
Women's Affairs Center

National Network

Khalil Al Wazieer Street, Gaza, Palestine
Al Said Building
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Research
General Information
WAC is an independent and non-profit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of empowering women and advocating women’s rights and gender equality through capacity development, information and innovative research and advocacy programs. WAC has (42) competent staff members (Core and fixed-term contracts) and supported with a pool of experts and volunteers that enable WAC to effectively manage its programs and projects. WAC has established a good governance system including (27) general assembly members and effective Board of Directors consisting of (3) female and (4) male influential community members. WAC's sources of funding include, but are not limited to: - Danish Representative Office (DRO), Feminist Peace Organization – CFD, Christian Aid (CA), General Consulate of France (FSD), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, European Commission, Islamic Relief Palestine (IRPAL), Trocaire Working for Just World, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Dan Church Aid, Kvinna till Kvinna (KtK), NGO Development Center (NDC), NOVIB Oxfam Netherlands, GVC WeWorld, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN WOMEN, NOREGIAN People Aid, United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The annual budget for 2017: 1001411.46 USD The annual budget for 2018: 1136806.35 USD The annual budget for 2019: 1609932.09 USD WAC has been an active member of the following local, regional and international bodies: coordination committee and women and youth sectors of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO); Aysha Arab Women’s Network; Amal Coalition; Al- Muntada Coalition for ending violence against women; A’dalah Coalition "Women for Change"; GBV sub-working group under the protection cluster; Legal Task Force (LTF) working under protection cluster; Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP) led by PNGO; Women’s Alliance Committee for the shadow reports; Women’s Alliance Secretariat to apply CEDAW convention in Palestine; Palestinian National Alliance Secretariat to apply UNSCR 1325 in Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

WAC’s vision states that it is a women knowledge- based center playing an innovative and catalytic role in empowering women; and advocating women's rights and gender equality in the Palestinian sustainable development process. WAC's mission reflects that it is an independent and non-profit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of empowering women and advocating women’s rights and gender equality through capacity development, information and innovative research and advocacy programs. While implementing its strategy to fulfill its vision, WAC is guided by international human rights principles including empowerment and participation; equality and non-discrimination; and accountability to ensure justice and dignity for women. Strategic Goal # 1 (Long-term impact): Vulnerable women and girls (rights holders); particularly the victims and survivors of violence; in the Gaza Strip manifested economic advancement, resilience, agency and increasingly engaged in relations and networks. Strategic Goal # 2 (Long-term impact): Improved knowledge-led and informed decision making on women and gender issues. Strategic Goal # 3 (Long-term impact): Local and national duty bearers are increasingly accountable and take actions to advance women's human rights, gender equality and women's participation in political and public life.

Main Projects / Activities

WAC carries out all its core activities and projects within its 3 main programs:1) Empowering Women Program (EWP), which includes Training Unit, Small Business Unit, and Legal Clinic; 2) Information and Action Research Program (IRP), which includes: Research Unit and Management Information System; 3) Advocacy and Outreach Program (AOP), which includes: Advocacy Unit, Media Unit, and Video Unit. WAC's interventions include, but are not limited to awareness-raising workshops, professional/vocational training, ICT training, round table discussions, accountability sessions, dialogue meetings, financial aid/loans/grants for women, community initiatives, advocacy campaigns, business incubator, ICT incubator, temporary jobs/cash for work opportunities, videos/mobile films/documentaries, radio spots/episodes/sessions, Alghaidaa paper and online magazine, studies/researches on women's issues, analytical papers, position papers, psychosocial support, legal consultations and representation for vulnerable women and girls, factsheets, and good practices. WAC's current successful project include: “Promoting Digital Employment Opportunities for Young Women”, funded by Christian Aid “Empowering young women to translate ideas into jobs”, funded by DCA “Women, War, and Political Conflicts Palestinian Women in Gaza”, funded by KtK “Let’s Not Count Women, Let’s Make Women Count”, funded by KtK “Tale for Every House: Breaking Stereotypes and Enhancing Women's Image in Community”, funded by EU and GVC “Protection of Vulnerable Women and Girls Survivors of GBV in the Gaza Strip Through Coordinated and Multi-sectoral Responses”, funded by OCHA “Engaging Men and Boys in Promoting Gender Equality in Palestine”, funded by UNDEF “Reducing VAW/GBV against Marginalized Women and Girls in the Gaza Strip”, funded by Trocaire “Capacity Development of Actors within Justice Sector in the Gaza Strip”, funded by UNDP “Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP)”, funded by UN WOMEN “HAYA – Eliminating Violence Against Women”, funded by UN WOMEN

