
Innovation Sandbox for Social Good

National Network

Rogelio Folgueras, 3 - 2A
28038 Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Innovation Sandbox for Social Good is hub willing to bring together innovation, knowledge and people´s experiences across the Mediterranean region.Through a distributed network of experts, the hub provides the space for people to meet, share ideas and launch their own projects in line with the core principles which shall guide the works happening across the network: sustainability, environmentally friendly, social responsibility, gender-inclusiveness, generating positive social impact.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to connect ideas, people and resources to provide lifelong learning paths to individuals, institutions, companies or authorities interested in exploring new means to strategize and design their activities.
Our objectives are to:
Connect stakeholders and generate high social impact projects.
Deepen the knowledge about innovation and social development.
Build a community of multidisciplinary practitioners for social good.
Generate knowledge and raise awareness on human development challenges and the role of social innovation in pursuing a more sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

Lifelong learning programmes: Innovation for Social Good Academy and International Innovation Management Course.
Design and implementation of innovation projects
Research and knowledge dissemination
Innovation Talent Programme: skills for Social Good

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide technical knowledge and expertise in the use of innovation approaches for social good. The team is made up by experts which have been working in the Mediterranean region in development and cultural programmes for more than ten years, bringing together expertise on human development, humanitarian interventions, culture management, art programs and logistics. The team members speak Arabic, English, Spanish, French and Turkish fluently.
The organization is willing to engage in projects and initiatives meant to boost the role of youth and citizens in areas such as good governance, economics, social dialogue equality, environmental issues and social entrepreneurship.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The organization has a strong Mediterranean personality. Although it is headquartered in Spain, the network members are distributed across different countries in the region. In addition to Spain, part of the team is already based in Turkey, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco. For this reason, becoming members of the ALF is in line with our mission and strategic vision of our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Tarancon Sanz
Job Title
Head of Makers
Head of the organisation
María Tarancón Sanz


National Network

Alfonso XI Street, nº 6
11207 Algeciras

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We are an nonprofit association of young innovative entrepreneurs, founded in June 2012. We have a vertical and flexible organization structure: a Board of Directors -including President, Vicepresident, Secretary and Treasurer- and a multidisciplinary staff of, actually, 35 members. We also have partnerships with other various local and regional institutions (public and private). Innovatlas has an annual budget of 2.000-2.500€ (euros) approx., which consists solely in monthly member fees, contributions and donations. With this amount, we organize so many seminars, courses and events for people who are interested in technological innovation and entrepreneurship. We are proud to say that all Innovatlas members are 100% involved in the organization's projects and activities. Furthermore, we also have the support of important specialized institutions and university organizations to increase the quality and excellence of these projects and activities.
Mission and Objectives

Innovatlas boosts the entrepreneurship spirit and the social, business, economic and cultural promotion of the innovation in entrepreneurial culture -specially among young people-, focusing on the field of new technologies and their practical applications.
Furthermore, Innovatlas provides the necessary knowledge and the technical or logistic support to the partner's projects. 
But our most important mission -which is included in our association statutes as a basis and fundament- is strengthen relationships with organizations and institutions of the Strait of Gibraltar, this is: North of Morocco, Gibraltar Countryside and Gibraltar.

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve our goals, our activities consists in projecting collaborative entrepreneurial initiatives, organization of forums, conferences, seminars, meetings and training courses. We also celebrate partnerships with institutions and organizations which share the goals of Innovatlas.
A characteristic examples of our projects are a provincial collaboration in the organization of a two monthly well-known meetings called No More Suits and  Betabeers, where people shows their projects or ideas and seeks for advices from people with a recognized reputation in their specialties. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

About our contribution as a nonprofit entity with an foundational goal of creating an ecosystem of entrepreneurs -including all stakeholders related to the own venture of spanish and moroccan communities-, we have a special interest in promoting good business practices, knowledge management and innovation generation projects, specially in the form of social entrepreneurship and cooperation. For this purpose, we use all our specialized experience, knowledge and education in an entrepreneurial scope.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think we have a lot to offer, particularly in areas related to entrepreneurship, business, technological innovation and specialized training. And, definitely, we think our adherence to Anna Lindh Foundation Network constitutes the final step in our goal of knowledge, cooperation and creation of an entrepreneurial culture in common with other member institutions of the Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aitor Calle García
Job Title
President of Innovatlas
Head of the organisation
Aitor Calle García
Contact (2) Full Name
José Antonio Racero Quiñones
Job Title (2)
Treasurer of Innovatlas

Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània (IEMed)

National Network

Girona, 20, 5th floor – 08010
08010 Barcelona Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), founded in 1989, is a consortium comprising the Catalan Government, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Barcelona City Council. It incorporates civil society through its Board of Trustees and its Advisory Council formed by Mediterranean universities, companies, organisations and personalities of renowned prestige. In accordance with the principles of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership's Barcelona Process, and today with the objectives of the Union for the Mediterranean the aim of the IEMed is to foster actions and projects which contribute to mutual understanding, exchange and cooperation between the different Mediterranean countries, societies and cultures as well as to promote the progressive construction of a space of peace and stability, shared prosperity and dialogue between cultures and civilisations in the Mediterranean. Adopting a clear role as a think tank specialised in Mediterranean relations based on a multidisciplinary and networking approach, the IEMed encourages analysis, understanding and cooperation through the organisation of seminars, research projects, debates, conferences and publications, in addition to a broad cultural programme.

