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Taynja Abdel Baghy

Program Manager at the Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy of the French Ministry of Defense. Abdel Baghy is specialized in peace and development in MENA and Africa, Taynja Abdel Baghy has worked as consultant for the United Nations...

Terre Active

National Network

Patio/CECDC, 1 place Victor Schoëlcher 13090 Aix-en-Provence

+(33)4 42 20 96 25
Telephone (other)
+(33)4 42 20 96 28
+(33)4 42 20 96 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1- Seconde Nature (law 1901 association under french law ) is a wide project born to gather the skills and the means of the two law 1901 associations Terre Active and Biomix. 6 employees. A scientific commitee is composed by researchers, experts, curators, artistic and cultural personnalities. 2-3 Brought together, the fiancial ressources contribute to a 500 000 euros annual budget (foundings from the town of Aix-en-Provence, Ministry of Culture, PACA Region, Bouches-du-Rhone department). 4- Among the local partners, Seconde Nature works with the Vasarely Foundation, l’Ecole supérieure d’Arts d’Aix en Provence, la Friche Belle-de-Mai (ZINC-ECM, Sytème Friche Théatre, AMI, Cabaret Aléatoire, Radio Grenouille). In the Euro-Mediterranean zone, we work with Santralistanbul, SOAP System, SHAM’S, The Basement, In Concert, WARP records, french cultural centers and french alliances.
Mission and Objectives

The fields of culture and artistic creation are sensitive to the new technological tools evolution which favors new relational models appearence. Seconde Nature’s vocation is to contribute to the emergence of new artistic expression forms related to new technologies and their impact on our environments.
The organisation aims to develop electronic cultures and multimedia arts. Creation has a privileged position as an artistic engine, feeding the other project branches. A focus on multidisciplinary projects is given through creation, educational actions, production and diffusion.

Main Projects / Activities

We carry out a permanent activity all year long in France, and lead sustainable specific actions abroad.
Creation, as artistic residencies.
Public events, as exhibitions, performances, concerts, conferences, and more notably the festival, that brings together all these forms.
International cultural exchanges, in order to favour the circulation of artists and their works, by helping with international artistic collaborations. We mainly focus on new emerging scenes and foreign local initiatives.
Educational actions in the field of multimedia Art and electronic music: Master classes, artistic workshops, training courses, for professional, amateurs or children of all ages. This unit should be embodied in a specialized centre for electronic and numeric artistic resources in the future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre-Emmanuel Reviron
Head of the organisation
Pierre-Emmanuel Reviron
Contact (2) Full Name
Raphaël Sage

Terre crue

National Network

avenue christophe colomb - résidence caroline 1

04 95 34 21 82
Telephone (other)
06 46 21 84 66
Mobile Phone
06 46 21 84 66
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le Collectif en bref : Le Collectif Terre Crue est un lieu virtuel et réel de référence internationale qui rattache l'art et la nature avec  la culture contemporaine. Le collectif rassemble des artistes qui proposent une réflexion sur la diversité du paysage, un rapprochement entre les peuples, le respect de la diversité et d'un partage d'espaces communs pour la paix et la coexistence. Nous pratiquons un vagabond'arte.
Mission and Objectives

Adeptes du vagabond'arte, un art communautaire et populaire, le collectif terre crue utilise en priorité le réseau internet et les communautés virtuelles pour diffuser ses projets et rassembler des artistes professionnels de toute nationalité. Les projets sont élaborées en commun, puis réalisés dans un lieu géographique sur le globe. Nous utilisons les matériaux bruts et récoltés sur le lieux de créations et nous associons si possible les enfants,la population aux créations et aux techniques artistiques échangées sur ce territoire.

Main Projects / Activities

Réalisation de projets artistiques in situ,communautaires sur différents points du globe. Les visiteurs (que nous sommes) doivent apprendre à laisser une trace de notre passage, éphémère, esthétique, fruit d’une réflexion et d’une entente cohérente avec le lieu et les gens qui y vivent. Plusieurs projets en cours dont 1 actuel sur l'île de Chiloé au Chili dans une communauté Mapuche. Puis bientôt en Inde du Sud. Nous finançons personnellement les projets pour la plus grande part. Depuis qq mois, le département et la collectivité de Corse nous soutiennent mieux financièrement. Les oeuvres que nous créons restent la ou elles sont elles appartiennent au territoire et aux gens qui y vivent.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cathy Astolfi
Head of the organisation
Cathy Astolfi
Contact (2) Full Name
Béatrice Bonhomme

Terres d'Echanges

National Network

10 pl saint Julien 31000 Toulouse
31000 Toulouse

0033 5 61 23 48 83
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 88 59 33 19
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1/Association 1901 créée en 1991 20 membres actifs nombreuses associations partenaires 2/ 10 000 € 3/ subventions, ventes d'activités participations séminaires, conférences, voyages d'études, adhésions 4/ voyages d'études,échanges, rencontres internationales, conférences, séminaires, journées développement durable, 5/ autres associations en France et à l'étranger, dans le bassin méditerranéen, Europe, Québec, Mali, Brésil
Mission and Objectives

L'association a pour objectif de favoriser - le développement durable, - le dialogue des cultures avec des actions sur le patrimoine et l'écotourisme, le développement durable, la solidarité internationale. - organisation de voyages et de séminaires professionnels et culturels favorisant la rencontre des peuples et des cultures et la promotion d'un développement durable.

