
The Boat Project is having its closing event in Marseille!

In Marseille

The Boat Project invites you to the presentation of a unique educational project carried out in the Mediterranean over the last 6 months, uniting Marseille, Tangiers, Barcelona, Tunis and Bastia by a sailing boat and its young multicultural crew.

During this extra-ordinary sailing and educational adventure, the Compagnons de la Méditerranée crew from all these cities set up a "nomadic school for living together" at each port of call, where educational activities based on their experiences at sea and ashore and exchanges with local partners took place.  

This presentation will be an opportunity to discover the links that have been developed between schoolchildren on different shores of the Mediterranean, as well as the real modern Odyssey of the Compagnons de la Méditerranée!

08 June 2023 at 5.30pm at the Musée d'Histoire de Marseille
Only 170 places are available, so it is important to book in advance to be able to attend the event.

Register here!

The Boat Project is recruiting Companions of the Mediterranean

Image of the project

An initiative of the Beit Project and with the encouragement and support of the Matanel Foundation and EMID, The Boat Project is a project that proposes to make our common environment, the Mediterranean, an essential element of education for living together, through which to discover diversity from an innovative perspective.
At the heart of the project is a boat, a sailing ship, with a crew of young adults recruited from all over the Mediterranean: the Compagnons de la Méditerranée. Starting from Marseille, the boat crosses the sea from one stage to the next, weaving links from North to South over the course of a school year: Marseille, Tangiers, Barcelona, Algiers, Genoa, Tunis, Palermo and Bastia.

The aim is to develop understanding and cooperation between young people from different Mediterranean port cities, through the Compagnons de la Méditerranée, but also to have young people from different parts of each local society meet and dialogue around the discovery and interpretation of the link to the Mediterranean and develop this intercultural link as a tool for living together. Finally, the objective is also to weave connections between associations and schools from all around the Mediterranean in order to raise awareness about the value of diversity.

Thus, the association The Beit Project France, in the framework of its new project The Boat Project, is recruiting the Companions of the Mediterranean : 8 young women/men between 20 and 25 years old (inclusive) from the following 8 cities Marseille, Tangier, Barcelona, Algiers, Genoa, Tunis, Palermo and Bastia. The selected Compagnons de la Méditerranée will sail throughout the academic year 2022-23 between these 8 cities on board a magnificent sailing boat and will carry out educational workshops on the theme of living together at each stopover. These workshops, which they themselves will have developed through their experience during the crossings, will bring together pupils from very different backgrounds.

For more information on the project, please visit this site.

To consult the job description, click here.

The Euro-Gulf Coordination Office

National Network

56 Bis Rue de la Blanche porte. Office A21 Tourcoing- lille 59200 France

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Euro-Gulf Coordination Office was founded by former Higher Education Practitioner in the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Cooperation. EGCO has offices in Lille north of France and Currently examining the possibility of reallocating to a GCC Country. Governance of Higher Education Euro-Arab Relations, International Diplomacy Relations with the European Union Small and Medium Enterprises and Youth Affairs; Oil and Gas industry Parliamentary Diplomacy and training of Members of Parliament Public Administration Management Training of Police officials Relations With Institutions of the European Union Institutions United Nations Diplomacy Our roster of Experts is comprised of University Professor, Pro bono Lawyer, Former Parliamentarians and Member of Governments, President of Universities and Officials of the United Nations, European Union and the League of Arab states.
Mission and Objectives

The Euro Gulf Coordination Office is a unique venture in the sphere of Higher Education Cooperation and Professional training. EGCO is striving to link European Expertise to GCC Countries whereas, Governmental or non-Governmental Organizations. EGCO is working with wide range of partners in Europe and the Middle East, delivers advice and assistance to Universities and Professional training Institute. and across the three pillars of its mission: Higher Education, Professional training and Languages, EGCO works inside GCC Countries to better assess the needs at the above mentioned sectors and address them in the most professional way. By promoting greater inclusiveness and accountability in Relations between different components, our work contributes to more just and sustainable solutions to Higher Education and Professional training, whether in assisting Students pursuing their studies in Europe or Providing the right, tailor-made training program for Institutions, .There is no other independent agency, that seeks to link European Expertise to GCC Countries through expert advice and an extensive network of Universities and Experts. EGCO is an independent Agency, and only works with those who are willing to transfer their expertise to Students and Professional of GCC Countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Mediterranean meets GCC, GCC 10O Summer Camp of dialogue among Cultures, EGCO Summer school.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are focused only to contribute to the network via concrete projects, we have a number of projects in hand such as summer schools and summer youth camps that we would like to do in partnership with ALF HQ and/or with the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF is one of the fewest active organisations in MENA region, We are aiming to find the link between GCC youth and the their counterpart in the Euro-Med region, through a number of projects that focus to foster mutual understanding between two different cultures. We think that ALF network will give us the right framework, contacts and know-how to be able to put our projects into concrete.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Chatouani
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Chatouani
Contact (2) Full Name
Raed Al Khalila

The Markaz Review

The Markaz Review is a literary arts review and nonprofit association that supports a deeper understanding of the Arab/Muslim world, in the Middle East, Africa and our diasporas in Europe and the Americas, with publishing activities and public programs.

The Markaz Review

National Network

7, rue de Verdun
34000 Montpellier

+33 4 67 02 87 39
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information

The multilingual online review conveying cultural and literary news of the Middle East, North Africa and our diasporas. Founded in 2020, The Markaz Review (TMR) has become the leading multilingual online publication for cultural news from the Middle East and North Africa. Its aim is to provide a better understanding of the region, as well as of its diaspora communities, in the United States, Europe, and throughout the world. In a world increasingly fragmented by all forms of racism and discrimination, TMR's mission is to promote, through the arts, a culture of human rights and freedom of expression.

