
Disabled People's International (DPI)

National Network

Via Dei Bizantini, 99 - 88046
Lamezia Terme (CZ)

+39 0968 463 499
+39 0968 463 499
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
DPI Italia Onlus is an non-profit organization which is made up of 16 associations. Its structure is constituted by: A Chairperson and 4 Executive members of the Board. The staff is made up of 3 persons. The budgetary resources available in a year is of approximately €50.000. DPI Italia Onlus’s usual sources of funding are: - membership fees, - donations from members, private and public bodies, - contributions by public and private bodies – Universities and the FISH with whom it collaborates regularly. The modalities of actions are projects, seminars, conferences, internships, training and meetings. It belongs, other than to DPI, to national and European organizations such as:FISH (Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell’Handicap) and the CND (Consiglio Nazionale della Disabilità), DPI Europe (a European network with 27 umbrella organizations members in different European countries). Moreover, through DPI Europe and the CND it is part of the EDF (European Disability Forum. It manages on behalf of DPI the Regional Development Office in Europe. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies acknowledged that the activities realized by DPI Italia Onlus are "of evident social function" according to the law 9/11/1998 n.476. The Presidency of the Council of Ministers has acknowledged tthat DPI Italia Onlus has the necessary qualifications to be included in the list of associations and bodies legitimated to act for the judicial safeguarding of PwDs, victims of discrimination according to the decree of the 21st June 2007.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives that it pursues are: to guarantee the protection of such human rights in
respect of non discrimination and equal opportunities; promote the elaboration, design and realization of studies and researches, of philosophical, scientific and technological nature, to diffuse a new vision of disability as a contribution to the construction of a world based on reciprocal respect and social inclusion; to promote the direct participation of PwDs, according to the principle of mainstreaming, in all processes and issues of family, social, economic, political and cultural nature; to enhance the competences of the PwDs in all fields that regard social inclusion, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and the safeguarding of human and civil rights; offer counselling and realize actions for the safeguarding and promotion of the rights of PwDs.
It collaborates with Universities and public and private training agencies, offering experts and teachers. Moreover, it interlocutes with the institutions and the services appointed to social policies, towards which it carries out a role of critical elaboration, of stimulus and collaboration of specific projects-, to identify and promote policies, strategies and actions to promote the freedom, self-determination and equal opportunities of PwDs; to combat all forms of discrimination and social exclusion that mines the dignity of PwDs. Particular attention is given to gender issues and development cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

DPI Italia Onlus reaches its objectives through: International, European, National and local projects; Research and Studies; Publications; Training and information on peer counselling and empowerment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Network in our country because we bring the point of view of persons with disability on the issues inherent to Human Rights, Democracy, Participation and Dialogue to guarantee the empowerment of persons with disability and the development that is respectful towards persons with disability.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we share with ALF the ideals and principles

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Barbuto
Head of the organisation
Maria Vincenza Ferrarese

Donne del Mediterraneo - ONLUS

National Network

Piazza della Vittoria 14/16 A
16121 Genova

+39 010 8353071
+39 010 8366850
Mobile Phone
+39 335 5369366
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1) The general seat in Genoa and a foreign seat in Montenegro. Staff of the seats works as volunteer. 2) (OMISSIS) 3) Funding to be found with the help of public Institutions and private sponsors for each projects. 4) Concrete projects, international conferences. 5) Public Institutions at a national and international level, and sometimes not-for-profit associations.
Mission and Objectives

To give a contribution to the socioeconomic development of the Euro-Mediterranean territory and to sustainable tourism, to favour and to promote the interchange of information, experiences and projects, to facilitate the international cooperation and to sensitize public and private decision-makers, in particular on problems concerning women

Main Projects / Activities

International cooperation mission in Montenegro in October 1999 to individualize the priorities of the population and to work on the economic and social recovery of those territories after the Balkans’ war. In 2001 a cycle of seminars in 78 Italian cities on the theme "Women and tourism”. On July 2001 the international meeting "WEMED G8 PLUS” with the participation of a female technical-political Committee, who elaborated the document “Declaration of Women on Development” sent to the Head of States of the G8 and to the Governments all over the world. In 2005 the project WEMED PLUS, on the themes of innovation, ICT and women in Public Institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Torraco (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Egyptian Minister for International Cooperation


National Network

via don minzoni 10
43019 soragna PR

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

I'm 40 years old, sports coach and psychologist with many years of experience in different contexts all over the world, teaching sport as an educational tool and use it to achieve human develop and personality in children from 6 and 14 years old
I'm working as coach, psychologist and social researcher for an Italian organization named Inter Campus Milan, social part of F.C. Internazionale Milano football team and we lead 30 project worldwide in Asia, Middle East, Africa, America and Europe, giving back to 10.000 children approximately the right to play through an educational methodology that aim to get social values and increasing personal resource in children and their educators

Mission and Objectives

Our main target is to give back the right to play to 10.000 children worldwide helping them to build their personality. The project was founded in 1997. Its social intervention and flexible cooperation is carried out in the world, through 30 programs and with the help of 200 local coaches educators, who use the game of football as an educational tool to help boys and girls from 6 to 14 years old to escape the social scourges they face on a daily basis. Boys and girls benefit from such a project linked to football, which is used as an educational instrument in children training, thus contributing to improve current living conditions and to avoid the disadvantage in the children’s full development.

