
7th BSEC Month of Culture | 1 - 30 November 2023 | Online event

7th BSEC MoC.jpg

Join us on a unique month-long cultural journey to the wider Black Sea region!

Being aware of the rich, diverse, cultural heritage of the BSEC region, the ICBSS established the BSEC Month of Culture (MoC) in 2017, with the aim to promote the cultural identity of the region and enhance its visibility to the wider public.

The Month of Culture is an online, month-long programme of cultural highlights of performing arts, cinema, literature, painting, architecture, gastronomy and more, from the BSEC 13 Member States.

Now in its 7th year, the BSEC Month of Culture has been asserted as an ICBSS flagship event and an annual cultural highlight for the BSEC region, attracting increasing interest and visibility.

The 7th Edition of the BSEC Month of Culture will run online from 1 to 30 November 2023.

For more info: 


Do not miss the opportunity to discover more trivia on cultural and artistic milestones through visiting the past editions here!


A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity

National Network

29 Kolokotroni Street, 10562

+30 210 323 1875
+210 323 1871
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 694 837 6797
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 694 837 6799
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. AWISHhellas is a Greek registered Non Profit Organization dedicated to the advancement of sustainable community development in Greece and the Mediterranean region. 2. Operating annual budget approximately: 250,000euro 3. University contract fees, seminar fees, grants. 4. AWISHhellas operates accredited university programs in sustainable community development, summer university seminars, and conferences, community recycling projects, and other project activities. 5. International universities, environmental NGOs, peace and justice organizations, and local communities in Greece.
Mission and Objectives

AWISH - Hellas – Mesogeiou (AWISH) is a nonprofit corporation organized to promote understanding and education in community sustainable development. AWISH conducts educational programs, seminars and workshops, artistic performances, and technical assistance and research to support community wellbeing. Its programs foster collaborations with communities, businesses, universities and governments to advance knowledge and understanding about the relationship of cultural and economic development, environmental justice, and the creative and performing arts to community health and well being. AWISH programs are funded through government and private grants, charitable donations, workshop and seminar fees, and other sources of funding.
- grants, charitable donations, workshop and seminar fees, and other sources of funding.

Main Projects / Activities

The AWISHhellas Sustainable Development projects bridge global knowledge with local and regional knowledge, and address the multiple dimensions of Sustainable Community Development – economic, environmental, cultural, and spiritual. Its programs include the international university program in sustainable community development in Kefalonia, providing collaborative base supporting research and education. AWISHhellas coordinates research and service programs in sustainable tourism, alternative energy systems, sustainable community water systems, community recycling, and sustainable agricultural economic development, and peace and justice studies. AWISHhellas promotes sustainability education through annual seminars, conferences, workshops, and work / youth camps.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicholas Christos Zaferatos
Head of the organisation
Professor Nicholas Christos Zaferatos
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Katerina Perraki

Academy of Entrepreneurship

National Network

Tsiller 61 str & Ros
11144 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Academy Of Entrepreneurship (AKEP) was founded in 2007 by the historical Educational Association of Athens “HFAISTOS”, aiming at the creation of a healthier entrepreneurial environment on a national and European level, and trying to support young people who wish to make their innovative entrepreneurial ideas come true. AKEP’s main objective is the cultivation of the essential entrepreneurial attitude and transfer of the necessary knowledge to young entrepreneurs who are now entering the labour market and to already active entrepreneurs, wishing to establish themselves and expand their operations both within Greece and abroad. Academy Of Entrepreneurship is a non-profit organisation working with 4 people as permanent staff and several external experts ad-hoc. Its budgetary resources come from education services, “HFAISTOS” and EU co-funded projects. Its main partners are StartUp Nations Research Network, Global Entrepreneurship Week, Trip In Touch, European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, Entrepreneur Envoy, Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform, ELSIR Mundus – Network for Innovation and Social and Territorial Responsibility (Internationally) and Federation of Hellenic Associations of Young Entrepreneurs, Aephoria, αέλια Working Life Lab, Knowl for Education and Lifelong Learning (nationally).  

