
exLibris - Digital Orient Express

National Network

Cannaregio 662, 30121

0039 041 83 92 908
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
exLibris – Digital Orient Express is a start-up aimed at building the first e-bookstore dedicated to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Our goal is to highlight and spread the work of authors, translators and publishers who deal with and are expression of this region through an innovative tool: e-books. E-books offer high sustainability, eco-friendship, transportability and low prices. Due to these reasons, exLibris has chosen e-books to connect people and cultures in the area and help them to work together by fostering a broad knowledge of their mutual diversity. Accordingly, exLibris offers innovative services for the conversion of books, magazines and other publications into the most spread electronic formats (epub; mobi) to every publisher, organisation and institution interested. In the specific, exLibris aims to work with both European and Middle-Eastern languages. This is the result of the cooperation between an Arabic language and Mediterranean literature specialist and an IT professional, which is at the basis of the exLibris project. Already registered as a private company in Italy, exLibris has developed a website with a cultural information blog which will act as a space where hosting and spreading e-books according to exLibris guidelines and mission. The original version of the website is in Italian; other languages will follow soon. The e-bookstore (under construction) is a space open to all genres of books either dedicated to, focused on or produced in the Mediterranean and the Middle East region: from comics to classical literature, from touristic guides to academic literature, from novels to school books. Eventually, it is expected to become a point of reference for all types of readership as well as for intercultural operators. At the moment, exLibris operates on private funding resources.
Mission and Objectives

Throughout a dedicated website, exLibris – Digital Orient Express aims to overpass physical distances among European, Mediterranean and Middle East countries, organising contents and proposing e-books immediately available all over the world. This will lead to discover also those books which struggle to emerge and to reach a wider audience.
exLibris main goals are:
- to stimulate reading as a way of gaining knowledge and improving cultural exchange throughout the region;
- to foster translation as a tool for intercultural dialogue as well as to develop interests in different languages and cultures of the region;
- to spread the usage of high technology as an instrument to share knowledge and cultural curiosity;
- to introduce e-books in Arabic language in the editorial sector in order to make them accessible also beyond Arab countries.

Main Projects / Activities

After having developed the first version of the website, exLibris – Digital Orient Express is working, in cooperation with publishers (both in Europe and the Mediterranean area), in order to increase the number of publications, dedicated to the Mediterranean and the Middle East, which are already available in the e-book format.
exLibris is at the service of readers and website's visitors especially by helping them in choosing e-books according to their wishes and needs. In particular, exLibris is developing specific thematic paths to formal, non formal and informal learning as a tool to be used by educators with pupils and students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

exLibris – Digital Orient Express aims at working with members of the ALF Network making its skills and resources available to all. By establishing solid relationships, exLibris will work in cooperation with ALF members to foster shared objectives, such as improving cultural exchange and mutual knowledge. Finally, exLibris may be a solid and reliable point of reference to spread all over the region and beyond ALF Network members' publications.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a start-up based in Italy and involved in Middle East and Mediterranean-related issues, exLibris – Digital Orient Express is looking for new partners, with whom creating productive relationships and building common synergies to achieve its goals in a shared environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Aletti
Contact (2) Full Name
Alvise Rabitti
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Expressions in Dialogue

In the midst of increasing radicalisation and a surge of populist and xenophobic movements along with securitarian policies and the restriction of fundamental freedoms, intercultural dialogue has become one of the most pressing challenges of today's Euro-Mediterranean area. Based on...

Federazione internazionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile e la lotta alla povertà nel mediterraneo Mar Nero

National Network

Stazione Marittima, Autorità Portuale di Venezia, Fabbricato 255, 30135 Venezia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information
The organism of the Federation are: a. the Assembly; b. the Managing Committee; c. the Presidency d. The Auditors board;
Mission and Objectives

The Association “International Federation for Sustainable Development and Fight Against Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea" was founded in 2004 on the basis of the positive experience acquired within the framework of the SeaM project, supported by the European Commission (DG Enlargement and DG Regional Policies) and of the Italian Ministry of Environment. The project gave birth to the network composed by 188 partners belonging to 37 different countries, and gathering cultural, social, economic private and public institutions, ngos, associations, non governmental agencies, studies and research institutes and universities.
Now the association is composed by 217 members belonging to 39 different Euro-Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, by representing, then, more than 1,6 million female and male citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities focus on the Mediterranean-Black Sea area that has common historical traditions ( for example the Mediterranean basin was called also White Sea in contraposition with the Black Sea) made up of political, social, economic and cultural meetings but also fights among different civilizations (in fact the area gathers also the members of the 3 main monotheistic religions.
Actually this area is crossed by a number of political, social, economic and cultural problems of complex and difficult solution. But all the Mediterranean-Black Sea citizens recognize indistinctively the need to solve the environmental menaces and those related to the sustainable development issues: in fact these ones involve both the southern and the northern river of the Mediterranean-Black Sea and are unequivocally linked to the common destine of the citizens living in these countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Russo Roberto
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Reghellin

Feeling Italian

The “Feeling Italian” book uses the photographic language to explore multicultural identities and global citizenship. 89 images selected from an international Jury, together with personal stories and narratives (Italian and English) show the complexity of the Italian identity in the...

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Festival LEB-SARD

La Sardaigne est l'une des régions les plus pauvres d'Italie, malgré un grand potentiel enraciné dans l'histoire, la culture et le patrimoine environnemental. Dans le même temps, Beyrouth compte de nombreux endroits qui doivent être améliorés d'un point de vue...

