A.M. - “Adriatico Mediterraneo” Association

National Network

Via Vittorio Veneto 11 - 60122

+39 071 8046 325
+39 071 8046 325
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Association A.M. “Adriatico Mediterraneo” was born in Ancona in 2007, from the previous experience of the Association “Musica Klezmer”, active since 1996. Right from the very first moment the Association revealed its strong vocation to cultural exchange. In 2007 “Klezmer festival” changed its name into “International Adriatic Mediterranean festival”, widening its attention to the manifold creative expressions in the Adriatic Mediterranean basin, and promote, also on an institutional level, the vocation to interregional cooperation through a complex cultural project with an international dimension.
Mission and Objectives

The first aim is to legitimate the cultural identity of the territory of the Marches and its county town, Ancona, a millenary town which has always been considered the door to the East.
The Association wants to contribute to the depiction of new scenery of integration and cohesion by establishing a dialogue between the countries of the Adriatic- Mediterranean basin and the Balkan area. The idea is to create a widespread confrontation and cultural exchange to represent the manifold artistic expressions, but most of all to realize and strengthen territorial networks of cultural cooperation. The Mediterranean can be thought of as a “big space”, a strategic resource and a privileged place for cooperation. A sea that in it history has made the meeting, not always easy, between different cultures possible: Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Many are the Italian and International artist involved in the past editions of the event, amongst them: Emir Kusturica, Pedrag Matvejevic, Noa, Goran Bregovic, Ute Lemper, Diamanda Galas, Moni Ovadia, Giovanni Allevi, Eugenio Bennato, Nicola Piovani, Neri Marcorè, Dario Fo.
The Association's main aims are:
• creation of an “Adriatic Mediterranean” brand, as the symbol of cultural cooperation in the areas joining the initiative, but also in the areas which are near and close by;
• consolidation of the bonds existing among the Adriatic and the Mediterranean partners involved in the previous editions of the program and the search of new partners;
• development of a stable network of cultural cooperation involving all the local operators and the authorities of the Countries interested, with the aim to strengthen the connections established through the several events and to create pluriannual programs of cooperation and intercultural dialogue;
• strengthening the link between international cooperation, both in the classic meaning of cooperation for development and in the sense of decentralized and territorial cooperation, and culture, in order to reach a complete cultural cooperation;
• diversification of funding sources, at local, national, European level, both public and private.

Main Projects / Activities

The Festival is promoted with the support of the Marches Region, the Province, the Chamber of Commerce, and Ancona Town Hall in the role of co-organizer. However, it is an “open space” to all those institutions, both public and private, and to those realities that share its aims.
The partner Institutions abroad are identified through the national and regional representatives, but also with the assistance of the operators from the areas involved.
The cultural operators and the artists to create the network with are identified on the basis of the aims shared by the Association through a preliminary monitoring activity and confrontation conducted by the project promoters themselves.
“Adriatic Mediterranean festival” has different stages, each one with its own specific segments in the different geographical areas interested, as to reproduce the cultural plurality of the Mediterranean. Occasions are promoted, both in new and in pre-existent contests, for the production, the set up and the presentation of cultural events, with the involvement of local artists and residents. The productions are then circulated in the geographic area of the project by inserting them in the different segments: the aim is to create a sort of International circuit where a permanent cultural exchange can be established.
A brief overview of the last activities carried out:
- 2007: 38 cultural events in Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina.
- 2008: 52 events in Italy, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania.
- 2009: 62 events in Italy, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Turkey.
- 2010: aAs for the previous editions, the 2010 Festival developed through different steps. A first step has been characterized by several events abroad, which express the authentic spirit of the initiative, with the aim to develop occasions for cooperation and cultural confrontation. Contacts have been established with Jerusalem in Israel, Hammamet in Tunisia, Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt and Sarajevo in Bosnia. A further step takes place on the regional territory and comprises a series of appointments in the region, including “2010 Adriatic Mediterranean festival” (Ancona, 28 August – 5 September 2010), in which Ancona acted as the real cultural capital of the Adriatic, hosting important artists, writers, journalists and cultural operators from Italy, but also from the Countries of the Adriatic Mediterranean basin (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Serbia, Tunisia, Turley). For the Ancona festival, besides of the local Administration, the Adriatic Mediterranean Association avails itself of the technical and organizational collaboration also of “Fondazione Teatro delle Muse”, “Teatro Stabile delle Marche”, and “FORM”. During the festival, concerts, exhibitions, meetings, projections have been organised in collaboration with Ancona local authority culture and commerce department to involve the cultural realities on the territory. The restaurants in the town centre will offer tastings and special theme menus. Moreover, gastronomic stands with ethnic food will be set up.
Our Festival represents many different artistic expressions: visual arts, music, theatre, dance, cinema and literature but our international projects have been focused, so far, especially on music.
Our international activity started in 2007 with our participation in international Festivals presenting our concerts or creating a real cooperation projects in which musicians from different countries performed together presenting a modern and classical repertoire. Here some of the most important projects:
September 2008
Concert: Italian composer and musician Giovanni Allevi played and conducted the concert “Sinfonia Evolution” with the Symphonic Orchestra of Young People from South Eastern Europe of Sarajevo; Orchestra of Academic Arts of Tirana
Venue: National Theatre, Sarajevo and Theatre of Academic Arts Tirana
Repertoire: Giovanni Allevi compositions
July 2009
Concert: Giovanni Seneca quintet; Federico Paolinelli (piano solo)
Venue: Festival The Nights of Bascarsija 2009
Repertoire: Giovanni Seneca and Federico Paolinelli compositions
Concert: Giovanni Seneca and Filarmonica Marchigiana String Orchestra
Venue: International Izmir Festival
Repertoire: Seneca, Rodrigo,Boccherini
May 2010
Concert: Filarmonica Marchigiana String Orchestra and Magnificat choir
Venue: Music School Magnificat in Jerusalem (Israel)
Repertoire: GiovanBattista Pergolesi
Concert funded by Marche Region in occasion of the construction of a new building for the Magnificat School. Marches Region, together with the Association Adriatic –Mediterranean, aims at promoting communication and peaceful cohabitation for children and families coming from different cultural and religious backgrounds, by offering better study opportunities to a growing number of students and teachers through the construction of the new school for Magnificat Institute.
The Institute, in fact, promotes the study of music and carries out a twofold function: it is a place for communication and for professional training both in the concert and didactic fields. Two hundred students, Muslims, Catholics and Jews, attend the Institute and its nine different educational programs (piano, violin, flute, cello, choir, singing, organ).
July 2010
Concert: Students and Teachers of the Music Academy of Sarajevo and Music Institute G.B. Pergolesi from Ancona
Venue: Festival The Nights of Bascarsija (Sarajevo)
Concert funded by Marche Region, Provincia di Ancona, Comune di Ancona and festival The Nights of Bascarsija in order to increase the cultural cooperation between our region and Bosnia Herzegovina. This concert promotes the intercultural dialogue and the cultural exchanges among students and teachers of music schools.
Concert: Filarmonica Marchigiana String Orchestra and Giovanni Seneca
Venue: Festival of Hammamet (Tunisia)
Repertoire: Seneca, Rodrigo, Boccherini
Concert funded by Marche Region, Provincia di Ancona and Comune di Ancona within a project of internationalization and dissemination of the Italian culture in the world and in order to create new opportunities of cultural exchange among Mediterranean countries.
October 2010:
concert: Giovanni Seneca and Bibliotheca Alexandrina Orchestra.
Conductor: Mohie el Din Sherif
Venue: Bibliotecha Alexandrina, Alexandria (Egypt)
Repertoire: Mohie el Din Sherif, G.Seneca
Concert funded by Marche Region, Provincia di Ancona and Comune di Ancona within a project of internationalization and dissemination of the Italian culture in the world and in order to create new opportunities of cultural exchange among Mediterranean countries.
European Project:
Associazione Adriatico Mediterraneo with Bogazici Arts and Culture Association (Istanbul) received a grant from the European Union within the programme “Civil Society Dialogue- Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture”. The project is ongoing.
The project will be implemented in the next months and it foresees the organization of some artistic events both in Italy and in Istanbul.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulia Sbano

Department of Arts and Culture, City of Munich

National Network

Abteilung 3, Burgstrasse 4
80331 Muenchen

+49 89 233 21198
Telephone (other)
+49 89 233 28566
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Department of Arts and Culture is part of the municipality of the City of Munich and has about 1300 employees (full-time and part-time)
Mission and Objectives

The Department of Arts and Culture is active in many cultural domains and wants to foster culture and the arts by designing and realizing cultural programmes in cooperation with local, national and international partners, by supporting and funding cultural institutions, artists and cultural workers, and through its affiliated institutions (museums, theatres, libraries, orchestra, etc.).

Main Projects / Activities

The Department of Arts and Culture maintains cultural institutions of performing arts, literature, visual arts, etc: theatres, museums, public library as well as orchestra.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hertha Pietsch-Zuber
Head of the organisation
Dr. Hans-Georg Kueppers
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefanie Reichelt

International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International

National Network

Rue Joseph II 120
1000 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+32 470 31 24 56
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

IFM-SEI is an umbrella movement for educational youth organisations world-wide. We have 60 member organisations and a secretariat of three staff members and one volunteer. Our budget is approximately 300,000 Euros coming from membership fees and grants from the European Commission and the Council of Europe. IFM-SEI runs seminars, camps, training courses and educational projects with children and young people all over the world. Key projects in 2010 include the global 'peers without frontiers: Youth for the MDGs' project and the 'Train for Change' international youth festival bringing together 1000 young people. Our main partners are our member organisations as well as members of the European Youth Forum.

Mission and Objectives

The International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International is an international educational movement working to empower children and young people and fight for their rights. We are an umbrella movement for children and youth-led organisations all over the world, educating on the basis of our values of equality, democracy, peace, co-operation and friendship. Through our member organisations and the activities of our international, we aim to ensure children and young people are well informed about their rights and are empowered to ensure they are respected. To reach this goal, we organise a variety of activities including seminars and training courses, international camps, conferences and campaigns.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars, camps, training courses, educational projects. We have put into place a long-term strategy focusing on inclusion of disadvantaged young people in our activities and decision-making processes. The strategy, 'All Together', provides the space to share and train local group leaders and support them in reaching out more effectively. We also focus on peace and sustainable development education in our middle east youth for peace project and our climate change work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marifé Gomez
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Delphine Konda

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp - Danchurch Aid

National Network

Nørregade 15, København K
Copenhagen K

+45 33 18 78 67
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
DCA’s head quarters is placed in Copenhagen with 3 smaller national offices. DCA has 12 regional offices abroad in Latin-America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The tasks of these offices are related to programme support, organizational assessment, partnership relations, liaisons with donors and networks and programme development. A broad network of more than 100,000 regular contributors enables DCA to respond rapidly to assist people in need. DCA has an established network of popular support and recognition, including nearly 4,000 volunteers, 120 second-hand shops and around 20,000 persons who assist in the annual door-to-door Parish collection campaign. DCA has a long-term framework agreement with Danida, a framework partnership agreement with the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) of the European Commission, and has implemented numerous contracts with the EuropeAid Co-operation Office and several UN agencies. Our implementing partners are CBOs and local NGOs in the more than 40 countries we support worldwide.
Mission and Objectives

Established in 1922, DanChurchAid (DCA) is today one of the major Danish humanitarian non governmental organisations (NGO), working with local partners, international networks, churches and non-religious civil organisations to assist the poorest of the poor. DanChurchAid's work abroad is focused on the poorest population groups in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Central America, and Central Asia & Eastern Europe. Aid is given regardless of race, creed, political or religious affiliation. DanChurchAid is a faith-based and ecumenical, non-missionary organisation rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church. DanChurchAid carries out its work with the objective: To help and be advocates of oppressed, neglected and marginalised groups in poor countries and to strengthen their possibilities of a life in dignity.

Main Projects / Activities

DanChurchAid's international work is always based on an ongoing dialogue with local partners. DCA's international work is focused on five programme types, all linked to DanChurchAid's concept of diakonia and development principles. These five programmes are; the Right to food; Political space; HIV and AIDS; Humanitarian Assistance; and Humanitarian Mine Action. Furthermore we work with two cross-cutting policies of Gender equality and rights based focus. Advocacy is part and parcel of DanChurchAid's emergency and development aid. Sustainable development will not be achieved through aid alone. DanChurchAid is alert to the importance of overcoming the structural barriers obstructing the rights of poor, marginalised and oppressed population groups. DanChurchAid campaigns to make sure that the rich part of the world acknowledges its responsibility for a better distribution of wealth at the global level. The advocacy initiatives consist of lobby activities, media action, popular mobilisation, and alliance-building.

