
Irènia - Jocs de Pau

National Network


+34 938259042
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 666571835
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Irenia is the name of a collective made up of working professionals and teachers, from several Mediterranean (Spain, Siria, Greece, Israel) and European countries (UK,Ukraine) and African (Congo), from a wide range of educational backgrounds and experiences; all are conscious of the need to work towards a culture of peace through educational projects which are designed to develop responsible citizenship. We actively support and use teaching and learning approaches through emotional engagement as well as academic knowledge; we base our activities on play, which is seen as an educational resource. Our range of games (using simulation, role-play or board games) allow our participants to see reality through a lens which is different from their own and step into the shoes of other people.
Mission and Objectives

Through its programmes and activities, Irenia brings people closer to a culture of peace, to a knowledge of different cultures, of inequalities and conflicts within the contemporary world, and, specifically, within the Mediterranean region.
Irenia offers a wide range of workshops and activities designed for different age groups within schools and other education centres, including Inset teaching for teachers and trainers. The same courses and workshops are available for local government (within town councils, local authorities, etc) through the design and realisation of courses and programmes covering peace education, intercultural and development projects.

Main Projects / Activities

* Irenia-Peace games: a set of 4 board games to introduce Mediterranean cultures
* Living together in the Mediterranean Region: A programme of workshops using different teaching methodologies aimed at 8-11 years old children to get to know the region
* Mediterranean alphabets: A set of 4 workshops to introduce the 4 non-Latin alphabets used in the Mediterranean region (Greek, Cirillic, Hebrew, Arabic)
* Exploring Child rights: using puppets and forum theater with 8-9 years old children to get to know their rights
* "A" as Africa: A programme of workshops using different teaching methodologies aimed at 8-11 years old children to get to know the region of Western Africa

Contact (1) Full Name


National Network

28003 MADRID

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain—activities in the field of business support and relevant experiences in the fields of economic affairs, enterprise and other related issues: • The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain helps Italian people and SMEs start/set-up businesses in Spain. These people might be new entrepreneurs or already established Italian entrepreneurs who need help getting started in Spain. • Promotes market transparency and uses market research to assist businesses with pricing strategies and products. • Informs start-ups and entrepreneurs about the formalities of starting a business in Spain (documents, legislation, activities, transportation and payments), and guides them through this process of establishing their SMEs. • Informs people and businesses about the trade rules they must comply with in Spain and Italy. • Advises SMEs and aspiring entrepreneurs on Spanish law. • Seeks and transmits products and services between Italy and Spain, and analyzes the different situations that may arise; It supports trade between both countries. • Organizes training courses for aspiring entrepreneurs, workers, students, unemployed, young people and women to develop their abilities and acquire specific knowledge essential for business. • Organizes and sponsors internships for different target groups to help them develop specific skills that will increase their employability.
Mission and Objectives

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain belongs to a network of 81 Italian Chambers in 55 countries all over the world. The network can count on 25,000 members and 300,000 affiliates, many of which are based in EU countries. This extensive network gives us indirect access to the target group because we can utilize its resources and databases to contact potential entrepreneurs via email and phone. its headquarter is in Madrid, it counts with 10 staff employed. the main funds that we have came from events, partners, sponsors, italian ministry contribution. Our incomes of the last year, 2013, were around 1.400.000€.
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain (CCIS) has practical experience in projects related to entrepreneurship mobility, entrepreneurship support, cross-border cooperation, and enhancement of business collaboration.

