
Africa e Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Gamberi 4, 40037

+ 39 051.840166
+ 39 051.6790117
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 349.2225101 (Sandra)
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349.2225100 (Andrea)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Africa e Mediterraneo is an interdisciplinary quarterly publishing since 1992 on economic, historical and cultural issues in the African context. In the 15 years of its existence, Africa e Mediterraneo has established itself as a field-defining cultural studies journal. Moving from an anthropologically-oriented editorial policy, but constantly referring to other subjects, Africa e Mediterraneo seeks a critical understanding of the global cultural flows and the cultural forms which define Africa in the late twentieth century. As such, the journal presents occasions where cultural and social differences emerge as public phenomena, manifested everywhere from highly localized cultural events, to popular culture or to global consumption and information networks. Artists and well-established scholars of fine arts and social sciences on an international level present some of their most innovative and up-dated work in the pages of Africa e Mediterraneo.
Mission and Objectives

Africa e Mediterraneo seeks to:
establish an international network of scholars committed to research on African traditional arts, contemporary visual arts, and on cultural forms as cinema, photography, television and video, comics, fiction, as well as African modern architecture and museums;
explore the cultural implications of such processes as migration to Europe, the internationalization of visual arts and the African intellectuals' contribution to the debate on global culture.
situate these forms, flows, and processes in their historical and social contexts.

Main Projects / Activities

In 10 years of existence the Africa e Mediterraneo association, in addition to the publication of the journal, has carried on a large series of cultural promotion activities; among the issues faced so far we can include European rights (Manifesta!), causes and conditions for immigration in the enlarged Europe (New arrivals), the research on intercultural actions in Europe (Interculture map) and common values between religions and secular thought (Common Values). Along with these projects we have realised educational materials and methodologies which have been thought as ideal tools to be used in schools.
In order to face these issues in a dynamic and accessible way we have chosen to use comics as main tool of our project. Comics allow indeed to communicate effectively quite complex and disussed topics and may easily involve students by stimulating their curiosity and creativity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani
Head of the organisation
Sandra Federici
Contact (2) Full Name
Sasso Marconi (BO)

Agenzia Ansa

National Network
+39 0667741
E-Mail (2)
Contact (1) Full Name
Amb. Boris Biancheri

Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo

National Network

Via Libertini, 1 - Ex Conservatorio S. Anna
73100 Lecce

0832 682552
Telephone (other)
0832 682554
0832 682553
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The 'Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo' is a nonprofit association, with legal status and was founded in March 2003 in Lecce by Municipality of Lecce, University of Salento - Lecce, University of Foggia and UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union - Rome. Current associates are: Municipality of Lecce and University of Salento. Honorary members are: CUM (Community of the Mediterranean Universities) – Bari, Italy, University of Patras - Greece, Lecce Fine Arts Academy, Guglielmo Marconi" online University – Rome, Italy Institute for the History and Archaeology of Magna Graecia – Taranto, Italy, Province of Lecce. The Agency was founded to fill an institutional gap at a local level: the lack of an institutional body working to enhance the realization of the Euro-Mediterranean identity, where culture represents the common identity and culture is considered a resource The resource to bet on.
Mission and Objectives

The 'Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo' develops and promotes actions aiming at the protection, restoration, preservation, enhancement, communication of Euromed cultural heritage, also leveraging the policies of national states and international organizations.
Its peculiarity lies in cooperation, collaboration and sharing of a common goal with public and private bodies and organizations: that is the need to enhance the culture, which has now become not only a priority but a requirement. The Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency does this leveraging a real synergy with public and private institutions. The aim is not only to encourage, but also to develop and implement permanent actions in support of policies enhancing actions leading to know, recognize and appreciate the cultural heritage as a vehicle of identity.
The Agency has presented and taken part to many Community, (INTERREG CADSES, CULTURE 2000, LIFELONG LEARNING EUROPAID, MED, IPA), national and regional (POR, APULIAN ICT LIVING LABS) programmes,
all focused on the protection, restoration, preservation, and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean culture.
The Association has also organized and promoted numerous national and international conferences, seminars, meetings, workshops, exhibitions and events all centered on the promotion of Euromediterranean artistic, linguistic and cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

The Agency, since its constitution, has always set the quality of initiatives among its strategic goals, professionalism and competence of the team as a fundamental basis of projects and initiatives and the evaluation of the results as an essential tool for improving performance and the full achievement of objectives. A path that is often difficult and arduous, but tenaciously pursued. Thanks to this strategy the Agency has fulfilled many and prestigious high-profile cultural activities and projects, aiming at enhancing, protecting, exploiting Cultural Heritage, true vehicle of common identity and collective memory of peoples.
The main fields of activity are:
- Project Planning and Management
- Organization of conferences, meetings, workshops, seminars, conventions and exhibitions
- Education and training on the job
Just to mention the more significant projects and the results, Euromed Agency has until now:
 presented and taken part to 18 Community, (INTERREG CADSES, CULTURE 2000, LIFELONG LEARNING COMENIUS REGIO), national and regional (POR, APULIAN ICT LIVING LABS, P.O. FESR PUGLIA 2007-2013) funding programmes, all targeted on actions enhancing the protection, restoration, preservation, and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean culture;
 patronized 25 national and international conferences on topics related to European and Mediterranean cultural heritage;
 organized 67 events including conferences, meetings and national and international workshops on intercultural cooperation, development and promotion of Mediterranean cultural heritage and traditions ;
 patronized, sponsored, lavished contributions, recognized awards to 14 events and initiatives.
 organized 9 exhibitions one of which under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic;
 contributed to the organization of 2 master's degrees;
 offered the opportunities of high profile training courses to 11 trainees, some of whom coming from abroad
 organized 2 courses of Euro-community planning, 6 courses of Modern Greek language and culture and 2 courses of Turkish language and culture.
The projects developed and implemented by Euromed were funded by the following Community, National and Regional Programmes.
EU Funding Programmes
INTERREG IV C - European Territorial Cooperation Operational Programme “Greece-Italy” 2007-2013
National Funding Programmes
MINISTRY OF YOUTH AFFAIRS - “"Youth for the enhancement of public goods"
Regional Funding Programmes

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mauro Martina
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Adriana Poli Bortone
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Fabio Montefrancesco
Job Title (2)
International Relation and Fund Raising Manager

Agenzia Provinciale per l'Orientamento, il Lavoro e la Formazione

National Network

Via San Giovanni Bosco, 23
27100 Pavia

0039 – 0382 471389
0039 – 0382 574198
Mobile Phone
0039 – 329 0651826
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Pier Francesco Damiani, Coordinatore Area Progettazione, Ricerca e Sviluppo

AGFOL – “Agenzia formazione lavoro”

National Network

via Pasini, 36/c
Marghera, Venice

+39 (0)41 2594311
Telephone (other)
+39 (0)41 2594331
+39 (0)41 2594350
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 5274322
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1. Organization Structure, team members and partners AGFOL – “Agenzia Formazione Lavoro” – is a non-profit, limited liability co-operative society, established in order to respond to the professional requirements called forth by the transformations involving society, education and production, as well as to meet the demand of expertise within the fields of social services, education and cooperation. AGFOL’s board of directors ensures that the organization be managed by a single administrator or by a board of executives, in turn; therefore, the executive board of the association is as follows: a) Board of Members. b) Executive Group. c) Board of Mayors. 2. Yearly available budget resource a) Balance 2005: € 2,275.849/66 b) Balance 2004: € 2,840.616/37 3. Financial Sources AGFOL actions are committed to the following financial sources : a) European Social Fund. b) Funds related to EU Programs on cross-national projects. c) National and Regional Funds. d) Private Funding. 4. Action Plan (actual projects, exchanges, seminars,
Mission and Objectives

AGFOL aims at attaining a general community interest, in view of a promotion of the individuals as well as their personal and social integration through the planning and implementation of actions based on training, education, research and counseling on professional preparation, job organization and market.
AGFOL intends to constantly conjugate human values, such as the centrality of the individual, with the corporate needs for innovation and competitiveness. This is achieved by nurturing actions toward the promotion of employment policies and the advance of professional skills.

Main Projects / Activities

• CASADIS within the Community program for combating the discriminations at work. It is specifically addressed toward such discriminations that affect housing.
• EDURBAN Training of animator-educators to be introduced into the disadvantaged urban areas of Tirana. Project promoter is IAL Veneto.
• Promotion of women entrepreneurship in Fortaleza, Cearà (Brazil) – year II. Project promoter was ISCOS Veneto.
• Vocational training in primary sector for youth in Brcko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the second year Agfol has been involved in this project which aims at improving Brcko youth technical skill in agriculture and allows for exchanges between Bosnian and Italian peers.
• ESO CSA Certification of competency in selected specialist areas within small and medium-sized enterprises (Leonardo Da Vinci project).
• Vocational guidance courses for immigrants in Italy. In 2004 four 40-hour courses for immigrants in Italy have been implemented.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rodina Pier Giovanni
Head of the organisation
Bolpin Carlo
Contact (2) Full Name
Perale Stefano

Ahlan Italia

National Network

Via Pirandello 7

0039 349 3942504
Telephone (other)
0093 349 4555202
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Ahlan Italia is an organisation open to membership. At the moment we have 3 people in the board and 10 members, we do not receive any funds because we are working in teaching languages. Main partners are Comune di Savona and red cross, plus Peter Pan association and Boselli High school. We work with them organising children activities in English or activity for adults (like exchanging languages, help in stages abroad). Budgetary resources is 15.000 euros per year.
Mission and Objectives

Language is a tool, not a purpose! that is our philosophy and mission.
Language, traditions and cultural aspects are the essential tools that everyone needs to get to know and to experience if he wants to understand another culture, communicate and make business with it.
Comparing and exchanging ideas is fundamental to negotiate successfully and to enlarge our personal horizons.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the affiliate is Ahlan Egypt company, a limited Lialibity company teaching Italian to locals in Alexandria Cairo and Luxor.
The main goal is to help Egyptians coming from low profile classes to travel and open their mind.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Savona and Liguria are facecing Mediterranean, and full of organisation and association needs to know more about Anna Lindh foundation. We can be your face at our place.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

mainly for networking and keep it us update about funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Becchi
Head of the organisation
Claudia Becchi president
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco Crea

AITR - Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile

National Network

Via Cufra 29
20159 Milan MI

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

AITR is a non-governmental and non-profit association; AITR was funded in 1998 and has almost 100 members
operating in the tourist sectors, such as cultural cooperatives, tour operators, NGOs, small local associations and
publishing companies.

Mission and Objectives

AITR is inspired by ethical and democratic principles and so promotes and coordinates
activities that support a tourism that is responsible, sustainable and ethical. It aims to raise
awareness among citizens, promote lifestyles and a consumerism that is fair to all involved.

Main Projects / Activities

- international development cooperation projects
- training and dissemination
- awareness raising activities
- promotion of the touristic offer in Italy and in international networks
- exchange of good practices among AITR's members

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maurizio Davolio
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Davolio

Alkedo Onlus

National Network

Via Pergola 26

+39 0584 1780261
+39 06 62276768
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Association ALKEDO ONLUS was established in 2007 at the initiative of people working for years in the areas of environmental protection of Tuscany. The Association is a non-profit social operating profit by protecting, enhancing and promoting the historical, archaeological, artistic, natural and environmental awareness and encouraging their use. The association is registered in the ONLUS ALKEDO only non-profit organization at the direction of the region of Tuscany, a little number from 17/04/2007 IPS070502007. The association is a member and ALKEDO ONLUS Tuscany regional branch of the National Federation Pro Natura. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy with Decree No. 143/2/2001 put Alkedo non-profit organization into the National Register of Associations of social promotion. The Association ALKEDO is registered as accredited agents of the Tuscany Region, in accordance with L.R. 5 / 2002, by resolution of the Bureau of 12/04/2011, No. 39. ALKEDO is registered like non-profit organization in the official register of the municipalities of: Stazzema, Seravezza, Forte dei Marmi and Pietrasanta (doc.No 1966 of 19.07.2011), it is also in the Register of Experts on Environmental Education of the Province of Lucca (​​doc. No 2962 of 07.06.2011) and in the Register of the organizers of cultural activities in the province of Lucca ( doc. N.2896 of 06/01/2011). Alkedo Onlus Association operates mainly in volunteering with a Governing Council composed of three members elected every three years unless renewed. Operators who work with the association are guides and environmental educators with expertise in the field of education, who has been working in this field by using programs designed specifically for the school and widely experienced in their validity. The association works with its volunteers in the construction and maintenance of pedestrian paths and environmental, health surveillance and protection and promotion of the historical territory of Versilia, restoring degraded areas and contributing to the reinstatement of the green heritage. Currently have 2 employed and the everage budget per year is 33.000 euros: of that €1000 came from public finance , €6000 from contributions of the members and donations and €25000 from other sources.
Mission and Objectives

The Association ALKEDO was and is a constant point of reference for citizens and institutions for the promotion of all initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment and the cultural and historical elements that make it unique in the area of ​​ historical Versilia (Seravezza Forte dei Marmi, Pietrasanta and Stazzema) in collaboration with the Institute for Historical Lucchese.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association ALKEDO was and is a constant point of reference for citizens and institutions for the promotion of all initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment and the cultural and historical elements that make it unique in the area of ​​ historical Versilia (Seravezza Forte dei Marmi, Pietrasanta and Stazzema) in collaboration with the Institute for Historical Lucchese.
Since 2007 the Association ALKEDO operates in agreement with the City of Stazzema (which owns it), the Center for Environmental Education “Eco-Hostel La Pania "guaranteeing the promotion and enjoyment to the public and involving citizens in the focus group on historical issues and environmental courses and summer camps focused on environmental sustainability forming educational projects at primary and secondary schools of the district.ALKEDO is part of the "Movimento camminare per conoscere" that is committed to growing up the walking and trekking way of life and let it know at all the local and national italian governments.
ALKEDO take part in "Project Global 2012," a program of international cultural cooperation and synergy created by the Club of Bucharest in a network to gather all people and organizations in the world supporting a human future, peaceful and sustainable .

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Belli
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Belli

Almamed (42 Universities Represented)

National Network

Via Brunetti, 48

+39 335461177
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
General Information
La Fondazione Mediterraneo ha creato un complesso organismo denominato "ALMAMED" costituente la consociazione delle Università e delle reti di Università dei Paesi Euromediterranei finalizzato a:  creare opportunità di confronto fra gli Atenei euromediterranei, anche in relazione ai programmi comunitari di settore; istituire corsi universitari comuni a più università e i criteri per l'automatico riconoscimento del titolo nei diversi paesi delle Università così consociate istituire scambi di studenti e di studiosi istituire la "Biblioteca delle Università Euromediterranee"
Mission and Objectives

Operare nel settore della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo per e con le popolazioni del Terzo Mondo

Main Projects / Activities

L'associazione opera nel settore della cooperazione allo sviluppo con le popolazioni del Terzo Mondo

Contact (1) Full Name
Massimo Pica Ciamarra
Head of the organisation
Massimo Pica Ciamarra

AlmaTerra Association

National Network

10154 - TORINO

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1. Intercultural Women's Association, non-profit, with a Directive Council of 7 members elected by the Assembly (1,200 members), 3 dependents and 30 collaborators. 2. About 500,000.00 Euro. 3. Public institutions and foundations. 4. Projects, exchanges, research, publications, cultural mediation, legal counselling, intercultural activities in the schools, artistic (theatre) activities, international cooperation. 5. Local institutions (Region, Province, Common, Area), Sanitary Directions, Direction of the Turin Prison, Policy Head Quarters, associations and non government organizations (NGO)
Mission and Objectives

a) to structure a space where migrant and native women live and work together
b) to counteract conditions of exclusion and marginality
c) to promote migrant women’s autonomy and integration, in particular by supporting their access to the labor market
d) to accompany migrant women along a path of awareness of their rights and duties
e) to invert the stereotype of the migrant as a person needy of assistance
f) to promote - through cultural projects managed particularly from "AlmaTeatro" - the knowledge, the fight against the racism, organizing intercultural stages and shows, exchanging experiences with national and international realities

Main Projects / Activities

Welcoming (“accoglienza”), management of housing cohabitations, diurnal activities for re-socialization for the women victims of the trafficking in women, legal counseling, service of orientation to the labor-market, projects for the job placement, courses of socialization and formation to the care job and domestic collaboration, documentation center, Spazio Bimbi; a day-care for children 1-3 years, AlmaTeatro, AlmaSolidale: micro-credit for the association members, time bank, health and comfort, a tailoring/seamstress workshop, multiethnic kitchen, international cooperation, Hamm’am or Turkish Bath, cultural and linguistic mediation, training for cultural mediatory, training for public operators, workshop of intercultural animation in the schools and on the territory.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name