Mission and Objectives

The Academy Of Entrepreneurship (AKEP) is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization, with an innovative and authentic character, trying to meet the new challenges of the modern labour market as its first priority. The Academy Of Entrepreneurship is determined to cope with the new reality created within the economic crisis in an effective and consistent way, on a national , European and global level, and aims to provide answers at a rapid but constant pace and on a theoretical and practical level, regarding the challenges that arise everyday and make entrepreneurship seem uncertain and risky. AKEP’s ultimate goal is the development of the appropriate conditions, to make startup entrepreneurship, both in Greece and abroad, more “safe” and tempting.

Main Projects / Activities

AKEP has been a national partner of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Greece since 2008 . A series of workshops and entrepreneurship seminars are always organized during the GEW where participants can brainstorm and seek advice on business issues and learn about the challenges they have to face within the crisis in the labour market today. They also receive specific guidance, depending on the requirements of their own business endeavor and activity. As a member of the Entrepreneur Envoy Global Network, and recently of the European Association of Development Research and Training, the AKEP is fully aware of the requirements of the European labour market, transferring this knowledge to the participants of its educational programmes. AKEP’s latest success is its nomination as the official STARTUP NATIONS Greece National partner of the Startup Nations Global Network, a nomination that makes the Academy widely recognized and establishes it as an important communication channel for startup entrepreneurs and enterprises both on a European and a global level. AKEP has been the National partner in numerous European research projects for the support of entrepreneurship, mobility and employability in Europe. More about these EU supported projects @ AKEP is a nonprofit organisation, registered in the EU Transparency Register with ID number 049215512245-42 and the Unique Registration Facility (URF) of the European Commission with Participant Identification Code (PIC) 996793826.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Academy Of Entrepreneurship is determined to cope with the new reality created within the economic crisis in an effective and consistent way, on a national , European and global level, and aims to provide answers at a rapid but constant pace and on a theoretical and practical level, regarding the challenges that arise everyday and make entrepreneurship seem uncertain and risky. AKEP’s ultimate goal is the development of the appropriate conditions, to make startup entrepreneurship, both in Greece and abroad, more “safe” and tempting.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our ethic summarizes: social progress through the continuous contribution of active citizens. To achieve our vision we are guided by the values of ethics, human decency and cooperation. We believe our values are in line with those of the Anna Lindh Foundations and we are looking forward to benefit from the synergies the network offers to their advancement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreas Stefanidis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andreas Stefanidis

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community

National Network

Anatolikis Thrakis 42 str
161 22 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community is a non profit company with two staff members employed and several annual members (approx. 20) working and being hired by project. These members are artists & cultural professionals. Its budgetary resources are created by donations and also include two owned appartments and one artist studio that are available in yearly bases. Its sources of funding are coming out of small scale EU funding programs such as ERASMUS+ and Culture Move Europe or other, and from Goverment funds and members donations. Main partners of the organization are universities ie. Western Attica university and Athens School of Fine Arts among others as well as other non profit cultural companies from Greece and the EU. The developing project for 2024 is an artist residency and the Collab4 HySust CCI which will be implemented by the Community in the Cyclades.

Mission and Objectives

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community is a non-for-profit company which aims to promote through its activities and members support sustainable ways of Arts & Culture about social, economic, environmental issues in Greece, Cyprus and Europe. We are establishing a community based cooperative approach of the Arts & Culture sector with other sectors in order to assist creators and cultural professionals bring up their impact on issues such as: Sustainability and Climate Change, Tourism and Cultural promotion, Societal vanuerability and Economic crisis by supporting their skills, expand their network and showcase best practices within the framework of enterpreuneurship and new technologies use.

Main Projects / Activities

Collab 4 HySust CCI: the organization will implement a cultural multi task project in the Cyclades islands during 2024 after mentorship from the EU and will do seminars, exhibition, documentary and public performances about soft food, water sustainability and climate change treatment for the local community and especially wine producers to assist them adopt research based new technologies in their production achieving sustainability in the use of water supplies. An artist residency of 5 artists involved three times a year of variable duration but maximum two months each at least where artists from different medias will cooperate with cultural developers and managers setting up a network about digital tools support and skills developement. A project development and exhibition is held at the end of every term for all residencies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACEY Europe - Arts & Culture Community network stands in many countries of Europe and particularly at: Greece, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary and it is still developing. Therefore we are providing access to all professionals in Greece to this network of ours and possibilities for cooperation, exchange and development of common projects. Also, we intend to provide our personal know-how, best practices and experience organising seminars, workshops and residency activities to the local ALF country network of ours through the web or/and through physical existence. We are members also in other EU networks such as Culture Action Europe and we want to be able to bring more EU possibilities to the ALF country network we belong to.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part and use as many as possible advantages of the ALF network but also bring our long experience and provide it through ALF in the younger ages of cultural professionals. We want to be able and use the resources provided at ALF to expand the possibilities for production and network of ours furthermore and be able to have larger impact through the ALF organizational disemination of information. We believe in cooperation and join powers in culture and we follow ALF projects many years now as individual members and now that we created our own community and became larger we want to give back to the ALF Network in practice what we have gained from it before.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Taxiarchopoulos
Job Title
Founder & Director
Head of the organisation
Georgios Taxiarchopoulos

Action Art/Εικαστική Δράση

National Network

Filikis Eterias 33
54621 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information

Action Art/Eikastiki Drasi is a non-profit civil association, founded in 2009 by people with experience and knowledge in the field of the art of narration, of education, and in the development of voluntary work in social and cultural issues. Their motivation for the founding of the body was their vision to contribute to the revival and propagation of Global Heritage, namely fairy tales, the democratization of Art, contributing to the encouragement of cultural and social participation of children, youngsters, and adults, to the development of voluntary action, and to the exchange of experiences and information in order to promote non-formal and informal learning. Some of our actions include training, seminars, educational programs, and performances. For the materialization of the above we cooperate with groups or individuals, bodies and NGOs in Greece and abroad. The funding of the programs and actions in progress derives from the members’ contribution, donations, and sponsorships by other bodies such as the Municipality or by the private sector etc.

Mission and Objectives

• The propagation of Oral Heritage, and the contribution to the restoration of the social and pedagogical function of the fairy tale • The propagation of the non-formal and informal learning • Young people’s encouragement to participate in cultural creation • The development of actions for vulnerable groups • The promotion of multicultural projects for foreign young people, and immigrants aiming at the building of communication, solidarity, and peaceful coexistence • The promotion of the importance of volunteering • The contribution to the forming of a strategy for the political groups of the young in Greece • The development of cooperation between bodies, and NGOs in Greece or in

Main Projects / Activities

Projects in Greece: • Τhere is experience in planning and setting of narration festivals which include multilingual narration, performances, seminars, and round tables. • Narrations, and visual educational projects at schools, museums, other bodies, and NGOs • Teachers’ training in fairy tale narration • Participation in festivals with narrations and workshops • Participation with multilingual narrations, workshops, and lectures in festivals, conventions and symposia on Multilingualism Cooperation with bodies and networks of other countries: • Participation in International Fairy Tales Festivals • Cooperation with foreign narrators in order to organize seminars on Narrator Training • Cooperation with the Ateliers de la rue Raisin, a NGO into programs and actions to propagate Global Oral Heritage, Art, and the non-formal and informal learning

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With activities such as • The promotion and dissemination of the World Intangible Heritage Narrative Art, and the furtherance of the value of personal and collective creative expression through the Arts. • The planning and materialization of seminars, reeducation, workshops festivals, performances, and other forms of activities such as Multicultural training programs for children and adults, research programs, and material collection, study, and publication. Promotion of non-formal and informal learning, developing activities for vulnerable groups. • Multilingual narrations with the participation of foreigners, immigrants, students, volunteers narrating in their mother tongue. • Foreigners and immigrants’ participation in the Action Art/Eikastiki Drasi programs through exchange programs or invitations. Action Art/ Eikastiki Drasi participation in other countries programs. • The development of cooperation between bodies or NGOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because the cooperation of bodies of different countries contributes to the promotion of communication, ideas, views, and experiences exchange among peoples. It contributes instrumentally to the knowing, the designation of similarities and differences, and the elimination of stereotypes. It leads to extroversion, creative communication, tolerance, and creative cohabitation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rodanthi Dimitresi
Job Title
story-teller, artiste
Head of the organisation
Rodanthi Dimitresi
Contact (2) Full Name
Evgenia Simeonidou
Job Title (2)


National Network

54625 Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

AddArt is a nonprofit organization dedicated to create, embellish and spread art and culture in general. Headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece and having a rich cultural canvas, AddArt is focused on social and cultural interest of the general public.  AddArt consist of 5 permanent and active staff members while more than 50 people are supporting it regularly varying from project to project, mainly in voluntary positions. Also, this organization established more than 20 different partnerships both domestically and internationally. Budget and finances vary as AddArt organizes project based budget system which is supported by other foundations and organizations like: Erasmus+, UNHCR, Europe for Citizens, Municipality of Thessaloniki, Municipality of Kalamaria etc. In the year 2016 the budget spent was 15.000 €. Some of the partner organizations are: JKPEV, Eurobug, Kids in Action, Consilium, Breakthrough etc. Most important projects: Thessaloniki Animation Festival (TAF) and “Say it with Comics” project.

Mission and Objectives

AddArt's primary goal is organizing projects and providing classes and seminars in order to  “Add Art" in every aspect of life, whenever and wherever it can be applied in such a manner that it leaves a positive mark, increasing the results and helping to reach an optimum outcome for diverse type of projects. By already having experience in the field of comics, storytelling, filming, animation, gaming, painting and sculpturing, AddArt is focused to add artistic and innovative activities as well as messages in collaboration with various sectors such as education and entertainment. The above mentioned art forms are known to modulate values beyond the given joy of creation. By passing on these skills AddArt strives to stimulate teamwork, patience, ingenuity, problem solving, and enlarged perception. All of these allow a huge learning potential for developing even further set of new skills. The main idea here is to jointly shape a unique way to cement the message to those seeking to consolidate.  AddArt is an organization with the ability to spread any idea, lesson or message through art and various forms thereof, to edit, produce films or animations, to expose, to organize events and more.

Main Projects / Activities

Publications: ▪ “Bugs of the round table” comic, AddArt publisher, September 2016 ▪ “Urban Mysteries II” comic, AddArt publisher, September 2016 ▪ “Say it with comics” comic, AddArt publisher, May 2016 ▪ “Mythonats” comic,  AddArt publisher, April 2016 ▪ “Spartakos Final Wishes” comic,  AddArt publisher, April 2016 ▪ “Urban Mysteries I” comic,  AddArt publisher, September 2015 ▪ “Mysterion” comic,  AddArt publisher, September 2015 ▪ “Spartakos” comic,  AddArt publisher, April 2015 ▪ “Koupe II” comic,  AddArt publisher, April 2015 ▪ “Koupe I” comic,  AddArt publisher, April 2014 Projects: ▪ “Say it with comics II” comic publication for UNHCR, September 2016 – December 2016 ▪ “Bridging Generations” project made by JKPEV under Europe for Citizens program, February 2014 – February 2016 ▪ “Solidarity Lab” facilitator of a project made by Eurobug under Erasmus+ program, November 2015 “Art Express”  facilitator of a project made by JKPEV under Erasmus+ program, June 2015 ▪ “Peace building through storytelling” guest facilitator of a project made by Consillium under Erasmus+ program, February 2015 ▪ Scriptwriting and storytelling lecturer at Comink, Pirama and AddArt, 2014 – up to date Conferences: ▪ “Thessaloniki Animation Festival” (TAF) event owner and coordinator supported by Municipality of Kalamaria, October 2016 ▪ “Thessaloniki Animation Festival” (TAF) event owner and coordinator, October 2015 ▪ “Mysticon II” mystery festival of Thessaloniki event coordinator, event owner Municipality of Thessaloniki, September 2016 ▪ “Mysticon II” mystery festival of Thessaloniki event coordinator, event owner Municipality of Thessaloniki, September 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AddArt is willing to become yet another ALF ambassador in Greece and we are willing to share the foundation’s actions and positive influence. Additionally, networking remains to be one of the most important goals for a young institution such as AddArt and sharing that network represents a benefit for all parties involved. Special attention is given to dissemination of projects simply due to the fact that the Reach is the most important aspect in contribution to Culture and the Arts. AddArt is encouraging young artists and creators to disseminate these tools to everyone who would like use them: teachers, psychologists, social workers, anxious people, creative people, teenagers, children and many more. Our work and good practices learned are disseminated throughout all are future endeavors and some of the more specific ways to communicate them is via our: social networks, festivals, press releases, various addressing to publics (TV and radio shows, interviews etc.) as well through projects to come.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AddArt constantly searches for different ways to contribute and expand its outreach and network. As we are headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece we belong to Mediterranean which is the immediate reason that connects us to ALF. By joining ALF, AddArt can be even more involved in international projects both on European and international scale. AddArt is always ready to leave positive mark and contribute to projects with its experience, knowledge, passion and innovation. All our projects saw nothing but positive feedback by funding organizations, partnering organizations as well as from the community. Hopefully, ALF can be yet another “mean” for AddArt spreading Art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitris Savvaidis
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Stavros Savvaidis


National Network

ICT TECHNOPOLIS 9klm Thessaloniki-Thermi
55535 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

AeliaPath is a social cooperative organization of Holistic & Experiential Learning based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Οur vision is to create the conditions that will lead to a positive change in education. In this line, the design of AeliaPath’s programs supports the principles of the Incheon Declaration & Framework for Action towards inclusive and equitable quality education for All, according to Education 2030 by UNESCO.
Τhrough our programs we encourage young people to:
cultivate life-skills for the 21st century (critical thinking, flexibility, imagination, problem solving, creative disruptive innovative mind, resilience, meditation-mindfulness)
Acquisite study skills (cognitive skills, learning to learn and metacognitive skills, learning to correctly apply what I have learnt)
Develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and cultivation of the capacity for mature love (self-control, empathy, self-knowledge, management of emotions)
Cultivate environmental education and world consciousness (volunteering, recycling, environmental sustainability, global citizenship, cooperation amongst students worldwide)
Furthermore, the educational activities of AeliaPath are based on the equal and differentiated access to education for All, thus implementing inclusion in learning, aiming not only to attain learning skills and knowledge, but also the cultivation of students’ self-awareness and whole character. Aeliapath supports every human being to discover their uniqueness through their diversity, to assist them in developing it and then to show them how to share it for the benefit of the world.
Number of team: 5

Mission and Objectives

AeliaPath's vision is an education system based on the Pedagogy of Love in which all children will feel happy.
We are all in the same mission together.
Our mission is for children, parents and teachers through our games and experiential programs to develop life skills, accept themselves and others, help each other, work together, solve problems and effectively boost their creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

AeliaPath team design and implement educational experiential and interactive programs for children and adults on the subject of culture and environment through the arts. Our team specialised in the edu-Larp (educational live action role playing) method and considered experts in the region of Greece. Live Action Role Playing games aim to enhance learning in School and Adult Education and lead the participants to develop communication, collaboration, interaction, awareness, self-awareness skills, empathy,organizational skills. Also, our team uses educational live action role play (Edu-LARP) in order to diversify learning experiences, explain different topics, play through situations and scenarios, and to simulate the consequences of one’s decisions. All the senses are activated, physical and emotional engagement support deep learning. Our team has implemented innovative educational, interdisciplinary programs with ‘concrete’ objectives and initial design for students (primary and secondary level) with the holistic AeliaPath approach, with elements from the curricula of typical primary and secondary schooling in Greece.
Also, AeliaPath has organised many training in the edu-larp method, (Educate the Educators) based on the holistic method & the methodology of Educational Live Action Role Playing including both theoretical and practical training, distribution of materials and examples of implementation of programs in ordinary school classrooms, envisioning the growth of educational prototypes for the cultivation of virtuous education.
In addition, AeliaPath designs and implements team animation programs aimed at strengthening relationships between the members of a group/team. Our goals:
1.Developing a positive atmosphere within the team
2. Improving communication between team members
3. Strengthening cooperation
4. Promoting innovation and creativity
5. Enhancing team performance and productivity
6. Improving leadership skills, problem-solving ability, organizational and communication skills of members
7. Building trust between team members

Contact (1) Full Name
Theodosiou Maria
Job Title
EduLarp Game Designer
Head of the organisation


National Network

9ο χλμ Θεσσαλονίκης-Θέρμης Βεπε Τεχνόπολης
55535 Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information

AeliaPath is a social cooperative organization of Holistic & Experiential Learning based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Οur vision is to create the conditions that will lead to a positive change in education. In this line, the design of AeliaPath’s programs supports the principles of the Incheon Declaration & Framework for Action towards inclusive and equitable quality education for All, according to Education 2030 by UNESCO.
Τhrough our programs we encourage young people to:
Cultivate life-skills for the 21st century (critical thinking, flexibility, imagination, problem solving, creative disruptive innovative mind, resilience, meditation-mindfulness) Acquisite study skills (cognitive skills, learning to learn and metacognitive skills, learning to correctly apply what I have learnt)
Develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and cultivation of the capacity for mature love (self-control, empathy, self-knowledge, management of emotions)
Cultivate environmental education and world consciousness (volunteering, recycling, environmental sustainability, global citizenship, cooperation amongst students worldwide) Furthermore, the educational activities of AeliaPath are based on the equal and differentiated access to education for All, thus implementing inclusion in learning, aiming not only to attain learning skills and knowledge, but also the cultivation of students’ self-awareness and whole character. Aeliapath supports every human being to discover their uniqueness through their diversity, to assist them in developing it and then to show them how to share it for the benefit of the world.

Mission and Objectives

AeliaPath team design and implement educational experiential and interactive programs for children and adults on the subject of culture and environment through the arts. Our team specialised in the edu-Larp (educational live action role playing) method and considered experts in the region of Greece. Live Action Role Playing games aim to enhance learning in School and Adult Education and lead the participants to develop communication, collaboration, interaction, awareness, self-awareness skills, empathy, organizational skills. Also, our team uses educational live action role play (Edu-LARP) in order to diversify learning experiences, explain different topics, play through situations and scenarios, and to simulate the consequences of one’s decisions. All the senses are activated, physical and emotional engagement support deep learning. Our team has implemented innovative educational, interdisciplinary programs with ‘concrete’ objectives and initial design for students (primary and secondary level) with the holistic AeliaPath approach, with elements from the curricula of typical primary and secondary schooling in Greece.
Also, AeliaPath has organised many training in the edu-larp method, (Educate the Educators) based on the holistic method & the methodology of Educational Live Action Role Playing including both theoretical and practical training, distribution of materials and examples of implementation of programs in ordinary school classrooms, envisioning the growth of educational prototypes for the cultivation of virtuous education.
In addition, AeliaPath designs and implements team animation programs aimed at strengthening relationships between the members of a group/team. Our goals:
1.Developing a positive atmosphere within the team
2. Improving communication between team members
3. Strengthening cooperation
4. Promoting innovation and creativity
5. Enhancing team performance and productivity
6. Improving leadership skills, problem-solving ability, organizational and communication skills of members
7. Building trust between team members

Main Projects / Activities

1. Educational Experiential Programs for Schools
2. Experiential Animation Programs for Adults through Play and Arts
3. Online Educational Programs for Schools and Teachers
4. Collaborations for the implementation of European programs (Erasmus)
5. Summer Camps

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Theodosiou
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

2, Panagia Goumera str, Thermi
PO box D 1436
57001 Thessaloniki

0030 2310 420 489
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The NGO AENAO was established in 2006 and is actively involved in the field of non- formal education by developing and implementing a number of projects to promote health and social issues, as well as contributing in the development of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural skills. Moreover, it occupies a group of volunteers from a variety of scientific fields, and experienced scientists coordinate each project contributing by this way in its effectiveness. AENAO every year submita a variety of projects (training courses, youth exchanges, conference and production of educational manual) under the umbrella of Youth in ACTION program, Grundtvig, Invest in People Program and Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Program

Mission and Objectives

AENAO, aims to: • Promote health by creating networks and implementing projects based on non-formal education and learning by experience methodology • Undertake national and international collaboration with reliable agents, in order to exchange experience and best practices • Design programs that encourage social cohesion, protect the human rights and respect the environment • Empower women to take initiatives and improve their socio-economic status • Empower young people, enhance and build their personal skills. • Inform society on innovative programs and activities which are conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. • Organize campaigns and initiatives that benefit the society

Main Projects / Activities

Addicted to life (2006) Smoking prevention (2007) Fight for life (2008) Crash test revised (2010) Creative interpersonal relations(2010) The violet project (2011) Captaik Cook (2011) Youth and the City (2011) Environment and Volunteerism (2011) IST: Smoking prevention (2010-2012) IST: Conflict Management (2011 -2013)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AENAO can share the experience and knowledge acquired as the result of the projects that has implemented in the last years.Moreover, AENAO using the enthusiasm and creativity of its members can suggest innovative ideas for promoting change and better quality of life

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF network it offers the opportunity to cooperate with other organisations which have the same interests, objectives and ambitions to mobilize individuals and to fuel change in the specific geographical region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Gerolympou
Head of the organisation
Catherine Amoutzia

Aephoria Sustainability for People and Environment

National Network

56,3rd Septemvriou str
104 33


+30 2108847900
+30 2108214150
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Aephoria is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO’s Registration Number: 146 - Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs) governed by a General Assembly comprised by the President, the Vice President, the General Secretary and the Members. Oganisation’s permanent staff is composed of the General Assembly and 5 volunteers. Also Aephoria cooperates with external experts emanating from the academic, scientific and business world as well as with a number of volunteers. The budget resources are approximately 20.000,00 € per year which mainly comes from self, national and European funding. The modalities of action are mainly national and international projects. The partners involved in the organization’s projects are mainly external and differentiate accordingly the theme of the project.
Mission and Objectives

Aephoria’s mission focus in:
a) improving people's livelihoods and poverty alleviation worldwide,
b) promoting an environmental-friendly and human development,
c) preserving natural resources and cultural heritage,
d) empowering civil society throughout the world,
e) enhancing intercultural cooperation as well as multiculturalism.
Organisation’s main objectives are:
a) the development cooperation on issues of rural growth, education, health, social solidarity, basic infractures, culture, research and technology,
b) the humanitarian assistance and human rights,
c) the natural resources management, protection of sensitive ecosystems such as wetlands, coastal areas and forests.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization’s main projects/programmes are:
a) the development of the Alexandria’s Patriarchate Library in Metochi Athens (Greek Ministry of Employment and Social Protection & European Social Fund),
b) the reinforce of entrepreneurship in Turkey- N.G.O. and the role of Mass Media (Young LEADERS II- Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
c) the development of entrepreneurship in Egypt, Small Medium Sized Enterprises and Mass Media (Pyramid ??- Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
d) the development of a Complete Standard of Special Certification for the NGOs of Social Care Provision in the Private Sector (Lamans S.A.– OP of Social Care),
e) Environmental Impact Assessment for the installation/re-establishing of some sea fish farm units (Lamans S.A.- PARTHENI THALASSIES KALLIERGEIES S.A.- Echinades Fish farms Ltd).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Valeria Papageorgiou
Head of the organisation
Dr Christos Lambridis