
La Rotta dei Fenici - GEIE

National Network
+39 0924 941009
+39 0924 941009
Mobile Phone
+39 346 0925462
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
La « Route des Phéniciens » est Itinéraire Culturel reconnu par le Conseil de l’Europe, géré par un Groupe Européen d’Intérêt Economique GEIE constitué de plus de 30 ONG de 14 Pays de la Méditerranée.
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs principaux du GEIE-Rotta dei Fenici sont de promouvoir, développer et de faciliter les activités de l’Itinéraire culturel du Conseil de l’Europe “La Rotta dei Fenici". Sa mission est de promouvoir et de réaliser des activités de recherche appliquée sur la meilleure valorisation du patrimoine culturel et naturel méditerranéen à travers la coopération de chercheurs et d’experts de nationalités diverses

Main Projects / Activities

Ces activités principales concernent :
- La constitution de réseaux de connaissance et de formation entre les écoles supérieures des villes participantes, entre les universités et les centres de recherche ; de séminaires, de parcours de formation, d’échanges culturels, de parcours territoriaux (signalétique, panneaux, pancartes), de parcours de recherche appliquée au secteur du patrimoine et du tourisme
- Le développement du dialogue interculturel, de la promotion de la citoyenneté active européenne.
- La conception de projets liés à la diffusion de méthodes innovantes pour la diffusion de la culture et de la pédagogie du patrimoine à travers la mise en place de centre de pédagogie du patrimoine.
Les projets développés sont : Phenimed, Le Chemin d'Hannibal, le Réseau des ports de la Mediterranee, le label des guides de Méditerranée, A la table des Phéniciens, la Route du Jasmin, Salvalarte...

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Barone
Head of the organisation
Antonio Barone
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandrine Modolo
La Rueca Migratoria

La rueca migratoria

¿Qué piensan las personas migrantes de su propio proceso de integración? La rueca migratoria. Tejiendo historias y experiencias de integración, acompaña la vida, las historias, los estilos de vida de diversas comunidades -ecuatorianos en Madrid, salvadoreños en Boston y marroquíes...

La Torna - CICDES - Centre Internacional de Cooperació i Desenvolupament Sostenible

National Network

Carrer de Cuba núm. 2 (H.E. Can Guardiola)

+34 931921574
+34 932741392
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+34 610702056
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 697392041
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
La Torna, des le moment de sa fondation en 1994, a été composée par de nombreux professionnels (spécialistes en géographie, agronomie, santé, éducation, services sociaux et droit) motivés devant la possibilité de porter à terme des actions déontologiquement rigoureuses et éthiquement impeccables. La cohérence et la conséquence font partie du capital humain qui permet de consolider notre philosophie. La Torna dans l'acutalité elle est composée pour 7 membres et elle coopère à autre entité avec siège au Maroc,renommée Safrà. Nos ressources budgétaires disponibles à peu près ils sont quelques-uns 400.000€ annuelles. Nos sources de financement proviennent principalement en un 95% d'organes publics d'Etats et en 5% du secteur privé. Les modalités d'action de nous projets ils sont: l'education, programmes pour la population e programmes de devéloppement soutenables. Le partenaires pricipaux associés aux notres projets ils son: les gouvernements des états marocain et espagnol en matière de mineurs migratoires.
Mission and Objectives

* La Torna est une association non gouvernementale indépendante qui travaille pour favoriser les dynamiques de transformation et d’amélioration des domaines humains et territoriaux dans lesquels elle intervient.
* Nous imaginons, créons et exécutons des projets pour améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes et l’environnement.
* Nous participons à la transformation sociale à travers des projets publiques et privés, en nous positionnant comme professionnels et comme citoyens à l’entour d’initiatives de justice, prospérité et liberté sociales.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons des actions en train et des contacts permanents au Brésil et au Maroc. La Torna a participé dans des projets de gestion néo-ruraux au Brésil, en faisant l’assessorat en matière de traitement d’eaux, structures de population, et en éducation et gouvernabilité.
La Torna a été active dans des séminaires célébrés à l’entour de projets URBAL de l’Union Européenne, pour l’amélioration des indicateurs de pauvreté dans des villes moyennes du Brésil, Pérou et Argentine.
Au Maroc La Torna participe à l’amélioration d’équipements socio éducatifs et socio sanitaires dans des quartiers de la ville de Zagora avec d’hauts index d’exclusion sociale.
À Tanger La Torna est responsable de la mise en fonctionnement et de la direction du Programme Catalogne Magreb d’action gouvernementale conjointe entre le Maroc et la Catalogne, et responsable de l’action devant les deux gouvernements et l’Union Européenne, programme qui s'adresse à tous ces mineurs, que, en résidant dans des centres propres ou concertés, sous tutelle administrative de la DGAIA (Département du Gouvernement de la Catalogne), et dont de la connaissance de leurs familles s'ait, ils veuillent retourner au Maroc, en provoquant le regroupement familier, la scolarisation et de la formation professionnelle et l'insertion socio de travail au moyen des ressources prévus dans le Programme.
Projet de développement local intégral à la municipalité de Rasquera: Depuis l'année 2006 La Torna elle collabore avec la Mairie de Rasquera dans la formulation d'un modèle propre de développement intégral à la municipalité sur la base des potentialités du territoire, le maintien et renforcement des activités traditionnelles, de la rendibilització du patrimoine agricole et culturel et de la promotion de ces nouvelles initiatives qu'elles permettent un développement harmonique avec l'humeur même de la population.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreu Camps i Figuerola
Head of the organisation
Helena Ullastres i Palou
Contact (2) Full Name
Magali Corinne Prat

La Vibria Intercultural

National Network

Av. Jacquard 1
08222 Terrassa

0034 635 929 000
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
La Vibria was established in 2003 but a group of young people eager to learn about new cultures and work towards a more tolerant open and fair world. Gradually La Vibria widened its scope to include local and international projects with the help from local and European funding. Currently our team consists of young and diverse range of individuals; from local professionals and volunteers to international participants. Working from our base in Casa Baumann we organise and take part in international exchanges and local initiatives with various partners both here in Terrassa and internationally. We also host and send European Volunteers and advise local youth on the opportunities available to them within a European context. Our Other Activities: We advise youth and local organisations who want to get involved in mobility at a local and international level, helping them with the various opportunities available to them. We run fun workshops for children to introduce them to European countries, languages, institutions and cultures. These are aimed at kindergarten and primary school classes and our popular game "Europe is yours" is well known around the playgrounds of Terrassa! We also organise talks and presentations for older youth in Secondary Schools and other institutions. Here we inform them of the opportunities available to them as European Citizens and the best way to travel, work, study and volunteer within Europe. We are heavily involved in various aspects of the Youth in Action programme. Hosting and sending volunteers, participating and organising in training courses, youth exchanges and awareness campaigns on the various issues that affect youth today. Our sources come basically from municipality and European projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our main mission is to give information about mobilities to youth people from our area, and also to the organisations to grow their own projects on the European level.

Main Projects / Activities

We are heavily involved in various aspects of the Youth in Action programme. Hosting and sending volunteers, participating and organising in training courses, youth exchanges and awareness campaigns on the various issues that affect youth today. On a more informal level we organise local cinema excursions, free English classes and various other social activities for those wishing to volunteer.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carles Cunill
Head of the organisation
Ruben Barba
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Herrmannova
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Laura Navarro

Lecturer in Intercultural Communication at the University of Valencia. Navarro's research focuses on media and migrations in the Euro-Mediterranean space, and lecturer in the master 'Intercultural Mediation and Citizen Participation' (University of Valencia, Spain). She has worked also in the...

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Laura Navarro

Maître de conférences en communication interculturelle à l'Université de Valence. La recherche de Laura Navarro se concentre sur les médias et les migrations dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen. Elle est maître de conférences dans le cadre du master «Médiation interculturelle et participation...

Le Réseau Espagnol de la FAL tient sa vingtième réunion annuelle

Le directeur exécutif de la Fondation Anna Lindh, Nabil Al Sharif, a inauguré la vingtième réunion annuelle du Réseau Espagnol qui s'est tenue les 5 et 6 mars 2020 à Séville et qui a réuni plus de cinquante entités. Le Dr Nabil Al-Sharif a réfléchi avec les représentants des entités du Réseau sur différentes initiatives et actions pour le dialogue interculturel et a rappelé que le mandat de la FAL est désormais plus valable que jamais face aux défis croissants en Méditerranée. L'outil le plus important pour améliorer le dialogue interculturel est actuellement l'autonomisation de la société civile et, en ce sens, l'appel à propositions est un exemple de ce que la FAL offre à la société civile.

Les membres du ReFAL, en plus de faire le point sur les défis atteints en 2019 et d’identifier les objectifs pour 2020 à l'ordre du jour, ont discuté plusieurs aspects des différents programmes et activités menés au sein du réseau. Dont le programme de mobilité, qui renforce la collaboration et la connaissance mutuelle entre les participants car il favorise l'échange de bonnes pratiques ainsi que les réunions décentralisées organisées en Andalousie, Catalogne, Madrid et Valence et dirigées par le Comité Exécutif.

Concernant les Jeunes Débats, nous avons annoncé aux membres qu'un nouvel appel sera lancé en 2020 pour organiser deux débats cette année dont les thèmes devront être liés aux conclusions du Rapport sur les Tendances Interculturelles de la Fondation Anna Lindh et que des projets qui découleront de la réflexion et travail conjoint dans les réunions décentralisées de 2020 seront financés.

Le « Marché des idées et des projets » fut très apprécié puisqu’il s’agit d’un espace dédié à l'interaction et à l'échange d'idées et de projets et au réseautage entre les participants où les entités ont présenté et partagé leurs projets.

Dans l'après-midi, l'intervention « Le programme 2030 et les ODD: sa mise en œuvre en Espagne. Vers un avenir durable. Comment pouvons-nous contribuer de ReFAL? » a eu lieu. Dans celle-ci, le rôle d'une société civile organisée dans la construction du Programme 2030 a été souligné.

Le deuxième jour, Ricard Zapata, professeur de sciences politiques à l'Université Pompeu Fabra et auteur du rapport sur les tendances interculturelles et les changements sociaux dans la région euro-méditerranéenne, a présenté les principales conclusions de ce rapport et a partagé une intéressante réflexion interculturelle sur l'immigration et le sujet de l'inclusion l'un des aspects essentiels de l'interculturalité.


Ensuite, Anna Zelno, experte en communication chez SIETAR, a dynamiser deux pratiques participatives sur les «compétences interculturelles» qui ont permis aux participants de mieux se connaître et de mieux comprendre leurs objectifs.


Une semaine après cette réunion, la pandémie mondiale a contraint tout le monde à rester confinés et à continuer à travailler sur Internet depuis son domicile. Au cours de ces mois, la communication avec les membres s'est intensifiée pour évaluer leur situation et donner une visibilité à leurs actions avant Covid-19.


