
Palestine Aid

National Network

Al Naser
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Palestine AID Foundation is a civil, non-profit leader in the humanitarian work which does not endorse any political ideology or organizational specific founded by a group of Palestinian legal figures in 2001 under license from the Ministry of the Interior No. 7074 in the framework of the urgent need for the Palestinian society for the support and assistance in the light of subsequent developments, which kept pace with the suffering of the Palestinian people in their just cause. We’re working flat out to get focused on social and health care, economic and educational programs aimed at where the basic category of children, particularly orphans, as well as youth and women and the family.
Mission and Objectives

Is to help Palestinian community to have decent humanist life, independent in all economic, educational, and health aspects.
Is to serve and develop the marginalized and disadvantaged people in the Palestinian community and improving the cultural, social and economical conditions of them life, and provide them with proper management in order to reach innovative environment for coming generations. To achieve this mission we seeking harness all our energies and potential of physical and human resources to provide all the services required by development projects and programs.
Strategic Goals
1.       Contribute to providing a healthy environment appropriate for children specially orphans to nurture a generation able to take part in the construction and development of a civilized society.
2.        Participate in the process of development and rehabilitation of the Palestinian community culturally and socially to reach a balanced and cohesive society.
3.        Enable youths to improve their social, economic and cultural levels.
4.        Mitigate the impact of the economic situation on families and protect peace food.
5.        Help people with special needs, and work to integrate them in society.
6.        Promote women's participation in community development.
7.        Develop services provided by the association to ensure that all activities perform with high quality.
Strategic Priorities
1.       Strengthen regulatory frameworks within the organization.
2.        Improve communication internally and with partners and donors.
3.        Improve the appearance of the institution's mission and its goals and programs.
         Increased financial resources, and manage it effectively and efficiently.

Main Projects / Activities

- Humanitarian Relief Program.
- Childhood & Orphans Program.
- Woman and family Program.
- Economic Development program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saleh Hassouna
Job Title
Projects Manager
Head of the organisation
Abdesamee Arabeed

Palestine Association for Development and Justice

National Network

Magdi Younis Street
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Human Resources: For workers in the association, they reached to 23 volunteers: 21 of them whom are working on temporary job opportunities through the “Gaza emergency and graduate employment” project. The workers are distributed as follows: 12 teachers, 2 social workers, 2 activists, 1 case manager, 2 psychologists and 1 cleaner. Others are volunteers distributed as follow: 2 lawyers, 1 project manager. Sources of funding for the association: Annual membership fees, grants through the implementation of activities in partnership with partner institutions, and in-kind relief assistance through partners Modalities of action: workshops, co- activities with partners, seminars... Partners: International Partner: 1. German International Organization for Development and Peace Local: 1. Gaza Community Mental Health Program 2. Working Women Society 3. Research and Legal Consultation Center for Women Protection 4. Culture and Free Thought Association 5. Women's Affairs Center 6. Aisha Association for the Protection of Women and Children 7. The Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution 8. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

PADJ`s Mission: Palestine Association for Development and Justice PADJ seeks to institutionalize civil concepts as a sustainable methodology by integrating the Palestinian family and empowering them in the process of development through development programs to reach a civilian democratic community prevailing with social justice. Organization`s Strategic Objectives: 1. Contribute to alleviate suffering of the Palestinian society by empowering the Palestinian family socially, economically, culturally and legally. 2. Contribute to meet the needs of marginalized groups within the Palestinian society through charitable and relief assistances 3. Contribute to revive of the Palestinian heritage in order to enhance the Palestinian cultural identity through various cultural programs

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities: 1. Psycho social support and recreational activities 2. Supportive education activities for children 3. Awareness raising workshops in the psychological, social, legal and human rights fields

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Presenting the needs of the target groups by providing them in project proposals that focus on education, cultural exchange and youth rights Participate in network supportive and various activities The inclusion of young people in the cultural and dialogue programs between the neighboring countries of the Network for Cultural Exchange Promote concepts of democracy and human rights by supporting diverse and reciprocal activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is an ancient institution concerned with building a culture based on dialogue and exchange, and it is concerned with promoting concepts of human rights and democracy among youth groups. Hence, there are points of convergence in the interests of the Palestine Association for Development and Justice and the Analind network. Therefore, we would like to integrate in its network in order to ensure the promotion of human dignity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariam Mohamad Abed Kasouha
Job Title
Head of the Board Council
Head of the organisation
Mariam Mohamad Kasouha
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanaa El- Khaldy
Job Title (2)
Founding member

Palestine Association for Education

National Network

Omar Bin Alass, Alremal , Gaza Strip, Palestine
Gaza Strip
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Palestine Association for Education & Environmental Protection (PAEEP) has always been committed to bringing about positive change to the world, but to build something is not a one-man show! We all have a role to play in this crazy world we live in; the more we try to help one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. We at PAEEP believe that collaboration is not about an option to choose, but a necessity to strengthen the efficiencies and effectiveness to tackle down of what we need to settle and generate a better impact for a better world. PAEEP seeks to work with other organizations in a transparent, equitable and mutually beneficial way, and agrees to commit resources, share the risks as well as the benefits to work together towards a shared goal

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is: To protect and improve the environment as a valuable asset for the people of Gaza. To protect our people and the environment from harmful effects of radiation and pollution. The mission of PAEEP association is to serve, relief, and develop the poor and fragile groups in Palestinian society, and enhance the living, cultural, and social situation for those groups, as well providing them with best management skills to reach and achieve the healthy environment which suit the coming generations. To achieve this mission, PAEEP strives to develop all its financial and human capabilities and resources to provide all required services through the continues developmental projects and programs.

Main Projects / Activities

 WASH PAEEP has +20 years of experience in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects. Contributing to SDG 6 to achieving sanitation and water for all by 2030, and in order to protect the health and dignity of almost 2 million people of the Gaza Strip who have nowhere else to go, PAEEP works to ensure that Gazan people, especially those in vulnerable areas, are provided with improved access to safe WASH infrastructure and services. Realizing the rights of inclusion and equity for females and persons with disabilities, PAEEP designs its WASH interventions to be more accessible, hygienic, gender-sensitive and disabled-friendly. Over the course of its work, PAEEP improved WASH facilities, restored access to safe, affordable, and adequate drinking water, distributed hygiene kits and ran hygiene promotion and behavior change activities to improve people’s knowledge of good sanitation and hygiene practices in hundreds of schools, kindergartens, houses and healthcare centers.  CVA PAEEP has been carrying out Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) projects since 2011. PAEEP provided hundreds of the most vulnerable poor families in the Gaza Strip with fresh food e-vouchers, and unconditional multipurpose cash grants to better meet their basic needs. Additionally, PAEEP provided Gazan vulnerable poor families with small business management training and grants (around a 5,000 USD) to aid them in establishing their own businesses. Also, PAEEP implemented a number of cash for work projects, benefitting tens of workers. It’s worth to mention that PAEEP is a member of the Gaza Cash Working Group (CWG), and it takes the recommendations & best practices of the CWG into consideration when designing and implementing its projects.  Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition PAEEP supports farmers to restore their livelihood by providing them with seedlings, drop irrigation networks and manure. Additionally, PAEEP repairs existing agricultural wells and establishes new ones, installs water carrier-lines and irrigation networks, and provides unemployed agricultural workers with temporary job opportunities. PAEEP aims to increase the productivity of the income generation activities of poor farmer families. It does this in two main ways: (a) livelihoods training where target groups gain needed knowledge and technical skills, and (b) provision of assets in the form of livestock, seeds and equipment for husbandry, including; poultry breeding, sheep breeding, beekeeping, home gardening, fishing and others. Besides, PAEEP distributes therapeutic milk and food and Fortified biscuits for preschoolers to treat malnutrition and anemia.  Environment PAEEP established and equipped an environmental laboratory in the Gaza Strip that performs environmental testing services, including; analysis of water, soil, air, waste characterization, contaminants, and other environmental forensics. The laboratory management has been handed over to Water & Environment Quality Authority of Palestine. PAEEP organized several initiatives and awareness campaigns to mobilize citizens for waste management systems and for proper environmental sanitation/protection behaviors.  Humanitarian & Relief Work PAEEP has always been responsive and playing a vital role in times of emergencies and crises. PAEEP has developed an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) to ensure preparedness to respond to humanitarian crises that might occur within reach of PAEEP’s operations. The EPRP is revised annually, and it consists of the following components: emergency risk analysis, need assessment & capacity gap analysis, rules & roles of incident response team, staff security during emergency, facilities & assets security during emergency, communication plan, coordination with other bodies plan, strategy of integrating target communities, response plan, fundraising plan, purchasing & tenders plan, financial management plan and logistical support plan. PAEEP usually distributes hygiene kits, food parcels, potable water, blankets and other non-food items in times of war and virus outbreaks.  Youth Empowerment PAEEP is committed to the creation of youth leaders with a social conscience that are agents of positive change in the Gaza Strip. PAEEP empowers youth through training and better access to employment opportunities, as well as through engaging youth in community service projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PAEEP think that partnership is this an agreement to do something together that will benefit all involved, bringing results that could not be achieved by a single partner operating alone, and reducing duplication of efforts . INGO engagement with local NGO could have a successful partnership enhancing the impact and effectiveness of action through combined and more efficient use of resources .Networks have a major role in developing countries they have a heavy onus of responsibility to operate ethically, to work collaboratively and productively with communities, to ensure positive outcomes of their interventions, and to be accountable for their actions. However , local communities and other civil society partners can better understand, represent, and address the rights, needs, and aspirations of poor people, all partners, including government and the private sector, are central to creating the conditions and structural changes necessary for effective people-cantered, sustainable change and development .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Leveraging skills and perspectives not available in the organization. Partnering with ALF can help PAEEP to address issues that it may not have skills or securing needed resources to implemented propsed intervention the future. To be a part of ALF networks to utilise in sharing knowledge. InformaTion , expertise among other partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Kuhail
Job Title
Projects Manager
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Aldadah
Contact (2) Full Name
Hadeel Abu oun
Job Title (2)
Fundraising officer

Palestine Association for Education and Environmental Protection

National Network

غزة الرمال شارع عمرو بن العاص خلف ملعب فلسطين
رام الله -بيتونيا بجانب محطة عطاري
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
Established in 1999 as an environmental, non-profit, communityorganization AEEP works to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians, particularly those in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and contribute to the long-term socioeconomic and cultural development of Palestinian society to achieve good quality of individual’s lives. Also PAEEP working to achieve high level of health and development in cooperation with local and international NGO..  PAEEP is one of the major & senior environmental organization working in Gaza strip and WB.   The association established by alist of 7 board members elected every years chosen from alist of general assebly members. PAEEP structure under the supervision of Mahmoud AlDadah with assistance from external Auditor and consultants. the project Manager and project officer responsible for all the supervision and reporting of the projects ,fundrsing and public relation. for each project , aproject coordinator supervises the implemetaion and repoting of the project. In the addition to accountant and secretary  the current project represnted in agriculture and environmetal  funded by Norwegisn peopels aid and arab fund  The association participates annualy in various activities included local and internation confrencesm seminars and training iThe sucess of the association depend on the permentant fundrasing from Norwegian Peoples Aid  
Mission and Objectives

To contribute and make Palestine distinct in achieving the objectives of sustainable environmental development through environmental protection and upgrading of educational thinking of the local community towards the t clean, beautiful and prosperous environment.
1. Upgrading educational thinking, environmental awareness and consolidating and disseminating community involvement and responsibility towards preserving the natural wealth.
2. Building databases and information packages in the field of environment, water resources,  agricultural, fishery, natural reserves and conducting research and studies.
3. Providing the society with the environmental information means.
4. Contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation and working on reducing the environmental contaminants.
5. Contributing to the formulation and development of environmental laws and legislation.
6. Preserving marine life and wildlife.
7. Providing community services and improving environmental infrastructure.
8. Rehabilitating and empowering human resources in protecting the environment and motivating them.
9. Achieving clean and healthy environment for future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

PAEEP works to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians, particularly those in Gaza Strip, West Bank, and to contribute to the long-term socioeconomic development of Palestinian society. PAEEP activities usually visualized according to the needs of the local society. Also, PAEEP works with teenagers, youth, women and other marginalized community groups in joint projects with concerned local and international association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PAEEP has numerous connections within the non-profit sector and more else in the govermental sector in both of Palestine's parts.
We have a wide range of staff's competencies and volunteers. They all work as a body. consisting of university graduates, professors, consultants, public relations experts and community leaders, our staff will .facilitate the Agenda and vision of Anna Lindh Foundation
PAEEP's team can contribute to the Network through workshop sessions during projects, orientation meetings and video conferences with our local and international partners, and also within contexts of the associations messions such as universities and local partner CBO's.
PAEEP can also facilitaite the experiences and knowledge gained from ALF and ALF members in our  working ranges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PAEEP is keen to particiapte on the international level rather than just local, in cuilding relationships where our staff can learn and teach.
being a member of such well-respected network will surely open a window for PAEEP to develop and enhanc our voisions and messions.
PAEEP is interested in developing the association's strategy in a way that respects the international disciplines and experiences, and joining ALF will insure that for sure.

Contact (1) Full Name
diana Mohamed Kuhail
Job Title
Projects Manager
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud AL-Dadah
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahmoud Mahamed Al-dadah
Job Title (2)
PAEEP Chairman

Palestine Association for Education and Environmental Protection ( PAEEP)

National Network

Amro ben Al-Ass street –Northern Remal –Gaza ,Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
PAEEP is formally registered since 1999 as a Non-profit organization under registration number: 7191 by the Palestinian Ministry of Interior (MOI).  
Mission and Objectives

Strategic objectives:
PAEEP aims to contribute to:
 Upgrading educational thinking, environmental awareness and consolidating and disseminating community involvement and responsibility towards preserving the natural wealth.
 Providing the society with the environmental information means.
 Improve health care quality and safety through support care in the community and at home.
 Contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation and working on reducing the environmental contaminants
 Contributing to the formulation and development of environmental laws and legislation
 Rehabilitating and empowering human resources in protecting the environment and motivating them.
 To facilitate the empowerment of farmers/producers through assistance for mobilization, organization into associations, cooperatives etc. for their increased participation in planning, marketing, technology dissemination and agro-processing etc.
Improving the Children's Environmental Learning in Al-Shijaia District" funded by United Palestinian Appeal (UPA) November 2014
Improving the children's environmental learning in Al-Shejaiia after the war” project that implemented in the East Gaza in Gaza Governorates. The project was aiming to restore normal life to children of Al-Shejaia KGs after the Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip that resulted nearly 2,200 deaths including nearly 500 Palestinian children that reported children experienced heightened distress.  In addition, this project improved the educational attainment of children through the distribution of recreational and educational tools for the use of children in kindergarten.  This project targeted nearly 970 children (530 male and 440 female) in three Kindergartens who are mostly in the age between 3 to 5-year-old and 38 KGs teacher.
Support affected families" funded by Norwegian People's Aid, October 2014.
PAEEP distributed cooking utensils to 285 families in need in North and Gaza Governorate to support families who were affected by the July 2014 war on Gaza Strip.
PAEEP distributed clothes for 600 children from the Gaza Strip from the families who had their home destroyed in the Last war on Gaza Strip, as part of a project of Gaza Emergency Relief
Reducing Food Insecurity through Food basket Assistance extremely to vulnerable and conflict affected older people headed" funded by United Palestinian Appeal (UPA)
To ensure that 45 food insecure older people have provided the basic needs in Ramadan to food and better nutritional status through distribution a food basket.
Strengthening civil society as a means of poverty reduction for vulnerable older people in the occupied Palestinian territory
The action aims to increase the productivity and scope of the livelihood’s activities of 250 older people and their families to increase their household income. It will do this in two main ways: (a) Livelihoods training and (b) Provision of assets/inputs for earning income: the action will provide poor older people with additional assets to expand their opportunities for future income and food for their own consumption. The assets/inputs will include bee keeping, poultry, sheep and vegetables and will vary according to the local economy and individual household priorities
Enhancing food security conditions of marginalized communities in WB and Gaza" funded by Norwegian Peoples Aid
The project was aiming to improve and sustaining agricultural activities, resource management and food security of 274 families in Gaza and WB. The project has three main activities in Gaza: 1) Planting 191 dunums of seasonal crops for 45 farmers ( 34 M, 11F)   2) Land Rehabilitation of 49 dunums for 8 farmers (7 M, 1F)  3) Creation of 925 workdays for 23 (18M,5F) unemployed agricultural field supervisor and worker, and 5 main activities in WB: 1) Establishment of 15 water harvesting cisterns for 15 farmers(11M,4F) and recharged each with 50 m3  2) Rehabilitation of 30 damaged cisterns for 30 farmers(23 M,7F) and recharge each with 50m3 3) Planting of 90 dunums with olive, citrus& almonds for 24 farmers(17M,7F)  4) Rehabilitation of 36 green houses for 29 farmers (19M, 10F) 5) Creation of 775 workdays for 10(4M,6F) unemployed agricultural field worker and supervisor. The project period extended one more month to end in 28 Feb. instead of 31st of Jan 2014 which was an emergency relief to the affected farmers in Tulkarm by the last storm of cold and rain in December 2014 .The extension activities in Dhinnaba Tulkarm 1) Distributing nylon of damaged green houses for 45 farmers (29M, 16F), open fields crops for 45 farmers(35M,10F) and compost  for the same 90 farmers 2) Leveling of agricultural road in Ertah Valley 3) creation of 75 workdays for 3farmers (2M,1F)  unemployed agricultural field supervisor.
Youth engagement in civic society to increase the environmental awareness (Environment Guardians)"Funded by USAID in partnership with Catholic Relief service
It aimed to develop the grassroots Palestinian youth skills who are engaged in environmental awareness to boost their community participation and increase the awareness of Palestinian public in Gaza Strip on critical environmental issues. The project has three main activities: 1) Opening Workshop 2) Life Skills Training 3) Celebration of the Arab Environment Day on 14 October. The project period has been extended one more month to end in 30 Nov. instead of 31st of Oct. 2013.
The actual main activity of awareness and planting campaign was held at Gaza Community College for Tourist Studies, Gaza Training College (UNRWA), and Gaza University. After a deep coordination with AlAzhar University and AlQuds Open University, the midterm exams were the biggest problem for those universities to accept the participation in our project activities. On regards to the activities that were canceled, there were two activities: design and publish the three websites and the laptops purchase, these were canceled upon the new amendments to extend the project one more month, according to the approval of CRS's supervisor.
Rehabilitation of agriculture land and cultivated with mature plant and job creation program
The project aims to support the agricultural sector through rehabilitation of damaged lands, and to provide employment opportunities for poor and marginalized farmers in Gaza and the North Governorate. About 160 dunums was rehabilitated and planted with mature trees in Gaza and North Governorate.                                                                                                                  
Rehabilitation of 160 Greenhouses Destroyed by the Israeli in Gaza Strip 2008-2009
The PAEEP proposes through this project to rehabilitate and maintain 160 greenhouses and in the targeted area. Wire mesh installed in each greenhouse.
The rehabilitation of the greenhouses includes the use of iron props and nylons and the plastic sheets that are needed to cover the greenhouse skeleton. Wire mesh installed at the rehabilitated greenhouses.
PAEEP will select the beneficiaries according to the set selection criteria and in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture
Installation of 30 water desalination units at Kindergarten, Schools and Clinics
This project aims at improving the quality of water for drinking purposes at the proposed schools and enhance the environmental awareness through Providing (30 RO units) in the targeted KGs, schools and clinics with the production of 200-300 lit/day as sensitive targeted group with suitable water for drinking/domestic use, which will improve the health condition among children in the 30 targeted KGs, schools and clinics
“Improvement of potable water quality and enhancement of environmental awareness in and Khan Yunis schools through installation of five water desalination units at the elementary schools
This project aims at providing the Primary, girls/boys schools in (5 units) five units for the schools with the production of 1000 lit/day as sensitive targeted group with suitable water for drinking/domestic use which will improve the health condition among school children. Ten declination units (RO) will be installed at the five schools as recommended by the Ministry of Education. At the same time, this project will provide a campaign of public awareness activities for both the children as well their teachers. In addition, a workshop focusing and highlighting the clean environment as a basic issue of human rights will be conducted at one of the targeted schools just to attract the attention of people ion decision-making to consider this issue in the future projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing community services and improving environmental infrastructure.
Economic empowerment of vulnerable families in the Gaza strip
To protect the environment from environmental pollution risk.
To reinforce the resilience of the Palestinian society at emergency and disaster.
Mitigating the psychological and social effects of poor economic conditions and difficulties in the Gaza Strip

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Around 20 years of working within the Palestinian community of large network of civil society organizations in Gaza strip and the West Bank, built trust and confirmed gender and protection mainstreaming in working in the humanitarian context in Gaza Strip. PAEEP is working on providing affected people with required assistances to meet their needs in the form of money and conditional helps. Additionally, relief and emergency, environmental protection, capacity building and development, and economic empowerment programs.  PAEEP builds bridges with the community by targeting different categories; youth, farmers, graduates, teachers, PWDs, elderlies, women, and other people at various sectors. PAEEP establishes development programs that focus on those categories based on the area of need. Intensive power is given to people to discuss, and make a difference, to young people voices, and for those who lead initiatives

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Kuhail
Head of the organisation

Palestine Daily Newspaper in the Gaza Strip

National Network

Gaza strip
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information
Palestine is a daily Palestinian newspaper published in the Gaza Strip. The newspaper employs more than 80 journalists and employees interested in covering Palestinian daily events. In its daily, monthly and annual income, the newspaper relies on a combination of revenue through advertising and business investment.
Mission and Objectives

Documenting violations of the Israeli occupation Strengthening the bonds of love among Palestinian society Publish daily news Continuous coverage Documenting events Making a leap in the Palestinian media

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are the establishment of courses and training projects for Palestinian journalists in the areas of report and investigative reporting and the story.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By enhancing the status of media professionals in society

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To participate in the Mediterranean Award, I'm Linda

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
yehya yaqobi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Al - Wasat Printing & Publishing Co
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

palestine genral union for charitable socities

National Network

AL-Ram -Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

اختصار اسم المؤسسة: PGUCS نبذة عن المؤسسة: الاتحاد العام الفلسطيني للجمعيات الخيرية هو اتحاد وطني غير ربحي تأسس عام 1990تحت رقم تسجيل (QR-270-SS) حيث يعمل في كافة محافظات الوطن و يضم في عضويته 1500 جمعية خيرية عضوة في الاتحادات الأعضاء التي تعمل في شمال الضفة الغربية ووسطها وجنوبها ومجموعة من الجمعيات المنتشرة في قطاع غزة حيث يسهر الاتحاد على خلق بيئة فلسطينية مشجعة لانجاح العمل الاجتماعي الخيري مستندا بذلك الى ومرتكزا على العمل التطوعي الخلاق والجهد الجماعي المستدام لما فيه من مصلحة وخدمة انسانية للفئات الاجتماعية المهمشة والاكثر فقرا والاقل حظا المهمة/الرسالة: يسعى الاتحاد الى بناء وتطوير قدرات اعضاءه والجمعيات والاتحادات التي تنضوي تحت لوائه وتعزيز اعتمادها على ذاتها ودعم استدامتها وتعزيز وتطوير مستويات واليات التنسيق فيما بينها. وعليه، يظهر الاتحاد التزاما وتمسكا بقواعد الحكم الرشيد وبممارسة الضغط والمناصرةعلى كافة الجهات المعنية لتوفير بيئة مشجعة للعمل الاجتماعي الخيري والعمل التطوعي الخلاق كما يؤمن ببناء وخلق القيادات وتجنيد المتطوعين للعمل الاجتماعي الخيري وصولا الى حياة كريمة للفئات الاقل حظا والاكثر فقرا وتهميشا وبناء مجتمع متكامل بالتعاون مع كافة الشركاء في القطاعين العام والخاص والجهات الرسمية والأهلية ونشر الوعي الاجتماعي لتحقيق معنى المواطنة الحقيقية بين كافة شرائح المجتمع.

Mission and Objectives

The attitudes : The General Union is a syndicalism-oriented society its aims social equality and equal opportunities Vision : The general union aspires at a free society where social equality and equal opportunity do  blossom . The Message : The General union pursues realizing its vision , building and developing the capacities of its members and the societies and unions which are implied under its banner . it also aspires not only at supporting them but also pushing forward their continuity and developing the mechanisims of intercommunication , acoordingly  , the (PGUCS) adheres to the rules of good governance and lunching lopping and pressure campaigns to the authorities in concern to lay the basis of charitable social work and creative voluntarism . as well , the local society should believe in the capacity – building of the institution , the necessary for creating social and charitable work leaderships and volunteers with the overall aim of enabling the less fortunes groups , the more improverished  and the marginalized to decent life . The Motto : The General Union has adopted (free homeland – free man – justice for all ) amotto both in though and practices . Work philosophy : The philosophy of General Union springs from the solid grounded believe that success in a chieving aspirations thoroughly depends on the creative practices of the rules of good governance , voluntary work and the on going effort are jump to to the aim start point . The code of conduct  : The work of the General Union relies on the following values : dignity , justice . sacrifice ,devotion ,patriotism self reliance and team work . The strategic goals : The general union realizing its vision and message out of and accordance with the following strategic goals : 1. Adoption and application of modern and equitable laws and polices for the less fortune , the most impoverished and the marginalized . 2. Empowerment of the members of regional union and charitable societies in the administrative , financial and professional fields of work . 3. Enhancing the union sustainability and social and national legitimacy .

Main Projects / Activities

- مشروع تعزيز دور منظمات المجتمع المدني في التنمية. يسعى المشروع إلى تعزيز دور الشبكات والاتحادات الأهلية الفلسطينية في عملية التنمية في الأراضي الفلسطينية، من خلال تعزيز عمليات التنسيق والتعاون والتكامل فيما بينها، وإيجاد آليات وأدوات جديدة للتأثير على السياسات الحكومية وتوجهات المانحين الدوليين بما يخدم زيادة تعزيز دور منظمات المجتمع المدني الفلسطينية وتلبية احتياجات الفئات المهمشة وأوليات التنمية على المستوى الوطني. ينفذ المشروع شبكة المنظمات الأهلية الفلسطينية PNGO بالشراكة  والتفاهم مع الهيئة الوطنية للمؤسسات الأهلية الفلسطينية PNIN  بالاضافة الى الاتحاد العام الفلسطيني للجمعيات الخيرية PGUCS. - مشروع تفعيل نظام الإلتزام بمبادئ مدونة السلوك يهدف المشروع الى تفعيل الالتزام بمبادئ مدونة السلوك وذلك من خلال اختيار مجموعة من المؤسسات الأهلية، تقوم هذه المؤسسات بعملية تقييم ذاتي طوعي بإستخدام أداة تقييم خاصة تزوّد المؤسسات بها، بعد ذلك في حال رغبت المؤسسات في التحقق من التقييم الذاتي والحصول على شهادة الالتزام بمبادىء مدونة السلوك.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكن  تعميم مشاركة رؤية واهداف مؤسستكم من خلال  جمعياتنا واتحاداتنا واعضائنا  ، كما ويمكن  عمل توأمة مشتركة من خلالكم  مع  المؤسسات  ذات  العلاقة ، وتعميم  حراك  العمل التطوعي والتبادل الثقافي والعمل من  خلال gender  والعمل ايضا على مشاريع  مستقبلية للوصول الى اهداف مؤسستكم من خلال الاتحاد  العام الفلسطيني للجمعيات الخيرية 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لانه من اساسيات  عملنا الشراكات والانضمام الى الشبكات  والمؤسسات الدولية لتوضيح  رؤيتنا  معكم  والعمل من خلالكم  

Contact (1) Full Name
Saed Mohammed Rabee
Job Title
Director of PGUCS
Head of the organisation
Fahmi Shalaldah

Palestine Save the Children Foundation

National Network
+972 (08) 2882970
Telephone (other)
+972 (08) 2848705
+972 (08) 2848705
Mobile Phone
0599 - 602362
Mobile Phone (other)
0599 - 884413
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
In this year, PSCF is carrying out two projects, one of them aims to promote the environmental health conditions in Al Zarqa Area by integrating environmental health and hygiene education with infrastructure works, with a focus on women and children. It is donated by the European Commission and MAP-UK with total budget estimated of $464,086 for a 2-years duration, and 13 employees were recruited to manage it. PSCF has taken prior a approval from CARE International to carry out another project in the Middle Area of Gaza strip which aims to improve the living conditions of the physically disabled people. 7 employees will be recruited in this project.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Palestine Save the Children Foundation (PSCF) is to enable the women and children in Palestinian refugee camps and other disadvantaged Communities in Gaza/West Bank to develop and improve their lives economically, socially, and educationally and health by working in partnership with their families and with the communities in which they live. PSCF seeks to develop skills and promote behavior that will endure, and thus ensure positive ongoing changes in the lives of Palestinian children to help them to strengthen their community, to educate their parents; and to encourage gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects:
- Promoting Environmental Health Conditions in Al Zarqa Area, Gaza Strip: (Jan. 06 – Dec. 07).
- Community Based Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities in Gaza City Neighborhoods (July 05 - Feb. 06).
- To Improve the Living Conditions of the Physically Disabled and Individuals Needing Glasses in the Middle Gaza Strip (March-August 2004).
- Refugee Children Summer Camps (June – Aug 2004).
- To Promote Children’s Environmental Health in the Beach Bureij Refugee Camp (Dec 03-May 05).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Mansour – Chairman
Head of the organisation
Ali Mansour – Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Afaf Al Khaldi