Main Projects / Activities

CCIS belongs to the European Chambers council, Madrid, that represents the European Chambers Of commerce in Madrid, and organizes events like European Business Drinks, or Innovation Breakfasts attended by representatives of main stakeholders interested in foster entrepreneurship and SMEs. From 2001 organize in collaboration with Madrid Chamber of Commerce a prize for Italian and Spanish entrepreneurs that have improved trade relationship between Italy and Spain. The training department organizes like intermediary organization mobility under the framework of LLP programme, Leonardo VET, and now Erasmus +, KA1, and other mobility programmes direct to young people in VET such as national or local actions in Italy or Spain, 2000 , organizing 200-300 successful exchange per year. MAIN TASKS: finding hosting enterprises in Italy and Spain, or in the countries where the networks CCIS belongs are present, organize travel and accommodation, monitor internship, organize Spanish or Italian language courses for the trainees, evaluate the exchange and prepare Europass.
• Managed and led the WEM project, a project for aspiring women entrepreneurs in Madrid. The project was a weeklong crash course intended to teach women necessary concepts and skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur. The CCIS developed and organized the material to be taught, found appropriate participants, and taught the course. The subjectstaught were: Personal Communication Skills, Leadership, Creativity, Time Management, Negotiation, Marketing, Business Plan and Development, Legal Framework, Financial Management, English, and Information and Communication Technology (ITC). At the end of the course, we had the women fill out anonymous questionnaires to assess the quality of the course and the impact it had on them. Based on the positive responses, it was evident that the women had a great time and that they had learned a lot.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to spread the network and its activities, thanks to several actions, such as training courses, seminars, conferences, informing our partners. we can count with many partners, like private and public bodies, fundations, Smes, so it will be very easy for us to boost the network and its main activities. we also have mailing list, we can exploit social networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we would like to join the network because we want a support to create a ground where citizens can collaborate to build suitable conditions for the social and economic growth.
we belive that the knowledge of other culture can contribute to the development of a society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
giovanni aricó

JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies

National Network

Pallars 375, 2on 6a, E-08019 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(0034) 653.300.214
Mobile Phone (other)
(0034) 686.13.88.14
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
1. JISER est une organisation non gouvernementale. L’organisation est dirigée par un comité composé par 7 membres, qui couvrent les différentes zones géographiques. 2. L’équipe est divisée en deux domaines: - Création artistique (avec la participation active de plus de 50 membres) - Recherche (avec la participation de plus de 100 membres) Chaque domaine a un coordinateur général. 3. Les partenariats avec lesquels nous travaillons sont la FAL réseau espagnol, IEMed, Chaire UNESCO pour le dialogue interculturel, l'Observatoire Euromed, Espace el Teatro, FIMAM, TEIM, entre d’autres. 4. Les sources de financement sont publiques, obtenues par le biais d’appels de subvention ou bien par la signature de conventions avec les administrations. 5. Les méthodes de nos projets qui prennent en charge de la mobilité, la réflexion commune, le dialogue et l'échange, tant au niveau artistique que le niveau de recherche. Principalement avec les jeunes.
Mission and Objectives

1. Promouvoir activités de coopération au développement entre pays de l’espace euro-méditerranéen, surtout celles qui sont liées à l’art (coopération culturelle et artistique) et la recherche (coopération scientifique).
2. Favoriser le développement d'initiatives conjointes qui favorisent la connaissance mutuelle de ces sociétés, dans les domaines culturel, artistique, investigateur, éducatif, formatif, humain et social.
3. Favoriser la mobilité, le dialogue et la réflexion conjointe entre personnes des différents pays de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

- Résidences de création BCN-TNS 2010. JISER organise la première édition d’une résidence croisée entre les villes de Barcelona et Tunis, ou deux artistes sélectionnés réaliseront une résidence de deux mois, avec une exposition individuelle et l’édition d’un catalogue.
Organisé en collaboration avec l’Espace El Teatro, Tunis, et le Centre Civic Fort Pienc, Barcelona.
- Perceptions de la Ville (2006). Rencontre de jeunes artistes tunisiens et espagnols à Barcelone. Mai 2006. La rencontre a donné comme résultat une exposition itinérante qui a visité Barcelone, Zaragoza et Tunis.
Organisé en collaboration avec l’IEMed.
- Mediterrània. Una mar de diversitat. Ciné-forum qui réfléchit sur l’identité et la perception
Organisé en collaboration avec le Centre Cívic Sagrada Família, Barcelona, May-Juin 2006.
- Fronteres. Cycle de cinéma qui présente une analyse des frontières, pas seulement physiques, des habitants de l’espace euro-méditerranéen.
Organisé en collaboration avec le Centre Cívic Can Felipa, Barcelona, Juillet 2009.
- I Rencontre de Jeunes Chercheurs autour de la Méditerranée. Tarragone, Espagne. Mai 2007.
Organisé en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO pour le Dialogue Interculturel et l’Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragone.
- II Rencontre de Jeunes Chercheurs autour de la Méditerranée. Oran, Algérie. Juin 2009.
Participant en tant qu’institution collaboratrice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ben Soltane (vice-président)
Head of the organisation
Xavier de Luca (président)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ferran Roca i Solsona (secrétaire)

Jiwar Creation & Society

National Network

C. Astúries 36, 1er 08012 Barcelona
08012 Barcelona

+34 932 388 239
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
General Information
Il n'y a pas par le moment des personnes engagées. Dans la période d'une année il devrait avoir deux personnes, une à plein temps et l'autre à temps partiel. Les ressources de financement sont privées et, dans la mesure du possible, publiques (subventions par projets). Le projet est soutenable économiquement car les artistes résidents payent par leur séjour. L'activité principale de l'association est la résidence d'artistes: accueil aux artistes et travail de dynamisation autour de son projet de création pour atteindre la communauté. On travaille beaucoup en réseau avec les institutions non gouvernementales, publiques et privées du quartier et de la ville qui sympathisent avec les valeurs du voisinage: bibliothèque (Biblioteca Jaume Fuster), centre de résidence pour les personnes âgées (Casal de Gent Gran de Gràcia), associations d'accueil aux immigrés (ASCIB, ABD), associations de production créative: Gràcia Territori Sonor (expérimentation musicale), La Caldera (danse), Experimentem amb l'Art (arts visuels), théâtres (Sala Becket, Teatre Lliure). Ainsi, les activités qui s'organisent à partir du travail et la recherche des artistes résidents, ont une majeure répercussion.
Mission and Objectives

Jiwar Creation & Society a les suivants grands objectifs: - Développer l’interculturalité et la cohésion sociale - Accueillir en résidence artistes et chercheurs de partout dans le monde, spécialement de la région méditerranéenne et arabe-musulmane, en facilitant leur mobilité et visibilité à Barcelone. - Favoriser le développement de projets interdisciplinaires avec une finalité sociale menés par des équipes de travail interculturels. - Privilégier l’interaction et l’échange (jiwar= voisinage) à travers de projets et d’événements entre les artistes et chercheurs résidents et les institutions, artistes, voisins et voisines du quartier de Gràcia (Barcelone).

Main Projects / Activities

Tel que nous l'avons indiqué, notre activité principale est la résidence d'artistes. C'est à partir des propositions des artistes résidents que nous travaillons avec nos partenaires du tissu social du quartier. Notre projet le plus emblématique dans cette première année de vie a été "Entrellaçades, teixint coneixement desteixint prejudicis" (Entrelacées, faire connaissance, défaire préjugés) qui a reçu une subvention du gouvernement catalan (Direcció general d'Immigració). Femmes catalanes du quartier de Gràcia issues de la résidence pour les personnes âgées ont partagée un mois et demi de rencontres avec des femmes pakistanaises et marocaines du quartier du Raval. La couture a été l'espace d'égalité à partir duquel elles ont tissé des relations et découvert de façon naturelle "l'autre".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous avons une grande connexion internationale à travers de Res Artis, Transartis et Wooloo. Nous travaillons directement avec les artistes et cela nous donne la force du terrain. Nous pensons que nous pouvons aporter cette vision internationale au délà de la région méditerranéenne et donner une majeure visibilité a l'ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous voulons former partie active du réseau ALF parce que nous croyons à l'importance des liens entre institutions qui peuvent permettre à un moment donné de faciliter des échanges et favoriser la réalisation de projets. Jiwar veut devenir un point de rencontre entre les artistes méditerranéens et occidentaux. Former partie d'un grand réseau ne peut que nous bénéficier pour nous donner à connaître et pour établir des alliances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mireia Estrada Gelabert
Head of the organisation
Mireia Estrada Gelabert
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Ghazali

Juan Diez-Nicolas

Director of the Chair for Research in Social Sciences and Security at the European University of Madrid. For over 35 years Diez-Nicolas has chaired the Universities of Malaga, Autonomous of Madrid, UNED, and the Complutense of Madrid. At present he...


Juan Diez-Nicolas

Directeur de la Chaire de recherche en sciences sociales et sécurité à l'Université européenne de Madrid, depuis plus de 35 ans, Juan Diez-Nicolas a présidé l’université de Malaga et les universités Autonome, UNED et Complutense de Madrid. Il est actuellement...