National Network

Calle Escritora Carmen Martín Gaite n.4 3H
02400 Hellín (Albacete) Albacete

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

In our organization there are three main partners in the contitutional documentation:   President, takes charge of draft projects, coordination, contact with foreign partners, national agencies etc.   Secretary, takes charge to prepare the documentation, doing reports, instances etc.   Treasurer, takes charge controlling correctly economic management projects,  financing subsidies and money control for expenses and pocket money for the European volunteer. We are a new and small organization but we have some partners and volunteers, more or less five. Our modalities of action are cultural projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships inside european programs like Erasmus plus Program, Creative Europe ecc. Actually we have a budgetary resources available in a year of 5000 euro. Our sources of funding are partners and companies donations and our own resources. Our main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are the council of our city and our international partners.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The "Leitmotiv" of our association is CULTURE. It is the transverse axis that will motivate all our movements because we understand the great contribution that culture can do as cohesion factor for processes related with economic differences and tensions of social conviviality. Which is yours? In LEITMOTIV-AREA we help you to know it, to develop it it and / or to promote it across the activities that we carry out and across experiences in not formal education area inside programs as ERASMUS +, voluntary works, work camps in Spain or foreig countries etc. Objectives: To promote the development and diffusion of all kinds of studies, projects and cultural activities related to cultural and creative industries. To sensitize the population on international mobility and European  knowledge space by means of European programs. To give youth services. To take part in projects in artistic and cultural intervention in the territory, recovering spaces forgotten and those wich are to disposition by other institutions, associations, companies etc. To contribute to social and economic development across the promotion of cultural entrepreneurism and support to creative community. Participation in cultural projects to promote the cooperation between the different local administrations, Regions and to promote the Spanish Education, Culture and Sport Department presence  in diverse points of our national territory. To take part and to promote  cultural cooperation projects and development cooperation in the European space and third countries, as well as Africa, South America or Asia. To promote Citizenship Awareness regarding to the immigrants rights, new forms of marginalization, development  cooperation and solidarity between  countries.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities carried out in our organization are to realize, to promote and to support projects of any area inside the CULTURAL AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: 1. Scenic arts: live Music, theatre, dance, performance … 2. Audio-visual: Cinema, television, documentary, radio … 3. New means: IT Applications, video games, digitalization … 4. I design: graphical, industrial Design, interiors, mode, jeweler's shop … 5. Edition and printed means: Books, press, scientific publications, another type of publications … 6. Creative services: Arquitecturales, advertising, research and creative development … 7. Visual arts: Photography, painting, sculpture, urban art, antiquities … 8. Cultural sites: archaeological Sites, museums, files, libraries, cultural centers, audiences … 9. Cultural traditional expressions: crafts, fairs, street markets, celebrations, popular traditions … And definitively, all those that promote the development and the participation of those who want to promote culture, cultural cooperation,cultural tourism, development cooperation, migration, lifelearning programs and sociocultural animation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networks are instruments that reinforce the work of common interest and  all  the institutions, groups and linked persons involved. We want  to interact with all the private, public cultural and educational spaces of  whole Spain that belongs to this network, together with all the artists, managers and persons in charge of institutions of Spain who belong to that. We, in finally can be part of this  network, will try to contribute to create cultural or social policies that  could born in  the same network, to create synergies, to share resources and  to create joint projects, always inside the aims and ALF'S ends.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The head of our organization is an apassionated of culture, cultural management and cultural industries and she is doing a doctorate related with cultural cooperation and cultural networks, then we are very conciencious that how networks can contribute to improve our knowledgement, to make contacts, to share resources and  to create joint projects. Beside that, one of our objectives is Citizenship Awareness regarding to the immigrants rights, new forms of marginalization, development  cooperation and solidarity between  countries and we are  from Spain and Murcia (the city where we live) is closely to the Mediterranean Sea and  also to other countries (arabic countries too)  then a lot of migration people in living  here and, as we have said before,  the "LEITMOTIV" of our association is culture. Is the transverse axis that will motivate to a great extent all our MOVEMENTs because we understand the great contribution that culture can do as factor of cohesion, economic differences and tensions of social conviviality. We think that ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION has the same final objectives and we want to be part of the ALF Network to make contact with all the members, learn about them and make projects to reach these aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucía Martínez Martínez
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Libertas International

National Network

Calle Maestro Tárrega, 7
Onil, Alicante

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Libertas is a non govermental organisation based in Spain with branches in Holland, Russia, France and Morocco. The organisation is composed by 187 members that work in a voluntary basis, and only in training courses or seminars being employed. We organise training courses, seminars, conferences, voluntary projects, youth exchanges and manifestations in different cities. Our main partner organisations are The Institute of Humanitarian Development from Moscow, the NGO ALTEA FRANCE from France and the Assocation Amal Timerssit based in Morocco. Also the CASA MEDITERRANEO, a public institution focused on the development and study of the Mediterranean Region.
Mission and Objectives

- To create social awareness among citizens of the world through campaigns, projects and activities
- To promote mobility in Europe where young people can experience and develop some intercultural dialogue with young people from other countries
- Defense and promotion of the Declaration of Human Rights of United Nations
- Defense and promotion of the Convention of rights of children of United Nations
- Defense and development of interests of women in the world
- To create opportunities among communities with fewer opportunities, migrants and disabled people
- To provide legal, logistic and educational support to indigenous peoples
- To create environmental awareness among citizens to fight againt the climate change, to protect the natural resources of the Mother Earth
- To support rural areas, to keep our cultural heritage and to maitain popular activities
- To protect and defende animals under human pressure or abuse

Main Projects / Activities

Our organisation and myself we have a lot of experience in this field. We have been organising different activities within the Euro-Mediterranean region:
- Training course EUROMED YOUTH CHALLENGES: UNDERSTANDING THE PRESENT TO FACE THE FUTURE in Alicante (Spain) from 7-14 october 2012 (partner countries: Spain, France, Italy, Palestine, Egypt and Morocco)
- Training course GAMES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN, is a training course designed for volunteers who are going to organise activities in Mediterranean countries, and they do not have much resources. This was organised in cooperation with the CASA MEDITERRANEO (House of the Mediterranean Region) on the 29th June 2012
- Voluntary Camp at the summer school LE LEADER C’EST TOI in the city of Ait Melloul in Morocco from 3rd-21st July and from 23rd August – 7th September. With 190 local Moroccan children and 20 European volunteers
- Youth Initiative HUMAN LIBRARY at the University of Limoges on the 4th October 2012 where we discuss about different issues related to stereotypes and prejudices as well as human rights.
- For June 2013 we are preparing a training course in Palestine called SPORTS AS A TOOL FOR FIGHTING AGAINS XENOPHOBIA AND RACISM in Ramallah (Partner countries: Spain, Italy, France, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine)
- For February 2013 we are preparing a seminar called VOICES OF INSPIRATION which intends to share experiences among leader women from Euro-Mediterranean region, and this project will take place in Alicante. (partner countries: Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can offer my experience with Mediterranean countries, and also supporting new projects, helping in the coordination, writing projects, doing evaluation of projects, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think this is a great opportunity to strenghten relations with Mediterranean countries and to get deeper in the issues affecting all the countries. Through this network I expect to share also information about possible projects and methodologies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Cristina Juan Carrion
Head of the organisation
Ms. Cristina Juan Carrion
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rosi Gomis Sansano

