
EURISPES - Istituto di Studi Politici, Economici e Sociali

National Network

Via Cagliari, 14
00198 Roma RM

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Nella sua trentennale attività l’Eurispes ha realizzato centinaia di ricerche. Racconta l’Italia attraverso il Rapporto Italia, giunto alla 28a edizione; 13 Rapporti Nazionali sull’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza realizzati in collaborazione con il Telefono Azzurro; 3 Rapporti sulle Eccellenze italiane; 4 edizioni del Rapporto sui crimini agroalimentari, realizzato in collaborazione con Coldiretti. Sono più di 900mila le pagine di studi, analisi, indagini e riflessioni prodotte; oltre 100 le audizioni politiche e istituzionali; costruito un archivio stampa che copre gli ultimi 29 anni contenente oltre 2 milioni di articoli catalogati per oltre 400 voci tematiche raccolti dalla stampa periodica e quotidiana. L’Eurispes ha contribuito all’emersione di numerosi fenomeni sociali nascosti o poco noti, realizzando una vera e propria opera di “scouting sociale”. L’attività dell’Eurispes ha spesso animato negli ultimi trent’anni il dibattito sociale, politico ed economico, ispirando, in numerose occasioni, l’attività del Legislatore, come nel caso della legge sull’obbligatorietà del casco, la legge sulla pornografia, e quella sull’alcol.

Mission and Objectives

L’Eurispes, Istituto di Studi Politici, Economici e Sociali fondato e presieduto da Gian Maria Fara, è un ente privato e opera nel campo della ricerca politica, economica e sociale, dal 1982. Nella sua trentennale attività l’Eurispes ha realizzato centinaia di ricerche. Racconta l’Italia attraverso il Rapporto Italia, giunto alla 28a edizione; 13 Rapporti Nazionali sull’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza realizzati in collaborazione con il Telefono Azzurro; 3 Rapporti sulle Eccellenze italiane; 4 edizioni del Rapporto sui crimini agroalimentari, realizzato in collaborazione con Coldiretti. Sono più di 900mila le pagine di studi, analisi, indagini e riflessioni prodotte; oltre 100 le audizioni politiche e istituzionali; costruito un archivio stampa che copre gli ultimi 29 anni contenente oltre 2 milioni di articoli catalogati per oltre 400 voci tematiche raccolti dalla stampa periodica e quotidiana. L’Eurispes ha contribuito all’emersione di numerosi fenomeni sociali nascosti o poco noti, realizzando una vera e propria opera di “scouting sociale”. L’attività dell’Eurispes ha spesso animato negli ultimi trent’anni il dibattito sociale, politico ed economico, ispirando, in numerose occasioni, l’attività del Legislatore, come nel caso della legge sull’obbligatorietà del casco, la legge sulla pornografia, e quella sull’alcol. La risonanza mediatica dell’Istituto è testimoniata dagli oltre 150.000 articoli, titoli di stampa, radio e Tv nazionali e internazionali pubblicati sulla sua attività.

Main Projects / Activities

Progetto Russia Emedus Progetto Argentina Progetto Libia

Contact (1) Full Name
Fara Giovanni Maria
Head of the organisation
Fara Giovanni Maria

EURO Association

National Network

Via Imperatore Federico, 60

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organisation: 10 people employed in the Association. Main partners involved in our activities are: Center of Justice for Minors in Sicily; Penal Institutions for Minors in Sicily; Penal Institutions for Adults in Sicily; Theatrical Companies in Palermo, in Milan and Bologna. EURO Association has obtained the certification for its Quality System in the training activities in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001.
Mission and Objectives

EURO Association is a Sicilian non-profit center which main aims are:
- facilitating the access in the job market through the organization of vocational training courses;
- operating for the social and environmental recover of Sicily.
The main sectors of intervention are:
- research,
- training,
- guidance,
- creation of firms,
- support for the realization of initiatives financed by the E.U.
EURO has an excellent experience regarding the opportunities offered by the funds of the European Community which have given the economical support for the realization of important projects for the local development, realized in collaboration with Sicily’s local corporates and public bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

