
Catholic Center for Studies and Media

National Network

Alweibdeh Next to Bishara Catholic Church
Amman 11191

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Abouna? "May God pave the way for "" to come to you" It is necessary to identify "", the site, mission, goals and vision in a few words, so we go by the norm of the websites and say: "" came to life in the heart of the Jordanian desert  and reached the ends of the Earth by the grace of the Lord and became an intellectual, dialogue, spiritual and humane oasis. Several events are plaguing the world today. What is important is how we view them. "" offers a modest contribution to help the vigilant reader how to read in a dignified way. The religion is wide-ranging. It cannot be limited to a collection of dogmas or ideological visions. It is a simultaneous divine illumination on both fertile and arid land, to transform its people from the state of wretchedness to become humane and moderate. In other words, to transform the wretched people into brothers...having faith in "global brotherhood".  (Charles de Foucauld) Hence attention is not in a religion at the expense of the other  but rather in dialogue among religions, particularly among Christians and Muslims of the world of today. This dialogue has become a vital necessity rather than a luxury in dark nooks of luxury hotels. But the dialogue as it appears in these pages is not a search for coexistence and neighbourhood that may change with the change neighbors and apartments, but rather standing " together before God," and this requires a different kind of courage, namely overture and acceptance of others... always for man. Through dialogue, the presence of Christian Arabs becomes salient. It is not merely a demographic presence, but rather a call and a message on the land of the incarnation and redemption. As for the human rights, which "" forcefully defends, it is wide-ranging with the viewpoints in their defence are complex... for a writer could defend them by freeing them from all restrictions and caveats. As for " ", its obsession is freedom which ought to be in line with the dignity of man who is in God's image. A variety of cultural topics may be found on the pages of this site. This is aimed at supporting the writers who believe in purity, beauty and art, as "beauty is the factor that saves the world". (Dostoevsky) philosophy  is based on man, neither on his human nature nor on his points of weakness, but on the power and energy acquired through  faith in his Creator and openness to the  lofty values of religion which influence every human being. After the events of September and after a lecture to the Pope in a German university, information centres in the West issued documents and news on the Catholic world in Arabic in order to cement  more constructive cooperation among religions. "" wanted  to enter into this arena, and be an Arab voice that emerges from an Arab land. This site does not get satisfied with exposing "a document" – any document... But it wants to present it  in its cultural environment and presents it to the Arab reader on a neutral dish . " " in Arabic is glory to God and to human dignity ... The essence of proper and healthy media is to be "dedicated to humanity…"

