
Associazione Costiera Amalfitana Riserva Biosfera Onlus (ACAR.BIO)

National Network

Via Medica 3, Tramonti (SA) CAP 84010, Italy
Tramonti (SA)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The organization is an NGO with a staff of 7 people. The Budgetary resources available in a year is about 20.000 euros from European Projects, Local bodies and members donations. ACARBIO's main partners are from Lebanon (MedoDesign), Malta (Europe Direct Mosta Malta), Greece (Development Company of Kefalonia & Ithaki), Egypt(eknowledge), Jordan (Hashimite Fund), Palestine (Municipality of Ramallah), France (Centre de Conservation du Livre), Spain (ass. Cielo Oscuro Murcia, Municipality of Almeria), Portugal (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Social)
Mission and Objectives

ACAR.BIO is engaged in organization and coordination of projects which aim to strengthen the Amalfi Coast candidature as Biosphere Reserve. Its activities focus on the conservation and safeguard of the natural and historic-cultural heritage of the Amalfi Coast, by promoting any kind of sustainable development in the field of the environment, the tourism, the mobility, the energy. It also pays particular attention to the conservation and protection of historic buildings, monuments and marks left by the ancient civilizations. The Amalfi Coast was recognized in 1997 by UNESCO as World Heritage. The mission of our organization is to let the Amalfi Coast become a Biosphere Reserve within the MAB programme lead by UNESCO in order to enhance a sustainable usage of the resource in our area.

Main Projects / Activities

ACAR.BIO is also involved in the Starlight Reserves Initiative and in June 2009 has realized an Astronomic Observatory in Coast of Amalfi, officially recognized within the initiatives for UNESCO Starlight. It has organized, on behalf of the Province of Salerno, three events in the schools of the area within the Week of Education on Sustainable Development 2009 promoted by UNESCO (9 – 11 – 13 November 2009).
ACARBIO is cooperating with several international partners (Malta, Lubnan, Greece, Egypt, Jordan, France, Spain) in many projects within different European Programmes such as ENPI, Intelligent Energy, Interreg. You can find more info about it in the curriculum in attached.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Sannino

associazione creativi della notte music for peace onlus

National Network

via borgoratti 37 - 16132 genova italia

0039 010 8603934
Telephone (other)
0039 010 8603933
0039 010 8603934
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 335 5277005
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 349 5277005
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
associazione onlus - membres de l'equipe : 10 temps/plein et 50 benevoles temps/partiel - 100 partenaires 350.000 euros Institutions et sponsors prives 1- projet educatif dans les ecoles de Liguria : sensibilisation de 60 000 enfants ( 6 a 19 ans)aux droits de l'homme et a la solidarite et au dialogue entre les cultures 2 -Sensibilisation au moyen d'un bus (musique et expositions de photos des missions passees)de la population dans son ensemble sur les memes thematiques 3- Festival de musique (2 semaines en juin) sensibilisation de 500 000 personnes sur les memes thematiques Ces trois activites donnent lieu a des dons en nature de chaque personne sensibilisee Ces dons (nourriture, materiel medical...)tries et ranges dans des contenairs et distribues lors des missions humanitaires (1 ou 2 par ans - 14 jusqu'a ce jour) Partenaires principaux : region de Liguria; provinces et mairies de Genova, Spezia, Imperia et Savona
Mission and Objectives

Mission et objectifs :
Sensibilisation de la population et en particulier les jeunes aux problemes qui affectent le monde, pour changer les mentalites dans une revolution pacifique qui passe par le dialogue interculturel.
Faire comprendre que chaque individu par son action aussi petite soit-elle, en s’unissant aux autres, peut obtenir de puissants resultants.
Temoigner par les images prises lors des missions passees de l’association, des effets devastateurs de la guerre, de la faim et de la pauvrete, dans un but de sensibilisation.
Promouvoir le respect des droits humains, de la paix et du dialogue intercultural.

