
Welfare Association (WA)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Welfare Association (WA) is a not-for-profit organization established in Geneva-Switzerland, in 1983 by Palestinian and Arab business and intellectual figures to support sustainable development and provide humanitarian relief to Palestinian people in its areas of operations. It is an independent development organization without political, partisan or factional affiliation. WA partners with hundreds of Palestinian non government organizations in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, 1948 areas, and the Palestinian communities in Lebanon. The WA’s General Assembly has close to 150 Arab and Palestinian members representing the business and intellectual elite not only in Palestine and but across the Arab region. WA also has a staff close to 100 professionals responsible for implementing programs and projects with offices spanning all its areas of operations. It was registered in Palestine in 2006. The WA has built an Endowment Fund of $60 million through earmarked donations from members and the community. WA relies on drawing on investment earnings from its endowment in addition to grants from individuals, institutions, foundations, bilateral and multilateral donors in the Arab region, Europe and USA. Its annual program expenditure is close to $30million.
Mission and Objectives

WA envisions the Palestinian people as citizens of an independent, free, and democratic Arab Palestine, living in dignity, prosperity, and self-fulfilment, with equitable access to opportunities to realize their full potential with distinction and creativity.
WA strives to make a distinguished contribution toward furthering the progress of the Palestinians, preserving their heritage and identity, supporting their living culture and building civil society. It aims to achieve these goals by methodically identifying the Palestinian people’s needs and priorities and establishing the soundest mechanisms to maximize the benefits from the available funding resources.
WA objectives:
* Encourage the preservation of Palestinian culture and identity and the revival of Palestinian cultural heritage.
* Develop, upgrade and empower Palestinian individuals to become productive, professional and capable of achieving their goals and aspirations and to contribute to economic and social change.
* Empower local institutions and assist them in providing services that respond to the needs of Palestinians by employing the requirements of good governance and achieving sustainability.
* Provide rapid and effective response to any emergency situation that may put the life, security or health of Palestinians at risk.

Main Projects / Activities

Working Sectors and Programs:
In its strategic plan 2011-2013; WA identified four main sectors of intervention: education, culture, community development, and emergency and humanitarian assistance. It adopts a set of development and relief programs and interventions that respond to community needs in all WA fields of operation.
These programs are envisaged to be comprehensive and sustainable in order to expand their impact both vertically and horizontally.
Within this context, the plan gives priority to integrated and comprehensive programs, in addition to a number of individual programs that allow a space for adopting new initiatives or responding to area-specific needs.
The program packaging concept does not apply to the emergency and humanitarian assistance sector as it adopts varied intervention mechanisms based on emergency and humanitarian assistance needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In its four main sectors of intervention that assists Palestinian development efforts namely: education, culture, community development, and emergency and humanitarian assistance, the WA adopts a set of development and relief programs and interventions that respond to community needs in all WA fields of operation. These programs are envisaged to be comprehensive and sustainable in order to be attractive for replication for wider impact. Children and youth, the poor, students especially from under-served areas/communities, and special needs individuals are particularly targeted. WA strength is its function not only as a donor, but as a partner in implementation with many donor organizations. It has a wide network of partners locally in West Bank and Gaza Strip, which enables it to be ready for implementation and overseeing of activities with no delay in quality systematic means. This strength can play a key role in supporting/overseeing/partnering future AFL projects within the network of 230 current members, whom some are already current partners with WA.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are several cross cutting objectives that both our organisations address, and being a part of the ALF network will enable further dialogue and sharing of best practices in the fields of activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naser Aloul (RDCM Director)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Tafeeda Jarbawi (Director General of WA)
Contact (2) Full Name
Amal Daoud (RDCM Manager)