Main Projects / Activities

- organisation d'un séminaire culturel rencontre de femmes francophones : Québec- France- Maroc- Mauritanie- Mali. exemples de femmes reconnues ou non mais qui ont joué un rôle dans la culture. - organisation de séminaires et rencontres internationales sur le dialogue inter-culturel, sur le dialogue inter-religieux. - organisation de journées d'animation, de circuits sur la préservation du patrimoine naturel et culturel

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie Hélène Potier
Head of the organisation
Simone Dubernard
Contact (2) Full Name
Simone Dubernard

Thalassanté – Estaque Riaux

National Network

175 plage de l’Estaque
13016 Marseille

0033 4 91 46 74 19
Telephone (other)
0033 4 91 46 75 98
0033 6 62 04 37 21
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Association Law 1901, managed by 12 volunteers . 7 employees . Based in Marseille . It's a place turned towards the social , cultural , thematic diversity , a pole of resources for the local and the regional association . The Association profits from the approval of National Education and youth approval and popular Education. Partnership associative in the field of environment, scientist, nautical, social, artistic, country agriculture, in Marseilles, in Region and the Euro - Mediterranean. Annual budget: 140.000/200 000 euros. The financings are to 80% of the subsidies.
Mission and Objectives

Health is a precious resource for everyone.
Thalassanté association sets up various action around sea, boats and sailing.
That brings it a ground of research on promotion and communication on health.
The boat and the sailing, strong and collective symbols, make it possible to approach health in a completely innovative, positive way and apart from the disease context.

Main Projects / Activities

. Health crew » pedagogic transdisciplinary course in educational centre (primary , colleges and academics )-
« Thalassanté game »public animation related to work made in scholar centre -
« Health Scale » animation starting from scientific exhibitions (when sciences speak Arab in 2005).
- « “Roads of health”: » :sailings deep-sea and stopovers organized in local partnerships. (Veils of Peace in 2003 preceded by the FAL)
- « Thalassanté Challenge » festive animation on ground and water around small sailing ships for all and built within the framework of projects.
- Training course “Pedagogy and promotion of health” - “Thalassanté Forum”: Pole of resource for associations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claire Marty
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Bertrand Soulcié

The ALDA Festival and General Assembly are coming up!

AG et festival ALDA

Dear members of the Anna Lindh Foundation, you are most welcome to the festival organised as part of the General Assembly of ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy, which will be held in Etterbeek from 7 to 9 June in the town hall of the municipality under the motto "Local democracy will save democracy". More than a General Assembly, this three-day event will be a real Festival, where ALDA colleagues, members and partners will come together for fruitful exchanges on the EU's key priorities, sharing knowledge and best practice on themes such as migration, inclusion, gender equality, environmental protection, and so on.

More specifically, we look forward to seeing you on 9 June at 2pm at the Maison Hap in Etterbeek (508-510 Chaussée de Wavre) with speakers from the European Commission's DG INTPA and DG NEAR, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Anna Lindh Foundation to explore how international cooperation can support democracy beyond the borders of the European Union, including in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Click here for more information!

Register here!

The Beit Project France

National Network

20 rue Montplaisir
13020 Marseille

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Beit Project France is a branch of The Beit Project Association. The central team is composed by 6 people. The Beit Project association aims at transforming heritage sites into educational platforms for education toward diversity and inclusion, fighting all types of discrimination. The project is ephemerally present in Paris, Roma, Brussels, Ixelles, Berlin, London, Lodz, Marseille, Sofia, Bucharest, Tangier, Skopje, Nice and Athens. It creates an open school in the middle of the city, nomadic school which converts urban spaces into profound learning and empowerment places.

Mission and Objectives

The Beit Project and The Beit Project France carry out cultural and educational programs in France and in several countries in Europe to promote dialogue and tolerance. And create more inclusive societies.

Through our new project – The Boat Project – we aim to develop cooperation between mediterranean countries and populations to provide common responses to contemporary issues in the Mediterranean. It tries to make the sea a vector of connection and sharing between the different shores by developing in each port-city intercultural activities on different themes.

Main Projects / Activities

The Boat Project is a project proposing to make our common environment, the Mediterranean, an essential element of education for living together discovering the wealth of diversity from an innovative perspective. At the heart of the project : a boat, a sailboat, with on board a crew formed by young adults recruited all around the Mediterranean. Starting from Marseilles, the boat crosses the sea and create a link from North to South throughout a nomadic school : Marseilles, Tangier, Barcelona, Algiers, Genoa, Tunis, Athens and Palermo. The activities developed in each port aim to develop understanding and cooperation between young audiences from different Mediterranean port cities, through the "Compagnons de la Méditerranée".