Fidare, federazione italiana editori indipendenti

National Network

Via della consolata 7
10122 Torino

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Fidare, est une federation des editeurs independants italiens qui a pur but de defendre la culture de la bibliodiversité et promovoir la culture minoritaire des regions italiennes Nous sommes 160 editeurs indepedants Nous faisons partie de la
Mission and Objectives

Promotion de la culture minoritaire des regions italiennes
lien avec les autres editeurs indpendents d'europe et du monde, resau coedition et promotiosn

Main Projects / Activities

Publication et coedition de textes
foires internationales, numerique et profet de biblioteque numerique en ligna

Contact (1) Full Name
anita molino


National Network

Stazione Marittima, Autorità Portuale di Venezia, Fabbricato 255, 30135

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
General Information
The “International Federation for Sustainable Development and Fight Against Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea" (Fispmed) was founded in 2004 on the basis of the positive experience acquired within the framework of the SeaM project, supported by the European Commission (DG Enlargement and DG Regional Policies) and of the Italian Ministry of Environment. The project gave birth to a network composed by 188 partners belonging to 37 different countries, and gathering cultural, social, economic private and public institutions, NGOs, associations, non-governmental agencies, research institutes and universities. At present, the association is composed by 216 members belonging to 39 different Euro-Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, by representing, then, more than 1,8 million citizens. Its main activities focus on the common historical traditions of the Mediterranean-Black Sea region, made up of political, social, economic and cultural meeting points but also clashes among different civilizations (indeed, the area gathers also the members of the 3 main monotheistic religions).

FLAME - Florence Art Music Ensemble

National Network

via G. D'Snnunzio 121

+39 055 611299
Telephone (other)
+39 055 6123516
+39 055 6123516
Mobile Phone
+39 335 6763377
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 338 9570715
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
FLAME is a non-profit cultural association. It has a chairman, Andrea Cavallari which is even the artistic director, a co-artistic director, Luisa Carpignano, and a managing director, Camilla Laschi. All the others members of the association are musicians, artists in general and classical music lovers. Annual budget ca. € 60.000,00. The economical sources are members' shares, donations, concert tickets, public grants from various institutions. The association organize concerts, festivals, workshops for composers and young musicians. The main partners are Municipality of Florence, Polo Museale Fiorentino, Bargello Museum, Accademia San Felice ltd London.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the organisation is to promote the performing, the study, the research and composition of music in all its forms including the organisation of concerts, festivals, cultural exchanges, the promotion and production of new musical works, the commissioning of contemporary music works to living composers, the holding of exhibitions for the arts in general and concerts, seminars, workshops, and conventions on musical matters and themes and the encouragement of people of all ages in their pursuit of knowledge of music focusing in particurlar on classical and contemprary music.

Main Projects / Activities

Firenze Suona Contemporanea: high profil contemporary music festival
MECMA Mediterranean Ensemble of Contemporary Music and Arts
Masterclass and workshops for young composers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the past we hosted and produced in Italy the summer sessions for OJMED (Orquestre des Jeunnes de la Mediterranée); we created several editions of TIYO (Touscan Internatonal Youth Orchestra) which saw the partecipation of young musicians from Turkey, Albania, Greece, Malta, Portugal, etc. We would like to develope and increase similar projects in the future focussed on the mediterranean area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To create and enstablish partership and collaborations with similar organisations with the particular aim of the creation of a mediterranean culture and music network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camilla Laschi
Head of the organisation
Andrea Cavallari

FLARE - Freedom Legality and Rights in Europe

National Network

Corso Trapani 91/B
10141 Torino (TO) Italy


+39 011 3841045
+39 011 4831031
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 335 6382548
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
FLARE is a network of 45 civil society organisations from 30 countries, committed in the social struggle against mafias and transnational organized crime. The members come from the areas of Europe, the Mediterranean, Russia, Caucasus and Balkans. The Board of directors is composed of 7 representatives of member organisations; the Assembly is composed by one representative per member. Currently, the staff is composed of 7 workers, based in Turin, and 10 volunteers based in some of the countries where members are based. The network is structured in departments: Campaigning, Cooperation, Communication, Memory, Training, and Secretariat. There is also a Scientific Committee, composed of researchers and experts, with the objective of orienting the activities of the Network and providing chances of cultural growth. The main activities are currently international awareness campaigns, actions aimed at promoting the social struggle against the OC toward the EU institutions, and training actions.
Mission and Objectives

Born over the assumption that organized crime has long become a transnational phenomenon, FLARE intends to represent an alternative model to contrast organized crime in Europe and the neighbouring territories. FLARE’s aim is to promote an alternative – however complimentary – modus operandi than the one implemented by institutions for the fight against transnational organized crime.
The FLARE Network aims at:
- raising awareness among European citizens about the diffusion and the influence of organized crime in Europe and in the surrounding territories;
- having the European Parliament proclaim March 21st “European Day in memory of the victims of the mafias and for the commitment in contrasting organized crime“;
- requesting the European Commission and the Council of Europe to legislate in the matter of reuse for social purposes of property and goods confiscated to international criminal organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

Balkankan. In August 2008, FLARE, in collaboration with 12 partners, realized a series of events in Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia aimed at promoting cultural exchanges between Italian students and local youth.
In August 2008, FLARE sent a monitoring mission to Georgia to understand the condition of the civil population and displaced persons in the northern part of the country after the war.
Season of Legality. From March to May 2009, FLARE implemented a social campaign with two main objectives: to raise awareness about transnational organized crime; and to promote laws for the confiscation of property from criminal organizations and their reuse for social purposes. The campaign consisted into 33 events in 26 countries. The proposals issued by FLARE have been included both in the recommendations by Mr Deprez to the EP at the end of his mandate, and in the Pagano Report, approved by the EP on May 7th 2009.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Forte, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Sartori