The Foundation provides logistical and operational support to the National Network in Spain through the Strategic Network Development Program (PDSR):
The IEMed provides the technical secretariat for the Network. This technical secretariat supports the Executive Committee composed of five entities chosen by vote of the members of the Network. The Executive Committee guarantees the correct execution of the agreements made by the Network during the Annual Meeting, encourages the development of joint actions and projects.

Our network internal rules are available here.


Mission and Objectives

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), founded in 1989, is a consortium comprising the Catalan Government, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Barcelona City Council. It incorporates civil society through its Board of Trustees and its Advisory Council formed by Mediterranean universities, companies, organisations and personalities of renowned prestige. In accordance with the principles of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership's Barcelona Process, and today with the objectives of the Union for the Mediterranean the aim of the IEMed is to foster actions and projects which contribute to mutual understanding, exchange and cooperation between the different Mediterranean countries, societies and cultures as well as to promote the progressive construction of a space of peace and stability, shared prosperity and dialogue between cultures and civilisations in the Mediterranean. Adopting a clear role as a think tank specialised in Mediterranean relations based on a multidisciplinary and networking approach, the IEMed encourages analysis, understanding and cooperation through the organisation of seminars, research projects, debates, conferences and publications, in addition to a broad cultural programme.

The Foundation provides logistical and operational support to the National Network in Spain through the Strategic Network Development Program (PDSR):
The IEMed provides the technical secretariat for the Network. This technical secretariat supports the Executive Committee composed of five entities chosen by vote of the members of the Network. The Executive Committee guarantees the correct execution of the agreements made by the Network during the Annual Meeting, encourages the development of joint actions and projects.

Our network internal rules are available here.

Main Projects / Activities

Social and Cultural activities with the european and north african countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Carina Soriano Benedicto
Job Title
Head of Organization
Head of the organisation
Carina Soriano Benedicto
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Carina Soriano

Instituto Internacional de Música Ibérica

National Network

Calle Beltrán Bigorra 14, pta 13

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
IIMI is a small and flexible NGO working in international cooperation projects through music. Since 2005 we work in Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Latin America and Asia. Our sources of funding come mainly from the Spanish Cooperation, the Valencian Government and the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Our projects are pedagogical collaborations with local conservatories, sending teachers during the year and for concrete projects. IIMI is the founded and organises every year the JOCCA (Joven Orquesta y Coro de Centro América / Youth Central America Orchestra and Choir), that meets every year in a different central American country. Our main partners are: the Edward Saïd National Conservatory of Musica and Al Kamandkâti in the Palestinian Territories; the National Conservatories of Music and the Philharmonic National Orchestra in Morocco; Conservatories and Music Schools in Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and Perú.
Mission and Objectives

1. Promote the training and education in the field of music and guitar in the world, focusing on developing countries.
2. To promote the spirit of peace, dialogue and reconciliation, primarily through music
3. Promote the dissemination of culture through the organization of shows and concerts worldwide, with emphasis on developing countries
4. Promote musical and artistic activities worldwide, with special attention to developing countries
5. Promote classical music in general and in particular the Spanish guitar music, choral music and the dissemination of their repertoire
6. Publicize new interpreters
7. Promote the recognition of artists who in the opinion of the association members deserve it
8. Publication of audiovisual material (videos, CD, DVD, etc.) and graphic (sheet music books, methods, etc.), pedagogical and artistic material, and the dissemination of it)
9. Activities and musical projects aimed at cooperation with the International Solidarity

Main Projects / Activities

JOCCA (Joven Orquesta y Coro de Centro América / Youth Central America Ochestra and Choir).
Musical Development program in the Palestinian Territories.
Musical Development program in Morocco.
Pedagogical activities and collaboration with musical institutions in South America.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Gálvez Pintado
Head of the organisation

Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones - UPComillas

National Network

C/Alberto Aguilera 23
28015 Madrid

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
See additional information in the attached file
Mission and Objectives

See additional information in the attached file

Main Projects / Activities

See additional information in the attached file

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since our birth, the IUEM works in coordination and network in almost all its projects.
We are excited about the possibility of developing common actions among members of among member organizations

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alberto Ares Mateos
Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 10.04.05.png

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International Initiatives for Cooperation Galicia