Main Projects / Activities

Inter Campus is a project which uses football as an educational instrument in favor of children, by providing an adequate space for learning, behavioral standards and habits aimed at achieving the reintegration of the kids into their social environment, working on basic values and always promoting peace between people and giving back to the children the opportunity to exercise their right to play. Currently it benefit approximately ten thousand children in the world and relies on more than two hundred local educators or trainers, who are in charge of providing this support to the children, a task for which they are instructed by Italian trainers.
The countries that currently benefit from the Inter Campus program according to the club’s official website are: Nepal, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, United States, Venezuela, Columbia, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Tunis, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Bosna, Bulgaria, China, Iran , Lebanon, Morocco, Israel Palestine, Cambodia, Cameroon, Congo, Uganda and Angola

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

besides being a psychologist I'm also a student of Transcultural Psychotherapy School in Milan, working with people with mental disorders from different countries, refugees, migrants and foreigners. Despite the difference of race, culture, religion and ethnicity i love consider human being as a one family behold migrations and travelling to other countries. My efforts will in terms of try to increase personal and group resources with needy people, fighting against prejudices and stereotypes that hinder love for others and peace between people. With my school and teacher as well as in my normal life, we aim to achieve social targets as transcultural process, with acceptance and tolerance towards every human being .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I guess ALF is a perfect picture about what i would like to do in my life and what i'm doing with my organization, that is help people from different areas, cultures, religions to understand each others trying to build together a new society where everyone could be free to bring him self without prejudices . See differences as something that could improve us and use different experiences to get new mindset overcame step by step obstacles and difficulties

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Psychologist and sports coach
Head of the organisation
Worker for Inter Campus Millan


National Network

Singly Storey,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
Why do you want to join the ALF Network?
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Vice Chairman

Echis - Incroci di suoni

National Network

Via Posidonio, 56
00176 Rome

0039. 06 45765828
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
Echis is an association using radio as a tool to promote information and communication access for marginalized communities. At the moment, Echis team is made up of 4 elements with specific skills in audio production, training, project management, research and administration. Echis works mainly through the organization of workshops, raise-awareness initiatives and events. As an audio productions home, Echis creates audio-documentaries for Italian RAI, Swiss RSI and for a network of Italian community radios. For the first year of activity the aim is to reach a 30.000 euro in budgetary resources with a consistent growth in the following years. The main sources of founding are Italian or international foundations such as Alta Mane, OPM Valdese, Fondazione Attività Scalabriniane, PME. In 2017 Echis won the first prize of the Migration Media Award and the fist prize of Premio Sganga for journalistic projects.
Mission and Objectives

Born from the union of community radio journalists, Echis promotes projects with the aim of facilitating rights access, opposing and preventing discrimination and stigma, promoting diversity. The association works for an active participation of people and communities in the civil society.
Echis wants to collect and tell stories, follow the memory's paths to take back our present, lift carpets to discover the realities hidden underneath, and then give back to listeners the words of the people we met and our investigations' results.

Main Projects / Activities

With the aim of empowering communities, Echis organizes trainings and workshops that provide media and story-telling skills and let participants explore their own narrative potential through non-formal education techniques. Our workshops are a way to let people tell their own stories and points of view on reality. From radio writing to audio editing skills; from live broadcasting to audio-reportage productions, from sound techniques to the management and organization of a radio station (web or fm) our workshops aim at making the participants active actors of communication and information.
Echis also produces audio-documentaries, radio programmes and journalistic reportages .
We work with several associations and realities collaborating in projects dealing with migration and/or rights awareness (MEDU, Laboratorio 53, Servizio Civile Internazionale, Casa Scalabrini 634, Radio Ghetto); Disabilities (Asperger pride; Gruppo Asperger Lazio) Education and School (Altra Mente; Archivio Memorie Migranti); Media (AMISnet; Quotidiano Sostenibile; Confronti).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Echis is a newborn association, with already a lot of successful projects behind it, realized thanks to our partners and donors.
Echis can contribute to this network with its strong experience in media and specifically the radio sector.
Our members have been working in this field for years, producing audio-documentaries, journalistic reportages and radio programmes.
As individual members, our team can count on a diverse ensemble of experiences realized both in Italy and abroad, ranging from radio trainings and workshops, research in migration issues, audio productions and reportages on crucial social issues and sound-designing experimentations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Becoming members of ALF Italy could be a great opportunity for Echis to share good practices and work with other partners. We consider essential to build international networks and long-lasting relationships that could allow us to learn from other methodologies and ideas, expanding our activity range.
Our aim is also to develope concrete projects in areas of common interest such as the active participation of people and communities in the civil society and the production of information content about issues often overlooked by mainstream media.
Moreover, as former members of AMISnet, the majority of ECHIS team has already worked in projects (Across the sea ; Through desert and sea; Bridges on Air) realized within the network and thanks to the collaboration of Anna Lindh Foundation. That is why we would like to start this fruitful cooperation again.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nerina Schiavo
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Marzia Coronati
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Cocco
Job Title (2)
Producer and Trainer