National Network

Rafedia 27000
Palestinian Territories

‏0569 827 830‏
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Witness Center for Citizen Rights and Social Development Vision: Palestinian Political Regime is responsive for Youth and Marginalized community’s needs and perceptions  Goals: Enhance youth role and marginalized communities in decision and planning process in terms of public life Providing young people with knowledge, skills and tools improving their capacities and efficiency Bridging the gap between Young people and marginalized communities with decision makers  Fields of work: Think Tank: providing a space for Palestinian Young Professionals to formulate policy papers reflect their point of
Mission and Objectives

Witness Center for Citizen Rights and Social Development
Palestinian Political Regime is responsive for Youth and Marginalized community’s needs and perceptions 
Enhance youth role and marginalized communities in decision and planning process in terms of public life
Providing young people with knowledge, skills and tools improving their capacities and efficiency
Bridging the gap between Young people and marginalized communities with decision makers 
Fields of work:
Think Tank: providing a space for Palestinian Young Professionals to formulate policy papers reflect their point of

Main Projects / Activities

views and perception among political, economic and development priorities. 
Youth: The main power of change in the society need more investments in their capacities to enhance their positive role in social and political change process 
Media: Aiming to raise young and marginalized community’s voices and supporting media initiatives
Danish Youth Council “DUF”
European Endowment Democracy “ EED”
International Media Support  “ IMS”
GIZ- Palestine

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 understanding the main role of economy in supporting peace between the two people which we must believe in strongly and fight terrorism and corruption, even in the Palestinian government. In waiting, and you assure me my position is well, Perhaps in the future it would be in a better position to achieve the international community and the American goals in spreading stability and creating leaders that believe in democracy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 Combating Extremism and Violence, Spreading Peace and Dialogue between Cultures Conference as part of a project leading management program and providing ongoing support to volunteers themselves, moreover matching  them with a position that suits their skills and interests to get the best out of their potentials
local Palestinian organization that does work in the field of creating an educated youth generation that fights violence and promotes the values of love. It should also be noted that I have many writings and stories about the movements that invested in youth and deceiving them to destroy humanity. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Awwad
Job Title
Projects manager
Head of the organisation
Kayad Mare
Contact (2) Full Name
Kayad Mare
Job Title (2)
Executive manager

Woman Struggle Blok

National Network
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Member of General Union of Palestinian Women Women Technical Number of women members 1000 fund from individual fees and the party
Mission and Objectives

Struggle for women equity.welfare - rights (political social an d economical)

Main Projects / Activities

WE are woman organisation of a political party Palestinian Popular Struggle FrontW

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think we need to make bridges between women in my country and other countries through
electronic social communication and having the vision of the net work in all fields mainly gender and the issues related mainly social dialogue and environment education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because i believe net working gives better results and we need to work hand by hand for global peace

Contact (1) Full Name
Muna Namura
Head of the organisation
Muna Namura
Contact (2) Full Name
Ola Sheil

women and child development association

National Network

قطاع غزة -خانيونس -شارع السنية
مقابل قلعة برقوق
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

تأسست جمعية المرأة والطفل للتنمية في الأول من سبتمبر لعام 2014 في جنوب قطاع غزة وحصلت على شهادة تسجيل من وزارة الداخلية- غزة في الثلاثين من ديسمبر لعام 2014 تحت رقم 8481. و حصلت على شهادة تسجيل من وزارة الداخلية - رام الله في السابع من ديسمبر لعام 2015 تحت رقم GA-1136-C، كما وحصلت على اعتماد لدى وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية - غزة في الثاني والعشرون من ديسمبر لعام 2015 لتعمل في مجال تنمية المرأة والطفل. لقد جاءت فكرة تأسيس الجمعية بعد حرب صيف 2014 مباشرة كنتيجة ملحة لما تركته الحرب من اثأر و دمار كبير على حياة الناس فتكاثفت الجهود و كانت الثمرة إنشاء الجمعية للقيام بدور فاعل في خدمة المجتمع الفلسطيني و المساهمة في تخفيف المعاناة و والآلام بعد الكارثة وبعد ما عنته النساء بالأخص الطبقة الأكثر تأثرا بالأزمات .

