Main Projects / Activities

La Fondation organise à Poznan de grandes manifestation annuelles : des Journées de la Culture Française et de la Francophonie (20 éditions), des Journées de la Bretagne (17 éditions), un atelier international de la musique traditionnelle européenne (11 éditions), un Festival de la Culture des Régions de l’Europe (1 édition), des conférences et des expositions ainsi que des atelier de danses européennes. La Fondation travaille avec des écoles et des communes en leur proposant des conférences sur des aspects différents de la culture européenne. Elle encourage des echanges entre des ecoles et des communes de la région de Wielkopolska et de la Bretagne. Elle organise des concerts de maîtres de la musique traditionnelle de toute Europe et de la Francophonie. La Fondation mène une activité éditoriale. Elle diffuse un Magazine breton et des livres. La Fondation gère le travail d’une troupe théâtrale des élèves de Poznan. La troupe a présenté ses spectacles en Pologne, en France, en Italie et en République Tchèque.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elzbieta Sokolowska
Head of the organisation
Mariola Samulska-Musial
Contact (2) Full Name
Lidia Nowicka

The Foundation "Save from oblivion" (Fundacja "Ocalić od zapomnienia")

National Network

ulica Wólczańska 223

042 631 28 58
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
502 227 076
Mobile Phone (other)
516 105 315
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The staff is very small. Thera are prof. Grzgorz Matuszak, mgr inż. Jurczakowski Jarek, dr. Jacek Ladorucki, mgr Elżbieta Uljańska , dr inż. Józef Dąbrowski , Ryszard Uljański and an accountant and few volunteers- students from the Academy of Art in Łódź. The foundation has its "Museum of paper and print" that is situated in the building of Politechnc - The Institut of Poligrafy and Papercraft in Łódź and in the old building in Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa in Łódź.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: education between everybody interested, especially children, about polish and world history of handmade paper, editor and bookbinding. We spread knowledge about the art and craft connected with book and paper. The museum gathered a lot of XIX century machines to work with books such as knives, presses etc. We show how to create well hand made book and handmade paper made only of natural celulosis and different rags and herbs. We also gather and show everything connected with print and engravings, watermarks etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects done: a lot of exhibitions showing the history of paper in Poland and in the world. The festival of print and paper with 10 different event. Yearly over 2000 people attend workshops on books and its specific in Poland. A lot of people took part in workshop about handmade paper. We helped students to create their books and covers on international competitions. We promote the knowledge about indigenous character of book in polish history and the craft of handmade paper and bookbinding. We organized meetings with artists and craftsmen from Poland and abroad.We also gathered the library about the history of book.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elżbieta Uljańska
Head of the organisation
Elżbieta Uljańska
Contact (2) Full Name
Ryszard Uljański

Institute for European Studies, Jagiellonian University (Insytut Europeistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński)

National Network

ul. Jodłowa 13
30-252 Krakow

+48 12 429 80 00
Telephone (other)
+48 12 429 80 11
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre for European Studies, with 36 people employed, is one of the newest and most dynamic among developing departments at the Jagiellonian University. The planned budget total for 2006 is 4 601 769,07 PLN. Sources of finding: national government finding, grants, student fees. The Centre co-operates with many academic institutions: The University College in Dublin, Catholic University of Leuven, l’Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Université Paul Valery Montpellier III, Universität Wien, Lviv University and others. The Centre sponsors conferences, public lectures and discussions, publishes a quarterly journal, European Forum and carries out a number of independent research and consulting projects.
Mission and Objectives

The academic goal of the Centre is to conduct research and develop educational programs focusing on the area of European Studies. The interdisciplinary character of European Studies at the Centre aims to deepen the students understanding of the European affairs through societal, economic, and cultural studies. The Centre has offered Masters Degree in European Studies, in Polish, as well as Masters Degree courses conducted in English for foreigners (MA in European Studies), courses in English for foreign students at the undergraduate level meeting ECTS standards, as well as post-diploma and doctoral programmes in European Studies.

Main Projects / Activities

International project: Socrates-Comenius “European Curriculum for Children of Migrant Workers” 2000-2003
National project “Attitudes of Polish Society toward European Integration” 2000-2003
International project in co-operation with the OSCE/ODIHR “The Website Guide to Tolerance Education” 2002-2005
International project Socrates-Comenius “Co-operative Learning in European Context” 2003-2005
Publication (in English and Polish) in co-operation with the OSCE/ODIHR “Why Should We Teach about the Holocaust?” 2004-2005
Multicultural Europe program in co-operation with the British Council, 2005.
Ongoing regional co-operation with the Teachers Training Centre in Krakow

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jolanta Ambrosewicz-Jacobs
Head of the organisation
Prof. Zdzisław Mach
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnieszka Sadecka

Maria Skłodowska-Curie Comprehensive School (Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Am. Curie-Skłodowskiej w Czechowicach Dziedzicach)

National Network

9 Konopnickiej Street, Czechowice-Dziedzice - Poland

+48 -32-215-35-77
Telephone (other)
+48 -32-215-35-77
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48- 607-582-546
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Maria Skłodowska-Curie Comprehensive Schools is a public, non-profit institution that employs 53 teachers. More than 590 pupils study in our school, aged 17-19 years old. The school is subsided by the Regional Government and is situated in a town Czechowice-Dziedzice, near the picturesque Beskidy Mountains. The school’s major activities focus on education. The Maria Sk?odowska-Curie Comprehensive Schools organizes many additional activities every year, including students’ exchange with the Netherlands, Germany and Slovenia, annual seminars and debates, poetry evenings and other celebrations as well as does a lot of charity work for our local community.
Mission and Objectives

The Maria Skłodowska-Curie Comprehensive Schools’ motto is “I am creative and prepared to life in today’s developing and changing society. I feel, think and I can choose…” The schools is well organized, has an equal marking system and offers a variety of additional non-obligatory classes for students. Not only are the students, who graduated from our school disciplined, tolerant and creative, but they are also very well prepared for their future studies. The aim of our school is to bring up and educate and make students aware of their potential and make them sensitive for other peoples’ needs.

Main Projects / Activities

During the last few years we have worked on numerous projects and activities.
We have worked on two Socrates Comenius Projects: one of them “Communication and European Civilization” focused on national celebrations and festivals; the other one was devoted to an international newspaper in the internet. Our school has also started a cooperation with a high school in Tilburg, the Netherlands, four years ago and we have organized three students’ exchanges so far. We also cooperate with schools in: Germany, Slovenia and Sweden. Each year we organize the annual seminars, where students have a possibility to attend various lectures in our school, given by university professors, PhDs, politicians and other famous people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Dominika Owsiany
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jan Bieroński
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Ewa Froń

Song of the Goat Theatre (Teatr Pieśń Kozła)

National Network

ul. Purkyniego 1

+48 71 344 18 16
Telephone (other)
+48 71 341 88 78
+48 71 344 18 16
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 509 058 204
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Song of the Goat Theatre is an association pro publico bono. There are 15 founder –members. The executive power is the board, which counts 3 people. The association employs 10 fulltime workers. Budgetary resources: There is a different budget for each year. It is about 900 000 zloty for 2006 (225 000 Euro). Source of founding: Piesn Kozla is self-supported theatre company, receiving support from the Wroclaw City Council, the Polish National Department of Culture and private sponsorship. Modalites of action: Brave Festival- an annual international festival Performances given in Poland and abroad Conferences Workshops – national and international Artistc research trips Partners: - Manchester Metropolitan University, Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford Upon-Avon, England, President of the City of Wroclaw, UNESCO.,
Mission and Objectives

Song of the Goat Theatre continues the long tradition of Polish ensemble theatre work and, through its dedication to ongoing research in the actors craft and its vocal and movement techniques has created a unique performance style. Moreover by running projects such as Brave Festival and Brave Kids the Association tries to promote cultural diversity, tolerance and non-formal education.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association has a couple main activities just like various performances, workshops for professional performers both national and international (ex. Manchester Metropolitan University, Drama Box Theatre in Singapore, Tainan Theatre Troupe in Taiwan, Dublin, Belgrade, La MaMa Theatre in New York, Cichuachua, Meksyk, conferences. Since 2005 the Association also runs Brave Festival – Against Cultural Exile which presents vanishing, marginalized and displaced artistic traditions from all around the world, and is open to genuine models of living and creating. The program includes performances, concerts, movies, workshops. conferences, project for seniors and handicapped people, etc. Other activity of the Association is project Brave Kids which brings together children from all over the world in an atmosphere of friendship and respect for each other’s cultures by joining children together in artistic experiences aimed to inspire them to imagine a better future for themselves and their communities, and provide them with tools to help realize their aspirations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina Anna Galanciak
Head of the organisation
Grzegorz Bral

Foundation Madara

National Network

Post Box 50, Sofia 1504

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Members are academics, teachers and students. Foundation Madara is an executive foundation, that is working on projects funded by donnors foundations, governmental or international bodies. We are working under five programs: Peace with oneself (promotion of national culture and educational trends) Peace with Others (promotion of world culture and educational trends) Peace with Nature (environment protection), Youth Activities (Exchanges, exhibitions, seminars etc. for youth). Women in Science (empowering women in science).
Mission and Objectives

We are working for the spreading of the culture of tolerance, peace and mutual appreciation. To achieve these goals, we are focused on the new trends and innovative methods for socialization for children and adults.

Main Projects / Activities

International Conferences: "For a Better School Climate", "Learning to Live Together", "In Search of the Self at the Turn of 21 century","Medicinal Plants - Solution 2000", Youth Exchanges: "Breaking Down Walls,"Swapping Cultures", "Education Through Art", "Artisti Illumilanti"...
Exhibitions: My Best Wish for 21 Century, National folk performances and revival of national traditions, national seminars on environmental protection and for a better school climate...

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Dimitrova
Head of the organisation
Stefania Dimitrova

Association For You

National Network

157 Makedonia street

00359 52600765
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00359 898 819160
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Association FOR YOU is a non-governmental organization registered under the Bulgarian law. The organization exists since June 2009 and has no branches. At the moment in the organization work 9 persons - economists, social workers, IT specialists, psychologists and students. FOR YOU raise funds by applying for national and international projects, by providing social services for people in disadvantage situation as well as donations. Due to the short existence of FOR YOU its funds are still very low. Most important projects of the organization are the international projects SATURN and “Bridges of good neighborhood” , aiming at prevention of illegal migration and volunteer return of migrants from Russia and CIS countries residing on the territory of Bulgaria, Germany and Poland. Association FOR YOU work together with NGOs and institutions in Bulgaria as well as the German organization AWO , SWIP in Poland , “Hope and Help” NGO in Armenia etc.

Mission and Objectives

Association FOR YOU oriented towards the problems of socially disadvantaged people. Our mission is to work for and to support socially disadvantaged people , especially people with disabilities, their families and organizations. We believe in the equal rights and opportunities of everyone for a worthy life. Our main objectives are :To support the integration of people with disabilities; To promote democratic practices and development of civil society; To support the artistic, cultural and spiritual expression of people with disabilities; To encourage youth participation in public life; To draw on youth development issues; To contribute for solving the issues of socially disadvantaged people; To work for solving problems and respecting the rights of children and youth; To cooperate and work towards achieving lasting contacts and cooperation between NGOs and state authorities; To mobilize civil potential for solving issues of socially disadvantaged people

Main Projects / Activities

Project SATURN - an abbreviation for "Social Advice, Return and Support Networking Project for the Ukraine" as are the tasks and objectives of the project. The implementation of its task was realized in cooperation of Ukraine and four European partner countries: Germany, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. This project is addressed to Ukrainian immigrants who legally or illegally reside in the four countries mentioned above and who wish to return to their country of origin. Project 'Bridges for good Neighborhood' . The goal of this project is to prevent illegal migration from Russia and in Russia, and to improve opportunities for legal migration. The basis for achieving this objective is to establish a network of Euro-Asian non-governmental organizations, developing and covering different aspects of the migration management. The European Community assists to this project under the program "Cooperation with third countries on migration and asylum”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elina Raynova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Antonina Atanasova
Contact (2) Full Name
Elina Raynova

Şakire Sadi Primary School

National Network

Cevatpaşa mahallesi Hünkar sokak Bayrampaşa

+90 0212 618 4816
+90 0212 6184815
Mobile Phone
+90 0532 451 59 03
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are a primary school in Istanbul and We have got 1200 pupils being educated at school. We intend to set up projects dealing with culture, education with any other members of foundation
Mission and Objectives

our objective is to make the world better at home than in the world

Main Projects / Activities

educational and cultural projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Harun Özkan
Contact (2) Full Name
Servet Yazgan