
The National Association For Developing Youth Graduates Abilities

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- All persons are working as volunteers inside association. - We are counting on the contributions of assembly members. - We are working with a group of local partners, including institutions that they share with us in the goals.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to establish strong capacity for constructive dialogue through the achievement of the objectives of the Assembly for the refinement of a Palestinian youth towards democracy and activating the through the reintegration of youth in civil society in order to grow and develop their abilities and also help them, and reduction of tendencies and negative societal problems they face.

Main Projects / Activities

the Assembly is Implementing some activities that have been focused to unemployed youth graduation, which including workshops, integration of graduates in the community, finding a works of unemployed graduates, the training of the graduates to the requirements of the labour market.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasheed Ahmed Rasheed AlQaddi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Sami Shaat
Contact (2) Full Name
Rashad Khalil Shaat

The Open Studio

National Network
009722 5825569
009722 5825569
Mobile Phone
00972 522755551
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Open Studio is an artist based organization in Jerusalem that works with children, youth and artists.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives
- to provide art education for children and youth through specifically tailored programs that emphasize freedom of expression, the acquisition of knowledge of art aesthetics and techniques.
- To provide opportunities for artists to contribute to their community via workshops
- To provide local artists with the opportunity to foster dialogues with local and international artists
- To provide international artists with a platform to work with local Palestinian artists, children and youth
- To develop public art projects that bring art and artists involve the community and environment

Main Projects / Activities

Our aim is for artists to have a greater involvement with the community as a way of enabling them and their art to make a greater contribution to the development of society. This can be achieved through a number of avenues underpinned by the importance of exposure, dialogue and contact. One of the routes is through art workshop programs designed to give children and young adults the opportunity to work with artists in order to develop their talents. Another is through opportunities for artists through participation and initiation of workshops, exhibitions, public art works, publications and exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jawad al Malhi
Head of the organisation
Jawad al Malhi

The Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy " PCPD"

National Network
00972 2 2965981
00972 2 2965983
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation inspired by the principle that the future of Palestine lies in an independent democratic state in which there is full respect for human rights, acknowledgment of the importance of freedom of expression and assembly, recognition of every human's innate right to participate in governance and a vibrant civil society as stipulated in the Palestinian Declaration of Independence of 1988. PCPD works towards this by providing a podium for free, uncensored dialogue; initiating debate and discussion; promoting the values of democracy, social justice and genuine peace; defending public freedoms; empowering society's marginalised groups; providing training and capacity-building to strengthen civil society organisations; creating alliances within civil society; and alert Palestinians of their rights and opportunities as equal citizens who may actively participate in the creation of the environment in which they live. Respect for human rights, tolerance towards each other, participation by all, accountability and the rule of law are the pillars upon which our Centre's work is founded. Vision PCPD is a Palestinian organization pioneering in the field of developing participative democracy, promoting humanitarian culture and strengthening the participation of the public and marginalized groups in the political, cultural and economic lives within an independent and modern Palestinian state. We are also at the forefront of promoting a culture of just-peace in the Palestinian society to contribute to the termination of the Israeli Occupation. Strategies 1. Developing the programs and projects of PCPD and mobilizing the necessary funds from international donor agencies that support democracy development programs. It is essential to initiate through programs that would have a clear effect on the target groups in order to show the distinctive role PCPD is playing in benefiting and responding to the needs of the target groups. 2. Designing programs that target the youth in accordance with their current needs and focusing on preparing and implementing programs that build the capacity of the organizers of the youth programs. 3. Laying down a media strategy to underline the role of the Center; to make best use of the local mass media in order to reach a wide range of the population; and to promote PCPD’s image and vision among local and foreign agencies. 4. Taking the initiative to develop joint activities and programs with the Israeli peace camp, particularly with young activists, in conjunction with partner Israeli organizations, provided that any relationship should be minimally based on political harmony, equal partnership and mutual cooperation. 5. Building the capacity of partner organizations and active community leaders in various locations in order to establish a network of supporters that would implement the activities and programs of PCPD. Inspiration PCPD adopts all international agreements and conventions, particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the special agreements which call for the eradication of all forms of discrimination against women. We also promote the all of the agreements stipulations including the respect of public freedoms, human rights and human dignity. At the Palestinian level, PCPD adopts the Palestinian National Consensus Charter Document, "The Declaration of Independence Document" of 1988, which states that: "The State of Palestine is the state of Palestinians wherever they may be. The state is for them to enjoy in it their collective national and cultural identity, theirs to pursue in it a complete equality of rights. In it will be safeguarded their political and religious convictions and their human dignity by means of a parliamentary democratic system of governance, itself based on freedom of expression and the freedom to form parties. The rights of minorities will duly be respected by the majority, as minorities must abide by decisions of the majority. Governance will be based on principles of social justice, equality and non-discrimination in public rights of men or women, on grounds of race, religion, color or sex under the aegis of a constitution which ensures the rule of law and an independent judiciary. Thus shall these principles allow no departure from Palestine's age-old spiritual and civilizational heritage of tolerance and religious coexistence." Main Programs : Promoting Democracy Program Consolidating Palestinian Peace Program Capacity Building Program Youth Empowerment Program Women Empowerment Program Primary Donor(s) CORDAID – THE NETHERLANDS EUROPEAN COMMISSION GERMAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICE/DED - GERMANY KVINNA TILL KVINNA – SWEDEN MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE – CANADA ROSA LUXEMBURG STIFUTUNG - GERMANY TOCAIRE – IRELAND WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – GERMAN COMMITTEE
Mission and Objectives

PCPD is a non governmental and not for profit organization working on initiating debates and discussions; organizing training courses to reinforce the ideology, culture and values of democracy and genuine peace; empowering the target groups, particularly women; building the capacities of local organizations and community activists; reviving voluntary work and community participation to liberate the Palestinian society from occupation and all forms of backwardness. Respect for human rights, tolerance, participation, accountability and rule of law are the pillars of the Center's work.
1- Promoting the concept of democracy and spreading its practices within the Palestinian society.
2- Promoting the culture of genuine peace in Palestine as a means of achieving Palestinian national rights through the ending of the occupation, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and in implementing the Right of Return and compensation for refugees.
3- Strengthening the capacity of PCPD to implement programs in rural areas in addition to further development of our work in urban areas.
4- Activating youth through positive community participation and arousing the feelings of national belonging.
5- Empowering Palestinian women and consolidating their political, economic and social roles.

Main Projects / Activities

The Role of Women in the Peace Process
Strategic Peace
The Political and Economic Rights of Women
Building Leaderships (Enhancing the women leadership)
Citizenship in Participation
The Bridges of Youth Networking
Solving conflicts based of International Law
Empowering Grassroots Organizations
The role of women in the peace process

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hilda Issa
Head of the organisation
Mr. Naseef Muallem
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Majd Beltaji

The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has an elected board of administration, latest elections were held in October 2008 and next elections will be October 2010. The board consists of 7 members all members of the general assembly of the organization. The organization has an executive body, headed by the Executive Director. There are six other staff employed on part-time and full-time basis. Our turnover in the year 2008 was around 80,000 Euro The organization receives funding from few organizations for projects only. Yet, the running cost is covered by individual donations, and the readers of the news website that we are running in addition to the administration fees from the running projects. The organizations that fund PCR projects: 1- Oxfam-GB - UK 2- Mennonite Central Committee - USA/Canada 3- United Methodist Church - USA 4- Canadian Friends Service Committee - Canada 5- A.J. Muste Memorial Institute – USA 6- A La Calle – Italy 7- NOVA For Social Change - Spain Our main partners: Palestine Vision - Jerusalem Ansar Center – Walajah Bethlehem The Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center (Wiam) - Bethlehem Family Defense Society – Nablus Palestinian Art Court-Jerusalem Network of United Radio Stations (NUR) - Founding Member Nonviolence Network in Arab Countries (NNAC) - Founding Member
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: PCR works to bridge the gap between Palestinians and peoples from all around the world, informing the public about the reality in Palestine, and empowering the community through nonviolent direct action.
Our Goals:
1) Promote arriving at a just and peaceful Palestine
2) Promote harmony and rapprochement within society and between societies
3) Raise awareness Provide accurate and first hand information about Palestine
4) Enhance civic duty and civic responsibility especially for empowering youth, women, and for marginalized segments of our society.

Main Projects / Activities

International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC)
Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies
Education for All project
Video Production Training Project
Tunes for Peace Project

Contact (1) Full Name
George N. Rishmawi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mazin Qmsiyeh

The Palestinian Circus School

National Network
00 970 2 2812000
00 970 2 281 2000
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organizations: Staff: currently 13 paid staff members among teachers, artists, techician and administartion. Students: we have 160 students all over Palestine that train circus on a weekly basis. Bugetary resources: We are a new organization in full development, so we have not yet a fully fixed similar yearly budget. Currently our year budget is around $400.000 Sources of funding: Intrenational NGO's, local and international foundations, own income generating activities (shows, fundraising events local and international) Modalities of action: 1. Educational strategy with different structural activities: weekly circus clubs (currently 9 groups all over the West Bank), yearly open days per circus club, yearly summerschools. 2. Artistic strategy which includes on one hand the production of student and of professional circus creations and on the other hand the performances 3. Social activities where tecahing circus has only a social aim. Soicla department is still under full development. 4. Capacity Building of the staff on the artistic, technical, pedagogic and institutional level 5. Institutional development: the permanent improvement of all our management, communication, cooperation work. Throughout all our actions mentioned above, international cooperation plays a very important role. We work with local partners (local civil society organisations) for the organization of our weekly circus clubs in the different locations. We are member of the establishing committee of a new Performing Arts Network in Palestine together with 12 of the leading performing arts institutions with whom we cooperate and exchange on a regular basis.
Mission and Objectives

The Palestinian Circus School wants to contribute to strengthening a constructive and dynamic Palestinian identity and culture and a fair society. The Palestinian Circus School is convinced of the powerful impact the arts have in these areas. It therefore participates in and encourages the development of the circus arts in Palestine.
The Palestinian Circus School will also explore and create new artistic interactions with other performing arts in Palestine and in the international scene.
By developing circus arts in Palestine, the Palestinian Circus School opens new windows to the world for Palestinians and opens a door for the world to Palestine.
The mission of the Palestinian Circus School has three axes:
To train young people to become professional circus artists or trainers
To spread circus arts all over Palestine
To use the circus arts as a social tool to develop the creative potential of Palestinians, seeking to engage and empower them to become constructive actors in their society.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Educational
1.1. Circus Clubs
PCS organizes groups of students who meet weekly to learn and practice circus arts. The purpose of these groups is to empower youth physically, emotionally, cognitively and artistically by introducing them to trust games and training them in circus arts such as juggling, acrobatics, stilts, aerials, dance, and theater.
1.2. Summer School
Each year during the summer break PCS conducts an optional intensive three-week course to further enhance the skills of trainers and advanced students from the weekly circus clubs. Participants are highly-motivated individuals between the ages of 10 and 25. This training program is developed by PCS in cooperation with international circus groups and schools. At the end of the Summer School, students and instructors develop a complete show which they perform at several locations throughout the West Bank.
2. Artistic
2.1. Productions and Performances
Since its founding, PCS students and trainers have produced and performed lively and rich circus shows throughout Palestine. Performances include:
• Mobile Circus
• La Wein
• Circus Behind the Wall
• Dreams for Sale
* Kol Saber!
3. Social
Jenin Girls
Through weekly workshops 35 girls (age 16-20) are introduced to trust games and basic circus skills. More importantly, circus is used as a social tool to build self-esteem and foster healthy, respectful relationships among the girls. After training, the girls in the club have opportunities to demonstrate their skills in shows for family and friends.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are very actively engaged in different fields through arts education and creation: community development, youth work locally and internationally, working for social change. We have a huge experience and network and are happy to share our experience with all other local members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since the founding of the School in 2006, we have been enagegd in all the fields of work in which the Anna Lindh Foundation works and we strongly believe in its goals. We also have been working all those years in establishing a very broad international newtork and have embarked on many small and larger international cooperations. We now want to develop even stronger structural partnerships with people and organisationas regionally and internationally. We believe the Anna Lindh Foundation is the perfect platform to allow these actions to develop and we believe we can learn a lot from previous experiences and even contribute to the networks with our experience. We also want to apply for support for some of our international activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jessika Devlieghere
Head of the organisation
Shadi Zmorrod
Contact (2) Full Name
Mays Hajjaj

The Palestinian Circus School

National Network

Birzeit, Al Manzel Street, next to the Latin Church
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Strengthen the creative, cultural and physical potential of Palestinians and empower them to become constructive actors in the society
Activate cultural and artistic life in Palestine
Spread circus arts in Palestine
Opening new windows to the world for Palestinians and opening doors for the world to Palestine through developing circus arts in an international sphere 

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Rabah
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

The Palestinian Commission for Refugees Rights Protection

National Network
00 972 8 2866619
Telephone (other)
00 972 8 2866618
00 972 8 2866618
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0599 70 90 14
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The PCRP is Gaza-based NGO. It works with Refugees Communities, camp based groups all over Gaza Strip. Its mandate based on three interrelated areas namely Research, advocacy and campaign as well as Training and development. Current staff includes 4 full times. 6 part time, and 8 volunteers. The Budget varies yearly depending on the funding available. USAID, NED, QATAR government was the major three donors in the last three years. Programs aim at empowering youth, women and children in the refugee’s communities through providing them with the techniques and tools to upgrade and promote their life so they can sustain it well during crises. Youth clubs and small organizations in the camps do cooperate closely with the PCRP upon MoUs.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Stressing the significance of commonly adopted values and principles in conjunction to maintaining a solid shield protecting Palestinian Refugees Rights.
Mission: The PCRP's mission puts emphasis on gathering immediate support to Palestinian Refugees aiming at decreasing their suffering and maintaining their interests in a fair manner

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Adel AlGhoul, Director – General
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nafez Al Madhuon, Head of Board of Directors
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ibrahim Sourani, Communications and Projects Officer // Trainer

The Palestinian Early Childhood Education Programs (PECEP)

National Network

Palestine_Gaza_ Al remal_ Al hasham building
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Long-term goals: Achieving integrated and balanced growth for the children in all the dimensions of their cognitive ,skills, and compassionate personality like : the primary principles for math, reading, writing, order, cleanliness, independence, self-reliance and the ability to create and innovate , solve his problems, and to modify his behavior(  Aggressive,  inwardness, acquisitions love). Short-term goals: It can be achieved by monthly plans prepared by the supervisors which can be applied in daily plans by the educators like: 1.       Commitment to the rules of proper behavior and ease of movement gently and regularity. Preservation of resources used in the Games and bring it back to its place and asking for permission  in situations that require it. 2.       Employment and efficient use of material, taking into account relevantguidance that facilitate  using them properly. 3.       Paying attention to  the outside appearance of the child and prepare him to the integration into the society in a more socially acceptable way. 4.       The provision of appropriate educational services for disabled children and help them integrate into their  small community(the kindergarten) and provide them with  opportunities to enjoy according to their conditions.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Rabah
Job Title
Head of the organisation

The Palestinian Heritage Trail

National Network

Beit Sahour
Istih Street
Beit Sahour
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Masar Ibrahim Al-Khalil: The Masar Ibrahim al Khalil (Abraham’s Path) is a route of cultural tourism which follows the footsteps of Abraham through the Middle East. The story of Abraham’s journey, which has been kept alive for around four thousand years in the landscape and memory of this region, records the origin of a spiritual tradition shared by more than three billion people in the world today. By retracing this journey, Masar Ibrahim al Khalil provides a place of meeting and connection for people of all faiths and cultures, inviting us to remember our common origins, to respect our cultural differences, and to recognize our shared humanity. The path also serves as a catalyst for sustainable tourism and economic development; a platform for the energy and idealism of young people; and a focus for positive media highlighting the rich culture and hospitable people of the Middle East. The Masar Ibrahim al Khalil (Abraham's Path) runs from the Mediterranean olive groves of the highlands of the north to the silence of the deserts in the south, from the area west of Jenin to the area south of the Sanctuary of Abraham (known in Arabic as Al-Haram Al-Ibrahimi) in the city of (Hebron). But this is more than just a hiking trail. It is a path that leads deep into the memory and heritage of the Palestinian people, inviting you to discover for yourself the family life of the villages, the proud ways of the Bedouin, and the age-old traditions of hospitality that lie at the heart of Palestinian life. Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil (MIAK) is a non-profit community-based tourism initiative to delineate, and develop Masar Ibrahim (Abraham Path) in and around the different Palestinian localities. The organization endorses cultural diversity and exchange, safeguards tradition and heritage, inspires storytelling and encourages friendships based on the advancement of human values and the preservation of the surrounding environment and the people’s needs for further growth and education. MIAK works closely and jointly with the local communities to cultivate their resources, capacities and the opportunity for a better life. Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil brings together the efforts, work and achievements of three organizations working in unison with a close partnership with Bethlehem University: • The Palestine Wildlife Society • The Rozana Association • The Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies   Staff Number : 10

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Vibrant Palestinian communities in a sustainable environment for an enticing experience of Palestine’s cultural history along Masar Ibrahim Al-Khalil. Mission: Developing and promoting community-based tourism through Masar Ibrahim Al-Khalil.

Main Projects / Activities

World Bank Project Investment in People and Institutions: The World Bank project concerns the building of the capacity and the transfer of knowledge to the major local stakeholders of the trail. These include MIAK, trekking guides, community hosts, (local) government institutions and private sector operators such as tour operators. Path Development: This part concerns the field work, and the research on the physical trail and the development of soft infrastructure online and in trail communities. Marketing, Business Development, and Communication: This part concerns activities that bring the marketing/branding of the trail to the next level and allow the presently small base of private sector involvement to expand. It also includes dedicated communication products (print, photo, website and film) for the trail, as well as project promotion. Action Research: This section concerns the collection of data for project monitoring and evaluation purposes and further research on experiential tourism in FCS settings. French Project Investment in People and Institutions: The French Project concerns reaching out to local authorities and building partnerships with them. The project contributes to the renovation of home-stays, and the training of all the individuals that are part of the home-stays in terms of Hospitality training, English Language training, sewing and embroidery training, improving the promotion of the agricultural products, and the marketing and pancaking of these products. Path Development: This section concerns the coordination with local authorities regarding installing the panels and the validation of them, finalizing the technical expertise regarding the accommodations and signing the accommodations agreement and the convention between Masar Ibrahim and the local authorities regarding the maintenance of the path’s marking. Action Research: This part concerns analyzing the possibilities of enhancing and transforming the agricultural production, in addition to analyzing the expectations and the satisfaction of the customers.

Contact (1) Full Name
George S. Rishmawi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
George S. Rishmawi
Contact (2) Full Name
Elias Awad
Job Title (2)
Operation Manager

The Palestinian Initiative for Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy- "MIFTAH"

National Network
Telephone (other)
972-2-5835-184 or/ and 970-2-2989-492
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
972- 0546-293-139
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. (Structure of the organization) • Secretary General • Program Design and Management • Governance and Democracy • Media and Information • Information Technology • Administration and Finance • External Relations. (Please see the chart of the organization's structure at the end of this section ). 2. (Budgetary resources available in a year) -Ongoing projects and fixed expenditures – Approximately (500,000$), Five hundreds thousand dollar per year. 3. (Sources of funding) • The Ford Foundation • UNDP • NED • UNFPA • Representative Office of Norway • International Republican Institute (IRI) 4. Concrete Projects- Workshops- Seminars- Research - Media. Activities implemented as part of projects. (Please see Main Projects/ Activities). 5. (Main Partners) • The Donors of the organization are also the Partners.
Mission and Objectives

• Reinforcing the Palestinian state-building process through ensuring democratic practices, the rule of law, and respect for human rights.
• Promoting the free access and flow of information.
• Empowering Palestinian women and youth leaders in different fields and promoting the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
• Providing a forum for innovative public discourse and free debate on issues of Palestinian concern, bringing together decision-makers and members of civil society.
• Increasing global awareness and knowledge of Palestinian realities by providing reliable, accurate and comprehensive information, policy analysis, strategic briefings and position papers.
• Complementing and solidifying international efforts pertaining to cooperation and conflict-resolution based on genuine understanding of the facts, the issues at stake, and the implications of foreign policy decisions on national, regional and global realities.

Main Projects / Activities

(max. 100 words)
A. Good Governance and Democracy Program
1. Empowerment of Young Palestinian Leadership
-Political and Community Leaders.
2. Empowerment of Palestinian Women Leadership
a. Women in Elections -Women Elections
Support Pointed- (WESPs)
b. Women in Peace.
c. Advocacy in RH.
3. Media –related activities (Keshev).
- Media monitoring.
4. Policy formulation.
B. Media and Information
C. External Relation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nahed Ahmed Abu Sneineh
Head of the organisation
Lily Feidy, Ph.D.
Contact (2) Full Name
Khuloud Al-Ju'beh