

Andrew Spath

Dr. Andrew Spath is a Senior Professorial Lecturer in the School of International Service at American University. His teaching and research focus on politics of the Middle East, authoritarianism, protest and repression, research methods, and strategic simulations. He has conducted...


Andrew Spath

Le Dr Andrew Spath est Maître de conférences à la School of International Service de l’American University. Son enseignement et ses recherches portent sur la politique du Moyen-Orient, l'autoritarisme, la contestation et la répression, les méthodes de recherche et les...


National Network
amman 23056

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
I am a third year student law in Jordan University
Mission and Objectives

Work with an organization to be successful

Main Projects / Activities

Create a dialogue between cultures

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Create a dialogue between cultures

Contact (1) Full Name
anna zuhair ali aldirbashi
Head of the organisation

Arab Bridge Center for Dvelopment & Human Rights

National Network

Jordan-Amman-al_madenaa al ryadeah_ Ali ben al jhm .ST

06 5 165354
06 5 165354
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Budget in projects implemented by the Center relies on funding that can be obtained as a non-profit center and the relevant authorities in the project, where the membership fee has 200 JD, has been our funding in projects with the Ministry of Culture and the World Health Organization Budget in projects implemented by the Center relies on funding that can be obtained Center as a non-profit organization and the relevant authorities in the project so, where the membership fee has 200 JD, has been our funding in projects with the Ministry of Culture and the World Health Organization The partners understand UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Ministry of Culture Global Programme on AIDS IFAD
Mission and Objectives

Arab ridge center for human rights and development is a non- governmental non –profit organization that was established in 2005 according to Jordan law its main two focuses are human right and democracy in Jordan and arab world under the international criteria’s of human rightThe vision of its establishment formed by the by sight of all effort of the civil society organization in the global looking for safety the requirement of the dignity life that formed the golden triangle to the humans needs that : his right of security kfeed and health and we believe that will not come true unless after the cooperation of all international and Arab societies at the levels of individuals and government harmony to these looking forwards and to our depth feeling which comes from the necessary of the participation in sharing part of responsibilities toward the Arabic human

Main Projects / Activities

* Preparation of a draft definition of civil society institutions contents proposed law on associations 2009
* Preparation of a draft definition of civil society institutions contents of decentralization
* Preparation of a draft economic empowerment of persons with disabilities in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development 2008
* The preparation and drafting of cultural and social programs and health and Tolerance
* Numbers and wording of a statement of Oman to reduce the stigma and discrimination Maihi AIDS
* Social rehabilitation and legal assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Overseeing programs to raise awareness of AIDS in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
* Overseeing programs to deal with the events in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development.
* Social preparation for breast cancer.
* Oversee the training programs about the moderation of Islam in cooperation with the Ministry of Awqaf and the Ministry of Education and the Jordan Armed Forces, and Jordanian universities.
* Prepare and supervise workshops for the definition of the Convention against Torture in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and the Judicial Institute of Jordan and the Public Security Directorate.
* Prepare and supervise workshops to raise awareness of the negative effects resulting from medical waste on the environment in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Development Program of the United Nations, the Greater Amman Municipality.
* The numbers and training to strengthen the values of belonging and citizenship for college students, "Jordan, Balqa" second breeding Oman schools males and females, and rehabilitation centers, Salt Juweideh, Qafqafa, Perrin
* Numbers trainers training program submitted to the Canada Fund about tolerance and acceptance of other
* Ashraf and workshops to raise awareness of the protection of religious shrines in Jerusalem
* Numbers for a training program on dialogue and communication skills for the staff of the Social Security Corporation
* Numbers of the Conference of Fatwa and controls assets in cooperation with imams, academics and boys
Numbers program submitted to the Ministry of Planning on reducing child labor in Jordan.
* Numbers for the conference program the national education curriculum in collaboration with the University of Islamic Sciences
* Numbers of a training program for the Supreme Council for Youth on promoting the values of belonging and citizenship
* Preparation of a training program for the All Jordan Youth Commission about the culture of tolerance, dialogue and non-violence
* Legal code numbers submitted to the Ministry of Health on AIDS.
* Supervision and training of the control and monitoring of the parliamentary elections, "Capital Governorate third and fourth circuit 2007 2011 = 2013" in cooperation with the Center for the new Jordan.
* Member of the Arab Organization for Human Rights in Cairo in 2012.
• member of the national team for the reform of the criminal justice system in Jordan 2012 in cooperation with the European Union.
• a member of the Peace Without Borders (RSF) International 2012.
 cycle in the field of personnel training in Human Rights of the National Centre for Human Rights, 2006
 foundation course for civil society organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of human rights from the National Center for Human Rights 2007
 course in building the capacity of civil society organizations in the field of advocacy and lobbying of Adalah 2007
 cycle in the field of monitoring techniques to human rights violations of the National Center for Human Rights
 cycle governance of the institutions of civil society the center of the Arab world
 advanced course in the principles of lobbying Centre Partners in 2007
 cycle to gain support on closer institutions of civil society projects with USAID
 participate in a seminar to discuss the evidence of civil society organizations to develop government policies Zaha Cultural Center.
participate in a workshop on the use of international standards and references and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 2009
participate in the workshop the first Arab on Arab media crisis in Darfur with the National Center for Human Rights in 2009
participate in an association meeting on "a draft code of conduct for NGOs
participate in a seminar on "Social Security Act" with the National Center for Human Rights "in 2009
participate in the work of the Fourth Conference of the Asian Pacific Forum with the National Center for Human Rights in 2009
participate in the round table for the people of the province of the capital to study the national legislation governing the electoral process of 2007.
participate in local and international conferences in the field of counter-terrorism, renounce violence and extremism "2005.2006

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Can our cooperation with you to promote a culture of human rights and the promotion of the principles of dialogue and dissemination of respect in communities for the advancement of humanity everlasting values

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We join you because we are believers that cooperation with you will enable us to our goal which is to serve the humanitarian community in general it is possible that complement each other

Contact (1) Full Name
D.Ahmmad Shammout
Head of the organisation
D. Amjad.B. Shammout
Contact (2) Full Name
MR.Tamer Shammout

Arab Centre for Consulting and Training Services (AWT) - المركز العربي للخدمات الاستشارات والتدريب

National Network

P.O.Box 850881Amman 11185 Jordan
Amman 11185

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We have 8 Staff members. Fundraising based.
Mission and Objectives

Bridging Cultures-Facilitate common ground dialogue (Christian-Christian, Christian-Muslim), promote tourism to Biblical sites, coordinate Western service projects in partnership with local Organizations, increase awareness in the West of the global Arab Christian community and of life in general in the Middle East. Training Future Leaders

Main Projects / Activities

Arab Woman Today which represents one departments under ACTS which exists to equip and empower the Arab woman to pursue change in her personal and social life.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through participating in the events and networking to be able to learn and teach through our well experienced leadership and staff.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partnering in Service -Identify and partner with existing Arab and Western organizations in achieving mutual goals, distribute financial assistance to effective local ministries as required, provide administrative guidance to requesting ministries as possible

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruba Rihani Abbasi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nabeeh Abbasi

Arab Hydrology Alliance

National Network

Sweifiyeh, Mohammad Al-Moussa Ubaydat Street, Baineh Building no. 1, Office no. 306
Amman 11183

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Arab Hydrology Alliance (AHA) is a nonprofit organization based in Amman - Jordan. AHA works with a broad range of actors to achieve results that are useful and practical for all. Our main fields of work are: Integrated Natural Resources Management, Socio-economic Development, Gender Programming and Renewable Energy and Investments. Our work model is one of cooperation and sharing. We work and partner with a large variety of international and national civil society organizations from across the globe to optimize our services and strengthen our activities. AHA is specialized in capacity building, empowerment, communication, evaluation and assessments, dialogue, learning and knowledge management, multi-level dialogue and advocacy activities. In the MENA region where natural resources degradation and scarcities are aggravated by human-induced challenges, AHA brings together experts from different disciplines to address the above human-related aspects of a wide range of topics including nature conservation, natural resources governance, arid and semi-arid systems and livelihoods, water-energy-food nexus, climate change and gender mainstreaming. AHA is established by a multi-disciplinary group of professionals with practical experience in a variety of fields related to development and management. AHA staff members and associated experts have accumulated long experience through working in developmental programs in national, international, and multi-national agencies. AHA offers its services in a wide range of fields that are all related to achieving comprehensive sustainable development within the countries of the MENA region. These fields include: - Social and economic empowerment. - Civic engagement and human rights mainstreaming. - Integrated water resources management and governance. - Solid and effluent wastes management. - Environment conservation and climate change resilience.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: A region whose communities have equitable access to safe and sustainable natural resources through improved governance practices.
Mission: To develop individual and institutional capacities in the Arab communities for an effective contribution in sustainable environmental development; where people invest natural resources for better livelihoods while allowing for natural regeneration of ecosystems and passing down a thriving nature to future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

- Marketing the products of local community based organizations, in partnership with Jordan Investment Development Association and private companies.
- Women Economic Empowerment Project with funding from the EuroMed Feninist Initiative IFE-EF.
- Strategic support to Arab Women Organization on Gender Mainstreaming in Different Sectors.
- Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative in partnership with Jordan Investment Development Association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Raising awareness of key actors and network targets on network's mission and vision; sharing knowledge; explore ideas and conceptual thinking around joint areas of interest; implement joint activities with network members; advocacy and policy infuencing.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing knowledge and ideas; building partnership; exposure; add value to the network at national level.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Fadi Mohammad Shraideh
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Fadi Shraideh

Arab Innovation for Training and Consulting Company

National Network

Amman, Jordan
Amman 11953

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Arab Innovation for training and consulting was established in Amman in early 2013, and began its work in 2015, in order to contribute to the improvement of services in the field of training and consulting.
Mission and Objectives

The best place on the level of Jordan in the field of training and consulting.
Develop and adopt energies in the Jordanian and Arab society, in order to increase productivity.
1. Develop the skills of the target groups.
2. Contribute to the entry of people into the labor market.
3. Improve the quality of business environments, especially in the field of education.
4. Promote the importance of training in all sectors of society.

Main Projects / Activities

Work Fields:
1. Training and preparation of its content.
2. Providing consultancy in the field of human resources development, and education.
3. Organizing conferences, seminars, workshops and exhibitions.
  The Company's Priorities:
1. Access to all the governorates of Jordan.
2. Contribute to the education reform system in Jordan.
3. Promote the values of integrity and transparency in the Jordanian society through the services we offer.
4. Support youth initiatives.
• Values:
The Arab Innovation Co, believes that our work emerges from our love, our devotion and our commitment to Jordan institution and its  high humanity- based values that are stemmed from the Arab civilization, the heavenly religions and the human values in general. We will also strengthen our commitment to a set of values that will enable us to reach our destination efficiently and effectively:
1. Autonomy.
2. Quality.
3. Spirit of responsibility.
4. Support the marginalized groups.
5. Partnership.
6. Integrity.
Target group:
1. School and university students.
2.  Youth.
3. Women.
4. The marginalized groups
5. Job seekers.
6. Members of the community in general.
Targeted sectors:
1. Education sector.
2. Civil society institutions.
3. Governmental institutions.
4. The private sector.
5.  Political parties.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emad Ihsan Abu Saleh
Job Title
Founder and CEO Arab Innovation Co
Head of the organisation
Emad I. Abu Saleh

Arab Network for Civic Education-ANHRE

National Network

Wadi-Saqra , Sharif Nasser Bin Jameel St. Amman- Jordan

+962 6 5560497
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+962 (0) 799996771
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Arab Network for Civic Education- ANHRE is An independent non-governmental Arab Network working to unify and coordinate efforts among different civil societies concerned with Human Rights and Citizenship Education, to influence the policies, procedures, formal and non-formal regulations in order to ensure the adoption of legislations that respect Human Rights and dignity. The General Assembly comprises 53 member organizations from 10 countries (Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine and Algeria) and has, under its umbrella, the Coordination Committee as well as the Executive office that runs the network from Amman " Jordan. Vision Adoption of policies and legislations that ensure the promotion and the enforcement of Human Rights and citizenship values and culture, towards a society in which social justice prevails.

Mission and Objectives

Mission We, The Arab Network for Civic Education " ANHRE, are an independent non-governmental Arab Network working to unify and coordinate efforts among different civil societies concerned with Human Rights and Citizenship Education, to influence the policies, procedures, formal and non-formal regulations in order to ensure the adoption of legislations that respect Human Rights and dignity. Strategic Objectives To contribute to influencing the policies, governmental and non-governmental regulations which guarantee the integration and the enforcement of Human Rights and Citizenship in formal and informal educational curriculum To empower Network members and build their capacities on Human Rights and Citizenship education To institutionalize the Network and fortify its internal set-up to allow the Network to conduct its work effectively.

Main Projects / Activities

Civic education (citizenship) Human Rights education Play It Fair, human rights project for children Community advocacy campaigns Education For All (EFA) campaigns in the Arab Region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ANHRE is a regional network that includes 53 member organizations from 10 countries (Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine and Algeria). We can coordinate together and mobilize our members to join the network and work together on collaborative project in Jordan and other Arabian countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to explore and share new experiences with other networks and organizations that will contribute in unifying and coordinating development efforts in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Fotouh Younes
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Fotouh Younes
Contact (2) Full Name
Tasneem Al-Homouze
Job Title (2)
Activity Coordinator

Arab Thought Forum (ATF) (منتدى الفكر العربي)

National Network

Al-Jubeiha Between the Royal Scientific Society and the Royal Geographic Centre)P.O Box: 925418
Amman 11910

Telephone (other)
(+962 6) 5331197
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ATF is structured as follows: 1. General Assembly, which includes: • Active members: comprises individuals who participate in ATF activities and vote in its general assembly (229 members at present). • Corporate members: comprises Arab organizations and institutions (33 members at present). 2. Board of Trustees: consists of Patron/President, five Vice Presidents and nineteen other members. 3. Administrative Committee: consists of five members of the Board of Trustees, in addition to the Secretary-General. 4. General Secretariat: consists of 15 employees, headed by the Secretary-General. ATF is financed by membership fees, subscription to its publications as well as contributions from individuals, institutions and private companies. Budgetary resources available in a year is around (JD 287000), around (USD 405,000)
Mission and Objectives

ATF aims at generating debate on important developmental, cultural and policy issues at the regional and international levels. Objectives: a. To follow up, formulate, develop and disseminate contemporary Arab thought, and to reinforce awareness thereof, particularly in reference to basic pan-Arab issues, within a framework combining closely heritage and contemporarity. b. To achieve interaction between the intelligentsia and decision-makers in Arab countries with a view towards cooperation in forging public policies, and ensuring grassroots’ participation in implementing them. c. To examine the Arab countries' economic, social, cultural and political relations with one another as well as with other countries, in particular Islamic and developing countries, with a view to promoting dialogue and enhancing cooperation on the basis of mutual interest. d. To articulate a scientific perspective of development problems as addressed by international forums and institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

In pursuit of its objectives, ATF undertakes the following activities: Preparation, publication and promotion of studies and research. ATF issues a bimonthly Journal (Al Muntada) in Arabic and another quarterly periodical in English [an electronic (soft) version only]. In addition, it publishes proceedings of its conferences and seminars. Organization of conferences and seminars to promote inter-Arab and Arab-international dialogues. Strengthening scientific relations and intellectual associations with forums, universities and societies that perform similar intellectual activities. Providing technical consultation as regards various areas, projects and problems of development in Arab countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Elsadig Elfaqih
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elsadig Elfaqih
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rana Arafat

Arab Women Media Center (AWMC) (مركز الإعلاميات العربيات)

National Network

Al Abdali, Al Ellamiatt Al Arabiatt street, POB 199

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Dec 5th 1999, Arab women media center established in Jordan as first and unique media NGO, looking after Arab women journalists, AWMC structure built on three levels; 1st high advisory committee; 2nd administrative committee; third the general assembly which formed of all local and Arab' women journalists members all are 450 WJ: ref please click here Budgetary resources 60 – 100 thousands USD, and sources of funding; members fees, donations, working projects percentage, our media products compensations. Seminars, yearly we practiced two; one for women journalists, 2nd for youths, also we produce documentary films. Main partners; are NED, PAX, KAS, and locals Jordanians and Arabs. HRH princes Basma our good will ambassador.

Mission and Objectives

AWMC strategy has been defined to serve the following objectives: Modern media training directive to act as on the job training for newly media collages graduates, and to upgrading media skills to those working journalists, Media to non media educations, or we can say media literacy, target groups were first women in cities, villages, even in camps, then youths from both gender, Documentary films and guide books productions, focusing on violence against women also women issues such as supporting hopeless and help less divorced women, and role of women in political life, we've taken all above mentioned women issues from media point of views. • Networking policy to connect on line journalists net work group named media watch to defending ours' women journalists violence and discriminations issues to view please click here and here

Main Projects / Activities

A. Media training: AWMC has adopted on the job journalism training, and MSP [media for special purposes], as well as media seminars, so far we've launched five Arab women journalists conferences. B. Media to non media education: AWMC started media to non media, first target were women activists, second target youths; young females and males, so far we've done 5 local programs, and 5 Arab' youths seminars. C. Documentary films: We've done three films on women issues; how media evaluate VAW and women rights as well as women role in public and political life, also how supporting women candidates for parliament.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Mahasen Al Emam
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Mahasen Al Emam
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Sana Al Sharief (AWMC organizer)