Magenta Consultoría

National Network

C/ Venezuela 1 Bajo (33213)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Set up in 2003, Magenta Projects has two distinct areas of expertise; working with companies to develop and deliver corporate responsibility and philanthropy programmes; and with charities and not-for-profits, maximizing revenues and creating social impact. Our staff comprises psychologists, philologues, pedagogues, trainers, etc. The professionals who develop our projects have previous experience in European projects. Magenta funding sources are based on providing training in both private and public (dependent on local and regional grants), and secondly, in their participation in the development of various European projects developed as partner and coordinator. We usually work with different public and private entities in all Europe (Spain, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ireland, United Kingdom, Poland and Turkey). Our main customers belong to the public sector, such as town halls, regional government or semi- public entities as associations, foundations or Chambers of Commerce. We also cooperate with private companies.
Mission and Objectives

Magenta Consultancy is a gender, social and intercultural mediation consulting entity specialized on several fields related to social and health areas:
Drug Prevention
Gender policies
Psychological and Physical health for elderly people
Youth programmes. Leisure, environmental activities, healthy activities, etc.
Labour market programmes for people at social risk.
Children activities in collaboration with different skate holders as schools, high schools, Parents associations, foundations or Public authoritiese
Managing and developing European Projects related to these areas. Assesing on European Projects, application, development and justification.
Developing our own European Projects. Acting as Intermediary and Hosting institution in mobility projects
It should be pointed out that Magenta applies in every single project and activity developed by our team transversal principles such as the gender perspective or the healthy side that can be applied in every single project trying to offer our customers the best service.

Main Projects / Activities

Magenta is currently involved in the following European projects projects:
1. SEMINARIO WEB2U: Developing women’s skills for the future labour market (Seminario Grundtvig- nº- 2011-1-ES1-GRU13-36263)
Other projects:.
- Assisting customers as Chamber of Commerce, public entities or Women Enterpreneurial Associations regarding female entrepreneurship.
- Inmigrant women: developing a national programme coordinated by one of the main Feminist Association in Spain, Progressive Women. Improving the way of life of inmigrant women who are usually at social risk.
- Working with more than 40 Women associations preparing their proposals to obtain grants from the Public Administration and developing them in case they are solved positively.
- Developing projects for the Asturian Women Institute and for Training Institute for the official workers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the development of our projects at the European level, we have developed a strong network of contacts in the countries mentioned above and of course in Spain, and we are partners in several projects currently want to start developing. We also work as Intermediary Organization between the entities from the different countries, and Hosting Partners here in Spain.
We have a wide net of contacts and we frequently work with women associations at regional and national level. We also work with public Institutions, like Local and Regional Administrations.
In addition to the projects we are developing and we mentioned above, we are currently involved in these projects: SERAPHINE (a Leonardo Association fostering female entrepreneurship in rural areas) and YO.We. Self- Defence (A Grundtvig Multilateral Project regarding prevention of Domestic Violence to young women), with partners in Greece, Italy, United Kingdom, Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Austria

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish that Magenta could be part of the network of organizations that spread the spirit and philosophy of Anna Lindh Foundation.
The solid foundation of our organization is to improve the quality of life of men and women, covering all areas that integrate health (physical, psychological and social). In this regard, we strongly believe in networking among all organizations, with the objective of maximizing the benefits that men and women can get from our work and our actions.
Another of our pillars is the coordination between people, whether or not from the same entity, as our philosophy is teamwork.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esther González Díaz
Head of the organisation
Esther González Díaz
Contact (2) Full Name
María José Azcáriz Fernández