
 إليونورا إنسالاكو

Eleonora Insalaco

رئيسة قسم العمليات والبحوث المشتركة بين الثقافات في مؤسسة آنا ليند. إنسالاكو هي أيضاً محررة ثلاث طبعات متتالية من تقرير آنا ليند حول الاتجاهات المشتركة بين الثقافات في المنطقة الأورومتوسطية (طبعات 2010، 2014، 2017) ودليل مؤسسة آنا ليند حول التعليم...

 إليونورا إنسالاكو

Eleonora Insalaco

Head of Operations and Intercultural Research at the Anna Lindh Foundation. Insalaco is also the editor of three consecutive editions of the Anna Lindh Report on Intercultural Trends in the EuroMed region’ (2010, 2014, 2017 editions) and of the Anna...

 إليونورا إنسالاكو

Eleonora Insalaco

Responsable des opérations et de la recherche interculturelle à la Fondation Anna Lindh. Eleonora Insalaco est également l'éditrice de trois éditions consécutives du Rapport Anna Lindh sur les tendances interculturelles dans la région EuroMed (éditions 2010, 2014 et 2017) et...

Elianto Cultural Association

National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Elianto Cultural association is a no-profit organisation who join different personalities studying at University with professionals working in arts. Fantasy and self-knowledge are the ingredients of our system while we organize workshops were people can also meet and exchange experiences. We work in a “no-budget situation”: all forces come from those who participate to our class. We were in cooperation with a social centre in the city of Venice creating stages and theatre events. We become partner of two groups of Brazilian and Indian dancers who also work in social contests. Nowadays a “chain” of new elements working in arts and cultural and social environments is well organized with the name of Venetia Rate VIVE and through it we are now part of a reality in the territory of the city of Venice.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Calovolo
Head of the organisation
Valentina Poli

Elisa Adorno

Trainer in the field of social and European planning on behalf of various Italian organizations. Adorno runs several projects, in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of the North West – ‘Paralleli. With a degree in archeology and a Master for...


Elisa Adorno

Formatrice dans le domaine de la planification sociale et européenne pour le compte de diverses organisations italiennes, Elisa Adorno mène plusieurs projets, en collaboration avec l’Institut euro-méditerranéen du Nord-Ouest – « Paralleli ». Diplômée en archéologie et titulaire d’un Master...

Emergenza Sorrisi - Doctors for smiling children

National Network

Via Salaria 95

06 8413845
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Emergenza Sorrisi è un’Organizzazione Non Governativa che si occupa di bambini affetti da labbro leporino, palatoschisi, malformazioni del volto, esiti di ustioni, traumi di guerra, cataratte e altre patologie invalidanti nei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo. Emergenza Sorrisi unisce 369 medici e infermieri volontari, grazie ai quali vengono realizzate missioni chirurgiche in  17 paesi nel mondo, dove fino ad ora 3.878 bambini sono stati operati e hanno ritrovato il sorriso. Uno dei pilastri della nostra attività è la formazione e l’aggiornamento dei medici e degli infermieri locali; dei nostri percorsi formativi beneficiano attualmente 570 professionisti dei Paesi che ospitano le missioni.
Mission and Objectives

Emergenza Sorrisi è una ONG di medici volontari che operano gratuitamente bambini che necessitano di cure mediche.

Main Projects / Activities

Operiamo bambini con malformazioni del volto

Operiamo bambini con esiti di ustioni e traumi di guerra

Realizziamo missioni oculistiche

Formiamo medici locali

Progetti in Italia e impegno per l'ambiente


Contact (1) Full Name
Fabio Massimo Abenavoli
Head of the organisation
Fabio Massimo Abenavoli

EMMA for Peace (Euro-Mediterranean Music Academy)

National Network

Via Flaminia 54-56
00196 Rome RM

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

EMMA for Peace, or the Euro Mediterranean Music Academy, is a non-profit global organization for the promotion of peace and cooperation for development through music diplomacy and education in Europe, the Mediterranean region, Middle East and beyond.

Mission and Objectives

EMMA for Peace, or the Euro Mediterranean Music Academy, is a non-profit global organization for the promotion of peace and cooperation for development through music diplomacy and education in Europe, the Mediterranean region, Middle East and beyond. Thanks to the collaboration with national institutions and international organizations, such as the UN agencies (in particular UNESCO, UNICEF, UNHCR)  and the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, EMMA for Peace encourages peace building initiatives by the participation of world renowned artists in concerts, masterclasses, workshops and other educational programmes of excellence for young people.

