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A more efficient use of resources is a key pillar for the transition towards a circular economy in Europe. Important progress has already been made over the past decades (for instance, the overall resource productivity of European economies has increased...


Maria-Àngels Roque

Director of the Department of Cultures and Civil Society at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and director of the revue Quaderns de la Mediterrània. Roque is dedicated to strengthening intercultural dialogue between both Mediterranean seashores since 2000. She...


Maria-Àngels Roque

Directrice du Département Cultures et Société Civile de l'Institut Européen de la Méditerranée (IEMed) et directrice de la revue « Quaderns de la Mediterrània ». Roque se consacre au renforcement du dialogue interculturel entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée...

Massa d'Or Produccions Cinematogràfiques i Audiovisuals S.L.

National Network

C/ Sant Pere Més Alt 66, pral. 1
Barcelona (08003)

(+34) 93 310 35 10
(+34) 93 268 81 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+34) 661 31 31 55
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. Massa d’Or Productions is a production company specialised in feature films (fiction and documentaries) TV movies and TV documentaries. 2. The number of employees is four 3. The sources of funding are the pre sales (theatres and TV channels), international pre-sales and co productions and subsidies. 4. Our projects are films and TV projects with international appeal. 5. We co produce with companies in France, Italy, Portugal, and Morocco.
Mission and Objectives

We try to develop ours internationals co- productions with the south-Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: A feature film co- produced with France and Morocco to be shot in the desert and a TV serial about the magreb immigrants to be shot in Barcelona and Morocco.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lluís Ferrando
Head of the organisation
Isona Passola

MECA Mediterráneo Centro Artístico

National Network

Calle Hermanos Pinzón 68-4-3
04005 Almeria Almería

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Located in the historic center of Almería, our pioneering multidisciplinary space in the city, is an Andalusian benchmark in the production, promotion and exhibition center of contemporary art that was founded by Fernando Barrionuevo, artist and curator, in 1988.
From MECA Mediterráneo Centro Artístico we organize exhibitions in different art spaces and museums, in addition to our own art center and that we combine with literary and musical meetings, workshops and various performances.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is based on improving the foundations of contemporary artistic culture and for this we have a wide catalog of national and international programs and projects that materialize in exhibitions, international contemporary art biennials, city projects, educational workshops, training actions, learning and training, cooperation and networking meetings, congresses, art fairs and symposiums.

Main Projects / Activities

Our values ​​are centered on solid principles such as quality, protection, public recognition and tolerance. In this sense, we put into practice an arduous work of continuous promotion of new artistic trends, support for young talents, dissemination of professional artists, continuous training in education both in the arts and in the development of strategies, collaboration with public and private entities. and very specifically the promotion of artistic internationalization.

From MECA we have coordinated international Contemporary Art programs in countries such as France, Belgium, Japan, Brazil, Oman, Argentina, USA (New York and Miami), China, Portugal or Italy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide our space, art gallery for exhibitions and meetings as well as artistic coaching and exhibition curating services. We also have another space in the rural environment in the Alpujarra of Granada that we would also contribute. We can also hold experimental contemporary art and video art meetings

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider that it is a very important space to establish synergies between the different member countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosa Muñoz Bustamante
Job Title
Program Director
Head of the organisation
Fernando Barrionuevo

Mediterranean Editors and Translators

National Network

Carrer Indústria 331, àtic 2a

00 34 93 4080997
Telephone (other)
00 34 93 7941642
00 34 93 4080997
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information
Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) is a non-profit association registered with the Justice Department, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. MET employs no staff. All Council members, committee members and workshop leaders are volunteers. We are funded by membership fees and small meeting participation fees to cover costs. We have approximately 100 members after our first year, meaning our annual income (free of meeting costs) was approximately €3000. We also seek support (from publishers, consulates, foundations, etc.) to fund invited speakers. MET is currently working on four research projects (one with the UPC in Barcelona, one international). We hold workshops and one large meeting per year on issues related to language support in higher education, scientific societies and other professional settings.
Mission and Objectives

Mediterranean Editors and Translators is an interdisciplinary association that organizes peer-generated continuing professional development for those who provide language support services to research groups, cultural institutions and professionals in Mediterranean countries. We conduct research and hold meetings to identify promising practices that help us give language support to members of knowledge societies in projecting their messages internationally. We also exchange knowledge with other associations with overlapping interests (EASE, EMWA, EMAME, AELFE, etc.)

