

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Acas Services is a private company dealing with the production and the organization of art exhibitions and artistic and cultural events. Our staff is composed of 5 skilled people who can provide many services such as the press, the promotion and the communication office at a local, national and international level, under the direction of our art director Enrico Mascelloni, a curator and an art critic. The funding sources are private and come from the owner of the company. The budgetary resources necessary to set up a complete event go from a minimum of 50,000€ to 100,000€. The partners involved in the realization of projects may be cultural foundations (Fondazione 107 in Turin), art galleries (De Crescenzo e Viesti in Rome) and even colleges (Gordon College) depending on the nature and on the place where the event is going to be.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of this company is to organize art events that can contribute to the promotion of the contemporary art. In particular we deal with contemporary Asian and African art. The company has developed a cultural project called “Caravan Café”, which is based on the wealth of the visual culture of the Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

Palazzo dei Sette in Orvieto
“Femme terre” – Ousmane Ndiaye Dago
“ Apoteosi della danza” – Carlo Ciussi
“The Tamerlane Syndrome – art and conflicts in Central Asia – Collective exhibition
“Antonio Corpora (1959-1990)” Antonio Corpora
“Etrusco per scelta” - Massimo Campigli
“Believe it or not” - Allen Jones
“L’occhio è la finestra” - Sebastian Matta
“Mel Ramos”- Mel Ramos
“Il ritorno dei maghi” – Collective exhibition
“Praga magica – Oro e nero” – Collective exhibition
Castel dell’Ovo in Napoli
“Africa Nera – Hic Sunt Leones” – Collective exhibition
Castello di Otranto
“Oltre l’Occidente – rappresentazioni estreme nei tessuti orientali”
Haggerty Museum, Milwaukee, USA
“The Tamerlane Syndrome – art and conflicts in Central Asia – Collective exhibition
Fortezza da Basso in Firenze
“Little games along the silkroad”- Collective exhibition
Galleria De Crescenzo e Viesti in Roma
“Le armi dell’arte” – Collective exhibition

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Accademia del Mediterraneo (68 Academies and Institutes of Culture and Research Represented)

National Network

Via Depretis, 130

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Sulla base delle conclusioni della riunione costitutiva, tenutasi a Napoli il 9 e 10 ottobre 1998, è istituita l'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO con durata illimitata. Essa sarà sottoposta al riconoscimento delle Nazioni Unite - quale Organizzazione non governativa d'interesse internazionale intesa a realizzare i principi della carta dell'ONU - ed a quello dell'Unione Europea - quale Istituzione intesa a concorrere alla realizzazione dei principi ed obiettivi del partenariato euromediterraneo contenuti nella Dichiarazione di Barcellona del novembre 1995. Le azioni promosse dall'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO nell'ambito del partenariato euromediterraneo saranno svolte con Accademie ed Istituzioni appartenenti ai 27 Paesi che hanno sottoscritto la Dichiarazione di Barcellona del novembre 1995 e ad altri Paesi euromediterranei. La costituzione dell'Accademia intende apportare un concorso per la edificazione di un'area di pace e prosperità condivisa, preconizzata dalla Dichiarazione di Barcellona. L'Accademia vuole essere segno vivente del risveglio della coscienza mediterranea, risposta all'appello di mobilitazione morale della Dichiarazione di Barcellona e punta avanzata per un Manifesto sulla centralità dell'uomo nell'azione del partenariato euromediterraneo. L'Accademia si propone di funzionare quale punto di riferimento di istanze locali portatrici di conoscenza ed esperienze e capacità di azione, desiderose di partecipare alla creazione di un patrimonio comune per un'azione unitaria a vantaggio del progresso morale, culturale e scientifico della società euro-mediterranea.
Mission and Objectives