Main Projects / Activities

EMMA for Peace encourages dialogue and the sharing of musical excellence between international musicians of the highest level and students and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the Europe, the Middle East and beyond.  It uses music as a tool for peace in places torn apart by war, bringing the best talent from the world’s concert halls and academies to refugee camps and other deprived areas where music education is otherwise inaccessible. EMMA for Peace also raises awareness in individual partner countries with the support of national institutions, as well as organising concerts at major venues and festivals throughout the region. Founded by Italian cultural manager Paolo Petrocelli, EMMA for Peace is a ‘roving’ musical academy focusing on the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, with international branches that extend beyond. Bringing together different peoples, cultures and traditions, EMMA for Peace lets music be the instrument of understanding, awareness and collaboration towards a peaceful future for all. EMMA for Peace was officially launched in 2013 at the 13th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Warsaw, under the patronage of UNESCO and the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We collaborate with international organizations, national institutions, universities, conservatories, music academies from the all over the Euro-Med Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to connect, share, inspire more and more. We want to develop strategic partnerships and join forces with ALF Network members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Petrocelli
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Paolo Petrocelli

EMMA for Peace - Euro Mediterranean Music Academy for Peace

National Network

Via del Babuino, 51 00187 Rome, Italy

+ 39 0645675601
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Associazione EMMA for Peace project: EMMA for Peace Honorary President RICCARDO MUTI Founder, President & Director- General PAOLO PETROCELLI
Mission and Objectives

EMMA for Peace, stands for Euro Mediterranean Music Academy for Peace. It is the heart of a global network for music education and for the promotion of a culture of peace, bringing together music institutions, universities, not-for-profit organisations, international philanthropic foundations and social enterprises. Through teaching music and international collaboration, EMMA for Peace intends to promote values of brotherhood and solidarity, thus becoming an internationally valued multicultural centre for the education and training of the new generation.

Main Projects / Activities

EMMA for Peace is the first project on an international scale promoting music education and cultural diplomacy built on an itinerant format. Branches of the Academy will be located in different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Middle East.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EMMA will support the establishment of an extraordinary network of excellence, which will bring together with international and national organisations, the Nobel Prize, and artists and intellectuals from around the world. A committee of men and women of extraordinary merit, unique in its field, will be launched to diffuse a universal message of peace and brotherhood amongst the youth through education and music teaching and the worth of a multiethnic culture. We already got in contact with FISPMED, one of the member of the Italian Network and we look forward to create synergies with all the members of the national network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Starting in Italy, the peninsula at the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, EMMA for Peace is the first project on an international scale promoting higher musical education built on an itinerant format. Branches of the Academy will be located in the principal cities and places of particular historical-artistic value (such as UNESCO World Heritage sites) of over 40 countries of the World. We want to join the ALF Network in order to be able to make partnerships with some organizations which have the same mission and objectives. EMMA for Peace is creating an unprecedented global network, involving official partnerships with the most prestigious institutions and with the principal players in the world of music education and international cooperation, in order to put musical education and practice at the centre of a project for dialogue among different peoples, the diffusion of a culture of peace, the promotion of artistic talent and musical excellence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Petrocelli
Head of the organisation
Paolo Petrocelli

EMUI_ EuroMed University

National Network

EMUI_ Monastero degli Olivetani - Via Stampacchia, 45 - Palazzo Parlangeli

+39 340 198 1250
Telephone (other)
+39 0832 29 4828
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 331 571 7674
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 629 230 408
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Interuniversity Platform for Innovation (Research, Higher Teacher and Training - LLP), by adapting existing (or new design) projects and programs to the Priority Linges of the EU Framework Program "Horizon 2020". Joint management and open offer, especially for students from Southern Mediterranean countries. The EMUI_ EuroMed Univrsity (Euro-Mediterranean University Institute) was founded in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid host to our Spain Campus, and an EU, Maghreb and Middle East University Consortium. Officially launched in Malta on October 16th 2007, the events were hosted at the Mediterranean Conference Centre (Valletta), with institutional support from the Government of the Republic and the Embassy of Spain. Background and Rationale | Contexte et Finalité
Mission and Objectives

EMUI_ Foundational Goals
1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

· Graduate Studies
· Postgraduate Studies
· Research Projects
· Pre- & Postdfoctoral Fellowship
· LLP | Standing Seminars
· Publications_Materials
EQUALITY_ HUMAN RIGHTS | Sustainable DevelopmentEMUI_Contibution to Human Development in the Mediterranean Region

Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
International & Institutional Relations (Head)
Head of the organisation
Prof. Román Reyes, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Paloma Criado
Job Title (2)
Cabinet of the President (Head)