
Relief International-Schools Online

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. Relief International-School on Line in Palestine is a branch of the main office in the UK. We have 8 field staff, one financial officer, one administrative officer, one program coordinator, one program officer and a Country Director. 2. We obtain our budget from donor agencies like DFID, US state department and a number of US private foundations. Out Budget in the Palestine office for the year 2006 was US$ 550,000 3. We currently have two main projects ( GCEP and the Micro Finance) and different activities including : students and teachers exchange, community development and Human Rights education) 4. Main partners: Local: Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees, Panorama, Palestinian Youth Union. International: Skoll Foundation, the Global Catalyst and HP Foundation
Mission and Objectives

(RI) is a humanitarian non-profit agency, provides emergency relief, rehabilitation, development assistance, and program services to vulnerable communities. RI is dedicated to reducing human suffering
(RI) Serve the needs of the most vulnerable - particularly women and children. Provide holistic, multi-sectoral, sustainable, and pro-poor programs that bridge emergency relief and long-term development at the grassroots level.
Empower communities and Promote self-reliance, peaceful coexistence, and reintegration of marginalized communities.
Protect lives from physical injury or death and/or psychological trauma where present.
Uphold the highest professional norms in program delivery, including accountability to beneficiaries and donors alike.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Gandhi Project: to empower individuals, community, and youth who practice peaceful means of social change.
2. Palestine Education Initiative: Innovative educational initiatives to enhance (ICT) skills.
3. Global Connections and Exchange Program: The main goal is to increase global dialogue and educational opportunities. The program fosters cultural and educational ties across borders by facilitating online collaborative projects. It also provides youth, particularly girls, with the opportunity to participate as equals in a global civic education platform and to learn democratic values.
4. Micro- Finance: aims to support women in rural areas by providing them with the financial means to start small businesses. Also, the program provides women with capacity building and skills needed to be involved in the social and economic spheres.
5. Youth Social Entrepreneur Clubs: aim to involve youth in the society to create positive change and develop leadership skills.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davina Jeffery
Head of the organisation
Naser Al Arda
Contact (2) Full Name
Mai Abumoghli

RIWAQ Centre

National Network

7B, al sharafeh street, al Bireh
P.O.Box 212
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

RIWAQ is a leading non-governmental organization in the field of cultural heritage protection and development. Since its establishment in 1991, RIWAQ has restored more than 130 historic buildings into communal spaces in more than 80 different villages and towns in the West Bank and Gaza. Further, Riwaq's 50-village project has enabled the centre to broaden its scope of work towards rehabilitating entire historic centers. Since 2007, Riwaq has intervened in 20 villages and towns out of the 50. This work is carried out by very specialized team of around 16 members (restorers, planners, architects, anthropologists; engineers, artists, and support staff) with diverse academic training and expertise. Riwaq's annual budget is around 2 million USD, mainly donated by Government of Sweden, British Council Protection Fund, Arab Fund for Socio-Economic Development. To implement its projects, Riwaq partners with local communities, municipal and village councils, and civil society organizations in respective areas.

Mission and Objectives

Preserving the cultural and natural heritage in Palestine through restoration, regeneration, and documentation projects. This is done by mobilizing resources, implementing programs and projects, contributing to drafting supportive and responsive policies, and building partnerships that increase knowledge exchange and national awareness.

Main Projects / Activities

- “Life Jacket” the Rehabilitation of rural Jerusalem, including the historic centers of Jaba’, Kafr ‘Aqab, Qalandiya and Al Jib, as part of the 50 villages program.

- Rehabilitation of the historic centers of Betuniya (Ramallah) and ‘Aseera Asha Shamaliya (Nablus), as part of the 50 villages program.

- The restoration of three historic buildings to serve as community centers in Bani Naim, Es Samu’ (Hebron) and Surda (Ramallah). In addition, the renovation of the courtyard space of Al Huqqiyeh Mansion in Qalandiya (Jerusalem) and the restoration of Dalia Association in Kafr ‘Aqab (Jerusalem), as part of and contributing to the Job Creation through Restoration Program.

- Community & Cultural Program: village based activities, national drawing competition, conservation workshops, trainings, Qalandiya International biennale and kids’ activities.

- Publications and knowledge dissemination through RIWAQ’s Monograph Series on Cultural Heritage in Palestine.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Riwaq is a leading non-governmental organization in the field of cultural heritage protection and development in Palestine. Through its three decades of persistent work and experimentation, Riwaq has established it self as an address for local community, governmental bodies working in heritage field, private sector, local and regional networks. By being part of the Network, Riwaq will further its role in establishing connections and collaborative initiatives between local communities and organizations and their counter partners from EU countries. Building on Riwaq's long and sustained relations with the Mediterranean basin through EuroMed projects since 1999. Riwaq's access to Palestinian communities and establishments is a great asset/resource that the Network can draw upon in their endeavor to establish bridges between the two banks of the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riwaq wants to further its role in establishing connections and collaborative initiatives between local communities and organizations and their counter partners from EU countries. Being part of ALF network would facilitate the access to monetary and non-mortary resources that would help Riwaq pursue its goals in relation to the local communities concerns and struggles. One of the strategic goals in Riwaq's Strategy 2020-2030 is "Riwaq Goes Regional" as a platform for capacity building and as a medium for networking and knowledge exchange with our counter partners in the region and beyond. Hence, being part of the network would strengthen this imaginary and practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaldun Bshara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Shatha Safi
Contact (2) Full Name
Shatha Safi
Job Title (2)

Riwaq – Centre for Architectural Conservation

National Network
+972 2 2406887
Telephone (other)
+972 2 2406925
+972 2 2406986
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 972 522 882537 (Nazmi Al Jubeh)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
General Information
RIWAQ is a Ramallah based non profit organization whose main aim is the protection and development of architectural heritage in Palestine. Riwaq’s Team includes 13 professionals, of architects, administrators, one historian and one archeologist. Riwaq currently has two funding agreements Sida- the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and one funding agreement with the Ford Foundation. In addition to actual conservation projects Riwaq has a research and publication Unit. Riwaq’s main partners include: cultural heritage agencies, relevant PNA Ministries specifically Municipalities and local village councils, as well as cultural institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Riwaq’s main mission is to protect and develop the architectural heritage in Palestine, hence Riwaq’s objectives are:
- Renovate neglected historic buildings turning them into usable public places for the community and providing job opportunities for a large number of unemployed workers in Palestine.
- prepare protection plans for historic centres of towns and villages in the West Bank.
- Document the architectural heritage in Palestine.
- Implement preventive conservation for the historic centres of 50 most important towns and villages in the West Bank.
- Advocate for ratifying the Law of protecting the architectural Heritage in Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

Current projects:
- “Job creation through conservation”
- Preparation of protection plans for old village centres in towns and villages.
- Riwaq’s Registry of historic buildings in Palestine. (Will be published soon)
- Community Outreach activities to spread awareness about architectural heritage in Palestine.
- Photo archive, collecting photographs of historic buildings in the West Bank and Gaza.
Future Projects:
- Preventive Conservation for historic centres of towns and villages.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Suad Amiry
Head of the organisation
Dr. Suad Amiry and Dr. Nazmi Al Jubeh Co-directors)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Nazmi Al Jubeh

Riyada Consulting and Training

National Network

Khaled Tahhan Building #14, Fourth Floor, Office #10
Palestinian Territories

+970 2 296 4989
+970 2 296 4985
Mobile Phone
+970 599 774 101
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Riyada Consulting and Training is a Palestinian development consultancy firm established in 2006 with the aim of contributing to quality consultancy and advanced training services in Palestine. It is believed that these services would enhance the development process in Palestine by informing the planning and implementation processes of different programs and project initiated by both local and international organizations as well as different donors interested in sustainable development. The domains of our services include:  Program design, monitoring and evaluation, institutional capacity needs assessment and capacity building, strategic planning, community needs assessment, policy-oriented research, gender mainstreaming, program management and grants management.
Mission and Objectives

Riyada Consulting and Training is a Palestinian development consultancy firm established in 2006 with the aim of contributing to quality consultancy and advanced training services in Palestine. It is believed that these services would enhance the development process in Palestine by informing the planning and implementation processes of different programs and project initiated by both local and international organizations as well as different donors interested in sustainable development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are looking for local implementation collaborations in The West Bank, Jerusalem, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riyada Consulting is particularly interested in the ALF's focus on regional collaboration and mutual understanding, issues that are key to Palestinian diplomacy and international relations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Shuaa Marrar
Job Title
Director General
Head of the organisation
Shuaa Marrar

Roles For Social Change Association (ADWAR )

National Network

Palestine /Hebron/Ein Sarah St. /Beside University Graduates Union and AlAmanah supermarket.
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
we have structure organized by general director and Administrative and financial Manager, Financial officer, Admin Assistant, Human resource Manager.
Mission and Objectives

Roles for Social Change Association " ADWAR" was established at the beginning of 2010 by a group of female and male students studying at Hebron University. Those volunteers worked really hard since they strongly believe in the social justice.
To improve Capacity building of Palestinian women and girls along with empowering them socially, to reduce violence against women so they will be capable of active, civic participation and living in a society characterized by social justice.
Contributing in empowering the Palestinian women and girls economically, to reduce unemployment as well as providing   job opportunities and eliminating all the types of discrimination and gabs based on gender, within (6 years).
Contributing in raising the political awareness of the Palestinian women and girls, in addition to encourage them to participate in civil democratic life and to involve in advocacy and lobby decision makers, to ensure fair laws for women.
To improve the Palestinian society Awareness and capacity building for governmental and nongovernmental organizations about gender’s policies and procedures as well as the importance of gender’s contribution towards Palestinian society welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

Gender and Development Program The program seeks for: 1) Empowering and supporting women by allowing them to participate as equal as men in all aspects of life. through process contain in all individual, groups community and societal levels and in all social, economic and political fields and decision making by doing so, they will undoubtedly be effective not just receivers, and benefit from development plans and programs. In order to be also the development's method and aim. 2) Making the Palestinian society more aware about the concept of "Gender" generally in all social, economic, political fields. 3) Affecting the policies and procedures in the different governmental and non- governmental institutions. It will be done through adopting policies and programs concern the gender issues and social justice. 4) Working with media in order to show women's needs as well as their ambitions and desires in order to change the society stereotype about the women roles. 5) Alliance with the local, regional and international, through campaigns Pressure and advocacy at the local level to increase the awareness about the social justice democracy and civic participation and creating an effective of a social and political . mobility to amend certain laws and legislation. Our program seeks for achieving it goals through the following activities: 1) Trainings in the fields of gender and empowerment. 2) Capacity building. 3) Workshops. 4) Lectures and seminars. 5) Regular meetings. 6) Media programs. 7) Local, regional and international coalitions 8( Advocacy campaigns. 9) Studies and researches. 10) Social counseling.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Joining ADWAR Association to the network . it will help us to view issues and concerns of women in Palestine from the perspective of gender . and highlight the needs of Palestinian women and their rights as well as the importance of raising the voice of all Palestinian women in the world .also to recruit the humans support for Palestinian women's rights .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to strengthen our relations at an international level and we want to show our programs and projects of the world and share our experiences with different institutions and increase of our knowledge. Also to increase the cooperation in order to implement projects in our country according to what our target group need .

Contact (1) Full Name
Sahar AL-Kawasmeh
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Sahar Yousef AL-kwasmeh

Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR

National Network

Ain Sara st
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

About the Association: Roles for Social Change Association – ADWAR is nongovernmental Palestinian organisation, which registered with the ministry of Interior since 13/12/2010, under the number: HB-4156-C, affiliated with Ministry of Women Affairs. ADWAR Association established by a group of students from different universities in Hebron district. In which they effectively believe that reaching social justice goes through gender and development approach under occupation, that will reduce the gaps in social, economic and political participation between men, boys, women and girls in Palestine

Mission and Objectives

Vision: A civil and democratic Palestinian society ensures welfare and equity for women, girls, men and boys. Mission: Palestinian community association works towards changing the gender awareness in the Palestinian society, through social, economic and political empowerment for women and girls Objectives: First: To improve Capacity building of Palestinian women and girls along with empowering them socially, to reduce violence against women so they will be capable of active, civic participation and living in a society characterized by social justice. Second: Contributing in empowering the Palestinian women and girls economically, to reduce unemployment as well as providing job opportunities and eliminating all the types of discrimination and gabs based on gender. Third: Contributing in raising the political awareness of the Palestinian women and girls, in addition to encourage them to participate in civil democratic life and to involve in advocacy and lobby decision makers, to ensure fair laws for women. Fourth: To improve the Palestinian society Awareness and capacity building for governmental and nongovernmental organisations about gender’s policies and procedures as well as the importance of gender’s contribution towards Palestinian society welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

spread it in my country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

exchange experience network with other organization complete our mutual goals

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Sahar Yousef Alkawasmeh
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Dr.Sahar Alkawasmeh
Contact (2) Full Name
LANA Hisham ABu Ajamia
Job Title (2)
office Manager

Rose of Jerusalem

National Network
00972 2 2791002
Telephone (other)
00972 2 2796528
Mobile Phone
0522 836200
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
RJ follows 30 children:handicapped and 10 with special needs during the year in rehabilitation centre and kindergarten, 70 in summer camps. The goal is rehabilitation and outreach of education. The activities are extended also to the local community. The staff is of 6 employees and many local and international volunteers. The budget is of around $ 30 000 per year, the kindergarten and rehabilitation centre are funded by private donors and by fees. We work with experts: social assistants, physiotherapists and young volunteers from Al Quds university, especially in summer camps and from abroad. Main partners are foreign associations, local as Palestinian Red Crescent, Israeli associations such as All Nations Caffe and Service and Peace in the Community.
Mission and Objectives

Rose of Jerusalem is a non governmental, non political, non profitable association depending mostly on volunteer work. It looks after handicapped and children with special needs aiming to integrate them into local community after treatment and rehabilitation.

Main Projects / Activities

- Rehabilitation centre for Azariah and nearby villages of Abu Dis, Al Sawarh, Sheikh Saed and Jahalin
- Kindergarten for main stream children and special needs.
- Summer Camps for 70 children, including disabled children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yassin Awad Ali Hamdan
Head of the organisation
Yassin Awad Ali Hamdan

Ru'ya Al-Falastinia "Palestinian Vision"

National Network

Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Ru'ya Al-Falastiniya is the only Palestinian non-governmental organization initiated, developed, and managed by youth themselves. Together with a small group of youth leaders, we established Ru’ya in 1998 in order to create positive opportunities for Palestinian youth leadership and service. Ru'ya quickly filled a social vacuum, expanding to a grassroots membership of over six hundred. It operates training workshops and community service programs that build leadership skills;identity and community spirit; provide positive channels for self-expression; empower young women; and facilitate dialogue and exchange with international youth. Ru'ya's vision is of a democratic future in which Palestinian youth serve as positive community leaders, working to improve and advance their society We have 4 staff in the organization two of them work as part time Job. Different organizations support us such as Ford Foundation, Norwegian People Aid, UNDP, British Council, Welfare Association and
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Ru'ya Falastiniya (Palestinian Vision) is to promote active roles for Palestinian youth in their communities. In order to achieve this mission, Ru’ya strives to accomplish the following goals: • Promote voluntary work • Help individuals and organizations develop youth skills • Share decision-making and the process of identifying social needs with youth • Connect youth locally and internationally

Main Projects / Activities

1.Palestine Rangers: We aim through this project to educate the Palestinian youth on the ancient Palestinian cities in order to reinforce the concept of belonging for the society and place, and therefore, to be able to spread the spiritual, cultural and Arabic sense of the city and to be able to conduct programs and activities which will make a special relationship between the person and the place. The Palestinian youth will be able to reinforce the belonging to the city in its historical image to maintain it in his mind and heart. The youth will also know the city more by transforming the reality of the city culturally and historically through artistic and cultural performances. 2.Young achievements: Young achievement is an innovative, experiential and active civic education initiative for young people that aim to assist them in fulfilling their potential as active citizens in their communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Naser Eddin
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Kholud Al-Ahmad

Sabreen Association for Artistic Development

National Network

Sabreen Association for Artistic Development
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
SABREEN started as a musical group in Jerusalem in 1980 and developed into SABREEN ASSOCIATION FOR ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT in 1987 as a non-profit, community based organization that specializes primarily in promoting music and combining it with different artistic expressions and forms. Sabreen became a strong hub for individuals and organizations from all artistic backgrounds and disciplines. It is recognized locally and internationally and operates through its main office in Jerusalem and a branch office in Bethlehem.
Mission and Objectives

Music and music education in any culture must be rooted in, and grow out of, the music of that culture. Yet at the same time, for it to develop, it need incorporate new sounds and attitudes toward other cultures and their music... Bidayat efforts include development, coordination, implementation, and evaluation of such outreach programs.

Main Projects / Activities

• Building Competence and training programs: for music educators, which are geared toward the capacity build up of local music teachers in schools • Community music initiatives: this offers creative alternative music education and development programs to our local area youth • Music productions: which develop and produce audio and visual learning aids and create an encouraging environment to developing musicians and artists • Resource development and Research: that develop educational and music resources to schools, teaches as well as individuals and facilitate research on music making, music development, instrumentations and other related topics • Music networking: linking with other artistic groups, governmental and non-governmental organizations and making music information available and accessible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Murad
Head of the organisation

Salesian Technical School

National Network
00972 – 2 – 2742421
Telephone (other)
00972 – 2 – 2747161
00972 – 2 – 2747162
Mobile Phone
00972 – 544 – 917962
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Salesian Technical School is a training professional school, recognized by the Palestinian Ministry of Education. The school has got 25 permanent employees and 9 ones with a part-time contract, besides the Salesian Fathers who manage it. Since the STS is part of the Salesian Community, it is a non-profit structure. The main source of funding are donations, either from institutional donors – EU, Italian Ministry – or private – Salesian parishes, CARITAS, private Italian citizens. Another source of sustenance is the Salesian bakery. The STS has been collaborating in different cultural and educational projects with the Italian Ngo VIS for more than 10 years.
Mission and Objectives

The Salesian Technical School has been created to provide an adequate professional training especially to disadvantaged people in order to help them to find a proper job. It is open to students and teachers of whatever religious belief. Since 2001 the school has got a branch also in the handicrafts sector, the Artistic Centre, whose objectives are both providing professional training and maintaining the local cultural tradition. Under the STS there is also the International Nativity Museum, a collection of nearly 200 cribs from all over the world that has been established in Bethlehem as a universal message of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The STS provides professional courses of 3 years in the sector of mechanics, electro-mechanics, electronics & radio-TV. Such courses award a final “tawjihi” diploma. Until the Second Intifada the STS, each year, granted the best graduated students a scholarship to help them to specialize in Italy for one year. Besides that, the STS also runs evening-courses that are attended by people who want to learn a job. These courses are auto motor, carpentry, mono-phase and three-phase electricity, PLC and turning.
The Artistic Centre, which is part of the school, provides different types of courses in olive wood, mother of pearl and ceramic. The Centre has got exchange programs with European artists and craftsmen who come to upgrade the local instructors and enhance the creativity of the students with new artistic ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Don Nicola Masedu
Head of the organisation
Don Nicola Masedu
Contact (2) Full Name
Don Eduardo Castro