Kaos Gunea

National Network

nicolas alcorta, 4-5, puente 48003 BILBAO -

0034 677 000 308
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
president, secretary, tresaure, plus 3 people employed in different areas: production, projects and administrative and comunication. Budget is about 50.000 €/year institutions (public and private), private donations. local projects (cultural diversity projects in local networks, seminars, ...) International projects (exchanges, initiatives, etc) production (our own festival) programming for festivals and institutions documentaries, films... language academy and studies
Mission and Objectives

Asociación donde se dan cita diversos profesionales en el ámbito cultural, educativo y deportivo que comparten su inquietud por el trabajo entre diversas disciplinas y culturas en sus actividades.
Crear redes d etrabajo cultural basados en la diversidad.
Mostrar trabajos nacidos del encuentro entre culturas
Formar, estudiar y dar a conocer las diversas culturas a partir de sus claves identitarias

Main Projects / Activities

Festival expresiones (deals with works (danse, musique, films.... related with cultural dialogue)
centre de formation (300 metres) seminars (language (ex: arab), culture (gestion cultural), danse.....)
Audiovisual works

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

experience, infraestructure, activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our objetives matches with ALF objetives
Our staff has been inside network for years in other organizations
interested in international projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Inigo Lopez

La Casa Amarilla

National Network

P.O. BOX 37.145 – 08080

+34 934396425
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 699127380
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 677788767
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
La Casa Amarilla works in a decentralized system, our team is conformed by specialists in different areas that pursue the goals and proposed objectives. We are a total of 5 people based in the office and approx. 15 people more that gets involve in precise activities. Also we have the collaboration of interns and volunteers, approx. 10 collaborators a year. At the moment we have no economic activity, our financing resources have been, until now, the concession of subventions from the state and private foundations. This year we’ll implement a new campaign to acquire private funds. Our main partners are the local cultural centers, other cultural organizations and the local administration.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: We are a non - profit organization which objective is to contribute and to promote the approach and cultural interchange with Latin America.
Objectives: (among others)
• To elaborate, manage, execute and evaluate cultural projects and cultural cooperation for the development programs, taking advantage of the resources that the new technologies offer.
• To Impulse formation and citizen participation processes as of the artistic and cultural scope for the construction and fortification of the social weave, including and considering the gender perspective.
• To organize cultural conferences, festivals, colloquies, seminaries, courses and other acts on cultural and artistic themes.

Main Projects / Activities

La Casa Amarilla is divided in three extense work areas: cultural cooperation, artistic diffusion, and socio-cultural animation. Every project or program is derived into one of these areas, and promotes the creative processes and art as tools for social transformation.
BARRI ACTIU: Program for people in situation of marginality or social exclusion, through creative and artistic processes.
BUSKER'S FESTIVAL BARCELONA: International street music festival celebrated every august at the beach, open - air free concerts.
NOMADART: art exhibition circuit.
XARXA GROGA NETWORK: Euro-American network that works with children and younsgters in situation of marginality or social exclusion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veronica Grant
Head of the organisation
Raquel G. Debart
Contact (2) Full Name
Florence Barbaza

La Periférica - Cultura Contemporánea

National Network

Calle Jazmín 11, El Mamí
04120 Almería Almería

(0034) 637133499
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

We are a group of Cultural Managers from Almería that seeks to value cultural life from an innovative vision.

La Periférica is a launch pad for projects that foster and promote talent and creativity, the exchange of experiences and cultural cooperation.

Through artistic and cultural projects, our own and in collaboration with others, we intend to activate citizen involvement and participation, as well as reflection and action on contemporary challenges and issues. We comprise the different aspects of contemporary art and culture (audiovisuals, music, performing arts, anthropology, ecology, feminism, queer movement ...) as tools for social transformation and as vehicles for citizen mutual understanding and cohesion. Thanks to the fact that we are a multidisciplinary and specialized team in different areas of the cultural and creative sector, and with extensive experience in cooperation and the third sector, both nationally and internationally, we have managed to take different actions such as the conceptualization of our own programs and projects, cultural management and production, as well as the promotion of contemporary creation.

