
The Culture and Free Thought Association “CFTA”

National Network
970 8 2051299
Telephone (other)
970 8 2075929
970 8 2067299
Mobile Phone
970 599401585
Mobile Phone (other)
970 599400755
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1- Number of staff : •Full-time employees :62 •Part-time employees :5 •Volunteers:15 2- Budget: $500,001- $1 million 3- Sources of Fund : Membership International and National groups and organizations 4- Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) 5- Main Parteners : •Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC) •Al Ta'awn - the welfare association consortum •Global Fund for Women •Campaign for the Children of Palestine(CCP) •La Cimade •Christian Aid •Midical Aid for Palestine MAP •Oxfam Quebec •DIMITRA (Greece) + Chmber des Beaux Art •Ford Foundation •Comite Catholique Centre la Faim et Pour le Developpement •Mennonit Central Committee •13-Nerweigian People's Aid •AIDOS •UNIFEM •UNFPA •Collectif Intr-Peuple •Friends of Palestine (Shafeild- UK) •ANERA •Bank of Palestine
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
The Culture and Free Thought Association is a Palestinian pioneering institution which always seeks to concentrate on and further the values of civil society through implementing a set of programs and activities aimed at advancing societal awareness in all relevant fields, including the cultural, sociological, recreational, educational, health and economic fields, and through its activities and projects provide vital services to society’s children, youth and women depending on a highly-qualified and creative staff; this in addition to CFTA's trust in and reliance on the ability of the society it serves
CFTA's main objectives are:
• To provide disadvantaged children and teenagers in refugee camps with opportunities in artistic expression and informal education to advance their educational, cultural and social condition via the different free and planned activities.
• To empower women by providing them with economic developmental support, healthcare, legal and psychologic

Main Projects / Activities

A. Children and Teenagers Projects ,
The Association runs two children projects and one specific project for adolescents.
These Projects are :
Al Shroq Wal Amal Children Centre (Sunrise and Hope) – This center was set up in Khan Younis camp in April 1992. This centre provides children between the ages of 6-12 opportunities in education, self- awareness, creative expression through an innovative program of activities, trips and projects.
B. Youth Projects:
CFTA already running two youth projects one is the Wessal project and the second is the Youth Initiative Fund.
C. Women's Projects
The Gaza Women Credit Program This program initiated in October 1995. This is a loan program offered to women of Gaza Strip living under difficult economic circumstances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariam Zakoot ( General Director )
Head of the organisation
Naema Shiekh Ali “ president “
Contact (2) Full Name
Majeda El.Saqqa ( Public relation Director )

The Developmental Agricultural Association

National Network

Al-Mahatta street
Dair Al Balah
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Agricultural Development Charitable Association was established in 2006. It is a non-profit, civil association. The association seeks to develop the local and rural community, the environment and sustainable development, and provide assistance in order to support the steadfastness of farmers in the face of the challenges they face, both on the financial and educational levels, in order to obtain an experienced Palestinian farmer. Awareness to participate in the development of the Palestinian. The members of the Board of Directors are 7 members. The association obtains international, local and self-funding. Projects are implemented through coordination with local and international institutions and the Ministry of Agriculture. Work is done by involving the beneficiary groups in determining their needs through a points program that monitors priorities for providing services according to the applicable standards. In international institutions, the budget amounted to (2,192,315) shekels for the year 2021

Mission and Objectives

Creating a strong agricultural sector that can support the Palestinian economy Our goals: 1. Developing the rural community and helping farmers 2. Developing the capabilities of farmers and raising the level of their agricultural work 3. Assisting farmers in the field of agricultural information and agricultural education 4. Assisting livestock and poultry breeders in developing their capabilities and educating them 5. Helping women farmers and educating them in agricultural work. 6. Assistance in marketing agricultural production

Main Projects / Activities

1. “Plant a Tree in Palestine” project 2. Project "Economic empowerment of women heads of bread and marginalized families". 3.Project "Responding to the multi-sectoral needs of affected families in the Gaza Strip". 4. Community initiatives for women who are survivors of breast cancer 5. “Awareness of Gender-Based Violence” project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribute by building professional relationships with local community institutions, exchanging information and experiences, implementing targeted activities that achieve the goals of the network and achieve outputs, in addition to implementing community projects and initiatives that aim to serve the local community and seek to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. Exchange of experiences and skills 2. Implementation of development projects 3. Building the capacity of the enterprise team 4. Developing the institution's administrative and financial capabilities 5. Establishing professional relationships with partner institutions in the Anna Lindh network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Fouad Mosbeh
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Fouad Mosbeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamer Abu Assi
Job Title (2)
Programs manager

The East Jerusalem YMCA Rehabilitation Program

National Network
00972 2 2772185
Telephone (other)
00972 2 2772713
00972 2 2772203
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Number of Staff: 54 Budgetary Resources available in a year: US $ 1151422.68 Sources of funding and main partners: EED, DCA, ICCO, Horyzon, Y CARE International, MCC, Embrace the Middle East
Mission and Objectives

The YMCA Rehabilitation Program shall strive to enhance the living conditions of the traumatized, tortured, injured and people with physical disability to facilitate their integration/reintegration into society and empower them to play their natural role in the community development process. The Program shall work with them so as to enhance their psychosocial and physical abilities and independence-related skills.
It shall work on building the capacity of the local organizations concerned, in the area of trauma counseling and on supporting the bodies representing them in their endeavor for restoring their human rights. The Program shall also work on the areas of community awareness, lobbying and advocacy for their sake and focus on community mobilization and building of accesses to the public facilities. It shall build networks of concerned organizations to unify the national efforts and policies with respect to the rehabilitation and the development of those marginalized people and to develop the relevant service delivery system. 
 To increase the beneficiaries’ access to psychosocial support and counselling services.
 To enhance the beneficiaries’ physical economic independency.
 To promote the supportive role of the families and communities towards their affected members.
 To upgrade the skills of the Palestinian social workers and counsellors.
 To promote the coordination and cooperation among disability and rehab organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

The East Jerusalem YMCA Rehabilitation Program was initiated in the year 1989 to extend quality rehabilitative services to the youth who were injured as well as those who have become disabled and traumatized as a result of political violence during the First Palestinian Intifada.
Since its establishment, the Program has been working in the area of mental health and rehabilitation. It has served and is still serving persons with physical disability and traumatized survivors of the conflict such as tortured, displaced and ex-detainees children and youth, their families and communities as well as local and international organizations. Over more than 23 years of extensive experience and development, the Program has gained credibility as being one of the most reliable non-governmental organizations in the sphere of mental health and rehabilitation. It is as well represented in numerous national structures and networks and plays a significant role in relevant national planning, developing strategies and in advocacy.
The beneficiaries which the Program serves diversify and encompass persons with physical disability and traumatized survivors of the conflict such as tortured, displaced, and ex-detainees who are affected by political violence and with whom our intervention has always left a very significant impact in terms of leading them again through a path that eventually leads to living a better future and a more decent life.
The Program's services are provided either by the field workers, who cover the whole areas of West Bank, at the surroundings of the beneficiaries, or at the Program's Referral Center in Beit-Sahour where the beneficiaries are referred to receive the service of vocational assessment.
The holistic approach in rehabilitation provides the beneficiaries with the rehabilitative services needed to help them reach the maximum degree of independence, to accept their disability and become active members in their communities. This includes psychosocial counseling, vocational assessment, training, job placement, self-employment opportunities and adaptations of houses, schools and public facilities.
The Program also works with the families of the traumatized and disabled beneficiaries as well as with the local community to ensure the maximum possible support for these affected people. Furthermore, the Program advocates the rights and cause of people with disability as well as issues related to human rights.
Additionally, through the Training Unit, the Program meets the needs of local governmental and non-governmental organizations to strengthen the social services delivery system for the disadvantaged in Palestine.
Within its endeavor to advocate for the rights of persons with disability, the Program works on reducing poverty and social exclusion of young persons with physical disability within the Palestinian society through enabling young persons with disability, their family members, representatives from CSOs and government service providers to tackle stigma and discrimination and address disability rights of young persons with disability in the West Bank. The Program engages with a wide range of stakeholders towards tackling disability issues at multiple levels across society, and places young people with disability at the forefront of the advocacy campaign.
Furthermore, the Program responds to the arising psychosocial needs of children during and after the second Intifada. In fact, it coordinates the response of psychosocial support across the West Bank and East Jerusalem through 11 psychosocial support teams covering 11 districts of the West Bank.
The Program also helps ex-detainees children and youth who have gone through the process of arrest and imprisonment to overcome the psychosocial impact of this harsh experience as well as to reintegrate into their societies. Through a holistic approach of intervention with these children and youth, they not only receive individual and group counseling sessions, but also they obtain vocational and academic guiding sessions and are engaged in structured ventilation activities through which they are given the opportunity to interact with each other and release some of the stress and anxiety caused by their detention experience in a stimulating and safe environment.
In its endeavor to empower the community, the YMCA - based on its national and social vision- finds itself obliged to perceive people's concerns and needs and thus, to work seriously and responsibly alongside all social sectors, focusing particularly on the marginalized and youth
Main projects:
1. Post-trauma Rehabilitation of the Palestinian Ex-detainee Children in the West Bank Project.
2.Psychosocial Support Teams in West Bank Project.
3.Empowering Disabled Young People to Access their Rights in the West Bank project.
4.Social and Economic Inclusion of Persons with Disability in the Middle East project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing experiences and knowledge and attending meetings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to develop our partnership with like-minded organizations and to benefit of the grants provided for the sake of serving our targeted groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nader Abu Amsha
Head of the organisation
Nader Abu Amsha
Contact (2) Full Name
Mona Zaghrout

The Edward Said National Conservatory of Music

National Network

11, Al Zahra Street, Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Vision The dissemination of a lively and creative musical culture in every home, that would contribute towards the consolidation of Palestinian identity and the education of future generations.  Mission Teaching and promoting music to all Palestinians wherever they are within the framework of strengthening the cultural and national identity.  Goals Providing Palestinian society with creative and committed musicians capable of teaching music and promoting it. Encouraging and enhancing music appreciation and interest within the public and official spheres. Upgrading the ESNCM’s performance towards fulfilling its vision, mission, objectives and sustainability.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Samer Makhlouf
Job Title
Director of Resources Mobilization and PR
Head of the organisation
Samer Makhlouf

The Environmental Media Center

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونيةبعد الاطل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Consists of the Foundation Board of Directors and the Executive Board,3 full time staff and 7 volunteers. EMC depends on self-resources and partnership agreement with federation of Palestinian chambers of commerce industry and agriculture to fund it's projects . The Center has implemented several projects in the area on community environmental awareness, and international representing of Palestine.

Mission and Objectives

Vision of the Center: The sustainable development in the environmental field through the active contribution of the civil and media society. Message of the Center: The Environmental Media Center is NGO center concerned with environmental media and education through the specialized environmental media coverage, capacity building, training and documentation. Objectives of the Center:  Promoting awareness of the environmental issues through the specialized media coverage.  Promoting the environmental education concept.  Addressing the environmental issues.  Informing and empowering the community to improve the quality of life without prejudice to the rights of the future generations to benefit from natural resources, and stimulating the community to participate in the care of the environment and maintaining the sustainability of its resources.  Providing information to promote with environmental management for decision-making, promoting local, regional and global environmental cooperation.  Providing information to help in cope with effects of climate change, which raises many concerns and builds many environment- friendly social, economical and industrial policies.  Providing information and guidance for dealing with harmful substance and hazardous wastes in accordance with basis of healthy management of chemicals.  Providing information on the management of the ecosystem to the public in order to secure the environmental conditions for stability and justice.  Providing information about disasters and environmental conflicts to reduce the environmental hazards and working on environmental cooperation for peace.  Providing information on cultural heritage and tourism for the advancement of eco-tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of the Center: - Preparation of the " Environmental Honor Charter " for parties to adopt environmental policies into their campaign, in cooperation with the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority. - Implementation of a media tour for journalists to see the environmental situation in the West Bank. - Preparation with a network of environmental NGOs in tours for the journalists to see the Israeli violations of Palestinian environment. - Preparation a memorandum of understanding with the Palestinian Interior Ministry under which the recent has hard work on the application of the Palestinian environment law of 1999 and the revival of local, regional and global events. - Preparation a memorandum of understanding with the Palestinian Ministry of Education to involve in the implementation of the environmental educational activities. - Preparation a memorandum of understanding with the Modern Media Institute – Al-Quds University, for cooperation in the field of production, dissemination and training in the environmental media and education. - Participation in the third environmental camp in Ramallah, through the media coverage. - Presenting four episodes on Sawt Felisteen radio, which raise the pressing environmental issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Hantash
Head of the organisation
Alaa Hantash

The Freedom Theatre

National Network

School Street
Jenin Refugee Camp
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Freedom Theatre is a community-based theatre and cultural centre in Jenin Refugee Camp, occupied Palestine. Convinced that the arts have a crucial role to play in building a free and healthy society, The Freedom Theatre offers a unique programme of activities in performing arts and multimedia, including acting, psychodrama, playback theatre, filmmaking, photography and creative writing.  The Freedom Theatre employs about 20 persons from the Jenin area, wider Palestine and abroad. The theatre has an annual budget in the range of 450 000 USD. Main sources of funding are international foundations and individual donors. Main current partners are Sida, European Union, British Council, Unesco and a range of local organisations.

Mission and Objectives

The Freedom Theatre is developing a vibrant and creative artistic community in the northern part of the West Bank. While emphasizing professionalism and innovation, the aim of the theatre is also to empower youth and women in the community and to explore the potential of arts as an important catalyst for social change. Through its work, The Freedom Theatre aims to: - Raise the quality of performing and visual arts in the area. - Offer a space in which children and youth can act, create and express themselves freely and equally, imagine new realities and challenge existing social and cultural barriers. - Empower the young generation to use the arts to promote positive change in their community. - Break the cultural isolation that separates Jenin from the wider Palestinian and global communities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Freedom Theatre runs a three-year professional theatre school and produces theatre plays that are toured internationally. Applied theatre workshops and improvisational theare performances are conducted throughout the West Bank. Trainings are also given to theatre technicians and stage managers. Within Multimedia, The Freedom Theatre runs a photography training course, produces short films and a youth magazine, Voices. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Freedom Theatre is part of the Palestinian Performing Arts network, a broad coalition of cultural organisations in the West Bank and Gaza. The Freedom Theatre contributes its time, dedication, skills and resources to this network and hope to make similar connections with other Palestinian civil society networks as well as facilitate links between the cultural sector and other civil society sectors in Palestine. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network and be able to contribute to and benefit from the rich variety of networking, training and partnering opportunities provided by the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonatan Stanczak
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Jonatan Stanczak
Contact (2) Full Name
Johanna WAllin
Job Title (2)
Communications Officer

The Gulf Educational Association (GEA)

National Network
+ 970 8 2886691
+ 970 8 2886692
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+970 59 9783350
Mobile Phone (other)
+970 59 8872226
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NO. staff 10 Budgetary 226000$ Donars (OFID, NPA, Swiss Agency for Development, UN Office for Humanitarian Aid, AFESD, and other)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to direct Palestinian, Arab and international energies and potentials both physical and ethical to work on supporting and developing the education sector in all levels in Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

• Contribute to the development of human resources in the education sector in Palestine, to meet future challenges of economic and social growth.
• Contribute to the easing of financial and psychological pressures facing the Palestinian students in various levels of education "basic and higher".
• Contribute to the development of higher education through the promotion and financing of needed rare postgraduate disciplines in Palestine
• Contribute in close cooperation with interested parties to the formulation of a strategic plan for the development of higher education outputs; to fit with the labor market needs in Palestine.
• Advocating the right of every citizen to get high quality education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Hani A. Thuraya (Executive Manager)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohamed K. Abo Jayyb (General Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Said J. Rajab (Projects Manager)

The International Centre of Bethlehem (ICB)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Please find attached the organizational structure. There are 46 employees and volunteers at the ICB. The annual budget of the ICB is $1,000,000 (1 million USD). The income of the ICB comes mainly for 3 sources: 1. Local contributions made by members and friends of the ICB, as well as courses’ fees paid by participants. 2) ICB’s self-initiatives and income generating projects. 3) Grants from governmental development agencies, international foundations, and church-related organizations. Concrete Projects such as: Addar Cultural and Conference Centre which was sponsored by the Foreign Ministry of Finland. Main partner involved in the music program is the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music.
Mission and Objectives

The ICB is a Palestinian institution serving the whole Palestinian community. The ICB, since its establishment, has been actively promoting the building of a civil society in Palestine through training future leaders, developing human resources, leading awareness campaigns, conducting vocational training and education, and promoting intercultural encounters and dialogue. It strives to engage and empower the local community to assume a proactive role in shaping their future. Since it has opened, the ICB has provided services for more than 20,000 people annually, thus proving to be an address to the community, especially for women and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

The ICB’s main programs are:
al-Kahf Arts and Crafts Center: the activities involve vocational training in ceramic, stained glass, glass fusing, glass blowing, mosaic and jewelry; hosting national and international art exhibitions;promoting and marketing the work and production of the artists and artisans through al-Kahf Giftshop and online website:
The Music program: in partnership with the National Music Conservatory, musical performances are hosted but also students learn to play instruments, both classical Arabic and western instruments, take solfege lessons, music interpretation and different choirs and bands are formed.
The Bright Stars program: it focuses on children and youth , where they gather in different art, music, sports, communication and environmental clubs according to their talents and gifts and are encouraged to develop those gifts.
The Ad-Dar Cultural and Conference Center: It is used for all types of performing arts, theate

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mitri Raheb, General Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mitri Raheb
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rana Khoury, Deputy General Director

The Markaz Review

The Markaz Review is a literary arts review and nonprofit association that supports a deeper understanding of the Arab/Muslim world, in the Middle East, Africa and our diasporas in Europe and the Americas, with publishing activities and public programs.