- ESF Programme
Project Title: “A young hope from an ancient tradition” (1997);
Beneficiaries: young prisoners/ex-prisoners of Palermo’s Prison for Minors;
Contents: Survey, Training addressed to Trainers, Training/Guidance/Work Experience/ Support for the employability of Beneficiaries within the sector of sicilian gastronomy;
- ESF EQUAL Programme
Project Title: “S.O.L.E.”, promoted by Palermo’s Provincial Government di Palermo (2002);
Beneficiaries: young prisoners/ex-prisoners of Palermo’s Prison for Minors;
Contents: Survey, Dissemination, Training for Trainers (teachers and social workers of Palermo’s Justice Office for Minors), Training/Guidance/Work Experience/ Support for the employability of Beneficiaries within the sector of restaurant services.
EQUAL Programme:
Project Title: IPM Di Scena
The purpose of IPM DI SCENA project was the promotion of the learning culture and the growing of professional competences of minors held in custody in Penal Institutes for Minors in Palermo, Milan and Bologna, thanks to actions linked to the theatre activities. The theatre represented for young prisoners the possibility of considering themselves as actors, protagonists of significant and communicative actions.The first aim was encouraging the cultural promotion of young offenders, thanks to the theatre professional training and the spectacles’ output creating a bridge between the prison and the whole world. One of the most import results has been the realisation of a Festival of Theatre realised in the Penal Institute for Minors in Palermo, Milan and Bologna.
ESF Programme:
Project title: "Dal Corpo alla Parola"
The project aimed at the social and educational rehabilitation of young offenders in Penal Institute for Minors in Palermo thanks to 3 different artistic training concerning Art Therapy; Music Therapy and Body Expression and Dance.
At the end of the training, an exhibition of paintings and creations made by young offenders has been realised.
During a final conference a video has been shown about the path done by offenders during their experience.
A training for operators of the Penal Institute for minors has been realised.
ESF Programme:
Project Title: FOCUS Project
A theatre performance has been realised by deaf beneficiaries; they also realised stagecraft and scenograph guided by qualified theatre experts.
It has been realized 1 Course of "Graphic and computerized Arts" addressed to adult offenders.
The exhibition “I Fiori Blu” has been realised under the patronage of the Province of Palermo showing the artistic works realised by offenders during their training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Grazia Farina
Head of the organisation
Anna Palazzolo

Euro Demos Youth Mobility NGO

National Network

Via Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, 107/D
89122 Reggio Calabria

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
EDYM-NGO is a non-profit, non-political, non-partisan and non-denominational organization which operates both locally and internationally with the objective of building bridges between Italy and the other countries all over Europe and the rest of the world. It has been recently funded after 2 years of cooperation as an informal group with a high level of expertise in international relations and partnerships and in cooperation with other NGOs.  
Mission and Objectives

We aim at contributing to the active involvement of the young people, the civil society and related institutions, the promotion of growth and development, mutual understanding and international dialogue.
The organization is committed to the promotion of cultural, educational, scientific and economic development through the application and development of innovative and participatory methodologies and tools and the promotion of projects and initiatives with the target of raising awareness of the European opportunities in terms of formal and non-formal learning

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are related to human rights, Environment, theater and democracy building in the EuroMed area. 
We develop workshops, debates and creative tools for learning and intercultural understanding.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EDYM-NGO would contribute in the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network by supporting new tools and instruments to be used in the Euro Mediterranean zone.
On the other side, we would like to offer sustainable support to the other NGOs in terms of tips and suggestions on how to develop projects, to establish new cooperations and chances for the Italian youngsters and citizens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join because, by doing so, we could guarantee our young society to have better chance to explore and improve their skills in the Euro Mediterranean area, which is very relavant to out target in terms of opportunities to better understand each other. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Crocitta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Silvia Crocitta

Euro Forum

National Network

Via Bertoloni 55

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
General Information
La società ha per oggetto la prestazione ed il coordinamento dei servizi destinati alla realizzazione di convegni, congressi, conferenze, fiere, mostre, esposizioni, assemblee societarie e più in generale l'organizzazione e la gestione di manifestazioni culturali, sportive e politiche, private e pubbliche, in proprio e per conto terzi. La società potrà ricercare sponsorizzazioni e interventi promozionali a favore ed a sostegno delle suddette manifestazioni. La società inoltre potrà fornire servizi di coordinamento ed assistenza nel settore pubblicitario, della tecnica della comunicazione d'impresa, e nel settore dei rapporti istituzionali (campagne pubblicitarie, ufficio stampa, pubbliche relazioni). Per lo svolgimento della propria attività sociale, la Società potrà avvalersi dell'opera di collaboratori esterni e di professionisti iscritti in pubblici albi e registri, i quali agiranno sotto la propria responsabilità.
Mission and Objectives

La società si impegna nella realizzazione di eventi culturali, mostre, convegni in sedi proprie o terze.