Mission and Objectives

أبــــونا؟ "عسى أن يمهد الله "أبونا" طريقنا إليكم" تقتضي الضرورة أن نعرّف "أبونا" الموقع، الرسالة، الأهداف والرؤية، بكلمات قليلة... لذلك... نرضخعند هذه العادة في المواقع الالكترونية، ونقول: أبونا؟ نشأ من قلب الصحراء الأردنية. ووصل إلى أطراف الأرض بنعمة من الرب. وصار واحة فكرية وحوارية، روحية وإنسانية. أحداث كثيرة تعصف بالعالم اليوم. المهم كيف نقرأها؟ بأي عين ننظر إليها؟ "أبونا" يقدم  أسهامهالمتواضع لمساعدة القارئ اليقظ في كيفية قراء الأحداث بعين كرامة الإنسان. أما الدين، فحقوله واسعة، ولا يمكن حصره بمجموعة عقائد أو رؤى فكرية. انه إضاءة إلهية على الأرض الخصبة والقاحلة في آن واحد، ليصبح سكانها البشر الأشقياء أكثر إنسانية ورقّة وأعمق تواصلا واعتدالا. وبكلمة أخرى ليصبح الأشقياء أشقاء... ومؤمنين "بالأخوّة العالمية" (شارل دي فوكو). من هنا الاهتمام ليس بدين على حساب الآخر بالحوار بين الديانات وبخاصة بين مسيحيي عالم اليوم ومسلميه، وقد أمسى هذا الحوار ضرورة حيوية أكثر منه ترفا في زاويا معتمه في الفنادق الفارهة. لكنّ الحوار كما يظهر في هذه الصفحات ليس بحثا عن تعايش وتجاور قد يتغيّر بتغيّر الجيران والشقق السكنيّة، لكنّه وقوف "معا أمام الله"، وهذا يتطلب شجاعة من نوع مختلف... بشقيها: الصراحة والتقبّل... ودائما من أجل الإنسان. ومن خلال الحوار، يبرز حضور العرب المسيحيين، ليس وجودا ديمغرافيا وحسب، بل دعوة ورسالة على أرض التجسد والفداء. أما حقوق الإنسان التي ينبري "أبونا" للدفاع عنها، فحقولها واسعة، ووجهات نظر الدفاع عنها متشعبة... فقد يدافع عنها كاتب، فيدعو إلى تحرّرها وتحريرها من كل القيود والمحاذير. أمّا "أبونا"، فهاجسه الحرية ولكن بما يتلاءم وكرامة الإنسان المفطور على صورة الله و مثاله. وقد تجد أيضا على هذه الصفحات مواضيع ثقافية متنوّعة، والهدف منها تعزيز الأقلام المؤمنة بالنقاء وبالفن والجمال و"الجمال هو الذي يخلص العالم" (دوستيفسكي). تقوم فلسفة أبونا على الإنسان ليس ببشريته ومكامن ضعفه، بل على القوة والطاقة التي ينالها من إيمانه بخالقه ومن انفتاحه على رحابة الدين وعلى القريب الذي هو كل إنسان. بعد أحداث أيلول وبعد محاضرة للبابا في إحدى الجامعات الألمانية، انبرت مراكز إعلامية تصدر في الغرب إلى نشر وثائق وأخبار عن العالم الكاثوليكي باللغة العربية في سبيل مزيد من التعاون والبناء بين الديانات... وأراد "أبونا" أن يدخل في هذا المعترك، وأن يكون صوتا عربيا يخرج من أرض عربية... الا أنّه لا يكتفي بعرض "الوثيقة"- أي وثيقة، لكنّه أيضا يساعد في قراءتها بعين تحليليه، فيضعها في بيئتها الثقافية ويقدّمها للقارئ العربي على طبق حيادي.   "أبونا" باللغة العربية... مجدا لله ولكرامة الإنسان... فجوهر الإعلام السليم والصحي أن يكون "من أجل الإنسان..." رئيس التحرير: الأب رفعـت بدر

Main Projects / Activities

The first Center and electronic platform for Catholic and Inter-Faith dialogue coverage in Jordan. To Cover the Catholic Media and to participate in the development and Active Citizenship Awareness, youth social and political participation and Inter-Faith Dialogue.  Research on Education and Inter-Faith Dialogue  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our out reach and Inter-religious diverse networks.  Through our website and media coverage of inter-religous and inter-cultural dialogue activities in Jordan. To contribute in launching different campagns on inter-faith dialogue along with other religious institution locally,  regionally and International. Through our education program on Teaching Curriculums in Jordan in cooperation with other parties in the Middle east and North Africa. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have already been participating and contributing to many activities in the network and the Head of Network and it is time for us to be an official member.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fr. Rifaat Bader
Job Title
Head of the Center
Head of the organisation
Fr. Rifaat Bader
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Marcelle Issa Jwaniatt
Job Title (2)

Center for Strategic Studies - University of Jordan

National Network

Jordan University, Amman

+962 65300100
+962 6 5355515
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information

The Center for Strategic Studies (CSS) was established in 1984 as an academic unit of the University of Jordan concerned mainly with research in the fields of regional conflicts, international relations and security.

Mission and Objectives

With the initiation of the country's democratization process in 1989, the center expanded its scope of activities to include planning and research in such new fields as democracy, political pluralism, the economy and the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Over the past few years, the CSS has organized numerous conferences, seminars and workshops, and has conducted several opinion polls aimed at providing researchers and decision-makers with valuable material and data.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. walid al khatib
Head of the organisation
Dr. Walid Al Khatib


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Chance 4 Children, or for short - C4C, is a humanitarian NGO (Non Governmental Organization), active since 1997 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Organized under Czech Law as non-profit civic association, C4C is dedicated to offer help and assistance primarily to children growing up in institution like orphanages and similar institutions, away from the love and care of their parents, and help them to integrate smoothly into society - without being stigmatized as second class citizen.
Mission and Objectives

