
National Development Foundation

National Network

: 23 Misr-Helwan Agriculture Road, Algaza'er Tower, Floor 11, Suit 113, Maadi

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The National Development Foundation (NDF) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that works to benefit all peoples within the state of Egypt, with a focus on community and individual development. The foundation has worked in multiple governorates within Egypt but holds a particular focus on those areas where the population happens to be marginalised or is most in need of help. NDF emphasises methods of community participation as an effective means of improving the lives and living conditions of those people it works with, and seeks to include and consult local institutions and civil society at every point so as to achieve lasting and sustainable development. NDF is implementing this Year a Regional Program funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) in cooperation with another 3 Regional partners from Tunisia, Jordon and Lebanon. In addition to another 6 local implementing partners in Egypt. NDF have more than 9 local partners in Egypt through its projects and activities.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: The National Development Foundation envisions a well-informed, capable and empowered citizenry with the ability to provide for themselves and their communities, as well as inspire positive and sustainable change for the state of Egypt. Mission: NDF is on a mission to initiate and promote positive and sustainable change in the Egyptian people’s quality of life, from the means of their livelihood all the way through to their private lives and personal capacities, by working on strategic partnerships, creating enabling environments, establishing positive social norms and assisting individuals and groups to create and implement innovative solutions to their own social and economic problems. Background: NDF was established in 2009 in Nweibaa, South Sinai and registered in Cairo in 2011 (#8349); the founders and core developers of NDF, however, have been working for development within Egypt for well over a decade. The creation of the National Development Foundation is a direct response to the gaps in development provision and implementation that the founders themselves observed throughout their years of development activities.

Main Projects / Activities

 Enhancing Bedouin Youth Skills for Development and Employability in South Sinai Implemented via the South Sinai Regional Development Programme (SSRDP), funded by the European Union (EU). Duration: August 2008 – January 2010.  St. Catherine Bedouin Village Marketing Study Implemented under the technical support of AIDME, funded by LAMANS under the South Sinai Rural Development Programme.  Fostering Democratisation and Good Governance in Sinai Implemented in collaboration with AIDME, funded by the Foundation for the Future (Kingdom of Jordan). Duration: June 2010 to December 2011.  Young Women’s Leadership in Political and Social Development Implemented under AIDME (regional manager), funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). Duration: August 2011 – July 2013 (currently in progress).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At the current time, NDF has developed and implemented a handful of projects that have been handed over to the target communities and continue to operate today. These include the establishment of a number of important systems and vital channels by which communities may operate efficiently, including:  The management and identification of policy change,  Strengthening both governmental and non-governmental local institutions,  Participatory community planning and management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NDF would like to share its experiences, exchange new Ideas & methodologies and maximize networking with different Organizations from Euro Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laila Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Ahmed A.Wahed
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayman Fawzi

national institute for civic development (sawa)

National Network

gharbia - kafr el-zyat city 3mohamed fareed st. first flour
kafr el-zyat

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
General Information
The National Institute for Civic Development (NICD) is a young organization composed mainly of youth activists, The NICD is unique in that it not only works in rural areas where few other organizations have connections, but its leadership is composed of numerous female youth activists. It is these anomalous qualities that render NICD so effective, for they are able to speak directly to marginalize groups that numerous other organizations consistently fail to reach. In addition, NICD employs a variety of creative tools in their activism, such as radio and new media tools. all the member of NICD pay part of their salaries every month because we haven't fund yet we work in culture human rights women rights and environmental issues.
Mission and Objectives

we work to change people minds by giving them new vision and future we hope than in 2015 live in clear city with good people

Main Projects / Activities

we work in some political projects with some organization
we make literature club
we make debate club
we work together to clean our city

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i work with u in young Arab debates and i want to continue with more programs

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i want to have more experiences and work with u in some programs

Contact (1) Full Name
fatma hamdi
Head of the organisation
fatma hamdi
Contact (2) Full Name
ahmed elprens

National Population Council

National Network

Cornish El- Nile – El-Maadi

0020 (0) 2 5240289
Telephone (other)
0020 (0)
0020 (0) 2 5240290
Mobile Phone
0020 (0) 12 315 5286
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. Presidential decree no. 19 for the year 1985 was issued to establish NPC to be headed by President Hosny Mubark and the members are: the Prime Minister - Minister of Health and Population – Minister of information – Minister of Social Affairs – minister of Planning and Internal Cooperation – Minister of Education – Four experts in the field of Population. 2. Presidential decree no. 32 for year 1996 NPC headed by Prime Minster. 3. Presidential decree for year 2002 was issued to amended the NPC formulation to follow the Minister of Health and Population.
Mission and Objectives

- Prepare the studies and researches related to FP&Pop. Issues.
- Suggesting the Pop. Policy that achieve highest economic and social development rate.
- Exchanging information reports and researched with councils and organization Studding the role of ministries, organizations and governmental institutions public and private to implement the periodical programs of the population project and coordinate between them.
- Studding the best means to benefit from the funds agreements presented to Egypt by the foreign countries and organizations in the field of pop and FP.

Main Projects / Activities

- Planning and Coordination: Suggesting Plans and POP. Programs.
- Follow-up and Evaluation: the activities and achievements to reach perfect level of implementation.
- Research Studies: Distribute to different technical organization. Disseminating the research findings.
- Statistics and Information: Setting information system, planning for surveys and statistical analysis related to population & FP.
- Financial and administrative: Setting financial policies related to NPC role in preparing and implementing the financial plans, follow up the financial implementation and evaluation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Safa El-Baz
Head of the organisation
Dr. Safa El-Baz

Nazra for Feminist Studies

National Network

32 12\74B St, Maadi, 3rd floor, apar.18

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Nazra has 11 board members who are contributing in Nazra strategic plans, missions and different activities. Nazra also has five full time workers and three volunteers . Nazra is implementing different activities such as creating young feminist discourse, biweekly sessions to integrate gender issues to youth perceptions and work on violence against women in both legal and cultural aspects to assess to what extent violence is affecting legislations and culture in Egypt and documenting lives of feminists by producing short documentary films. Nazra receiving fund from the Global Fund for Women and Karama movement to end violence against women
Mission and Objectives

Nazra aims at establishing and entrenching Women’s rights in Egypt through research of the factors of determining the situation of women, providing special interest to two factors we consider the most important: legal codification and social variables. We believe it necessary to work to institute legislations that are more supportive of Women’s rights, applying local, regional and international tools to enforce such legislative progress. We think that this legal struggle must be accompanied by a thorough societal debate on Women’s issues; otherwise we would be risking a gap between the law and society which can undermine the whole venture.
In view of what we have articulated above, we aim at:
* Documenting the role of the Feminist Movement in the Middle East
* Studying the social and cultural contexts affecting the situation of women in the region
* Contributing to the formation of a new generation interested in women’s issues and capable of helping the field
* Helping other NGOs adopt a Gender-conscious perspective in their activities and policies
* Producing short documentary and feature films depicting the lives of women in the region

Main Projects / Activities

* Producing short documentary and feature films depicting the lives of women ‘s rights activists in Egypt
* Changing Masculinities, Changing Communities
* Adopting Young Feminist Discourse
* Biweekly storytelling meeting for youth to integrate gender issues

Contact (1) Full Name
Mozn Hassan
Head of the organisation
Mozn Hassan

Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo

National Network

1, Dr. Mahmoud Azmi street
11211 Zamalek
Cairo, Egypt


Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The NVIC is part of the Leiden University offering Arabic language courses to Dutch and Belgian students. It is a research institute focusing on Egypt (archaeology) and the Arab world (language and regional studies). The institute employs two assistant-directors, one in the field of Arabic studies and one for Egyptology. Apart from that, we have Egyptian and foreign teachers (7 in total) and employ a number of administrative staff. The Leiden university is the main beneficiary but in total 9 Universities from both Netherlands and Belgium support the institute. Yearly we organize the Cleveringa seminar and last year finished the Islam project (a 4 year project mapping Islamic actors in social media) which was funded by the Dutch Embassy.
Mission and Objectives

The institute carries out an image of the Netherlands and Belgium and assists young researchers in Egypt. It is mainly an academic institute bringing together researchers from around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Assistant-director of Egyptology is working together with the American University and the Supreme Council of Antiquities on the restoration of the wooden charriot of Tutanchamon in the Egyptian museum.
Personally I am doing research on the representation of masculinities in Egyptian cinema. This research will be completed by early 2014.

Contact (1) Full Name
Koen Van Eynde

New Civic Forum

National Network

14, Abdel Hamid Lofty Street, Mohandessin

0020 2 3374213
0020 27608896
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The New Civic Forum is a NGO which was founded in Cairo in March 1991 with the objective of promoting liberal reforms in the economic, political and social fields and aiming at ensuring a decent standard of living, genuine democracy, and social justice. NCF seeks to achieve its objectives through lectures, research, seminars, conferences and other means of communication.
Mission and Objectives

The New Civic Forum starts from the basic premise that the individual is the source of all progress. Hence it seeks to promote individual incentives and initiatives within a framework of harmony between private and social interests. Its focus is the individual with his or her welfare, security, capacity for excellence and creativity, as well as motivation in terms of values and loyalty to family and society. The New Civic Forum is of the view that respect for human rights is an indispensable condition for comprehensive development. It believes in the dictum that individual freedom is the sources of all virtues.

Main Projects / Activities

Holding Lectures, Seminars, Conferences and any other means of communication, in its field of activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mahmoud Abaza
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mahmoud Abaza

New Hermopolis

National Network

Tuna el-Gabal

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
New Hermopolis was founded in 2011 with the mission of capitalizing on Middle Egypt cultural heritage for   the cultural development of the region. Our founding is connected to the thought and philosophy of Ancient Hermopolis which focuses on  art’s potential to transform societies and the possibility of establishing harmony between man, the other and the universe.  New Hermopolis is a retreat built on ecological principles in the middle of sprawling, breathtaking desert and mountain landscape. It is located in Tuna el Gebel village within 20 KM from the main city of Mallawi, approximately 320 kilometres from Cairo. The area is central to a number of archaeological and historical treasures, including ancient temples, monuments, tombs, and museums.
Mission and Objectives

It consists of a place for visitors and a cultural space designed to hold academic and artistic activities for the benefit of the local community and international visitors. With 16 guest lodges that have the capacity for 52 visitors, it is an open environment for local cultural groups, cultural tourists, artists, writers and other retreat groups. This creative medium is open to ideas and activities drawn from a wide range of sectors covering creative writing, visual and performing arts. It carries the ethos of engaging with the local heritage and art, both tangible and intangible to generate new ideas and experiences.
New Hermopolis serves the main city of Mallawi and its surrounding villages ( million inhabitants). The nearest villages are Tuna El –Gebel (3KM) and Ashmunin (8KM).  For decades, this region has experienced neglect and marginalization. Despite its wealth of culture, the land that was once a great centre for learning and cultural dialogue has become impoverished and overlooked. Middle Egypt exhibits some of the highest levels of poverty and marginalization in the country. Economic opportunities are scarce but opportunities for free self-expression are even scarcer. Partisanship and intolerance of alternate belief systems has risen, particularly along the Christian-Muslim juxtaposition, higher in this region than many other areas of Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

New Hermopolis employs a hybrid social-business model that raises revenue from business activities to invest in social change programs within our local communities. Our tour packages include guided itineraries to the different heritage sites of this region with unique opportunities for cross-cultural sharing, learning, and project collaboration. Residencies for cultural/heritage researchers, artists, writers, musicians, and scholars in related fields are on offer.  We encourage our visitors, when possible, to deepen their engagement with our local communities and exchange work, concepts, ideas and training opportunities with the local youth. The aim is to foster practice of self-expression, critical thought, and creativity. This is normally delivered in the form of free workshops and trainings that teach through hands-on activities various art forms. These could include performance art such as music and theatre, poetry and creative writing, paint, sculpture, and photography. This milieu is meant to widen the scope of engagement to take on board audiences that traditionally would not have considered themselves as art audiences. In this way we hope to succeed in removing the boundary between audience/ participants encouraging all forms of creative expression from story-telling, improvisation and interactive theatre.
Within this remit we have adopted an unusual outreach programme encouraging the creation of a number of cultural bodies in nearby villages where New Hermopolis acts a collective focus, a hub and incubator to give guidance, support and insure their continued growth.
Various avenues are available for youth to demonstrate and showcase their work to local communities. There are also plans in the future to develop a roaming cultural festival through the local villages.  Competitions featuring  poetry, essays, design, and music are also planned to be held periodically, teaching youth that art production can yield reward and help us in identifying truly talented local artists. By offering these public outlets for voicing of opinions, we hope to encourage discussion of belief, tolerance and instil a sense of pride and ownership of one’s own heritage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ramadan Hussein Ali
Job Title
Cultural manager
Head of the organisation
Dr Mervat Nasser

New Horizon Association for Social Development

National Network

54, New Fustat City, Old Cairo

002 02 29188510
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
002 01006689074
Mobile Phone (other)
002 01006250759
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
New Horizon is officially registered as NGO in the Egyptian ministry of social solidarity.we have some strategies like rights based approach toward development projects, participatory approach towards developing and implementing projects in target comm, unities needs based approach towards community and target group needs, comprehensive approach, collaborating with governmental bodies, international/regional agencies and local NGOs. NHASD has around 40 full time stuff, 70 part timers and more than 200 volunteers. Main modalities of action are projects. Partners and supporters: Australian Embassy (Egypt), Barclays, Cairo Petroleum Wives, CCFD (France), CRTDA (Lebanon) Caritas, CIDA (Canada), CIDEAL (Spain), Church development Service Germany (EED), Drosos Foundation, Egyptian Government Institutions, European Commission (Egypt), Finnish Embassy (Egypt), Global Environment Facility (GEF)/UNDP, GTZ, Japanese Embassy (Egypt), Irish Embassy (Egypt), National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), National Council for Women (NCW), Presbyterian Church (USA), Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Oxfam Novib, Rotary El Fustat, Sawiris Foundation (Egypt), Save the Children (USA and UK), UNODC, USAID, World Bank, WHO, Save the Children youth, Diakonia.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower the poor and most neglected communities by advancing sustainable community-based development, giving the poor equal right to participate and engage in shaping their political, economic and social environment, and to exercise their right to a socio-economic sustainable livelihood and to access fundamental social services
Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Overall Objectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives bjectives
 Invest in human capacity and empower the most vulnerable groups of society
 Encourage the formation of sustainable community structures and develop institutional capacities of civil society
 Demonstrate models for development initiatives that lead to a comprehensive improvement of underprivileged people’s life

Main Projects / Activities

NHASD development focus:Education, Capacity building, Environmental sustainability, Gender equality, Children at risk protection, Youth empowerment, Organic agriculture, Solidarity tourism, intercultural activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have long and rich experience in development. NHASD works in large number of communities in Egypt. Also we have around 39 local communities work as our partners, so through all these channels we can contribute new experiences, communications and connections

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to expand NHASD network with other NGOs and organizations in different regions and cultures and finding new grounds of cooperation.Also generating new fields of exchanging experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
sarah kamel aly
Head of the organisation
Nady kamel youssef
Contact (2) Full Name
cameron cowie


National Network

Qabrit-Fouh-Kafr El-Sheikh
كفر الشيخ

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Established in 2020 and fueled by the dedication of 28 individuals, our non-profit organization empowers Egypt's youth through self-funded educational programs. Committed to Egypt 2030's vision for development, we work tirelessly to foster an educational boom, independent of external funding.

Mission and Objectives

our mission is to equip young individuals with the skills an support they
need to secure meaningful employment and thrive in their careers.
We believe that every young person has the potential
to make a significant impact on the world, and we are
committed to helping them achieve their goals.

Main Projects / Activities

An educational and awareness project accompanying a field trip for all age groups in the city and the governorate, in addition to attracting universities students.

A community event targeting students of the preparatory certificates to introduce the available schools, the methods of application
and qualification to enter these schools, and the secondary school, to introduce students to the various colleges and institutes, scholarships, and methods of application and

An online training camp for undergraduate students on programming, graphics, entrepreneurship and English language skills.

It is a project for anyone interested in reading
• Its aim is to extend a helping hand to those who want to build the habit of reading and help them to read
• And summarizing books in an appropriate atmosphere and with a team that combines its members with a passion for knowledge and similar interests
• Helping readers choose books and presenting them better through a library that includes summaries of books produced by the beneficiaries of this project.

It is an awareness project based on correcting a number of misconceptions societal and
common among people.
This project is carried out under partnerships
and cooperation with various parties.
And our motto is "Knock on the door.. so that the trace remains.".

It is a community initiative in which we collect and sort winter clothes and quilts and collect donations to buy clothes and quilts for families most in need.

It is a community initiative in which we collect donations to provide foodstuffs to the most needy families on a regular basis throughout the year, starting every Hijri month.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Omar Mohamed Ghazal
Job Title
CEO & Founder
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Omar
Contact (2) Full Name
Donia Ehab
Job Title (2)
Co-founder & Public Relations manager

Nihal Gomaa Ahmed Gomaa

National Network

33 Fawzy Moaaz St., Somuha

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Being a natural person living in Alexandria, graduated in the Facult of Arts (Alexandria University), holding the licence of Arts English section - Translation & Linguistics). Promote Intercultural Dialogue through artistic cooperation, Promote arts education through the utilization of non-formal learning techniques,.
Mission and Objectives

Being a natural person living in Alexandria, graduated in the Facult of Arts (Alexandria University), holding the licence of Arts English section - Translation & Linguistics).
Promote Intercultural Dialogue through artistic cooperation, Promote arts education through the utilization of non-formal learning techniques,.

Main Projects / Activities

Being a natural person living in Alexandria, graduated in the Facult of Arts (Alexandria University), holding the licence of Arts English section - Translation & Linguistics).
Promote Intercultural Dialogue through artistic cooperation, Promote arts education through the utilization of non-formal learning techniques,.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To take part in the activities held by the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nihal Gomaa Ahmed Gomaa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nihal Gomaa Ahmed Gomaa