Mission and Objectives

الرؤية: " جمعية تنموية تطمح إلي تمكين المرأة و الطفل في كافة مناحي الحياة بتوفير حياة كريمة لهم " الرسالة: جمعية المرأة والطفل للتنمية جمعية أهلية غير ربحية في محافظة خانيونس  تسعى لتمكين و تطوير المرأة والطفل  الفلسطيني   من خلال تقديم الخدمات التنموية  والتأهيلية   لهم عبر البرامج  الثقافية والنفسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والحقوقية  المتنوعة  للوصول إلي  مجتمع قادر علي  مواجهة التحديات وتوفير  مستقبل افضل لهم .

Main Projects / Activities

الأهداف الاستراتيجية:Strategic Goals  للخطة 2018-20121 الهدف الاستراتيجي الأول: المساهمة في تحسين جودة سبل الحياة وتوفير بيئة امنه لتمكين المرأة المهمشة في جنوب قطاع غزة . First strategic goal: contributing in improving the quality of women`s live hoods and creating safe environment to empower vulnerable women in the south of Gaza strip   الهدف الاستراتيجي الثاني: المساهمة في توفير بيئة امنه و داعمة تسهم في النمو النفسي و التربوي السليم للأطفال المهمشين في جنوب  قطاع غزة.  Second strategic objective: To contribute to the provision of a safe and supportive environment that contributes to the healthy psychological and educational development of marginalized children in the southern Gaza Strip. الهدف الاستراتيجي الثالث: المساهمة في بناء وتطوير مقدرات الجمعية وتعزيز دورها المجتمعي. Third Strategic Objective:  contributing in building and developing   of the Society's capabilities and to enhance its social role. المشاريع السابقة:- • مشروع إنارة البيوت "بيوت دافئة أمنة " بتمويل من Cinta Gaza malyzya • مشروع الكر فانات Cinta Gaza Malyzya • مشروع ترميم المنازل من مؤسسة Cinta Gaza malyzya • مشروع حقوق المرأة حقوق الإنسان  من المرصد الاورومتوسطي لحقوق الإنسان

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

  we have awide range of data base of targeted benificiers nearly 1000     our strategic plan  have agood mission to interact    .Our organization focus firstly on supporting  and enhance the livehoods  between civil society

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

                our  vision to enhance the civil society and improve the cultural understanding between different communities                               crossing point  between the thoughts  and the coexistance    

Contact (1) Full Name
fatma magdy abed raoo`f shaat
Job Title
programs manager
Head of the organisation
ahmad al qebti
Contact (2) Full Name
ahmad al qibiti
Job Title (2)
head of the board of director

Women and children

National Network

El Rasheed Street Beach Camp
Gaza Beach Camp
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
No fax
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Women programs center involved the women and children..improving and impuwering them ..there are 20 employees and 10 partner ships internationally and local. Our source funding is unrwa. Worldchild.islamikreleef .unsaid. uonisf

Mission and Objectives

Make women improving and succeed

Main Projects / Activities

Positive youth by impwuring them .awairness to them for many subjects such as technology and internet and culture and democracy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By email to have projects to the local and women and children to help them about 5 suffering

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have projects help the sticholders

Contact (1) Full Name
Etedal sobhi el ferei
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Etedal sobhi el ferei
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabah Ahmad talip
Job Title (2)

Women center shufat camp

National Network

Shufat camp
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
المركز النسوي مخيم شعفاط مؤسسة اهلية غير ربحية تعنى بخدمة المجتمعم المحيط حيث نقدم خدمات لكافة شرائح المجتمع نساء اطفال شباب مثل التمكين الاقتصادي والتعليم المساند والتاهيل النفسي الاجتماعي .
Mission and Objectives

تقديم الخدمات التاهيلية والتمكين للنساء والاطفال 
نشر الوعي في المجتمع 

Main Projects / Activities

التمكين الاقتصادي
الطعام الصحي 
التاهيل النفسي الاجتماعي
الوقاية من المخدرات

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Sundos hamdan
Job Title
Projects Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Jihad abu Zneid

Women Cultural Society for Palestinian Popular Heritage

National Network
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The association is registered in home office with the number(jn-821-c-4)and licensed from the ministry of culture in 22\7\2003. It is a charitable association and it was opened in 7\7\2004 in an old house in the Old City of Jenin,near Ahashmy cenima . The old house is leased and the value of lease is 130JD, besides other costs as electricity,water,and telephone. The number of the members of the general board of the association is 140 members, then a manigerial board -wich consisted of seven members- was elected as the folowing: The head of the association, representative,secretary,treasurer,and three members. Each member of the association has an experience or skill in any field, that she seeks to impart to the other members, to have special work at the end which reflects our union and origion .So we got the official licence hopping from that to achieve our aims.
Mission and Objectives

from our objectives:
1)Deepening the understanding of our Palestinian heritage , and basing its culture by recognizing it, and keeping it from loss , through holding cources and study groups in the association by arranging with television,radiostation,and by local prints .
2) holding courses of embroidery and handcrafts,to keep this type of art ,and to transfer it to the next generations,in addition to generalize it as a productive,handmade industry .
3)Producing heritage handmade products in the association as a base for the work of the association through women ,productive ,cooperative links formed by the members of the association.
4)Holding shows for handmade products and popular foods in homeland ,in addition to sharing with others abroad to generalize the benefit and to bring it back to the association and its members.

Main Projects / Activities

1)establishing larg kitchen to widen our works.
2)establishing larg room for dressmaking.
3)making a small library in the association.
4)sharing with several shows and festivals inside and outside Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Qamar Saed Marar
Head of the organisation
Heyam Abdel Afo Ahmad Abu Zahra
Contact (2) Full Name
Rana Dawood Aqhash

women for life

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
: +972-599187413
Mobile Phone (other)
: +972-595630026
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Organisational structure : WFL is organised as follows: a general assembly consisting of 9 members, the director, the deputy director, the treasurer, the secretary and four other assemblies. WFL employs 9 full-time employees, and 6 part-time employees. WFL’s staff consists of lawyers, social workers, administrators, and 10 volunteers students from the University of Al-Quds Open University. Partnerships WFL makes effort to strengthen its relationship with local, regional, and international organizations that are involved in developing human rights and women’s rights. This cooperation is very important in order to facilitate spreading the organization’s vision, mission, and activities. This also contributes to share the experience through hosting and coordinating activities and support in the marginalized areas such as Salfeet and Qalqilia. WFL always works to consolidate its social, legal, institutional relationships with the local community institutions in Salfeet and Qalqila province such as (municipalities - associations - police – courts – and the people, those considered as the final beneficiaries that receive WFL’s services). At the governmental level, WFL works with governmental bodies that have great influence in women’s issues. WFL has strong cooperation with the ministry of social affairs and women’s affairs in relation to women’s situation in marginalized areas which suffer from poverty and lack of security, besides women’s cases of personal status issues such as divorce and alimony. WFL works also with court officials (civil and Sharia’ courts), judges ,lawyers and social workers in relation to legal and social services that are provided to women. We also keeps strong relations with police officers in both Salfit and Qalqilia provinces in order to partner in protecting women victims of violence on sensitive cases. WFL has cooperative relation with other ministries such as Ministry of Culture and Arts; it offered WFL many projects related to culture for children and women such as “Music School” for teaching children playing on different musical instruments. Furthermore, WFL participates in every gallery or festival run by it, and WFL also run Al-Hayat Festival which was funded by this Ministry. At the cultural level, WFL keeps in touch and cooperation with the cultural institutions that help in implementing the third WFL’s program “ Roses Against Occupation “ which aims to develop youth and children creativities and improve their skills in various aspects such as media, music, and professional skills. These institutions such as Shams Center, Ata’ Association, Jozoor for Development Community, Folk Art Center, Edward Said Institute. Regarding cooperation with other NGOs organizations which believe in women’s rights and support human rights, we have some partnerships with Women Actions for a Nonviolent future, Working Women's Society, Bible Society, Palestinian women's movement, Al-Najdah developmental Association, Democracy and Labor Rights Center, and (WCLAC) Women's Center for Legal Aid and Counseling, which is our financial and administrative supporter providing us with capacity building. WFL is a member in child’s protection network, members in the Palestinian National committee (consists of many NGOs institutions), members in Coordination Committee to transfer violated women’s cases on the national level. This committee includes the civil and governmental institutions. WFL also Part of the Popular Campaign against the Apartheid Wall, and a member of the psychosocial support group. Finally, WFL keeps tight relations and partnership with donors. Since 2004 it developed more than 9 relations with different donors showing transparency and accuracy in the work in all projects. WFL has good, sustainable relations with The Global Fund for Women, NGO Development Center, and Palestinian communication foundation, Drossos Foundation, Arab Fund Development for Women, UNIFEM, and the Australian Consulate. WfL’s key achievements: 1. WFL is the key society work to provide legal and social services to women in general and violated women in particular 2. Restoring two old buildings to use them for the administrative and training activities 3. Building another headquarter in Dear Ballout village. 4. Providing permanent gallery for women’s productions used for marketing 5. Building strong partnerships with the national and international donors 6. Finding the first musical school m which is considered as the first and the only one in the region with cooperation with Edward Saed Institute 7. Participating in the local and national galleries and festivals Memberships: 1. WFL is a member of psychosocial support group 2. members of the NGO’s National Assembly( many NGOs institutions form an alliance) 3. member of child protection network 4. Member in the popular cambaign for struggling against the wall 5. Member in the transferring proceadures system related to WCLAC and Jozoor organizations 6. Member in the General union for the charitable societies 7. Member in PNGON 8. Member in the cultural and consultant committee in Salfeet governorate 9. Member in Tawasol Project 10. Member in Takamol project for transferring cases of violated women
Mission and Objectives