The objectives of the project are to :
- bring together young people from different parts of each local societies in the Mediterranean and open the dialogue,
- create a link between mediterranean shores and create cooperation to provide a response to the contemporary challenges,
- forge connections between cities, associations and schools from all around the Mediterranean in order to raise awareness on the valuation of diversity and the cooperation necessity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Beit Project France is a structure mainly created to carry the Boat Project in the Mediterranean. We are currently developing partnerships in all the regions visited by the boat. Several foundations and institutional actors are already supporting the project : Matanel Foundation, EMID (the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Dialogue between Civilizations), DIMED (Délégation interministérielle pour la Méditerranée), MuCem, institutional actors in Marseille and in the South of France...

We can bring to the Network a new project that pursues the Anna Lindh Foundation objectives and share a innovating pedagogical methodology.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to meet the Anna Lindh Foundation and join the ALF Network to create links with other organizations guided by the same objectives and strengthen the project in the Mediterranean by meeting others actors that know better than us the environment of this new project. We want to open the association to new perspectives et opportunities.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
David Stoleru
Job Title
Head of the organisation
David Stoleru
Contact (2) Full Name
Océane Laboudie
Job Title (2)
Fundraising Officer

The Beit Project participated to a seminar on combating racism and anti-Semitism


The Beit Project takes part in a seminar on the plan to combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination based on origin

The Beit Project has been asked by the Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Scolaire (DGESCO) to take part in a national seminar to be held in Paris from February 20 to 22, 2024! The aim of this seminar is to support the implementation of the flagship measures of the plan to combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination linked to origin (presented on January 30, 2023).

One of the key measures of this plan concerns the organization of a historical or memorial visit linked to racism, anti-Semitism or anti-gypsyism for every student during their schooling.

It was as part of the first day, devoted to this measure, that the association was asked to take part in and present The Beit Project at the round-table discussion entitled "How far should the notion of a place/site of history and/or memory be extended?".

In attendance: a manager from the Musée d'histoire de l'immigration, a manager from the educational department of the Archives nationales, the head of the Seine-Maritime department's fund conservation service, and two academic referents for Memory and Citizenship.

An opportunity to exchange ideas and create new partnerships to develop The Beit Project in new academies!

The Beit Project présente son "école nomade"


The beit Project a depuis a création comme projet pricnipal de créer des écoles nomades tout autour de l'Europe afin de faire participer les jeunes locaux des différentes villes européennes sur le vivre-ensemble, associatnt ainsi patrimoine historique à la lutte contre le racisme, l’exclusion sociale et les discriminations.

Les élèves commencent par construire leur propre « maison d’étude », en binômes : ils apprennent à se connaître en faisant. L’installation de l’école nomade dans l’espace public encourage la collaboration collective entre jeunes qui ne se sont jamais rencontrés mais partagent le même espace urbain. Le dialogue initié entre les binômes est ensuite élargi à tout le groupe. Plus tard, les débats intègrent les du quartier et les, lors d’interviews filmées par les jeunes.

De Sofia à Bruxelles, en passant par Marseille, Nantes ou encore Skopje, ses "mini-projets" d'écoles ont poussés partout en Europe de l'Ouest comme de l'est ,en passant par la Méditerranée. D'ateliers méthodologies aux ateliers de montage, vous pouvez par exemple regarder cette vidéo montrant l'école nomade en Bulgarie.

A Sofia, le projet s’est achevé le dimanche 19 novembre à l’Institut Français. Un projet riche, qui crée de la rencontre entre jeunes de la communauté rom et d'autres communautés locales et porté depuis plusieurs années par une équipe fantastique et des partenaires locaux indispensables.

Pour en savoir plus visitez leur site web ici.

The Beit Project: the anchor is raised in Marseille to reach Tangier

The boat project

The Boat Project is the main project of the association The Beit Project. The aim is to make the Mediterranean a place of sharing and transmission. In order to make it a place of exchange and living together, the project boat travels between the two shores of the Mediterranean and offers a real enriching experience on board. The boat's crew, the "Compagnons de la Méditerranée", is made up of 8 young people specially recruited from around the Mediterranean.
Local inhabitants, young people and adults, from the five port cities on the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean - Marseille, Tangiers, Barcelona, Tunis and Bastia - will benefit from workshops and educational exchanges. Local schools and associations in each city are an integral part of the project.

The crew officially started its maritime crossing. The boat set sail on Thursday 12 January 2023: it left the city of Marseille for Tangiers. There, a stopover will allow it to continue to transmit its message: the importance of living together.

After spending several weeks in Marseille, training to hold educational workshops, the Compagnons de la Méditerranée set sail for their first crossing. "I am very happy to announce this departure, which we have been waiting for months. Even if the adventure has already started with the workshops in Marseille, this is another stage that has started and it is very motivating. I wish the whole crew good luck", says David Stoleru, founder of The Boat Project with Matanel.

You can follow their adventures by subscribing to their newsletter and on their website: