
Palestinian General Union of People With Disability

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Palestinian General Union of People with Disability (GUPWD) is a grassroots organisation that advocates the human rights of disabled Palestinians and endeavours to empower them. It was established in 1991 and currently has a membership of over 35,000 people with offices in each of the sixteen Palestinian governorates. Our Funding comes from different International, Regional and local donors beside the membership fees and some in-kind support from the Government. The GUPWD is an organisation that is run by a group of committed volunteers. Our main activities on a national and regional level include: • Awareness campaigns • Lobbying • Advocacy support • Demonstrations • Disability awareness workshops • Skill-building training courses • Conducting studies on disability • Social activities including summer camps and group outings

Mission and Objectives

The GUPWD believes that all humans are equal. As part of its 2010-2013 strategy, the GUPWD is working to achieve the following: 1. Empower disabled people in Palestine 2. Ensure the effective implementation of the 1999 Disability Law 3. Change societal attitudes towards disabled people and raise awareness of their rights 4. Strengthen its internal capacity and infrastructure in order to realise its goals

Main Projects / Activities

WHAT WILL WE BE DOING FROM 2010 TO 2012? As part of its strategy for the next two years, the GUPWD hopes to be undertaking a variety of activities in order to achieve its goals. In addition to our usual advocacy work responding to the needs of our beneficiaries, our plans include: • Summer and winter camps organised and run by the regional branches • A national media campaign to help raise awareness of our existence and disability issues • Various recreation programmes and other social activities • Working in partnership with the United Nations on a joint project focusing on empowering disabled youths • Working with the Palestinian Authority to enforce the ministerial regulations of the Disability Law (1999)

Contact (1) Full Name
Nizar Basalat
Head of the organisation
Nizar Basalat
Contact (2) Full Name
Reabal Almashny

Palestinian Human Rights Foundation - Monitor

National Network

Ein EL Heloua Refugee Camp, Al Breskat Neighbourhood

00961 7 753065
Telephone (other)
00970 599 707 826 (Sobeih)
00961 7 721620
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00961 3 118935 (Abdel Aziz)
Mobile Phone (other)
00961 3 239170 (Rafik)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Information and news in the Lebanese interior Ministry 11109/ODB 2007 Licensed by the Palestinian Interior Ministry in Ramallah under resolution (126) number QR-0085-F And it's a member of the following organization: The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information Anna Lindh Euro- Mediterranean foundation for Dialogue between Cultures Defend International Arab Observation against the Death Penalty Arab Coalition for Darfur International Coalition for an International Criminal court About us: We are ordinary citizens; believe deeply in the cause of human rights and the pursuit of justice and equality, and our activist members are dedicated to work in the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor) in the Middle East and North Africa and several countries around the world. Among our activist members there are lawyers, journalists, experts and professors specialized in human right issues and international law, and they believe in freedom of speech and equality between people of different nationalities and backgrounds. And we often join our efforts with human rights groups in other countries in support of our common goals. There is a growing section for volunteers who support our efforts. The Palestinian Human Rights foundation (Monitor) is a non-governmental and non-political, non-profitable foundation, and with complete independence. It was created in early 2006 by a group of activists in the field of human rights and refugee issues, with a view teach the principles of human rights and defend them and the refugee issues. We seek to achieve our goals through three main areas: 1. Monitoring and documenting human rights violations. 2. Education of the principles of human rights. 3. Research and studies. In Lebanon: The foundation Works to raise awareness of human rights, in addition to deepening the concept of civil society for the Palestinian refugees, and its directing its efforts to inform all the Lebanese parties of the living conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, and the encouraging effective dialogue in order to activate the process of communication in order to remove the gap among the Lebanese and Palestinian communities. On the other hand, the foundation supports the inclusion of the principles and concepts of human rights as it is mentioned in international laws and conventions in the Lebanese law, especially that Lebanon has signed most international agreement and treaties, which established these principles and confirmed the importance of respecting them, so as to ensure civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinians refugees in Lebanon until they return back to their homes, which was taken by the Israeli occupation, in accordance with UN resolution 194, confirmed in this regard, assuring the necessity for the international community to force Israel to respect and implement decisions of the United Nations. On The Level of Arab and International: The foundation had announced the opportunities of membership in the foundation at the Arab and international levels, so the foundation have in their group members and general coordinators in several Arab and European countries which represent and work on the behalf of the foundation where they are and within the law .
Mission and Objectives

The main sections of the foundation
1 - Public Information Section
2 - Women and Children’s Right Section
3 - The relief and the rights of the disabled Section
4 - Section of Social Affairs.
5 - Environment Section
(it can be summarized in the following sections in detail)
1. Media Section : Regarding the role of media in spreading information and educating people. This section will be responsible of reporting all this association’s news on website, and other publicity levels .Where this department will report all this association’s activities, interviews, seminars and conferences on human rights and the violation of these rights at all audio and visual levels and work on the publication of the association’s special edition
2 - Women's and Children Rights Section: This section’s concern is in cases involving the affairs of women and children as mentioned in international conventions, and is working to activate the participation of women in public life application according to the concept of equality between men and women (gender), and this section rejects all forms of violence and discrimination against women and children through seminars and workshops in this regard.
3 - The Relief and the Rights of the Disabled Section: Humanitarian Aid in case of emergency is provided for the refugees and those affected by the war in cooperation with the civil and social institutions working on the humanitarian cases. In terms of the rights of the disabled this section is working to defend the rights of persons with disabilities to have equal employment opportunities and quality of life and promote a culture of integration with disabilities and the right to participate in society and raised issues of persons with disabilities as an integral part of human rights in accordance with the laws and international conventions.
4 - Social Affairs Section: This section is working to investigate in the cases of social and humanitarian and work to help these cases, cooperation and coordination with institutions, associations and social health.
5 - Environment Section: In some countries the environment pollution because of wars and armed conflicts of the injury necessitated the creation of a mechanism to restore life to the environment, therefore this section has been formed which will work on-site exposure to the damage to life, where several environmental Research related to environmental pollutants to water, soil and air and its effects on human life and the establishment of sessions and educational workshops for all segments of society in order to guide the process of environmental awareness and community awareness of how infection and the prevention of communicable diseases.

Main Projects / Activities

Foundation objectives - The Foundation objectives summarized with the following:
1. Support and defend the rights of minorities in Lebanon through the provision of assistance and advice in all the possible ways that we have.
2. Public awareness and a culture of human rights, in particular (the rights of children, women, refugees, disabled, etc. ...) and to deepen understanding and awareness of democratic society, especially minorities , people for their social, economic, cultural, political and citizenship and all rights guaranteed by the Constitution and international laws and charters.
3. Support the universal principles of human rights, as it established in all the international conventions on human rights, as contained in the Geneva Convention and the Barcelona Declaration and all the conventions, protocols and international principles of the UN General Assembly, and awareness of these principles in the public opinion of all the Palestinian camps and the gatherings of Palestinians that our members are activists on their land
4. Promote, support and coordinate the efforts of members of the foundation and individual members in the field of human rights and advocating the rule of law, human rights, equality between men and women, and educate the principles and defense of human rights and, the defense of freedom of opinion and expression and freedom of speech and the formation of a unified platform for all associate members of the foundation around the world, especially in the occupied Palestinian territories and the Palestinian camps and gatherings in the host countries for the Palestinian refugees in the world .
5. The preparation and implementation of studies and reports and special training programs.
6. Preparing and doing seminars, conferences and workshops, and publications of all types and use of all media of spreading information relating to the above (books, reports, brochures, posters, web sites).

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Hussein Oukal
Head of the organisation
Abdel Aziz Mohamed Tarkagy (Chairman of the Board and Executive Director in Lebanon)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ala Sobeih (Vice-Chairman of the Board and the Regional Director in Palestine)

Palestinian Initiative for Supporting Students (ESNAD)

National Network

Ramallah - Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Esnad is an  innovative approach to address unequal access to education opportunities in underprivileged areas of the West Bank and Gaza. working team: Jihad Shojaeha the founder of the initiative . Eman Hamdan: PR & Fundraising  officer. Sawsan Almasaead: program officer. partners: Paltel group. Aramex international. Hani Qaddumi scholarship foundation awards: • Synergos Award: support the idea and provide thirty two thousand dollars and also provided an integrated training for participated members. • ASHOkA Award: support one of the team members to work just on the idea for three years and also provided logistical and consulting support for the   idea. • Student union in Palestine: support the idea and help to publish it through media. • King Abdullah II Award for Youth Innovation and Achievement:  Participate in King Abdullah Award for Youth Innovation and have qualified to the final stage. • Takreem Award: for Innovation in Education
Mission and Objectives

This initiative aims at funding academically talented but underprivileged students to attend university. These university students then "pay it forward" by going back to their communities and tutoring groups of primary and secondary school students, serving as mentors and positive role models for younger generations of students and as valuable academic resources to rural communities. The initiative is helping to close the gap in access to education, raise academic standards, provide education to women, and break the cycle of poverty

Main Projects / Activities

University students serve their community by being mentors and positive role models for younger generations of students and as valuable academic resources to rural communities.
• Close the gap in access to education, raise academic standards, provide education to women, and break the cycle of poverty by using education as weapon to fight poverty.
• Involving more females as leaders in their communities.
• Improving the quality of education by using extracurricular activities as a way of learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eman Hamdan
Job Title
Public Relation and fundraising Officer
Head of the organisation
Jihad Hassan Shojaeha

Palestinian Institute for Cultural Development

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
There is one full time employee, and four part time employees. Our operating budget is over 35,000 annually and our sources of funding come from Qattan Foundation, U.S. Aid, Ministry of Culture, Arab Cultural Fund. Our partners include but not limited to: Musica Europa (Italy), Tamkeen for Arts (Jordan), National Conservatory (Palestine), Ministry of Education (Palestine), Ministry of Culture (Palestine)
Mission and Objectives

The Palestinian Institute for Cultural Development NAWA, is a unique vibrant center that strengthens our communities and provide a facility where our culture, art, dance, and music can be preserved and passed on for future generations. NAWA is a warm, comfortable, and inviting venue where our community enjoys artistic and cultural events, and where our children acquire a deeper understanding and appreciation of their history and heritage. NAWA's programs will always be inspiring and creative.
Nawa is an independent, community based, non-for-profit organization

Main Projects / Activities

NAWA fosters the public's understanding and appreciation of culture and brings the realm of Palestinian culture within reach through creative presentations and displays, provide resources and facilities, collaborate with the community, and engage every one, especially youth and children in creative work, teaching and learning. NAWA embraces progress, diversity, unity and will maintain positive leadership and a standard of excellence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nader Jalal
Head of the organisation
Nader Jalal
Contact (2) Full Name
Issa Boulos

Palestinian Institute for Human Rights

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
Mission and Objectives

Out of concern for building PIHR on professional and scientific basis and to direct its programs to meet the needs of its target groups and to provide better services for them, the Institute has been working on its strategic plan for the next three years. Such a plan is an ambitious vision to transform the aspirations and objectives of the Institute to facts and realities of concrete benefits to the targeted groups. The Plan aims to touch upon the internal and external needs of PIHR in order to develop practical solutions that are suitable to address the dilemmas and challenges facing it. Such solutions are also aimed at determining the type and quality of the needed interventions and developing a clear mechanism for measuring progress and success within a pre- determined time frame.

Main Projects / Activities

Raising awareness of marginalized groups in the North and Center (youth and women
sectors) about human rights education, citizenship and human rights in the local and
international spheres.

-Organizing workshops targeting women and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamad Hamdan
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mohamad Hamdan

Palestinian Karate Federating

National Network

Old sity – Kantarat Al Shallodi
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Sport & cultural, All segments of society, All members are volunteers Administrative, coach, referee, player, audience
Mission and Objectives

Raise the technical and administrative level and behavioral associate members of the Union.
Organizing championships and competitions and setting various regulations within the limits of the rules of the International Federation.
Managing karate affairs in all technical, administrative and financial aspects, setting programs and supervising their implementation.
Preparing the teams representing Palestine in the local, regional, continental and international tournaments and championships.
Establish training and arbitration studies locally and participate in these studies Arably, continually and internationally for the purpose of preparing referees and trainers.
Representing Palestine in Arab and international conferences and meetings.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mohammed Albakri
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohammed Albakri

Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS)

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. General Assembly; Board; Board of Directors; President; Department Heads: Finance and Administration, Clinics, Women’s Health Program, School of Community Health, Loan Centers for Assistive Devices, Youth Programs, Community Based Rehabilitation Program, External Relations, Laboratories, Emergency, Ambulance Services and First Aid Training Program, Chronic Diseases Program and Centre for Management of Chronic Diseases, School Health Program, In-Service Training Program - 358 staff in total: 139 men, 219 women. See the following file for more information: 2. 2004: US$ 7,127,000 3.Donor contributions (74 %); user fees (15%); donations in kind (1%); other (10%). 4. Programmes; projects; patient referrals to overseas institutions, particularly for children. 5. (Examples) Ministry of Health; Ministry of Education; St. Johns Eye Hospital; Bread for the World; Medico International; Oxfam International; Oxfam Belgium; Save the Children; UNICEF.
Mission and Objectives

PMRS’ ultimate goal is to ensure quality health for all based on the principles of primary health care (PHC). This involves the the empowerment of local communities to take control of their own health needs, as well as influencing national policies to adopt systems that ensure equality and social justice.

Main Projects / Activities

PMRS currently runs 17 different programs:
1. Community Health Centers & Clinics Program;
2. Laboratory Services Program;
3. Central Pharmacy & Rational Use of Drugs Program;
4. Women's Health Program;
5. Child Health Program;
6. Psychosocial Counseling Program;
7. School Health Program;
8. Chronic Disease Program;
9. Specialized Programs;
10. Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Program;
11. School of Community Health Program;
12. Health Education & Promotion Program;
13. Emergency First Aid Program;
14. Youth & Community Centers Program;
15. Community Mobilization & Outreach Program;
16. Lobbying, Advocacy & Civil Society Program; and
17. Management Information System Program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jihad Mashal, President
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jihad Mashal
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Sameh Jarallah, Director of External Relations

Palestinian National Theater

National Network
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Palestinian National Theater (PNT) plays a vital role in the Palestinian community and until recently was the only center for culture and art in the Occupied Territories. Since its inception in 1984, the theatre has served to actively encourage and promote artistic and cultural activities. The PNT was founded by the Palestinian El-Hakawati Theatre Company. After one year, the management of the center was handed over to a Board of Directors comprised of artists, writers, and notable persons in the Palestinian community. The PNT serves as a forum for cultural and artistic activities, and is working to upgrade and rekindle interest in the arts at the national level. Its mandate goes beyond preserving Palestinian culture, folklore and tradition and includes the active search for new ideas and innovative approaches to Palestinian self-expression.
Mission and Objectives

The Palestinian National Theatre (PNT) is a Palestinian non profit cultural institution which strives to create and to develop a unique cultural life in Jerusalem, by way of producing and presenting artistic, educational and entertaining programs that reflect the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Main Projects / Activities

The PNT shall work on the basis of a national cultural policy that stems its spiritual strength from the pluralistic history, culture and heritage of Palestine.
Our aim is to raise the literary and intellectual awareness of Palestinians by expanding their horizons and developing their awareness in order to produce a community of people that have confidence and pride in themselves and respect for the differences of others.
Because children and youth represent the majority of the Palestinian people, the PNT shall give priority to programs that address this vital component of Palestinian society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dir: Jamal Ghosheh
Head of the organisation
Dir: Jamal Ghosheh

Palestinian Organization For Development

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Palestinian Organization For development "POFD" is a Charitable non profit organization established in Dier el balah – Gaza strip in year 2000 licensed from Palestinian Interior Ministry with number 7040. It holds a work permit from the Ministry of Social Affairs for the year 2002, POFD has a Board of Directors that consists of 7 members, and an executive department that runs many programs.
Mission and Objectives

We look to the future with insight, through hard work to achieve the strategic objectives and to attract effective developmental programs also to enhance collective participation and advancement of society socially, economically, culturally, and we base our values on equality between people, the organization seeks to improve the living conditions of members of the community, establishes plans strategy to work for three years, to achieve its objectives
Objectives of the organization:
- Contribute to improve the economic situation and living conditions of members of the community.
- Contribute to the development of rural areas and refugee camps.
- Provide instruction services to students.
- Strengthening the trend towards voluntary work services.
- Child care and work to strengthen the role of women and development gains.
- Developing the resources of young people.
- Continuous development.

Main Projects / Activities

POFD projects for the previous years:
1) Permanent ( standing) projects:
• A separate building for administration, including administration offices, computer lab, multi-purpose room and rooms and classrooms for training and supportive education.
• "The future" preschool.
• Watchtowers of the sea rescue on the shores of middle governorate.
• Establishment of the childhood garden and club in Dier ElBalah.
• Implementation of garden and park for children on Dier ElBalah beach.
2) Current (ongoing) projects:
POFD is currently implementing several programs and projects the most prominent are
• PCAP project.
• Administrative and health support project.
• "Teams of child protection" project.
• "End discrimination against women in Gaza strip" project.
• "Strengthening democracy and building the capacity of NGOs" project.
• "Psychological and social intervention to help the children of Gaza" project.
• "The right to play" project.
• "Namaa" for reducing school violence In partnership with NPA year 2013

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we are Palestinian and have a rich heritage we see that we contribute to the network in enhancing cultural exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

POFD sees it as an important need to exchange between cultures and enhance public and international relations . Joining this network will help us be a member in an activity that will help us to promote our cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Balsam ElAtrash
Head of the organisation
Nabeel Ahmad Sobaih

Palestinian Performing Arts Network

National Network

Askar Building 4th Floor
Al Bireh
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
A major address within the performing arts sector has been the Palestinian Performing Arts Network (PPAN).  Eleven of the most important performing arts organizations in Palestine: namely: Al Harah Theatre, Yes Theatre, Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, the Freedom Theatre, Ashtar Theatre, Al-Kamandjati Association, El Funoun Palestinian Dance Troupe, the Popular Art Centre, Theatre Day Productions, Magnificat Institution, and the Palestinian Circus School;  believe in the importance of cementing a network that represents an address to their unity, collectiveness, and shared missions and values.  Although the process of creating the Palestinian Performing Arts Network (PPAN) has been an uphill process, with plenty of unexpected stumbling blocks, its member's commitment became reality in 2015 when PPAN was officially launched and registered.  Today, the office is composed of a full working staff and the implementation of a new program from 2016-2019 funding by Sida titled 'Performing Arts is a Right and an Entitlement.  
Mission and Objectives

PPAN in its mission, objectives and interventions will be steered by its vision for the Palestinian society.
“A free just Palestinian society that cultivates knowledge and culture, respects diversity, equality and free expression”
PPAN intends to contribute towards its vision expressed above, and to deliver on the following mission:
"We, the Palestinian Performing Arts Network, aim to increase appreciation of performing arts and its role in creating societal change. We will do so by, strengthening the capacities of the members, by joint cooperation, influencing policies and society through lobbying and advocacy, publications and research, in order to increase accessibility and engagement in performing arts"

Overall Objective
PPAN aims to establish and develop a strong Network that can deliver on its mission and empower its members. We will work together to achieve the following overall objective:

"An influential Performing Arts Network that has the necessary capacities and resources to influence policies, to empower its members, and to cement joint cooperation and coordination, in an efficient and effective way to meet the needs and values of performing arts in Palestine”
Towards the achievement of the PPAN’s overall objective, the network focuses on three areas: Capacity building, cooperation and coordination and lobbying and advocacy.  PPAN’s outcomes are defined below:
1) Capacity Building
Outcome 1: To strengthen and develop opportunities for resource development including funding, capacity building initiatives and cooperation of performing arts organizations
2) Cooperation and coordination
Outcome 2: To increase synergy and transparent dialogue among PAN members, and enhance cross-partner cultural events
3) Lobbying and advocacy
Outcome 3: To influence public policies, positions and procedures in recognizing the importance of performing arts and culture

Main Projects / Activities

A new program, entitled "Performing Arts is a Right and an Entitlement", will be implemented by PPAN and its founding members over the next four years using a joint participatory approach (2016-2019).  The program will be focused in the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, and target boys and girls.  Overall, around 25,500 children and youth (boys and girls) ranging in age from 6 to 25 years, will be actively involved in the various interventions of the PPAN program and approximately 200,000 persons from varied social and economic backgrounds will be exposed and engaged in PPAN activities.   The outcomes and activities will be built around the agreed upon objective of PPAN "An influential Performing Arts Network that has the necessary capacities and resources to influence policies, to empower its members, and to cement cooperation and coordination, in an efficient and effective way to meet the needs and values of performing arts in Palestine"; i.e. capacity building, cooperation and coordination, advocacy and lobbying, and information sharing.
The new program 2016-2019, will aim at bolstering the functionality, recognition, and sustainability of an active performing arts network.  In doing so, the program will ensure that an independent and coherent governing structure is in place and operational, all administrative and financial policies are applied, a fully functional staff is in place, active communication and advocacy strategies are developed, and coordination and cooperation are enhanced among its members.  PPAN's activities will engage boys and girls with focus on less privileged communities through coordinated PPAN productions, performances, festivals, art education and training.  PPAN will also aim to strengthen the professional development of the performing arts sector at the staff level of its members, its staff and partner performing arts actors; as well as enhance the capacities of performing arts students and trainees through informal and formal training.
In summary, the program will have the following concrete outcomes:
 Functionality, recognition and sustainability of an active performing arts network are bolstered
 Boys and girls with focus on less privileged communities are further engaged in performing arts
 Capacities of performing arts actors are strengthened, diversified and promoted at various levels

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As part of this network, the Palestinian Performing Arts Network can offer its influence and coordination with major performing arts organizations, facilities and input on cultural policies and issues in Palestine.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PPAN's main objective is cooperation and coordination and we believe that ALF will allow access to international artistic and cultural organizations that we can work with on furthering cutural dialogue and tackling integrated challenges

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousef Nazzal
Job Title
General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Chair - Iman Hammouri