
Associazione Culturale “Teatri del Cielo”

National Network

Piazza VI Dicembre n.16 – ZIP code 94100

0039 0935 26435
Telephone (other)
0039 0935 22599
0039 0935 26435
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 338 4142084
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3397939439
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The cultural association “Teatri del Cielo” was established, with public act on 24th April 2002 as a non-profit organization, through an agreement between the Regional Province of Enna and some local cultural organizations which work in the cultural and artistic productions area. The association is part of a partnership which includes public and private partners. The members are: 1. Regional Province of Enna 2. Municipality of Enna 3. “Capua Antica Festival” association 4. Consorzio “Leonardo” 5. Società Prisma Spettacoli 6. Società Global Service 7. Oasi Editrice “Città Aperta” 8. Società Multiservizi The cultural association “Teatri del Cielo” gained a central role in proposing and organizing cultural events in the territory of the Province of Enna. It acquired its “excellence” role for the artistic qualities of its projects and activities, the managerial reliability of the partnership members together with the local authorities, Provincia e Comuni, the University of Enna “Kore”, la Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali and others organizations.
Mission and Objectives

• Organizing promotional activities to valorizzare the artistic and cultural patimony of the territory
• Organizing and promoting activities in the field of publishing, creatività, arts and entertainment
• organizing, managing and promoting cultural activities and services
• promoting together with the members of the partnership, projects on documentation, promotion, training and research of national and internazional importance, finalized on the artistic and cultural development of the territory.

Main Projects / Activities

• Teatri di Pietra Edizione 2005
• Teatri di Pietra Edizione 2006
• Project for increasing in value of the Library Heritage of Public Libraries of the Province of Enna: cataloguing of incunabola of public libraries of Province of Enna.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonella Licata
Head of the organisation
Michele Sabatino
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiziana Cameli

Associazione della Comunità Tunisina in Umbria

National Network

Via del Melo, 28 -06122. Perugia - Italia

00 39 389 420 44 18
00 39 075 3720113
Mobile Phone
00 39 389 420 44 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'Actu ou "Associazione della Comunità Tunisina in Umbria " a été fondée en Mars 2009 conformément au droit italien en matière de vie associative. Le comité fondateur est composée de sept membres tous de nationalité Tunisienne ou Italo-Tunisienne. Nos principaux partenaires sont "La consulta Cittadina per la rappresentanza della comunità straniera", la Commune de Perouse, la Région de l'Umbria, Le consulat de la Tunisie et l'ambassade de la Tunisie. La Région de l'Umbria compte à peut-près 9000 Tunisiens régulièrement résidents, nous agissons a travers plusieurs moyens tels que: la création d'un site internet, de pages sur les réseaux sociaux, des rencontres, des séminaires et de planification et réalisation de projets en collaboration avec nos partenaires.
Mission and Objectives

L'Actu ou "Associazione della Comunità Tunisina in Umbria " est une association non gouvernementale à but non lucratif, apolitique, areligieuse et dont l'objectif est de promouvoir l'intégration de la communauté Tunisienne résidente en Ombrie ,de réaliser des projets sociaux, culturels de promotion et de soutien de la cooperation entre l'Italie et la Tunisie.
Notre but est de représenter au mieux la Tunisie et de nouer et rapprocher les deux rives de la méditerranéenne en favorisant le dialogue et l'échange.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet de cours pour l’enseignement de la langue Italienne,
Projet de formation sur le droit civil, le droit du travail, …
Projet de soutien scolaire aux enfants des membres,Projet d’enseignement de la langue arabe,Projet d’enseignement de la langue française,
Projet de soutien pour la recherche d’emploi,Projet d’Assistance administrative et juridique,
Projet de programmes de divertissement et de temps libres (activités sportives, excursions, rencontres, activités culturelles et artistiques….),
Projet de sensibilisation aux sans-papiers et tunisiens avec antécédent de justice, programme de réhabilitation et d’insertion dans la vie sociale et active,
Activité de promotions de l’échange culturel de l’Ombrie et la Tunisie (festival de jazz, rencontres photographiques, festivals musicaux, …),Projet de promotion des échanges commerciaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott.ssa Ines Cherbib Ep Bousselmi
Head of the organisation
Dott.ssa Ines Cherbib Ep Bousselmi

