
Arrivano dal Mare! Centro Teatro di Figura

National Network

viale Roma 33
Cervia (Ra)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Arrivano dal mare! is a social cooperative company. 8 people full time employed, 3 people part time normally (during festival's period, more people are involved in our activities). Budget 650.000 € Sources of funding: Public funds, UE funds, Private funds, selling of shows and organization of theatre events, inscription fees for theatre courses Modalitites of actions: Festivals / Production and co-productions of shows in the field of puppetry / Courses and Masterclasses / Seminars, Meetings / Exhibitions Main Partners Ministero dei Beni e Attività Culturali, Regione Emilia Romagna (Department of Culture and Department of Vocational Training), Provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna, many cities in our region, the member of the european puppet theatre network, UE (in 1992, 1999, and in 2003-2006 through Culture 2000) , ATF/Agis (National Associaton of Professional Puppet Theatre Companies), AUSLL (Health Public Institutions) and Volounteers Organisations for the projects involving handicapped people
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Activity Report
Main Project/Activities
International Puppetry Festival
Winter program
Summer program
Museo B&F Puppets and Figures Museum
The theatre company
The library and the video collection
The Atelier of the Figures, the first school for puppeteers in Italy

Contact (1) Full Name
Franco Belletti
Head of the organisation
Franco Belletti
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano Giunchi

Art Aia - Creatives/In/Residence

National Network

via Banduzzo 31
33079 Sesto al Reghena

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Art Aia- Creatives/ In/ Residence is a cultural center, a creative residency, located inside a farm in the Friulian countryside of Northern Italy, near the town of Sesto al Reghena in the province of Pordenone. Its aims are the cultural research and the artistic experimentation in the area, the circulation of information, the promotion of art and culture at a local and international level. Art Aia pursues exclusively cultural and artistic activities, guided by the idea that art can help to overcome the limitations and barriers place to communication still today, which in a way reduce imagination and creativity. For this reason, Art Aia is strongly committed to the promotion of exchange and collaboration between individual artists and groups of various nationalities and backgrounds. The Centre organizes and hosts different types of activities : the artists may reside at Art Aia during periods of study and work, develop new projects, create performances or audiovisual work, attend courses, seminars and workshops on different techniques, present their work within Festivals and exhibitions and carry out activities aimed to the development of their artistic skills and creative process . Art Aia is also an ecology center immersed in the nature of the Friulan territory where it is possible to get familiar with sustainable agriculture and well-being through ecotherapy. Over the past five years, one of the main activity of Art Aia has been the higher education, with courses taught by teachers and international artists. Several groups have also been hosted in the structure to carry out creative residencies, aimed at the preparation of new art projects. The Spirit of Art Aia is to develop creativity, understood as a cultural resource and potential for growth, within a natural setting where it is possible to establish a new relationship between Humanity, Art, and Nature.
Mission and Objectives

Art Aia- Creatives/ In/ Residence is a cultural center, a creative residency, located inside a farm in the Friulian countryside of Northern Italy, near the town of Sesto al Reghena in the province of Pordenone. Its aims are the cultural research and the artistic experimentation in the area, the circulation of information, the promotion of art and culture at a local and international level. Art Aia pursues exclusively cultural and artistic activities, guided by the idea that art can help to overcome the limitations and barriers place to communication still today, which in a way reduce imagination and creativity. For this reason, Art Aia is strongly committed to the promotion of exchange and collaboration between individual artists and groups of various nationalities and backgrounds. The Centre organizes and hosts different types of activities : the artists may reside at Art Aia during periods of study and work, develop new projects, create performances or audiovisual work, attend courses, seminars and workshops on different techniques, present their work within Festivals and exhibitions and carry out activities aimed to the development of their artistic skills and creative process . Art Aia is also an ecology center immersed in the nature of the Friulan territory where it is possible to get familiar with sustainable agriculture and well-being brought eco-therapy. Over the past five years, one of the main activity of Art Aia has been the higher education, with courses taught by teachers and international artists. Several groups have also been hosted in the structure to carry out creative residencies, aimed at the preparation of new art projects. The Spirit of Art Aia is to develop creativity, understood as a cultural resource and potential for growth, within a natural setting where it is possible to establish a new relationship between Humanity, Art, and Nature.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Aia- Creatives/ In/ Residence is a cultural center, a creative residency, located inside a farm in the Friulian countryside of Northern Italy, near the town of Sesto al Reghena in the province of Pordenone. Its aims are the cultural research and the artistic experimentation in the area, the circulation of information, the promotion of art and culture at a local and international level. Art Aia pursues exclusively cultural and artistic activities, guided by the idea that art can help to overcome the limitations and barriers place to communication still today, which in a way reduce imagination and creativity. For this reason, Art Aia is strongly committed to the promotion of exchange and collaboration between individual artists and groups of various nationalities and backgrounds. The Centre organizes and hosts different types of activities : the artists may reside at Art Aia during periods of study and work, develop new projects, create performances or audiovisual work, attend courses, seminars and workshops on different techniques, present their work within Festivals and exhibitions and carry out activities aimed to the development of their artistic skills and creative process . Art Aia is also an ecology center immersed in the nature of the Friulan territory where it is possible to get familiar with sustainable agriculture and well being through eco-therapy. Over the past five years, one of the main activity of Art Aia has been the higher education, with courses taught by teachers and international artists. Several groups have also been hosted in the structure to carry out creative residencies, aimed at the preparation of new art projects. The Spirit of Art Aia is to develop creativity, understood as a cultural resource and potential for growth, within a natural setting where it is possible to establish a new relationship between Humanity, Art and Nature.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can develop international projects in Italy and promote the circulation of information related to the network. I can become a reference to the network for Italy and for central - southern Europe by organizing conference panels and other gathering activities open to international members of the network .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I 'm looking for collaboration and partnerships .I believe that becoming part of ALF will open up more opportunities to find mutual collaboration with other institutions around the world . 

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Morassutti
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Morassutti


National Network

rampa antonio ceriani,10
00165 roma

+39 0639742463
Mobile Phone
+39 3381240456
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3343292688
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Artestudio is a Cultural Association that works professionally in this area of social and culture for more than thirty years cooperating with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justice, the European Union, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, the UNHCR, the University of La Sapienza in Rome and the University of Romatre. Has already carried out a project of social theater with young Syrian refugees in Lebanon in cooperation with UNHCR and INTERSOS that has seen tremendous interest. Has also achieved for the first time a project of social theater at the C.A.R.A (Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers) in Gradisca d'Isonzo making this inedited program a brand new stable and continuous reality. Now prepares a draft for the C.A.R.A in Castelnuovo di Porto in the province of Rome. Artestudio has investigated the issue of immigration with the PIED DOG project that has involved many young people in Italy and the Middle East. It carried out projects in Lebanon and Palestine, working with refugees and in several prisons with theater projects aimed at Italian and foreign inmates, projects for the mentally disabled and victims of violence always using THEATRE AS A TOOL FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION.
Mission and Objectives

Artestudio is a Cultural Association that works professionally in this area of social and culture for more than thirty years cooperating with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justice, the European Union, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, the UNHCR, the University of La Sapienza in Rome and the University of Romatre.
Has already carried out a project of social theater with young Syrian refugees in Lebanon in cooperation with UNHCR and INTERSOS that has seen tremendous interest.
Has also achieved for the first time a project of social theater at the C.A.R.A (Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers) in Gradisca d'Isonzo making this inedited program a brand new stable and continuous reality. Now prepares a draft for the C.A.R.A in Castelnuovo di Porto in the province of Rome.
Artestudio has investigated the issue of immigration with the PIED DOG project that has involved many young people in Italy and the Middle East. It carried out projects in Lebanon and Palestine, working with refugees and in several prisons with theater projects aimed at Italian and foreign inmates, projects for the mentally disabled and victims of violence always using THEATRE AS A TOOL FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION.

Main Projects / Activities

Artestudio is a Cultural Association that works professionally in this area of social and culture for more than thirty years cooperating with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justice, the European Union, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, the UNHCR, the University of La Sapienza in Rome and the University of Romatre.
Has already carried out a project of social theater with young Syrian refugees in Lebanon in cooperation with UNHCR and INTERSOS that has seen tremendous interest.
Has also achieved for the first time a project of social theater at the C.A.R.A (Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers) in Gradisca d'Isonzo making this inedited program a brand new stable and continuous reality. Now prepares a draft for the C.A.R.A in Castelnuovo di Porto in the province of Rome.
Artestudio has investigated the issue of immigration with the PIED DOG project that has involved many young people in Italy and the Middle East. It carried out projects in Lebanon and Palestine, working with refugees and in several prisons with theater projects aimed at Italian and foreign inmates, projects for the mentally disabled and victims of violence always using THEATRE AS A TOOL FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribuire alla rete italiana mettendo in relazione i progetti a cominciare dal progetto MIGRARTI del MIBACT.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Perchè lavoriamo in questo settore da molto tempo ed intendiamo sviluppare una rete di esperienze positive sul tema dell'incontro con l'altro.

Contact (1) Full Name
alba maria ungaro bartoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
alba maria ungaro bartoli
Contact (2) Full Name
riccardo vannuccini
Job Title (2)
direttore artistico

Artestudio Cultural Association

National Network

Via Cornelio Nepote 10

0039 06 7187450
Telephone (other)
0039 06 39742463
0039 06 39742463
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
339 5785178
Mobile Phone (other)
338 1240457
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: ArteStudio is a private, non profit cultural association employing 4 full time staff; 2. Budgetary resources available in a year: Euro 250.000,00; 3. Sources of funding: public funding 4. Modalities of action: concrete projects, workshops, university seminars; 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Italian institutions (the Municipality of Rome and Milan, the Universities of Rome “La Sapienza” and “Roma Tre”, the University of Viterbo, the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Italian Ministry of Justice)
Mission and Objectives

ArteStudio’s activities aim to promote intercultural dialogue and cultural collaboration among citizens making use of the extraordinary capability of theater in setting up relationships and cooperation’s actions. We strongly believe that Theater, intended as theatrical action, being a creative instrument of understanding can represent a unique mean for reflecting and acting upon the future of Italy and Europe in the perspective of integration and intercultural dialogue. Theatre represents a meeting place where the preparation of the performance becomes a process of regeneration of people fostering a new system of understanding among citizens, promoting a modern sense of collective identity in the context of diversity and wealth of cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

ArteStudio is an Italian cultural association using “Social Theatre” as an educational, artistic and pedagogic instrument for carrying on social and intercultural actions involving young people risking social deviance, detainees, minorities, people with mental disease, migrants, refugees, victims of torture. Among its numerous intercultural projects, ArteStudio ran theatre workshops in various Detention Centers in Rome and Lazio, where the majority of the prison population is multiethnic; worked with refugees and victims of torture from Africa, Middle East and Balkans, organised a workshop and a staging in Hebron, Palestinian Territories, and set up the fist multiethnic theatre company in Rome composed by actors of 10 different nationalities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulia Gori
Head of the organisation
Alba Maria Ungaro Bartoli (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Alba Maria Ungaro Bartoli

Arti & Mestieri Onlus

National Network

Via C. Monteverdi, 20

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
The association Arti&Mestieri is a non for profit organization composed by 8 members which main sources of funding are the contribution coming from European Programmes and national (Italian) funding. The association is a non political organization and has a democratic structure. It aims at promoting specific social development activities in the historic, artistic, environment, cultural promotion field. The association will last until December the 31st of 2050.
Mission and Objectives

As stated in the attached Statute of the Association “Arti&Mestieri”, its purposes are to implement social focused activities.
More specifically, the Arti&Mestieri Association operates in the following sectors: education, training, charity, promotion of artistic and historic matters, preservation of the environment, promotion of cultural and artistic heritage.
The above mentioned activities are performed in order to assist disadvantaged (for physical, psychological, economic and social reasons) target groups.
Furthermore, the Association implements cultural meetings, festivals and events.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects carried out by the Arti&Mestieri Onlus are:
- “Le chiavi della città” (Catania) Cod. 1999/IT.16.1.PO.011/2.04/7.2.4/096 which budget was 215.192,70 Euro
- “Le chiavi della città” (Enna) Cod. 1999/IT.16.1.PO.011/2.04/7.2.4/095 which budget was 159.467,89 Euro
These 2 projects were financed by the Sicilian region (POR Sicilia 2000/2006 Misura 3.17 ex 2.04).
- “Esperto in risorse idriche” (Nicosia) Cod.1999/ IT.16.1.PO.011/1.06/7.2.4/64 which budget was 283.753,51 Euro.
This project was financed by the Sicilian region (POR Sicilia 2000/2006 Misura 3.16)

Contact (1) Full Name
Giampaolo D’Angelo
Head of the organisation
Alfredo Pelaia
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Rossi
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

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L'infertilité est un problème mondial qui affecte les couples et les familles. Dans la société palestinienne, on incrimine généralement les femmes qui ne mettent pas d’enfant au monde à cause de la société patriarcale, selon une recherche menée par l'Université...

Good Practice
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As Life: Sharing Experiences through Arts

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ASAI - Associazione Animazione Interculturale

National Network

Via Sant'Anselmo 27/e

0039 011657114
0039 011657114
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0039 3495033513
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
ASAI, “ASsociazione di Animazione Interculturale”, is a non-profit intercultural and voluntary association operating since 1995 in Torino. The association is born in the San Salvario zone of Turin, with the aim to create pedagogical and aggregational activities for youngsters, both immigrants and Italian, and for the families living in the area. In the past two years the Association started to work also in other areas of Turin and in different schools in the whole city area. Now it offers daily initiatives addressed to children and youngsters in five youth centers (in San Salvario, Barriera di Milano, Porta Palazzo, Parella/sanDonato e Mirafiori), in various schools and in informal youth gathering places.
Mission and Objectives

Overall aims
Main aims of the association are:
• social and cultural integration
• defence and promotion of individual cultural and religious identities (as resources and cultural richness, not as a problem)
• promotion of intercultural dialogue and of learning through non formal education
• prevention and fight against racism and prejudices
• promotion of active citizenship and of community development
• communication among youngsters
• young people empowerment
• the development of autonomy skills and of individual potential
• improvement of people’s quality of life
Since the beginning, ASAI focused on teenagers and young people as target groups, through their involvement in learning activities, but it also involves children and adults, families and old people (with the aim of creating inter-generational dialogue and understanding)
The educational support has become during the years one of the main and more requested activities in the ASAI centre: the Italian language classes and the afterschool activities allow young people to reach a faster and successful integration in the Italian school system. Moreover, adults and youngsters can contact the ASAI “employment centre” for a guidance in the choice of training courses or schools and a guidance in their job research. Computer courses are held in ASAI and an Internet point with free access is available for youngsters and adults. Sport activities are organized by ASAI: football, volley and basket teams have been set up with parents involvement as trainers or volunteers to take kids to matches and help the team. The teams often participate to provincial and regional championships.
Meetings for parents are promoted, supported by a psychologist, with the aim of sharing problems and thoughts, dialoguing and setting up a sort of self-aid group among them.
In some particular cases, aimed intervention for youngsters with problems are developed with the contribution of the public Social Services.
Teenagers and young people are often involved in excursions, week-end trips, holiday camps, film-festivals, visits to museums, International youth exchanges, etc.
Youngsters over 18, who attended ASAI activities for a long time, and young University students follow training courses in ASAI to become youth leaders and to support younger fellows. They become teachers of dance, theatre, percussions and Italian language and every week meet among themselves to discuss educational themes. The ASAI centre is also used by different ethnical communities to organise meetings, parties, dinners and dances.
The executive staff of the Association consists of twelve members, professional youth workers, employed full time. The Association also involves 300 volunteers, which are teachers, psychologists, trainers, young University students, youngsters from the Italian Voluntary Service, but also citizens (parents, families, young people)

Main Projects / Activities

* ART AND EXPRESSION WORKSHOPS Juggling, dance, music, drama, handcraft, etc…
* SPORT: Football, basket, volley
* JOB CENTRE in San Salvario (Via San Pio V 17/b): it offers youngsters and adults educational and vocational guidance. It also helps them to search for jobs.
* STREET-BASED YOUTH WORK: prevention of social problems support and promotion of personal development through street-based activities and youth work

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Picco


National Network

via guerrazzi 10
57025 piombino

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
le bureau est composé de: 1- DIOP MOUSSA ,   secretaire executif 2 -NIANG PAPE SALIOU ,  secretaire administratif 3 -DIOP KHADIM,  tresorier general 4-DI TONCELLI CHIARA   tresoriere adjointe 5-THIAM MOUSTAPHA    secretaire chargé à l organisation 6-NDOUR BALLA   secretiiare chargé à la communication 7-NDIAYE CHEIKH secretiare chargé des relations internationales 8 -MARONE ADAMA commissaire au compte  9 -NDIAYE PATHE  commissaire au compte 10 –GAYE KHADY  commissaire au compte ressources economiques et patrimoine ; cotisation des membres dons contribution des organismes internationales remboursements derrivants des conventions , subventions de l'etat,des organismes et institutions publics .privées ou personnes physiques
Mission and Objectives

l'association est à but non lucratif
l'association exerce son activité exclusivement sur la solidarité sociale .et entend travailler dans les secteurs de: l' humanitaire, l'assistance sociale et socio sanitaire, la bienfaisance,l'education et la formation
l'association ASES à pour but de:
- developper une assistance reciproque ,la solidarite et la cooperation inteernationale
- travailler pour le respect de la dignité humaine
- participer activement à la protection et à l'education des enfants
- participer activement à la formation des jeunes
- participer activement dans la politique sanitaire
- participer activement à la protection des personnes vulnerables
- organiser des activités non lucratives tout en maintenant son autonomie
- travailler pour la suvegarde de l'environnement et la protection de la nature.

Main Projects / Activities

nous comptons organiser des evennements culturelles ,des tournoies sportifs,des formations,faire des echanges jeunes au avec le programme erasmus

Contact (1) Full Name
moussa diop
Job Title
secretaire executif
Head of the organisation
secretaire executif