
Partners for Transparency holds a multi-country debate to combat hate speech in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Youth Debate on combating hate speech

Partners for Transparency, head of the Egyptian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue between Cultures, organised a multinational virtual youth debate within the framework of the campaign to combat hate speech in the Euro-Mediterranean region to shed light on cultural differences and the importance of taking them into account when enacting laws and legislation to confront hate speech. The argument of the debate was that “Regulations for combating hate speech should be the same for all countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region.”

A number of 35 youth from all over the Euro-Mediterranean region participated in this debate: Egypt, Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine and Austria, which resulted in an unbiased environment for expression. Accordingly, youth presented their views in proportion to their vision and culture which led to enriching the audience’s vision of cultural differences according to geographical and demographic differences.

After the debate was completed, the audience interacted with the debaters about points raised during the debate, and in turn, all the attendees expressed their admiration for the debate as a whole and for the ideas that were presented in particular. Afterwards, Dr. Anastasia Psallida from Greece, Research Associate in the UNESCO Council for Intercultural Policy for Active Citizenship and Solidarity, presented the United Nations strategy to confront hate speech, which enriched the discussion, presenting youths' view with the expert's perspective.

In this debate, Merna Shalash head of the Egyptian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, emphasised that the importance of addressing hate speech is a shared responsibility between individuals, governments, civil society organisations and the media, and stressed the importance of adopting strategies at the national and regional levels to address this phenomenon.

A set of recommendations emerged from the debate, the most important of which is the importance of dialogue as an important tool to combat hate speech in the Euro-Mediterranean region, the importance of concerted efforts at all levels between countries in order to promote dialogue and confront the ideas of the extreme right and extremist groups, and the need to pay attention to and take into account different cultures when designing anti-hate speech regulations.

Population and Development Services center

National Network

Alshikh_Al_Ansary Street, Qeft,

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E-Mail (2)
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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Population and Development Service Center (Egypt NGO) PDSC , was founded by a group of experts and consultants working in several international organizations: United Nations – Terr Des Homme - United States Agency for International Development ' USAID" /ERP Program - European Union – CEDPA Washington / Egypt Office and specialists in the area of institutional support PDSC Board members have long careers with international and Egyptian NGOs, extensive experience in the areas of social development and communications and advocacy. The Center seeks to combat poverty and help people and provide integrated care for them in terms of economic, social, health and education, through the implementation of projects and development programs And partnerships with government and civil society organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Population and development service center has the capacity to fight poverty and help people and provide integrated care for them in terms of economic, social, health and education, through the implementation of projects and development programs And partnerships with government and civil society Organizations .

Main Projects / Activities

 Family Welfare and Child  Education and health programs  provide support for young people and young women  Protection of the environment  human rights

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ahmed Abdelwahab Elsaman
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ahmed El Samman

population and devlopment service center (PDSC)

National Network

Egypt-Qena-Qeft-Kopery Elmror- Behind Elansary Street -Mosque ElAnsary

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
مــن نحـــــــن ...... ؟ مركز خدمات التنمية و السكان هى جمعية أهلية مصرية تعمل تحت إشراف وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي بمحافظة قنا بصعيد مصر و يطلق اختصارا لها PDSC بدسك . تأسست بمعرفة مجموعة من الخبراء و الإستشاريين يعملون فى عدة منظمات دولية : الأمم المتحدة /اليونسيف– هيئة تيرديزوم السويسرية – برنامج تطوير التعليم / الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية – الإتحاد الأوربى –هيئة سيدبا واشنطن /مكتب مصر ومتخصصين فى مجال الدعم المؤسسى يعملون بشكل دولى ....... ويسعى المركز إلى تخفيض نسبة الفقر و مساعدة السكان المحليين و توفير رعاية متكاملة لهم فى النواحى الإقتصادية ، الإجتماعية ، الصحية و التعليمية من خلال تنفيذ المشروعات و البرامج الإنمائية و عقد الشراكات مع الحكومة و مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى . Population and Development Service Center (Egypt NGO) PDSC , was founded by a group of experts and consultants working in several international organizations: United Nations – Terr Des Homme - United States Agency for International Development ' USAID" /ERP Program - European Union – CEDPA Washington / Egypt Office and specialists in the area of institutional support PDSC Board members have long careers with international and Egyptian NGOs, extensive experience in the areas of social development and communications and advocacy. The Center seeks to combat poverty and help people and provide integrated care for them in terms of economic, social, health and education, through the implementation of projects and development programs And partnerships with government and civil society Organizations.
Mission and Objectives

جمعية تمتلك القدرة على تخفيض نسبة الفقر و مساعدة السكان و توفير رعاية متكاملة لهم فى النواحى الإقتصادية ، الإجتماعية ، الصحية و التعليمية من خلال تنفيذ المشروعات و البرامج الإنمائية وعقد الشراكات مع الحكومة و مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى .
Population and development service center has the capacity to fight poverty and help people and provide integrated care for them in terms of economic, social, health and education, through the implementation of projects and development programs And partnerships with government and civil society Organizations .

Main Projects / Activities

أن يصبح مركز PDSC قوة فاعلة فى مجال العمل التنموى بكافة مجالاته مما يخول لها القيام بأنشطة على مستوى الدولة وقادرة على المساهمة فى حل القضايا التنموية و خاصة المتعلقة بالفقر .
PDSC Center to become a powerful force in the area of development work in all fields, which entitles them to activities at the state level and able to contribute to the resolution of issues relating to development, especially poverty.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تستطيع الجمعيه بما تملكه من خبرات فى دعم وتمكين الشباب فى المجتمع المصرى من خلال تصميم مشروعات تخدم المجتمع وبذلك تكون الجمعيه قد حققت اهداف الشبكه

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نحن نعتقد أن العدالة الإجتماعية وتمكين السكان المحليين هو السبيل نحو التنمية المستدامة
نحن اعضاء سابقين بالشبكه ولدينا رغبه قويه فى دعم الشباب من خلال الشبكه وتمكين المجتمع
We believe that social justice and the empowerment of local people is the way towards sustainable development

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Elsaman
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mahmoud Abdelwahab
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr.Mahmoud Abdelwahab

Power No Borders طاقة بلا حدود

National Network

21 Aly El-Assiuty st., El-Bassateen
postal code: 11432


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: We have 9 board members. we have no employees. All human resources are volunteers. Budget resources: Membership fees, Donations and EuroMedYouth program Funding resources: Donations,Euromed youth program and Fundraising. Modalities: Youth in action and EuroMedYouth programs. 2013: breaking taboos-Slovenia, Burn in Memories-Tunisia, Euromed youth Awards, how to take into account the understanding of intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean context-France,Green in Everyday life-Spain and "Say Yes to EVS" EVS Turkey. 2012: Better life better opportunities-Poland, Color blind-Romania, Multiculturalism and social work in the Euromediterranean context-France, "VIP"-Turkey, The world of reducing and reusing-Spain and New approach for volunteer management-Turkey. 2011: MeYouMe"Italy. Ongoing now is our preparation for implementation of training course"Create an everlasting change"after its contract was signed last April under EuroMedYouth program in Egypt. Main partners:(CSDC)Italy, Korba Youth Friends Association-Tunisia, Mladinski center Dravinjske doline-Slovenia, Association columbares-Spain, FNAFA-France and others.
Mission and Objectives

-Power no borders is a non profit Egyptian Youth NGO that works through volunteers to develop our country-people-environment-health-thinking and creativity in all aspects of life through various programs and campaigns.
-We also aim to work with young people of fewer opportunities due to low education levels and very poor economy and suffering from unemployment to improve their skills and help them finding jobs, ensuring their active participation and social inclusion in the society.
Outside the framework of our registered activities, we have volunteers that helps and support visually impaired people and provide support for other disabilities as well.

Main Projects / Activities

-youth development programs to develop their skills and career encouraging their creative spirit and also to promote youth initiative in improving social work. Participation in our activities gives better opportunity to get positive and varied personal development.
-Participation of Egyptian youth in the international events like youth in action and EuroMedYouth program, which could make them open to multitude of life styles, cultures, point of views, and get them within a spirit of creativity. We create clubs of different activities including sports and also free discussions to promote the values of peace, democratic representation, intercultural dialogue, mutual respect, human rights, anti-racism and tolerance.
Organizing EuroMedYouth training course"create an everlasting change", the contract of which was signed in last April and now is the process of its preparation and implementation.
Activities in health sector include campaigns for blood donation and vaccination as well as increasing health awareness in poor societies and supporting poor societies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help in training, organizing,volunteering,effective participation in projects and different activities and dissemination of activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have better networking, more opportunities for fund, to share and exchange experience with others and to promote our NGO activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maha Ahmed Hussein Hussein Galal
Head of the organisation
Mosaad Farghali Abdelhamid
Contact (2) Full Name
Mosaad Farghali Abdelhamid

Program for Dialogue of Civilizations

National Network

Room 69, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University

202 – 5680998
Telephone (other)
202- 5703769
202 – 5703769
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
2010 1248997
Mobile Phone (other)
2010 6663300
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The Program is a research and training unit in the faculty of economics and political science at Cairo University. It holds academic events and conducts research products within the realm of dialogue between civilizations, organizes dialogues between Egyptian academics and students and visiting delegations from abroad, and also coordinates workshops and training courses on skills of dialogues and socio-cultural negotiation between civilizations. It also is engaged in inter-faith dialogues. It seeks partnership with academic and cultural bodies that have similar interest. Fund raising targets academic circles and sponsoring foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Accumulate knowledge and research in the domain of cultural dialogue and encourage research in informal an cultural peaceful means of conflict resolution. Facilitate sustainable inter-cultural dialogues and cooperation , and enable young generations to learn how to interact in different circles and build bridges and negotiate differences in a civilized way.

Main Projects / Activities

Research Project:1- Reforming religious discourses in the Arab
world. 2-Different approaches to knowledge , science an humanities
in different cultures.
Annual Conference:
Organizing students’ dialogues in Cooperation with many European and American Universities

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadia Mahmoud Mostafa
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nadia Mahmoud Mostafa
Contact (2) Full Name
Heba Raouf Ezzat

Promising voices foundation for human rights and participatory development

National Network

Cairo, Hadayek Helwan
Khatam Al morsaleen street

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Promising voices foundation is an Egyptian NGO established in 2015 according to the Low 84/2002 as an Egyptian feminist NGO established in 2015 according to the Law 84/2002. Promising Voices Foundation works in the area of promoting democracy, gender equality, justice, human rights respect, women and child rights as a part of human rights.Promising Voices also works in the area of spread integrity, transparency rules fighting corruption, accountability approach, Care of marginalised groups, legal empowerment, constitutional and legal awareness. Promising Voices also works in the area of economic empowerment and development basis on human rights approach. Promising Voices Foundation believe in the equality and discrimination, justice, rules of Law and promote democracy can achieve development, stability and better lives for people. Our vision: A Woman conscious of her rights are able to achieve her goals in a society in which justice and full equality without discrimination
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
We work together to achieve full democracy, justice and equality without discrimination according to integrity, transparency and accountability standards.
Our Objectives:
1- Strengthen democracy, equality, justice and human rights respect.
2- Establish rules of integrity, transparency, accountability and fighting corruption.
3- Strengthen women and child rights.
4- Care of mothering and child and family development.
5- Care of marginalised groups.
6- Raising awareness of the legal and constitutional rights.
7- Legal and economic empowerment basis on human rights approach.

Main Projects / Activities

Our programs:
1- Political participation and strengthen democracy
2- Fighting violence.
- Fighting human trafficking.
- Fighting sexual harassment.
3- Legal empowerment for women and girls.

4- Development and economic empowerment.
5- Accountability and Establish values of integrity and fighting corruption.
6- Advocacy.
Some of our activities:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by implementation activities could strengthen its orientation and support the  and affirms the culture of dialogue particularly this is a part of our orientation to end violence and mainstreaming and spreading the peace and tolerance

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to contribute the reason that makes us want to join the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Omima Ahmed Ali
Job Title
Chair woman of the board of trustees
Head of the organisation
Omima Elsherief
Contact (2) Full Name
Elham Ahmed
Job Title (2)
Executive Director
Publication Illustration

Promotion of the Amman Message in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

In promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue, we contribute to enhancing peace and stability in society , strengthening effective communications, building awareness and acceptance of differences and promoting peace, tolerance and coexistence. It can be argued that collaboration between faith- based...

Protection Center for supporting activists in human rights

National Network

Dar El Salam, Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Mission and Objectives

aims at providing technical and legal support for human rights defenders in Egypt and Arab world through a number of techniques and methods as follows:
Preparing legal studies and research papers on national strait-jacket laws restraining public rights and liberties and helping establish NGOs defending the victims of human rights violations.

Main Projects / Activities

Center works for supporting and defending human rights defenders through providing legal and technical support for them, staging campaigns, preparing legal research and studies relevant to defenders

Contact (1) Full Name
Osama Abd-elrazek Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Osama Abd-elrazek Ahmed
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Gaze

Qabila Media Productions

National Network

20 Misr Helwan Agricultural Road, Maadi

+2 01005054546
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Structure of the Organization: Share Holders: 14 poeple. Board of trustees: 5 members , They are not full time employed. Executive Board: 5 people (1- CEO, 2-Communications director, 3-Business development director, 4- Production executive, 5-Qabila Incubator Manager ) Production team: 10 people Total number of staff employed: 15 Qabila has a business line producing educational and awareness content.
Mission and Objectives

Qabila is a creative media content creator that produces content tailored towards the Arab youth and families, with special focus and expertise in educational and awareness content.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Production lines include: Motion graphics, TV Shows, Online Shows, Documentaries, and short films.
We worked in the past two years with reputable organizations like: Anna Lindh Foundation, World Bank, Un Women, UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, FAO, Google, among others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our main production line we produce awareness and educational content that is useful for all our country's network members. We will also offer media production courses through the incubator and services through our production line and this is open for all network members. Network members can participate in Qabila's activities all year long.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because Three of ALF's fields of action are consistent with Qabila's scope of work. Those are Education & Youth, Culture & Arts, and Media activities. We collaborated with Anna Lindh in producing DAWRAK Program awareness videos.
Beside the original content we produce at Qabila. We are currently working on "Qabila Incubator". Designed to help young artists to develop their talents by encouraging them through producing and funding their projects while giving them learning and networking opportunities.
Under the umbrella of the Incubator we organize an annual short film festival. An annual gathering for filmmakers from all over the world. Its an opportunity for filmmakers to share their experiences And learn from others. The first round took place in 2012. We are currently preparing for the next round that will take place in March 2014.
The first round had a Euro-Med impact that we are keen to keep in the upcoming rounds . In the first round we had 20 submissions from Euro-med countries other that Egypt. One jury member from Syria along with two Egyptians. Also, We organized Screenings for the finalists in The Italian Culture institute in Cairo and In “Teatro Eskendereya” in Alexandria. Moreover, Winner of the Best Director Award is Josecho Linares from Spain.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yahia Khelidy
Head of the organisation
Rawiah Abdallah

Radio Hawana

National Network

29 St. El-Gohary, Attarrin

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
"Radio Hawana" owned studio voice in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, a small studio is equipped with self-help, in an attempt by the team in radio to reach the highest and purest sound quality to the audience, and is used in the broadcast studio and recording a series of radio materials. In addition to the Cairo headquarters is located in the city of Alexandria and the team work in the headquarters with an individual efforts. Works in the headquarters of "Radio Hawana" more than two dozen young men and women whom the trainee and scholar specializing in the field of information; in an attempt to create jobs opportunities for young people and enable them to acquire practical experience in the media. Financing of the project is individually, and it is not funded by any party political or religious or media.
Mission and Objectives

"Radio Hawana" aims to promoting public education and awareness of democratic and through open dialogue between the guest and the listener in some programs; within the limits of public decency and the Preservation of Public Security of the State.
"Radio Hawana" aims to try to find effective solutions to some of the problems facing young people at all levels, and find positive solutions to interact with the community at the hands of experts in different areas.
"Radio Hawana" aims to appeal to young people and make them feel in the presence of shared problems and a serious attempt to develop effective and positive solutions to those problems.
"Radio Hawana" also aims as well as entertainment for young people; through youth programs to provide some light entertainment play a young man in radio.

Main Projects / Activities

1- On the Carpet of Knowledge "Ala Bosat El-Maarefa":
This program displays the lives of literary characters, who influenced on the thought and world culture; It also displays of the stories and legends of the world; and hosts a number of young writers and poets, this program aims to educate young people and broaden their cultural and increase their knowledge of world cultures.
2- "We and Them" "Ehna we Homa":
Program “We and Them” is extending the bridges of communication and knowledge between the East and West, where dealing with the idea of dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions in order to bring the views of and communication between the East and we are no any West.
This program has the following issues:
Vision of the Middle and the West for some social issues such as: marriage and friendship, and unemployment and the status of women.
Religion thought in the religions and the impact of community between the East and the West on those beliefs.
Learning styles between the East and West and the vision of students and teachers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat elsayed
Contact (2) Full Name
Hend Ebrahim