Women for Life’s vision is of an independent Palestinian state and a society based on principles of democracy, equality and justice, where women are empowered and their rights are protected.
Women for Life works primarily to counter gender-based violence, to aid women victims of violence and to assist women who have suffered from negative Israeli occupation practices. WFL provides legal and social services to these women, seeks to build the capacity of state institutions to support these women and educates communities on women’s rights and gender equality through awareness-raising programmes. Furthermore, WFL strives to economically and politically empower Palestinian women through the provision of workshops aimed at developing the relevant practical skills.
Need to look at WFL’s mission statement in Arabic with Faten as the original English version is not clear. The first priority for “Women for Life” is to assist the women victim of violence particularly, and the women in general and to work with the women in Salfit county to create a society free from violence against women and children. “WFL” is insisting to create changes that it could be get to build strong women has the authorization to demand for their secure , rights in education , access to work, legal marriage age , rights to vote in elections, and give her the rights to participate in the political decisions
Strategic Objectives:
1. To contribute to the prevention and elimination of violence against women.
2. To build women's self-capacities to achieve self-reliance.
3. To activate women's role and participation in political work.
4. To build the organisational capacities of WFL in order to achieve self-sufficiency and sustainability

Main Projects / Activities

1. Providing legal and social services:
In order to address the increasing problem of violence against Palestinian women, WFL provides legal and social services to women victims of violence and targets state services such as police officials to better assist violated women. WFL also provides legal representation to attain women’s rights, and runs awareness-raising workshops on gender equality.
2. Building women’s self-capacities to become economically self-sufficient:
WFL runs several workshops aimed at developing women’s business acumen and professional skills to increase employment prospects amongst women. Local women learn artisan crafts in order to acquire specialist skills, alongside being educated in marketing and project management techniques.
3. Developing life-skills and building capacities in Palestinian youth:
This programme aims to expand children’s life-skills by engaging them in workshops and activities which encourage them to be creative, active and open-minded. WFL has links with several cultural institutions that provide opportunities for youth to develop their arts and professional skills.
4. Strengthening and empowering women’s political role:
To ensure that women are well-represented and participative in Palestine’s political arena, WFL educates and trains women to participate in public forums and conferences and seeks to develop women leaders on a local and national level

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by presenting your activities and work in our region, communicate with other institutions in our country which are also members in the network, providing our reports and use our resources to implement the shared activities with one similar goal

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Women for life society would be faithful to join your network to know more about human rights in order to support women in Palestine in the legal aspects.Women for Life is one of the only organisations committed to helping women victims of violence and to advocating women’s rights in the Salfit and Qalqilya regions of the West Bank in the OPT.
These areas are considered to be marginalised as a result of the Israeli occupation.because of this, we always try to seek fund from the donors to continue our activities in supporting women in general and women who exposed to violence in particular.
WFL also seeks to be members in the national and international networks in order to strengthen itself by being a member in these strong institutions members in the same networks, this could benefit us and learn from your experiences to support our experiences and to have new partners in the international countries. WFL will be proud to be a member in your network

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatma Assi
Head of the organisation
Fatma Assi
Contact (2) Full Name
Reem Iftaih

Women Media and Devalopment

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
General Information
Women Media and Development (TAM), structure . General assembly . Board of director . Auditor • Director • Program Officer • Administrative Assistant • Gender & Media • Training • Media Production • Translator • Advocacy • & Media Relations • Administration & Finance • Accountant • Office Keeper • Information Technology • IT Technician We have 9 employees in a full time passes, and 6 employees with part time passes We have between 350000$ to 450000$ budget per year The mount available for this year up to this date is 355000$ Sources of funding : US fund, Spain, France, Italy , Switzerland And our activity passed on concrete projects, and networking activities Our partners, CBOs, NGOs, ministries, community leaders, local TVs and Radio stations.
Mission and Objectives

1- Vision
"To attain a free and democratic society characterized by justice, equality, and respect for human rights; where women enjoy freedom and equality, and can exercise their rights fully without discrimination."
Members of TAM's General Assembly, its Board of Directors, as well as its staff, and volunteers are all committed to working tirelessly towards our vision for Palestinian society as a free and democratic society characterized by justice, equality, and respect for human rights; where women enjoy freedom and equality, and can exercise their rights fully without discrimination. We believe that media will play an important role in bringing about the changes needed to realize this vision.
2- Mission
"We strive for effective media that can empower women and marginalized groups to achieve their goals and aspirations."
TAM shall utilize media as a tool to empower women and marginalized groups and shall be guided in its work by a governing set of values, stated below.
3- Strategic Goals
TAM has four core goals to achieve over the next three years.
1. Improve the image of Palestinian women in media.
2. Empower and build the capacities of community leaders and organizations defending the rights of women and other marginalized groups.
3. Increase the participation of women in the public sphere
4. Empower TAM to achieve its vision and objectives within the framework of its mission and value statements.

Main Projects / Activities

Programs and Activities:
Since its foundation, TAM has worked on a series of activities and programs rooted in the political, social and economic reality of Palestinian women. TAM's core areas of work are :
1. Media Production: TAM produces TV talk shows that are broadcast over local TV stations. These talk shows deal with sensitive social and gender issues:
2. Gender in Media: This program aims to create gender sensitive media units at TV stations. It provides gender and women's issues training for men and women working in local TV stations across the West Bank (Tulkarem, Jenin, Jericho, Qalqilya, Nablus, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah).
3. Production of Gender Oriented Films. TAM has produced a series of gender specific documentaries:
4. Training and Capacity Building: Since TAM's inception in 2004, training has been and continues to be a core component of our programming. The aim is to raise public awareness of women's rights and issues.
5. Human Resources
Currently TAM employs 12 staff members with various skills and qualifications. Seven staff members are permanent and five are on project contracts.
TAM's financial affairs are dealt with by the financial manager and an assistant accountant, in adherence to the highest professional standards. TAM has secured the purchase of a 360 square meter building which houses its offices, a production studio, production equipment, and a library.
6. Financial Resources
TAM has two sources of funding. The primary source of funding is external donor funding for projects. This type of funding is usually short term and donors tend to place constraints on the type of allowable expenses.
The secondary source of funding is generated internally from translation services, training, equipment rentals and film sales. Though this type of funding offers more flexibility, it accounts for a small portion of the total revenues.
Due to the present imbalance in funding sources, TAM's leadership faces serious challenges in financial planning and continuity and must address TAM's sustainability if external funding were to be discontinued for any reason.
7. Networking and Public Relations
TAM is very active and effective in several women's and media coalitions and alliances.
a. Partnerships with Local and International Coalitions: Cooperation in Raising Public Awareness
b. Relationship with Target Groups and Beneficiaries
TAM has established relationships with individual women community leaders as well as women's groups in various geographical areas. Follow up evaluations are carried out at the end of each project to ensure that projects serve and benefit the intended target groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For us we are open and available to any kind of cooperation and contributing with the network if it will help the society and our mission and goals we are working to reach

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To strength our work and have a wider network, and to cooperate with the college in the network for planning where we can the best results out of our projects and to complete each other work

Contact (1) Full Name
Suheir Farraj
Head of the organisation
Suheir Farraj
Contact (2) Full Name
Rasha mousa

Women's Affairs Center

National Network

Khalil Al Wazieer Street, Gaza, Palestine
Al Said Building
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Research
General Information
WAC is an independent and non-profit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of empowering women and advocating women’s rights and gender equality through capacity development, information and innovative research and advocacy programs. WAC has (42) competent staff members (Core and fixed-term contracts) and supported with a pool of experts and volunteers that enable WAC to effectively manage its programs and projects. WAC has established a good governance system including (27) general assembly members and effective Board of Directors consisting of (3) female and (4) male influential community members. WAC's sources of funding include, but are not limited to: - Danish Representative Office (DRO), Feminist Peace Organization – CFD, Christian Aid (CA), General Consulate of France (FSD), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, European Commission, Islamic Relief Palestine (IRPAL), Trocaire Working for Just World, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Dan Church Aid, Kvinna till Kvinna (KtK), NGO Development Center (NDC), NOVIB Oxfam Netherlands, GVC WeWorld, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN WOMEN, NOREGIAN People Aid, United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The annual budget for 2017: 1001411.46 USD The annual budget for 2018: 1136806.35 USD The annual budget for 2019: 1609932.09 USD WAC has been an active member of the following local, regional and international bodies: coordination committee and women and youth sectors of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO); Aysha Arab Women’s Network; Amal Coalition; Al- Muntada Coalition for ending violence against women; A’dalah Coalition "Women for Change"; GBV sub-working group under the protection cluster; Legal Task Force (LTF) working under protection cluster; Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP) led by PNGO; Women’s Alliance Committee for the shadow reports; Women’s Alliance Secretariat to apply CEDAW convention in Palestine; Palestinian National Alliance Secretariat to apply UNSCR 1325 in Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

WAC’s vision states that it is a women knowledge- based center playing an innovative and catalytic role in empowering women; and advocating women's rights and gender equality in the Palestinian sustainable development process. WAC's mission reflects that it is an independent and non-profit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of empowering women and advocating women’s rights and gender equality through capacity development, information and innovative research and advocacy programs. While implementing its strategy to fulfill its vision, WAC is guided by international human rights principles including empowerment and participation; equality and non-discrimination; and accountability to ensure justice and dignity for women. Strategic Goal # 1 (Long-term impact): Vulnerable women and girls (rights holders); particularly the victims and survivors of violence; in the Gaza Strip manifested economic advancement, resilience, agency and increasingly engaged in relations and networks. Strategic Goal # 2 (Long-term impact): Improved knowledge-led and informed decision making on women and gender issues. Strategic Goal # 3 (Long-term impact): Local and national duty bearers are increasingly accountable and take actions to advance women's human rights, gender equality and women's participation in political and public life.