ECOS - European Culture and Sport Organization

National Network

00183 ROME RM

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

ECOS is a not-for-profit organization that designs and implements projects focused on Sports and Cultural activities for Young people including those with fewer opportunities.
Based in ROME (ITALY) ECOS is recognized within the Italian Third Sector Register (RUNTS) and the National Sport Register (RAS -Sport&Salute). ECOS is an official partner of the European Commission in the framework of The European Week of Sport and The HealthyLifestyle4All Initiatives.

Structure of the Organization - Ecos organization of individuals - with 5 official members and 15 affiliated.
- board member with 3 people, headed by the president
- 2 stable full time employees
- more than 15 regular collaborators
- more than 50 occasional collaborators
Budget in Year: approximately 300k
Modalities of action:
- Concrete project -
- exchange students, people
- research and seminar
ECOS has a wide European and international network and partners

Mission and Objectives

to Build up concrete actions for the full involvement of Youngs people in a more attractive and inclusive world.

Main Projects / Activities

ECOS works since 2018 mainly with the European projects, first of all, ERASMUS+. Actually, we have several ongoing projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We Could spread the ALF network initiatives among our communities and partner members. We could contribute to the dialogue within our expertise and open access to our scientific research.
One of the main topics that we address is Sport for mental Health, both to increase the physical exercises for people with mental health disorders and generally for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I was impressed by your voice program as a tool for developing different skills. We are currently organizing several workshops for young students within our European projects and we would like to understand how we can interact with you.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

via Vezia 2
47921 RIMINI

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
EducAid fosters social and teaching innovation supporting research and realising educational projects and training activities, study visits, exchange of good practices between educators, teachers, students of different countries which aim to establish equal opportunities for all, highly valuing individual or group diversity as an enrichment for the community. The assembly of members support the mission of the organisation and operates through the Board (7 members) and the staff employed, which includes general director, executive director, 3 responsible for programmes, accountant, secretary, 2 expatriate staff, 4 local staff. Yearly turnover of activities is about 1.200.000,00 euro. Main sources of funding, which is based on projects, are the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Local Authorities, UNICEF, private donations. Partners are NGOs, Ministries of Education, Local Authorities both in Italy and partner countries. EducAid is a member of International Disability and Development Consortium and Rete Italiana Disabilità e Sviluppo.
Mission and Objectives

EducAid is committed to help and cooperate in educational and social fields for:
• preventing and reducing the disadvantages and difficulties of persons with special needs and with social and cultural problems through social and educational intervention
• fostering social and teaching innovation by educational training and by supporting research and experimentation.
• Promoting the idea and the practice of “community education/training” in favour of a system based on widespread cultural awareness and active care and collaboration of different subjects present on a territory.
• Promoting the respect of human rights with particular attention to the rights of children, disabled people and disadvantages minorities. While encouraging the knowledge and the application of international conventions on the matter
• promoting politics which aim at intercultural contacts in favour of cultural and ethnic diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