As "cultural agitators", from La Periférica, we conceive each project as a new seed to create, from horizontality and collaboration, a better world for everyone. Promoting environmental and social sustainability we want to contribute to greater solidarity, at the glocal level. All these values are transversal to the projects we carry out, from the contents to the management itself.

La Periférica always works as a team, in a democratic way, exercising listening as the main work tool. We team up, whenever possible, with other networks of professionals and institutions, associations, groups, initiatives and projects with which we share visions, values and ways of doing to achieve objectives. Furthermore, we work with numerous public institutions with which our interests come together.

Mission and Objectives

The aims of the Association are:
- Carry out volunteer work to achieve a better society.
- Contribute to creating multiculturality and international solidarity.
- Promote mutual understanding, cultural exchange and cooperation between people of different nationalities, beliefs,
sexual condition, etc.
- Sensitize people about their important role as agents of change in society.
- Support local initiatives that promote the development and benefit of the community.
- Promote arts to raise the level of awareness about music and culture in the city and the province
- Promote the arts for children and young people by carrying out a continuous program of performances.
- Collaborate with different organizations in the field of art to help fuse different visual and plastic arts with other disciplines.
- Collaborate with cultural associations that promote independent culture at local and international levels
- Promote the arts such as painting, sculpture, poetry, photography etc, as long as the works have a connection with
contemporary culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The usual activities of our organization include:
- Management of international volunteering projects: support from the first stages of election, conducting and evaluating a
volunteer field; and after it, accompanying the volunteer to become an agent of change.
- International formations and assemblies where the strategic planning and the fields of volunteering.
- Trainings, seminars and meetings of international volunteers where intercultural issues are discussed, respect,
commitment, conflict resolution, logistics, etc. At the arrival of their fields a meeting with the objective of evaluating and
sharing experiences and learning.
- Holding concerts, workshops, exhibitions, stage performances, conferences.
- Elaboration of publications and texts of contemporary culture of the town of Almería in collaborations with different cultural
- Organize musical events and performances by different local and international performers to enrich the cultural offer of
our city
- Preparation of books and publications within the field of arts and contemporary culture
- Holding photography and plastic art exhibitions, poetry recitals, and different types of cultural events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a group of Cultural Managers from Almería that seeks to value cultural life from an innovative vision. La Periférica is a launch pad for projects that foster and promote talent and creativity, the exchange of experiences and cultural cooperation.
Through artistic and cultural projects, our own and in collaboration with others, we seek to activate citizen involvement and participation, as well as reflection and action on contemporary challenges and issues. We understand the different facets of contemporary art and culture (audiovisuals, music, performing arts, anthropology, ecology, feminism, queer movement, etc.), as tools for social transformation and as vehicles for citizen understanding and cohesion. Thanks to the fact that we are a multidisciplinary and specialized team in different fields of the cultural and creative sector, and with extensive experience in cooperation and the third sector, both nationally and internationally, we have managed to make La Periférica cover different lines of action, from the conceptualization of own programs and projects, cultural management and production, as well as the dissemination and promotion of contemporary creation.
As cultural agitators, from La Periférica we conceive each project as a new seed to create, from horizontality and collaboration, a better world for everyone, promoting environmental and social sustainability we want to contribute to greater solidarity, at the glocal level. All these values cross and are transversal to the projects we carry out, from the contents to the management itself.
At La Periférica we always work as a team, in a democratic way, exercising listening as the main work tool. We partner, whenever possible, with other networks of professionals and institutions, associations, collectives, initiatives and projects with which we share visions, values and ways of doing to achieve objectives. Furthermore, we work with numerous public institutions with which our interests converge. From the creation in 2018 La Periférica -. Cultura Contermporánea Association works with the objective of contributing to the dissemination of art and culture, facilitating a wide offer to different types of publics and we think we can become a great asset to the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The network, gives us the possibility to spread our values and mision and to get to work within a network, which is a key factor for us to get to a larger impact in a wider audience. It is really enriching for us to get to know other people working in other projects that share our values and try to find conexions to collaborate. This will allow us to grow in a sustainble way hand by hand. He would like to be able to apply to the opportunities that this network supplies, in order to create projects with a bigger impact in society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Sánchez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alberto Sánchez López
Contact (2) Full Name
Mimar Pérez
Job Title (2)