Contact (1) Full Name
Uffe Gjerding
Job Title
Global Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Birgitte Qvist-Sørensen

MedNet - Mediterranean Network of Student Representatives

National Network

119, Triq il-Qasam,

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

MedNet is currently an informal Network of Student Unions from the Mediterranean Region aiming to formalise itself into the representative body of students in the region. MedNet has 13 members from 14 countries namely: UNEA (Algeria), SURS (Bosnia and Herzegovina), CSC (Croatia), POFEN (Cyprus), FAGE (France), NUIS (Israel), CEFA-UL (Lebanon), NSUM (Macedonia), KSU (Malta), FAIRE (Portugal), SUS (Serbia), SSU (Slovenia) and IBUSU (Turkey). Since MedNet is currently an informal structure - all events have been hosted by member unions. Thus MedNet as such has no direct sources of funding. MedNet so far has acted as a networking platform; has hosted a number of events related to capacity building and cultural exchange; has represented students at a number of HE conferences within the Mediterranean region. MedNet has so far collaborated with the European Student Union and is a member of both EMUNI and EPUF.

Mission and Objectives

Med Net has the following objectives: a)To establish an efficient and reliable network in order to bring together student representatives from the Mediterranean for their common benefit. b)To facilitate information exchange through and between student representatives. c)To produce and promote a common Mediterranean policy on the social, educational, economical, political and cultural interests of Mediterranean students. This will include mobility; education; the status and the welfare of students in society; etc. d)To promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in order to achieve the solidarity and stability emerging therefrom, specifically in issues that affect student life. e)To promote the views of Mediterranean students. f)To promote equality for all students regardless of their political belief, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, gender, sexual orientation, social standing or any disability. g)To promote equal opportunities of access to higher education for all students. h)To provide support to student representatives in the Mediterranean in their work to protect their social, educational, economical, political, demographical and cultural interests. i)To promote the freedom of association within the Mediterranean area by every means possible. j)To promote co-operation with other organised groups in all above-related matters

Main Projects / Activities

The methods that MedNet uses to achieve the above-mentioned objectives are the following: a)A commitment to cooperation and support between the MedNet members by way of concrete actions; projects; information exchange and cross-border projects (such as bi-laterals, multi-laterals and work experience abroad). b)A commitment to promote the enhanced use of information technology in the communication process. c)A commitment to making the network an efficient and reliable one d)Common promotion, campaigns and lobbying on a national, Mediterranean, European, and international level. e)Setting out the guidelines and deadlines for the completion of targets and goals by means of a strategic plan produced every 18 months and a bi-annually produced plan of work f)Cooperating with bodies which are relevant to fulfilling the MedNet objectives as long as the activities of these organisations do not contradict the objectives of the MedNet. g)Carrying out all other activities conducive to the realisation of the above objectives. Currently MedNet is working to formalise itself and thus is three priority areas are: 1) Establishing a Secretariat 2) Engaging Partners in HE within the Mediterranean Region for MedNet's involvement as the representative student body 3) Increasing its membership base.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Justin Fenech (Director)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Justin Fenech
Contact (2) Full Name
Carl Grech (President of the Maltese Student Union - KSU)

Europe Direct Mosta

National Network

8, Northfield apartments,Independence avenue

00356 79232635
00356 25401308
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00356 79232635
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Europe Direct Mosta is an information/communication office run by a board of directors with each one of them bringing in a specialised field, assisted by a small team of assistants. EDO Mosta was opened following the award of a contract by the European commission to provide information to the Maltese public concerning EU issues . EDO Mosta is active in fields of funding, culture, media, social issues, environment, information, tourism, agriculture, seminar/conferences organisation and training, bringing together a number of experts collaborating together to offer the top services required from our clients. We believe that our role on the market is to provide clients with a customised, one-to-one service where their business needs are understood and fulfilled qualitatively. With this, our vision is to be quoted as the leaders in providing a comprehensive package covering consultancy services.
Mission and Objectives

EDO Mosta Organizes activities related to the European Commission and is the direct point of contact between the community of Malta and the European commission, offering advice, information etc both to the Maltese public, SME’s, NGO’s, schools and also to European citizens who require information about Malta.

Main Projects / Activities

The services offered consist of highly integrated yet distinct areas that are vital for businesses aspiring towards the consolidation, growth or diversification of their company processes.
These consist of:
Consultancy work on Sustainable development, Alternative Energy, Environmental, Agricultural, Tourism and European affairs.
Media & Public relations
Design & Printing
ICT & Web Design
Project management
Europe Direct has been involved in securing funding from ERDF Schemes relating to Malta Enterprise and Malta Tourism Authority, agricultural funds and various centralised funds such as LdV, E-Content Plus, DG Communications FP6 MED calls and others.
Moreover, we also undertake the organisation of conferences and events, training sessions and product launches. They have numerous years of experience in this field and are channelling it into this new organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark Causon

Charles University, Institute of Near Eastern and African Studies - (Ústav Blízkého východu a Afriky)

National Network
Czech Republic

Celetna 20, 116 38 Praha 1, Czech Republic

+420 241 493 434
Telephone (other)
+420 224 491 418
+420 241 493 434
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 420 603 107 172
Mobile Phone (other)
+420 604 992 634
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Institute of Near Eastern and African Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague inherits the tradition of Czech Oriental Philology since 1849. Its staff includes 3 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 6 Assistant Professors, 1 Assistant and 40 Ph.D. students and more than 70 M.A. students of History and Culture of Islamic Countries, Arabic Studies, Hebrew Studies, Turkish Studies, Persian Studies and African Studies. Institute regularly organises seminars and conferences, is involved in academic exchange, its main partners are Oriental Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Naprstek Museum of Asian and African Cultures, and partner universities in Europe, United States, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan and Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

Education, research, co-operation with Mediterranean countries, exchange programmes with Egyptian, Tunisian, Jordanian, Turkish universities and ALECSO.

Main Projects / Activities

Czech-Arab Dictionary (CLARA Programme).
Czech Travellers in Orient (Academy of Sciences Grant).
Linguistic Situation in Contemporary Egypt (Ministry of Education Grant).
Research Programs for Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Prague Arabic and Islamic Studies: Traditions and Perspectives.
Multicultural Dimension of Nursing.
Multicultural Dimension of Southern Moravia (Youth Program).

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Eduard Gombar
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Eduard Gombar
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Frantisek Ondras

Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Charles University in Prague - (Český egyptologický ústav FF UK)

National Network
Czech Republic

Celetna 20, 116 38 Prague 1, CZ

+420 224491394
Telephone (other)
+420 224491418
+420 224491628
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+420 605229850
Mobile Phone (other)
+420 604992634 (+420603452940
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Czech Institute of Egyptology in Prague and Cairo (CIE) and Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (IMES) are 2 Dpts. of Faculty of Arts, one of 17 faculties of The Charles University. They are financed through the Czech government (via Ministry of Education and Universities) and also from research grants (the largest one is for years 2005-2011).Czech Institute of Egyptology was established in the year 1958 and since 1960 is active at the archaeological concesion at Abusir, Egypt.The departments regularly organise workshops, seminars and conferences, have teaching commitments, are involved in the academic exchange and have a number of academic (e.g. Czech Academy of Sciences, Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt), governmental and non governmental partners.
Mission and Objectives

Educational and research
CIE Egyptology, IMES Arabic and other language education
CIE excavations activities in Egypt
Both: cooperation with Mediterranean countries (cooperation and exchange programs with Egyptian and Tunisian universities and the ALECSO)

Main Projects / Activities

From 1960 : excavations at Abusir:
Several archaeological sites
2000-2004 Scientific Research
Program (MSM 0021620826),
2000-2004 The National Centre for
Egyptology (MSM LN 00A064)
2005-2011 Scientific Research Program
2003-2005 Excavations at Hajez

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jirina Ruzova ,Czech Institute of Egyptology
Head of the organisation
Ass.Prof. Dr. Ladislav Bare?, CSc.
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Frantisek Ondras, Eng. Jiri Luhan, Institute of Middle Eastern Studies

Czech – Arab Society, Brno Branch

National Network
Czech Republic

Vychodilova 12c
61600 Brno

+420 602 551 262
Mobile Phone
+420 602 551 262
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Czech–Arab Society is a non-governmental organisation which is directed by a presidium and has about 450 members, who are usually divided into sections according to their interest in Arabic countries. Its annual budget comes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Main projects are focused on acquainting Czech society, especially youth, with Arabic culture and are realised in cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Prague Municipality, Charles University in Prague (Czech Institute of Egyptology and Institute of Middle Eastern Studies), Czech-Arab Chamber of Commerce and embassies of Arabic states.


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

- 2005, 2006 Days of Arabic Culture: lectures, exhibitions, film, music and poetry festivals -2006 Arabic culture at secondary schools: lecturing, Grant of Prague Municipality - Annual Oriental Bazaar of oriental goods - Annual Oriental Workshop: pottery and painting for children and youth - 2006 Czech-Arab Economic Conference in coop. with Ministry of Commerce and Czech-Arab Chamber of Commerce


Contact (1) Full Name
Ing. Rostislav Tesař
Head of the organisation
Rostislav Tesař

The Moravian Museum - Anthropos institute and Pavilion Anthropos

National Network
Czech Republic

Zelný trh 6
65937 Brno

+420 533 435 220
Telephone (other)
+420 542 321 201
+420 542 212 792
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+420 737542550
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Moravian Museum is second biggest and oldest museum in Czech republic. The museum's collections include over 6 millions of objects, representing valuable scientific material from the fields of history, archeology, literature, music and theatre, geology, botany and zoology. The Moravian Museum has developed a rich tradition in scientific, documentation and education work. The results of scientific research are published in scientific journals, monographs, exhibition catalogues and other publications. Every year, numerous temporary exhibitions, lectures. Concerts and other educational programmes are taking place in all museum buildings. The Children's Museum, special education and leisure facility, is dedicated to the youngest generation of museum visitors. There are 254 staff in the Moravian Museum. The Moravian Museum is contributional organization of Ministry of culture of CR.


Mission and Objectives

Moravian Museum – Centre for Cultural Anthropology (Pavilion Anthropos):
- There are Permanent exhibition (Origin and Evolution of Man and The Beginning of Human Culture) and Two halls which will present short-term exhibitions and the conference hall will be used for lectures and other events.

- Exhibitions and lectures in Pavillon Anthropos – Pavilion (in 1997 “Iaslam and the world”, 1998 “India – Gods and people”, 1999 “Gypsy – seek home”, 2001 “China”). Program in 2006/2007 – “Sahara`s mosaic.

Moravian Museum – Anthropos Institute:
- Research: Anthropology of prehistoric populations, Archaeology and environmental conditions of Pleistocene, Prehistoric Mining, Paleontology of Pleistocene
- Library, Counseling and studying possibilitiesMain Projects / Activities?

Main Projects / Activities

- Exhibitions and lectures in Pavillon Anthropos – Pavilion (in 1997 “Iaslam and the world”, 1998 “India – Gods and people”, 1999 “Gypsy – seek home”, 2001 “China”). Program in 2006/2007 – “Sahara`s mosaic. - Permanent exhibition: Origin and Evolution of Man and the Beginning of Human Culture. - Counseling and studying possibilities - archaeological material (stone, bone), anthropological and osteological material. Previous agreement of curators is necessary. - Library – literature focused on Paleolithic and Mesolithic archaeology, ethnology, cultural and physical anthropology. Library is opened for public. - Research: A historical evaluation of the role and impact of the Luxemburg family on the history of Moravia and the Czech statehood; Prehistoric exploitation and processing lithic resources; Civilization of Mammoth Hunters in Moravia - Martin Oliva; Evolution of Middle/Upper Paleolithic transitional technologies in context of human genesis;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Preparation of exhibitions, publications and accompanying program supporting intercultural dialogue. In the past, for example: in 1995 – 1996 Islam and its world, 1998 “India – Gods and people”, 1999 “Gypsy – seek home”, 2001 China – the land of three teachings, 2002 African art, 2006 On the track – an exhibition of artworks by children from asylum facilities of the Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, 2008-2007 Sahara - the story of the Great Desert, 2008-2009 African puppets – Revived spirits of Africa, 2008 – 2009 Egypt – The mystery of the desert and the pyramids; Egypt – transformations, 2010 – 2011 Are you a terrestrial or a heavenly being? Woman in Indian artistic tradition, 2011 Cairo – Hidden charm of Islamic architecture, 2011 – 2013 The art of the aboriginal people of Australia – A visit to the last people of the Stone Age, 2013 – 2014 Adventurous Africa seen through the eyes of travellers, 2018-2019 Enchanted by Africa


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Support of intercultural dialogue


Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. Petr Kostrhun, Ph.D.
Job Title
Head Centre for Cultural Anthropology
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Petr Kostrhun
Contact (2) Full Name
doc. Mgr. Petr Neruda, Ph.D.
Job Title (2)
Head of Anthropos Institute