Main Projects / Activities

Nell'organizzazione delle proprie attività la società si impegna nella ricerca location, nella selezione dei fornitori, nella gestione dei rapporti con Istituzioni locali e nazionali, Comitati organizzatori e scientifici, stesura mailing list, progettazione allestimenti e impianti tecnici.
Seleziona hostess e steward, si occupa del servizio interpretariato, guide e traduzioni, gestione prenotazioni alberghiere e di viaggio.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giancarlo di Nunzio
Head of the organisation
Giancarlo Di Nunzio

Euro-Med Centre Ragusa

National Network

Via Filippo Silvestri, 4
97100 RAGUSA

0039 333 3071969 (Cell)
0039 0932 245145
Mobile Phone
0039 333 3071969
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 338 9799527
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
1. Actually all members volunteer to carry out the organisation 2. Budgetary resources are about 40.000,00 per year 3. Sources of funding are membership fees, public contributions, private sponsorship 4. Modalities of actions are: concrete projects, seminars, exchanges 5. Main partners are Institutions, public bodies, schools, media, social oganisations 6. we are working hard to have a staff, some EVS, a tEuro-Mediterranean training centre, TV network, youth exchanges 7. Languages spoken: English, French, Italian and a little German
Mission and Objectives

EMC Ragusa works for a strong Euro-Mediterranean partnership, based on international relations, cultural exchanges in order to promote a useful dialogue and support the improvement of global community, by giving opportunities at any level.
In particular EMS Ragusa helps young people in developing skills such as leadership, social responsibility, entrepreneurship, brotherhood in order to create positive changes.
Its objectives are:
- to promote Euro-Mediterranean citizenship in the Mediterranean Area;
- to train, offer stages and job shadowing;
- to spread communication through teaching languages;
- to promote and improve different fields: culture, sports, environment, handicap,…
- to build concrete and successful projects;
- to encourage dialogue, mutual understanding among peoples;
- to create a free space of information and discussion on the media and the web;
- to spread a better use of I.T.

Main Projects / Activities

1) E.M.Y.C. - Euro-Mediterranean Youth Center ù
Its main activities and medium are articulated on three platforms:
- Training Centre (managed by Ragusa), with job-shadowing (held in Med countries)
- International Audivisual Centre (on-line TV with a siege in Ragusa)
- Euro-Med café (on the Web and in the events planned)
Final goal: promotion of the European citizenship in the two shores of the Mediterranean region strengthening dialogue between cultures and intellectual cooperation
2) Music, Art, Tradition: a key to (towards) EuroMed Citizenship
Traditional Music and Dance form different countries are the language to let young people communicate, meet, know from other cultures, think about and find common values basis to build the Euro-Med citizenship.
Activities: seminars, stages and a final festival
3) Once upon a time
About tradition, ancient jobs
4) Prize “The Outstanding Young Iblean of Yesterday and Today”

Contact (1) Full Name
Miss Stefania Garrone (President)
Head of the organisation
Miss Stefania Garrone (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Salvatore Massari

Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency

National Network

Via Libertini, 15/A
73100 LECCE

+39 0832 301 484
+39 0832 253 904
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
General Information
President and Legal Representative: Mrs. M.P. Adriana POLI BORTONE, Mayor of Lecce Administrative Director. Mr. MARTINA Mauro Secretariat staff: Mrs. PALAMA’ Maria Mr. MICCOLIS Giuseppe Mrs. CONTE Paola Partners: Founder Partners: City of Lecce, Italy; Lecce University, Italy; Foggia University, Italy; UNIMED, Rome-Italy. Honorary members: The Università Telematica “Guglielmo Marconi” (Rome, Italy); Patras University, Greece; CUM; Lecce School of Fine Arts, Italy. 2. The budgetary resources of the “Agency”, available in 2007, are equal to € 151.000,00. 3. For ordinary activity the agency has received Extraordinary Contributions for the years 2004-2005-2006s. For planning activities has received community, national and regional funds.
Mission and Objectives

