
Associazione di Volontariato Il Ventaglio

National Network

via Lame 118 - 40122 Bologna (BO)

+39 051 552876
+051 55 5421
Mobile Phone
+39 338 433 6860
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Il Ventaglio” is a volunteering association operating in the social field, mainly by supporting migrants and their families, and by promoting intercultural dialogue and integration and social economy. The Association is composed by the President, a Directive Committee, and an Assembly of Members. The volunteering members are about 25; five of them are actually working in the directive staff. “Il Ventaglio” finds its economics sources in: - members’ contributions; - privates’ contributions; - public funds (especially from Emilia Romagna Region and Bologna Province and Municipality); - donations; - repayments; - incomes from activities by members and others. Budgetary resources in 2008 were about 21.408,79 euros (incomes) and 18.974,81 euros (outcomes). “Il Ventaglio” works especially on real projects, sometimes in partnership with other associations (for example migrant women associations in Emilia Romagna Region, intercultural institutions or other organizations of civilians and volunteers). It also organizes seminars to promote its purposes.
Mission and Objectives

The Association promotes the growth and the development of the economy based on the person as member of a community. The association believes on a human development where the social integration is in the centre: in this way, Il Ventaglio is carrying out some actions in order to encourage an intercultural social integration in Italy, understand the diversity as resource and not as a problem in the modern society or as a cause of division between people.
Il Ventaglio founded its actions in the human solidarity and its main objectives are:
- to interesting the public opinion on the social economy;
- to support intercultural educational projects;
- to promote volunteer initiatives;
- to encourage a real dialogue between the culture and exchanging of knowledge, promoting the intercultural integration.
- to combat the racism and discrimination;
- to promote the economical and social integration of the women and child.

Main Projects / Activities

Today, Il Ventaglio mainly works in the migration area, in particular with women and young people. During the last years, the Association has been developing some projects and activities like:
- “Intrecci”, addresses to promote and coordinate a network of the immigrant women associations in the Emilia Romagna Region.
- “Intrecci’s seminar” dedicated to the situation of women immigrants and civic integration in the Emilia Romagna Region.
- “Pomeriggi a quadretti”, an homework assistance service for children (especially immigrants sons) and summer activities (“Pacha mama” and eco intercultural projects )
- “3 donne sul 14” a documentary about the women immigrants in Bologna’s Province.
- “A banda larga II” an intercultural and multimedia project in which young volunteers told and wrote stories about their work with immigrant people in order to combat the racism and xenophobia in Italy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valeria Engroba Oberti
Head of the organisation
Carla Brezzo

Associazione di Volontariato INCREDERE

National Network

via Giolitti 241 - presso FOCUS Casa dei Diritti Sociali,00185 Roma

+39 3396736605
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The org is structured according with the Italian national laws on association thus has a president,a secretary , a council of directors and volunteers. The main resources for the projects are from European Commission. The partners were from Turkey, Poland, Spain, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Armenia, Malta, Germany.
Mission and Objectives

The Association Incredere is a volunteering association established to foster the intergration of the immigrant communities in Italy. The members of the association are all volunteers with an immigrant background. The association has the aims to:
• Promote full social, economic, and employment integration of foreigners in Italy, through a full use of their personal and cultural resources, with particular attention to the women and youth;
• Promoting independence and social well-being of foreigners and foreign communities in Italy, by preventing or counteracting phenomena of discriminations and exclusion;
• Facilitate mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity, cultural exchange between Italian citizens and foreign nationals residing in Italy;
• Raise awareness among foreign communities in Italy and the Italian population on issues of interest to the association, as the access to employment and vocational training, local sustainable development, interculturalism, access to social and health care services;
• Promote cooperation and solidarity for the social, cultural and local sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Exchanges and trainings on volunteering, leadership, intercultural communication and multicultural dialogue, raze awareness on migration related issues like exclusion, discrimination and marginalization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariana Rosca
Head of the organisation
Mariana Rosca
Contact (2) Full Name
Svetlana Rotaru

Associazione di volontariato medico sociale Jerry Essan Masslo

National Network

corso Umberto I°
viale del Correggio, 13 - Baia Verde Castel Volturno
81033 Casal di Principe

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Jerry Essan Masslo is a voluntary association founded in 1989 by a small group of young doctors. Since 25 years the Association has been carrying many activities of health-care and social integration to immigrant populations in Domitiana area (Castel Volturno), a Municipality with high concentration of immigrants. The association has about 40 members, included 9 members of management committee, 2 staff employed, 5 staff collaborators and many volunteers. It is enrolled in the Regional Register of Campania-Italy of voluntary associations, Italian National Register of Italy for Immigration, UNAR Register – Dipartimento Pari Opportunità (UNAR – Equal Opportunities department -Register of institutions carrying activities against discrimination). The association collaborate with Public and Private Local Institutions, first reception Canters, Hospitals, participate in LaRes Project (network of 30 partners  that deal with social economy), carries out projects with public  and private funding (Institutions and Foundations).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is the HUMAN BEING ‘S PROMOTION and all his rights as citizen; JerryMaslo persued his purpose through the followiong activities:
a) medical- social assistance(basic and specialized) to all people in need, regardless of race, religion or sex;
b)  assistance, listening, rehabilitation of drug addicted with possibility  of g  residential and / or semi-residential treatment for drug addicted;
c) unaccompanied services
d)  information and training aimed at the growth of a new culture of solidarity and citizenship, without any form of exclusion, cultural, economic, employment-based, or racial, fostering new jobs and integration;
e) children's assistance, especially to those in risk of marginalization and deviance, through recreational and sporting activities

Main Projects / Activities

Activities ongoing are:
- First-aid for the immigrant population in the Caserta’s area, is open three times a week;
- Field Unit for immigrants drugs addicted, damage limitation in the Domitiana area in Castel Volturno (CE);
- Orientation for girls forced into prostitution;
- Accompanying public-health services, with the mediation of cultural mediators;
- Home care for immigrants with HIV, in collaboration with the “Cotugno” hospital in Naples;
- Assistance and aid to young mothers (often with experiences of sexual exploitation);
- hospitality low-threshold for drug addicted immigrants, in collaboration with Caritas of Capua;
- local animation on immigration issues, through the theater group composed of immigrants and Italians (Nero di tutti I colori). This theater group performs his activities in the schools of the area.
- Laboratory of social tailoring.
the association realized  many projects on intercultural dialogue and multiculturalism issues; It has also published  many books and texts, taking part in scientific research on health screening and also involved in many events finalized to investigation on immigration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we may contribute to the network  carrying on with the association's activities and pursuing our mission. We would like to give our contribution at National level. We bring our best practices and experiences and how we facing them in all of national area.  It is important transform our local experience in national experience to share and relate with the others, growing and improving, and to program common actions with other organizations. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we join the network because  in this way we have the possibility to facilitate  the development and implementation of common actions among members of the Network. Being part of an international network as ALF, would enhance our daily efforts, be part of a great group that shares our dreams. It is important  that we relate with the others, bringing our experience, searching points of contact and difference, trying to reproduce it in other contexts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Renato Franco Natale
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Renato Franco Natale

Associazione di Volontariato “Il mio pezzetto di sole

National Network

Via Valsesia, 55

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
La storia de “Il mio pezzetto di sole” e’ cominciata nel 2009 ed è stata per due anni la storia di Roberto, volontario italiano, e di Ando, assistente sociale malgascio. Ora è diventata la storia di Roberto e Luisa in Italia. E di Ando e Raissa in Madagascar. E della loro Casa famiglia Bartolomeo Garelli. Una storia d’amore e di amicizia. Tra uomini e donne, tra mondi diversi, tra adulti e bambini. Quattro anni fa i due amici, passeggiando la sera nel mercato del paese, vicino ad Antanarivo, videro tanti bambini abbandonati, con pochi stracci addosso, sporchi ed affamati. Roberto decide di offrire ad Ando i soldi per prendere una casa in affitto e l’assistente sociale, dopo averne individuata una adatta, va a parlare con i bambini incontrati al mercato, per conoscerli e per proporre loro l’opportunità della Casa. Questi ragazzi vivevano in mezzo all’immondizia e trascorrevano la notte sotto banchi malmessi del mercato, sia durante la stagione calda che durante quella delle piogge. La loro età era tra i 13 e i 16 anni, avevano tutti sofferto di difficili situazioni familiari, erano malvestiti e malnutriti; uno di loro, Mbola, all’età di 15 anni pesava 25 chili. Oggi i ragazzi sono 16, vivono tutti insieme all’assistente sociale, che nel frattempo si è sposato con Raissa, all’interno di una serena realtà familiare; ognuno di loro e’ protagonista di un proprio progetto educativo e può perfino permettersi di fare sogni per il proprio futuro. In Italia si è sposato anche Roberto. Con Luisa. Durante l’estate vanno in Madagascar, nella Casa Famiglia anche loro, ne condividono i ritmi, le gioie, gli impegni, i disagi. Sul posto acquistano prodotti dagli artigiani locali, selezionando quelli più bravi e bisognosi di aiuto; prodotti che rivendono in Italia, per raccogliere fondi e mandare avanti l’iniziativa con la collaborazione dell’Associazione e dei volontari malgasci che si sono uniti ad Ando e Raissa. Tutti operano secondo le proprie possibilità: i volontari malgasci mettendo a disposizione il loro tempo e le loro capacità genitoriali, e gli italiani vivendo con loro in Casa Famiglia un periodo dell’anno e impegnandosi a sostenere economicamente il progetto attraverso iniziative di sensibilizzazione.
Mission and Objectives

La storia de “Il mio pezzetto di sole” e’ cominciata nel 2009 ed è stata per due anni la storia di Roberto, volontario italiano, e di Ando, assistente sociale malgascio. Ora è diventata la storia di Roberto e Luisa in Italia. E di Ando e Raissa in Madagascar. E della loro Casa famiglia Bartolomeo Garelli. Una storia d’amore e di amicizia. Tra uomini e donne, tra mondi diversi, tra adulti e bambini.
Quattro anni fa i due amici, passeggiando la sera nel mercato del paese, vicino ad Antanarivo, videro tanti bambini abbandonati, con pochi stracci addosso, sporchi ed affamati. Roberto decide di offrire ad Ando i soldi per prendere una casa in affitto e l’assistente sociale, dopo averne individuata una adatta, va a parlare con i bambini incontrati al mercato, per conoscerli e per proporre loro l’opportunità della Casa. Questi ragazzi vivevano in mezzo all’immondizia e trascorrevano la notte sotto banchi malmessi del mercato, sia durante la stagione calda che durante quella delle piogge. La loro età era tra i 13 e i 16 anni, avevano tutti sofferto di difficili situazioni familiari, erano malvestiti e malnutriti; uno di loro, Mbola, all’età di 15 anni pesava 25 chili. Oggi i ragazzi sono 16, vivono tutti insieme all’assistente sociale, che nel frattempo si è sposato con Raissa, all’interno di una serena realtà familiare; ognuno di loro e’ protagonista di un proprio progetto educativo e può perfino permettersi di fare sogni per il proprio futuro.
In Italia si è sposato anche Roberto. Con Luisa. Durante l’estate vanno in Madagascar, nella Casa Famiglia anche loro, ne condividono i ritmi, le gioie, gli impegni, i disagi. Sul posto acquistano prodotti dagli artigiani locali, selezionando quelli più bravi e bisognosi di aiuto; prodotti che rivendono in Italia, per raccogliere fondi e mandare avanti l’iniziativa con la collaborazione dell’Associazione e dei volontari malgasci che si sono uniti ad Ando e Raissa.
Tutti operano secondo le proprie possibilità: i volontari malgasci mettendo a disposizione il loro tempo e le loro capacità genitoriali, e gli italiani vivendo con loro in Casa Famiglia un periodo dell’anno e impegnandosi a sostenere economicamente il progetto attraverso iniziative di sensibilizzazione.

Main Projects / Activities

La storia de “Il mio pezzetto di sole” e’ cominciata nel 2009 ed è stata per due anni la storia di Roberto, volontario italiano, e di Ando, assistente sociale malgascio. Ora è diventata la storia di Roberto e Luisa in Italia. E di Ando e Raissa in Madagascar. E della loro Casa famiglia Bartolomeo Garelli. Una storia d’amore e di amicizia. Tra uomini e donne, tra mondi diversi, tra adulti e bambini.
Quattro anni fa i due amici, passeggiando la sera nel mercato del paese, vicino ad Antanarivo, videro tanti bambini abbandonati, con pochi stracci addosso, sporchi ed affamati. Roberto decide di offrire ad Ando i soldi per prendere una casa in affitto e l’assistente sociale, dopo averne individuata una adatta, va a parlare con i bambini incontrati al mercato, per conoscerli e per proporre loro l’opportunità della Casa. Questi ragazzi vivevano in mezzo all’immondizia e trascorrevano la notte sotto banchi malmessi del mercato, sia durante la stagione calda che durante quella delle piogge. La loro età era tra i 13 e i 16 anni, avevano tutti sofferto di difficili situazioni familiari, erano malvestiti e malnutriti; uno di loro, Mbola, all’età di 15 anni pesava 25 chili. Oggi i ragazzi sono 16, vivono tutti insieme all’assistente sociale, che nel frattempo si è sposato con Raissa, all’interno di una serena realtà familiare; ognuno di loro e’ protagonista di un proprio progetto educativo e può perfino permettersi di fare sogni per il proprio futuro.
In Italia si è sposato anche Roberto. Con Luisa. Durante l’estate vanno in Madagascar, nella Casa Famiglia anche loro, ne condividono i ritmi, le gioie, gli impegni, i disagi. Sul posto acquistano prodotti dagli artigiani locali, selezionando quelli più bravi e bisognosi di aiuto; prodotti che rivendono in Italia, per raccogliere fondi e mandare avanti l’iniziativa con la collaborazione dell’Associazione e dei volontari malgasci che si sono uniti ad Ando e Raissa.
Tutti operano secondo le proprie possibilità: i volontari malgasci mettendo a disposizione il loro tempo e le loro capacità genitoriali, e gli italiani vivendo con loro in Casa Famiglia un periodo dell’anno e impegnandosi a sostenere economicamente il progetto attraverso iniziative di sensibilizzazione.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luisa Cappelletti
Head of the organisation
Luisa Cappelletti

Associazione Differenza Donna ong

National Network


0039 06 6780537
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Associazione Differenza Donna ong is composed of 100 volonteers Budgetary resource in this year are about 950.000 € Municipality and Province of Rome Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Equal Opportunity UNIFEM Italian Cooperation European Commission concrete project: trainig, manage shelter ecc
Mission and Objectives

Differenza Donna is an organization of women against violence, its main objective to combat violence against women by opening shelters in Italy and abroad, but also to provide women professional specialized training to help women in difficulty and to provide a vast array of services to child witnesses of family violence and / or victims of violence. Differenza Donna’s mission is focused on:
Modifying the image of the female role in the society
Assessing women’s human and civil rights
Supporting a wise legislation focused on women rights
Developing awareness- raising activities for preventing and combating violence in the civil society and in the communities

Main Projects / Activities

Modifying the image of the female role in the society
Assessing women’s human and civil rights
Supporting a wise legislation focused on women rights
Developing awareness- raising activities for preventing and combating violence in the civil society and in the communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuela Moroli
Head of the organisation
Emanuela Moroli

Associazione Domiziana

National Network
Address Umberto I 51 81039 Villa Literno (CE)

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Uccisero Biagio

Associazione ESTER

National Network

Piazza San Giorgio 2

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Ester is born in 2009 and has 6 founder members (see attached profiles) Elena Garavaglia President, Paola Chieregato Vice president Francesco Di Napoli secretary Roberta Ballabio member of the board. The association promote european, national and local projects to develop at local level the european social policies, in particular the promotion of equal opportunity policies and antidiscrimination policies. Ester promotes training session on the PCM and the logical framework for desining progects and promote social inclusion progects at local level in armony with the European Union priorities. Ester promote the networking at local, national, European and international level.
Mission and Objectives

The Association pursues the European social policies and in particular the equal opportunities policies between men and women and anti-discrimination policies in order to prevent social exclusion of new weak; develop initiatives of research, study, training, information and dissemination, building networks in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union in collaboration with institutional partners and private social organizations at local level; promotes initiatives in the field of national and international cooperation to aid developing countries or organizations in those countries.
Areas of intervention include:
The promotion of fundamental human rights, in particular the prevention and contrast to violence and women’s exploitation;
Equal opportunities through the implementation of projects in harmony with the European concept of gender mainstreaming;
Environment and sustainable development through the promotion of economic growth in order to meet the needs for well-being of our society in the short, medium and long term, according to the idea that the development must meet the needs of the present without compromising the growth prospects of future generations;
Access to the knowledge society through the use of new information and communication technologies as a means of equal access to training and information in the knowledge society;
Education to and realization of the co-development with the countries of the South;
Co-operation with countries in the process of accession to the European Union.

Main Projects / Activities

ESTER undertakes activities of consulting to Public institutions and Associations of the civil society for design, presentation, implementation, accounting, evaluation, of projects financed in the area of European initiatives
Ester promotes customized training courses on
The European programming and designing, specifically, the project cycle management applying Logical Framework Analysis
Costruction of transnational networks
Ester promotes the development of transnational networks in order to establish mechanisms for a major participation of the regional and local communities to the European decision making.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Chieregato
Head of the organisation
Elena Garavaglia
Contact (2) Full Name
Benedetta Bellò

Associazione Expoitaly (6 organizations represented)

National Network

Corso Avezzana, 26 - 80059
80059 Torre del Greco (NA)

081 8474337
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The organization is an association for social utility. The staff is composed by the president, 2 employees and some volunteers. The funding are mainly from project financed by regional and national authorities. Expoitaly is involved in concrete projects to promote and disseminate the values of peace,solidarity and equality among peoples. Expoitaly's main partners are the local network of municipalities, Associazione Cineclub Procida and IPSC (already member of the ALF).
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to promote education for civil responsibility and active citizenship through the respect of human rights and civil and equal opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects involving youngsters: Bibliopolis, Informando, Noi per Voi, S.O.S.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Altiero
Head of the organisation
Antonio Altiero
Contact (2) Full Name
Valeria Altiero

Associazione FitoAroma- IstriaDruštvo FitoAroma Istra -Pula

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 997902169
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
assemby, governing, executive body ( 25 number of working tim - all volounters) and many partners from this county 2008 - source: donation, member fee MODUL III - lecturing, workshop, holistic approach Agropharmacy and world of plants ( two partners from our county
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IS OUR MAIN PROJECT - with a lot of activities in all field of nature 1. Lecturing about aromatic plants, about, environment, about medical properties, holistic approach,

Contact (1) Full Name
President Ines Bonazza
Head of the organisation
President Ines Bonazza
Contact (2) Full Name
Vice president Sandra Popic

Associazione Futuridea

National Network

Contrada Piano Cappelle

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Futuridea is a non profit organization that deals with sustainable development, the environment and technological innovation. Its president, Carmine Nardone, has held numerous positions on the issues of sustainable agriculture and development. His staff is consists of researchers, professionals and citizens interested in the topics of reference. Main parters are the National Research Center, the University of Naples Federico II, the Second University of Naples, Sviluppo Campania SpA, a lot of private companies and many Italian GAL. Its main activities are related to sustainable design, the organization of conferences and events specialist, communication to the dissemination of research.
Mission and Objectives

Futuridea is a non profit organization that deals with sustainable development, the environment and technological innovation.
Its president, Carmine Nardone, has held numerous positions on the issues of sustainable agriculture and development.
His staff is consists of researchers, professionals and citizens interested in the topics of reference.
Main parters are the National Research Center, the University of Naples Federico II, the Second University of Naples, Sviluppo Campania SpA, a lot of private companies and many Italian GAL.
Its main activities are related to sustainable design, the organization of conferences and events specialist, communication to the dissemination of research.

Main Projects / Activities

2011 - 2015: Progetto PSR Campania Colture Orticole Protette Zero CO2
2015: Progetto PSR Campania IAAS Influenza delle condizioni pedoambientali e delle tecniche agronomiche per la coltivazione di Stevia in Campania
2015: Progetto PSR Campania CEREAMICO
2014: Progetto VISAS
2012 - 2015: Progetto PSR Campania GAL Cilsi 
2009: Progetto Terra Felix
2009: Progetto TG della Innovazione 

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Nardone
Head of the organisation