Main Projects / Activities

WAC carries out all its core activities and projects within its 3 main programs:1) Empowering Women Program (EWP), which includes Training Unit, Small Business Unit, and Legal Clinic; 2) Information and Action Research Program (IRP), which includes: Research Unit and Management Information System; 3) Advocacy and Outreach Program (AOP), which includes: Advocacy Unit, Media Unit, and Video Unit. WAC's interventions include, but are not limited to awareness-raising workshops, professional/vocational training, ICT training, round table discussions, accountability sessions, dialogue meetings, financial aid/loans/grants for women, community initiatives, advocacy campaigns, business incubator, ICT incubator, temporary jobs/cash for work opportunities, videos/mobile films/documentaries, radio spots/episodes/sessions, Alghaidaa paper and online magazine, studies/researches on women's issues, analytical papers, position papers, psychosocial support, legal consultations and representation for vulnerable women and girls, factsheets, and good practices. WAC's current successful project include: “Promoting Digital Employment Opportunities for Young Women”, funded by Christian Aid “Empowering young women to translate ideas into jobs”, funded by DCA “Women, War, and Political Conflicts Palestinian Women in Gaza”, funded by KtK “Let’s Not Count Women, Let’s Make Women Count”, funded by KtK “Tale for Every House: Breaking Stereotypes and Enhancing Women's Image in Community”, funded by EU and GVC “Protection of Vulnerable Women and Girls Survivors of GBV in the Gaza Strip Through Coordinated and Multi-sectoral Responses”, funded by OCHA “Engaging Men and Boys in Promoting Gender Equality in Palestine”, funded by UNDEF “Reducing VAW/GBV against Marginalized Women and Girls in the Gaza Strip”, funded by Trocaire “Capacity Development of Actors within Justice Sector in the Gaza Strip”, funded by UNDP “Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP)”, funded by UN WOMEN “HAYA – Eliminating Violence Against Women”, funded by UN WOMEN

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

WAC ensures the delivery of its services and fulfillment of its goals through working closely with the community and key players/actors in the local community. WAC has been an active member of a score of local, regional and international bodies. Also, WAC coordinates with local universities and colleges as well as local and international NGOs and CBOs. WAC believes that effective coordination and cooperation with all stakeholders is the key to deliver the voices of the rights holders and marginalized groups to relevant duty-bearers as well as ensure their access to their rights and to services.
WAC can, through its networks and wide range pool of experts, facilitate the implementation of activities and delivery of outputs and outcomes of its programs, project, and partners’ programs and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WAC is keen to continuously build new bridges and networks with organizations, especially international organizations as this would increase the visibility of our work and right holders among the international community, especially in light of the tight Israeli siege forced on Gaza which hinders all opportunities for capacity development and experience exchange for all NGOs in Gaza. Joining ALF Network would give us better knowledge on different means and mechanisms regarding supporting the role of women in politics and peace-building as well as other process, not to mention increasing women's representation in society. It would also allow us to learn about other women's organizations’ experiences and challenges in combating violations to women's human rights, their best practices, recovery and dialogue methodologies they used to overcome their challenges and achieve peace. Furthermore, it would enrich our data on other women's statuses, and provide us with new skills on formulating peace and security at conflict and post-conflict times so we would be more capable of playing a more effective role in our interventions. Moreover, we will be able to shed light on the Palestinian Women's struggles and mechanisms of survival and resilience during three Israeli aggressions, 12-year blockade, internal division, and displacement. We will also be able to deliver their voices to other women who underwent or still are undergoing the same challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amal Syam
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amal Syam
Contact (2) Full Name
Ranya Bsaiso
Job Title (2)
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator