
Föderation für Weltfrieden - Universal Peace Federation in Austria

National Network

Seidengasse 28/4
A 1070 Vienna


+43 650 2588846
Telephone (other)
+43 699 11725599
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+43 650 2588846
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Registered NGO; Volunteers 10000 - 20000 Euro Membership fees, Donations, Grants by the city of Vienna. Network of Ambassadors for Peace.
Mission and Objectives

The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is a global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world of peace in which everyone can live in freedom, harmony, cooperation, and prosperity. Peace is not simply the absence of war or a term that applies only to the relationships among nations. Peace is an essential quality that should characterize all relationships.
UPF encourages all religions to dialogue and cooperate for peace based upon the recognition that human dignity derives from a universal divine source that is the basis of harmony and unification and that all people are 'One Family Under God.'
UPF advocates renewal of the United Nations, including a proposal that the UN create an interreligious council within its structures.
UPF implements its programs through a global network of Ambassadors for Peace. Launched in 2001, Ambassadors for Peace has become the world's largest and most diverse network of peace leaders. They come from all walks of life representing all races, religions, nationalities, and cultures, and commit themselves to:
• Stand on the common ground of universal moral principles, committed to promoting reconciliation, overcoming barriers, and building peace.
• Form a global network of leaders representing the religious, racial, and ethnic diversity of the human family as well as all disciplines of human endeavor.
• Participate in peace initiatives and programs that promote reconciliation and cooperation beyond traditional boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
• Promote and practice the ethic of “living for the sake of others” as the guiding principle for building world peace and a global community.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences, Cultural Events, Evening Lectures

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Haider
Head of the organisation
Peter Haider
Contact (2) Full Name
Mag. Elisabeth Cook

Forschungszentrum “Kulturen in Kontakt”, Universität Innsbruck – Research Focus “Cultures in Contact”, University of Innsbruck (Forschungsplattform “CEnT” – Research Platform “Cultural Encounters and Transfers”, University of Innsbruck)

National Network

Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
structure of the organisation, including number of staff employed and/ or partners: 1 head, 1 vice, 39 members budgetary resources available in a year: 4 000, 00 Euro for all of projects and administrative activities sources of funding: University of Innsbruck, Austrian Ministry of Science modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships, conferences etc): concrete projects, conferences and symposiums, seminars and lectures, publications main partners involved in the organisation’s projects/ activities: research groups with similar foci, primarily at European and North-American Universities and universities of the MENA region
Mission and Objectives

Research on modalities, structures, implications, mechanisms, strategies, consequences etc. of cultural encounters and transfers aiming at a better understanding of the aspects mentioned and being devoted to a cultural studies definition of “culture” and a both creative and innovative research approach aiming at a better understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects (in alphabetical order) - Selection
Breaking the Stereotype. Oriental and Occidental Stereotypes in the Course of Time (director: Veronika Bernard;
Hotel Jugoslavija. Die literarische und mediale Wahrnehmung der Balkankonflikte (directors: Martin Sexl, Arno Gisinger)
IMAGES – BILDER, die man sich macht. An interdisciplinary project on cultural encounters, migration, and ideologies (upcoming; director: Veronika Bernard)
MigrationsautorInnen in Frankreich (1981-2008), ein "literarisches Wörterbuch" (directors and eds.: Ursula Moser und Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner)
Russische Moderne und Intermedialität - Literatur und Film (director: Dunja Brötz)
Conferences/ Symposiums (in alphabetical order) - Selection
An den Grenzen der Sprache: Kommunikation von Unsagbarem im Kulturkontakt.
Internationales und interdisziplinäres Symposium, Universität Innsbruck, 18.-19. Dezember 2009 (coordinators: Manfred Kienpointner, Julia Pröll, Ulla Ratheiser)
Breaking the Stereotype 2010. From Orient and Occident to a Mutual Understanding of Images. An international and interdisciplinary conference, Istanbul 2010 Arts Production Centre, Istanbul, October 22-27, 2010 (coordinators: Veronika Bernard und Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous)
Migrant Europe, NIHMP, Rome, February 11, 2009 (coordinator: Veronika Bernard)
Racism, Slavery, and Literature. Internationales Symposium, Universität Innsbruck, 2.-5. Dezember 2008 (coordinators: Wolfgang Zach, Ulrich Pallua )
Responsibility to Protect: A Canadian Heritage. Peacekeeping, Diplomacy, Media, and Literature Responding to Humanitarian Challenges. Internationales und interdisziplinäres Symposium, Universität Innsbruck, 11.-14. November 2009 (coordinators: Ursula Moser, Thomas Spielbüchler)
for exhaustive information on research, teaching etc. activities see

Contact (1) Full Name
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronika Bernard
Head of the organisation
Prof. Ursula Moser

Freundeskreis der Friedensglocke des Alpenraumes

National Network

Untermarkt 5+7

6410 Telfs

0043 (0)5262 6961 1109
0043 (0)5262 6961 1109
Mobile Phone
0043 676 83038 109
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The friends of the bell of peace of the Alpine Region is a symbol of cooperation across the borders in the alpine region. It means an important link between the member states by seeking joint solutions in the fields of culture and economy, agriculture and traffic. Beside this internal meaning the international cooperation in the whole world is a regulation of this symbol of peace.
Mission and Objectives

Aim is the international cooperation, the meetings of people from different countries in spirit of the peace and the reconciliation.
In our municipality live 20% of Muslims (mostly from Turkey). For the meeting of the religions the peace bell is a special place of the tolerance and the respect.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the foundation of the peace bell symposia, meetings of all kind are carried out during the whole year between generations and citizens of all countries.
Prominent personalities are appointed yearly "ambassadors of the Friedensglocke", for example Kardinal Franz König, Erwin Kräutler, representants of cultur, economy and arts.
Yearly more than 200,000 people visit the bell and find meditation and good thoughts for the peace in the family, the native country and all over the world. Yearly youngsters from Israel (Jewish and Palestinian children) meet to a contemplative meeting with the peace bell.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yearly more than 200,000 people visit the bell and find meditation and good thoughts for the peace in the family, the native country and all over the world.
We can offer the varied interlinkings all over the world about your endowment to the visitors

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is very important to us to be in the contact with people and organisations who maintain the peaceful meeting of the people and cultures in the same manner and deepen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Ewald Heinz
Head of the organisation
Old Major Helmut Kopp

gain&sustain europe | Konferenz "EURHENET - Europäische Städte, die eine aktive Bürgerschaft fördern und die soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Stadtverwaltung vorantreiben: Lehren aus der EU-Grundrechtecharta"


2. Februar 2023 von 10:00 Uhr bis 13:30 Uhr

Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich, kostenlos und online via Zoom.

Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte den angehängten Flyern.

Gain&sustain:europe; Verein zur Förderung von Kulturaustausch und Nachhaltigkeit

National Network

Kernstockgasse 11/58
8020 Graz

0043 650 6348883
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The association "gain&sustain:europe" was founded in 2009 in Graz, Austria, and exists at the moment of ten enthusiastic young people at the age between 18 and 30 years. We don't have permanent staff, it is lead by 2 people that are engaged in international training affairs, Sabrina Schifrer & Martina Maria Linzer. We are very much involved in Erasmus+ projects and organize international training courses here in Austria and send youngsters to our partner seminars in other countries. Our partner network is huge and we are working with NGOs and youth initiatives all over the world.
Mission and Objectives

The organisation aims to support social, economic and ecological sustainability in Europe and also developing countries all over the world. In the centre of our activity stands the desegregation of politics, society and economy with youngsters in the global context and the step in to an open dialogue and a generation of valuable common strategies for the present and the future. As our major task we see the interlinking and consultation of youngsters in connection with international, multicultural events and EU projects to promote awareness in the direction of tolerance, EU citizenship and cultural diversity with the generation of tomorrow. The main objective of the association is the interlinking of single organisations and individuals, above all youngsters, around subjects like sustainability and social entrepreneurship in order to give space to innovation & creativity and to allow a cultural exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects are diverse and in a high number. Just to mention a few of them: Miracool is our newest project about missions for people that want to do great things every day. Please visit our website: there you find all our projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can use our international contacts to promote the Anna Lindh Foundation. Furthermore we are willing to contribute in local events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network because we see it as an opportunity of the expansion of our network and the application for grants that are available for innovative projects. We are always developing international projects in order to create a society based on the values of trust and happiness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabrina Schifrer
Head of the organisation
Martina Maria Linzer

Gamification for Environmental Sustainability


Climate anxiety has become an increasingly central issue among young people today and, according to a Eurobarometer survey, 34% of them identify fighting climate change as one of their top priorities. At the same time, however, particularly due to acts of vandalism caused by some climate groups, many young people have turned away from climate activism. It is precisely from the necessity to work towards an alternative and playful approach to these issues and to create a platform of dialogue for young Europeans that Emotic's professional training course “Gamification for Environmental Sustainability” was born.  Thanks to the support of the European Union and the ERASMUS+ programme, 30 elected participants from Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia will also be able to obtain a reimbursement for their travel and accommodation costs and participate in the course this summer. 

Click here for more information!


Gender History and Gender Policy - Old and New Challenges

This working paper provides an overview of the development of women's and gender policy in Austria. The implementation of equality for women as a contribution to social change is also essential for teaching - the brochure provides suggestions for the...

Grazer Büro für Frieden und Entwicklung

National Network

Wielandgasse 7

+43 316 872-2183
+43 316 872-2189
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Peace Centre is a registered association that was installed by the City of Graz. At present the staff consists of 8 persons. The association has an annual budget of ~€ 200.000,- provided by the City of Graz and national and EC project funding. The activities comprise seminars, workshops, a communal mediation service and concrete projects in housing areas. We cooperate mainly with local NGO's, local administration, house management etc.
Mission and Objectives

The Graz Bureau for Peace and Development, also known as the “Graz Peace Centre”, is a communally sponsored service for the promotion of peace-oriented thinking. It is a one-of-a-kind undertaking in German speaking countries, probably in all of Europe as well. The city municipality, backed by all of its political parties, has committed itself to continual and systematic engagement in the areas of peace, development, tolerance, reconciliation and human right protection. In doing so, Graz has made education and project work in these areas a matter of its own political and municipal concern.
Since 1988 the city of Graz has supported the Peace Centre through financial means and personnel. At the same time, however, the centre is given complete freedom in terms of its programming, organisation and administration.
Areas of Work:
1. Educational and informational work: Based on current issues or general topics such as identity, violent group dynamics, violence and media etc., the centre’s systematic educational and information work is especially geared towards educator training programs, universities as well as work in classrooms.
2. Networking: The Peace Centre is also a “switchboard” of sorts for the activities of the many organisations working in the area of peace and development policy. Through representation in the centre’s advisory board, over 40 such organisations are using our network for the coordination and improved efficiency of their work.
3. Active Programmes for communal peace: The Peace Centre has carried out several projects on various peace issues (peace talks on the Balkans, interreligious dialogues, non-alignment policy, anti-racism …), but has concentrated on concrete communal peace work in the last years.

Main Projects / Activities

School workshops/adult education on identity, violent group dynamics, violence and media, non-violent self-defence
Communal Mediation Service to support in neighbourhood conflicts in all cultural contexts
HASIF: The project develops and tests a transferable, citizen and community oriented scientific procedure model to increase subjective security through preventive measures in communal living space.
Hallo Nachbar: In the frame of this project new neighbours are welcomed in culturally mixed housing complexes to provide a communicative basis for future contacts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute our experience and know-how in the field of intercultural communal and peace work and in relevant topics like identity and peace...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

About 20% of our clients come from the Arab world requiring intercultural skills which we wish to enhance. We also hope to get a better insight in conflict resolution and concepts of communal peace in the partner countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Jutta Dier, chief executive
Head of the organisation
Dr. Josef Wilhelm, chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Ursula Hauszer-Ortner

Grenzenlos Interkultureller Austausch

National Network

Latschkagasse 1
Heiligenstädterstrasse 2
1090 Wien

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Grenzenlos is an Austrian NGO based in Vienna. It is independent of religions and political bodies. Grenzenlos is a non-profit association. Its main purpose is to promote world peace and respect between people through intercultural non-formal education programmes abroad which combine cultural integration with engagement at non-profit initiatives worldwide. The German word „Grenzenlos“ means „no boundaries“ and also „no limits“. The word explains the basic mission of Grenzenlos: to promote the personal development of individuals (no limits!) and inter-cultural understanding  through international encounters, trainings, inter-cultural living and work experience (no boundaries!). Grenzenlos is a non-governmental organization (NGO) and a non-profit organization (NPO). The supreme organ is the annual assembly of members. It decides on statutary issues and elects the association’s board; usually, this consists mainly of returnees from various exchange programmes. The board supervises the performance of the management and decides on structural questions. The management consists of three functionaries (General Secretary, Programme Co-ordinator, Manager of Public Programmes). Furthermore, there are 7 other employees and more than 100 voluntary co-workers. Board 2015: Florian Kaulich (president), Martin Kainz (vice president), 5 further members Management team 2013: Birgit Fetty, Daniela Fellinger, Christoph Mertl
Mission and Objectives

The nowadays association started in 1949 as a co-operation programme of protestant youth organizations in Austria, Ger¬many and the USA (nowadays „International Cultural Youth Exchan¬ge“/ICYE). In 1970, the ICYE Austria  became an independent association. In 2001, it was renamed into “Grenzenlos – Inter-Cultural Exchanges”.
Between 1997 and 2001, the association started various new programme co-operations – such as the European Voluntary Service (EVS), the co-operation with the Alliance network and the Youth Action for Peace movement (YAP), as well as many bilateral partnerships.
In 2001, Grenzenlos opened its sending programmes for all generations, and also for short-time volunteers.  On the hosting side, Grenzenlos joined the international camp movement in 2003 and started its medium-term hosting programme for foreign volunteers in Austria in 2006 (“Experience Austria”).
In order to promote and develop Grenzenlos’ inclusion approach, Grenzenlos co-ordinated an international back¬up and trainings structure for inclusion trainers (“All Inclusive”, see from 2005 to 2008. All international camps hosted by Grenzenlos include participants with special needs.
In 2009, Grenzenlos decided to give a high priority on the development of domestic programs, promoting a more harmonious relationship between Austrian citizens and immigrants. The result is a mentorship programme for immigrants to Vienna, and anti-racist awareness workshops for schools.
Since 2010, more EU programmes have become part of the Grenzenlos activities – so Grundtvig 50+;  Leonardo da Vinci student mobility and projects in cooperation with the European Youth foundation.

Main Projects / Activities

Mobility Programmes
Grenzenlos tries to offer a variety of international mobility programmes. These programmmes are dedicated to world peace through the promotion of inter-cultural exchanges.
• Traditionally, Grenzenlos organizes volunteering programmes (individual as well as in the frame of inter-national camps); additionally, we offer a work and travel programme in New Zealand, and we provide a support structure for European internships (Leonardo da Vinci)
• As an exchange organization, we send volunteers abroad and host volunteers in Austria.
• for people of all generations from 18 to 99 years. Right now, we work on special programmes for seniors (inter alia, the EU programme Grundtvig 50+)
• including stays from two weeks up to one year
• for skilled as well as for non-skilled people
• worldwide.
The Inclusion approach is a high priority for Grenzenlos:  special attention is given to pro¬moting the partici-pa¬tion of physically handicapped people in our European exchange programmes (MELANGE, that is EVS in Vienna).

Grenzenlos understands its international volunteer programmes as holistic non-formal training measures for competence, language skills and personality development.
For its participants as well as for interested persons, Grenzenlos offers various trainings about foreign cultures, travel preparation, language preparation.
Furthermore, Grenzenlos hosts various international seminars and trainings in Austria.
 Domestic cultural integration programmes
This is the most recent development of Grenzenlos. Inter-Cultural Exchanges are not only connected to mobility. Wherever migration happens, they take place HERE and NOW. Sometimes in harmony, sometimes in conflict.
Grenzenlos implements a mentorship programme to promote the personal integration of immigrants in the city of Vienna (“Zusammen Leben – Living Together”). Austria-wide, Grenzenlos offers workshops for high school classes which raise awareness about racism and xenophobia (“grenzenlos@schools”).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Grenzenlos was founded after the second world war and has a long experience in intercultural exchanges. We are part of the worldwide network ICYE (Intercultural Youth Exchanges in which we have a partner organisation in Marocco (CSM). Before 2007 Grenzenlos was involved in many MEDA activities such as trainings and voluntary services as it was still priority within the former EU-Youth programmes in Austria.
From these times we still have a few contacts. One of our co-workers in the office has been a volunteer in Israel, later a mentor for EVS volunteers in Israel and Palestine and did her training education in the frame of SALTO-Euromed. Since 2009 we run a local mentoring programme for migrants in Vienna (Zusammen Leben) together with the organisation Interface. Many of our mentees are coming from MEDA countries and we would like to find a way to strenghthen partnerships on different levels again with MEDA partners.
We can on one hand share our experiences we had in MEDA projects and on the other hand shere the experiences we have through our ICYE programm. For more infos we attached our annual report.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As said above we would like to find a way to develop and strengthen partnerships with MEDA partners. Currently we only work on a regular base with Chantiers Sociaux Marocains CSM and exchange long-ter,-volunteers and with a partner in Israel (GoEco). We would like to discover new partnerships and ways how to put these partnership into concrete projects as well as refresh our old existing partnerships.
As we hardly had possibilities to run projects with MEDA partners due to a lack of funding possibilities we hope that we can change this for future cooperations and develop a sustainable partnership strategies.
Beeing member of the Austrian network would allow us to be part of a national exchange platform and give us the possibility to be in closer contact with Austrian organisations outside of our regular activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Eglitis
Job Title
Project Assistance
Head of the organisation
Daniela Fellinger
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela Fellinger
Job Title (2)