L'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO è la consociazione di tutte le ACCADEMIE NAZIONALI e di altre ACCADEMIE ED ISTITUZIONI CULTURALI di alto rilievo dei Paesi che gravitano sul Mediterraneo.
Essa ha come PRIMO FINE di creare, attraverso programmi specifici ma coordinati - affidati ciascuno ad una Sede distaccata, un bureau o un'Istituzione specializzata a quel fine e da tempo consolidata e operante - l'inventario critico della cultura del Mediterraneo.
Con cultura del Mediterraneo s'intende il suo:
    patrimonio naturale e ambientale nella loro evoluzione fisica e storica;
    patrimonio immaginario dotto e popolare, studiato nelle sue radici, nei suoi sviluppi e nei possibili archetipi;
    patrimonio culturale, considerato in tutte le manifestazioni scritte e orali. Per patrimonio culturale s'intende la cultura "materiale", la cultura artistica e letteraria, la tradizione riflessiva, speculativa e scientifica, la cultura popolare, le tradizioni tecniche e pratiche.
L'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO stabilirà cosi una gigantesca banca dati risultante dalla somma delle banche dati specifiche programmate, in corso di realizzazione o già realizzate.
Questo inventario informatico in continuo aggiornamento costituisce l'insieme dei dati necessari ma non sufficienti per il SECONDO FINE dell'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO.
Il SECONDO FINE dell'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO consiste nello stabilire la completa ecologia della cultura mediterranea.
Come l'ecologia studia i rapporti tra gli organismi e il loro ambiente, l'ecologia della cultura mediterranea studia i rapporti delle culture mediterranee tra loro e con le società mediterranee, vale a dire anzitutto i rapporti e le interazioni tra le culture mediterranee e poi tra queste culture e le società mediterranee.
Per realizzare questo secondo fine l'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO svolgerà attraverso la SEDE CENTRALE, le SEDI DISTACCATE e i BUREAUX attività di ricerca, rese note mediante le pubblicazioni previste dell'ACCADEMIA.
Le ricerche dovranno consistere in contributi nuovi e originali sui problemi affrontati, di qualsiasi ordine essi siano. È esclusa all'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO la diffusione di testi a carattere ripetitivo, poiché tutto quanto può essere informazione scientificamente selezionata e ordinata è contenuto nelle sue banche dati.
La sintesi delle sue ricerche costituirà l'ENCICLOPEDIA DEL MEDITERRANEO, che sarà organizzata secondo i criteri innovativi già dettati dalla FONDAZIONE LABORATORIO MEDITERRANEO.
Come la Banca dati generale corona le attività rivolte alla realizzazione del primo fine, cosi l'Enciclopedia del Mediterraneo coronerà le ricerche e gli studi rivolti alla realiz
zazione del SECONDO FINE.

Main Projects / Activities

L'Accademia del Mediterraneo intende inoltre:
    sostenere il potenziamento della creatività letteraria, artistica e scientifica, lo sviluppo degli studi, il progresso delle scienze e delle tecnologie, la difesa dei valori umani, etici e dell'ambiente;
    individuare valori condivisibili che abbiano una chiara valenza culturale, sociale ed economica pur nel rispetto della specificità, al fine di promuovere il dialogo tra le culture;
    istituire un "forum permanente" di incontri, analisi e discussioni alfine di produrre azioni e pubblicazioni tese a promuovere la coesistenza delle varie etnie, nonché a rendere convergenti i diritti umani nella regione euromediterranea;
    essere lo strumento culturale, scientifico e morale del partenariato euromediterraneo al fine di trasformare il discorso che si svolge nell'area mediterranea e coinvolge quella euromediterranea, ora concomitante ma diviso, in un colloquio generale aperto e costruttivo, che promuova l'incontro, lo scambio, l'adeguazione reciproca, la collaborazione e la solidarietà tra Paesi vicini, ma difficilmente concordi e non di rado ostili;
    sostenere le minoranze linguistiche e socio-culturali alfine di individuare un'unità storico-sociale capace di custodire e valorizzare le singole identità.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco D'Episcopo
Head of the organisation
Francesco D'Episcopo

Accademia Euromediterranea delle Arti

National Network

Via Ducezio 36 Park Palace 98124 Messin
00000 Messina ( Italie)

+ 39 3343228642; +39 090771804; +39 3396388666
Telephone (other)
+39 3396388666
+39 090771804
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3343228642
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La structure se compose de une directions avec 2 personnes; et avec 12 personnes de la associations En outre, il y a des personnes qui se sont lié avec une carte de membre ( et sont des artistes, peintres et sculpteurs, poetes, litteraires,, personnes de culture qui ont donné aux personnes aide pour le developpe economique et culturel
Mission and Objectives

DEVELOPPER PROJECTS POUR LE DEVELOPPE DES ARTISTES et personnnes de culture dans les pays étrangers de la Mediterranée pour les changes culuturels entre les diverses pays d'orygine des artistes. En outre les ventes sont toujours finalisées pour le developpe du pays hote, parce que une bonne partie de l'argent de la vente est destinée aux enfants du pays en hotant les artistes

Main Projects / Activities

EVENEMENTS D'ART INTERNATIONAUX EVENEMENTS CULTURELS INTERNATIONAUX ( Cartagena, Hammamet, Taormina, Parigi, Bruxelles, les derniers Paris 7 Mars; Paris 21 Mars,2009 Bruxelles 4 Avril 2009; directioins artistique du Festival du Cinema Mostra Cinema dello Stretto , 2009, Messina, Italie etcetera) Nous vous pourrions faire enverrer les catalogues de l'expo dernier. A Taormine, Sicily, Italie, nous avons fait arriver de Bucarest deux musiciens et una corale de Bruxelles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariateresa Prestigiacomo
Head of the organisation
Mariateresa Prestigiacomo

Accademia ISA

National Network

Via Giuseppe Meda, 7
20136 - Milano (Italy)


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1.The Accademia ISA - Inter-religious Studies Academy has been established in September 2007. It has 12 charter members and 40 volunteers. 2.Yearly fixed incomes of the Association are around 12000 euros, coming from membership fees and voluntary deeds. 3.Other subventions are due to sponsorships by local authorities, public and private foundations, as well as to private donations. 4.The main activity of the association is Teachers and Students Training in the field of Inter-Religious Studies; this activity is developed by means of school lessons, seminars, production of multimedial and printed didactical materials, artistic and cultural events, research projects. 5.The training activities involve local authorities (i.e. Counselorships for Equal Opportunities, Integration, Education and Culture; Local School Offices), Universities and other associations with similar purposes (University of Milan; IHEI - Institut des Hautes Etudes Islamiques), as well as religious communities (i.e. the Rabbinic Assembly of Italy and the Italian Islamic Religious Community - COREIS)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Accademia ISA is “to promote intellectual, educational and academic initiatives, at a national as well as at an international level, for a better and deeper knowledge of Abrahamic Religions” (Charter of the Association). The main objectives are:
- Teachers and Students Training about abrahamic religions, inter-religious dialogue and intercultural citizenship
- A better knowledge and mutual understanding between different religious communities
- A better knowledge and understanding between religious communities and civil society
- Enrichment and promotion of the Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage
- Promoting activities against racism, anti-Semitism and religious discrimination
- Promoting the values of citizenship in the multicultural Europe, including equal opportunities and children rights
- Promoting multi-disciplinary research projects in the above mentioned fields

Main Projects / Activities

- Imam e Rabbini 2007/2008 (Imams and Rabbis 2007/2008) touring meetings in the main Italian cities (i.e.Ferrara, Milan, Turin, Genova, Florence, Rome), dealing with the main themes of spirituality and doctrines (faith and reason; mystics; intercultural brotherhood), which are developed each time by an Italian Imam and a Chief Rabbi in the aim of dialogue and spiritual convergence.
- Islamo-Christian Dialogue. Research project following the intellectual movement of "A Common Word between Us and You" (, in order to point out methods and subjects for a better undestanding between Christians and Muslims.
- Qui est le Prophète Mouhammad. Editorial project in partnership with the IHEI - Institut des Hautes Etudes Islamiques
- Voci di Pace nell'Europa multiculturale e multireligiosa (Voices for Peace in a multicultural and multi-religious Europe) - travelling show of didactical panels dealing with citizenship, inter-religious dialogue and Mediterranean heritage, in the cities of Milan, Turin,Vicenza and over)

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Enriello
Contact (2) Full Name
Paolo Masotti

Across the Sea

National Network

Via ippolito d'Aste
16121 genoa GE

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

ACROSS THE SEA is a youth-led and youth-oriented movement aimed at promoting integration among the younger generations of the Mediterranean , as well as a strong sense of belonging to our common sea. Our activities, such as online webinar, local project and in person confernace, are carried out annually in close collaboration with partner associations and with the support of national and international institutions. Such partner instiutions have decided to collaborate with us since the first edition. In order to organized the 2023 edition, we received an economic support by the University of Genoa, Women Deliver association, and several private companies.
Among our institutional partners, we had broad support by: the University of Genoa, the City of Genoa, Liguria Region, the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energetic Security, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Parliament and the Union for the Mediterranean.

Mission and Objectives

The name of our project speaks for itself: ACROSS THE SEA. Our sea is a richness and conjunction of cultures, values, traditions and our aim is to create an active network among all the countries around it. We promote diversity as a resource, as a positive force for forging bonds of friendship and cultural cooperation. For us, the role of the younger generations and their training on current issues of climate and migration emergency is central; to achieve this we have focused on a proactive and concrete approach, encouraging maximum openness to dialogue, comparison and concrete solutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Each year ACROSS THE SEA holds a conference open to young people in the Mediterranean.

The first edition of the ACROSS THE SEA conference took place at the University of Genoa from 5 to 7 June. It was a youth-driven and youth-oriented process addressed the issues of climate change and migration. The event was held under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Among its institutional partners, it had broad support, by local authorities, the Ministry of the Environment, al Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Parliament.
Thirteen different delegations of young leaders, students and promoters of the change participated on behalf of their countries, including Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Türkiye.
After an opening ceremony which they attended representatives of the Municipal Council, of the Regional Council of Liguria and of the University of Genoa, and the president of the 3rd Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM): Yana Ehm, of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the delegates were divided in working groups and engaged in negotiation and brainstorming sessions on the two topics. Subsequently, the delegations participated in specific seminars held by industry experts, including panelists from OME, ERG, ANEV, FICHTNER Italia, RINA and university professors, to provide further insights to the delegates. The latter were thus able to draw inspiration for the following sessions.
The work sessions were aimed at drafting a joint document on the engagement of young people in the Mediterranean, Final and Joint Declaration Of the Youth of the Mediterranean, which was approved and signed by all delegations, as well as by the University of Genoa e by His Excellency the Deputy Secretary General of the UfM, Grammenos Mastrojeni.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACROSS THE SEA strongly believes in the idea that only unity can make a difference, especially in such a complicated scenario as the Mediterranean. Our commitment to intercultural dialogue is aimed at establishing stable relationships not only with external partners, but also within the ALF Network. Together we can all make a difference for a Mediterranean that is more united, cohesive and willing to dialogue. Over time our efforts will consist of bringing our partners who are not yet part of the ALF Network to register to join this community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network represents a fundamental tool in order to achieve a better integration among Mediterranean countries. Over time, it has shown its strong commitment so as to foster a common sense of Mediterranean belonging. Mutual understanding is essential if we are to transform our region into a place of shared prosperity. In this framework, we truly believe that young generations should play a more incisive role. Indeed, we represent the future and the glimmer of hope of our region. ACROSS THE SEA wants to put itself at the service of this effort, to foster friendship and activism among Mediterranean youth

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuel Pala
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Ad Arte

National Network

via Vetrano 13
80030 Camposano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We have around 10 people working for the NGO with different tasks and areas of activities as staff plus many other collaborating for specific events/activities, the funding comes from fundraising and laboratories about recycling and creativity, we work with concrete projects held in various places of our area of activities and laboratories with children, infoday for aldult and courses for adults, we're partner of training courses and exchanges in the Erasmus+ framework.
Mission and Objectives

The Association realizes projects and laboratories with kids and families about the recycling and an ecologic lifestyle. The NGO organizes as well events and info-day in the town squares and in schools about correct nutrition and the cycle of the wasted products, especially on the way of their reuse. We also promote the organization of artistic events, being a meeting point for artists and performer of the region. Our field of interest covers also social media and their use in order to improve the campaign communications, promoting the active citizenship and the involvement into social activities.

Main Projects / Activities

We realized the event "Ecologicamente" done in the city of Napoli with the aim of promoting the use of green renewable energies and the recycling of products, involving local entities and companies active in our region in order to inform the people about an approach of life more focused on the respect of nature due to our activity in the rural area of the region.
Our team works usually dealing with the eco-lifestyle, focusing on the correct nutrition based on non-modified agricultural products, biological products and healthy food.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we strongly believe into the mediterranean cooperation and culture in order to bring the mediterraneum in its historical place of center of europe and not a border between two different world and cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elisa Quatrano

Ad Arte

National Network

Via Vetrano 13
80030 Camposano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Association realizes projects and laboratories with kids and families about the recycling and an ecologic lifestyle. The NGO organizes as well events and info-day in the town squares and in schools about correct nutrition and the cycle of the wasted products, especially on the way of their reuse. We also promote the organization of artistic events, being a meeting point for artists and performer of the region. The association is organizing and promoting laboratories of art, sculpture, photography and music with a target group composed mainly by teenagers. Our field of interest covers also social media and their use in order to improve the campaign communications, promoting the active citizenship and the involvement into social activities.We also work with social media and their use as means of communication for promoting campaign, social involvement and active citizenship. We promote and take part regularly as italian partner in International project with the aim of increasing the chances of european mobilities for young people living in our area, empowering their communication and social skills.
Mission and Objectives

Organization with a president, a commitee and the general assembly of members, we are 4 members of the staff + 15-20 volunteers, our budget varies depending on the activities funded by EU at international (Erasmus+) and local (EYF) level. We organize courses of art, photography and music, promoting the reciclyng and the green and healty lifestyle through workshops and infodays. We also promote the european mobility of our volunteers through a network of european and mediterranean partners.

Main Projects / Activities

Laboratories of art (sculpture and creative reciclyng), music and photography, collaboration in the organization of artistic events such as international short movie festival, we held regularly infodays in the squares about nutrition with a professionist that realizes free check-up to kids and teenagers and we are involved, both as partner and applicant organization, in many Erasmus+ projects in Europe, Balkans and Eastern Europe and Meda 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have grown in our period of activities various trusted partnership in MEDA countries with a personal involvement into their activities, we can promote and implement projects of inclusion and dialogue between the european and meda countries, having many connections in both the areas. Beside that in our staff there are people who took part in humanitarian and no-hate projects in northern africa and middle east and they can implement and delevelope their connections with new projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we strongly believe in the mediterranean culture and integration due to our shared history and culture, the Mediterranean area has been the center and the core of Europe for many centuries and we want to promote the values that united us and try to focus the attention of people on what we share rather then what we don't have in common, that anyway it's a thing that can enrich the intercultural dialogue and not be a wall between the two sides of the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elisa Quatrano

Africa 70

National Network

Via Manzoni 32, 20052 Monza Milano

+ 0392308465
Telephone (other)
+ 039386627
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The organization is composed by: Steering Committee: sovereign body of the Association and meets once a year unless extraordinary convocation. Presidency: includes a President, a Vice Chairman and Executive Committee. Administrative sector: consists of an administration, purchasing an office and an office staff. Projects Office: program and manage the activities of the association. Relations with local institution and fundraiser department Staff composition: Headquarter 5 FT & 4 PT - Filed Offices 87 (18 exp.& 69 Local staff) Budgetary resources for year 2007: 2.374.700€ Source of Founding:Ministry of Foreign Affairs(763.160€)-EC(1.194.979€)-Other Public Founds(6.896€),Private Founds(409.664€) The NGO works through concrete project, exchanges and cultural production. All the project are implemented together with local partners(NGO and CBO). Partnership and affiliation: CONCORD/UE, ONG Italian Association, Lombardy NGO Association, UNA, EC and UN agencies.
Mission and Objectives

Africa'70 was founded in 1971 as a movement of civil and cultural assistance to the liberation struggles of the colonized African countries.
Thus, begins a journey of awareness and commitment against the inequalities between the North and the South, through a participatory approach and appreciating cultural differences.
The association puts the basis for its activities, the International Development Cooperation as an instrument for achieving peace and equality between peoples.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of development aid are the main areas of action for Africa 70. Here the main types of intervention:
- Development projects;
- Interventions of rehabilitation;
- Action in the environment;
- Interventions to increase awareness and education development;
- Speeches and cultural training
- Intercultural Dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Botta
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Leonelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Rudello

Africa and Mediterranean

National Network

Via Gamberi 4, 40037
Sasso Marconi (BO)

(+)39 051.840166
(+)39 051.6790117
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Sandra Federici (+)39 349.2225101
Mobile Phone (other)
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani (+)39 349.2225100
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1. No-profit association with a staff composed of 9 employees and 3 occasional collaborators. 2. ~ 140.000 Euros. 3. Local governments (Regions, local authorities, Municipalities), private foundations, European commission. 4. Projects realised with private and institutional partners on an international as well as national level; seminars and courses for teachers and intercultural operators; promotion of a quarterly review; intercultural activities in schools; exhibitions and publication of African artists. 5. The partners of our projects operate in the fields of interculture, communication and media education. Among the most consolidated collaborations there are: Centre Audiovisuel de Liège, Grupo Comunicar (Huelva), Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit (Malta), Centre Bruxellois d'Action Interculturelle, Multikultural Center (Prague), Consultants Associés pour l'Education aux Medias (Dakar); Mediterranean Institute; University of Malta
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Africa e Mediterraneo is to carry out activities related to international cooperation and to intercultural projects. The Association operates in order to encourage the intercultural knowledge between Europe and Africa, and the education to development; its commitment is based on the belief that education and Culture promotion are a means to development, peace and justice. Another important issue is communication, conceived as the body of values, symbols and representations at the ground of the public space and of mass democracies. All that helps the community to represent itself and establishing relationships is regarded as a key tool for mutual knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association achieves its purposes through:
-the promotion of the magazine Africa e Mediterraneo, about the African culture and the knowledge between the North and South of the world;
-the organisation of visual art exhibitions, with a special attention to African comics;
-the realisation of seminars for teachers on immigration and intercultural issues;
-the development of projects promoting cultural co-operation and human rights, in order to give African artists the possibility to enter the international market;
-the development of international projects on inter-culture and development awareness issues; among the others, the projects Africa Comics, Valori Comuni, Approdi, Intercultural Map, Manifesta!, realised with the support of the European Commission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Federici
Head of the organisation
Sandra Federici
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani

Africa e Mediterraneo

National Network

via gamberi, 4
40037 Sasso Marconi

+39 051 6790117
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Africa e Mediterraneo is a non-profit  organisation created to promote intercultural awareness, especially between Italy and Africa, and to conduct development education. With its constitution officially formalised in 2002, since 1997 Africa e Mediterraneo has brought together a group of professionals committed to the task of promoting contemporary African artists and intellectuals. Africa e Mediterraneo pursues its goals by regularly publishing the biennual journal Africa e Mediterraneo, and by organising initiatives such as intercultural workshops (in both school and out-of-school contexts), exhibitions, conferences, training courses for teachers and other activities linked to cultural and intercultural cooperation. Africa e Mediterraneo has a long experience in setting out projects (both at national and international level) that focus on intercultural dialogue and anti-racism education, both in formal and informal sectors. The Italian association has worked since 2000 both at national level (in more then 30 cities all around the country) and at European level (developing project activities in more then 10 EU countries). Our main interlocutors are both private organisations and public and institutional bodies.  
Mission and Objectives

Africa e Mediterraneo is committed to raising awareness and encouraging appreciation of African cultures, in the belief that culture is a route to development, peace and justice among people. Its goal is the promotion of culture as a mean for development, peace and justice among peoples.
Another important topic for Africa e Mediterraneo is mass communication, understood as both the set of technologies required to transmit and receive information (in all its economic, social and cultural forms), and as the set of values, symbols and representations that underlie mass democracy and public participation. Communication, as a factor inherent in that which allows a community to represent itself, to form relationships with other communities and to play its role in the world, is therefore an important tool in promoting mutual understanding. 

Main Projects / Activities

The activities carried out by Africa e Mediterraneo include: the organisation of intercultural projects and development education, both at the international and national level; the organisation of projects promoting cultural cooperation and respect for human rights;  the organisation of exhibitions on African cultural expression; the production of the biennual journal Africa e Mediterraneo; the organisation of training courses and conferences for teachers.
The main projects carried out by Africa e Mediterraneo are:
1. The "ComiX4 = Comics for Equality" project aims to foster dialogue in order to combat racism, xenophobia and discrimination in Europe, particularly in Italy, Bulgaria, Estonia, Romania and Latvia.
2. The "Africa Comics" project, which revolves around the Award for the Best Unpublished Comic by an African Author, has been running since 2002 and is now in its sixth edition.
3. "Common Values" revolves around the provision of intercultural education based on two basic elements of contemporary society: immigration and the coexistence of people with different cultural backgrounds, and the invasiveness of the youth-targeted media.
4. The “Approdi” project stems from an awareness of the high risk of social exclusion faced by young immigrants in Italy, and the belief that immigrant reception services should not exclude children and young second-generation immigrants.
5. “SCREENS – Southern visions of the Millenium Goals” is a European project. Funded in December 2010 by the European Commission, which holds the project in high esteem, Screens seeks to facilitate, above all, the greater involvement of African partners in the international debate on the eight Millennium Development Goals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Africa e Mediterraneo association can contribute to the ALF Network participating in the promotion of the events and initiatives; implementing the visibility and the action of the Network, both at national and international level and exchanging knowledge and information. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to joing the ALF Network in order to get involved with ALF activities and projects; to exchange knowledge and information;  to find partners for common initiatives in the EU and in its Neighbourhood, as well as to design and implement common projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Lorelli
Job Title
Project Assistant
Head of the organisation
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Meloni
Job Title (2)
Project Designer