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

WAC ensures the delivery of its services and fulfillment of its goals through working closely with the community and key players/actors in the local community. WAC has been an active member of a score of local, regional and international bodies. Also, WAC coordinates with local universities and colleges as well as local and international NGOs and CBOs. WAC believes that effective coordination and cooperation with all stakeholders is the key to deliver the voices of the rights holders and marginalized groups to relevant duty-bearers as well as ensure their access to their rights and to services.
WAC can, through its networks and wide range pool of experts, facilitate the implementation of activities and delivery of outputs and outcomes of its programs, project, and partners’ programs and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WAC is keen to continuously build new bridges and networks with organizations, especially international organizations as this would increase the visibility of our work and right holders among the international community, especially in light of the tight Israeli siege forced on Gaza which hinders all opportunities for capacity development and experience exchange for all NGOs in Gaza. Joining ALF Network would give us better knowledge on different means and mechanisms regarding supporting the role of women in politics and peace-building as well as other process, not to mention increasing women's representation in society. It would also allow us to learn about other women's organizations’ experiences and challenges in combating violations to women's human rights, their best practices, recovery and dialogue methodologies they used to overcome their challenges and achieve peace. Furthermore, it would enrich our data on other women's statuses, and provide us with new skills on formulating peace and security at conflict and post-conflict times so we would be more capable of playing a more effective role in our interventions. Moreover, we will be able to shed light on the Palestinian Women's struggles and mechanisms of survival and resilience during three Israeli aggressions, 12-year blockade, internal division, and displacement. We will also be able to deliver their voices to other women who underwent or still are undergoing the same challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amal Syam
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amal Syam
Contact (2) Full Name
Ranya Bsaiso
Job Title (2)
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator

Women's Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
WATC is a coalition of women affiliated to 7 political parties, women’s organizations and centers, and established in 1992 concerned with women’s issues. There are 28 employees and around 500 volunteers. WATC implements projects in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in coordination with member women's organizations, in addition to networking with the General Union of Palestinian Woman and civil society organizations. NOT FOR PUBLISHIG: Projects expenditures for 2005 were US $ 800,000. The sources of funding for 2005 were: WLP, NED, CIDA, Konrad -Adenauer- Stiftung, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Diakonia, DED, The Representative Office of Norway to the Palestinian Authority, NPA, and community contributions. WATC organizational structure see Annex I
Mission and Objectives

WATC aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, to develop their role in society, and to enable them to reach decision-making positions.
1. Develop the capacity of women member organizations with grass roots and activate their role in the process of community change.
2. Improve the level of coordination and networking with the civil society organizations to gain more support for women’s issues.
3. Monitoring legislation, laws, policies and programmes for elimination of gender discrimination, and ensure the protection of women's rights.
4. Develop women's skills and competencies to reach decision-making levels.
5. Identifying and nurturing talented women and support their initiatives
6. Promoting social awareness on women’s issues and rights, and erasing stereotypes about women's roles in society.

Main Projects / Activities

WATC works at different levels: at the level of the decision makers, community awareness, empowerment of women, capacity building, and networking for a unified agenda for women’s rights. The table below the target groups and the programmes and activities and strategies directed to each group.
Programmes/Projects that WATC worked at in the last 3 years:
Advocacy and lobbying
Empowerment of young women
Empowerment of rural women
Empowerment for leadership
Voice of Women Newsletter
T.V. Programme
The Website
Women of the future (IT Centres)
Community Education\Gender mainstreaming in development (partnership projects)
Campaigning for girls' education

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rula Giacaman
Head of the organisation
Ms. Rose Shomali
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Jamana Tawashe

Women's Program Center Association – Rafah

National Network

Tel Sultan, opposite the Directorate of agriculture
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

It is a non-profit foundation founded in 1952 by the International Relief Agency and was developed in the Shabora area with a donation from the Belgian government in 1995. The Centre was transferred to the Tel Sultan region in 2008 to work on the development of its programmes and activities. The Centre retains its status as a women's enterprise of the International Relief Agency. At the end of 2019, the Relief Agency revoked its mandate for centres to carry out activities under the Agency's umbrella. The Women's Programme Centre has applied for a permit from the Ministry of Interior in Ramallah. We obtained the licence in 2021. The Centre is run by an administrative body elected by an affiliated public association that oversees the development of plans and the implementation of projects that have given many volunteers who are frequent with the activities and programmes of the Centre to find multiple jobs to improve their difficult economic conditions. It has always endeavored to expand its services and provide them with the necessary support and status for Palestinian women so that they can assume the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them in all aspects of life. It is open to all women and children to participate in all activities, whether training, educational or recreational... etc.

Mission and Objectives

Mission : women's program center in Rafah, Seeking to create and draw a better life for women and children, new dimensions contribute to an empowered woman able to engage in the process of community and development through the goals that have been developed to achieve their activities and exciting events as well as to find a versed child qualified capable of difficult circumstances in our social life which we live. Objectives: • raise awareness in society about the active role of Palestinian women's and creative in the development process. • Training and rehabilitation of Palestinian women to raise the level of social, economic, cultural and professional abilities . • The exploitation of leisure in a constructive manner by involving them in various programs. • building confidence in women about public attitudes and the development of potential leadership. • Work to develop productive projects to benefit them and the Palestinian families. • Empowerment of women and the development of managerial skills. • Developing the capacity of children and concern for them through their participation in various activities at the center. • refinement of the Palestinian child's personality by detecting and talents highlighted in the activities and programs. • rehabilitation of some children to participate in conferences on children, whether local or regional.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural Activities: since the inception of WPC it take high care of cultural activities which take care of Awareness and Cultural sides Center for Women and Children in respect of all their lives, where we help them with their personal development and education and contribute to leisure investment in cultural activities and encourage a love of reading and training to engage the intellectual and work to enrich the knowledge and motivation to look and see and pay attention to daily issues discuss it. As always through the department of cultural activities sought to encourage entrepreneurship and competition among the target groups through educational contests where culture is no longer limited to theater, music, sport and include work on the wall and printed magazines and written, and the implementation of the dialogues and seminars and cultural competitions in all its forms and manifestations, especially with reluctant children to hope the existing library in the center and processed a lot of books and various resources. Workshops: the Center seeks to educate women and increase their awareness so that a woman stand and are aware of what events happening around them, whether social, political, economic, and this is the position adopted by the Centre through the intellectuals and educated specialists in the areas required to build confidence among the women and through coordination with partner institutions seek the same goal. Professional activities: Training and Rehabilitation of Palestinian women is one of the main objectives of the Centre to raise the level of social, economic, cultural and professional this through units, vocational training in the Centre, a unit of sewing and embroidery, beauty and the computer and the Internet from which is to empower women socially, psychologically and economically as well as that it has a greater chance to work and engage in the domestic market and participation in the development process of the society in which they live. Productive activities: The center aims to train and rehabilitate Palestinian women to raise the professional level through vocational training units in the center: 1. Unit sewing and embroidery: It was founded in 1952 to train women in the art of sewing and embroidery to help women and improve their social and economic status through access to training courses of not less than 3 months you get beyond a certificate and have the skill later to work or the ability to open a special project and his administration to help herself and her family and are @ graduating annually at least almost 100 trainees which contribute to suit the problem of unemployment for women heads of households or for graduates who can not find jobs in government or private-sector jobs 2. Unit beauty: Founded unit hairdressing and make-up for the training of women and girls on the most important ways to hairdressing and keep up with fashion in this area in addition to the art of make-up first to get used to attention to herself and to increase confidence has ability and then to get a chance to work to enable them to improve their economic situation Jat least number of graduates during the year 95 women and girls that they can engage in work through hairdressing salons or opening private projects have to contribute to the improvement of the social and economic situation and to make them assume life responsibilities. 3. Food processing program: Since the founding of the center of training in food processing health is an integral part of the main activities of the center where they are training in various topics such as food preservation different ways and making jams, sweets and pastries etc in addition to the instructions on the preparation of integrated family and roads healthy meals to prepare her healthy through health practices in the preparation or use of tools in the preparation of foods through workshops that are executed with the ladies And therefore was established production units by which the production and marketing of women's products such as cheese and dairy factory, which was established with funding from international institutions and the unity of pastries have been many courses training in the field of food processing where they are annually Takrijmala least 120 Lady and contributes this training in the health Thasinaloda for the family as well as to improve their economic situation through the operation of some of the trainees in the unit cheeses place manufacturing and for some women the chance to manage special projects pastries and marketed in UNRWA schools or by dealing with some of the associations and institutions and to provide hospitality training Orashwaldorat which they are displayed as Center contributes to the preparation of special courses for project management for women who want to open their own projects have a positive impact in improving the economic situation for her and her family and her community. 4. The computer unit: Founded and computer unit since 2000, where it is the implementation of special courses, computer online programs as well as training courses in the field of maintenance and design of electronic sites in addition to the implementation of special training sessions Bakherijat through which they become to have a greater opportunity to work and get involved in the domestic market and to participate in the development process of the community in which they live, and, are graduating a year of not less than 120 intern Sports activities: Keenness in the presence of a slimming and fitness as dire necessity for women and provide some appropriate hardware to do lots of exercises appropriate for women and which was funded and equipped by many financiers such as small enterprises and the international relief agency through the project gender. The unit sports as well as working on the choice of diets help with weight loss without any health complications and the practice of some types of sports such as table tennis and badminton and exercise and the formation of sports teams. And also participate in activities and events, sports competitions through summer camps carried out by the center each year, whether summer camps for children or Vanguard or for girls. In addition to the center over the Snetn he had a grant Rachel Corrie for Justice and Peace of the league sports annual Ramadan, in which a number of sports teams from all Gaza Strip shared management Children's activities: 1. Activation Department: The part was found in the women's program center since its inception, from our sense of responsibility towards those children especially in light of the difficult conditions that we have reached our lives and we live in poverty and the siege and deprivation and lack of private recreational places for children fit in with their needs and meet their rights. We are in the women's programs Rafah was us and our presence and our role in the field of privileged children Where we implement activities and special events that cater to the needs of children and allows them the opportunity to develop their talents and skills and to contribute to the adjustment of negative perceptions and promote the positive values they have. Therefore, we must work hard and constant and effective to help our children to get rid of the effects of the occupation and strengthen positive values such as cooperation, love and respect, and participation in cooperation with partner institutions and interested in working with children. 2. Kindergarten: Kindergarten light typical women's programs Rafah Center was founded in 1998 by service department agency Relief International - Gaza follow-up of the governing body where the kindergarten equipped fitting furniture and some of the games and the volunteers preparing kindergarten education means that have been made from the environment ores and kindergarten has started three semesters each chapter 35 children from the age of 4-5 years. And in 2004 was the development of kindergarten with support from the Southern Development Program - World Vision Foundation was equipped with kindergarten furniture and interior games for children and is always seeking management of the Centre for development in terms of curricula and teaching methods and educational keen on the use of teaching aids and educational event for children.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our association and the activities and programmes implemented by these fragile groups of Palestinian society, through your network, we can share knowledge and experiences and build a bridge of intercultural dialogue around the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

When you join your network, we can communicate the voice and suffering of the target groups and contribute to bringing funding to future projects to serve multiple groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Najah Ayash
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Amal Abo Kosh
Contact (2) Full Name
Samia Alsofi
Job Title (2)
Administrative Assistant

Women’s Center AlThouri Silwan (AWC)

National Network

82 Al-Ras, Abu-Tur, Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
To promote social responsibility to support women's and children's issues.  To activate and develop women’s participation in the Palestinian Society on the social, economic, and political levels. To create a generation with a conscious mentality based on Human- and Women rights. 
Mission and Objectives

يهدف المركز الى تطوير الفتيات والنساء في جميع مراحل الحياة ، واكسابهن الفرصة لتطوير انفسهن من نواحي اجتماعية ، من خلال البرامج التدريبية المختلفة وورشات عمل نتخصصة .

Main Projects / Activities

1. برنامج التطوير للمرأة
2. برنامج تنمية وتعزيز النواحي الاقتصادية للمرأة والشباب
3. مشروع نساء من أجل غد أفضل
4. برنامج تأهيل النساء والشباب لتطوير مهارات الاتصال والتواصل باللغات الاجنبية
5. برنامج الدعم النفسي للعائلة
6. برنامج التوجيه الديني للفئات المختلفة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا في المركز النسوي الثوري سلوان باعتبارنا مركز مجتمعي يقوم بتزويد الخدمات للفئات المختلفة بالمجتمع المحلي المقدسي فاننا نعتقد ان العلاقات المختلفة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بفلسطين ستقوم بتوقيد العلاقات مع الشبكة الوطنية بفلسطين ونحن كمركز نسوي نعتقد اننا قادرين على ان تزود القائمين بالمعارف والخبرات الضرورية باطار توقيد التعاون الدولي اعتمادا على الثقافات الموجودة يوجد عندنا شبكة من العلاقات الفاعلة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بالقدس والضفة الغربية وهذه العلاقة المهنية للمركز النسوي ستطور عمل الشبكة الوطنية بشكل كبير من حيث القدرة على التأثير للشبكة الوطنية والمساهمه بالتغيير الايجابي .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نعتقد بالمركز النسوي ان مؤسسة انا ليند والشبكة الوطنية هي من المؤسسات الريادية على المستوى العالمي الذي يحث على احترام الثقافات وتعزيز الدور المجتمعي لمختلف الثقافات بين اواسط الفئات المختلفة عموما والشباب على وجه الخصوص نعتقد ان المؤسسة تمت من الخبرة والمعارف ما يمكنها حتما من المساهمه الايجابية لبناء المجتمع بالشكل المهني السليم نرغب كمركز نسوي من الانضمام الى الشبكة لاننا نؤمن بأهمية الدور الذي تلعبونه ولاننا نعتقد بأن هذه المؤسسة هي المنبر التفاعلي بين الاعضاء وهو منبر لتبادل الخبرات والمعارف الضرورية ونتوقع الكثير من الفوائد المتراكمة التي سنجنيها لقاء انضمام مؤسستنا الى مؤسستكم العريقة .

Contact (1) Full Name
عبير زياد
Job Title
رئيسة الهيئة الادارية
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
منار قراعين
Job Title (2)
المساعدة الادارية والمالية

Women’s Center AlThouri Silwan (AWC)

National Network

82 Al-Ras, Abu-Tur, Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
  يعمل المركز على نشر الحقوق الاجتماعية والعمل على توفير فرص عمل بشروط عادلة للنساء وتمكين المرأة اقتصاديا وسياسيا وصحيا وذلك من خلال برامج توعية وبرامج تشغيلية وصحية وثقافية وبرامج تدريبية للنساء والاطفال في سلوان بشكل خاص والقدس بشكل عام
Mission and Objectives

يهدف المركز الى تطوير الفتيات والنساء في جميع مراحل الحياة ، واكسابهن الفرصة لتطوير انفسهن من نواحي اجتماعية ، من خلال البرامج التدريبية المختلفة وورشات عمل نتخصصة .

Main Projects / Activities

1. برنامج التطوير للمرأة
2. برنامج تنمية وتعزيز النواحي الاقتصادية للمرأة والشباب
3. مشروع نساء من أجل غد أفضل
4. برنامج تأهيل النساء والشباب لتطوير مهارات الاتصال والتواصل باللغات الاجنبية
5. برنامج الدعم النفسي للعائلة
6. برنامج التوجيه الديني للفئات المختلفة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا في المركز النسوي الثوري سلوان باعتبارنا مركز مجتمعي يقوم بتزويد الخدمات للفئات المختلفة بالمجتمع المحلي المقدسي فاننا نعتقد ان العلاقات المختلفة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بفلسطين ستقوم بتوقيد العلاقات مع الشبكة الوطنية بفلسطين ونحن كمركز نسوي نعتقد اننا قادرين على ان تزود القائمين بالمعارف والخبرات الضرورية باطار توقيد التعاون الدولي اعتمادا على الثقافات الموجودة يوجد عندنا شبكة من العلاقات الفاعلة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بالقدس والضفة الغربية وهذه العلاقة المهنية للمركز النسوي ستطور عمل الشبكة الوطنية بشكل كبير من حيث القدرة على التأثير للشبكة الوطنية والمساهمه بالتغيير الايجابي .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نعتقد بالمركز النسوي ان مؤسسة انا ليند والشبكة الوطنية هي من المؤسسات الريادية على المستوى العالمي الذي يحث على احترام الثقافات وتعزيز الدور المجتمعي لمختلف الثقافات بين اواسط الفئات المختلفة عموما والشباب على وجه الخصوص نعتقد ان المؤسسة تمت من الخبرة والمعارف ما يمكنها حتما من المساهمه الايجابية لبناء المجتمع بالشكل المهني السليم نرغب كمركز نسوي من الانضمام الى الشبكة لاننا نؤمن بأهمية الدور الذي تلعبونه ولاننا نعتقد بأن هذه المؤسسة هي المنبر التفاعلي بين الاعضاء وهو منبر لتبادل الخبرات والمعارف الضرورية ونتوقع الكثير من الفوائد المتراكمة التي سنجنيها لقاء انضمام مؤسستنا الى مؤسستكم العريقة .

Contact (1) Full Name
Abeer Zayyad
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)

National Network

23, Wadi’a Shatarah Street, Batn Al-Hawa, Palestine, P.O. Box: 54262, Jerusalem 91516
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Human Rights/ Specialized in Women’s Rights. Women victims of GBV. ▪ Women whose lives are threatened. ▪ Women who are at-risk of violence. ▪ Women survivors of violence. ▪ Families of women victims of violence. ▪ Housewives. ▪ Working women. University students & Volunteer groups. ▪ Women from underserved parts of Palestine. ▪ Palestinian Ministries. ▪ Women who suffer discrimination under current Palestinian law ▪ Members of civil society ▪ Grassroots organizations ▪ Community leaders and activist. ▪ Political parties ▪ Members of the media ▪ International human rights activists ▪ UN bodies ▪ International community ▪ Women whose rights have been violated by the Israeli occupation ▪ WCLAC's field workers
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to the protection and empowerment of women suffering discrimination and violence.
2. Promote women's rights to access justice and eliminate discriminatory policies against them.
3. Develop institutional and human capacity in order to ensure the sustainability, effectiveness and efficiency of WCLAC.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Randa Siniora
Job Title
General Director.
Head of the organisation

Women’s Studies Centre

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
In the main WSC office in Jerusalem, there are twelve employees. In the WSC offices in Jenin and Hebron. In addition, WSC has 2 female field coordinators working in Bethlehem and Nablus. WSC also has more than 50 volunteers. The Board of Trustees of the Women’s Studies Centre is governed by 8 Palestinian women. Sources of Funding: Cordaid, EED, European Commission, Kvinna till Kvinna, Save the Children-Sweden, UNIFEM, Education Action International. Main partners: Al-Tufula Pedagogical Centre (Nazareth), Women’s Affairs Centre (Gaza), Association Najdeh (Beirut) and Sisterhood is Global Institute- SIGI- (Amman)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the WSC is:
“Believing in the right of equality, we contribute to the struggle aimed at achieving social change and transformation which guarantees freedom, dignity and gender equality, and preparing social and women’s leadership capable of carrying such a responsibility”
Strategic Goals of the WSC
1. To promote a feminist culture in Palestine based on respect human rights.
2. To develop a cadre of women leaders.
3. To reduce gender disparity.
4. To develop the capacity of Palestinian organizations to support women and girls in especially difficult circumstances.
5. To build its organizational and implementation capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

The WSC plans to implement the following programs and projects between 2006 and 2008:
Program 1: Women’s Empowerment and Development Program
Project 1: Training and Research for Palestinian Women (On going)
Project 2: Economic Independence of Females (New)
Project 3: Support to Underprivileged Female University Students (Looking for sponsors)
Program 2: Women in Especially Difficult Circumstances Program
Project 1: Sexual violence in the Palestinian Society (On going)
Project 2: Palestinian Women, Trauma and War Crimes (On going)
Program 3: Building and Institutionalizing a Feminist Culture Program
Project 1: Resource Centre project includes two elements; a library and a website on Palestinian women (On going)
Project 2: Promoting the Rights of the Girl Child (On going)

Contact (1) Full Name
Sama Aweideh, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Hadeel Abdo, Deputy Director and Public Relation Officer

WW Work Inc.

National Network

News Chali Street

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Our Organization is working the rights of the people around the world

Mission and Objectives

We want a peaceful and healthy society and elimination of any kind of discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Gender Issues Working Class Labour Health & Food Safety

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hamza Desai
Head of the organisation
James Anderson

Yaboos Charity Society

National Network

Rafah-Zourob Square
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Yaboos works in local community to improve livelihoods of poor families, and raise awareness of these families’ members. As an important category, Yaboos contributes to develop and build the capabilities and talents of children and works to create a safe recreational and educational environment for children to protect them from all forms of violence. In another hand, Yaboos works to build and develop the capacity of youth and promote their participation to build a civil society through supporting and encouragement creative ideas and initiatives. 
Mission and Objectives

Contributing in poverty reduction and sustainable development in community.
Create a safe environment to develop children's abilities
Promote the role of youth and empowerment them.
Develop and build institutional capacity for the Association and its partners

Main Projects / Activities

Good relationship with local community through local committees in all target areas.
Empower More than 100 youth groups to participate in the community
Improve the livelihood of more than 10000 vulnerable family in southern area of Gaza strip
Established more than 50 safe play area for children and youth in southern area of Gaza strip
Implemented more than 100 community initiatives and campaigns leaded by youth.
Contributing in developing of the local community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the strategic goals, Yaboos seek to Promote the role of youth and empowerment them. Where Anna Lindh Foundation also works to empowering youth voices.
As a main component of most of projects in deferent fields Yaboos works to Influence the Policy Makers, where Anna Lindh Foundation also works to do.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haitham S. Aqel
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation