
1st Lyceum of Triandria

National Network

15 Ath. Diakou Str.
Triandria Thessaloniki

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The 1st Lyceum of Triandria is a public School of the Secondary Education. It provides general education and the teachers prepare the students for higher studies at university. In our school there are 23 regular teachers and 5 more who co-operate with our school and 250 students. There are running programs on Environmental Education and Health Programs in cooperation with Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and the Municipality of Triandria.
Mission and Objectives

The school’s aim is to help students to complete their studies within the secondary education and at the same time to prepare those students to enter the higher Education. At the same time through several activities our school tries to develop students’ dexterities necessary for their development as citizens of the world through projects or using ICT. In our premises there is a technological laboratories concerning Informatics and Sciences Laboratories .
Our school also tries to cultivate values and aesthetics to its students through cultural activities as an effort to enforce the cultural heritage of our country and to come to know other cultures too.

Main Projects / Activities

Our school besides its regular program is “running” programs on Environmental Education, on Technology and Health Programs
Many of our students have knowledge on music, on theater, they participate in local traditional clubs with intense activity, other artistic talents on movie making or animation. Within these frame our school participates in many competitions with groups of students or single students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hara Delivogiatzi
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Hara Delivogiatzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Margarita Pavlidou

2nd Experimental Gymnasium of Athens

National Network

Filimonos & Tsoha

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
- public School - 58 professors - Expenditure currents - the Municipality of Athens - Collaboration with other schools through etwinning (in English, French and German) - Italy and Portugal
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
A. Mitroghiannopoulou
Head of the organisation
N. Tziortzis
Contact (2) Full Name
A. Zahariadi

2nd General Lyceum of Chania

National Network

Korai 5 Chania

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The 2nd General Lyceum of Chania is a public school, having ~40 teachers and ~300 students. It is mainly funded by the Greek government. It has been involved in the past in a Comenius project and has performed a twinning with a French school. In addition, health education programs are running in our school every year.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of the 2nd Lyceum of Chania is to contribute to the balanced development of the mental and physical skills of the students with a view to a holistic development of their personality and creative living regardless of their sex and national origin. The objectives are:
• Promotion of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism.
• Encouragement of cooperation and group work among students.
• Participation in extra-curricular activities.
• Preparation for a demanding work market through familiarization with cutting-edge technology.

Main Projects / Activities

• Participation in a Comenius - Socrates (Action 1) project entitled “The consumption model of the European youth” in 2000-03. Partners: Belgium, Norway, Slovenia nad Scotland.
• Participation in a twinning-student exchange program with the Montesquieu Lyceum of Bordeaux, France on spreading the Greek language.
• Realization of a health education program on “Sexual relationships – Prevention of sexually contagious diseases - AIDS” since 2000. The students spend 2 hours every week, (October – April), on the above issues, realization of their consequences and adoption of responsible lifestyle through awareness raising activities. An exhibition of the student projects is held every April.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antigoni Katsouli
Head of the organisation
Markos Mpemplidakis
Contact (2) Full Name
Chrisa Tsinaraki

2nd Preveza Summer School (2023): History end Economy (HISEC) – Preveza 6 -9 July 2023

2nd Preveza Summer School (2023)

The  2nd Summer School of the University of Ioannina provides students and researchers with an opportunity to experience quality education/research training in a variety of disciplines: History, Economics, Sociology, and Technology.

It addresses different learning levels: underground, postgraduate, and doctoral. Participants (up to 30) will attend lectures and will be trained through workshops while also experience the natural surroundings.

The economic crises, its traces in society, the transformations of working landscapes are the main cognitive aspects of the 2th Preveza Summer School. The course examines the labor process and illuminates the challenges of the future. How many forms the working landscapes take over time? Is it possible for green economy to coexist with artificial intelligence and civil society?

The 2nd Summer School of the University of Ioannina sheds light on the historical processes and the economic crises and gives a new global perspective on the subject.


  • Department of Logistics and financial studies/Preveza, University of Ioannina.
  • Department of history and Archaeology / University of Ioannina.
  • Department of Economics/University of Ioannina 
  • Department of social studies/Hellenic Open University.

More info



3///3...three walls on wednesdays...

National Network

Dafnomili 37A, 11471 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization began in September of 2010. Inspired by many DIY approaches world wide artist I began 3///3...three walls on an alternative way to exhibit art from national and international artists. 3///3 are three portable walls that I place in different points in Athens in hopes of bringing art to places where there is no arts organizations or galleries. The project was initiated by me and a technical collaborator, for the creation of the website and translation to Greek of some material. The project is currently funded by the initiator and the participating artists. I have an ongoing open call and artist submit proposals.
Mission and Objectives

Inspired by current DIY cultural trends worldwide and the need for more artistic visability in places where I have noticed a lack of art, cultural spaces or galleries, I initiated 3 / / / 3 ...three walls on wednesdays... as an open invitation for national and international artists to exhibit their work on three mobile walls that I carry and place in different locations on a weekly basis in the streets of Athens.
It is a collaborative process...artists and the public will activate the grown project... open invitation...transportable... moveable...transient...courageous... prototype of public art display...non-linear...anybody can access the charge...respond to the space... free invite...people come across art in unexpected places displayed in an unexpected way...DIY space... building bridges of communication with others...visual just carry it out...flexible...thrusting into the unknown...spontaneous...the physical premise is no longer is time to move the walls!

Main Projects / Activities

Collaboration among worldwide artists, in order to bring their work and display it on three portable walls that I carry to different points in the city of Athens where there is clearly a lack of artistic presence. Every Wednesdays, I take the walls and place them in different points, from 12-8pm I document what happens throughout the day, I then enter and share all the information in the website, as a type of diary. I also speak about the place where the walls were placed and why I selected that area. They idea is to begin a get people speaking about what they see.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blanka Amezkua
Head of the organisation
Blanka Amezkua
Contact (2) Full Name
Leonidas Alexandropoulos

3rd ELIAMEP – ACG Summer Academy


Training Emerging Leaders for the New Geopolitical Challenges in the Mediterranean 

3rd ELIAMEP – ACG Summer Academy
Olympia, Greece, 3-8 July 2023

The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ΕLIAMEP) and the Institute of Global Affairs of The American College of Greece are pleased to invite applications to the 3rd ELIAMEP – ACG Summer Academy in Olympia, Peloponnese, Greece. The Summer Academy is a transnational educational program that brings together high-potential graduate students and young professionals from the Mediterranean, Europe and beyond. Distinguished academics, diplomats, policy makers, business leaders, and experienced journalists will assist the participants in analyzing and better understanding the challenges that emanate from the current global and regional geoeconomic and geopolitical shifts.

Designed as a hands-on educational activity, the Academy will focus on developing participants’ leadership skills, with emphasis on conflict management and negotiation and communication techniques. The Academy aims at broadening the participants’ perspective, as well as enhancing their professional network.

The Summer Academy will address the following topics:

– Main drivers of instability and opportunities for cooperation in the region

– Competition between regional and external powers

– Dysfunctional states, revisionism and prolonged conflicts

– Cross-border migration, energy and climate change

– The European Union’s role in its Southern neighborhood

The program will include seminars, lectures, focus group discussions, and soft-skills training. All sessions are held in English.


Participants must have at least a first degree in a relevant area of study, in addition to demonstrated leadership potential. The age limit for applicants is 35 years. English language proficiency is a prerequisite.

The program is designed for:

  • Graduate students from Greece and abroad
  • Junior political and policy practitioners
  • Staff of think tanks
  • Representatives of civil society
  • Diplomats
  • Journalists 

***For more information and the application form, please visit the link


4 ONE ANOTHER T r a i n i n g f o r B e tt e r I n t e g r a ti o n o f  U n a c c o m p a n i e d Mi n o r s

Training for Better Integration of  Unaccompanied  Minors

United Societies of Balkans, a member of the Greek Network of Anna Lindh Foundation, is among the partners who implement a training program to address the needs and gaps of knowledge and skills of professionals whose objective is to offer the professionals the right tools to integration, support and education.

The outcomes of the projects are :




The project aims to:

1) provide UASC and youth with the necessary tools for achieving a successful life and work towards their integration;
2) address the role of professionals working in reception centers: cultural mediators and social workers.

The partnership has developed all training modules of the future e-learning platform based on the following structure:

  • Module 1: Basic presentation of the UASCs
  • Module 2: Legal framework at partner country level and general European framework.
  • Module 3: Societal integration (school, work, etc.)
  • Module 4: Intercultural competences
  • Module 5: Gender mainstreaming, equality, and non-discrimination.
  • Module 6: Coping with the emotional problems of the minors
  • Module 7: Foster care and other form of caring. Coming to Age

The training modules will act as “chapters” of the overall e-learning platform and will be used as self-paced learning experiences that include written content, audio, video, and other visual elements.

The partnership is currently developing the structure and design of the e-learning platform, which corresponds to IO3. It will include a wide range of training modules providing a mix of theoretical information, learning activities, and practical guidance to enhance the skills of professionals working with unaccompanied minors, thus providing cost-effective education.

Over the next few months, the partners will work on developing the project's e-learning platform.

Find out more at:

Follow them at:

4th ELIAMEP – ACG Summer Academy


Bridging Perspectives:
Training Young Leaders Across the Mediterranean

The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and the Institute of Global Affairs of The American College of Greece (ACG) organise the 4th ELIAMEP – ACG Summer Academy in the International Olympic Academy, only a few hundred meters away from the sites of ancient Olympia, Peloponnese, Greece.

The ELIAMEP – ACG Summer Academy is a cross-border educational initiative that brings together promising graduate students and young professionals from the Mediterranean, Europe, and beyond. Renowned academics, diplomats, policymakers, business leaders, and journalists will guide participants in dissecting and comprehending the challenges stemming from current global and regional geoeconomic and geopolitical shifts.

Structured as a dynamic educational experience, the Academy aims to enhance the participants’ leadership potential through knowledge and skills acquisition, provided by in-depth analyses and workshops in conflict management and negotiation techniques. The comprehensive programme includes seminars, lectures, and social activities, aiming to expand participants’ perspectives and fortify their professional networks.

You can find more information here.

4th Lyceum of Kalamaria

National Network

Great Alejander & An. Thrakis 1

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
4th Lyceum of Kalamaria –Thessaloniki is a public secondary general and athletic school education founded in 1976. It has 320 students ages of 16-18 years and 80 professors. Is constituted by two departments the general and athletic department in which the students are prepared in order to become professional athletes. The school constitutes centre of Information Technology for the city after it allocates five laboratories of Information Technology which are supported by the Pan-Hellenic School Network. The school and the department of information technology is concretely supported by the following institutions:Aristotle University Thessalonica (Department of Chemistry, Department of Information technology, Department of French History. Technical University Thessalonica University , Centers of Environmental Education, and by the Aristotle University.
Mission and Objectives

In our school beyond the basic knowledge and the supplies for our students we try to teach them to be open in other cultures , to use foreigner languages, to learn about their country cultural traditions also as well and populations from other countries. They also learn how to use the new technologies to communicate.

Main Projects / Activities

The school has been distinguished in competitions of Mathematics, Information Technology, and in Athletic Events. In 2003 our students were first in the Pan-Hellenic Competition of Information Technology and Mathematics, took part in the Balkan Olympic Games of Information Technology, and came out first in the European Championship of Rhythmical Gymnastics. Also the school participates in a lot of activities as competitions of Painting, Tele-education, Communication , Exchange of Educational Material via Internet , Network Organization of online courses, collaboration with Universities for the safety of tour in Internet, network events of European Union (Spring Day of Europe), Electronic Twinning with schools of abroad , programs of Environmental Education and Education of Health. We are also participate as partners in a Comenius-3 Network for Alimentary Culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tzafou Emily
Head of the organisation
Maniatis Athanasios
Contact (2) Full Name
Lironi Androniki

6th Evening Vocational Lyceum of Thessaloniki

National Network

Papanastasiou 13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The 6th Evening Technical – Vocational Lyceum of Thessaloniki is a public School of the Secondary Education. It addresses mainly to adults students who work and who for some reasons didn’t complete their studies in good time in Lyceum or within the frame of education throughout life and mainly for professional reasons they come back to a Vocational Lyceum to acquire a specialty. In our school there are 70 regular teachers and 20 more who co-operate with our school and 680 students. Our school participates in the Comenius European Programs, also exercises vigorous cultural activities having to do with dancing, theatrical and music teams with many awards in competitions all over Greece.
Mission and Objectives

The school’s aim is to help students to complete their studies within the secondary education and at the same time to prepare those students who wish to enter the higher Education. At the same time through several activities our school tries to develop students’ dexterities necessary for their development as citizens of the world through projects or using ICT. In our premises there are 6 technological laboratories concerning Informatics and Graphic Arts.
Our school also tries to cultivate values and aesthetics to its students through cultural activities as an effort to enforce the cultural heritage of our country and to come to know other cultures too.

Main Projects / Activities

Our school besides its regular program, participates for the 3rd year in succession, in the European activity Comenius / Schools cooperation and us a theme: “Tradition and New Technologies: a Challenge for the Future”, with partners schools from Germany, Italy, Spain, Basque, Poland.
There are also “running” programs on Environmental Education, on Technology, Health Programs, as well as Programs on Equality of the 2 sexes with enforcement on woman’s situation.
Because our students are adults, their knowledge, interests and their experiences are many and varied. Many of our students have knowledge on music, on theater, they participate in local traditional clubs with intense activity, other artistic talents on movie making or animation. Within these frame our school participates in many competitions with groupsof students or single students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Kalaitzidou
Head of the organisation
Anastasia Mpantouraki
Contact (2) Full Name
Ioannis Vryzas