To promote actions aiming at the protection, restoration, preservation, valorisation and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage;
To Analyse, study and promote interactions between different cultural, legal and socio-economic systems, the methods of development and promotion of policies relative to the promotion, development and preservation of the cultural heritage;
To Interact and integrate the scientific and professional know-how in the broad field of the protection and promotion of the cultural heritage;
To detect an updated and advanced scientific policy in every characteristic phase of the management and promotion of works of historical and cultural value;
To supply techno-operative supports consistent with the goals already mentioned;
To collect, select and classify as samples extremely meaningful interventions in the field of cultural heritage and to distribute on computerized networks/ computer system those samples;
To test new methods aimed at establishing knowledge, documenting, restoring, managing and promoting the cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects in progress:
4. CARIPLO funds
5. Communitarian Programme Culture 2000

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Maria Palamà
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Prof. M.P. Adriana Poli Bortone
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Giuseppe Miccolis


National Network

vicolo Luigi Lavista,n.3
85100 Potenza (PZ)


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
EURO-NET is a non-profit organization that has in this moment 22 persons under different job-contracts and 6 volunteers of National Civil Service In Italy. Our budget is more or less 75.000 - 150.000 Euro (depending from the year considereted). The most part of our sources of funding comes from European Commission. The rest from local, regional or national public bodies, private sponsors, associates, etc. EURO-NET has realised a lot of projects (see in the attached file the list of projects realised or in realisation) It has more than 5000 partners all over Europe and outside (see in the attached file the list of networks in which it is involved)
Mission and Objectives

The mission is the information and the realisation of activities (especially european).
The organism is directed to spread information especially to young people: this means that we have to inform them about opportunities, initiatives, advantages, ideas, programmes, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

EURO-NET has realised a lot of projects (see in the attached file the list of projects realised or in realisation).
The Association co-operates with many public Administrations with which it has particular agreements for the diffusion of juvenile and adults activities and helps freely all juvenile organisations to realise European programs: with its help about 200 projects were realised and financed in Region Basilicata (south of Italy). Euro-net gives to children, young people and adults this services:
? information and project development center
? organization of training courses, exchanges and cultural, artistic or sport activities
? sector study, research
? counseling, crisis support and prevention
? e-learning, networking and partnerships
? publications, newspapers and web sites

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lagrotta
Head of the organisation
Anna Lagrotta
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonino Imbesi

Eurogems associazione di promozione sociale

National Network

Via delgi alpini 23 31057 Silea

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Is a non profit foundation and offer some subject for the students about employment and entreperneurship . Its chair of Psychology and career cunselling is specialized in probem of effective job seeking an self-employment . Academy has also academic Incubator of Enterpreneurship and students career office it's working in partnership with many schools , many local municipalities , many universities . -Organisation and coordination of services and strucures having the task to the enhancement of the quality of the life , of the interpersonal relationships , of the free time ,of the social tourism and promoting and organizing in many field public and private formative pedagogical and psychological interventions .
Mission and Objectives

The aims are:
. Promotion of the new multimmedia technonlogies , across the consultancy and the management of course , service , space , an activitu revolted to the different range of age .
. coordination and integration of activity both promotion and management projects of development between the different cultures , particular way ro make easy the integration of the immigrants .
.Collaboration and the management of activity where the youngsters could meet themselves , know themselves , socialize , and detain themselves .

Main Projects / Activities

The projects accepted from EU commission :
- 2005 Youth Program Action 5 Visita di feazibility Izmit Turkey .
- 2006 Youth program Action 5 Training course for youth leader topic " with promoter role April 2006 Italy .
- 2006 youth program Action 5 training course Poand Lodz .
- 2006 Socrates program Grundtivg 2 action Visit preparatory Gelmik Bursa Turchia for needed Pinking project .
Other activities are :
-Training course for adults and youngesters about psyco-cultural problem .
- Activity teaching integrations , consultancies , activity sport , activity integration fot the foreign pupils or of the other cultures and of the pupils with different ability .

Contact (1) Full Name
Vettori Giancarla
Head of the organisation
Vettori Giancarla president
Contact (2) Full Name
Caramel Simone

EUROMED - Istituto Euromediterraneo

National Network

corso Italia 155
34170 Gorizia

0039 3355759330
0039 0481 536536
Mobile Phone
0039 3355759330
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
L'Istituto opera dal 1999 soto la presidenza di Lucio Gregoretti. Presidente del Comitato scientifico è il professor Predrag Matvejevic, docente alla Università La Sorbona di Parigi e alla Sapienza di Roma, già consulente della Presidenza della Commissione Europea per il Mediterraneo. È partner costitutivo del CIR, Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati, assieme al quale opera per la tutela dei richiedenti asilo e rifugiati, partecipando alle iniziative di cooperazione internazionale e specificatamente rivolte alla Libia.  Fa parte, altresì, della rete dell’Associazione per le Agenzie della Democrazia Locale del Consiglio d’Europa, assieme al quale svolge un’intensa attività di relazione con le istituzioni europee essendo parte delle seguenti reti: - Dialogo Strutturato del programma "Europe for Citizens" della Commissione Europea; - Osservatore presso il Congresso dei Poteri Locali e Regionali del Consiglio d’Europa; - Membro della Conferenza delle Organizzazioni Non Governative del Consiglio d’Europa (INGO); - Membro della rete internazionale "Working Together" tra formatori di Enti Locali dell’Est Europa  
Mission and Objectives

L’istituto Euromediterraneo, Euromed opera nei campo della promozione, organizzazione e gestione di programmi e attività inerenti le relazioni internazionali, la promozione dei diritti umani, la formazione e la ricerca, la cooperazione allo sviluppo, con particolare riferimento alle iniziative che interessano i Paesi europei e quelli dell'area del Mediterraneo.

Main Projects / Activities

Progetti e attività che hanno coinvolto l’Istituto
a) Euraction. Esperienza pilota di consultazione diretta di comitati di cittadini ("citizen panels")
b) Youth (Giovani). Diffusione dell’omonimo programma europeo rivolto a giovani dai 15 ai 30 anni nel Sud-Est Europa e Caucaso;
c) progetto Interreg Transadriatico Seaways (Comitato Scientifico);
d) legge sulla cooperazione nei balcani (212/92) progetto "TESEO - Training for the Employment in Sumadija’s Economic Opportunities” - Kragujevac District / Formazione per l’occupabilità nelle opportunità economiche nella regione di Sumadija - Distretto di Krakujevac;
e) Attività di capacity building.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

activities in the field of culture, the promotion of human rights and social and development cooperation programs

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing the objectives and founding principles and appreciation for the work done

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucio Gregoretti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lucio Gregoretti

Euromed Heritage Program,Regional Management Support Unit - RMSU

National Network

Via di San Michele 18

0039 (0)6 58332194
0039 (0)6 58179396
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Euromed Heritage Programme aims at strengthening relations between the EU and Mediterranean partners. Euromed Heritage supports Mediterranean countries in their efforts to promote and care for their heritage. The Regional Management and Support Unit has been set up for Euromed Heritage Programme to assist partners and beneficiary countries in achieving project objectives. The RMSU works together with the Europe Aid Co-operation Office and benefits from the scientific and logistic support of the Italian Institute for Catalogue and Documentation , and from the technical know-how of the International Center Cities on Water. The RMSU staff is composed by 8 professional people and short term experts. The budgetary resources for the period 2003-2006 are € 30.000.000 (30 millions).The following issues are included in the RMSU activities: Support, Visibility, Training, Monitoring.
Mission and Objectives

The Regional Management and Support Unit has been set up for Euromed Heritage Programme to assist partners and beneficiary countries in achieving project objectives.
Role of the RMSU is to ensure coherent implementation, full exploitation of opportunities, regional co-operation, project ownership and sustainability, exchange of information and results.

Main Projects / Activities

The RMSU role is to provide Technical and Administrative Support in the implementation of projects, with proactive counseling and assistance.
The RMSU has launched the website, a forum for all Euromed Heritage Partners, with news, details of events, FAQ section, guidelines on best practice and a reserved area for EH II members. The final Euromed Heritage Conference will take place in Istanbul, an opportunity for Heritage III coordinators and partners to meet representatives of EC, RMSU and partners of Euromed Heritage I and II projects.
A variety of training opportunities are to be specifically created based on consultation with all project partners. The aim is to provide the partners with the skills they require and to encourage independence and sustainability for projects in the long term.
Initial introduction "courtesy" visits are to be made by the RMSU project managers to all project coordinators in their count

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Carpano
Head of the organisation
Roberto Carpano - Coordinator
Contact (2) Full Name
Chiara Caporilli