Main Projects / Activities

Les activites de l’association ont quatre composantes transversales:
1- Projet educatif dans les ecoles de Liguria : 6 educateurs interviennent dans 269 ecoles pour sensibiliser 60 000 enfants ( 6 a 19 ans) aux droits de l'homme, a la solidarite et au dialogue entre les cultures. Pour les plus jeunes, les educateurs, utilisent en priorite le jeu dans leur travail. Pour les enfants de 12 a 14 ans: visualisation de films, photos et jeux de roles; Pour les 15/20 ans, temoignage d’un ressortissant d’un pays concerne par les missions et debat. Les ecoles organisent des recoltent de dons
2 –Musique/ bus (musique et expositions de photos des missions passees) sensibilisation de la population sur les memes thematiques
3- Festival de musique : sensibilisation de 500 000 personnes sur les memes thematiques. Entree gratuite en echange d’un don en nature
4- Distribution des dons lors des missions humanitaires (cf. site)

Contact (1) Full Name
stefano rebora
Head of the organisation
stefano rebora
Contact (2) Full Name
valentina gallo

Associazione Culturale "Il Tamarindo"

National Network

via Solferino, 19 – 20121 Milano

E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Il Tamarindo was founded in 2009 by Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi together with the editorial board of the multilingual European cultural magazine The Tamarind. The NGO is an active member of the Round Table for Youth of MILAN EXPO 2015, the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform, the Anna Lindh Foundation network and the Intercultural Leaders network. Il Tamarindo's projects are implemented in the framework of wide transnational partnerships with universities and research centers, governmental and intergovernmental institutions as well as other NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is the diffusion and enhancement of the cultural debate among Euro-Mediterranean youth, to be achieved by means of the magazine and of other cultural activities such as symposia, competitions and exhibitions. Il Tamarindo's activities aim at empowering the young actors involved, with particular interest for the intercultural dialogue as a medium for mutual enrichment, renewed friendship and more profound understanding between different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

The Tamarindo is actively involved in the organization of projects in partnership with actors from the whole Euro-Mediterranean region. Among the most recent activities: the Nausicaa Pavilion competition for young architects: 145 participants from both Southern and Northern Mediterranean countries. Another example is the Nausicaa Lab Contest, the first competition for young Euro-Mediterranean cultural and creative entrepreneurs. The second edition of the Nausicaa Lab project is currently being implemented in close cooperation with several partners from all over the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi

Associazione culturale "La Maria del porto"

National Network

Associazione culturale "La Maria del porto",
Via F. Nigretti, 6
70059 Trani (Italy)


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association is composed by a directive commision, with a President and 6 members and other fellows.So the budgetary resources are provided by members, free donations and sponsors. Its amount is about 150.000 euros per year. Our modality of action is based on the diffusion of culture and art. Especially, we organize meeting with authors, theatral laboratory and laboratory of creative writing; cineforum, and other kinds of perfomances.In the month of Septemeber we are used to organize a very big event, called "I Dialoghi di Trani". This manifestation is a promotion of dialogue, a sort of Festival of sharing ideas and culture around a theme. These kind of activities are organized especially for schools, children, teenagers and all people who's interested in sharing with us the diffusion of culture and literature, exchanging ideas, projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our Association is a non-profit one; it doesn't have a political mission, nor religious. Our activity is just spreading culture in our country, through the diffusion of literature and art (music, theatre, artistic performances).

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities are based on diffusion of literature and culture in schools, working with children and teenagers. This kind of activities are: laboratories of creative writing, meetings with authors of books. Even, one of our most important events is constituted by the manifestation called "I Dialoghi di Trani" a sort of festival of dialogue in which many national and internation writers, intellectuals and personalities are invited to discuss and present themes of actuality. For instance, this year will present the theme: "Co-Science and democracy". This festival is 3 days long, and we usually present books, have artistic and musical performances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Lovecchio
Head of the organisation
Lucia Perrone Capano

Associazione Culturale Airesis

National Network

Via del Casaletto 161

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Airesis" (from the greek "airèo", "to choose") is a cultural association that takes care of the education of young people through theater.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to spread among young people a "culture of theatricality", meant as the overcoming of individualism in favor of the dynamics of the community, such as abandonment of randomness in favor of a path of choices.

Main Projects / Activities

Our work consists mainly in the activation of theater workshops in schools of every grade and in the representation of theatrical performances on social themes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our theatrical education projects, which are an excellent vehicle for the education of youth key concepts such as tolerance, integration, the concept of "common good", and through our project "Spiagge e Orizzonti", having as main theme the Mediterranean and its history.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because every action that takes place individually acquires greater value and greater force if it is carried out in a group, community, network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Romano
Head of the organisation
Alberto Romano

associazione culturale amici della tunisia

National Network

via degli etruschi 3

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
structure: 30 peoples budgetary: 0 sources: autofinancing modalities...: cultural exhanges
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

improve relations between italy and tunisia

Contact (1) Full Name
giuseppe favilla
Head of the organisation
giuseppe favilla
Contact (2) Full Name
fabrizio livi

Associazione Culturale amici di Ron - Amici della Vita

National Network

Viale Don Bosco 15

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'Associazione Amici di Ron Amici della Vita si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo Umanitario L.Ron Hubbard e organizza eventi.
Mission and Objectives

L'Associazione Amici di Ron Amici della Vita si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo Umanitario L.Ron Hubbard e organizza eventi

Main Projects / Activities

L'Associazione Amici di Ron Amici della Vita si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo Umanitario L.Ron Hubbard e organizza eventi

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo De Lucia
Head of the organisation
Olga Cholbi

Associazione Culturale Amici di Ron Amici della Vita

National Network

Viale Don Giovanni Bosco, 15

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Associazione Culturale che si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo e Umanitario L. Ron Hubbard
Mission and Objectives

Associazione Culturale che si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo e Umanitario L. Ron Hubbard

Main Projects / Activities

Associazione Culturale che si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo e Umanitario L. Ron Hubbard

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo De Lucia
Head of the organisation
Olga Cholbi
Contact (2) Full Name
Renato Ongania

Associazione Culturale BANSHEE

National Network

Via Luca Giordano, 93 -80128

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Banshee: An Introduction The cultural association Banshee was born in 2010 in Naples by three college students with a common passion archaeology, in the beginning the association was a meeting point for experts in the field of cultural heritage who gathered for sessions of experimental archeology, drafts of articles, web content creation theme . The love for travelling pushes the founder of Banshee to be interested in the fascinating world of cultural exchanges in Europe , dealing first volunteer in the short and long term , workshops and work camps abroad. The experience now enables the creation of a new profile association founded on the principles of non-formal method of working on the issues : • Intercultural ; • Human rights education ; • Arts and culture; • European Consciousness ; • Active Citizenship ; • Anti- discrimination; • Volunteer ; • Living Memory ; • Nature , Environment and Ecology ; • International cooperation ; • Youth Mobility • Work in a team and / or team building activities • Training through the organization and / or coordination of work camps and Workshops .
Mission and Objectives

The Mission for the years 2014-2015 is the creation of a network with local Italians partners who offer to host volunteers and who have to propose projects and working for a time ranging from 7 to 15 days , suggesting the realities interesting from the point of view training and education , fields of interest pass by the realities of organic farming , food and wine , natural parks , workshops engaged in the social and safeguarding of cultural assets .

Main Projects / Activities

Banshee is active on the territory for projects of preservation, protection and monitoring of the artistic and cultural heritage and environment.
From the 2011 Banshee is a poin of refer for Young people that want to go abroad for volunteering and cultural exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Franesco Saverio Quatrano
Head of the organisation
Luca Negroni