Main Projects / Activities

Mediterranean Editors and Translators organizes an annual meeting in the autumn to coincide with the General Assembly and we offer workshops during the first half of the year. We post information and publications on our website and provide speakers and workshop leaders for interested groups.
We have four research projects under way, all related to generating tools or knowledge for application in supporting language use at high levels of knowledge communication (for researchers, cultural institutions and similar). We publish this research and share the tools freely.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frances Luttikhuizen, Council Member at Large
Head of the organisation
Mary Ellen Kerans, Council Chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Alan Lounds, Treasurer

Mediterranean Organization for Research and Development

National Network

Calle Sanz Pastor Burgos 16 - 3dch
09003 Burgos Burgos

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Mediterranean Organization for Research and Development do research and make projects on topics such as ‘social and educational inclusion of youths/students/adults in Europe’, ‘European values and concerns for the Future of Europe’, cultural diversity’, immigration’, ‘21st. Century skills’, ‘internationalization’ through an academic and cultural bridge between Spain and other European and third world countries.

Mission and Objectives

- Promote dialogue and intercultural coexistence between people of different cultures
- Promote gender equality, as well as the training and social and labor insertion of young people
- Contribute to improving the quality of support systems for youth activities and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations towards youth.
- personal and professional development through socio-educational methodologies based on non-formal education at European, national and regional level,
- promote the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights,
- Support equal opportunities and, especially, equal access to education for all young people.
- Dissemination of the culture of research and studies.

Main Projects / Activities

In this regard Mediterranean Organization for Research and Development is working effectively in giving support on a
regional project, related to public policy, that is trying to create,
expand and coordinate a local network of associations, including in
this plan many groups from different areas.
 Activities key factors are:
 the centrality of the person
 Active citizenship / Democracy
 Education and Training
 Democracy/Active citizenship
 Anti-corruption/discrimination
 Human rights / Child Rights
 Women rights.
 Peace-promotion
 Conflict resolution
 Intercultural dialogue
 Religious harmony
 Environment /Climate changes
 Research and studies
 Culture and art
 Non - formal education
 Youth policy
 Gender equality
 Policy-making
 Policy Papers
 Advocacy
 Pleading

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Amine KOUKI
Job Title
Head of the organisation

MeetShareDance Association (dance and disability)

National Network

Calle Sierra de cuerda larga 29/6a
28038 Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association that supports dance, creativity and art for people with and without disabilities and establishing an international network for professionals and amateurs in Europe and the rest of the world. Small organization, source of funding are grants and subventions.  
Mission and Objectives

- Establish partnership with other organizations to maximize the benefit of the local community
– promote dance, inclusion and disability in Spain and worldwide and generate a public space that propels cultural exchange and artistic development                      
– design and develop educational programs and vocational training /artistic and technical for artists with and without disabilities
– strengthen the existence of integrated artistic spaces of social participation with open dance events, open stages, street performances, etc.
– promote the development of professionals and showing the diversity of dancers

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing regular inclusive dance classes, workshops, international workshop dance festival (every year in different country)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network, share good practices, train teachers, connect and interact with other sectors and technology

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Požek
Head of the organisation
Monika Požek

Meigas da rúa

National Network

Jacobeo 68 a 5ºB
28054 Madrid Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

It is a women's organization dedicated to promoting the principles of International Cooperation and Development Goals, with a gender approach, from art.

Mission and Objectives

It is a women's organization dedicated to promoting the principles of International Cooperation and Development Goals, with a gender approach, from art.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a participatory structure

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because within our objectives are the Euro-Mediterranean countries

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Amparo Gea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amparo Gea
Contact (2) Full Name
Amparo Gea
Job Title (2)