National Network

Benito Jurjo Nº13
15258 Mazaricos A Coruña

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Association IICG is an organisation founded by persons concerned by strengthening the civil society in Galicia and Spain. The organisation works to enhance the active participation of local community in the local governance and the decision making process with the purpose to improve the social and economic development of the country. It puts a special focus on development of education and culture projects, promotion of non-formal and informal education, entrepreneurship and alternative forms of tourism, etc. The members of IICG have experience and expertise in developing, implementing and monitoring bilateral and multilateral projects financed by national and foreign donors. They have worked in the field of community development, social and economic development, needs assessments and design of programmes in favour of community and youth development. The association is actively involved, in many cases assumes the leading role, in many formal and non-formal networks.
The organisation has long years of experience in developing and implementing social and youth project where the focus is building tolerance, avoiding discrimination and creating a common space for respectful coexistence. In that relation IICG has organised a number of training courses, campaigns, youth exchanges and camps.
More than 10 years of experience in project management; Coordinator of large-scale projects on national and international level within the framework of Spanish operational programmes, EU programmes such as Youth in Action, Europe for Citizens, Life-long Learning programme, 7th Framework Programme, Justice Programme.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is to develop and build up the capacity of the civil society in Spain through designing and implementing different projects, activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the cultural, social and economical development of the country and respectively of the municipalities on its territory.

Main Projects / Activities

We have implemented several youth projects, training courses, seminars through the Erasmus + program. We are working in CERV program as well and we collaborating closely with our twin organisation in Bulgaria, International Initiatives for Cooperation with Kostadinka Todorova as chairperson.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We already have experience in intercultural dialogue and we can contribute with our experience. David Raigal he is already involved in the ALF HoNs through the Bulgarian network for 10 years.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To use the experience of the NGO helping the Spanish HoN in anyting they will need. We already know each other and the collaboration and communication will be very effective having in mind that our chairperson already know how the ALF works.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Raigal
Job Title
Chairperson of the IIC Galicia
Head of the organisation
David Raigal


National Network

Calle Minas San luis
48003 Bizkaia Vizcaya

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

INVESITNG IN YOUTH is a youth-led organization that works to put youth in the center of the debats and policis on development. We are a network of actions oriented towards providing youth and their organizations with tools and strategies equipping them to play their role in building a more inclusive and peaceful society. Our organzation is based in Bilbao, the Basque Country. We also work in supporting other youth organizations in Spain and other countries accross Europe and Africa.
Our main sources of finance are the Basque Government and the European Youth Foundation

Mission and Objectives

-Promoting Youth Democratic Citizenship
-Promoting Youth volonteerim
-Promoting intercultral dialogue and peaceful relationship
-Advocating for Youth oriented policies

Main Projects / Activities

-Awareness campaigns
-Youth policy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-Cooperate with other organizaitons
-Share our knowledge and experience with them
-Contribute to the growth of the Network
-Bring youth voice to the table

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is true that we learn better by doing and participating. With no doubt our organization will become more effective and efficient by all we will lean from the experiences of the other members. For us ot will be more than a priviledge to join the NETWORK. This contribute to us joining a network integrated by various organizations with a high range of activities and projects. Our main objective here is to learn from other and also be afforded the opportunity to share our little but valuable experience and know-how with others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Koudjo Mawuli KLEVO
Job Title
Head of the organisation

inxecutive Management &

National Network

Carretera Bailén -Motril, via de servicio Parc. 102, Centro de Negocios Reina María, 3rd floor. 7th office
18210 Peligros

+34 958 113 852
Mobile Phone
+34 660 755 355
Mobile Phone (other)
6+34 627 640 836
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We are a little cooperative society from Granada, Andalucía. Our main work consists of developing European Projects for students and teachers (Erasmus Plus).On the other hand, we work in establishing relationship between different companies and countries. At this moment we are three women and one more who collaborates with us. As we are beginning, we have non-exact budgetary resources but we have three approved project from the European Union and we work with Solidarnosc (a polish trade union) as developers of their website. As a partner agency for the Erasmus Plus Project, we have vocational schools in Granada and in different cities from Poland, we have very good relations with different local government agencies.    
Mission and Objectives

As a company, our mission and objective are to facilitate and bring relations between different cultures and ways of thinking among young people, so that we are able to reach coexistence regardless of the idiosyncrasies of each one. Bringing our differences as something enriching.
Prepare the youngest for a more open world, doing their professional practices in a different country, thus strengthening their self-confidence as both personal and professional skills.

Main Projects / Activities

We are trying to prepare a Ka2 project based on solar energy, to make easier to use renewable energies and allow anyone to prepare their own solar energy system. This project will be carried out between three different countries; Poland, Jordan, Spain.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Make possible young people (and not so young) get together with these projects, I would like to start in relation to different universities to make students travel and learn who we and they are. All this through culture, activities, work experiences, good practice initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because there I can find a lot of places to bring our main purpose, and maybe we can be a useful tool to make a great  and better world to live

Contact (1) Full Name
Mercedes Romero Pareja
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Romero