It is the declared goal of the association to develop and implement programs, such as our already hugely popular ROBIN HOOD and SPRINGBOARD TO LIFE initiatives, to assist socially handicapped children by improving their quality of life and provide supplemental educational and vocational opportunities for them as a springboard to a successful adult life.
We endeavor to also develop and share best practices and sustainable solutions with other organization with similar aims and goals
Our European landscape is truly colorful, multi-cultural and many-faceted, with vastly unique and divers peoples. Consequently, we at Chance 4 Children deplore any form of discrimination and bias. We strive to respond to all people in need, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender

Main Projects / Activities

presenting the needs of those within the range of the associations interest, especially the needs of children and youth, those discriminated against, the poor and neglected, the socially disadvantaged, as well as the physical needs of the association itself, to the attention of solvent, prospering sectors of Czech and foreign societies and asking them for funding, support and sponsorship to supply these needs,
- distributing of collected goods, contributions and services to needy sectors of society. That includes, amongs others, needy institutions, orphanages, homes of the mentally and physically disabled, old folks homes, refugees camps, as well as victims of natural catastrophes in the Czech republic and abroad,
by soliciting donations, by fundraising and through selling or marketing of products nationally and internationally to support the programs of the association,
- developing educational, vocational, humanitarian and entertainment programs for all those within the range of the associations interest, but especially for underprivileged, ill and needy children,
aiding youth exiting institutions to smoothly integrate into society as a whole, by providing supplemental education and job opportunities, as well as employment.
actively promoting positive family values and high-quality and character building educational methods,organizing seminars for parents on how to build a mentally and spiritually healthy family,producing and distributing publications and audio/video materials of character building content for individuals, parents, children and institutions,endeavouring to cooperate with likeminded corporate bodies and natural persons, nationally or internationally, which promote similar values and concepts as the Chance 4 Children association, to raise awareness of the plight of the poor, needy and socially disadvantaged, especially affected children.
by actively participating in conferences and seminars, nationally and internationally, which address and promote topics within the range of the associations interests or that are similar to the goals of the association, to develop and promote best practises.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suzanne B. Alkhatib
Job Title
Chief Operation Officer
Head of the organisation
Suzanne Al Khatib
Publication Illustration

Cinema of the Arab World

This volume engages new films and modes of scholarly research in Arab cinema, and older, often neglected films and critical topics, while theorizing their structural relationship to contemporary developments in the Arab world. The volume considers the relationship of Arab...


National Network

28 Sa’d Bin Abi Waqqas Set., Um Uthaina, Amman, Jordan
28 Sa’d Bin Abi Waqqas Set., Um Uthaina, Amman, Jordan
Amman 11196

⁦+962 7 9001 6325⁩
Telephone (other)
+962 7 8570 7773
P.O. Box 963386 Amman, 11196, Jordan
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
⁦+962 7 8507 5700⁩
Mobile Phone (other)
⁦+962 7 8092 3321⁩
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Climate Action Association CAN is a trailblazing Jordanian environmental non-governmental organization, established in 2013, Amman, Jordan, committed to addressing climate change challenges with focus on Mitigation/Adaptation, WASH, Climate Justice, and Environmental Initiatives. CAN operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and is governed by a five-member Board of Directors with expertise in climate action. Day-to-day operations are managed by a CEO who oversees three primary departments: programs (project manager and technical staff), administration (procurement, finance, logistics, and HR), and M&E, all about 15 employees all holding at least a first-degree qualification, collaborates with over 25 voluntary community agents. CAN received a "Low Risk" designation from BDO International. Dr. Fayez Abdullah, Chairman, honored with the prestigious Abdul-Hameed Shoman Innovation Award to climate action. CAN has excelled in project delivery, established crucial partnerships, conducted impactful research, so got funded by EU, UNEP, UNICEF, Mitsubishi Corporation, NIH, and more.

Mission and Objectives

Mission:Build a resilient community to climate change through the mobilization of knowledge, enhanced institutional capacity, informed decision-making processes, and facilitate access to finance and technologies.
Objective :
Climate Action Network (CAN) is a Jordanian environmental NGO that was founded in 2013, and it is based in Jordan, Amman. It was established as a lead environmental organization working on climate change solutions in the middle east.
CAN works to tackle climate change by bringing forth major societal changes through establishing and building partnerships between local communities, business, government, and public bodies to shift towards a sustainable society and cities. It builds the knowledge and capacity of relevant stakeholders for best practices.
CAN programs focus on serving the most vulnerable and marginalized people in Jordan, namely children, women, refugees, farmers, persons with disabilities, internally displaced persons (idps), people from minority clans, and other marginalized groups.

Main Projects / Activities

• New Center Addresses Global Climate Change Impacts on Water, Energy, Food, and Health Systems.

Funded by NIH, 2024-2026, CAN will be part of the advisory board for the Global Center on Climate Change and Water-Energy-Food-Health Systems (GC3WEFH) led by UC San Diego. CAN is going to be the chair of the board for community organizations and will be participating in leadership and as part of the community engagement core, doing reach out, education and supporting the research project. CAN will be the responsible to coordinate with the members of the board of community organizations regarding related components of the center in support of UCSD coordination efforts of the center at UCSD as the main contact to support the center goals. The specific contributions of CAN will include participation in coordination with local stakeholders, monthly team discussions, monitoring and evaluation, and supporting the rest of the center team in its various endeavors.

• Adaptive Circular Economy Approach in Schools

Funded by Mitsubishi Corporation, 2023-2024, the project is structured to address critical water challenges in Jordan, which include issues such as water scarcity, limited wastewater treatment, and mounting stress on available water resources. The program encompasses several key activities aimed at mitigating these challenges. These activities involve scaling up water systems to enhance water reuse, thereby increasing agricultural and food production while concurrently expanding community awareness and capacity-building efforts. The initiative focuses on implementing school-level system modifications to enable the reuse of greywater within schools. Additionally, there is an emphasis on testing and implementing system modifications that meet stringent reuse standards, particularly concerning toilet flushing. Furthermore, the program introduces a sustainable business model to generate income by reusing treated greywater for activities like irrigation and the sale of local herbs. To enhance sustainability and environmental responsibility, the project also integrates solar panels and renewable energy solutions with the water treatment systems.

• Jordan – Deliver Policy Analysis and Recommendations on SLCP Mitigation
Program Activities:
Funded by CCAC-UNEP, 2023 -2025, this project aims to provide support to Jordan's Ministry of Environment in the identification of priority measures for mitigating short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), which will be integrated into Jordan's revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Building upon previous efforts, including the development of a draft national SLCP action plan, the project's objectives include securing government endorsement for the policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation measures. The key deliverables of the program involve generating target audience reports regarding the adoption of electric cooking technology in the final project survey. Additionally, it seeks to enhance the capacity of the government of Eswatini to raise awareness about the numerous benefits of clean household fuels and technologies, with the ultimate goal of increasing the adoption of electric cooking in households. Furthermore, the project intends to share public awareness-raising materials with interested countries in the region, aiming to promote a higher percentage of electric cooking in regions with similar accessibility levels and among countries keen on improving electricity access.
Funded by the American University of Bierut, 2023-2024, the program's primary objective is to engage in an institutional strengthening process, guided by a comprehensive assessment of support gaps identified in Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This capacity-building initiative unfolds gradually over the development period, involving multiple audit visits to foster progressive growth. The program encompasses activities such as institutional strengthening and development, contextualization, and Arabization efforts. It also emphasizes the certification of organizations, the digitization of content, and the facilitation of knowledge sharing, alongside extensive training and capacity-building measures to empower these entities.

• Climate Adaptation and Resilient WASH Program

Funded by Unicef, 2022-2024, this program is driven by the overarching goal of enhancing climate resilience and fostering an optimal Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) environment. It does so by conducting comprehensive assessments of WASH infrastructure and management within all of Jordan's Health Care Facilities (HCFs). The program is strategically centered on reaching 40 targeted institutions, including 35 schools and 5 mosques in the Irbid and Mafraq regions. It emphasizes building the capacities of these institutions and the surrounding communities to effectively adapt to water scarcity challenges. Additionally, the program focuses on the implementation of innovative and sustainable greywater treatment and reuse technologies. Key program activities encompass conducting a National Baseline Assessment of Climate-Resilient WASH in Health Care Facilities (HCFs) and implementing replicable and scalable adaptation measures in the identified 40 institutions to foster climate resilience and sustainable WASH practices.

Green Links
Funded by the EU, 2023 -2026, seeks to promote increased sustainable resource partnerships, the implementation of innovative green solutions, and the provision of inclusive livelihood services within the complex interplay of energy, water, and food systems in Azraq and Zarqa. The program is set to facilitate the collaborative development of a circular economy strategy for Azraq Camp and Zarqa in partnership with Syrian refugee volunteers and student green researchers and entrepreneurs. Additionally, it aims to establish a portfolio of 15 project initiatives designed to enhance the adoption of innovative green practices across the energy-water-food nexus. Furthermore, the program will focus on the creation of design and printing skills, as well as the development of operational and health and safety manuals and guidance materials, to facilitate knowledge transfer to workers operating within the energy-water-food nexus.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our participation in the network, particularly in the realm of creative dialogue through the arts, provides a means to elevate awareness and enhance the capabilities of both youth and women across diverse domains. It encompasses raising awareness about environmental issues and underscoring the paramount significance of preserving the environment and safeguarding its components at the institutional, societal, and individual levels. This, in turn, fosters a shift in behavior towards the environment and its vital elements.

Through the network, we can also contribute to the realization of our ultimate goal, which is to establish a robust institutional framework for activating environmental education in pursuit of sustainable development objectives. Moreover, it entails amplifying the role of women in environmental protection and the sound management of households and natural resources through workshops and seminars.

Additionally, we can harness the network's resources in the pursuit of excellence, characterized by the application of universal standards of distinction, the cultivation of creativity and innovation, and the integration of creative concepts into our operational model, thereby rendering them actionable policies.

The network further provides a platform to extend support to more vulnerable individuals and marginalized groups in the attainment of social justice objectives. It enables the exchange of problem-solving knowledge and the recognition of pioneering scientific endeavors, thus ensuring that successful models find broader emulation.

In conclusion, our participation in your network is instrumental in the promotion of environmental awareness, the empowerment of youth and women, and the pursuit of social justice, all under the overarching aim of fostering sustainable development and a harmonious future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in joining this valuable network to achieve productive collaboration. Joining this network can lead us to engage in inspiring collective efforts to address highly complex challenges and benefit from the experiences and expertise of other members. It is an opportunity for us to learn from others, share our knowledge and unique expertise to achieve common goals, and raise awareness about shared issues that concern us. Interacting with diverse perspectives within this network can be a source of creativity and the generation of new ideas that contribute to innovative and effective problem-solving. Through your network, we can provide individuals with the opportunity to express their ideas and concerns effectively and participate in initiatives that impact our region. This encourages the development of a diverse set of skills, including communication, leadership, and advocacy. These skills can significantly contribute to personal and professional growth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayman Shafi Sameer AL-shurufat
Job Title
Finance And Logistics Officer
Head of the organisation
Dr.Fayez A .Abdalla
Contact (2) Full Name
Hamzh odeh ahmad abu saleek
Job Title (2)
Team leader

Collateral Repair Project

National Network

13 Salti al-Ibrahimi St
Hashemi Shamali
Amman 11118

+962775-526666 (Mrs. Amanda Lane, Director)
Telephone (other)
+962777872876 (Ms. Ruba Hattar, Grants manager)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Collateral Repair Project (CRP) is a community based organization in Amman, Jordan.  It is a registered non-profit organization in the United States with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, and is registered as an international organization with the Ministry of Social Development in Jordan. CRP runs an Emergency Assistance Program providing basic needs such as food vouchers and medical referrals to refugees and impoverished Jordanians. CRP offers programs to help refugees to rebuild social ties and develop new skills. Educational and skill-building programs build knowledge and practical skills to alleviate conditions of economic insecurity. Trauma sensitivity in all CRP’s programs helps those affected by violence to process their experiences. CRP is funded through private donations and grants. Annual operating budget is around $1 million.  

Mission and Objectives

CRP assists refugees from Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, as well as impoverished Jordanians.  The majority of refugees in Jordan have been displaced for at least 5 years and are likely to remain in Jordan for years to come. More than 80% of these refugees live in poverty and are unable to legally work in Jordan. They face chronic socio-economic vulnerability and remain poorly integrated with the Jordanian host population. CRP seeks to help these vulnerable people by providing basic necessities first and then offering  education and trauma-relief programming on top of that foundation. All of CRP’s activities take place in the city of Amman in two community centers, one in in the Hashemi Shamali neighborhood and a second in the Amman Downtown.

Main Projects / Activities

Basic-Needs Assistance Program provides assistance in the form of food vouchers to the most needy refugee families. Food vouchers gives refugees some independence and a feeling of control. CRP’s Basic-Needs Assistance Program also includes medical referrals and seasonal aid. For example, in the winter CRP distributes winter clothes, blankets, heaters, and heating fuel. Youth Programs include an after-school program for children 6-12, a summer camp, a special after-school program for girls, and a number of programs for teenagers that cultivate a spirit of community service and leadership. Many refugee children have missed years of school and are behind in their learning.  Our youth programs incorporate varied educational methods to empower them to meet challenges and grow as individuals. Educational Programs and Livelihood Programs for adults deliver practical skills that may help to generate income and build confidence.  These include a robust English language program, computer education, and some vocational training such as repairing mobile phones, men’s barbershop, and women’s beauty school.  Many of these programs are led by either foreign volunteers (English classes) or beneficiaries who have risen to leadership positions and want to give back by sharing their skills with the CRP community.   Leadership Programs such as Women’s Empowerment and Men’s Leadership promote awareness of human rights, issues in society, and seek to reduce the incidence of violence within families and against women. Community members are encouraged and enabled to become advocates for their community and to volunteer at the community centers.   Trauma Relief Programs include psycho-social wellness activities such as sports, yoga, music and art therapy, and teaching relaxation techniques and conflict resolution techniques. Trauma sensitivity is integrated in all of CRP’s programs including those for children.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Collateral Repair Project works to build resilience in the refugee communities we serve.  Our beneficiaries represent a diversity of cultures from Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and other countries.  With our programs we seek to enhance the social cohesion between refugees and the host community in Jordan.   CRP and its dynamic community centers in Amman facilitate dialogue between cultures and a respect for human rights.  We can contribute to the Anna Lindh network in many ways. We have a long track record of community engagement in the Hashemi Shamali neighborhood of Amman and deep roots into the refugee communities there, and now we are working from a new community center in the Amman downtown to build a network that incorporates refugees from Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen as well as Jordanians.   CRP has expertise in data collection, analysis, and monitoring, evaluation and learning as we continually seek to improve the results of our community center programs.  We are interested to work with counterpart organizations and individuals in the city of Amman to improve and enhance the social and cultural environment of the city and to create opportunities for fruitful social and economic exchange between all the people living in Amman.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we believe it will bring more opportunities to our beneficiaries to engage in the Jordanian and regional society.  At our community centers we work hard to offer opportunities for learning and personal development to our beneficiaries of all ages, and we are particularly concerned to encourage refugee families to enroll their children in school and support their studies through the secondary level.  We hope, through the ALF Network, to find more opportunities for our community members and particularly our youth to engage with like-minded others and to be exposed to a diversity of cultural and scientific opportunities for learning. Some of the refugees we serve in Amman will be resettled to third countries, some may choose to return to their country of origin, and some will choose to remain in Jordan.  We want to prepare our beneficiaries for the future by giving them skills, resilience, and hope. We believe that cooperation with the ALF network in Jordan will enrich what CRP can offer at its community centers in Amman, that we can help people to move past mistrust and sectarianism and help both Jordanians and refugees in Jordan to participate constructively in in a larger civil society.  

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ruba Hattar
Job Title
Partnerships & Grants Manager
Head of the organisation
Amanda Lane, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Amanda Lane
Job Title (2)
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Community Media Network (CMN) - راديو البلد

National Network

PO Box 20513 Amman, 142 Arrar Street, Wadi Saqra,

+ 962 6 4645487
Telephone (other)
+962 6 4645487
+962 6 4630238
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

In November 2000 the idea of an independent radio station in Jordan, whether on the internet or on the FM waves, was nothing more than a dream. When Amman mayor Nedal Hadid and UNESCO director Martin Hadlow clicked the mouse to announce the launch of the Arab world’s first internet radio station,, we had no idea where we would be years later. Our pioneering efforts online has produced results in Jordan that are unmatched in nearby Arab countries. Tens of news websites have sprouted up offering Jordanian, Arab and international surfers up-to-date and courageous news and commentaries from Jordan. Our use of the Net to broadcast radio programming was given a boost when a Palestinian radio station agreed to rebroadcast some of our programs that they downloaded from the internet. With no physical boundaries between Palestine and Jordan, these broadcasts were heard in Amman thus allowing our internet broadcasting to de facto break up the Jordan government’s monopoly over the airwaves. Within a couple of years of our going on line, His Majesty the King issued a temporary law allowing the creation of an audio visual commission, which in turn made it possible for terrestrial broadcasting. We applied for and received a ten year FM license in 2005 and have been broadcasting news, alternative music and specialized programming since then. Our challenges with our internet and radio broadcasts are huge. We often find ourselves alone in covering certain sensitive news. More often we see that our efforts are setting the agenda for all other news organizations. We have focused a lot of our work on empowering different segments of society, from high school students to college age youths, from farming women to labor activists and the handicapped. We have encouraged volunteers to use our media operations as a platform to reflect on their own issues and as a way to have a voice in a crowded media field. On the news level we have and continue to work hard on providing high quality news around the clock. We dug deep into certain issues using investigative journalism tools as well as focus on human rights violations. Al-Balad radio staff gained experience and training and have attempted to adhere to our professional code of ethics. Al-Balad radio, our community radio station in Amman, has become a model community radio providing training services and networking opportunities for local, regional and international groups. Internationally, we were the local sponsors of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC, which held its global meeting AMARC9 in Amman. Locally we have been a driving force behind the establishment of a Jordanian Federation of Community radio stations that include Voice of Karak, New Maan radio, Yarmouk FM and Farah Al-Nas radio. Our training efforts have and continue to help journalists and community radio activists from most surrounding Arab countries. From Tunis to Iraqi Kurdistan and from Syria to Saudi Arabia we have hosted workshops in areas such as crime of war coverage, humanizing the news and community radio training. We held regional workshops looking for ways to advance the presence of female experts in media coverage. While we enjoy a successful FM radio presence, we have not forgotten that our beginnings were online. We introduced video blogging to our site with impressive results. We organized training and gave video cameras to tens of Jordanians who were asked to record, edit and upload the results of their filming. Our original website AmmanNet has given birth to four additional sites,, and We have also expanded our work in the Arab region. We helped set up the Aswatona ( network which supports community media throughout the Arab region. With help from our donors we have directly helped support seven community radio stations and conducted three regional conferences on community media in the Arab region.;;  

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The challenges with our internet and radio broadcasts are huge. We often find ourselves alone in covering certain sensitive news. More often we see that our efforts are setting the agenda for all other news organizations.   Vision: Al-Balad radio, our community radio station in Amman, has become a model community radio providing training services and networking opportunities for local, regional and international groups. Internationally .

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Daoud Kuttab (Head of Organisation)
Head of the organisation
Daoud Kuttab

Conference of the project “Sustainable Solutions for social cohesion"


On the 3rd of June Al-Hayat Center (RASED), held the final conference of the project “Sustainable Solutions for social cohesion”, under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Social Development and Head of the Ministerial Committee for the Empowerment of Women, and in the presence of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Jordan.

The Project “Sustainable Solutions for social cohesion”, was implemented with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Amman. The conference included a presentation of the project’s outputs, its impact, and the success stories it achieved, as the project worked to establish 3 training centers in 3 governorates to build the capabilities of women who own small businesses.

In addition to building the capacity of 250 women from various governorates by providing grants to 9 local civil society organizations aimed to enhancing women’s capacities and empowering them on a range of topics, how to plan, manage and develop projects, and how to package products, in addition to enhancing their capacities in using social media platforms to market their products.