EducAid works
In Europe: for Global Education through the cooperation of associations, schools, Local Authorities, Resource Centres.
In Occupied Palestinian Territories: for the promotion of “education to resilience”, “active learning”, school inclusion of children with disabilities, protection of the street children and working children through a mobile playbus, social inclusion of persons with disabilities.
In Armenia, Serbia, Azerbaijan: in support of the de-institutionalization process of children with disabilities or without parental care, through training of staff of social services, piloting of Case Management methodology, respite activities, alternative care services.
In Salvador, Bosnia Erzegovina, Kosovo: for the inclusion of children with disabilities, through assistance to the Ministry of Education and piloting of inclusive educational activities
In Senegal: for the prevention of AIDS and the promotion of functional literacy and vocational training for young women
In Tunisia: for the educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities and the development of University training courses for special educators.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EducAid intends to collaborate with schools and associations on the topic of the intercultural education, promoting youth exchanges, teachers study visits, piloting of intercultural educational activities, teacher training. EducAid wants to contribute to the ALF Network through its competences in the field of organisation of such activities, through the mobilisation of expertise on intercultural education and inclusive education, through the exchange of good practices on education and social, sharing of networks and partnerships. EducAid may also contribute to researches, through its consolidated partnership with the Faculty of Education of the University of Bologna.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EducAid shares the idea that, thanks to the promotion of intercultural contacts, it's possible to improve mutual respect between different cultures and tolerance principle. Since its foundation EducAid promotes policies, actions which aim at intercultural contacts in favour of cultural and ethnic diversity; such as study visits for teacher and representatives of different partner countries to exchange good practices and experiences of happening in the field of education, the protection of the minors and social-inclusion.
The Mediterranean is an area of high interest where we developed direct experiences. EducAid is interested in promoting opportunities of intercultural exchange for youth, teachers and educators of the territory of Rimini. Moreover, we are committed to promote global citizenship within schools, with the assumption that a real citizenship should be based on the common belonging to humanity, on the common interest for the planet, on the peaceful coexistence. The ALF Network is an actual mean to promote the participation of civil society to the establishment of an inclusive Euro-Mediterranean area, a Mediterranean for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Latini
Head of the organisation
Ivo Giuseppe Pazzagli
Contact (2) Full Name
Alfredo Camerini
Publication Illustration

Education et diversité religieuse en Méditerranée occidentale

Cet ouvrage propose aux spécialistes de l’éducation des pistes de réflexions sur le défi que représente dans les communautés plurielles la diversité des religions et convictionnelle. Quatre équipes de chercheurs, en provenance d’Algérie, d’Espagne, d’Italie et du Maroc, ont analysé...


National Network

Via Manno 8
09124 Cagliari

+39 334 9608170
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
EFYS is a no-profit association composed of a board of 4 people plus 10 people as partner's meeting. Currently it has 3 open-ended employees covering the roles of coordinator and educators for the Youth Center for minors “La Bottega dei Sogni”. EFYS collaborates with freelance professionals and other Associations of the city for the construction of other projects. The annual budget is approximately 50,000 euro, from public funds and foundations. The main action are concrete projects, workshops and seminars; key partners are the Municipality of Cagliari, no-profit and voluntary associations (f.e.: Cosas, Ciclofficina Sella del Diavolo, Il Giardino di Clara)
Mission and Objectives

EFYS is a no-profit Association. It intends to pursue exclusively charitable purposes.
The association's overriding goals are:
- Contribute to the protection and promotion of civil and social rights, with particular attention to the rights of children and promote their participation in the cultural and administrative social life;
- Contribute to the promotion and protection of culture offering aggregation opportunities, commitment and intercultural dialogue;
- Promote solidarity and social welfare activities aimed to secure benefits for disadvantaged persons because of physical, mental, economic, social, family conditions and extended community members;
- Raise public opinion on the issues set out above, promoting the culture of solidarity, hospitality and intercultural exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

Aggregation and intercultural activities (last 12 months)
Planning and management of the Youth Center  "La Bottega dei sogni" and Summer Camp. Projetc co-financed by the Municipality of Cagliari - Department of Social Policies. From 2003 to the present.
“Esplorazioni: Cagliari città dei bambini e dei ragazzi”. Workshops for children, about urban exploration, digital photography and web design intended to create and implement the online guide of the city of Cagliari experienced by children and young people (; at the I.C. Randaccio-Tuveri-Don Milani and the Center “La Bottega dei Sogni” (2013-2015). Project co-financed by the Banco di Sardegna Foundation and the Municipality of Cagliari and Regional Government Agency “Sardegna Promozione”.
Organization of conferences, seminars and events (in 2015)
Organization and promotion of the showing of the film “Io sto con la sposa”, with the presence of director Gabriele Del Grande; the film is about the condition of migrants and on the freedom of movement in Europe. January 2015
“Costruire la Città - Percorsi per realizzare la città dei bambini - Building the City - Paths to realize the children's city”. Planning and implementation of the convention and workshops on the themes of sustainable cities of the children; workshops on sustainable mobility, the role of the school, participatory planning with children. March 2015
Organization of the Seminar: “Il diritto all’informazione e il Congo: giovani e bambini in una guerra dimenticata - The right to information and the Congo: young people and children in a forgotten war”, starting from the book by anthropologist Luca Jourdan “Generation Kalashnikov”. May 2015
Organization of the exhibition “#Womanstory” about “Il fumetto intercultura” (Intercultural cartoon)by Takoua Ben Mohamed. October 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could share our knowledge, methodologies and projects about participation, education, human wrights and sustainable and child-friendly cities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to establish cultural relations and partnership with other organizations with the aim of exchange our experiences and learn from others. The ALF network will be an opportunity to be in contact with other organizations and to be part of multidisciplinary national and international projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Ligas
Head of the organisation
Stefano Ferrando
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano Ferrando