Associazione di Cultura Fotografica "Galleria Fotografica Anaf Luigi Ghiri"

National Network

Via Antonino Barbara 43 95041 Caltagirone (CT)

+39 0933/59672
Telephone (other)
+39 0933545671
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Sebastiano Favetta

Associazione di Promozione Sociale Fyouture

National Network

Via San Giovanni Battista De La Salle, 5
13900 Biella

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fyouture is an NGO, with the intention of Europe promotion, the European Union values, counting on youngsters, because to prepare people to the future, it is necessary to live completely the present. Fyouture was born in February 2014, in the year of the beginning of the new EU Programmes, that goes to 2020, a new chapter for the Union. It is certainly ambitious, but follow the European way it is and opportunity that Fyouture does not want to lose. We want ourselves become an opportunity for all those people who believes in the people and communities growth.
Mission and Objectives

 Promote the knowledge, the use and the dissemination of youth policies;
Promote European values and citizenship between youngsters and adults;
Develop and manage projects founded by European Union and by private and public bidies on local, regional, national, European and international levels;
Build and manage partnerships on different levels (from local to international);
Protect rights and interests of disables

Main Projects / Activities

Exchanges between youngsters, schools, municipalities, cooperation between universities, training courses are only a part of the projects started.
Fyouture, mainly, works to:
Realize and participate to conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars to promote knowledge about the opportunities and the topics related to European Union;
Preparation and dissemination of informations through publication;
Create and realize projects on local, regional, national, European and international level in different fields promoted by European Union;
Create networks with public and private bodies to realize projects for the community;
Create networks on European and international levels 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are focusing for some activities on mediterranean area, developing projects and activities about the role of youngsters in change process. We are working also with youngsters arrivd in Italy as immigrants from different countries in Mediterranean area, involving them in an integrion project, also in schools and this is an important experience to be shared with other countries, to find best practices and common tools and methods. We can bring our experience, because we are young as organisation, but the members have expereince on these topics, formed in other NGOs in past.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because create and be part of networks for us is very important, we need to share experience and ideas, but also to work together in preparing projects and also common projects to do in different countries. We think the Foundation gives to youth organizations the opportunity to build a better community, especially because it works on culture and youth skills.
We think it's a chance for us to improve our knowledge and chances to make better project, also in finding the proper partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Vigliocco
Head of the organisation
Marco Vigliocco

Associazione di Promozione Sociale Fyouture

National Network

Via per Occhieppo Superiore, 108
13814 Pollone

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Fyouture count 50 young associates and there is a staff, formed by volounteers and youth workers of 10 people. There is a board made by the three founders and some responsibles for the areas and the projects. The budget in 2014 was around 25.000 Euro, meanwhile for 2015 the previsions are around 35.000 Euro. Still the organizations is young and small, but it is growing up, increasing the budget and the associates number. The main income is made by EU projects funds and the counseling activity that Fyouture is doing to its own clients, to substain the activities of the NGO. The other income voices are made by private donors, few local funds and the fees of the subscription. The main projects on local level are workshops about EU citizenship and values, done also in cooperation with municipalities, schools (secondary and high schools) and universities. We organize also youth exchanges and training courses, through European projects, as international seminars. Recently we organized the seminars "Be young in Europe" In Skopje and Tirana and also the seminar "Working for Europe.come" at the University of Skopje in cooperation with the Catholic University of Milan. We are cooperating around Europe with NGOs, but also we are working with municipalities, schools, universities and some foreign Embassies in Italy and Italian Embassies abroad.
Mission and Objectives

Fyouture has the intent to: promote the knowledge, the use and the dissemination of youth policies; promote European values and citizenship between youngsters and adults; develop and manage projects founded by European Union and by private and public bidies on local, regional, national, European and international levels; build and manage partnerships on different levels (from local to international); protect rights and interests of disables.
Fyouture, mainly, works to: realize and participate to conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars to promote knowledge about the opportunities and the topics related to European Union; preparation and dissemination of informations through publication; create and realize projects on local, regional, national, European and international level in different fields promoted by European Union; create networks with public and private bodies to realize projects for the community; create networks on European and international levels.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects realized between 2014 and 2015 are:
- workshops and local trainings about EU citizenship in schools and youth centres in Piedmont, Italy, interactive activities with students and young people in the school age, with some simulations and role games to go deep in rights and duties for EU citizens;
-management of some workshops related to new media use in youth policies at the Training course «Pass the Word» in Macedonia;                                                                                                                                  -seminars «Be young in Europe» in Macedonia and Albania, where Fyouture met young people and representatives of youth NGOs doing practical workshops about EU citizenship and youth employment, preparing videos and collecting needs and proposals. Now Fyouture is working with youth councils and institutions on the proposals;                                                                                                                                        -seminar «Working for» in Macedonia, done in cooperation with the University of Skopje and the Catholic University of Milan, using lectures and practical workshops about citizenship;                   -youth exchanges "European bridge" in Albania about tourism and youth employment and "Fill the rainbow" in Italy about environment and recycling. In both exchanges Fyoture was the applican and managed the workshops with its own facilitators;                                                                                                     -seminar "Europe and enlargement" in Italy, in cooperation with Youth Center Borderless of Tirana, dedicated to young people to share ideas and good practices about youth policies.
Fyouture also took part in youth exchanges «PasSport for Life» in Albania and «We don’t see obstacles, do you?» in Turkey.
We use non-formal education, but working with the schools and the universities, we are working also on the integration between formal and non-formal education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are willing to share our experience and best practices, especially related to the job done by Fyouture and by youth workers who are coming from past experiences in different organisations.
We are working a lot in Balkans and we would love to bring our project experience and knowledge about the realities we are facing.
We are available and ready to promote the involvement of young people in the decision process and in sharing the activities of the Network. As well we are ready to promote consultations and activities, as well values, promoted by the Network in our target groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are working with some partners from different Mediterranean partners, we are also improving cooperation with new partners and countries of the Mediterranean area and we would love, taking part to the Network, to improve our knowledge and tools.
As well we are interested in be part of a Network active on youth policies and that can offer different competences and different NGOs and institutions based around the country.
For us it will be an opportunity also to create partnerships on national level to increase then our cooperation on international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Vigliocco
Head of the organisation
Marco Vigliocco
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Micca

Associazione di promozione sociale Joint

National Network

Via Giovanola 25/c
20142 Milano

+39 02 45 47 23 64
+39 02 450 70 956
Mobile Phone
+39 327 6194633
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Associazione Joint was founded in December 2003 to promote social activities for youngsters between 14 and 30. The mission of the organization is to provide non­-formal education opportunities for young people in international contexts. The Association has the main office in Milano and volunteers spread around Italy. Currently Joint can count on five full time and three part time workers and over thirty volunteers. We organize, along with young people, many different kinds of activities for young people, involving as many as possible right from the planning stage and trying always to involve others that have never participated before. Our main activities are: Youth Exchanges, training courses and European Voluntary Service; events in local communities. Our projects are funded by Erasmus+, European Commission programme for education, training, youth and sport. Our 2013 revenue amount  is: 218.730 euros. We always run our mobility projects in partnership with other youth organizations in Europe and neighbour countries. The activities’ focus is active participation and intercultural learning. Our aim is to help youngsters develop their transversal competences (life skills) by using non­-formal learning approach. Over the last three years, thanks to the experience of our staff in project management, trainings and youth projects, we’ve started to guide local and international NGOs in the Erasmus+ field, coordinating for them EVS projects, training courses and youth exchanges. We also created some of the most known websites about international mobility and E+ opportunities in Italy and in Europe. To increase the quality of EVS projects in 2013 Joint along with other NGOs established the Italian Network of European Volunteering (RIVE – Rete Italiana Volontariato Europeo) aimed to increase the quality of EVS projects, improving the recognition of volunteering as a learning experience and promoting the advocacy of mobility projects and volunteering with local, national and European stakeholders. We are working to create similar network in other European countries and to create a network of the national networks.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to help youngsters in developing their transversal competences (life skills) by using non-formal learning tools. We work  to educate youngsters to a peaceful cohabitation with people coming from different cultures, countries and social conditions by giving them the opportunity to have a confrontation with other youngsters in an intercultural environment  which stimulates the development of an awareness about the complexity of our society. We have a multi-annual experience in youth international mobility, for underage people and for young people. Our mission is to involve people with fewer opportunities in our projects, to intercultural dialogue and to promote European mobility opportunities for young people with different backgrounds. Active participation is one of our main focuses: we try to enhance the participation of youngsters in civil society using the tools of youth mobility and non- formal education.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are developed within the Erasmus+ program framework. We work with European Voluntary Service, youth exchanges, training courses and other activities with a local dimension.
- European Voluntary Service
We work as EVS sending and coordinator organization. Our activities include the selection, the preparation, the tutoring and evaluation of young volunteers in Europe and all over the world.
EVS Is based on the following principles:
- increasing your own skills through the practical experience of volunteering abroad;
- encouraging the learning of another language;
- developing the ability to interact with persons of different language and culture;
- spreading tolerance among young people of the European Union;
- promoting active citizenship;
- supporting the development of local communities.
- Youth exchanges and training courses: we work as sending organization and  we host an average number of 3-4 youth exchanges per year. During 2014 our organization was partner in about 50 projects abroad and  hosted 4 projects, the exchanges “Environment4inclusion”, “Food4thought.4” and the training courses “Booster”and “SVE”. Nowadays, Joint is working to enlarge its action area to Middle East and North Africa. This strategy includes the Contact Seminar for youth workers “Get Closer!” and the development of further projects about active participation such as youth exchanges and training courses in the MENA area with local partner organziations.
- Local activities: training courses for group leaders of intercultural exchanges, non-formal education and mobility opportunities promotional university and youth centers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Italian Network through:
- 10 years experience in youth mobility;
- know-how about  the youth field;
- IT experience and competencies (web creation, social media communication);
- attitude to create networks (f.i. “RIVE” national network of EVS organizations and “BOOSTER” international network of EVS organizations);
- final results of euromed youth project “Get closer” (Euromed seminar on youth active participation, Genova, 14-20 February 2015) and further projects
- development of youth projects with participants from MENA region and European countries;
- sharing tools for active youth participation
- sharing good practices for the development of youth projects closer to young people’s needs
- sharing news about projects for youth with focus on Euromed issues

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joint strongly believe in the values of Anna Lindh foundation such as mutual respect and understanding and promotion of peace. We work for the development of active participation, the promotion of intercultural dialogue between young people, the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, the development of citizenship awareness. Moreover, intercultural dialogue is a pillar for Anna Lindh foundation as much as one of the main objectives of Erasmus+ programme and one the basis for Associazione Joint.
We wish to involve the organizations in the italian network in our youth projects in order to: strenghten the impact of Euromed projects and raise the impact of euromed projects in Italian local communities.
Our aim is to enlarge the scope of our action from EU to Euromed and advocating for the increase of youth participation in civil society on both sides of the Mediterranean. The support of italian national network would be precious for theoretical, practical and logistic issues such as: know-how, networking, sharing of good practices, new points of view. Moreover,  the ALF Italian network could be a proper virtual space where  to share the results of our actions in youth mobility.
Last but not least, some members of Joint staff are interested and experienced in Middle East and North Africa issues and would welcome the opportunity to join the ALF network and be in contact with other organizations and institution working on Euro-mediterranean dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Padrini
Job Title
project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Pescetto Cosentino
Contact (2) Full Name
Tommaso Pescetto Cosentino
Job Title (2)

Associazione di promozione sociale “Mondonuovo”

National Network

Via Tito Livio N. 28 – 71036 Lucera (Fg)

+39 0881.58.54.86
+39 0881.58.54.86
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Edoardo Monaco

Associazione di Rete Inca Italia

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

- Mission
To use culture and the arts to develop communities, promote diversity, human rights and the principles of equality for the benefit of all by advancing education, producing accessible materials and raising awareness as appropriate at local and international levels.
- Main Objectives
1. To support animators, artists and organizations by providing the appropriate training, seminars and further education in theory and practice at all levels
2. To disseminate proven methodologies and develop new/experiential methods of international arts and cultural development work
3. To create and carry out multilateral projects that enable the active networking and support of best practice exchanges between professionals and organizations
4. To maintain and enlarge the principles, values and benefits of formal and informal education in reaching and activating international populations of hidden youth potential
5. To offer practical support to local projects using culture and the arts within an international and intercultural dimension

Main Projects / Activities

Interdisciplinary team
INCA has created an interdisciplinary team composed of professionals of:
- animation and non formal education
- multimedia
- arts and culture
The international activities are:
• Implementation of festivals and events
• Intercultural exchanges
• Youth initiatives Coaching
• Seminars
• Camping
• Excursions
• Street Animations
• Job-shadowing
• Study Visits
• Conferences
• Training Courses
• Information
• Networking
• Workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuele Nargi
Head of the organisation
Vittorio Scocca
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Cataldo

Associazione di Terra Santa (ATS)

National Network

Via T. Boiardo, 16 00185

+ 39 06 70495651
Telephone (other)
+ 972 2 6271165
+ 390677254142
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 972 54 9025978
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 972 544685866
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Holy Land Association is the non-governmental charitable organisation of the Custody of the Holy Land. It promotes and coordinates activities for the development of international solidarity in the Middle East. It provides technical support to the Custody of the Holy Land and carries out specific projects in collaboration with public and private institutional supporters. Its areas of concentration are promotional, fundraising, accountancy, and assessment activities. It is recognised as a nonprofit development organisation operating under the legal form of an association. The Holy Land Association carries out its projects aimed at conserving and promoting the Holy Places and serving the "living stones" of Christianity in the Holy Land. Our major projects are in the field of cultural heritage conservation and education. We have a staff of 6 paid and 9 volunteers in the headquarter of Rome and in the Jerusalem office. Our major sources of funding are the Italian Municipalities and Local Institutions, Private sector and individual donations.
Mission and Objectives

Providing emergency relief, alleviating social hardships, supporting minorities, caring for the elderly, providing support in cases of illness, assisting with housing needs, resolving conflicts. Our mission is to support the Custody of the Holy Land in its tasks of Preserving the Holy Places dear to Christianity, Supporting the Christian community in the Middle East and Promoting peace and dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Il progetto finanziato dalla Cooperazione Italiana nel 2008 e 2009 interviene nella messa in sicurezza di alcuni edifici centro storico del villaggio di Sabastia, a fianco alla Cattedrale crociata costruita sulla tomba di Giovanni Battista. Gli edifici ristrutturati vengono messi a disposizione della comunita' locale.
PIETRE DELLA MEMORIA – raccontare Gerusalemme e la Terra Santa
Il progetto si inserisce in un insieme di iniziative promosse dalla Custodia di Terra Santa volte a sostenere la sopravvivenza e lo sviluppo della parte più povera della popolazione di Gerusalemme, attraverso il miglioramento delle condizioni fisiche ed igieniche degli edifici e la promozione della creazione di lavoro per disoccupati e lavoratori saltuari.
Il progetto interviene a sostegno delle scuole primarie e secondarie di Betlemme, Gerico e Gerusalemme, frequentate da bimbi e bimbe di religione cristiana e musulmana.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carla Benelli
Head of the organisation
Pierbattista Pizzaballa
Contact (2) Full Name
Tommaso Saltini

Associazione di Volontariato Geofilos

National Network

Casale di Teverolaccio – via XXIV Maggio
Succivo (CE)

+39 081 501 1641
Telephone (other)
+39 081 501 1021
+39 081 5011641
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 320 268 1462
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 328 6179375
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Geofilos is a no-profit making youth organization. The members are 30, all volunteers aged from 15 to 35. 2. Our budget for 2006 was 12,000 €. 3. Our financial resources come from inscription's rights, activities in partnership with the town halls of our communities and Regione Campania. 4. Geofilos bases his work on the development of environmental awareness of young people through environmental education projects and campaigns. Geofilos works for a youth participation in the decisional making process and in Agenda 21 process through campaign, exchanges, and projects in the schools. 5. The partners ara Public Institutions, schools, and more than 20 organization from other European countries.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of organization is to create an environmental awareness in young people. The others objectives are: environmental education, protection of the environmental heritages, Euro Mediterranean and Inter cultural education.

Main Projects / Activities

Action Campaigns like Clean up the world, Festa dell’Albero. Work Camps on the preservation of Cultural Heritage. Lots of seminars on Europe, Pace and Euro Mediterranean awareness.
Youth Exchanges and networking with more than 20 youth organization from other countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascale Francesco
Head of the organisation
Dott. Antonio Pascale – president
Contact (2) Full Name
DI Iorio Francesca