
CLIMBIT – Climbing for Women


The EU Active Network organises educational events throughout Europe for students, young people and beyond to allow participants to immerse themselves in new countries' customs, learn about different traditions and cultures, network internationally and discuss and fight for various social causes. For this spring, an international meeting called “CLIMBIT - Climbing for women” has been organised. During the four-day training in Rijeka, Croatia, the aim will be to create awareness of the current challenges faced by women in the world. The costs associated with the participation will be reimbursed almost in their entirety. 

Click here for more information!



This strategic partnership aimed at giving an international dimension to the program and its tools/modules that until then had been tested at a national level only. In the frame of the project time4diversity, we have fostered new partnerships amongst organizations...


2) Wir und Österreich – Austria and us

In October 2019, the Austrian Parliament unanimously passed a ground-breaking and historical amendment to the Austrian citizenship law. It opened up the possibility to the descendants of victims of National Socialism to regain Austrian citizenship. Austria thus has made another...

4Peace - Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit

National Network

Fechtergasse 16/1
1090 Vienna

+43-1-315 19 11
Mobile Phone
+43-676-938 81 69
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation, "4Peace - Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit", created in 2006,  is trying to empower young people to take active part in shaping their social environment and ensuring democracy and constitutional legality in their countries.  Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer, designs and realizes  the peacecamp with its schedule, workshops, goals . Finds partners, and workshop facilitators, communicates with the whole team. Presents peacecamp in a lot of settings. Team supervision. publications, blog, facebook. Evaluation and assessment Ronaldo Böhmer: administration, PR,  arrangements  - travel arrangements, location, meals (Ramadan, kasher/halal etc.), location and welcome reception show4peace, arrangements with media, filmfestival etc.). Lia Böhmer: coordinates the Austrian delegation coming from different schools/places in Austria. Social media, assistance on demand Dr. Silvio Gutkowski, Psychiatrist and Group Analyst, Jerusalem, Israel: "large group" debates Dr. Thomas Jung, Austria, Group Analyst: co-facilitator "large group" (first time with us) Dr. Thomas Stern*, Teacher, Austria: workshop "Talks4peace" Mag.a. Alexandra Lux*, Teacher, Austria: "Talks4peace" Mag. Markus Priller*, Historian, Educator, Project Manager : "Talks4peace" Atheer Ismael, Palestinian Israeli, Student, Peace Activist:  "Talks4peace" Anna Sophie Fritz , Actress: Drama, Music,  Percussion,  Art and Outdoor workshops Lukas Hauptfeld, Medical Student , hobby musician: Drama, Music, Percussion, Art and Outdoor Activities. First aid. Gerald Muthsam: peacecamp film-documentation, posters, flyers - part of peacecamp Each peacecamp needs a budget of approx. EUR 40,000. We had/have a number of sponsors and supporters: European Union/Youth in Action, Austrian Ministry for Education, Future Fund of the Republic of Austria, Karl-Kahane-Foundation, etc.
Mission and Objectives

We are striving to
- enhance young people's awareness of the social and political issues of their region and their time
- stimulate a self determined perception and judgement of social reality
- help resist indoctrination and incitement to violence
- train youth in speaking up and expressing their opinion
- offering an occasion to get to know young people from other parts of the world and learn about their society and culture
- help them communicate with people from other countries in a foreign language
- stimulate an attitude of, and appropriate skills for active citizenship
- stimulate reflection on issues of national identity:  what it means to be a "European"/A Jewish Israeli/A Palestinian etc.
In 2013, Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer has  received the Honorary Cross for Science and the Arts from the Austrian Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture for ten continuous years of peacecamp work.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are annual "peacecamps" - multicultural encounters of four different groups of young people. They always involve Palestinian and Jewish Israelis and two European groups - one from Austria plus one from a country  behind the former Iron Curtain. So far we had Slovenian and Hungarian groups participating in peacecamps.
peacecamps' main activities are:
- getting-to know the "other's" culture, religion, history, society, nation, social reality, etc.
- learning the narrative of the "other"
- cope with mission impossible challenges
- debating (listening, arguing, speaking up one's mind)
- talking/presenting issues to an audience
- going on stage (giving a speech, a presentation, performing on stage)
- show4peace and welcome reception with speeches, awards and many invited guests (public figures and private persons)
Our experience is based on 12 peacecamps which we have realized since 2004, each new and different from the previous ones in many respects - with a different focus, different workshops, team-members, workshop-leaders and participants each time.
Right now peacecamp no. 13 is in preparation for July 2015.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our experience in peace related activities and workshops, both for the Middle East as well as for EU countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to benefit from other projects' experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ronaldo Böhmer
Job Title
Admin Manager
Head of the organisation
Mag. Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
Contact (2) Full Name
Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
Job Title (2)
President of the organisation

A.MUS.E - Austrian Music Encounter

National Network

c/o Kanzlei Dr. Rainer Beck
Keesgasse 7

Graz, 8010

+43 664 4308065
Telephone (other)
+43 664 2549593
+43 316 822900 -90
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+43 664 4308065
Mobile Phone (other)
+43 664 2549593
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
„A.MUS.E – Austrian Music Encounter“ is a registered non-profit association according to Austrian law (1 chairman & 1 locum, 1 recording clerk & locum, 1 treasurer & locum – all on volunteer basis). Staff is only employed on contract for projects as a project management team (2008: 6 contract workers, 5 volunteers). The project budget for the last project year 2007/2008 was € 150.000. Main funding sources are public subsidies (public authorities in Austria, representative offices and embassies of different European countries, EC) – more third-party funds are intended. Modalities of action: Concrete projects (main project: “Sounding Jerusalem”), including arts education workshops for the youth and international students/artists exchange projects. Partners: local (Israel/Pal. Territorries) representative offices of European countries, different local institutions for arts and education
Mission and Objectives

· To use and promote music as a possibility to create open meeting places for human encounter, for a vivid international cultural exchange and for fostering the intercultural dialogue
· To plan and implement high quality music projects for and with young people
· To give access to children, youth and adults living in conflict zones and/or an economically weak environment to having a share in the dynamic process of international dialogue and exchange of culture

Main Projects / Activities

"Sounding Jerusalem" Festival
Old City - Eastjerusalem - Westjerusalem - Westbank/Gaza
The chamber music festival was founded in 2006 with the aim of fostering a cultural trilogue and human encounter between European, Israeli and Palestinian artists and audience to a maximum according to the current social and political possibilities.
The festival’s goal is to encourage ALL communities living in and around Jerusalem to have a share in and contribute to the international cultural discourse, irrespective of their social, religious or ethnic backgrounds.
With 25 concerts, 50 top level classical musicians from Europe and the Middle East as well as a rich educational programme for the youth all over the region of Jerusalem – from the Old City, West and East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Abu Gosh, Jericho, En Karem to Nablus and many other places - the ultimate aim is to go beyond human borders, opening space for a vivant process of intercultural differentiation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Beck
Head of the organisation
Erich Oskar Huetter
Contact (2) Full Name
Petra Klose

ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy

National Network

Blütengasse . 11-13
1030 Vienna

+43 69919521122
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

ACD-is an anon-profit international cultural association based in Vienna, Austria whose founding members are academic professionals, interested in and active in the research on theories and praxis of Cultural Diplomacy, within all fields where social interaction takes part.
Modalities of action: international Art/Education projects, media promotion of SDG-oriented activities; no employees, work on a voluntary basis; funding by Austrian state offices for art-projects

Mission and Objectives

ACD-mission statement
is to contribute to the current global sustainable development through active engagement of its members and cultural ambassadors and partners, by the development of cross-sectoral regional and international partnerships based on project cooperation in the field of cultural diplomacy, by connecting creative industries with art practice and education with international relations and diplomacy

Main Projects / Activities

Let´´s Brick and Play Well2030!
Since its founding date in 2016, from an understanding of the UN Agenda2030 as a universal Peace concept in its core and understanding sustainability as "ability to love our next", ACD-Team has developed a number of initiatives, to support the realization of the UN SDGs through educational projects and partnerships (SDG4+SDG 17) such as:

F*Air, CD-Airshow Tours, “Artimpact2030”, inTalk Sessions, Dance Arts&Diplomacy, Arvore da Vida2030, educational projects such as Let´s brick!, IkuBi2030 Children radio project in Kenya, SprachenWeb, C-19 -response -project Women.Art.Solidarity, public events such as Vienna meets … Diplomacy on Stage, online educational format on UNESCO Futures of Education inTalk Sessions with Focus groups, solidarity project M4life in Maragoli, Kenya, intercultural exchange projects such as Let´s Brick! Austria-Japan, initiatives to support the SDG5+3+ 8 + SDG10 through the development of cross-sectoral partnerships, such as COOPS for decent work KuBiPa2030, Art&Health: BGF2030

In cooperation with the governmental and non-governmental sector, public sector, private sector, and civil society ACD-team and its cultural ambassadors are active in the development, exchange, and promotion of the UN Agenda2030-oriented methods and strategies, considering the Sustainable Development Goals (17 SDG´s) as a common frame for activities, based on universal values.

ACD-President provides its members with free consultancy, educational materials, and advice for the creation of projects. By the need for specific advice, ACD-Ambassadors, Members, and Partners are supported by ACD-advisory members, partners, and experts from ACD-partnership organizations and institutions.

ACD-General Assembly takes part in a two years interval. The event format “Diplomacy on stage” was created by ACD-President and includes academic programs with Keynotes and Lightning Talks delivered by ACD-Team, Ambassadors, and Guest Speakers from Education, Politics, Art, Creative Industries, Diplomacy, Media, and beyond. Within the Open Space Talk Sessions, Art Program, Culinary Diplomacy Salon, and “Emerging Acts”, participants have the opportunity to exchange their ideas, experiences, suggestions, grow their network, under the motto “Connect&Act”.

ACD- events are taking place in cooperation with relevant, established institutions such as Vienna Diplomatic Academy, Haus of United Nations, Kunst Haus Wien, Vienna 3rd District Hall, among other places.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Response to global challenges at the local, regional and global level through Cultural Diplomacy<2030-activities: since its registration in Vienna in 2016 unifies its members in a shared vision of Cultural Diplomacy as a tool for promotion of values and cultures, within the European and the global context, “recalling that cultural diversity, flourishing within a framework of democracy, tolerance, social justice and mutual respect between peoples and cultures, is indispensable for peace and security at the local, national and international levels. From an understanding of the UN Agenda2030 as a universal Peace concept, and 17 Goals (SDG ́s) as a blueprint for its realization, ACD- members are envisioning their mission for the decade 2020-2030 as active contributors to the realization of the SDG s, mainly through activities related to their professional experiences and competences, such as in the field of social sciences (sociology) education, art (visual arts, dance), media and international relations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF-Network is the largest network of civil society organizations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region. ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy is a civil society organization which aim and purpose is to promote intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region and beyond. The joint endeavor will be fruitful for ACD as well as for the ALF network through network growth and capacity building for the culture of living together in dignity based on dialogue and exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatjana Christelbauer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tatjana Christelbauer

ADAM Akademie für Dialog-Anwendung und Mediation

National Network

Hauptstraße 1
8813 Sankt Lambrecht

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

• Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
ADAM is a non-profit NGO and has a managing board of six members, a board of trustees (five) and strategic and project related individual consultants. No employees yet. Among the partners are St. Lambrecht Monastery (seat location), Universities (Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck), MTS (company), parishes in Vienna, Graz.
• Budgetary resources available in a year
Approx. 4.-12.000 EUROs, project related
• Sources of funding
Project partners‘ sponsorship and contributions, municipalities, local governments
• Modalities of action:
Concrete projects, exchanges, lectures/ seminars/ workshops, creativity labs, exhibitions, retreats, residency programmes, consultancy, agency, mediation; online activities supporting projects and online lectures/ seminars/ workshops/ discussions
• Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
Cultural, religious, social, art, eduction and science related institutions, think tanks, universities, municipalities, local governments, partners in the Euromed region, South Eastern Europe (Western Balkans and Turkey) and MENA.

Mission and Objectives

ADAM promotes education, diversity, knowledge transfer and change. In doing so, fostering human rights, gender equality and non-discrimination, democracy and sustainability are at the core of our activities. We build and cross bridges between West and East, create networks between North and South, promote communication and foster visionary webs between Europe and the Orient. ADAM contributes to shaping and strengthening a culture of dialogue and sustainability in politics and society, economy and environment, science and art. We want to promote openness and competence, support youth engagement, strengthen women's public participation, intensify inter-generational and social dialogue and implement diversity and integration management - locally and regionally. ADAM also focuses on capacity building and developing and sharing good practice examples in the above mentioned areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Shaeirat – Bilingual performances by contemporary Arab women poets
Earth Works: Encounter of ceramic artists from Austria and Egypt
Western Balkans: History and Encounter in Styrian Schools
Urban Anthropology Program
SCRIPTORIUM: Workshops in creative, intercultural and therapeutic writing and storytelling

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ADAM, through its members and collaborators/ partners, has a long-standing network and vast experience in project cooperation with partners from the Euromed region, SEE (Western Balkans and Turkey) and MENA. Our multilingual and experienced staff allows us accurate insight into the regions' developments and to connect to crucial project partners supporting our (and ALF's) mission and objectives. ADAM is, hence, a potentially innovative and effective partner that helps strengthening the Austrian Network through expertise, consultancy and project cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ADAM wants to contribute to the objectives of the ALF through offering expertise and cooperation. It also seeks partners in the Euromed area to develop and implement objectives based on the Euromed cooperation. Fighting prejudices, promoting understanding and intensify cooperation needs a strong and diversified network to which ADAM can contribute.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabine Kroissenbrunner
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sabine Kroissenbrunner
Contact (2) Full Name
Catrin Neumüller
Job Title (2)

Artistic Freedom under attack: Resistance and Resilience Film Screening and Discussion on Ukraine & India

Invitation Artistic Freedom Under Attack

Payal Kapadia's film “A Night of Knowing Nothing” (India/France 2021) shows it clearly: artistic freedom presupposes that spaces for art and culture are open, democratic and anti-discriminatory. Repression of artists and cultural workers can manifest itself in many different ways.

On 7 April, a conversation about violations of artistic freedom and alliances of solidarity, focusing on Ukraine and India, is taking place at 19:30 in Top Kino in Vienna, with Sarita Jenamani (Pen Austria, Poet), Dariia Kuzmych (artist) & Klara Koštal (Austrian Commission for UNESCO), moderated by Cristina Peregrina.

Trailer: A Night of Knowing Nothing

The event is entirely in English. Info & Tickets at