
Cooperativa Sociale Tanaliberatutti onlus

National Network

Viale Bergamo n. 2 47838 Riccione (RN)

+39 0541644920 - 774816
+39 0541645262
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
David Aguzzi

Cooperazione Internazionale Sud-Sud (CISS)

National Network

12, Via Noto
Palermo 90141

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
CISS is a NGO of international co-operation that also acts with local interventions and projects. The three main intervention areas are: a) Projects and activities aiming international co-operation; b) Projects and activities aiming education and awareness; c) Projects aiming local development in Southern Italy. CISS is member of COCIS (that is member of the European network SOLIDAR), is one of the founders of the European network ENCOD and member of the Association of Italian NGOs. The overall budget for 2005 is 2 million € and the staff is more than 25 people.
Mission and Objectives

Promoting, supporting and sharing solidarity values and culture
Defending and promoting human and people basic rights , fighting against neo-liberist politics that increase differences between north and south
Enhancing relationships and exchanges between various groups and organisations coming from north and south
Promoting peace to build a fair society
Focusing on human beings and their relations to contribute to the development and empowerment of local groups and societies

Main Projects / Activities

Since its foundation CISS has implemented 45 actions of 2 years length or more and over 220 interventions of shorter duration, co-financed by the EU, the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, some UN Agencies and local or regional Italian administrations. Countries where projects are actually running are: Albania, Bolivia, Brazil, Rep. of Congo (Brazzaville), Dem. Rep. of Congo (Kinshasa), Ivory Coast, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, FYROM Macedonia, Mauritania, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia and Venezuela.
Moreover, 10 projects of 2 years length or more and over 150 small actions aiming awareness are implemented till now by CISS.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Giuseppe CAMMARATA
Head of the organisation
Mr. Sergio CIPOLLA
Contact (2) Full Name

Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE)

National Network

Via Slataper, 10 - 50134

+39 055473556
+39 055472806
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
COSPE is an association promoting intercultural dialogue, fair, sustainable development and human rights. Its activities are International Development Co-operation and Development Awareness/Education as a means to achieve peace and justice among peoples The Cospe organizational structure is made up of the Secretary General, (supported by two Vice Secretaries), the Administration Department, and the Department of Communication and Fund Raising, and the Projects Office. As well as the national head office in Florence, COSPE has two other offices in Italy in Bologna and Genoa and an additional 21 sites in the countries in which it operates. COSPE human resources amount for 2008 to a total of 60 staff at the headquarters and 40 staff and volunteers in the fields. The most important donors of the actions are: Italian Ministry of Foreign Office, European Commission, Local Authorities , NU Agency, Private The funds received in 2008: 6.732.000 €
Mission and Objectives

COSPE works towards building a world in which diversity is considered a value, a world with many voices, where the encounter influences and enriches us, where the social justice allows equal rights and opportunities to all.
COSPE’s story is one of "taking part" and a "position" in the defense of rights with the knowledge that is it impossible to remain neutral. However, the basis of the human rights is the right to a dignified existence and a quality of the life that is a determined factor both from economic parameters and from the true possibility of active participation in the deciding process.
COSPE works for dialogue between people, between populations and cultures, for fair and sustainable development, for human rights that aim toward attainment of`peace and justice.

Main Projects / Activities

COSPE operates in Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe in projects that promote economic, environmental and social development. It supports the promotion of farming, craft and service industries through training, technical support and the creation of credit funds, with special regard for women's associations and networks in view of their fundamental importance to local development. It is involved in food security, rural development, afforestation, irrigation and environmental protection projects.
COSPE works In Italy and Europe on educational programmes dealing with antiracism, development, interculturalism and the defence of basic rights. It organises intercultural activities in schools: refresher courses for teachers, study programmes for students and bilingual workshops for foreign pupils. It promotes activities to ensure that citizens from ethnic minorities enjoy equal opportunities in education and employment and access to services and information. It is also involved in protecting the interests of refugees and those seeking political asylum.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Donata Rinaldi
Head of the organisation
Federica Masi - Legal Representante
Contact (2) Full Name
Sara Malavolti

Coordinamento Nazionale degli Enti Locali per la pace e i Diritti Umani (Italian Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights)

National Network

Via della Viola 1, 06122, Perugia, Italy

+39 (0)75 572 24 79
+39 (0)75 572 12 34
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Structure of the organization: Staff employed: 5 Other collaborators: 4 Budgetary resources available in a year: Around 350.000,00 Euro Sources of funding: members’ annual contributions, projects funds (from EU and others) Modalities of action: projects, seminars, meetings. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: At the national level: Italian Peace Roundtable At the international level: UCLG – United Cities and Local Governments European Network of Local Authorities for Peace in Middle East Municipal Alliance for Peace (MAP) Forum of Local Authorities for Social Inclusion of Porto Alegre (FAL) European Network of Cities for human rights European Network of Cities against racism International Association of Educating Cities.
Mission and Objectives

The Italian Co-ordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights is an association, which unites around 700 Municipalities, Provinces and Regions working in promoting peace, human rights, solidarity and international cooperation.
Its aims are:
1. to promote a permanent work of Local Authorities and of Regions for peace, solidarity and international cooperation;
2. to promote the national co-ordination, the development of common initiatives, the exchange of information and experiences among its members;
3. to assure a connection with the main European and international associations of Local Authorities, and to favour the participation of Italian Local Authorities in international conferences;
4. to favour the collaboration between Local Authorities, Regions and civil society’s associations that are working on the promotion of peace, development and human rights;
5. to promote among the people -and in particular among youth - the development of culture and attitudes of peace and solidarity.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its foundation, the Italian Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights has tried to achieve its goals through continuous proposals and projects of peace. Among its principal activities there are: the promotion of permanent education to peace and human rights in schools, the development of international solidarity and of decentralized cooperation against poverty and war in Africa and for the achievement of the MDGs, the promotion of the cities’ diplomacy, the organization of the Perugia-Assisi Peace March and of the Assemblies of Peoples’ UN, the engagement for peace in Middle East and Mediterranean, the construction of a Europe as a tool of peace and justice in the world, the promotion of information and communication of peace.
The Coordination promotes and sustains the Italian Peace Roundtable, that represents a precious permanent centre of dialogue and collaboration among civil society organizations and local institutions engaged in promoting peace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Flavio Lotti, Director
Head of the organisation
Marco Vinicio Guasticchi, President (and President of Province of Perugia)

Coordinamento Regionale Volontariato e Solidarietà Luciano Lama

National Network

via civiltà del lavoro 17/a

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Regional Volunteer Coordination and Solidarity "L. Lama started his business in December 1992, thus beginning the war in the Balkans conflict, and very quickly expanded its operational presence throughout the Region.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective is to involve as many human resources present and available in the area in a dense network of solidarity in support of the younger generation and their families who are victims of atrocities in the Balkans wars that destroyed part of their history and their culture as well as the productive apparatus of that ' area. -

Main Projects / Activities

Humanitarian initiatives carried out in these years of activity can be summarized as: - 19 temporary reception of children orphaned by war and refugees from the Balkans hosted by Sicilian families - 15 humanitarian convoys totaling 120 vehicles filled with basic necessities, medicines, medical equipment, clothing, etc ... volunteers distributed directly by the association in war zones and refugee camps - Dozens of events and cultural exchanges in Sicily and in the former Yugoslavia - Donation of a modern oven with olive mill community of Mostar - Donation of two dairy communities Visegrad and Rudo - Sponsoring the five orphanages in the Bosnia and Herzegovina - Donation of two dental practice

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe Castellano

Coordinamento Regionale Volontariato e Solidarietà Luciano Lama ONG

National Network

via Civiltà del lavoro 17/a 94100 Enna

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The NGo Luciano Lama was founded in Enna on the 1998. The NGO has begun its activities in December 1992, thus beginning the war in the Balkans conflict, and in no time extends its operational presence throughout the Region of Sicily. This brings us to February 1998 for the Constitution Solidarity and voluntary association and, consequently, the inclusion in the Regional Voluntary Organizations under LR No 22/94 at the Regional EE.LL.The NGO principal finanging coming from the pubblic sector and private donation. The NGO has realised a lot of ptojects in the Bosnia Herzegovina territory.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective is to involve as many human resources present and available in the area in a dense network of solidarity in support of the younger generation and their families who are victims of atrocities in the Countries where the wars destroyed part of the history, culture and all the production facilities of that area.

Main Projects / Activities

Humanitarian initiatives carried out in these ten years of work can be summarized as:
• 31 Temporary admission of orphans and war refugees from the Balkans hosted Sicilian families (a total of 10,400 children), the cost for each host ranges from 170,000.00 Euro to 205,000.000 • 15 humanitarian convoys totaling 120 trucks full of basic. Dozens of events and cultural exchanges in Sicily and throughout the former Yugoslavia;
• Donation of a modern oven with olive mill to the Community of Mostar, cost 95,000.00 euros
• Donation of two dairies to the Community and the Visegrad Rud, cost 45,000.00 euros for dairy;
• Sponsoring of five orphanages in the Bosnia and Herzegovina, cost 20,000.00 euros for orphanage;
• Donations of two dental practice, cost 13,000.00 euros for the study;
• Opening a center for Children "The Smile" in Visegrad, cost 50,000.00 euros
• Completion and opening of a cheese factory in Visegrad, cost 49,500,00 Euro.
• Course No boot 3 projects funded by the Sicilian Region - Development Cooperation, to be carried out in the cities of Zenica, Ilijas, Srebrenica, a total of € 240,000.00.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Castellano Giuseppe
Head of the organisation
Castellano Giuseppe
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Cameli Tiziana


National Network

Via Saffi, 4
60121 - Ancona


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
COOSS Marche is non profit making company, established on 1979 and provides social and care services to the weakest segment of population: minorities , migrants, drug addicted, disabled, mental impaired, elderly, etc. Since 1993 a Department of Research and Training is actively working at European and national level to carry our social researches and to implement Vocational Educational Training (VET) initiatives. It is a training agency, registered and licensed by the Marche Regional Public Administration. Actually are more than 1700 people working within COOSS Marche group structures. The last budget was about 37.000.000 € per year.
Mission and Objectives

Cooss Marche is a social cooperative, and has the interest of the community to promote human and social integration of citizens.
Cooss Marche works in the field of social services, providing social services, health and education, mainly in agreement with the government.
The activities of the cooperative are fleshed out in the design, delivery, management and evaluation of social interventions. The provision and management of services by the COOSS Marche occurs both in the form of direct management of facilities and through local services, educational and home.
The principles upon which the activity of COOSS Marche is based are those of fairness, democracy, equality and mutuality. Marche COOSS also draws upon the values of cooperation and improvement of the economic, social and professional resources of its members.

Main Projects / Activities

Cooss Marche main activities are :
1) Services - In particular COOSS Marche delivers services as:
- Home care and protection;
- Education;
- Management of residential facilities, residential and semi-diurnal;
- Health.
2) Research and Development. Since 1993, was created within Cooss Marche the Research and Training Department that is responsible to design and implement local, national and European initiatives , with the objective to develop and test innovative interventions to address emerging social needs.
The areas of intervention of the Department include:
- Vocational training
- Design and Management of local, national and European initiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudio Sdogati
Head of the organisation
Amedeo Duranti
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilir Qose

CoPeAm - conferenza Permanente dell'Audiovisivo Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Monte Santo, 52 - 00195 Roma - Italy

(+39) 06 36862409-13
(+39) 06 36226758
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudio Cappon
Head of the organisation
Claudio Cappon


National Network

Via Emerico Amari, 162

+39 091 6622238
+39 091 6622304
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 333 3305563
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
COPPEM is composed of 101 full Members and of 101 alternate Members, representing Municipalities, Provinces, Local Authorities, and Regions of the 35 Euro-Mediterranean Countries, for this purposes appointed by their national Associations. Full Members are also the COPPEM Secretary General, a representative of CEMR and a representative of ATO. COPPEM Bodies are: o the General Assembly o the Presidency Council o the President and Vice-Presidents o the Secretary General COPPEM Secretariat and offices are based in Palermo, Italy. COPPEM Secretariat is composed by 14 full time officiers. Both Sicily Region, through a special law, and some local Institutions, have supported COPPEM operativeness since the beginning.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of COPPEM is to promote both dialogue and cooperation for local development between towns, municipalities, local authorities, and Regions of the member Countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and their active and concrete participation in achieving the objectives established within Barcelona Declaration of 1995.

Main Projects / Activities

4 COPPEM Commissions, composed of COPPEM members who are assisted by the experts of the Secretariat, carry out the preliminary works for planning activities to be approved by the ordinary Plenary Assembly. Each Commission is assigned with the following areas of competence:
I Commission “Political and Institutional
II Commission “For cooperation between cities and regions”
III Commission “For economic and financial cooperation”
IV Commission “For the culture, technologies, tourism and environment”
.For 2004-2005, the following themes were decided:
-Experiences of participation of Euro-Mediterranean local powers and Regions
-Immigration and emigration, actions and tools of the co-operation among Euro-Mediterranean Towns and Regions
-The Euro-Mediterranean local development
- Culture and tourism: promotion and management of cultural areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natale Giordano
Head of the organisation
Hon. Carmelo MOTTA

Corrente Rosa

National Network

Piazza Adriana, 8 - Rome 00193

+39 335 7447029
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
- 12 members of staff and 1 employee - € 5000 in 1 year - Sources of funding: Memebership - Concrete projects, seminars, conferences - Main partners involved: Professionals, including active women and women entrepreneuers
Mission and Objectives

The Association is a non-profit organization that was established as an expression of civil society and to contribute to political renewal, in particular to promote and enhance the participation of women in political and decision-making places. The Association also aims to enable/put in place skills and talents to support the gender balance in access to social, economic, productive positions of relief.

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops, seminars and conferences. Diffusion of informations related to gender.
Production of a film/documentary called "Per la mia strada" (see attachment)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By providing expertise on gender issues

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To encrease the italian and international contacts to exhange good practices

Contact (1) Full Name
Federico Scriva
Head of the organisation
Serena Romano