
PHG (Palestinian Hydrology Group)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
please find attached profile
Mission and Objectives

please find attached profile

Main Projects / Activities

please find attached profile

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

please find attached profile

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

please find attached profile

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayman Rabi
Head of the organisation
Abdelrhman Tamimi
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdelrhman Tamimi

President of Hebron University

National Network

University Street
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Hebron University is a not for profit academic institution and employs more than 500 individuals. Sources of funding includes: student fees, donations, and projects. Modes of actions include teaching, research, community services, scholarships, academic exchanges.
Partners include universities in Europe, Turkey, the Middle East such as Akdenis university, Saint Mary university and Canterbury Church university, and Bradford university in the UK.
Projects include: Erasmus plus, Hi Cure, OSRA project for family health, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Hebron University strives to promote excellence by providing quality, academic teaching, training, research and relevant community programs within the context of sustainable development, emphasizing social conscience and democratic values. In addition to providing students with the opportunity to realize their educational ambitions, the University aims to empower students to be productive citizens and active members of their community. It is the policy of the University to promote free expression and interaction among students, teachers, and the surrounding community.
Keeping pace with the natural development in higher education and to offer Palestinians an alternative to travelling abroad for their education.
Firmly establishing the Palestinians in their country so that they portray determination and strength.
Preserving the culture
Providing equal rights and access to higher education

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching students in 12 colleges
Community service
Partnerships and projects to transfer knowledge, culture, and experience
Student exchange

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by providing from the experiences of our faculty which has a diverse and extensive experiences in a variety of disciplines. Their experiences include teaching, training, research, project management, and community service.
We also have facilities, equipment, technology, and spaces that can facilitate implementing the project and networking activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To partner with other institutions to exchange knowledge, culture, and experiences which can benefit us as well as others in the network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Takruri
Job Title
Grants Associate
Head of the organisation
Salah Al Zaroo
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Ghayyada
Job Title (2)
Grants associate

Press House

National Network

Gaza – Rimal – Al-Shuhada’ street
Near Telecommunication Company
Palestinian Territories

+972 8 2886681
+972 8 2886681
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 59 9429020
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Structure of the organization It consists of ten members who are Head of Organization : Belal Jadallah Deputy General Director:  Fatima AL Gusain Financial Manager: Rania Al Bouji  Accountant : Ahmed Al Attar Administrative Assistant: Ayat Heji Trainings Coordinator: Bisan Abu Harb Sawa Agency  Editor: Hekmat Abu Zekry Editor: Seba Al Jafrawi Editor : Ahmed Abu Amer Administrative Services:  Ahmed Abu Fatima Sources of funding: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland European Union Representative Office of Norway Paltel Group  Ccc Company Gaza Oil Company
Mission and Objectives

Press House-Palestine is a non-governmental, non-profit institution, which aims at contributing in enhancing freedom of expression and to leveraging the quality of Palestinian media, through capacity building, training, advocacy, and networking programs, on the principles of human rights including equality and non-discrimination
Press House-Palestine aspires to play a leading role in empowering independent media, freedom of expression, and the quality of Palestinian journalism
To contribute in enhancing the principles of freedom of expression and enabling the Palestinian journalism from keeping pace with the ever-changing world of journalism, as well as networking with international media and research organizations
To create Palestinian media which can proficiently address and advocate Palestinian society’s issues both locally and internationally, in a transparent and independent manner
To contribute in building the capacities of Palestinian media cadres in a professional and performance-based manner, in a way that enables them from keeping pace with the international media development
To create a network of young journalists and intellectuals, who believe in freedom of expression and desire to advocate the cause of the Palestinian people and freedom of expression, locally and internationally, in full cooperation and coordination with civil and official bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

Press House Programs
Capacity Building Program
This program aims at contributing in enhancing the capabilities of Palestinian journalists, media graduates (males & females), and media institutions; where it works on enhancing the knowledge, skills and expertise of media cadres, through providing training opportunities in all the required technical and professional aspects, as well as providing exchanging Expertise opportunities between local and foreign media
Networking & Advocacy Program
This program aims at enhancing and improving the common, societal views toward the critical media and public opinion issues, through providing services and activities that will contribute in enhancing the skills and expertise of the targeted groups to defend human rights (especially media, workers' rights), democratic values, and societal issues, through networking with related organizations and executing various lobbying and advocacy campaigns and different initiatives
Media & Documentation Program
This program aims at enhancing independent media and empowering the capabilities of fresh journalists in the Gaza strip; through providing them with the opportunity to receive practical training and publishing their materials on "Sawa News Agency"
The program is also concerned with serving and protecting Palestinian citizens' rights and issues, in addition to documenting and preventing the daily violations journalists are going through during their work
Empowering the Press House Project for 2013Project Name: Empowering the Press House: "A Platform For Freedom Of Speech, Democratization, Peace & International Cooperation" 
Donor: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland

Project Name: Media in Serving Cancer Patients CampaignDonor: European Union
Empowering the Press House for 2014Project Name: Empowering the Press House Project: “A Platform for Freedom of Expression, Independent Media, & Democracy”
Donors: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland
              Representative Office of Norway

Project Name: Gaza “51” Photo ExhibitionDonor: European Union
2015 Major Project
Project Name: Empowering Freedom of Expression, Democracy, and Independency of Palestinian MediaDonors: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland
              Representative Office of Norway

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through being a member in Anna Lindh Network  , we will support Palestinian young  journalists in reporting across different cultures and on issues of cultural diversity, and create exchange with other organization over the world . we also aim to contribute in enhancing freedom of expression and to leveraging the quality of Palestinian media, through capacity building, training, advocacy, and networking programs, on the principles of human rights including equality and non-discrimination. We are intending  to corporate with other Euro-Med countries to learn from other journalists in regions. Building the capacity of fresh journalists and merging them in regional network which enhance their skills and knowledge. Being a member of this network will allow us to disseminate our Palestinian issues on international level

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking to join  Anna Lindh Network  in order to Connect other NGO’s and  media organizations  to build relationships across boundaries of geography or discipline. In addition to provide other organization an ongoing context for knowledge exchange that can be effective for us . Sharing a  social space for people who are geographically dispersed and working in the same field . Finally , Attracting  and retaining the best partners  by providing access to our programs and activities within the organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Belal Jadallah Salem
Job Title
The Head of Press House
Head of the organisation
Belal Jadallah Salem
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatma Al Ghussein
Job Title (2)
Deputy General Director

Press House Palestine BAS

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Beit Al Sahafa-BAS or Press House Palestine: a centre for the promotion and coordination of independent media in the occupied Palestinian territory Period: 1 January 2013 – 30 Dec 2013 Funded by : Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, Switzerland Total project Budget: CHF 49,382 Requested from FDFA CHF 27,982 ( %57) Partnerships : 1. The European Union. 2. Palestinian Telecommunication Group " PALTEL ". Board Of Directors: 1. Mr. Bilal Jadallah . ( Head Of the Board ) 2. Mr. Omar Shabaan. ( Head Of the Board ) 3. Mr. Ibrahim Barzak. ( Secretary ) 4. Mr. Abdulghani Jaber. ( Treasurer ) 5. Mr. Hekmat Youssef. ( Member ) 6. Mrs. Maha el Banna. ( Member ) Administrative Structure: 1. Executive Manager: Mr. Bilal Jadallah 2. Programs Manager: Mr. Alaa Nour Eldin 3. Project Coordinator: Mrs. Ghada Zayyan 4. Media Representative: Mr. Abdallah Abulaban
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Press House Palestine seeks to create a safe, complete autonomous environment to raise the Press efficiency of Palestinian journalists and Media people.
Our Goals:
Media capacity-building, maintaining its durability and enhancing its professionalism.
Rehabilitation a network of young journalists and intellectuals.
Increasing the awareness of journalists and citizens in their rights and duties in a society of freedom and equality.
Networking with local, regional and international partners to upgrade the Palestinian Media.
Producing special materials to develop democratic media, and entrench the uses of the social media networks as a part of influential and free Media.
Holding workshops and seminars about Media, Press and their role as the fourth power.
Participation in media policy discussions, and providing consultancy and support to government institutions and civil society organizations.
Establishing an archived media reference for both written and photographed news.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Palestinian Civil Society Institutions and International Organizations
o Raising issues in a series of Meet the Press.
o Secretarial networking between civil society organizations and international institutions.
o International Exchange and International Visitor .
2. Human Rights, Transparency and The Rule of Law
o Democracy, Human Rights and Political and Administrative Reform.
3. Scholarship and Training
o Formal Representation Project for International and Regional Conferences.
o Vocational and Scientific Rehabilitation, internationally, regionally and locally.
4. Logistics Development and Rehabilitation
o Information News Center.
o Electronic Linkage Project in Networking.
o Wireless Network.
5. Legal Follow-ups
o Monitoring and Violations Follow-ups.
o Property Rights.
o Defense Project and Judicial Representation.
6. Documentation and Publication
o Local Electronic Radio.
o Local Newspaper Project.
o Written and Photographed Printing Project.
o Social Media and Networking Pages Project.
7. Social and Entertainment Activities
o Social Outreach Project.
o Entertainment and Recreation Activities Project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through establishing partnerships with international organizations, we will gain the qualifications and procedures in implementing our programs in the fields of Media, Democracy, Human Rights, and other.
These partnerships with the east and west of the Middle East, will give positive impact to the local society through recognizing other cultures that support the freedom of expression, general and private.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

• Establishing wide partnerships.
• Empowering real opportunities in exchanging experiences and mutual collaboration.
• Enhancing the principles of collaboration among various cultures.
• Transmitting the Press House message to other societies and gaining new experiences.
• Activating integrated principles through trusted partnerships.
• Proposing initiatives, general and private, to exchange and empower values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Bilal Jadallah
Head of the organisation
Mr. Bilal Jadallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alaa Nour Aldin

Project Hope (Humanitarian Opportunities for Peace and Education)

National Network
+972 9 233 7077
Telephone (other)
+1 416 879 8939
+972 9 233 7077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 220 137
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Project Hope is made up of 7 staff members at the local level and 3 part-time staff outside of Palestine. Our budget fluctuates from year to year, however the average budget is $50,000 per year. Currently, our main programs are 'Bridge to the World' which is funded by the Canadian Autoworkers Association and 'Social Justice and Human Rights Program' funded by Rights and Democracy (a Canadian organization). Other funding comes from individual donations and fundraising events. Our modality of action are educational classes and recreational activities for children and youth. Occasional youth exchanges have been organized through our organization. Our additional partners are a number of local NGO's and neighborhood centers in the Nablus area (we work with around 30 organizations and centers per month).
Mission and Objectives

The objects of the corporation are to provide support and humanitarian aid for children and youth around the world living in areas of war, conflict, deprivation and underdevelopment through the application of education, training, recreation and health-care activities.
Through alternatives to violence we are improving both the physical and mental health of our participants. We provide a venue for them to express themselves positively, release frustration, develop skills, engage in dialogue and build hope for the future. Our regular programs include language classes, drama and art. Our educational and recreational activities are provided in partnership with existing groups in the local community. In the spirit of cooperation and to save costs, we provide many different programs in partnership with different Palestinian organizations within the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are English and French language instruction, which is focused on conversation and fun activities rather than memorization and grammatical structure. In addition we often facilitate classes and workshops in creative arts such as painting, photography, video, drama, crafts, sports, dance, murals, music and many more.
Currently, Project Hope's main program is called 'Bridge to the World' which incorperates English and French instruction with computer classes focused on creating blogs for the students through which they can express themselves and communicate with the outside world. The other main program currently facilitated by Project Hope is a social justice and human rights program that includes courses about this subject for children and youth. The target group of both of these programs are children living in refuee camps (generally third generation refugees) as well as in the old city of Nablus - all areas hardest-hit by the occupation and the on-going conflict.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeremy Wildeman
Head of the organisation
Jeremy Wildeman
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdulhakim Sabbah

Project Manager Coordinator

National Network

Jerusalem Al Asfahani street
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information

The association work very closely with the local community in Jerusalem and West Bank to contribute for achieving goals and objectives with focus on development , relief Culture , Sport , Social & and life skills development.

We are eager to start cooperation and collaboration with your end to activate and achieve efficiency for betterment of our people in Jerusalem.

Please accept all our gratitude and appreciation for your vision that is to contribute for heighten living standards of Palestinian everywhere. We in this club interested to work with children women and youth in the different horizons.

Here we like to provide you with some of our objectives, as follow:

1- Developing the Palestinian Youth in the Jerusalem area, and upgrading their cultural, sportive, social and vocational capacity, and emphasizing the importance of their role in establishing the community civil institutes, and encouraging them to practice this role through research and comprehension, and respecting the cultural and intellectual multiplicity.

2 - Enhancing and clarifying the importance of the role of women in Jerusalem, and encouraging her to attain her role – side by side – with the man in Jerusalem , and achieving the principal of equality of opportunities for her in cooperation with the Women’s Institutes.

Mission and Objectives

Initiating the Innovation and Contribution spirit in the targeted youth sector in Jerusalem in all the fields leading to its development, adopting the scientific methodology – technique, approach and practice.

- To refrain and avoid discrimination in all forms – being racial, religious or social – and prevailing the concepts of Human Rights between youth, and comply to the International Decrees for Human Rights.

- Developing relationships with the maximum number of Youth Organizations, Associations and Centers – locally, in the Arab Countries and worldwide that share the same objectives, to get acquainted with the cultures.

- Providing constant financial resources for Orphans Development Association through implementing small projects conforming to the policy and goals of Association , and tending to its development.

- Contributing in developing and upgrading youngsters whose ages range 12-15 in the region of Jerusalem to qualify them communicate with their counterparts in other communities, and to counteract the negative impacts on their characters resulting from the occupation.

- Prevailing the Environmental Awareness among the targeted Youth Sector, and designing programs and strategies to preserve the environment – in cooperation with the Centers and Institutes specialized in this field.

- Developing various outdoor activities and programs in the country for the benefit of women, youth and children.

Main Projects / Activities

- Community Development Program in Jerusalem
- Developing Jerusalemite needy families
- Developing Orphans community in Jerusalem
- Developing the positive status of Jerusalem student
- Develop the mutual understanding between youth in Palestine and Sweden - former initiative- that will continue in the future

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actually we think that Anna Lindh Foundation is an umbrella of the developmental organization in Palestine and n the Mediterranean reign as well . We in the organization believe that we can do a lot for the network in Palestine:

- Develop the relation between the network and the grass roots organizations in Jerusalem
- Develop the collaboration activities with youth organizations in Palestine
- Attract new organizations in the region to develop mutual cooperation
- Implement mutual projects and activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We Believe that we will benefit a lot from the national network :

- Meet with potential partners in Europe and Mediterranean regions
- Develop the working of the programming department
- Activate the public relation department at the organization
- Develop the Anna Lindh platform membership

Contact (1) Full Name
Marwan Al Bashiti
Job Title
Project Management coordinator
Head of the organisation
Sabah Abu Esnainah
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabah Abu Esnanah
Job Title (2)
Director of the organization

Project Manager Coordinator

National Network

Jerusalem Al Asfahani street
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information

The association work very closely with the local community in Jerusalem and West Bank to contribute for achieving goals and objectives with focus on development , relief Culture , Sport , Social & and life skills development.

We are eager to start cooperation and collaboration with your end to activate and achieve efficiency for betterment of our people in Jerusalem.

Please accept all our gratitude and appreciation for your vision that is to contribute for heighten living standards of Palestinian everywhere. We in this club interested to work with children women and youth in the different horizons.

Here we like to provide you with some of our objectives, as follow:

1- Developing the Palestinian Youth in the Jerusalem area, and upgrading their cultural, sportive, social and vocational capacity, and emphasizing the importance of their role in establishing the community civil institutes, and encouraging them to practice this role through research and comprehension, and respecting the cultural and intellectual multiplicity.

2 - Enhancing and clarifying the importance of the role of women in Jerusalem, and encouraging her to attain her role – side by side – with the man in Jerusalem , and achieving the principal of equality of opportunities for her in cooperation with the Women’s Institutes.

Mission and Objectives

Initiating the Innovation and Contribution spirit in the targeted youth sector in Jerusalem in all the fields leading to its development, adopting the scientific methodology – technique, approach and practice.

- To refrain and avoid discrimination in all forms – being racial, religious or social – and prevailing the concepts of Human Rights between youth, and comply to the International Decrees for Human Rights.

- Developing relationships with the maximum number of Youth Organizations, Associations and Centers – locally, in the Arab Countries and worldwide that share the same objectives, to get acquainted with the cultures.

- Providing constant financial resources for Orphans Development Association through implementing small projects conforming to the policy and goals of Association , and tending to its development.

- Contributing in developing and upgrading youngsters whose ages range 12-15 in the region of Jerusalem to qualify them communicate with their counterparts in other communities, and to counteract the negative impacts on their characters resulting from the occupation.

- Prevailing the Environmental Awareness among the targeted Youth Sector, and designing programs and strategies to preserve the environment – in cooperation with the Centers and Institutes specialized in this field.

- Developing various outdoor activities and programs in the country for the benefit of women, youth and children.

Main Projects / Activities

- Community Development Program in Jerusalem
- Developing Jerusalemite needy families
- Developing Orphans community in Jerusalem
- Developing the positive status of Jerusalem student
- Develop the mutual understanding between youth in Palestine and Sweden - former initiative- that will continue in the future

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actually we think that Anna Lindh Foundation is an umbrella of the developmental organization in Palestine and n the Mediterranean reign as well . We in the organization believe that we can do a lot for the network in Palestine:

- Develop the relation between the network and the grass roots organizations in Jerusalem
- Develop the collaboration activities with youth organizations in Palestine
- Attract new organizations in the region to develop mutual cooperation
- Implement mutual projects and activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We Believe that we will benefit a lot from the national network :

- Meet with potential partners in Europe and Mediterranean regions
- Develop the working of the programming department
- Activate the public relation department at the organization
- Develop the Anna Lindh platform membership

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Marwan Al Bashiti
Job Title
Development Organization
Head of the organisation
Sabah Abu Esnainah
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabah Abu Esnanah
Job Title (2)
Director of the organization

Promoting a new gender culture based by developing an integrated approach to encourage positive attitude and an equal social change

Hi everyone!

we are a group of associations located in Jordan, Spain, Palestine and Italy. We are implementing a project for promoting a new gender culture based by developing an integrated approach to encourage positive attitude and an equal social change. It is a challenge, our common challenge but it is mainly a community challenge. Our project is a walk inside the violence, the silent one. The violence we do not want to recognize because it's difficult to talk about. Now you can decide to tell about it by participating anonymously to our survey. You will help us to provide a cognitive framework on Gender Based Violence (GBV) of the countries involved and the different communities living in, useful for defining and accompanying the implementation of the project phases.


كما تم التواصل معكم في السابق على مشروع نحن نسمع صوتك يوجد هنالك استمارة لاننا في اول خطوة في المشروع وهي البحث في ٤ دول وهي فلسطين , الاردن , ايطاليا واسبانيا , تستهدف الاستمارة معرفه معلومات عن مدى العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي , الاستمارة يوجد بها اسئله كثيرة وذلك لاهميه الموضوع وللحصول على اكثر كم ممكن من الاجوبه , سيتم تطبيقها في المناطق التالية , رام الله , طولكرم ,نابلس , وبيت لحم

  • الاعمار من ١٥ سنه فاكثر
  • رجال ونساء بالتساوي

Psycho Social Counselling Center For Woman

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Administrative board contain 9 members all of them are women. we have 12 employee Sources of Funding: 1- EU 2. Non governmental Development Center 3. Norwegian Peoples Aid
Mission and Objectives

PSCCW specializes in the area of women empowerment particularly those who suffer from
psychological trauma resulting from exposure to social or political violence.
Main objective is to Contribute to the development efforts and strengthen the participation of women in public life

Main Projects / Activities

1. Rehabilitation Women Victims of Social Violence
2. Women Can Do Change
3. Reduce Violence In Schools

Contact (1) Full Name
Khawla Qaraq'e
Head of the organisation
Khawla Qaraq'e