Mission and Objectives

The multilingual online review conveying cultural and literary news of the Middle East, North Africa and our diasporas. Founded in 2020, The Markaz Review (TMR) has become the leading multilingual online publication for cultural news from the Middle East and North Africa. Its aim is to provide a better understanding of the region, as well as of its diaspora communities, in the United States, Europe, and throughout the world. In a world increasingly fragmented by all forms of racism and discrimination, TMR's mission is to promote, through the arts, a culture of human rights and freedom of expression.

Main Projects / Activities

We publish fiction, essays and reviews every Monday, and a special monthly edition of each month. We translate from Arabic, Persian and Turkish, and translate into English, French and Spanish. We launched our podcast Radio Tabbouli in 2023 in French and in English in 2024. We have two books coming out in 2024, Stories From the Center of the World: New Middle East Fiction (City Lights, May 2024) and Sumūd: a New Palestinian Reader (Seven Stories Press, Oct. 15, 2024).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Based in the south of France in Montpellier and connected to the SWANA region, we can contribute to developing communities and projects around the Mediterranean area, and wherever English, French, Arabic and Spanish are spoken.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To reach more people in France, and throughout Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jordan Elgrably
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jordan Elgrably
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Naili
Job Title (2)
PR & Production Manager
The PERCEPTIONS Handbook cover


This handbook was created to provide information and tools to different stakeholders within the field of migration, based on empirical research conducted as part of the PERCEPTIONS research project. PERCEPTIONS is a project funded by the European Commission under the...


National Network

154 rue Louis Blanc
76100 Rouen

33 5 44733669
Mobile Phone
33 6 87165909
Mobile Phone (other)
33 6 31 97 17 25
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 1901. Compagnie de Théâtre de marionnette fondé par Marja Nykänen, JC Canivet & Marie de Bailliencourt. CA annuel moyen de 80 000 € dont 70 % en fond propre et 30 % en subvention (Ministère culturel, Région, Département, communauté commune et communes). Action : création, diffusion spectacles dans réseaux traditionnels et milieu rural en France et étranger accompagnés d'action pédagogiques avec les populations (jeune public, âgées, milieu rural, spécialisé)
Mission and Objectives

création et diffusion spectacle en s'appuyant sur des techniques traditionnelles de marionnettes (aquatiques, ombres, fils, gaines) pour faire émerger des formes nouvelles de cet art. Travail avec les populations sur les territoires.

Main Projects / Activities

création d'un projet sur la "Conférence des oiseaux" de Attar, avec l'auteur Mohamed Kacimi, projet de création espérant réunir plusieurs pays (France, Finlande et Maroc) prévu pour été 2012 pour la version française.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marja Nykänen
Head of the organisation
Marja Nykänen
Contact (2) Full Name
Jean Christophe Canivet

Théâtre de Clermont l'Hérault - Scène conventionnée pour les écritures poétiques et scéniques

National Network

Allées Salengro
34800 - Clermont l'Hérault France

00 33 4 67 96 39 18
00 33 4 67 96 66 66
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le Théâtre de Clermont l'Hérault est conventionnée par la Ville pour assurer une programmation artistique. Il est conventionnée pour le ministère de la Culture, la région Languedoc-Roussillon et le département de l'Hérault pour une mission liée aux écriture poétiques. L'équipe comprend 7 personnes et développe de nombreuses collaborations avec des artistes de toutes disciplines, particulièrement scéniques, des plasticiens et des poètes. Le budget en 2009 est de 530 000 euros
Mission and Objectives

Le théâtre développe trois programmes liés à la poésie: Poem express, Metropoésie et Archipel. Ces programmes concernent tous les publics et particulièrement les jeunes. Ils ouvrent des passages entre la poésie, les arts plastiques, la musique et la philosophie. Ces programmes ont tous en commun d'être liés à la participation du public.

Main Projects / Activities

Le thème de la saison 2009 / 2010 est " Où".
Saison théâtrale de mai à juin.
Résidences d'artistes et d'écrivains
Exposition Internationale au Domaine de Restinclières - Prades le lez (Hérault-France)Du 13 au 30 Juin 2010.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Louis Estany - Directeur
Head of the organisation
Jean-Louis Estany
Contact (2) Full Name
Valérie Picq - Responsable de la communication


National Network

place de l'Agora BP 46


+33 (0)1 60 91 65 60
+33 (0)1 60 91 65 75
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le Théâtre de l'Agora est une assocation. Son équipe comprend 20 salariés permanents et du personnel intermittent. Son budget est d'environ 2.900 k€, constitué essentiellement de subventions de la Drac et des collectivités locales. Le Théâtre de l'Agora programme des spectacles, accompagné d'actions de médiation en direction des publics. Ses partenaires sont locaux. Il s'allie à d'autres structures équivalentes nationales et internationales pour monter certains projets de diffusion.
Mission and Objectives

Scène nationale, le Théâtre de l'Agora a une mission d'intérêt public de diffusion de la création contemporaine dans les différents domaines du spectacle vivant et des arts visuels auprès du plus large public. A côté des arts urbains et des arts numériques et multimédia, il développe notamment une programmation de propositions artistiques issues des pays de la zone euro-méditerranéenne à travers un festival intitulé "Vagamondes".

Main Projects / Activities

Chaque saison, les Vagamondes donnent à voir et à entendre des formes de création contemporaine (danse, théâtre, musique, arts plastiques et visuels…), proposent des débats, tables rondes, conférences en prenant pour thème un pays ou une zone de l’espace euro-méditerranéen. Ces connexions essentiellement artistiques se veulent porteuses d’interrogations plus larges sur la société d’aujourd’hui.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation